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There are serums and creams you can use to enhance the health of your skin, but what you put inside your body is equally as important.


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As the largest organ in the body, the skin requires extra special care. Most people tend to focus on topical or external care, applying all sorts of serums, oils, moisturizers, creams, lotions, scrubs, and more for optimal health. Although an excellent skin care routine can help improve your complexion, a healthy diet is truly at the foundation for healthy skin. On the other hand, the wrong diet can promote inflammation and lead to early signs of premature aging. This article highlights the worst foods for your skin

How Diet Affects Your Skin

One single food will not make or break the health of your skin, but certain eating patterns can. For example, certain foods have the ability to turn on or turn off certain gene expressions. This is in regards to genetic predispositions that make people more prone to things like acne, psoriasis, or eczema. Eating a standard American diet is one such eating pattern that promotes inflammatory markers that worsen the appearance and health of the skin. 

Over time, a diet that is rich in unhealthy fats, sugars, caffeine, and processed foods can also affect your gut. The gut has a direct connection to the skin via the gut-skin-axis, a bi-directional highway between gut cells and skin cells. According to research, inflammation in the gut can result in inflammatory skin responses, including swelling, redness, clogged pores, and more. Continue reading to learn about foods that negatively affect the health of your skin. 


Dairy products stimulate the release of hormone insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), which activates the skin’s oil glands. This may explain why dairy worsens acne for some people. At this time, experts don’t know why dairy products don’t affect everyone’s skin. Current research concludes that certain dairy products are bigger triggers for acne than others. Cow’s milk, especially skim milk, can lead to acne breakouts, but the exact connection is still a subject of debate. Is it the hormones transferred to the milk from lactating cows or the high sugar level in skim milk? More research is still necessary. 

Processed Meats

Salty foods promote dehydration, which can deplete your skin’s moisture levels. If the skin becomes too dry, the body produces more oil to moisturize it naturally, which can aggravate acne-prone skin. Processed meats are very salty and contain lots of saturated fats. Additionally, they contain nitrites, which are associated with the development of certain cancers. 

Whey Protein

Whey protein is very common in bars, powders, and other protein supplements. It is popular amongst people who want to build muscle and shed weight because it provides the body with fuel and keeps you feeling full. Although it may help you reach your lifting goals, it contains IGF-1, which stimulates the production of androgens and insulin. The increased production of these two substances increases sebum production on the skin, resulting in acne. If you want to continue supplementing with protein, consider plant-based powders or bars to form a healthier habit. 

Sugary Cereals

One serving of supposedly “healthy” cereals can contain as much sugar as a candy bar. When you consume excess sugar, you increase the risk of acne and premature aging. According to research, consuming too much sugar can disrupt the collagen balance in the body. Collagen is a protein found in skin and connective tissue, contributing to the skin’s elasticity and strength. If you compromise the collagen balance, your skin may look less plump and supple. 


One of the primary reasons that alcohol hinders the health of your skin is because it promotes inflammation within the body. The reason it does this is because the body interprets it as a toxin, which may trigger inflammatory responses in the skin. Additionally, many people mix alcohol with soda or juice, increasing your intake of sugar. This causes the body to produce more IGF-1, which stimulates your oil glands. Similar to processed meats, alcohol also has a dehydrating effect on the body and may even deplete the skin of antioxidant levels. 

Sweetened Drinks

Sugar lurks in the sneakiest of places, but one of the easiest places to find it is in beverages. Sodas, juices, energy drinks, and other drinks are the primary sources of added sugars in the American diet. These sugars create inflammation that activates the skin’s oil glands, exacerbating acne and contributing to premature signs of aging. When your blood sugar levels are high, sugar molecules attach to collagen fibers in the process of glycation. When collagen hardens, it breaks easily and results in fine lines or wrinkles.


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Top 12 Tips That Every Cleanser Needs To Know About https://www.dherbs.com/articles/diet-nutrition/top-12-tips-that-every-cleanser-needs-to-know-about/ Wed, 18 Mar 2020 08:00:14 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=98743

You've decided to cleanse and you're ready to embark on your journey towards a healthier life. How will you succeed? We have the answers.


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Taking part in the Full Body Cleanse is no easy feat, but it is far from impossible. While taking all of the capsules is a new challenge for most people, the biggest obstacle to overcome is the raw foods diet. Solely consuming raw fruits, vegetables, and raw nuts and seeds is drastically different than eating foods that the average American eats. The whole purpose of cleansing and the accompanying diet, though, is to give the body a break from the toxic foods that have become commonplace in Standard American Diet, and provide the body with as many fresh, nutrient-dense foods as possible.

