Watercress - Dherbs - The Best All Natural Herbal Remedies & Products https://www.dherbs.com/tag/watercress/ Buy the best herbal supplements, natural remedies, and herbal remedies from Dherbs. We're the #1 alternative medicine store online. ✓ Visit and shop now! Fri, 10 Jan 2025 11:41:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 High Protein Vegetables You Should Start Eating Today https://www.dherbs.com/articles/diet-nutrition/high-protein-vegetables-you-should-start-eating-today/ Sat, 06 Apr 2019 10:36:51 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/uncategorized/high-protein-vegetables-you-should-start-eating-today/

Here's a list of 7 high-protein vegetables that you can add to your daily diet for more energy, brain power, and improved muscle function.


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The body requires protein to build and repair tissues in the body, and the foods one eats to obtain protein can determine how efficiently the body absorbs and uses it. The common thought is that animal-based foods are the only protein sources on the planet. While there are grass-fed, organic, and humanely raised meat and poultry options, people typically buy meat products that are from animals that lived in cages and were fed grain diets with antibiotics and hormones. Seldom do people opt for the healthier meat options because they are more expensive. The more affordable protein options are actually in the produce sections of grocery stores.

Plant-based foods are some of the most nutrient-dense, antioxidant-rich protein sources, which the body can easily process. The consumption of plant-based protein sources has been associated with better nutrient levels and reduced risk of type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. To help introduce you to more protein-rich, plant-based foods, here are 7 great options.

Alfalfa Sprouts

Low in calories and extremely rich in nutrients like zinc, phosphorus, copper, magnesium, iron, and B vitamins, alfalfa sprouts provide 1.3 grams of protein per cup. Several studies have shown that the saponins in alfalfa sprouts help to reduce bad cholesterol levels.

Brussels Sprouts

Brussels sprouts are cruciferous vegetables that provide about 3 grams of protein per cup. In addition to containing protein, calcium, manganese, folate, and vitamins A, C, and K, Brussels sprouts also promote healthy intestinal bacteria to stimulate healthy digestive function.


These skinny spears are low in calories and pack a little over 4 grams of protein per cup. Asparagus is a great source of inulin, which is a prebiotic fiber that promotes the development of healthy gut bacteria. Eating asparagus will help you obtain protein and maintain a flatter stomach by keeping bloating at bay.

Collard Greens

Be mindful that cooking collard greens in with pork and lard will negate most of their health benefits. Collard greens may be one of the best sources of folate, with up to 75% of your recommended daily intake (RDI) in about one cup. Folate helps to increase serotonin production, boost energy levels, and can even improve sex drive. Oh, and there are 5.15 grams of protein per cup.


One cup of this cruciferous microgreen contains 100% of your RDI of vitamin K. Watercress is a great source of potassium, manganese, B vitamins, and it contains about 0.8 grams of protein per cup. According to several studies, the phenolic compounds in watercress may have amazing antioxidant protection against cancer.


Different mushroom varieties contain between 3-4 grams of protein per cup. They are a common go-to ingredient for a lot of vegans and vegetarians, and it’s not just because of their meaty texture. Shiitake, portabello, cremini, oyster, and button mushrooms are also great sources of vitamin D, which is essential for healthy bones and optimal immune function.


Cauliflower contains about 2 grams of protein and only 25 calories per cup, making it a great vegetable for people who are trying to lose weight. Cauliflower also contains a compound known as sinigrin, which has demonstrated powerful anti-inflammatory, anticancer, and antioxidant properties in several studies. As an extremely versatile vegetable, cauliflower is the perfect substitute for starchy carbs.


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6 Super Spring Detox Foods https://www.dherbs.com/articles/diet-nutrition/6-super-spring-detox-foods/ Thu, 16 May 2024 08:33:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/uncategorized/6-super-spring-detox-foods/

Add more of these nutritious and delicious springtime foods to your diet to help ward off the harmful effects of bad food choices.


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We live in a time in which convenience and efficiency is everything. Can you imagine walking into a grocery store and not seeing apples during the spring, or not being able to get your hands on watermelon in the winter? A high percentage of people in other parts of the world only consume produce that is grown seasonally, but importation and genetically modified organisms have made it so people can essentially walk into a grocery store and grab whatever produce item they want, whenever they want it.

If ever there were a season to embrace, it would be spring. The flowers are in bloom, trees have begun to regain their foliage, the days are longer and warmer, and amazing produce selections are available at farmer’s markets and health food stores. Many of these foods help to cleanse your body and give it a boost after a sluggish winter. You’ll be surprised to learn that the following foods have powerful detoxing properties. Eat them this spring and experience the benefits!


