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In the latest episode of The Adventures of V-Man, Vinnie learns to be Yoga Strong.


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In the latest episode of The Adventures of V-Man, Vinnie learns to be Yoga Strong.


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The Adventures Of V-Man: Yoga Strong Fri, 16 Apr 2021 09:24:00 +0000

What does it mean to be yoga strong? Find out from V-Man when his latest adventure involved a park and crazy contorted yoga poses.


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If you completed your sun salutation this morning, you probably approached the day in a more relaxed state. Whether you’re an experienced yogi or a novice, yoga poses help to calm the mind and body. Too often do people hold stress and tension in the body. Yoga is an outlet through which you can release that tension, but correct posture during the poses can make all the difference. 

In the latest episode of The Adventures of V-Man, our content writer, Vinnie, met with Brandon Alexander Scott of Yoga Strong. The purpose of this meeting was to highlight how accessible yoga is for everyone. Whether you do it in your house, masked up in a studio, or outside with an instructor in a park, yoga can support the body’s natural healing processes. It may help to relieve muscle or joint pain, reduce stress, or even promote better digestion and sleep.

What Is Yoga Strong? 

Yoga Strong offers supportive yoga mats, anti-slip towels, and various accessories that help improve recovery. One could say that Yoga Strong blends high performance function with a fashion-forward aesthetic. You’ll see what I mean when you watch the video. The mats we used, which I’ll talk about later, immediately catch your eye with the fun patterns and vibrant colors. Yoga strong might sell the most comfortable yoga mat that I’ve ever struck a pose on. I’m not saying that I’m an experienced yoga enthusiast, but I know a comfortable mat when I Warrior 2 on one, if you’re picking up what I’m laying down.

To be COVID-safe, Vinnie and Brandon met at a park for the yoga session, which Vinnie will detail below. 

Let me first start by saying that I understand how fortunate I am. I mean, not everyone is lucky enough to receive a one-on-one yoga session, especially during COVID-19. I’ve taken many yoga classes from various instructors, but the undivided attention of an instructor like Brandon is more beneficial than you can imagine. Normally, an instructor will not give individual instruction to improve your ability in the class. The one-on-one session allows an instructor to monitor your posture and form all the way through the poses. This proved to be very beneficial for me. 

The Yoga Session

We arrived at a park, which is close to Dherbs Inc., and immediately rolled out the mats to get our yoga on. Brandon is a one-of-a-kind instructor! As a former dancer, he leads the sequences with snaps, liveliness, and intention. He actually told me that setting an intention before each class helps establish a better mind/body connection. Additionally, following your breath and being mindful of inhales and exhales puts you more in touch with the present moment. 

I’m horrible at breathing during yoga sequences. In fact, it’s one of the most difficult things for me to be mindful of as I progress through different poses. Brandon actually led me through a slower-paced yoga sequence for the first time, getting my body familiar with the movements. This actually made it easier to relax and keep track of my breathing. Plus, Brandon’s constant vocal reminder of acknowledging my breath was all the encouragement I needed. 

I should explain that prior to the yoga session, I told Brandon that I was experiencing some hip and lower back pain. He catered the yoga sequences to help relieve pain in those areas. I’m not going to lie, I think Brandon took pleasure in watching me struggle through some of the poses. They were definitely uncomfortable at times, but my body was also unfamiliar with those positions. Stabilizing in some of the poses proved to be the most difficult thing ever! Meanwhile, I looked over at Brandon to see if I was doing the pose correctly and he was effortlessly holding a more advanced version of the pose. 

The Yoga Mat

I cannot write about this yoga session without praising the mat. Most yoga mats do not have sufficient padding, which can be uncomfortable if you have sensitive knees or wrists. I was also sweating outside and I never felt like I was going to slip. The mats have an anti-slip surface, which is beneficial if you enjoy hot yoga classes. You can sweat all you want without worrying about slipping during a pose. 