Succeeding on the cleanse is about more than overcoming the diet. Adhering to the diet plays a large role in how successful your cleanse will be, but the success of your cleanse also weighs heavy on your outlook. A negative attitude or doubting the cleanse regimen itself tends to result in cheating with unhealthy foods or abandonment of the cleanse altogether. You made the choice to become healthier. Don’t throw that away because it was a little difficult. Anything worth achieving never comes easy, and a healthier body is no different.

To help you on the cleanse journey, we have detailed tips that can help you soar through the cleanse. Many of the tips are diet-related because that is the area in which most people struggle. Follow the tips below to have the most successful cleanse ever; or at least we hope you will.

#1: Always Have Snacks At The Ready

Before you begin your cleanse, it is integral to find raw snacks that appeal to your taste buds. We’ll give you a pro tip and say that raw almond butter on celery sticks or apple slices will fill you up and hit the salty and sweet notes you want from a snack. Some health food stores carry raw snacks, but you will benefit most from preparing your own snacks. Click here for some great snack ideas.

#2: Never Let Your Fridge Become Empty

When you deplete your supply of raw foods, the desire to cheat increases exponentially because it is much easier to grab a sandwich from a fast food eatery than it is to seek out a raw restaurant or go grocery shopping. If you see that your fridge nearing the empty line, it’s time to make a grocery run.

#3: It’s Normal To Experience Fatigue

Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms of cleansing, especially in the first few days. The body is working hard to remove waste and you have most likely decreased your caloric intake by at least 1,000 or more calories. Eat superfoods like almonds, avocados, spinach, kale, blueberries, ginger, pomegranates, and apples to help increase energy levels.

#4: Don’t Eat The Same Salad Every Day

If you eat the same meal, no matter what it is, for breakfast, lunch, or dinner every day, you are going to get bored with eating that meal. Since salads are a big part of cleansing, make sure to vary the ingredients and the dressings. Use romaine lettuce as a base one day and mixed greens the next. Add strawberries and blueberries to a spinach salad and cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, and carrots to a butter lettuce salad. Don’t let repetition derail your cleanse, especially when we have so many recipes for you! Click here for our cleanse-approved recipe section.

#5: Prep For Success On The Weekend

Some people have Saturday and Sunday off, while others are free on Tuesday and Wednesday. Use your “weekend” to grocery shop for the upcoming week and consider prepping salads, smoothie bags, dressings, snacks, or chia pudding so that you have easily accessible meals at the ready. Don’t say that it’s complicated because there is no cooking involved!

#6: Diversify Your Beverages

We can’t sugarcoat the fact that you will drink more water than you usually do while cleansing. You don’t have to solely consume water, though. You can drink caffeine-free herbal teas (iced or hot), detox waters (put fresh fruit in alkaline water), or homemade lemonade by mixing fresh lemon juice, stevia, and alkaline water together.

#7: Eat Entree-Size Salads

If you think that a side salad will fill you up for lunch, you are dead wrong. Because of the low calorie content of salad, you need to prepare a big bowl of salad with a variety of ingredients. Avocados, raw walnuts, sprouts, cucumbers, tomatoes, celery, carrots, pomegranates, kale, and cashews all work to fill you up, so include them in your giant salad.

#8: You Can Have Protein Powder…If It’s Plant-Based And You’re Working Out

First off, you can have raw, plant-based protein powders while cleansing. Sun Warrior and Garden of Life have excellent raw protein powders. DON’T GET WHEY PROTEIN! That being said, only get protein powder if you plan to exercise while cleansing. When you consume protein powder more than once a day and don’t exercise, it can make it more difficult to lose weight. Protein powder can often lead to fat storage when consumed in excess.

#9: Maintain A Positive Attitude

It’s no secret that having a poor attitude and doubting yourself during your cleanse will make it increasingly more difficult to complete. A positive outlook can not only make the cleanse more enjoyable, but it can also help to keep stress levels down and hormones balanced. Keep a journal to write down your thoughts and feelings, meditate with positive affirmations, or read positive material to keep negative thoughts at bay.

