Here’s How To Test Your Pelvic Floor Strength
Learn a couple easy ways to check and maintain pelvic floor strength. Changes in strength may lead to unwanted side effects or general pain.
Learn a couple easy ways to check and maintain pelvic floor strength. Changes in strength may lead to unwanted side effects or general pain.
Menopause is a natural part of every woman’s life. What happens after can be concerning. Read more to learn about potential health risks.
Yoni Cleanser is an herbal supplement intended to help women in nourishing and maintaining a healthy reproductive system, including the uterus and cervix.
Probiotics have swept the nation by storm, shining a light on the importance of gut health. We’re here to highlight their benefits!
Get ready for some valuable and surprising information. Your diet can influence menstrual cycle, mood, and overall vaginal health.
Getting rid of a yeast infection can seem like an impossible task. Try these 6 herbal remedies that work to naturally fight the infection.
Every woman is well acquainted with her monthly visitor, but there are things most women don’t know about their periods.
Vaginal problems are epidemic today amongst American women.
Like with all other so-called viral infections, the body must be cleansed and there must be an emphasis on cleansing the blood.
Bacterial vaginosis is a chronically inflamed vagina, usually caused by bacteria.
Women who suffer from vaginal blood clotting are women whose eliminative channels are usually blocked or impaired, mainly the colon.
Natural alternatives to pharmaceutical grade antibiotics. Antifungal herbs include. Essential oils that are anti-fungal. Become mobile. Wear loose fit clothing. Abstain from sexual intercourse. No antibiotic medication.
Vaginal dryness tends to occur in older and middle-aged women in their 40s and 50s. It’s not uncommon to have cases of women in their 20s and 30s who suffer from vaginal dryness. The vagina is naturally self-lubricating. It lubricates during sexual arousal or stimulation that is usually brought on by either thought or foreplay. […]
Many women enjoy this act performed on them. It’s a great stress reliever for many of them. For others, it leads to a great orgasm. For hygiene purposes, the best time for a man to perform cunnilingus on a woman is after she bathes or showers.
As the female vagina is a breathing organ, it requires oxygen. How is the vagina going to breathe or receive oxygen when it is daily suffocated by the restrictive garments that many women wear? It’s hard for oxygen to penetrate tight fitting clothes, especially denim jeans and leather and not to mention the panties and […]
Wild Yam Root is the most effective herb available today for natural birth control, effective and reliable. Small doses, Wild Yam aids in miscarriage prevention. Large does it will serve as an abortafcaient. Pennyroyal is very effective for PMS and menstrual problems.
Concurring with metaphysicists Rev. Phil Valentine (University of Kemetian Sciences) and Dr. Delbert Blair (The Meta Center), the female menstrual cycle is normal, but not natural. As the human body has the innate capabilities to adapt to pathologies, irregularities, and abnormalities, the female body has adapted to the pathology of menstruation and now uses this […]
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