Not only is asparagus much more affordable when it’s in season, but it also tastes a lot fresher. Asparagus is rich in folate, which is necessary for health fetal development, and vitamin K, a nutrient that aids with blood clotting and bone metabolism. Additionally, asparagus can act as a natural diuretic, helping to rid the body of excess salt and fluid.


Strawberries are keto-approved and rank high among foods with the most antioxidant capacity. While strawberries are more plentiful a little later in spring, they are worth getting your hands on. Regular consumption of strawberries has been associated with improved cognitive function and a decreased risk of arthritis and heart disease.


Forget about how your breath is going to smell and concern yourself with all of garlic’s healing properties. Garlic works to destroy harmful bacteria, intestinal parasites, and viruses in the body. Additionally, garlic works to cleanse arterial build-up and lower blood pressure levels. Known for its antioxidant, anti-fungal, and anti-cancer properties, garlic should become a staple ingredient in your recipes.


Artichokes are typically an underrated vegetable, primarily because they are often cooked with cheese, butter, or heavy cream. When boiled or grilled and eaten with garlic and fresh lemon juice, however, they are quite good for you. The high vitamin C and fiber content work to increase bile production, helping the intestines to eliminate toxins from the body. Artichokes also contain an enzyme that helps the liver break down fatty acids.


If you aren’t using onions in your cooking, it’s time to board that train. According to several studies, the allium in onions has powerful anti-cancer and antioxidant properties. Onions have also been known to cleanse the blood and naturally lower LDL (bad cholesterol) levels. The polyphenols in onions work to cleanse the respiratory system and fight conditions like bronchitis, asthma, and the common cold.


This isn’t a widely used green, but this peppery microgreen is one of the most nutrient-dense greens you could possibly eat. Working to increase the body’s natural detoxification enzymes, watercress contains phytonutrients that help to decrease the presence of carcinogens in the body. Add it to soups, salads, or sauces.


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The Best Spring Produce Items You Should Be Eating https://www.dherbs.com/articles/general-topics/the-best-spring-produce-items-you-should-be-eating/ Tue, 30 Mar 2021 10:50:01 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=80443

Spring brings a wide variety of new produce items, so get your hands on them while they are the freshest! Have you tried our favorites?


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The grass becomes greener, flowers begin to bloom, and the days get longer as we enter spring. Needless to say, we love spring, even though some people’s allergies intensify and bouts of sneezing become quite annoying. We are sorry for those of you who dislike spring, but we are not sorry for the delicious produce items that are about to be in season.

In addition to the changing weather, each season brings a variety of produce items. While year-round harvesting and shipping have made it possible to get about any produce item whenever and wherever you want it, there’s nothing like eating and buying seasonal produce. Whether you are shopping at your local farmer’s market or grocery store, seasonal produce items just taste better.

Seasonal Produce Is More Affordable

Shopping for seasonal produce can actually help you save money. Have you noticed that out of season peaches, for example, can cost over three dollars a pound as opposed to the in season price of ninety-nine cents a pound? If you don’t know what produce items are in season, head to a farmer’s market or local grocery store because they will have the best prices and selection of seasonal items.

Seasonal Produce Has More Nutrients

If you are buying produce items that aren’t in season, it typically means that they were shipped from other locations. The nutritional value starts to decrease as soon as the produce items are picked, meaning that preservation methods are put in place to ensure that they don’t ripen by the time they hit the shelves. This is why it best to buy seasonally and locally!

Spring brings a lot of delicious produce items, and we have our favorites detailed below. Try them out!


Fennel is often neglected by the masses because people aren’t sure how to use it. Loaded with vitamin C, potassium, and fiber, fennel has actually been known to benefit those with respiratory problems. Ideally, pick fennel that has a firm bulb and green leaves, which you can actually use as a dill substitute.


Strawberries have a low glycemic index and are rich in beneficial antioxidants that work to fight free radicals in the body. They are free of sodium, fat, and cholesterol and contain a lot of vitamin C, manganese, and fiber. If you want to get the freshest strawberries, head straight to a “pick your own” berry farm!


A quick honeydew announcement: avoid the ones with fuzzy surfaces and choose the ones with somewhat waxy exteriors. One serving of honeydew can provide you with 70% of your recommended daily intake (RDI) of vitamin C. Plus, this fruit is fat free, cholesterol-free, and incredibly low in sodium!


Containing more vitamin C than oranges and more iron that spinach, watercress has a peppery crunch and is incredibly low in calories. Recent studies have indicated that regular consumption of watercress can help cells resist free radical damage, which helps to protect against cancer. A mere four ounces of watercress packs a day’s worth of potassium as well. Overall, watercress is a powerful little green that is beneficial for the entire body.


It seems that this spring produce list has a lot of vitamin C because one cup of cauliflower provides 86% of your RDI of vitamin C. Not only does this cruciferous veggie contain cancer-fighting properties, it also has been found to regulate blood pressure and improve kidney function. Research suggests that these benefits are attrributed to the sulforaphane and curcumin in cauliflower. 