#10: Drink The Damn Charcoal

Unless you are taking medication, you should be drinking the charcoal every day of the cleanse before bed. It looks ominous because it turns the water black, but it is flavorless. It doesn’t dissolve in the water, so keep stirring while you drink. Some people find that drinking it through a straw is much easier than gulping it down.

#11: Go Non-Toxic

Consider swapping your cosmetic and cleaning products for non-toxic varieties. While it is possible to make your own all-natural products, many companies have started selling healthy products that are free of harmful chemicals. Remember that the chemicals in your body aren’t solely from unhealthy foods. Toxins can be absorbed via the skin or inhalation, so try to go non-toxic when possible.

#12: Spices Are Your Friends

Do not be timid about seasoning your food because you need those vibrant spices to create powerful flavors. Spices also aid the detoxification process because they possess powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and anti-fungal properties. This means that in addition to making your food taste great, they help to reduce inflammation, improve gut health, and support healthy circulation. You’ll also find that seasoning your food with bold spices decreases the need for salt, which is often a huge contributor to high blood pressure.


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Foods You Need To Ditch To Stay Healthy https://www.dherbs.com/articles/diet-nutrition/foods-you-need-to-ditch-to-stay-healthy/ Tue, 09 Jul 2019 10:25:36 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=67553

People buy common foods without really knowing what they do to their health. If you are eating these foods, your health could be at risk.


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Most people think that they have to get healthy by summer. If they don’t achieve their ideal beach bodies, people tend to abandon fitness goals and forget about diet and exercise. This mentality propels you towards an unhealthy fall and holiday season, which is when most people gain the majority of their weight. Instead of giving up on health, use this midway point in the year as a chance to turn over a new leaf and reset your health goals.

The first step towards a healthier diet involves cleaning out your cabinets and refrigerator. Sugary and salty snacks, canned vegetables or soups, and other packaged things with ridiculously long shelf lives commonly line the shelves of many cabinets and refrigerators in American homes. Eating foods with long shelf lives doesn’t mean you add years to your life. Finding new healthy alternatives can be challenging, but they are out there and more prevalent than you think. Here are a few suggestions to make your kitchen a healthier space.


Some people have no self-control when it comes to chips. One second they are opening the bag and five minutes later they are showering the crumbs into their mouths. Chips are filled with sodium (salt), dyes, processed ingredients, artificial flavors, and trans fats. All of these make it difficult for your body to function optimally.

Swap With Dehydrated Root Vegetables or Air-Popped Popcorn

Many stores sell dehydrated root vegetables, which don’t have all the processed ingredients that chips have. You can air-pop organic dried kernels in an air-popper yourself. It is an easy and healthy snack, provided you don’t drown the popcorn in butter and salt.

Canola Oil

Did you know that canola oil increases your risk of heart disease? It causes arterial build-up and can lead to improper kidney and liver function. Additionally, over 90% of canola oil is genetically modified.

Swap With Extra Virgin Olive Oil

This is the good stuff! It is rich in heart-healthy fats and contains a variety of antioxidants that are beneficial for fighting inflammation and cholesterol build-up. Unlike canola oil, olive oil is protective against heart disease. Remember, extra virgin olive oil is great for sautéing, but safflower oil may be better if you are cooking at higher temperatures.

Canned Vegetables

Many canned vegetables are laced with BPA, which is an industrial chemical in food or beverage containers. Canned vegetables can be pasteurized, precooked, preserved, and often contain excess sodium and sulfites.

Swap With Real Vegetables

The average American only consumes about 1/3 of the recommended daily vegetable intake. And canned vegetables don’t count! Try to focus on fresh vegetables because they contain high concentrations of vitamins and minerals. Once you cook the vegetables, the heat begins to kill the nutritional value.

Instant Oatmeal

Instant oatmeal is not real oatmeal! They contain so much sugar, corn syrup, trans fats, processed ingredients, and hydrogenated oils. All of these ingredients can increase your cholesterol levels, ultimately increasing your risk of stroke or heart attack. Instant oatmeal packets even contain ingredients that you can’t pronounce! If you can’t pronounce it, avoid it.

Swap With Steel Cut Oats

Regular, unflavored steel cut oats are a power food, being a great source for plant-based protein and fiber. Additionally, steel cut oats contain compounds that help reduce blood pressure. They have a low glycemic index, which makes them a beneficial food for diabetics. They can be made the night before to avoid the hassle of making breakfast in the morning, and you can add your own fruit for an added nutritional boost.

