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Sure, the holidays are stressful, but so too is everyday life. Here are easy mindfulness practices that you can do all year round.


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A lot of people think that engaging in mindfulness practices is all about achieving a state of immediate zen. There is no reason to think that way! In fact, thinking that you’ll achieve nirvana after five minutes in silence will only cause you more stress. It will also deter you from wanting to engage in mindfulness practices. The reality is that you can meditate, journal, or engage in breath work every single day. 

You don’t have to carve out an hour out of your day to practice mindfulness techniques. Mindfulness is literally the art of taking each moment as it comes. Perhaps you have a goal to be more present, slow down, or reduce stress. Fit the following mindfulness practices into your day to help feel more balanced. A calmer, more present awareness is just a few minutes away. Continue reading to learn how to do these practices.

Breath Work

Going through a stressful time? You may notice that your breathing has been compromised. Stress causes your breath to be more shallow, which creates more stress. When you are calm, your breathing involves deep belly breaths. You don’t even have to think about your breathing because of how natural it feels. Practicing diaphragmatic breathing can teach your body to cultivate relaxed breaths. You can even do it in traffic!

  • Find a comfortable area to sit up straight or lie flat on your back. Make sure you are fully supported and not fidgeting. 
  • Place both of your hands below your ribcage. As you inhale, inflate your belly so that your hands rise. Keep your chest still and in a neutral position.
  • As you exhale, engage your abdominals to get all of the air out of your belly as it collapses. 
  • Continue this breath work for three to five minutes.


Meditation is intimidating if you don’t know where to start. You cannot meditate wrong, which is the first thing you need to know. You don’t have to light candles or incense, have 120 pillows, or play tranquil music in a designated space. Meditation is truly about setting aside time to be with yourself, and the mental and physical benefits are wonderful. This practice has been proven to improve self-love and kindness towards others. 

  • Find a comfortable meditation position, be it sitting up straight or lying down. You can even sit back in your recliner chair!
  • Close your eyes if you want and direct all of your attention to the present moment. Do your best to set distractions to the side, but welcome random thoughts. Let them wash in and out like waves on the sand. 
  • For every inhale, you can say to yourself, “I am,” and finish the statement on each exhale with, “here now.” Continue this practice for five to 10 minutes. You can also practice guided meditation if that is easier. 

Positive Self-Talk

Some things are completely out of your control, but you can control the way you speak to yourself. According to studies, talking to yourself in a positive way can help reduce anxiety. Researchers proved that talking to yourself in the third person aids emotional regulation. You can be hard on yourself, but don’t talk about yourself negatively.

  • Memorize a few affirmations that can benefit you during stressful times: I am balanced and centered. I release what I cannot control. I choose to be at peace. 
  • When you find a free mental moment, repeat these affirmations to yourself. 
  • You can elevate this practice by writing the affirmations down and placing them throughout your home. 


If you overthink things, visualization is the perfect practice for you. This practice uses the power of your mind for positive change. The mind does not know the difference between what you imagine and what’s real. Through visualization, you can teach your brain how to approach future situations before they happen. 

  • Find a quiet place to sit or lie down and close your eyes. 
  • Think about an upcoming event that you’re either dreading or stressed about. 
  • Imagine the best case scenario or outcome at this event. How do you feel about it and how do you want it to unfold? Use your imagination to make it real.
  • Run into a negative situation during this visualization? Simply start over and repeat the scenario until it goes the way you want it to go.


This practice doesn’t have to result in an incredible novel or short story; rather, journaling is a practice to empty your thoughts onto the page. There are many things that easily trigger stress, but you aren’t doing yourself any favors if you continue to hold onto those feelings. Writing about events can make you emotionally stronger and less upset, so vomit those words onto the page without any direction!

  • Set aside some time to journal without any interruptions. Play music or light a candle if this helps set the scene. 
  • Let your pen do the work and don’t worry about proper grammar. Just let your pen flow!


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What Is A Vision Board And Does It Work? Wed, 15 Feb 2023 09:13:00 +0000

What does a vision board do for your life? Learn how to make a vision board and how it can help you achieve your goals.


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When you want to achieve a certain goal, be it health- or career-related, it helps to have a daily reminder of that goal. Many influential thinkers and leaders agree that you can turn your dreams into reality. This is the concept of manifestation, but hard work and determination are necessary as well. 

We just want to clarify that dreams don’t magically come true overnight. Manifesting your success requires you to set an intention, take active steps to make it come to fruition, and believe that it will come true. Your goals don’t have to be complex either! Maybe your goal is to relax more, be more patient, reduce stress, travel once a year, or find a job you love. Whatever your goal is, a vision board is a great tool to help you on your journey. 

What Is A Vision Board?