Kale is actually a cousin of cauliflower because it belongs to the cruciferous vegetable family. It is loaded with iron, protein, magnesium, and vitamins C, E, and K. The fibrous leaves, sometimes green and sometimes purple, are loaded with antioxidants, which help to support the immune system. Try to remove the thick stems because they often have a bitter flavor. Sneak them in to your diet by adding them to fruit smoothies. 


Mangos contain helpful enzymes that break down protein in the digestive system. The fiber content in mangos also helps to keep bowel movements regular. Having an alkaline body can also help inhibit cancer growth, and mangos contain tartaric, malic, and citric acids, all of which help maintain the body’s alkali reserves.


These little round red root vegetables have a spicy flavor, which can be extremely delicious to some and off-putting to others. One cup of radishes provides one-third of your RDI of vitamin C, but they also contain lots of B-vitamins, folate, potassium, and fiber. Preliminary research has found that the isothiocyanates in radishes may possess cancer-fighting properties. Finally, radishes contain an anti-fungal protein known as RsAPF2, which has been heavily studies for its ability to fight Candida albicans.

Mustard Greens

Mustard greens may not be everyone’s first choice, as far as green vegetables go, but they are loaded with beneficial nutrients. Mustard greens are known for their peppery flavor profile and the glucosinolates, which have powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. One cup of cooked mustard mustard greens can provide you with 175% of your RDI of vitamin A, 60% of your RDI of vitamin C, and over 500% of your RDI of vitamin K. Enjoy these greens in soups, stews, salads, or stir-fries.


Carrots are not often discussed because they are available year round. During spring, however, is when the freshest and multi-colored varieties are available. Carrots are rich in carotenoid pigments, with one large carrot providing 240% of your RDI of vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene. This beta-carotene contributes to both heart and vision health. People who have diets that are rich in beta-carotene typically have a reduced risk of prostate, stomach, colon, and breast cancers.

Enjoy these produce items along with many more spring varieties. Let us know what your favorite spring fruit or vegetable is in the comments below.


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Toxins Will Leave Your Body When You Eat These Foods https://www.dherbs.com/articles/diet-nutrition/toxins-will-leave-your-body-when-you-eat-these-foods/ Tue, 08 Jan 2019 11:15:48 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=69966

Cleansing the body doesn't have to be hard. In fact, there are foods you can eat that do the work for you. Eat these foods to help cleanse.


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Sometimes your body needs to be cleansed of all the toxins and waste. Whether you have absorbed these impurities via food, environmental pollution, or beauty products, cleansing them from your body can help your bodily systems function at their best. While we recommend cleansing between 2-4 times a year, there are foods you can eat to always keep your body clean. Get those toxins out of your system and help your body absorb nutrients by eating the foods in this article.


Ginger is an all around healer. It can help you recover from a sore throat or soothe digestive discomfort. Drinking ginger tea or chewing on a fresh piece of ginger can help cleanse your digestive tract. You can also infuse ginger by adding thinly sliced ginger to a pitcher of water overnight.


It seems that most everyone has caught on to this superfood. Health experts even recommend that people with kidney disease eat kale to help cleanse the kidneys. Kale is also rich in fiber and glucosinolates, both of which help the cleansing process. A great way to add kale to your diet is via smoothies.


Besides the fact that cabbage is incredibly low in calories, it also encourages the body to eliminate carcinogens. It is important to note that a lot of the benefits of cabbage are broken down by heat. This means that eating raw cabbage in smoothies or salads is the best way to reap its benefits. Cabbage can also help you naturally lower cholesterol levels.


You can’t beat the benefits of beets! While beets are beneficial for improving digestion, they are also rich in dietary nitrates, which help to naturally open up blood vessels. When your blood vessels are open, they can absorb more oxygen and efficiently carry it throughout the body.


Most people don’t know about the cleansing properties of asparagus. Aside from making your urine smell, asparagus helps to promote liver drainage. This means that compounds in asparagus help flush all of the toxins and waste, which the liver captures, from the body.


Like we always say, water helps to naturally flush toxins from the body. As the name implies, watercress has a high water content, making it a great detox agent. Watercress also helps to stimulate the liver’s cleansing enzymes and it protects your cells from free radical damage. Try adding this little green to your salads!

Other Notable Cleansing Foods:

  • Avocados
  • Grapefruit
  • Pineapple
  • Lemons
  • Broccoli
  • Dill
  • Dandelion Root
  • Fennel
  • Onions
  • Garlic
  • Artichokes
  • Apples
  • Basil
  • Cauliflower
  • Spinach
  • Turmeric


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Why You Should Have Watercress In Your Diet https://www.dherbs.com/articles/diet-nutrition/why-you-should-have-watercress-in-your-diet/ Thu, 31 May 2018 19:16:13 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=81357

Is watercress a part of your diet? It's time to see why you need to include this up and coming superfood in your daily meals.