White Rice

Most white rice is devoid of nutrients because it is heavily processed. Since it isn’t a whole grain, a lot of the fiber, vitamins, and other nutrients are removed during processing. It isn’t the worst food for your body, but there are better options.

Swap With Organic Quinoa

It has twice as much fiber as other grains and it’s not even a grain…it’s a seed. A lot of people don’t like quinoa because it is flavorless. The key to enjoying quinoa is to add spices to the water during the cooking process. You can add curry powder, turmeric, pepper, sea salt, oregano, cumin, chili powder, paprika, minced garlic, rosemary, thyme, or any other spices. It is rich in iron, magnesium, and is a great plant-based protein source.

Butter or Butter Spreads

Butter spreads typically contain hydrogenated oils and trans fats, and regular butter contains a lot of fat. Despite the current hype about butter due to the ketogenic diet, we suggest avoiding butter because of the saturated fats, which contribute to weight gain.

Swap With Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has been trending in the health world for quite a while. It can help support weight loss, boost the metabolism, and it is beneficial for your skin. Try to opt for virgin, unrefined coconut oil, and if you cook with it, cook on medium heat because coconut oil cannot withstand high temperatures. It is also a 1 to 1 swap with butter, if you are following a recipe.

Bottled Smoothies/Juices

Most bottled juices and smoothies have turned healthy foods into sugar-laden, processed, unhealthy foods that trick you into thinking that they are healthy. These drinks are heavily processed and pasteurized to the point where the natural nutrients get removed and synthetic vitamins and minerals must be added. Additionally, these drinks have a high sugar content and are incredibly concentrated. It’s like you might as well be drinking a soda!

Swap With Homemade Smoothies/Juices

Drinking unheated, pure, natural, and cold pressed juices or smoothies is one of the best ways to heal and nourish your cells. Get some fresh fruit and vegetables, throw them in a blender, add ice, blend it up, and there you have a healthy smoothie. Similarly, put fresh fruits and vegetables in a juicer to make nutritious juices. We prefer smoothies because they contain fiber, whereas the fiber gets removed when you run ingredients through a juicer.

Cream-Based Soups

These soups are loaded with empty calories, processed dairy products, food dyes, corn syrup, excess sodium, and other chemical fillers that harm the body. We are referring to cream of mushroom, cream of broccoli, corn chowder, and clam chowder soups, among other cream-based varieties.

Swap With Vegetable Broth & Homemade Soup

Vegetable broth is a great base for homemade soups, so long as you purchase the organic broths without any added sodium. Quickly sauté your favorite vegetables, season the broth with spices, and let them simmer. Eating that is much healthier for your heart, and you get a lot of antioxidants and immune boosting nutrients.

Whey Protein Powder

Finding the right protein powder can be hard. Don’t resort to whey protein powder because whey protein can cause loss of appetite, gout, osteoporosis, kidney damage, fatigue, headaches, inflammation, or even cramps when taken for extended periods of time. It also has a lot of calories, sugars, and added fats, which contribute to weight gain.

Swap With Plant-Based Protein Powders

There are a lot of plant-based protein powders on the market now (and we are not talking about soy products). Plant-based protein powders are easily absorbed by the body, which makes it easier for the body to use protein more efficiently. Just remember that some of the biggest animals in the world only eat plants.


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Whey, What? Why You Shouldn’t Drink Whey Protein https://www.dherbs.com/articles/general-topics/whey-what-why-you-shouldnt-drink-whey-protein/ Fri, 09 Mar 2018 00:05:36 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=77984

Did you know that you could be hindering your workout results by consuming whey protein supplements? See what damage you are doing here.


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Whey protein is commonly used in many protein supplements or powders. Most of the popular protein powder companies use whey in their products and people like it because some of them can taste like milkshakes. Newsflash: you shouldn’t be drinking milkshakes if you are trying to get in shape. A lot of people are attracted to whey protein because they can consume a couple types of whey even if they are lactose intolerant. What about plant-based protein powders? Those are made for people who are lactose intolerant, or for people who aren’t looking to damage their bodies.

What Is Whey?

Whey protein is obtained from the byproduct of cheese, which comes from cow’s milk. This byproduct gets filtered to remove any fat or lactose and gets turned into powder after a drying process. If you consume too much whey protein, however, you could experience one or more of the following side effects.

