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The holidays are filled with foods that can leave you feeling less than your best. Try these post-holiday recipes to promote detoxification.


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The holidays are filled with love, joy, merriment, family, and lots and lots of food. Too often are holiday dishes rich, heavy, and filled with unhealthy fats and excess salt. The worst part is that these unhealthy dishes are not just at the big holiday gathering. Coffee shops, work parties, gatherings with friends, and other events during this time of year feature an assortment of fattening foods. They are incredibly delicious, which is why they are so hard to resist. 

At a certain point, though, your body lets you know that it’s time to lighten the load. After all, the body can only take so much! The feelings of fullness last beyond the big meal because people continue eating leftovers for days. This is perfectly common, and most people call the remaining days of the year a wash because their fitness or health goals start on January 1st. Don’t be that person because that attitude can propel poor eating habits into the New Year. You want to get a head start on your healthy eating!

It’s perfectly acceptable to abandon ship, veer from the norm, and start making recipes that are much easier on the body after the holidays. Learn the leftover lesson from previous years and get back on the path to better health before the New Year. To help encourage detoxification, though, you need to eat the right foods. The following recipes should aid your detox efforts after some serious holiday eating. Let us know which recipe is your favorite in the comments below.

Fat Flush Detox Green Smoothie

Promote healthy digestion and detoxification after any big meal when you drink this detox green smoothie. It’ll help flush away the toxins that you accumulated during the holidays. 

Click here to make the recipe. 

Homemade Lemon Ginger Turmeric Detox Tea

Skip the apple cider vinegar fire cider and start your day with this lemon ginger turmeric detox tea to activate the detox process and kickstart your immune system.

Click here to make the recipe.

Post-Holiday Detox Green Smoothie

Did you barely survive a long weekend of holiday eating? Jumpstart your health with this post-holiday detox green smoothie.

Click here to make the recipe. 

Alkalizing Green Detox Soup

If you had a long weekend or season of heavy eating, help detox the body with this alkalizing green soup with essential nutrients.

Click here to make the recipe.

Fat Flush Soup

Need a meal to help you get rid of those excess pounds from an indulgent weekend? What a coincidence, because this recipe does exactly that!

Click here to make the recipe. 

Kale Apple Carrot Salad

A super simple kale salad that is filled with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It’s a tasty way to help your family enjoy raw veggies!

Click here to make the recipe. 

Nori Wraps With Turmeric Cashew Cream

These vegetable nori wraps with a turmeric cashew cream are irresistibly delicious and boast tons of health benefits, too.

Click here to make the recipe.


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Common Lies That Surround The Thanksgiving Dinner https://www.dherbs.com/articles/common-lies-that-surround-the-thanksgiving-dinner/ Sat, 23 Nov 2024 09:33:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=167157

Why do people eat so much on Thanksgiving? These are the lies that people tell themselves to reach an unpleasantly bloated state.


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Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday that brings together friends, family, and, most importantly, flavors. Eating until you can no longer move is almost encouraged on this holiday, but you regret it when you are beyond bloated. Sure, the rolls and mashed potatoes went down smooth with the stuffing and turkey, but was it necessary? Did you have to put your body through that experience again?

In addition to family time and eating, Thanksgiving is really about preparation. The meal is quite a lengthy process, especially if you take on the challenge all by yourself. Between basting the turkey, mashing the potatoes, roasting the Brussels sprouts, and preparing for the onslaught of family members, it’s safe to say that Thanksgiving is overwhelming. That means that you have a lot of preparation to do, especially in regards to your mental health

It’s no secret that the Thanksgiving dinner requires a lot of preparation, but it also requires your mental preparation. There are many lies that surround this holiday, and most of them involve why you feel you should stuff your face. Start this year fresh to better assess how you approach this holiday. When you look at common lies surrounding why you eat a lot, you may end up eating less and feeling better about yourself.

It’s Thanksgiving…So You Need To Gorge

Thanksgiving, much like 4th of July or Labor Day Weekend, is a holiday about excess. This holiday primarily focuses on food, and eating leftovers throughout the weekend is highly encouraged, according to the masses. The reality is that you should be extra careful with what you eat because it is Thanksgiving, after all. Eating too much is too easy, so be extra careful with what you select from the big holiday spread.