A vision board may seem silly to some people, but it’s much more than an arts and crafts project. Vision boards are useful tools that help you focus and pinpoint the goals you want to achieve. Putting your hopes or desires on a board helps to inspire you every day because you see what you want to achieve. In that sense, a vision board can help you prioritize your values. 

In order to create a vision board, you have to collect images or objects that speak to your future and what you want to achieve. You can arrange these things on a poster board to serve as a tangible reminder of where you’re heading. Even the act of creating a vision board helps you better understand what you want and how to manifest things into your life. 

Does A Vision Board Really Work?

Many successful people agree that putting your goals on paper in the way of a vision board can help you achieve them. Several psychological studies found that mental practices, such as visualization, can help motivate, improve performance, and increase confidence. One study in athletes found that visualization was almost as effective as physical practice. Plus, creating a vision board helps you see what your goals will look like once you achieve them!

In order for a vision board to work, you have to make it work for you. By that, we mean that you need to place it somewhere in your home that allows you to see the board every day. You want the board to inspire you, so consider placing it in the bathroom, office, or bedroom. Whether you’re brushing your teeth, writing an email, or getting dressed, seeing your goals can help put you in a healthy, goal-driven mindset. Here are a few options that can enhance the power of your vision board:

  • Look at your board when you wake up in the morning and before you go to sleep at night. 
  • Leave space on your board to add new goals, intentions, or more inspiration.
  • If you feel down or defeated, spend time looking over your board to get back on track and boost motivation.
  • Talk to your board, despite how silly it may seem. When you practice saying your goals out loud, you can help bring them to fruition.

How To Make A Vision Board

Although there are no rules for creating a vision board, you may find the following information helpful. Just remember that you are crafting something that helps inspire you to make your goals or dreams a reality. Some vision boards focus on a singular idea, while others take a look at the bigger picture. Use the following tips to help you start a vision board:

  • Get a board for your base, using a whiteboard, a poster board, cork, or even wire. 
  • Collect images or objects that resonate with your goal. Make sure that you can easily place them on your board. Magazine clippings, photos, quotes, and more work great. 
  • Be clear about your intention, asking yourself what you want to invite or manifest into your life. 
  • Hone in on your images and objects once you figure out what your goal is. 
  • Arranging is the fun part so get creative by arranging and rearranging the objects you gathered. Move things around until you find your board aesthetically pleasing. 
  • Find a place for it, hopefully where you see it every day to inspire creativity and determination.


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Forget Resolutions! Make Way For New Year’s Manifestations Tue, 03 Jan 2023 08:05:24 +0000

If the idea of New Year’s resolutions makes you groan, try something different, and a whole lot more effective, by adopting manifestations.


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Some people spend hours journaling about New Year’s goals or resolutions. There’s hope in their spirit and determination in their heart, but is there a plan in place? For the most part, many people abandon their New Year’s resolutions within the first two months of the year. This is because resolutions are unrealistic. It may be better to try manifestations instead.

Why Don’t Resolutions Work?

According to historical accounts, the first New Year’s resolutions were invented by the ancient Babylonians. They promised the gods that they would pay their debts at the beginning of the year. If they followed through with these promises, the gods would bestow them with blessings. The ancient Romans followed a similar tradition, and so did the early Christians, pondering the mistakes of the previous year on the first day of the New Year.

Resolutions have a history of anticipation and appreciation, both for the past and future. The New Year marks the end of one cycle, and the beginning of a new one, but resolutions seem to have little to no meaning nowadays. Resolutions are nice in theory, but things get lost from thinking of a resolution to actually following through with it. 

What Does It Mean To Manifest Something?

By definition, a manifestation boils down to one important ideal: if you think it, you can have it. Essentially, you have the ability and power to make something happen in reality that came from your thoughts or beliefs. By putting all of your intentions towards this one thing, you’ll see it happen in real time, and that’s the power of manifestation. It can be something as simple as getting a pet, or a more complex manifestation like buying a house. 

What Are Manifestations?

Similar to resolutions, manifestations have a lengthy history, dating back to a time when witches thrived. Manifestations also transcended to the teachings of Buddhism, helping people turn thoughts into actions. A manifestation is very similar to the law of attraction, which states that whatever you focus on will grow. You don’t have to stress about every little detail in order to achieve your goal. As a matter of fact, that way of thinking only sets you up for failure. That doesn’t mean that you get to neglect the work, though. You must work in order to manifest your desires, but you also have to put some trust in the universe that whatever is meant for you will find its way into your path. 

How To Create A New Year’s Manifestation

In order to manifest your dreams, you have to consciously think about what the definition of a fulfilling life is for you. What do you wish to create? Once you answer this question, you can begin your path to manifestation!