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For the past few decades, watercress has been used as little more than a plate garnish. However, this ancient green is said to have been a staple in the diet of Roman soldiers. It is now regaining popularity as one of the next big superfoods, and for good reason!

This leafy green grows in natural spring water, mainly from April to October. It contains more vitamin C than an orange, more calcium than milk, more iron than spinach, and more folate than bananas. Additionally, it is rich in vitamin A, vitamin B6, magnesium, and phosphorus. Due to the numerous nutrients watercress contains, it is not surprising that its health benefits are extensive. Here are some of the top reasons why you should have watercress in your diet:

Cancer Prevention and Treatment

Eating watercress daily can significantly reduce DNA damage to blood cells, which is considered to be an important trigger in the development of cancer. Further research also found that a daily portion of watercress increased the ability of those cells to resist further DNA damage caused by free radicals.

Lowers Blood Pressure

People who consume diets that are low in calcium, magnesium, and potassium are more likely to have high blood pressure. These minerals are thought to bring blood pressure down by releasing sodium out of the body and dilating arteries. Watercress contains all three of these healthy minerals! 

Prevents Iron Deficiency (Anemia)

Watercress is high in iron, a nutrient required to provide hemoglobin to the body for the increase of red blood cells. It also contains vitamin C, which is necessary for the absorption of iron. With this nutrient combination, watercress makes for an excellent aid for people with anemia.

Improves Bone Health

Watercress is rich in calcium, a nutrient that works to repair and build bones by causing an increase in the production of osteoblasts, the cells responsible for this beneficial activity. This little green is also a good source of folate, which plays a direct role as an interactive nutrient in maintaining bone density.

Helps In Pregnancy

When it comes to pregnancy, folate is important for the development of a healthy embryo, as it plays a crucial role in a normal cellular division. Additionally, pregnant women who consume at least 400 micrograms of folate every day may help reduce their chances of neural tube deficiency, a birth defect of the brain, spine, and spinal cord.

Watercress is most commonly consumed raw, but you can also incorporate it into your soups, sauces, or dressings. Whether fresh or cooked, including this leafy green in your diet will bring you a lot of health benefits.


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5 Herbs That Help Clear Mucus From Your Lungs https://www.dherbs.com/articles/general-topics/5-herbs-that-help-clear-mucus-from-your-lungs/ Tue, 22 May 2018 18:00:10 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=81008

When you come down with a cold, the body produces more mucus and phlegm. Use these powerful herbal remedies to clear mucus from your lungs.


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The mucus in your chest lines the walls of the respiratory system. Containing antiseptic enzymes and immunoglobulins, mucus works to protect the body against bronchial blockage, congestion, lung irritants, and infections. When you become sick or catch a virus, the respiratory system can become irritated, causing phlegm (chest mucus) to be produced in larger amounts.

Excess phlegm, dead immune cells, and bacteria are expelled via coughing. This can be unpleasant, but it indicates that the body is fighting off an infection. Excess mucus in the respiratory system is typically caused by viral or bacterial infections like the influenza, bronchitis, or pneumonia. To help you clear excess mucus from the lungs, try using the following herbs the next time you feel congested.

Licorice Root

Licorice root tea is said to ease congestion by helping to loosen and thin mucus in airways so that it can be expelled from the body. It may even fight the viruses that lead to an overproduction of mucus in the first place. Licorice root has anti-inflammatory properties that will help release mucus, and will make the air passages wider so that oxygen can flow more freely. It also has a soothing effect on the calm lungs.


Watercress is full of nutrients and good for a lot of medicinal purposes, one of which is to reduce the mucus caused by colds and bronchitis. Watercress has been described as an effective expectorant, meaning that it helps the body loosen mucus and get rid of phlegm whenever you cough. It keeps the throat and airways clear of unwanted substances, making it easier for you to breathe. If taken by people already suffering a cold or cough, watercress can help shorten the duration of the ailment and lower its intensity. If taken at the sign of the first symptom, it can even help prevent the development of a full-fledged infection. To help remedy a runny nose, for example, just eat about an ounce of fresh watercress. You can also make watercress tea by soaking two tablespoons of freshly chopped watercress leaves in a cup of hot water.


Eucalyptus is a common ingredient in cough lozenges and syrups and its effectiveness is due to a compound called cineole. Cineole has numerous benefits — it’s an expectorant, can ease a cough, fights congestion, and soothes irritated sinus passages. To relieve congestion, place a few drops of eucalyptus oil on a handkerchief or add 10 to 15 drops to a diffuser or some boiling water on the stove. Inhale the vapors to help cleanse the respiratory system.