As the yoga session came to a close, I felt renewed, like I just cleansed my mind and body. Not to mention, I was more limber and my range of motion improved. The beauty of yoga is that it forces you to be in the moment. Your sole focus is executing the poses and maintaining a consistent breath. If you want to elevate your yoga game, check out the Yoga Strong mats by clicking here. You can thank me later. Additionally, contact Brandon if you’re looking for a yoga session. He’s a great, knowledgeable instructor that can cater sequences to benefit your overall health. 

Brandon’s Instagram: @brandonalxandr
Yoga Strong Instagram: @shopyogastrong


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Full Body Experiences & Yoga Strong Wed, 24 Apr 2019 22:27:24 +0000

Dherbs Full Body Cleanse pairs well a full body workout. Yoga is a relaxing way to assist your cleansing experience.


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Dherbs Full Body Cleanse pairs well a full body workout. Yoga is a relaxing way to assist your cleansing experience.


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Dherbs Partners With Yoga Strong For First-Ever Yoga Collection Thu, 04 Feb 2021 09:03:00 +0000

Dherbs Inc. partners with Yoga Strong to release its first-ever workout essentials collection, perfect for yoga, Pilates, or HIIT workouts.


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Dherbs recently partnered with Yoga Strong to release a unique collection of yoga equipment. People enjoy the calming mind-body connection that stems from yoga, be they serious athletes, practiced yogis, stay-at-home moms, or teenagers. Even A.D. Dolphin, the CEO of Dherbs Inc., loves practicing yoga to keep his body in optimal physical condition. 

When people think of yoga, colored tights and flowy long sleeve tops come to mind. Yoga attire is the latest clothing trend that offers mobility, versatility, and support. People don’t often consider the importance of yoga equipment, which can play in integral role in how you engage with yoga, Pilates, recovery methods, or even HIIT workouts. That’s why Dherbs’ venture with Yoga Strong is so exciting. 

What Is Yoga Strong?

Offering supportive mats, anti-slip towels, and various recovery accessories, Yoga Strong blends elements of fashion-forward aesthetic with high performance function. Jason, CEO of Yoga Strong, experienced his fair share of injuries, as is common with most professional athletes. He he even underwent five knee surgeries. That’s when he found yoga, which helped him accelerate recovery, improving range of motion, strength, and flexibility. There was one problem: the yoga mats weren’t thick enough for his sensitive knees. That’s when the idea for Yoga Strong was born. 

The partnership with Yoga Strong is a very exciting endeavor for Dherbs. The designs on the mats, towels, and foam rollers are fun, creative, and unique. Some designs are even other-worldly! Here’s what you can expect from the primary products.

The Yoga Strong Mat

This mat is unlike any yoga mat you’ve ever done a pose on. Made from eco-friendly materials and enforced with a non-slip surface, the Yoga Strong Mat is a convergence of style and function. The moisture-wicking surface keeps you from sliding as you make your way through yoga sequences. Finally, the composite technology offers maximum support for extra comfort. 

The Yoga Strong Towel

Any yogi worth their salt knows the importance of a yoga towel. Designed with anti-slip technology, the microfiber towel can grip your mat even during the sweatiest routines. The Yoga Strong Towel is the perfect companion to the Yoga Strong Mat, and the designs add a personal flair to your yoga collection. 

The Foam Roller

Recovery is one of the most important pillars of exercise, and the Yoga Strong Roller is the accessory that can accelerate recovery time. Whether you need to warm up before a yoga class or recover after a strength training session, the Yoga Strong Roller can help keep you injury-free. Enhance your performance and reduce muscle tightness. 

This partnership with Yoga Strong is part of the forthcoming venture: Dherbs Active. It will be an athletic and workout site like you’ve never seen. It will offer yoga tutorials from Yoga Strong instructors, but it will also offer solutions that encompass the entire spectrum of wellness and exercise. The Yoga Strong products will be available on the Dherbs site very soon! Get all of the yoga equipment you need and you can be Yoga Strong. 


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