Be Grateful For The Past

If you want to create a brighter future, you must first show appreciation for the past. According to several clinical studies, there’s a link between gratitude and increased overall health. Gratitude is the appreciation of what is both valuable and meaningful to you. On New Year’s Eve, it can be beneficial to take some time to think about the past year and be thankful for the blessings you had, hardships you overcame, or things that made you appreciate life. The idea is that the more gratitude you express, the more positivity you’ll attract.

Visualization Is Power

Many motivational speakers and self-help professionals agree that visualization can help you harness your creative powers. By creating a compelling or vivid image in the mind, your brains programs the reticular activating system to notice new things. This process almost magnetizes or attracts what it is that you visualize!

Write Down Your Manifestations

Get a pen and paper, people! When you write down your desires in detail because it’s much easier to put them into action. Detail is key, so you want to be specific about the thing you’re trying to manifest. If it’s a new job, for example, write down exactly what you want to do, where you want to work, and even the area where the office is located. It’s better to write them in the present tense, as though you’ve already manifested your desire. 

Believe In Your Manifestations

Sometimes, people may think that they don’t deserve what they’ve wished for, or that a manifestation isn’t going to help achieve their desire. It’s important to believe in your manifestations, which is why meditating on them can be a helpful exercise. A 10-minute meditation session per day can help you enter the new, positive reality of your manifestation.


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The Benefits Of Vision Boards And Why They Work Wed, 24 Mar 2021 09:02:15 +0000

Create better intention and build a sacred space with vision boards, which can help you invite more focus and direction into your life.


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A lot of people view vision boards in a negative light, thinking they are nothing more than a waste of time. Visualizing your goals is not a ridiculous sentiment that came about because of The Secret. As it turns out, the practice of visualization is one of the most powerful tools you can master in this life. Creating a vision board helps to increase mental activity, opening pathways to help achieve the enjoyment and fulfillment you want in life. 

According to many studies, the act of visualizing what you want helps to improve motivation, concentration, and coordination. A vision board helps you establish a sacred space that helps you expands on your focus. Creating the board invites more intention, as opposed to lofty goals that you toss around loosely. 

What Is A Vision Board?

It may be the most important thing you hang on the wall! All kidding aside, a vision board is literally a board, on which you place images or sayings that represent what you want to achieve. By assembling a collection of images, mottos, or affirmations, you create a tool that helps improve concentration. When you regularly see what you want to either be or achieve, there’s a higher chance that you’ll arrive at your desired destination. Exercise your imagination and create a vision of how you want your life to go!

Why Do Vision Boards Work?

As we previously mentioned, a vision board helps to bring your goals to fruition. By creating a sacred space that allows you to actually see what you want in life, you bring it to life. The idea is that seeing the things you want all the time helps you find pathways to achieve those things. It’s loosely based off the law of attraction. Visualizing your goals helps you unlock your own power. Regardless of what you believe, it has been proven to work. The best way to put visualization into practice is through a vision board. 

The Benefits Of Vision Boards

They Help You Stay Motivated

When you don’t have a physical reminder of what you want in life, it’s easy to slip into a state of complacency. Your aspirations to achieve what you want may dwindle, but having a vision board is a constant reminder of the things you want in life. Looking at the board helps you stay motivated, reminding you of your goals. Whether you want to learn a new language or finish writing a book, put it on the board to help you achieve it!

They Inspire Creativity

Achieving your goals can make you dig down deep to figure out all possible avenues that lead you to where you want to go. When you have a constant reminder of your goals on a vision board, you become more creative. According to scientific research, visualizing allows you to see things from a better vantage point. It removes the blinders and helps you become more creative with problem solving. Harness that creativity and use it to achieve your goals.

They Help You See Where You’re At

The great thing about a vision board is that it never stays the same. It’s ever-changing to help you cross off goals or establish new ones. When you achieve something, cross it off or take it off and replace it with the next thing you desire. The idea is that there is constant stream of motivation and change. This process is much easier than writing down goals on a note pad that you’ll most likely lose. 

They Inspire Clarity

Often times, people don’t have a huge dream or burning desire to level up in life. That’s perfectly fine, but it’s possible that you feel this way because you don’t know what you want yet. If there’s something that you find moderately interesting, put it on the board! Experts say that seeing something can help you clarify what you want in life. As you see the board each day, it may inspire you to add more things that contribute to your goal. One day, you might find that your passion is pottery!

They Make You Determined

When you have a vision board, the purpose is to see your goals every day. As you regularly visualize your goals, you develop more determination to achieve what you want. Several studies found that people who see themselves as successful are less likely to give up on themselves. It is possible to experience failure, but that comes with anything in life. The vision board keeps you accountable and increases your determination. This leads to positivity, which helps you put your visions into actions.