Calendula Flower

The calendula flower has been used to help soothe a sore throat or mouth. It is thought that the chemicals in calendula help new tissue grow in wounds and decrease swelling in the mouth and throat.


Fenugreek is a legume and it has been used as a spice throughout the world to enhance the sensory quality of foods. Fenugreek maintains mucus conditions of the body, mostly the lungs, by helping to clear congestion. It also acts as a throat cleanser and mucus solvent that works to curb the urge to cough.

Wani, S. A., & Kumar, P. (2016). Fenugreek: A review on its nutraceutical properties and utilization in various food products. Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences.


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Powered By Plants: 7 Veggies With The Most Protein https://www.dherbs.com/articles/diet-nutrition/powered-by-plants-7-veggies-with-the-most-protein/ Thu, 05 Jan 2017 15:40:33 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=61965

Did you know that there are vegetables that contain a lot of protein? Try swapping out some of your meaty meals for some of these veggies.


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People often wonder where people who eat plant-based diets get their protein. The average person resorts to animal products for protein because he or she isn’t aware of plant-based protein sources. The problem with this is that most animals are raised with hormones and fed chemicals in their diets. To open up the world of plant-based protein, we’ve compiled a list of 7 veggies that are great protein sources. Try replacing some of your meaty meals with some of the following vegetables to get your daily dose of protein.

#1: Alfalfa Sprouts

Alfalfa sprouts are a great protein source, and they are low in calories too! Protein actually makes up 42% of the calories (1 cup contains 1.3 grams of protein) in alfalfa sprouts. These are rich in B-vitamins, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, and vitamins C & K. Additionally, eating 1.5 cups of alfalfa sprouts every day can help to lower cholesterol levels.

#2: Spinach

Anyone who has ever seen Popeye knows the power of spinach. In addition to spinach’s high protein content, this leafy green contains antioxidants that actually help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress in the body.

#3: Watercress

Eating 1 cup of watercress can actually give you 100% of the amount of your daily vitamin K intake. It also contains potassium, calcium, B-vitamins, and vitamins A & C. Blend this in with your smoothies or add it to salads, but don’t cook it because it drastically decreases the antioxidant content.

#4: Asparagus

Although it may make your pee smell, asparagus is a nutritionally dense veggie. 1 cup of asparagus actually contains 2.9 grams of protein! Additionally, asparagus contains anti-inflammatory and anticancer properties too.

#5: Broccoli

Broccoli is a popular veggie and it ranks high on the vegetable protein scale, coming in at 2.6 grams of protein per cup. Broccoli also has folate, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, and vitamins C and K, and you get all of this with only 31 calories per cup! Because of broccoli’s antioxidant compounds, it can help stimulate liver detoxification and reduce cholesterol levels.

#6: Cauliflower

Much like broccoli, cauliflower is great because it provides a high amount of protein with a low calorie count. Since cauliflower is a versatile ingredient, you can use it many different ways. You can eat it raw, sautéed, baked, or steamed and it absorbs a variety of flavors.

#7: Brussels Sprouts

We saved the best protein-filled vegetable for last. 1 cup of Brussels sprouts has 3 grams of protein and 3.3 grams of fiber, which you need for healthy digestion. Eating Brussels sprouts actually helps promote healthy gut bacteria and helps produce short-chain fatty acids in the gut.

Even though vegetables aren’t as high in protein as the protein sources we’re used to, they have less calories per serving, which means you can eat more of them without worry. Additionally, many of these vegetables contain essential nutrients that you need in your daily diet. Experiment with plant-based protein sources for overall better health.


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Eclampsia https://www.dherbs.com/articles/womens-health/eclampsia/ Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:54 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/uncategorized/eclampsia/

The best natural substance a female could use to prevent or heal from eclampsia is carbon, activated charcoal. Nothing removes poison or toxins including heavy metal toxins from the body like carbon.


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Eclampsia is the gravest form of toxemia in pregnancy. Toxemia is medically defined as the presence of bacterial toxins in the bloodstream, also known as blood poisoning. The word toxemia is derived from the word toxic, which means of or pertaining to poison; of a disease or condition severe and progressive.


The condition is characterized by seizures, coma, hypertension, proteinuria, and edema (swelling of the feet).

The symptoms of impending convulsions often include anxiety, epigastric pain, blurred vision and headaches. Usually, the body intelligence uses the first trimester to rid the body of excess toxic waste. However, when a female body is too toxic and a gentle form of prenatal cleansing is not performed, the toxemia can be carried over into the second and third trimesters of the pregnancy and could present a host of problems that could make the pregnancy an un-enjoyable and very complicated experience.