The Food Is So Good That You Need To Go Back For Seconds

True, the food is extra special on Thanksgiving. That also means that you need to concentrate on thoroughly enjoying each and every bite. Don’t just eat mindlessly and wolf down forkful after forkful, not taking a second to breathe or enjoy food between bites. In all seriousness, you will enjoy yourself (and the food) much more if you savor what you put on your plate. Don’t overcrowd your plate, either, as a large plate of food is harder to fully appreciate. 

You Need To Celebrate By Eating Whatever You Want

Thanksgiving is not your opportunity to fully abandon all of your dietary rules. Is it a time to be appreciative of what you have and for the people who surround you? Yes, absolutely, but that has nothing to do with eating recklessly. You don’t need to express your gratitude via eating excessively. Three pieces of pie doesn’t mean you are more grateful than someone who enjoys food responsibly. 

Eat As Much As You Can Now While It’s Here

For the most part, Thanksgiving food is not eaten any other time of year, except for Christmas, maybe. The truth is that you will get to eat the same thing the following day for leftovers. And the even bigger truth is that if you don’t get to eat a side dish on Thanksgiving, you can always make it again some other time. There is no need to stuff your face just because this meal happens once a year. That is a foolish way of thinking!

You Don’t Need To Follow Boundaries On Holidays

Ahhh, this is potentially the biggest lie that surrounds the holiday season. In fact, people know that they gain more weight during this time of year than the rest of the year. New Year’s resolutions will take care of it, right? Wrong! Boundaries protect you and your life, and your overall health, will benefit if you don’t stuff yourself on Thanksgiving. You will also feel better the next morning when you wake up knowing that you followed your boundaries. Be strong and your body will thank you!

It’s There And You Can’t Help Yourself

If you fill your mind with the truth before you sit down to eat, the likelihood of you stuffing your face is much lower. Don’t believe the common lies surrounding Thanksgiving and prepare yourself mentally to have a healthier, less-bloated experience.


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8 Fun Activities To Do When Spending Thanksgiving Alone https://www.dherbs.com/articles/8-fun-activities-to-do-when-spending-thanksgiving-alone/ Tue, 19 Nov 2024 09:04:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=167160

Are you celebrating Thanksgiving by yourself this year? Don’t wonder what to do because these fun activities will make your holiday!


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First of all, we just want to explain that there is nothing wrong with celebrating Thanksgiving by yourself. Although it may be unfamiliar territory, considering that this holiday is traditionally spent with family and friends, you may find yourself alone this year or in the future. There are also those who do not enjoy the Thanksgiving meal and simply want to enjoy a night alone. Whichever way you choose to celebrate Thanksgiving is the right way, but should you be alone on this holiday, we have a few fun activities for you. 

Whether it is by choice or an unlucky circumstance, being alone on Thanksgiving can be a challenge. You may lack the funds to celebrate it, or you may live in a city with no family or friends, and travel may be difficult due to budget restrictions or weather. You can spend Thanksgiving by yourself without feeling lonely or bored. Continue reading to learn how you can do just that. 

Cook Your Favorite Food

You don’t have to cook a turkey and stuffing just because it is Thanksgiving. When you celebrate this holiday alone, you have the freedom to take the reins in the kitchen and cook what your heart desires. Make enough for yourself and yourself alone, or make a little extra if you want to have some leftovers. Throw on a record or pop in your headphones to listen to a podcast while you are doing your thing in the kitchen. When the meal is ready, you will be too, and that’s a beautiful thing. If you don’t feel like cooking, simply order takeout!

Catch Up On Your Favorite Shows

Is the movie you never got to see in theaters finally available on a streaming platform? Have you been meaning to catch up on episodes for a series that you enjoy? Entertain yourself with a good binge-watching session! You have the time on this holiday, so use it how you please. If you finish a couple episodes and want to put something else on, consider a classic or modern holiday-inspired movie that you can easily find on streaming platforms. 

Watch Some Football

If you don’t have a favorite show and are not interested in new movies, throw on the football games that happen every Thanksgiving. There is always a game airing on this holiday, and watching it by yourself means you won’t miss a moment. Nobody will be there to interrupt you and you don’t have to listen to negative comments from friends or family members who are not sports fans. You can even use social media to engage with other football fans watching the same game(s).