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5 Easy Meditation Techniques For Beginners Fri, 02 Oct 2020 08:46:00 +0000

Meditation is a healing practice that can reduce stress and improve your overall well-being. It seems simple enough: sit in a quiet place, close your eyes, and find your inner tranquility. Only it’s not that simple, and people get frustrated when they can’t meditate like an eighty-eight year-old monk their first time.  Beginning Meditation The […]


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Meditation is a healing practice that can reduce stress and improve your overall well-being. It seems simple enough: sit in a quiet place, close your eyes, and find your inner tranquility. Only it’s not that simple, and people get frustrated when they can’t meditate like an eighty-eight year-old monk their first time. 

Beginning Meditation

The beauty of meditation is that you can do it anywhere. It’s a personal practice that aims to relax the body, but most people find it difficult when they first start out. This is completely normal because it’s easy to let incoming thoughts distract you. The best advise anyone can give is to welcome the thoughts as they come in, and then release them like a long exhale, banishing the carbon dioxide from the lungs. The primary goal for any meditation novice is to be present in the moment. When you are able to settle with your present self, you can release your grasp of everything that preoccupies the mind. 

For anyone who wants to begin meditation, it’s always best to start slow. A 5-10 minute session every day is wonderful; you don’t need to go the distance straight out of the gate. Once you get comfortable with the practice of your choice, you can start elongating your meditative time. Use the following meditation techniques to help guide you into a more peaceful state of mind. 

Focus On Your Breath

Breathing is a natural part of life, but rarely do people pay attention to their breath. That doesn’t mean you should force your breath during meditation, though. It doesn’t have to be slow, deep or consistent. When you get more comfortable with meditation, your mind will calm down and your breath will follow suit. As you pay attention to your breath, your mind may wander, but this is normal. Let your mind wander and always reel it back in to your breath. 

Mantra Meditation

A lot of people find it easier to repeat a mantra or affirmation than to focus on their breath. The intent behind the repetition of a certain word or phrase is to promote clarity in the mind. If you struggle to focus on it in your mind, you can chant your word or phrase aloud. Traditionally, a person repeats the same mantra for 40 consecutive days, but this isn’t necessary for beginners. Repeat your word or phrase 108 times when you first start. 

The Right Time And Place

When you’re starting out, the best thing you can do for yourself is to commit to a meditation time every day, or at least a couple times per week. When you meditate, try to do it at the same time and for the same amount of time. Honor this routine because making a commitment to yourself is a sign that you want to bring about change. Eventually, meditation will become habitual, just like brushing your teeth. 


A blank mind is very difficult to achieve, especially as a beginner. For those who struggle with a lot of sporadic thoughts, visualizing pictures in your mind can be a useful technique to help you through meditation. Visualization is essentially the use of your imagination, and some people find it easier to focus on a specific scene or picture in the mind than nothing at all. You can imagine yourself on a beach, in a forest, by a campfire, or in a tranquil space. Experiment to figure out what works best for you.

Keep Practicing

Just like anything else in life, the more you practice, the better you get. A seasoned meditator can simply meditate at the drop of a hat, but you aren’t there yet. Find a meditative technique or practice that works for you (there are so many online tools and apps that make it easy) and keep doing it. When you devote 5-10 minutes of your day to meditation, you can start to see how much your body benefits. You can meditate before a big meeting, after a run, during a plane ride, or right before bed. The main goal is to just keep doing it!


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5 Home Remedies For Panic Attacks Tue, 09 Jun 2020 18:11:00 +0000

Panic attacks can be scary and uncomfortable, especially if you don’t know how to control them. Collect yourself and calm down with these remedies.


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Anyone who has experienced a panic attack understands how difficult they can be to overcome. Sometimes it can feel like the lungs don’t fill up with air, or you may cry for no reason. Heightened senses, numbness, and bouts of burping are all common symptoms of panic attacks. They can be scary, especially when you don’t know how long they’ll last or how to manage them.

What Is A Panic Attack?

Panic attacks are quite complex because they are reactionary. This means that the more you think about them, the more you worry about them. Increased worry and fear can induce a panic attack. Research states that panic attacks occur when you are overly sensitive to something, for example:

  • You live in fear and constantly worry about panic attacks
  • When you feel something, your heart rate increases and causes discomfort
  • This establishes oversensitivity to what you feel
  • When you feel said thing, you think you are going to get a panic attack
  • After anxiety floods the body, you have a panic attack

People who suffer from panic attacks are very in tune with their bodies. Every change or sensation is noticeable, and these changes spark anxious reactions. It is unhealthy to worry constantly, and you shouldn’t have to live in fear. Panic attacks can be remedied, but you will need to find the right tricks that work for you. Experiment with the following remedies and see which ones work best.