Eclampsia is a condition of excess acidosis. The pregnant female’s body is too acidic and too toxic. Her blood is poisoned. Her liver is compromised. This is why many pregnant females with eclampsia are told they have acute jaundice or hepatitis. Excess acid in the body will undoubtedly convert into mucus and collect where there is a low energy site that requires attention, in the case of eclampsia, the liver.

How did the pregnant female’s body become so toxic? The answer is tragically simple: poor diet and lifestyle. She ate excess meat, which breaks down into corrosive nitrogen and uric acid that eat away at the kidneys. Uric acid crystals build up in the kidneys and then make their way down to the feet causing edema or mild gout.

She probably also ate excess dairy products such as ice cream, butter, cheese, sour cream, yogurt and milk; substances that not only breaks down into lactic acid but which forms the basis of fibroid tumors and a host of other serious female pathologies.

In addition to the above, the toxic mother-to-be consumed too much sugar, table salt, MSG, chocolate, refined grains donuts, cakes, cookies, pies, bagels, toast and cereal, soda, coffee, and a host of other food-like substances that sabotage human health.

Natural Healing Strategies

Eclamspsia can be prevented or healed by cleansing or detoxifying the body in advance of pregnancy. It is ideal to detoxify the body at least 3-4 times a year, or at least once a year at a minimum.

Individual herbs that are great in preventing or healing eclampsia include all liver herbs, which include:

White Peony Root is the best liver herb for eclampsia because of its affinity for the female constitution.

Blood cleansing herbs are also a must in preventing or healing eclampsia. These include:

The colon also must be addressed in preventing or healing eclampsia. Effective colon herbs include:

The best natural substance a female could use to prevent or heal from eclampsia is carbon, also known as activated charcoal. Nothing removes poison or toxins (including heavy metal toxins) from the body like carbon.

The crystals and gemstones Stillbite, Emerald, and Marginite emit exceptional and potent anti-poisoning vibrations and properties and make a very effective gemstone elixir which carbon can be added to (and drank) which guarantees successful anti-poisoning results.

Dherbs Solutions

Dherbs products that prevent and heal eclampsia include:


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Pre-Natal Health https://www.dherbs.com/articles/womens-health/pre-natal-health/ Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:54 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/uncategorized/pre-natal-health/

A pregnant woman should only take organic calcium.


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After a woman conceives, the most important thing for her to consider is her pre-natal health.

A pregnant female requires more nutrition than ever during her pregnancy. The developing baby’s health is totally dependent upon the health and diet of the mother, not to mention the mother’s frame of mind and outlook on life which should undoubtedly be positive for a woman’s thoughts impacts and influences her unborn child.

Important Dietary Nutrients

When it comes to the nutrition of the mother for the benefit of the developing child, certain nutrients stand out more than others. Of course a pregnant woman requires a full spectrum of minerals and trace elements.


Calcium is very important during pregnancy; if the mother’s body lacks calcium during her pregnancy, the Body Intelligence will take calcium from the mother’s body (usually her teeth and bones) and send it to the developing child. The Body Intelligence is automatically programmed that during pregnancy the needs of the developing baby are more important than those of the mother.

A pregnant woman should only take organic calcium (Calcium Phosphate). Organic calcium is derived from natural sources such as herbs or vegetation (broccoli, comfrey, oatstraw, horsetail, Irish Moss, Red raspberry leaf, etc.). A calcium brand with a name behind it (i.e. Calcium oxide, Calcium carbonate, etc.) is synthetic calcium and all synthetic minerals should be avoided for the health and safety of the baby. Consuming synthetic minerals is a major causative factor in newborns being born with jaundice and hepatitis.


In addition to organic calcium, a pregnant woman needs adequate amounts of iron. Iron phosphate plays a major role in the health of the baby’s skin and blood. Oxygen piggy-backs on the back of iron therefore the more iron in the body the more oxygen in the body.

Many pregnant women dislike taking iron during pregnancy and rightfully so. The iron pills prescribed by doctors are toxic. They are derived from iron oxides which can prove fatal in some cases. Iron oxide is derived from rusted railroad tracks and other hard iron metallic objects that are pulverized. It is diabolical to give this to a pregnant woman.

Synthetic iron (especially Iron Sulphate) causes severe constipation. Iron Sulphate has an affinity for sulphur and when unified they destroy ferments and enzymes (necessary for peristalsis) in addition to stealing natural or organic iron from food and blood. Sulphur and Iron unified creates Sulphide of Iron and this dries up the various secretions of the digestive tract, causing constipation. Suphide of Iron steals nascent hydrogen from the tissue fluids, which forms sulpuranhydride or sulphureted hydrogen and which creates the foul smelling gas smelled when someone passes gas.