Give Back To Your Community

Doing something good for someone else, or a lot of people, is often one of the best things to do when celebrating Thanksgiving alone. Even though you may not be with friends or family, you can make a difference by bringing joy to the lives of others. Some people always have to spend Thanksgiving alone, so spending it with those in a worse situation than you may actually make your Thanksgiving that much more enjoyable and wholesome. 

Have A Self-Care Day

If you are alone and don’t have any obligations, spend the day pampering yourself! Self-care and relaxation should take priority on your Thanksgiving Day to-do list. Take this alone time to unwind in a soothing bath, or take an extra long facial skin care routine. You can even go so far as to put on a robe and place cucumbers over your eyelids! By the time the Thanksgiving weekend is over, you will feel recharged, well-rested, and ready to get back to your regular responsibilities. 

Do Some Shopping

If you have the financial means to do so, consider taking part in some retail therapy. Most companies offer Black Friday sales well before Thanksgiving begins, so you will definitely get some deals. Take the time to get a head start on buying holiday gifts for your loved ones, or get something that you’ve been desiring for a while. Splurge on yourself because you deserve it.

Curl Up With A Good Book

Earlier in the article, we suggested that you catch up on your favorite TV shows. If you want to do that, then do just that! If you don’t want to spend your day in front of a screen, consider starting or finishing a book. Books, much like TV or movies, can transport you to fantastical places, or provide excellent and inspiring stories. If the book you choose to read is really captivating, you may finish it in one day! 

Begin A New Tradition

No matter your reasons for spending Thanksgiving alone, you cannot be sure that you won’t spend it alone in the future. What does that mean for you? Well, come up with a new Thanksgiving tradition for yourself. Don’t wait for company in order to celebrate your way! Maybe your new tradition is to play solitaire when you get up, or to do a yoga sequence after breakfast. A great new tradition could be to make one new dish every year!


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5 Tips For A Healthier Thanksgiving https://www.dherbs.com/articles/5-tips-for-a-healthier-thanksgiving/ Sat, 16 Nov 2024 08:48:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=172974

Every year, there is a long list of things to be grateful for, and that is especially true at Thanksgiving. Perhaps you got a new job or your sister agreed to babysit your child once a week so that you and your partner can have date night. One of the things you can be thankful […]


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Every year, there is a long list of things to be grateful for, and that is especially true at Thanksgiving. Perhaps you got a new job or your sister agreed to babysit your child once a week so that you and your partner can have date night. One of the things you can be thankful for is your health. 

It’s no secret that people tend to get a little carried away, to put it gently, at the Thanksgiving spread. By staying mindful of your health and making small tweaks, however, you can create a healthier Thanksgiving feast. Not only will your dishes be incredibly tasty, but they’ll pack some more nutritional benefits than your average options. Whether you are hosting, showing up, or assisting in the kitchen, use the following tips to make your holiday weekend a little healthier. 

Eat Slowly And Savor Each Bite

It is very easy to move quickly during the holiday excitement of Thanksgiving Day. During mealtime, you may shovel food into your face in order to make room on your plate for the items you didn’t get during your first pass of the spread. While eating, health experts recommend that you slow down and enjoy the food on your plate. It’s easy to fill up too quickly if you do not allow your body the chance to process the calories that you’re consuming. It takes 20 minutes for the brain to realize that you are full. Between bites, consider speaking with a loved one and talk about how great the meal is. Additionally, drink lots of water to aid the digestive process.

Moderate Your Meal

There is so much great food to enjoy! How do you only select a couple things to eat? Well, the good news is that you do not have to miss out on your favorite dishes. Instead, dietitians encourage you to help yourself to controlled portions that will discourage overeating. If you are hungry after you finish your plate, you can have an additional serving or two later. When you build your plate, include whole grains, lean protein, fruits, and vegetables. Try to leave carb-heavy dishes alone, or grab small portions of them just to have a taste. If you want a specific dessert, avoid overeating sugary side dishes to control sugar intake. 