Use Kava Kava Root

Herbalists commonly suggest kava kava root to people who regularly experience stress or anxiety. It is a root that has natural muscle-relaxing properties. If you have tense muscles or chest tightness surrounding panic attacks, kava kava may the right herbal remedy for you. Be advised that kava kava can have an off-putting taste, so you may need to use agave or raw honey to sweeten it.

Try Slow Breathing

Anxiety and panic attacks can cause the body to breathe improperly, causing some people to hyperventilate even when they don’t have panic attacks. Slow breathing helps you train yourself to slow your breaths when a panic attack strikes. Practice by inhaling through the nose for five seconds, holding for two or three seconds, and then exhaling through pursed lips for seven seconds. This won’t get rid of panic attacks, but it makes them less severe and more manageable.

Muscle Relaxation

Breathing techniques help you control your breath, while muscle relaxation techniques help control your body’s response to a panic attack. Muscle relaxation involves focusing on one muscle at a time and trying to relax it. Start small with your fingers or hands, and then slowly work up your arms to your shoulders, chest and neck. Eventually, you’ll be able to relax all the muscles in your body, which can help you control panic attacks.


Exercise is great for everything. When it comes getting rid of panic attacks, exercise works to reduce muscular stress and distract the mind from the thing that is causing panic. The body starts to release endorphins that stabilize mood and calm the mind, often promoting better sleep, hormone regulation, and stress reduction. Aerobic exercises (running, swimming, jogging, biking, and walking) and yoga are excellent for controlling anxiety. Both involve breath control, which is important for managing panic attacks.

Visualize Your Happy Place

It sounds cheesy, but this technique is very beneficial if you feel a panic attack coming on. Find a quiet, safe place and close your eyes. Relax and take yourself to your happy place. Some people visualize a pristine beach with palm trees, while others visualize hiking their favorite trail. Your happy place is yours and don’t let anybody tell you otherwise. Take yourself there in your mind and picture as many details as possible to focus your attention on that, as opposed to the panic attack.


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Melt Stress Away With These Deep Breathing Exercises Thu, 19 Dec 2019 18:13:24 +0000

Don’t have time to exercise or get to your yoga class during the holidays? Keep it simple and stress-free with these breathing techniques.


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Our parents had it right from the start when they told us to stop and breathe before acting all those years ago. Remember those days? While it went against what you may have been feeling at the time, a few simple breaths magically restored you back to normal, ridding you of anger, stress, or frustration. If it worked then, it can surely work now, right?

According to research that was conducted at Northwestern University, Harvard, the National Institute of Health, and the University of New Mexico, mindful breathing has numerous positive effects, including reduced inflammation, lower blood pressure levels, and improved immune function. The most important of these researched benefits was the decrease in cortisol, also known as the stress hormone. The stressed or anxious body can cause you to breathe improperly, failing to completely release the breath. Basic deep breathing focuses on filling the belly with air, completely expelling the breath, and repeating this cycle to establish a healthy mind/body connection. Try the following breathing exercises to help reduce stress.

Refocusing Attention: Box Breathing

Marathon runners and elite athletes have used this technique to get in the zone before workouts, races, or drills. Box breathing works to quiet the mind and silence the outside world, helping the individual focus on the task at hand. To start, sit up straight and exhale all of your air and hold for four seconds. Breathe in through your nose for four seconds, hold for four seconds, and then exhale for four seconds. That is one round of box breathing, and you should complete five to eight rounds of this to calm the mind.

Combating Anxiety: Slow Breathing

Slow breathing works to engage your sympathetic nervous system, thereby flooding your body with hormones that can make you feel tense or out of control. You may feel light-headed, but this is perfectly normal as you flood the body with oxygen and expel the carbon dioxide. The purpose of slow breathing is to help your body relax, which is it’s natural response to being amped up by the breathing. Inhale deeply through the nose for three to five seconds, hold your breath for three to five seconds, and then exhale out your mouth for three to five seconds. Complete four to eight rounds of this technique.

Relaxing With Imagery: Visualization Breathing

Get into a comfortable position, be it sitting up straight or lying down, and close your eyes. Start by breathing in through your nose and out of your mouth. With each inhale, think of your abdomen as an inflating balloon. As you exhale, imagine that your balloon is deflating, but you don’t want to force the air out. The air should release naturally. Expand on this visual of a balloon to imagine that your breath is allowing it to carry you across the sky. The point of this exercise is to focus on engaging your diaphragm with each breath, as opposed to shallow breathing, which can induce stress.

Breathing For Sleep: 4-7-8 Breathing

People who have a hard time falling asleep commonly use this breathing technique, but it is also used as a way to relax the body. You can do this lying down or sitting up. To start, engage your diaphragm to take a deep breath in, counting to four seconds during your inhale. Hold your breath for seven seconds, and then breathe out completely for eight seconds to expel the air from your lungs. Repeat this process three to seven times, or until you feel calm.