Many pregnant women, especially vegan-vegetarians, are concerned about certain nutrients (Vitamin K, B6, and B12) that they have heard are vital for their pregnancy.

  • Vitamin B6 affects physical and mental health and greatly affects red blood cell formation and is needed for normal brain function and for the synthesis of RNA and DNA which contain genetic instructions for the reproduction of all cells and for normal cellular growth.
  • Vitamin K is needed for the production of promthrobin, which is vital for blood clotting. This nutrient helps to prevent internal or abnormal bleeding and is a must for miscarriage prevention purposes.
  • Vitamin B12, known as Cyanocobalamin, helps to prevent anemia in addition to aiding folic acid in regulating the formation of red blood cells and helps in the utilization of iron (Iron Phosphate).

Dietary Intervention

There are many natural sources in which to derive these nutrients:

  • Alflafa
  • Spirulina
  • Bee Pollen
  • Watercress
  • Irish Moss
  • Kelp, and
  • Blue Green Algae

Nature has given us 102 identified needed elements that our bodies require. If a woman requires 102 minerals, then so does her developing baby.

Because a woman loses vital nutrients (minerals and trace elements) during her monthly menstrual cycle, the body automatically stops the cycle once conception has taken place. The halting of the cycle is for purposes of preserving what nutrition may be in the mother’s body.

Illnesses from Pregnancy

Morning sickness‘ is a normal process where the body attempts to profusely eliminate toxins in the mother’s body to prepare a safe and sound environment for the fetus. Morning sickness is always intense for the toxic female. The healthier the woman is the less intense morning sickness is.

Prenatal headaches also beleaguer many pregnant women. A toxic pregnant female will usually experience mild to intense headaches in her pregnancy, especially during the first and second trimesters. Compacted fecal matter in the pregnant woman’s colon presses against the sacral plexus nerve ending crystal (one of 360 crystals in the colon) which connects to nerve endings in the brain or head (giving rise to headaches) and legs, thigh and feet (giving rise to sciatica).

The extremely toxic pregnant woman may be so toxic that she develops eclampsia, which is the gravest form of toxemia of pregnancy. The eclampsic pregnant woman has an extremely toxic liver and has too much protein in her urine, giving rise to proteinuria. The eclampsic pregnant female may suffer grand mal convulsion, coma, hypertension, proteinuria, and edema (swollen feet).

Many pregnant women crave certain foods during pregnancy. Craving certain things during pregnancy is the body’s way of telling a woman that she is deficient in certain nutrients. The woman who craves pickles during pregnancy may be deficient in calcium and/or odium. The woman who craves meat may be deficient in sodium and/or iron. The woman who craves chocolate may be deficient in natural endorphins that lessen the effect of pain. Mineral deficiency is very common in pregnancy.

Dietary Intervention

Diet is very important during pregnancy.

A pregnant woman should only eat the best foods, which grow directly from the earth, i.e. fruits, vegetables, grains, seeds, and nuts. If done correctly, a vegan diet and lifestyle is very safe and healthy for a woman in pregnancy and can provide her with all the needed nutrients required for a healthy pregnancy and delivery.

Very little meat should be eaten during pregnancy if eaten at all. White meats are more preferable, i.e. fish, chicken and turkey.

Pre-Natal Natural Remedies

For morning sickness

Inhale essential oil of ginger or place a small piece of ginger root in the mouth and chew.

For headaches

Perform an enema with herbal tea of buckbean;

For eclampsia

Take 3 capsules daily of Liver and Gallbladder take carbon (Activated Charcoal) 2 times a week.

For iron deficiency

Take 3 capsules daily of our Iron Formula or Blood & Lymphatic

For sciatic nerve

Take 3-6 capsules daily of our Nerves Formula and Bowel Motion


Take 3-6 capsules daily of our Electric Greens Combo

Thank you for reading.


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Women, Anemia and Low Blood Count https://www.dherbs.com/articles/womens-health/women-anemia-and-low-blood-count/ Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:54 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/uncategorized/women-anemia-and-low-blood-count/

To correct low blood count and build the blood back up, get with nature and do the natural and common sensible thing.


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Many women suffer from acutely low blood pressure. Doctors state that the normal blood count should be around 12-15, but many of these women have reported to Dherbs that their blood count ranges between a count of 3-6, which the doctors say is acutely low.

It seems reasonable that women would have a lower blood count and lower blood iron than men simply because women have a menstrual cycle once a month and are discharging vital life fluid in the form of blood. Loss of vital blood may result in anemia.

Additionally, Bio-Iron or organic iron is abhorrently low in the food supply Americans are eating. The doctors are right – these women are anemic and need iron. However, it is not as simple as prescribing iron pills. There are two kinds of iron as there are two states of every mineral – organic and inorganic or phosphate and oxide.