Side Effects

  • Loss of appetite
  • Headaches
  • Damage to kidneys
  • Osteoporosis
  • Fatigue
  • Swelling
  • Cramps
  • Diarrhea
  • Rash or hives
  • Difficulty breathing

You Could Develop Gout

A lot of people, who consume whey protein products in excess, run the risk of developing gout. There are a lot of processed amino acids, which aren’t plant based, in whey protein. If the body cannot process these amino acids, it becomes difficult for the liver and other organs to filter them out or use them efficiently. This accumulation of unprocessed amino acids can lead to uric acid build-up, and ultimately gout.

Liver Damage

The liver helps process nutrients that are absorbed by the body, in addition to it being the primary detoxification organ. Frequent consumption of whey protein supplements may overload the liver, causing damage that can inhibit its other functions.

Kidney Stones

If you already have kidney stones or kidney problems, whey is not your friend. In fact, it can worsen a preexisting kidney condition. A lot of people try to help out their kidneys by eating fibrous fruits and vegetables to counteract the effects of consuming whey protein. It’s still recommended to eat a healthy plant-based diet, but try eliminating whey and switching to a plant-based protein powder feel the difference in your health.

Packing on the Fat

Consuming whey protein supplements may inhibit you from building lean muscle. This is because many whey protein supplements contain added calories, sugars, and added fats. Some whey supplements are considered “gainers,” which people take to bulk up, but these contain extra carbohydrates. If you can’t burn off the extra carbs, then you will “gain” excess fat in the process.

The Solution???

Avoid whey products. It’s as simple as that. Fuel your body with natural foods or plant-based protein powders that will benefit it, not make it worse.


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Plant-Based Protein vs. Animal Protein: Which One Is Better? https://www.dherbs.com/articles/diet-nutrition/plant-based-protein-vs-animal-protein-which-one-is-better/ Mon, 12 Dec 2016 21:27:05 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=61362

When deciding where to get your protein, what should you eat? The best option may not be the most obvious. Here is all the info you need.


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We live in a world of various health trends and people always wonder what the healthiest protein sources are. Many people enjoy making pre-workout protein shakes, but you may be unsure of which protein powder to use. The first thing to keep in mind, when it comes to protein powder, is that you are what your protein ate.

When it comes to protein, you have to take into account the living conditions of the protein source. If you are getting your protein from a hormone-injected cow that lives indoors it’s entire life as opposed to organic vegetables, can you see how the former won’t be as good for your body? To better explain the difference between animal protein and plant-based protein, here are answers to common questions that are asked about them.

Why is animal protein bad for you?

Where do we start? Animal protein is attractive because it is familiar and you know that you get protein if you eat it. Protein that comes from animal sources contains all of the essential amino acids that we need. The downside is that animal protein comes with gifts like cholesterol, hormones, and saturated fats, which can not only make you fat, but also put you at risk for heart disease and stroke. Additionally, animal protein is filled with chemicals that the body cannot properly process. For example, it breaks down into uric acid, which eats away at kidney tissue and can cause kidney stones. This causes digestive problems and can leave toxins in the body, which can inhibit proper organ function.

Whey is a popular protein powder. Can I have that?

There are several problems with whey protein powder. First of all, whey is severely processed, which degrades the quality of the protein. Since whey protein is derived from the liquid leftover when milk is turned into cheese, there are added artificial sweeteners to make the protein powder palatable. These sweeteners are terrible for the body and can lead to digestive problems.

Can I use soy protein powder since it is plant-based?

The problem is that about 94% of soy is genetically modified. Soy happens to be one of the most processed and genetically modified foods in the world, so soy protein products are best avoided.

Why is plant-based protein better than animal protein?

All plants have protein. Some plant-based foods like chia seeds, hemp seeds, quinoa, and buckwheat have all the essential amino acids that the body needs. As long as you eat foods like legumes, nuts & seeds, fruits, and vegetables daily, you will get the protein you need. Plant-based protein powders have little to no artificial sweeteners, are easier to digest, and are more efficiently absorbed by the body.

It is always beneficial to go for plant-based proteins over animal proteins. Avoid soy products and make sure you read the ingredient lists when you are buying products. Stay away from words you can pronounce and try to stick with hemp or pea proteins.