Enjoy A Little Exercise

Pre-meal walk, anyone? Physical activity on the big day of feasting is beneficial for your cardiovascular health, but also for digestion. Studies indicate that walking for 30 minutes after you eat can stimulate the digestive process. Between courses, try to go on a walk with your dog, do some light yoga, play catch outside, or do some squats. Walking for two to five minutes post-meal can help lower blood sugar levels. Exercise also burns calories, which you will consume in excess on Thanksgiving. 

Avoid Processed Foods

How easy and convenient is it to take shortcuts in the kitchen when cooking the Thanksgiving meal? By shortcuts, we mean purchasing store bought varieties of things that you can easily make at home. Instead of grabbing a can of cranberry sauce, make your own with real cranberries, fresh oranges, and a lot less sugar. Click here for a healthy cranberry sauce recipe. Even if you can’t make everything from scratch, do your best to avoid processed versions of things, as homemade elements are also more nutritious.

Consider How You Cook

When you prepare your turkey and sides, be mindful of the seasonings and cooking methods you use. Beware of excess amounts of sugar, salt, and oil, as they can negatively impact the food’s nutritional value. That is especially true if you struggle with high cholesterol, obesity, or diabetes. Instead of deep-frying your food, consider roasting, grilling, or boiling your food to keep the meal a little healthier. Lastly, set seasonings and sauces on the table so that people can manage their health to their desired level of comfort.


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A Couple Workouts Per Week May Lower Dementia Risk https://www.dherbs.com/articles/a-couple-workouts-per-week-may-lower-dementia-risk/ Thu, 07 Nov 2024 08:49:47 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=172878

According to a new study, just one or two workouts per week can help lower the risk of dementia by 13% and improve brain health.


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Whether you are a weekend warrior or an everyday gym rat, incorporating exercise into your weekly routine invites a long list of health benefits. According to a recent study, one or two longer exercise sessions on the weekends may be as beneficial for brain health as working out more frequently throughout the week. 

For the study, the researchers looked at survey data collected from roughly 10,000 people in Mexico City. The participants began the survey when they were an average age of 51 and cognitively healthy. During the 16-year follow-up period, nearly 2,400 participants developed mild dementia. Compared to participants who did not exercise at all, the weekend warriors who logged one to two hours of exercise per week were 13% less likely to develop dementia

Moderate To Vigorous Exercise Has The Biggest Impact

Researchers noted that the total duration of physical activity matters more than the pattern for disease risk, which includes cognitive decline. Health experts advise that 150 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity per week is a good rule of thumb. Ideally, you sustain the same effort of moderate intensity throughout the entire workout. That means that you are able to complete sentences during the workout, but you may be just out of breath so that you do not have the effort to sing. 

The researchers did not look directly at exercise intensity or focus on the benefits of exercising for 150 minutes per week. Additionally, the study did not aim to prove whether weekend warrior workouts directly benefit brain health. With that information in mind, the study authors still concluded that middle-aged people could reduce their dementia risk by 13% by simply exercising at least once or twice per week. A total sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of health problems, including those related to cognition. 

Concentrated Exercise Promotes Brain Health

One limitation of this study was that it relied on the participants to accurately recall and report their exercise habits. The study authors did not objectively measure how often participants worked out, nor did they measure the intensity of workout sessions. It makes sense, though, that the weekend warrior workouts may contribute to long-term brain health. Additional benefits of weekend workouts include improving cardiovascular fitness, managing blood sugar, building lean muscle, and maintaining a healthy weight. 

Now, there are still some researchers who warn that the weekend warrior workout pattern may not prevent cognitive decline. Concentrated activity, however, had associations with lower risk of cognitive impairment that were just as beneficial as those observed with regular activity. More research is necessary on this topic, but this study shows promise and reaffirms the fact that exercise promotes a healthy brain and body.


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5 Ways To Get Kids Involved In Back-To-School Prep https://www.dherbs.com/articles/5-ways-to-get-kids-involved-in-back-to-school-prep/ Fri, 06 Sep 2024 09:12:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=172105

Embrace the back-to-school life by getting your kids involved! Kids are excited and filled with emotions, but you can mitigate their jitters.


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Back-to-school season tends to bring about mixed emotions. Parents are eager for their kids to get back into a routine and kids may feel excited to reunite with friends. It’s also possible to feel a little sad about saying goodbye to the good times of summer. That is true for family members of any age, not just the kids.