These women need bio-iron or organic iron but these doctors prescribe inorganic iron, which is a toxin and poison to the body. Inorganic iron will always cause constipation in women/females because of the iron-sulfur dynamic, which throws the intestines out of sync.

Natural Healing

The following crystals provide a strong iron frequency or vibration which can cause the iron frequency in your body to resonate with that of these crystals or gemstones and thus naturally correct low blood iron in the body. These crystals/gemstones include Hematite, Malachite, Iron Pyrite (Fool’s gold), and Magnetite (Lodestone).

These crystals/gemstones can be carried on your person (in your pocket or a satchel bag), held in your hand (during meditation or chakra balancing or alignment); placed around your body as a grid during chakra work, or put in a glass of water over night and then drank (an ounce or less once a day). The only crystals/gemstones recommended for consumption purposes via elixir are polished or tumbled Malachite and Magnetite (Lodestone).

You can also entrain your mind to convert whatever available minerals in your body into needed iron. The body has an infinite intelligence and wisdom that works on your behalf. Learn to use this intelligence and wisdom. The body knows how to manufacture and produce whatever is needed for optimum functioning and life. However, you must consciously communicate with the cells of your body. The cells of the body have memory and can thus carry out orders and dictates. Your cells are more intelligent than you are, mentally-speaking.

You can also use the power of your voice (vibration) to program your drinking water to provide bio-iron. Water holds memory, which is thought-energy. The cells of the body also hold memory (thought-energy). Simply chant “iron” over a glass of micro-clustered, alkaline water for a few minutes. Your affirmation and intent will be programmed into this water.

Micro-clustered water is water with smaller water cells due to being broken down by electrolysis and which makes this water more penetrable into the cells. This type of water not only hydrates the cells, but also transfers memory (or what was recorded in to) into the cells. This is powerful. The vibration of bio-iron will now be in all of your cells, including your blood cells and your body will react accordingly. The frequency or vibration of the iron mineral in your body will enhance the effect.

Now if you do the above alchemical/imprinting technique and you doubt its power or effectiveness, you have merely wasted your time. Doubt is the subconscious will to fail. You must believe and have knowledge in this. Belief activates and knowledge substantiates (provides results). Belief is not belief if it can be touched by doubt.

Dietary Intervention

Remember ladies, your menstrual cycle reflects your diet and lifestyle. The very healthy female (usually a raw foodist or strict vegan) has a very short but quantitative menses with bright red blood and no foul smell.

The toxic female (usually the heavy meat, dairy and refined starch eater; who also smokes and/or drinks alcohol; eats junk food, eats a lot of candy and chocolate; worries, stresses, and thinks negative a lot, etc.) has a long menses with very dark blood, a foul stench or odor, and may even release blood clots during her menses or outside of her menstrual cycle.

To correct this low blood count and to build the blood back up all these women have to do is get with Nature and do the natural and common sensible thing which includes consuming natural iron, drinking crystal/gemstone water, meditating with iron, performing alchemy, and using imaginative therapy.

Natural foods rich in iron include:

  • Parsley
  • Spinach
  • Celery
  • Burdock
  • Mustard and Collard Greens
  • Chives
  • Black Currants
  • Elderberries
  • Blueberries, and
  • Blackstrap Molasses (un-sulfured)

Herbs such as:

Three of the best herbs to naturally rebuild the blood (red blood cell count) are Amla (Indian Gooseberry), Red Clover Tops, and Lycii Berry.

Natural foods with the vibration or frequency of the color red will also build, nourish, strengthen and tone the blood. These include cherries, beets, capsicum fruit (cayenne), Goji berries, Lycii (or Wolf berries).

Natural foods with the vibration or frequency of the color green will also build, nourish, strengthen and tone the blood. Some of these include Alfalfa, Watercress, Nettle, Sheep Sorrel, Wheatgrass (juice), Barley grass (juice); Spirulina, Blue Green algae, and Chlorella to name a few.

Also, all seaweeds will help to build and nourish the blood. Some of these include Dulse, Kelp, Nori, Wakame, Hiziki, Kombu, Chlorella, Spirulina, Bladderwrack (Seawrack), Irish Moss, Iceland Moss, Red Marine algae, and Blue Green algae (best seaweed available).

If you are bleeding too much during the menstrual cycle, you need to curb excess bleeding (hemorrhaging). You simply want a short menses but a quantitative elimination or discharge. Certain herbs can curb excess bleeding. These herbs include Rehmmania, Dong Quai, Cranesbill (Alum Root), Solomon’s Seal, Valerian Root, Goldenseal Root, Periwinkle, Cinnamon, Capsicum (Cayenne), Cramp Bark, Beth (Birth) Root, Lady’s Mantle, Shepherd’s Purse, Manjistha, Knotgrass and Dragon’s Blood.


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