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Headaches Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:53 +0000

More than half of all headaches are clogged colon-related. Where there is headache, there is constriction and potential constipation.


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What is a headache? Mosby’s Medical Dictionary defines a headache as a pain in the head from any cause. Kinds of headaches include Functional headache, Migraine headache, Organic headache, Sinus headache, and Tension headache.

It continues to define Migraine headache as a recurring vascular headache characterized by a prodromal aura, unilateral onset, and severe pain, photophobia, and autonomic disturbances during the acute phase, which may last for hours or days. The disorder occurs more frequently in women than in men, and predisposition for the disorder is not known, but the head pain is related to dilation of extracranial blood vessels, which may be the result of chemical changes that cause spasms of intracranial vessels. A greatly increased amount of a vasodilating polypeptide related to bradykinin is found in tissue fluid of patients during migraine attacks. Allergic reactions, excess carbohydrates, iodine-rich foods, alcohol, bright lights, or loud noises may trigger attacks, which often occur during a period of relaxation after physical and psychic stress.

By far, most headaches people suffer from are due to TENSION and STRESS. Stress can lead to stomach upsets, constipation, headaches, tension, frigidity and a host of other diseases.

Causes and Risk Factors

Today, there are many causative factors for headaches, which include but are not limited to:

  • Tension
  • Stress
  • anxiety/worry
  • allergies
  • sinus pressure
  • constipation
  • muscle tension
  • disturbance in the blood circulation
  • lack of chi (energy)
  • nutritional deficiencies
  • food sensitivities
  • use of alcohol, drugs, and cigarettes/tobacco
  • exposure to irritants such as colognes and perfume
  • environmental pollutants
  • hormonal imbalance (PMS or menstrual cycle-related)
  • fever
  • acute toxicity (acidosis)
  • eyestrain
  • Sixth Chakra (Ajna) imbalance.

Headaches are also a common ailment associated with the Sixth Chakra (Ajna). Many Sixth Chakraic individuals are prone to headaches. Headaches serve as an indicator of some kind of imbalance in highly sixth chakraic individuals. When they learn to let go-to no longer resist-and convert negative thoughts into positive ones, headaches happen less often.


Headaches may present these symptoms:

  • Pain on one side or area of the head
  • Pulsating pain
  • Light sensitivity
  • Sensitivity to sound
  • Disrupted daily activity
  • Nausea, vomiting or both
  • Tightening of the head and neck muscles
  • Tearing or redness of the eye on the affected side of the head

The side of the head (temple) the headache is on means something on a much deeper level:

  • The left side denotes the feminine, the past, magnetism, receptivity, passivity, and the logical/rational.
  • The right side denotes the masculine, energetic, active, dominant, the future, and creativity (artistic).

Healing Options

There are many options available to help reduce pain associated with headache, ranging from herbs and crystals, essential oils to magnets, to yoga, deep breathing and visualization, pressure points, enema, colonics, acupuncture, massage, positive thinking, ear coning, bentonite clay and ice packs.


General herbs that are great for remedying headaches include White Willow Bark, Red Willow Bark, Black Willow Bark, Meadowsweet, Feverfew, Balm of Gilead (Poplar); Wood Betony, Woodruff, Peppermint, Wintergreen, Lavender Flower, Spearmint, Gotu Kola, Ginkgo Biloba, Kola Nut, Buckbean Leaves, Birch Bark, and Rosemary Leaves.

Herbs good for nervous tension headaches include the general herbs supra in addition to the following herbs: Blue Vervain, Lady’s Slipper, Valerian Root, Wild Lettuce, Chamomile, Lily of the Valley, and Jatamansi.

Herbs good for menstrual-related headaches include the general herbs supra in addition to the following hers: Wild Yam Root, Dong Quai, Valerian Root, Angelica, and Pennyroyal. Herbs good for bilious headaches include the general herbs supra in addition to the following herbs: Goldenseal, Barberry, Boldo, Cascara Sagrada, and Oregon Grape.

Herbs good for constipation-related headaches include the general herbs supra in addition to the following herbs: Cascara Sagrada, Senna Leaves, Buckthorn, Buckbean Leaves, Aloe Vera Resin, and Rhubarb.


Headaches are associated with the Sixth Chakra, which means that all purple and indigo colored crystals and stones are good for healing. Indigo and purple-colored crystals and stones include Amethyst, Charoite, Purple Lepidolite, and Sugilite.

Quartz crystals are highly effective in relieving headache pain. Because they are great absorbers of energy, a quartz crystal can be programmed to extract pain.


Great essential oils that help remedy headaches include Lavender, Rosemary, Birch, Peppermint, Wintergreen, and Spearmint. However, migraine headache sufferers might want to abstain from essential oils as they are very sensitive to smell (all smells) during a migraine episode.