Many children also experience back-to-school jitters. Perhaps they are worried about what the school year will bring or how they will fit in. Parents may wonder how to calm those nerves and help their children better navigate this busy time in their lives. In an effort to mitigate those back-to-school jitters, you can get your kids involved in various processes. Asking them to participate in various tasks can help distract them and increase their responsibility requirements. Here are a few ways to prep tips as kids head into the school year. 

Create Family Mindfulness Routines 

Most parents will say that one of the biggest back-to-school adjustments is reestablishing healthy morning and bedtime routines. There is no secret code that unlocks the perfect bedtime or morning routine for every child. One way to incorporate the whole family is to work together to find mindfulness routines that everyone can practice. In the morning, for example, consider reciting a daily affirmation that encourages positive thinking and confidence. Affirmations can help children face tough challenges that they may encounter at school. In the evening, engage in a shared gratitude practice, during which everyone shares one thing they are grateful for. 

Allow Children To Craft Grocery Lists And Help Meal Plan

Whether you have kids or not, grocery shopping is something you must do. Kids can help make grocery lists, restock the pantry or fridge after a grocery run, and write down when things are running low. Take that a step further by involving your kids in meal planning. Come up with a weekly calendar of meals and talk about what you will need to buy for certain meals. You will also need to include snacks and treats that everyone can enjoy. Consider trail mix without chocolate or carrot sticks with hummus. Plus, getting everyone involved with grocery planning can help your kids later in life when they have to shop for themselves. 

Let Kids Pack Their Own Lunches

Take a chore off your morning to-do list by allowing your kids to pack their own lunches. If they are too young to make lunches, let them help place the contents inside their lunch boxes. Giving your children a sense of autonomy over chores is essential for growth and development. They will also learn how the food they pack can help fuel their bodies. To make this process easier, give them a checklist of foods to include. Break it down into protein, vegetables, fruits, and treats. Work with them to help better educate them about healthy food choices

Get Out And Explore

One of the reasons that the back-to-school transition proves difficult for kids is because they spend less time outdoors. They are in classrooms all day with a small break for recess. Take them out to walk the dog in the evening or plan small bike rides to the local park. Exposing children to natural light after school can help boost their mood and encourage better sleep at night. You can also plan more elaborate weekend excursions, such as hikes, picnics, beach days, and scavenger hunts. Involve the kids in these plans by having them help pack the essentials for your excursions the night before. 

Create New Family Traditions

The start of the new school year is a time of change. Kids and families can find it very disorientating, but you can help develop new routines that your kids can look forward to. Weekly traditions for the family can be very exciting. Perhaps one plan is a weekly dinner where kids get to plan pizza toppings. Another idea is to have one family member pick a game to play on the weekend. Maybe you have a movie night at home with theater-inspired concessions. The possibilities are endless!


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6 Tips To Have A Healthy Labor Day Weekend https://www.dherbs.com/articles/6-tips-to-have-a-healthy-labor-day-weekend/ Tue, 27 Aug 2024 09:30:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=129971

Are you trying to survive Labor Day weekend without gaining weight? Stay on track over the holiday weekend with these helpful health tips.


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The word “holiday” is essentially synonymous with food. People get together and celebrate with unlimited drinking and eating. More often than not, the food and drinks are of the less-than-healthy varieties, especially during Labor Day celebrations. 

People often refer to Labor Day as the last hurrah of summer. People bid adieu to the summer fun in the sun and prepare for cooler days. BBQs, football, shopping, potlucks, and beach parties go hand in hand with Labor Day. In fact, an average of 160 million Americans enjoy a cookout at some point during the holiday weekend.

When you come face to face with so many temptations, it’s hard to resist them or maintain discipline. Because most people fall into the trap of indulging more than they should during Labor Day weekend, we have detailed many helpful tips to stay healthy. Avoid diet pitfalls and stay on track. We believe in your willpower!

Don’t Skip Meals

For most holidays, including Labor Day weekend, the common thought is to skip meals to save room for the big feast. This is the worst approach you can have because skipping meals often leads to overeating. It’s better to have several nutritious snacks or smaller meals throughout the day before the potluck, party, or festivity. A handful of nuts, plate of fruit, fruit and vegetable smoothie, or even a small salad are excellent options to help you feel full and keep you from overindulging. 