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Beware of Protein Health Bars https://www.dherbs.com/articles/wellness-prevention/beware-of-protein-health-bars/ Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:52 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/uncategorized/beware-of-protein-health-bars/

A majority of protein bars that have been popping up over the past ten years and making their way into local gyms and health food stores and even commercial super markets are crap. A few exceptions do exist. Beware of protein bars, especially those made from whey, a dairy product. Listed are a few natural sources of protein.


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Protein bars may provide some nutrition, but it takes more to achieve a healthy lifestyle. Being a healthy individual has many variables including the mind, attitude, and body.

Protein is derived from 22 complete amino acid and these amino acids must be organic for the body to use them properly.


Most Americans live a fast-paced lifestyle that requires them to always be “on-the-go”. Being able to rely on a bar or beverage to supply all the essential nutrients is very desirable but isn’t very effective. Some companies may advertise that they contain all-natural and organic ingredients but most of these food items are heavily processed and have many artificial ingredients. Don’t be fooled by the deceptive descriptions on the package. Look closely at the list of ingredients and make sure that you aren’t being fooled.

Artificial Ingredients

Most protein bars are filled with artificial flavors, colors, and preservatives. When looking for protein health bars, it’s best to avoid these artificial ingredients.

One of the most prevalent protein sources in the protein bar industry is called “soy protein isolate”. Originally considered as a waste product, soy is processed in potentially harmful ways. Soy wasn’t used as a protein isolate until they discovered that it could turn into large profits.

Another primary ingredient that is found in protein bars is high fructose corn syrup. As the most common sweetener in processed foods and beverages, high-fructose corn syrup is a popular alternative to table sugar. High fructose corn syrup is a highly processed food that can cause adverse reactions to your body. Both high fructose corn syrup and table sugar should be avoided as much as possible.

Fractionated palm kernel oil is another main ingredient of protein bars that should be avoided. Unlike the natural product of plain palm oil, palm kernel oil cannot be produced organically. In fact, 80% of palm kernel oil is saturated fat. A high level of saturated fat can contribute to several cardio metabolic risk factors such as coronary heart disease, diabetes and stroke.

Sugar alcohols come in many varieties but should all be avoided. The most popular versions are Maltitol Syrup, Sorbitol, Xylitol, Mannitol, Lactitol and Erythritol. Unlike regular sugar, sugar alcohols do not absorb well into the digestive tract. This may cause gas, bloating, and abdominal cramping. Some people believe this is a healthier alternative because it does not impact blood sugars as much as regular sugar. However, there are other risks involved when digesting sugar alcohols.

Another sugar substitute are called artificial sweeteners. Many people are convinced to use artificial sweeteners because they are calorie free. However, they are refined, processed, and synthetic substitutes that can cause a variety of potential health issues, including cancer.

Whey Protein

While a few protein bars are made from soy, most of them are made from whey, a milk by- product. Whey protein is derived from whey, a watery substance that separates from the curds during the cheese making process. Commonly used as a food supplement, whey protein is known to improve athletic performance and help with weight loss. It is a popular nutritional supplement that can be used for multiple reasons including muscle gain, weight loss, and meal replacement. However, there are several health concerns of whey protein isolate.

When consumed in large quantities, whey protein can add stress to the kidneys and liver, increasing the possibility of developing kidney stones and calcium deposits. The kidneys and liver are responsible for breaking down the majority consumed protein.

Soy Protein

Soy protein is a source of lean vegetable protein and is potentially dangerous to human health. It has been known to raise estrogen levels, increasing the risk of breast cancer and cancer of the uterus.

Known as a lean protein, soy protein can cause weight gain if over-consumed. When the body digests more protein than needed, it becomes stored as fat. Consider the variables before consuming protein isolate on a regular basis.


Vegetable based protein is a healthier alternative to whey and soy protein. There are many vegetables that contain high sources of protein and are easily digested by the human body. Easily accessible and widely popular, these vegetables are rich in protein and are healthy alternatives:

  • Spinach
  • Asparagus
  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Potato
  • Celery
  • Kale
  • Celery
  • Carrots

Eating whole foods in its natural state is most beneficial and nutritious for the body. The body will be able to absorb all of the nutrients that the natural, organic food has to offer. There are unique nutrients in certain vegetables that cannot be found anywhere else.

By consuming processed food with artificial ingredients, the body is not able to identify and use the nutrients that were once available.


Protein health bars are processed foods that normally contain unnatural additives that are dangerous to one’s health.

If you have saturated your body with harmful protein products over the months or years, the Full Body Cleanse should be performed at least 2-4 times per year.


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