Magnet therapy can give great relief for headaches because they enhance circulation where there is constriction and when there is headache there is constriction. Magnets can be placed directly over the temples and worn for hours. However, magnets should never be worn to bed, especially magnets exceeding 800 gauss.


Deep breathing and yoga for headache prevention and remedy enhance circulation of chi throughout the body, and can be channeled directly to the head area. Deep breathing is a great method to release stagnant, stale, and negative energy from the body. It’s also compatible and complimentary with visualization (imaginative) therapy.


The mind is the greatest tool in healing and always has been and will be. All sickness/disease and healing starts in the mind. The mind is a laboratory whereby we concoct our thoughts, good or bad, pure or polluted, constructive or destructive.


The coffee enema can be quite effective for remedying a headache. Organic coffee (via the rectum) causes the liver to dump off toxins. Alcohol is acidic and this causes the gallbladder to produce excess amounts of bile to counteract the acidity of the alcohol in the stomach and intestinal tract. This is what generally happens in the case of a bilious headache.


Some headaches can be related to a clogged colon or constipation, so when you start addressing the colon by cleansing it, you are helping to lessen and eventually eradicate your headaches that are due to having a taxed, polluted, and clogged colon. is PRO colonics (and enemas).


Acupuncture can help remove blocked and stagnant chi (energy). Remember, where there is headache, there is constriction and where there is constriction there is blocked energy and blood flow. Acupuncture does the same thing as magnet therapy; however, the difference is magnet therapy is noninvasive whereas acupuncture is invasive.


Massage works great wonders in relieving headaches, especially tension headaches. Massage loosens up tight muscles in the shoulders and neck that constrict due to tension, worry, and stress. Massage helps these negative things to melt and dissolve, especially if you are working with a great massage therapist.


Ear coning is a great tool in remedying sinus headaches. Ear coning removes debris that can cause compression against ear nerves, which can lead to headache.


Positive thinking is visualization and imaginative therapy. Your body functions optimally when you are happy and feeling positive. The blood flows freely, acidity gives way to alkalinity, toxins find their way out of the body quickly via the eliminative channels; hormonal secretions secrete in abundant amounts, the cells communicate clearly, the skin radiates, the eyes shine and sparkle, and old age (degeneration) gives way to rejuvenation.


Apply bentonite clay to the temple where the headache stems from. The tightening action of the clay from drying helps to draw out negative energy. Where there is heavy metal toxicity there is emotional toxicity.


Ice packs or bags work well by simply numbing the pain. Clearly this is symptomatic but is highly helpful and palliative.

Dietary Intervention

Headache may be triggered by food sensitivity or allergy. There are some foods that are more likely to be associated with headache than others, including:

  • Food additives such as coloring or flavor
  • MSG
  • Artificial sweeteners such as aspartame (NutraSweet and Equal), saccharine (Sweet-n-Low) or sugar derivatives (Splenda)
  • Cured meats
  • Chocolate
  • Red wine
  • Aged cheeses
  • Nuts
  • Alcohol
  • Ice cream
  • Sulfites
  • Nitrates

Reduce or eliminate these types of foods or ingredients from your diet to reduce the occurrence and frequency of headache.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids, the kind found in flaxseeds and walnuts, are thought to help prevent or minimize headache, especially migraines.

Dherbs Solutions products beneficial in treating and healing headaches include:

Thank you for reading !


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Think Yourself Healthy Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:52 +0000

In order to heal you must positively change your thoughts and thinking.


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Thinking or how you think is very important in healing. In fact, you thought yourself into sickness, infirmity, ailment, injury and disease. Your thinking is what started your sickness or disease. As all comes from thought, so does sickness and disease. Most people don’t have a clue of this, but they thought themselves into their present state, whatever that state may be.

First, you think yourself sick; then you speak yourself sick. Take fear for example. It is very true that “what you fear will appear.” When you fear a thing, you attract the thing you fear via the Law of Attraction (LOA). Many people out there fear contracting genital herpes or some other STD. This fear is embedded deep into the subconscious mind. It matches what’s on the conscious mind. The subconscious mind is what manifests what’s on the conscious mind. The people who consciously fear contracting genital herpes or some other STD attract the very same thing they fear or do not want and they do so via ignorance of Higher Law or Universal Law.

This is why it pays to only think positive, especially when the thought of a thing is recurrent or consistent because consistent thoughts magnifies the thought and brings the thought ultimately into physical manifestation.

If you keep having thoughts of contracting some new virus, you’ll eventually “catch” that virus. Basically, your body will give you the new virus by developing the new virus. Your body can develop poison or it can develop a nepenthe, panacea, or antidote. Your body (it’s endocrine system) is a laboratory. It is alchemical, mystical, and magical.