Consider Which Parties To Attend

There are parties that have every unhealthy food under the sun, and then there are parties with a more health-conscious theme. Everyone has friends who want to lose weight or put their health first. If you receive an invite from one of those friends, consider attending that Labor Day event versus the unhealthy one that is essentially a ticket to high blood pressure and weight gain. When you spend time with like-minded people who have more of a focus on health, you will benefit. 

Grill Healthy

Hotdogs, burger patties, slabs of steak, and ribs aren’t the only things you can cook on the grill over the holiday weekend. You can shift your focus from meat to vegetables. Slice a head of cauliflower into thick steaks or grill portobello mushroom caps. Marinate veggie kabobs and then grill them for maximum flavor and a little char. There are many healthy ways to grill, so look up some recipes online and get creative with your food. 

Survey The Spread Before You Load Up

When you go to a table of food without a plan in place, you will most likely grab a little bit of everything, and then some. Don’t just wander the food table and grab anything that looks appetizing. Scan the table and take a closer look at what you can eat. Come up with a plan for what to grab and then go in. Additionally, it’s beneficial to pinpoint the foods you really want. You don’t have to eat everything just because it’s there. Make an effort to control portion sizes and try to make at least 50% of your plate consist of vegetables. 

Avoid Alcohol

Some people don’t count liquid calories, but knocking back a few alcohol beverages can quickly ramp up your caloric intake. It’s very common for people to drink alcohol at Memorial Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas celebrations. If you are trying to eat mindfully, though, it’s best to avoid alcohol. Not only does alcohol lead to excess food consumption, but it also impairs your ability to resist temptations. After a few drinks, the desserts you are trying to avoid may quickly find their way onto your plate. 

Just Say No

The power of the word “no” is very real. You don’t always have to say yes to every food item in sight. For instance, if someone wants to offer you something that you know you should avoid, you can politely decline by saying, “It looks so tasty, but I’m too full right now. Thanks for asking, though.” 


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5 Powerful Benefits Of Taking Time Off https://www.dherbs.com/articles/5-powerful-benefits-of-taking-time-off/ Sat, 06 Apr 2024 09:23:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=170005

Everyone longs for three day weekends and vacations to relax, but what else does time off do? Here’s what you can gain while away from work.


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When you’re at work, how often do you hear, “Is it Friday yet?” Do you long for the moment you get to clock out, return home, and relax for the weekend? Taking time away from work, be it a three-day weekend or two-week vacation, can help you reset and relax. Most people gain so much more than relaxation while away from work, even if time away isn’t that long. 

We understand that we don’t need to convince you to step away from the desk and take a vacation. You probably want to escape the hustle and bustle of work and leave your stress behind you as you embark on a vacation to the tropics. If you are like most people in America, you plug away and trudge through life without taking the opportunity to recharge away from anything work-related. 

One study found that many people don’t utilize vacation time for numerous reasons. They may fear pending layoffs, worry they’ll lose progress and be overwhelmed when they return, or feel guilty about leaving the office. Believe it or not, a 2018 survey found that the majority of bosses agree that vacation improves the productivity and focus of employees. It may even help them avoid burnouts at work! Continue reading to learn about some power benefits of taking time off work. 

You Get To Have A Mental Reset

If you work for 1,000 days in a row, you will likely experience anxiety, stress, or some form of panic. Even if you take just one day off, you can help reset yourself mentally and return to work with a clearer head. Mental health experts note that pushing yourself through too many work hours or days of work causes the brain to push back. Your river of ideas may run dry and tasks that were once easy prove extra difficult. The brain and body require rest, and taking time off may reduce cognitive fatigue, while simultaneously enhancing problem-solving ability and reducing work-related stress.

Your Soul Will Thank You

What does this mean, exactly? Taking time off work can benefit the mind and body, but it can also impact you on a deeper, more spiritual level. The soul is the body’s spiritual essence, i.e. who you really are at your core. When you take a vacation, you can tune out the external noise and direct your attention to yourself. Let go of your ego and reacquaint yourself with the essence of who you really are.

Your “happy place” may seem like a lounge chair on a beach with a cold drink in your hand, but it usually means that you can finally let go of daily pressures to reconnect with yourself and regain a sense of pride. It may sound like some hokey pokey nonsense, but getting back to basics can help you hone your intuition and values. This gives you more freedom to explore, learn, and do things that bring you joy!

You May Rekindle Relationships

When you work a lot and become overwhelmed by life, it is easy to push off dates, girls’ nights, hangs with the boys, or friendly gatherings. If that describes you, then you need a break. There is nothing wrong with focusing on your career, but too much focus can make you lose sight of the important relationships in your life. Allow yourself to take off the occasional Friday or go on that trip to Puerto Rico with your partner or friends. You will be glad that you did because time off boosts your mental health and can help you deepen the connection of your relationships. 

You’ll Experience Pure Joy

Taking trips, especially to certain parts of the world, can help give you perspective and clarity about a lot of things in life. A common feeling that accompanies clarity and inner peace is pure joy. It can sometimes take a few days to really settle into your vacation and realize that you are in a completely different space. Once you ease into relaxation mode, you can actually begin enjoying yourself. You can laugh, listen more intently, sleep better, and speak with an intensity that only exists when you are truly immersed in an experience. That is joy, people. 

You’ll Feel More Productive When You Return

There is no shame in hitting the reset button every now and again. That may come in the form of cleansing the body to reset your health, or taking a vacation. You know what a three-day holiday weekend can do for your productivity, now imagine what a whole week (or more) off could do. Some companies outside of the United States found that giving employees more time off to pursue creative endeavors or simply explore more led to better performance at work. Some researchers believe that relaxing and sleeping more on vacation helps people think more clearly and improves focus and productivity upon returning to work. That benefits both the employee and the employer!


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Healthy Dips And Apps To Make For The Big Game https://www.dherbs.com/articles/healthy-dips-and-apps-to-make-for-the-big-game/ Tue, 06 Feb 2024 09:25:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=168936

What are you bringing to the table for the big game? Make some of these tasty vegan dips and apps and impress your friends and family!


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For many Americans, the predominant feasting days are Thanksgiving, Christmas, Memorial Day, July 4th, and Super Bowl Sunday. The Super Bowl, also known as the big game, is not just an ordinary watch party to cheer on football teams. It is a day to enjoy everyone’s favorite snacks, comfort foods, and drinks. The spread is almost more important than the game, commercials, and halftime show. 

Super Bowl Statistics

During Super Bowl Sunday, an estimated 48 million Americans order take out. 60% of those take out orders are pizza, which is partially attributed to all the advertisements. Plus, pizza is an easy entree that can feed a lot of people. In addition to pizza, chicken wings and chips and dips are the most popularly ordered foods. Did you know that an estimated 1.25 billion chicken wings are eaten during Super Bowl Weekend? That equates to nearly 162.5 million pounds of chicken, proving that this weekend is responsible for 7% of chicken sales for the year. 

Food and beverages account for the majority of spending on the game. Total spending on food, drinks, apparel, and decorations for the 2024 game is expected to reach $17.3 billion, which equates to $86.04 per person. An analytics survey found that a record 200.5 million U.S. adults plan to watch the big game. The game is important to 44% of viewers, with the halftime show being most important to 19% of viewers. Commercials interest 18% of viewers, and some people bet more on commercials than the actual game!

If you want to take a different approach to your game day spread, we’ve got some great recipes for you. The following appetizers and dips may not even make it past the first half! That’s how good they are! Let us know which ones you end up making on game day in the comments. 

Tomatillo Salsa Verde

If you have extra tomatillos, the best thing to do is transform them into a tangy and slightly spicy salsa verde. Once you make your salsa, grab your favorite chips and get ready to dip. Just be warned that this salsa packs a little heat!

Click here to make the recipe. 

The Best Guacamole

Can you have a game day spread without guacamole? When you make authentic guac, you will never go back to the way you used to make it. This dip is the best guacamole ever, and we hope you agree!

Click here to make the recipe.

Raw Vegan Pineapple Salsa

Not only does the presentation of this salsa look amazing, but it also impresses your taste buds! This salsa is juicy, refreshing, and the perfect combination of sweet and spicy. It’s definitely a dip that you’ll save in your recipe book.

Click here to make the recipe.

Vegan Potato Salad With A Mustard Dressing

This recipe is just as appropriate at a family dinner or potluck as it is on your game day food table. This vegan potato salad is slightly tangy and herbaceous, making it the perfect side dish to accompany the game. 

Click here to make the recipe.

Grilled Sweet Potatoes

If you love sweet potato fries, stop what you are doing and make this recipe before the other ones in this article. This recipe is perfect if the weather permits, because you don’t want to stand out in the cold or snow just to grill some fries. 

Click here to make the recipe. 

Crispy Air Fryer Kale Chips

Churn out a batch of crispy kale chips in a matter of minutes! They are simply seasoned and a great alternative to unhealthy chips. They are especially great if you want to reduce your caloric intake on game day.

Click here to make the recipe. 

Crispy Baked Avocados With A Chipotle Dip

We saved the best recipe for last! We love guacamole, but sometimes you need a break from that tasty dip. Instead, do something incredibly unique with avocados. This may be your new favorite appetizer or healthy snack. You’re welcome.

Click here to make the recipe.


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5 Unique Ways To Celebrate The New Year https://www.dherbs.com/articles/5-unique-ways-to-celebrate-the-new-year/ Sat, 30 Dec 2023 09:34:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=168698

Happy 2024, everybody! With the new year nearly upon us, how will you celebrate? Here are five unique ideas to ring in 2024.


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With 2024 just around the corner, plans are coming together to create one final memory of 2023. You don’t have to give 2023 a grand farewell because going out on the town isn’t for everyone. In fact, it can be quite irritating and tricky to coordinate, especially if your plans involve a lot of people. Not to mention, creating a plan that pleases everyone is always a difficult feat. 

You can end 2023 on a happy note without attending a large party or special event. Some people like to see comedy shows or concerts, while others enjoy staying home. If you fall into the latter category then this article is for you. Here are some unique ways to welcome 2024!

Midnight Yoga Session

Are you a fitness geek? Is your goal to add more fitness into your life in 2024? Pledge to make 2024 a fruitful year for your health by starting it with a midnight yoga session. Consider coordinating this plan with a few friends, or bust a solo mission, but a group can provide more support and encouragement. Take your mats out to a garden area and begin your session when the clock strikes midnight. Alternatively, end your session with corpse pose to ring in the new year. Yoga helps to relieve stress and restore balance to prepare you for a good night’s rest.

Outdoor Movie Night

Make New Year’s Eve memorable by organizing an outdoor movie night. Transform your backyard, or the backyard of a friend’s house, into a cozy cinema setting. Set up a projector, hang some fairy lights or string lights, and get out some comfortable chairs and cozy blankets. Consider making a large batch of a warming beverage, such as hot cider, hot chocolate, or even a large batch of chai tea. Poll a few movie options between your group and see which one prevails. There’s nothing like a little slice of nostalgia to ring in 2024. 

Starry Night Picnic

If the weather permits (and this also applies to the above suggestion), welcome 2024 with a starry night picnic. Pack some delicious snacks, some warm drinks, and cozy blankets and jackets. You can plan this picnic in several unique ways. Head to a nearby park and watch the fireworks, remain in your backyard, head to the top of your building, or make a weekend out of it and visit a national park. If you choose the last option, the night will be quiet and stars should be in full view. Bask in the serenity of the peaceful night and gaze up at the stars with the one(s) you love. Spending the night solo isn’t a bad move either!

Time Capsule Tradition

Organize some friends, family, or even some neighbors to celebrate a time capsule tradition for New Year’s Eve. Encourage people to contribute letters or mementos and bury your time capsule at a designated spot. It’s up to you when you choose to open the time capsule next. Perhaps you dig it up in a year, five years, or 20 years! Opening your time capsule often creates a beautiful and sentimental tradition of celebrating the passage of time. 

Virtual Countdown Party

The beautiful thing about technology is that it can easily connect you to other people, relatives, and friends spread out around the globe. Host a virtual countdown party in the era of global connectivity! Due to the pandemic, your virtual connectivity game should be strong! Create games, share your resolutions, and countdown to the beginning of 2024 together.


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