You must watch your thoughts and you most certainly must watch your words. Again, people are speaking themselves into sickness. Saying things like: ‘I can’t stand you!’, ‘You get on my damn nerves!’, ‘You make me sick!’; ‘You make my stomach turn!’, or “you’re a pain in my neck!’ actually causes your body to respond to these statements (words) and eventually manifest such statements (words) in your physical body and in the precise or specific geographical areas of your body. Your body responds to everything you say, positive or negative. The impact of words, be they positive or negative, are stored in your tissues throughout your body.

This is why in order to heal you must positively change your thoughts and thinking, which should change how you speak.

If you doubt the efficacy of health products, herbs, or healing modalities or therapies, you lessen their efficacy.

If you think Full Body Cleanse or Anti-Viral Cleanse and Regimen or any other cleanse won’t work for you despite performing the cleanses, you have made this your unconscious intent and so you don’t get the healing you truly desire from performing the cleanses.

If you think you can’t be cured or healed from a so-called incurable disease, chances are you won’t be cured or healed and it’s nobody’s fault but your own. Doubt is the subconscious will to fail.

You must think POSITIVE! You must think OPTIMISTICALLY! You must think PROGRESSIVELY! You must think PROACTIVELY!

Negative thinking blocks your healing. It keeps you in a diseased state. A clear mind is needed in order to successfully heal.

Visualize yourself the way you desire to see yourself. Feel RIGHT NOW how you desire to feel. If you desire a clean bill of health, FEEL like it! How would you feel if you released 20-30 pounds (if you needed to do so)? Then FEEL like it right now! Use your mind! Well, at least use your mind for yourself because perhaps up until this moment you have been using your mind for someone or something else. Start using your mind for yourself! After all, it’s YOUR mind! You are the first party lien-holder on your mind. You are the holder in due course of your mind. Start acting like it!

Your thoughts create your reality. Think yourself out of disease and into a state of optimal health and well-being or homeostasis (balance).

What you VISUALIZE can and will MATERIALIZE! So constantly visualize a healthier and happier YOU! Visualize this into reality! You can do it as numerous individuals have done it with great success.

Thank you for your reading!

Excerpted from the article “How To Heal.”


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What Can I Do To Get Bigger and Gain More Weight? Thu, 13 Jun 2013 16:25:51 +0000

Exercise is fundamental to putting on weight. Muscle weighs more than fat, so if weight gain is what you're after, then start moving.


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Humans are designed to be a certain size with specific characteristics based on genetics, environmental exposure and diet. Nature isn’t capable to help people feel better about themselves by altering their body shape.

At best Nature will only help you to maintain something, to keep a part toned, defined, and structured. Nature provides us with:

  • Minerals
  • Trace elements
  • Vitamins and B-vitamins
  • Amino acids (protein)
  • EFA (essential fatty acids)
  • Oxygen
  • H2o (water)
  • Solar energy (sunlight)
  • And a plethora of other nutrients man has not yet given a name to

The Power of Visualization

One of the best ways to naturally augment the body or certain body parts is to use mental science, specifically visualization.

Visualize the size of the body part you desire to have augmented. SEE IT! See it constantly. Feel it! What you visualize will eventually materialize.

Dietary intervention

Your energy must come from food and oxygen! Your protein must come from food as well.

Everything you eat has protein, but for foods containing higher concentrations of protein, look for and consume a lot of the following (in capsule or powdered form):

  • Spirulina
  • Chlorella
  • Hemp Seeds
  • Fenugreek Seeds
  • Blue Green Algae
  • Moringa Seed
  • Bee Pollen (for vegetarians, not vegans)
  • Alfalfa
  • Dulse
  • Kelp
  • Chia Seeds
  • Teff (grain)

To increase your energy levels while working out or performing athletics, consume the following (in capsule, tea, or extract form):

  • Gotu Kola
  • Gingko Biloba
  • Yohimbe Bark (Corynanthe)
  • Ginseng (all kinds)
  • Cordyceps Guarana
  • Yerba Mate
  • Kola Nut
  • Green Tea
  • Suma (Brazilian Ginseng)
  • Maca Maca
  • Ephedra or Ma Huang (if you can find it)
  • Blessed Thistle or Holy Thistle
  • Damiana
  • Fo Ti
  • Tieng Epimedium
  • Horny Goat Weed

The caffeine found in stimulant herbs such as Green Tea, Guarana, Yerba Mate, Kola Nut, etc. are all natural sources of caffeine and are not addictive like man-made caffeine.

For natural steroidal effects, consume herbs such as:

Breast enhancement

While not a replacement for breast augmentation, some women may naturally help augment, tone, and give definition to the breasts by taking Saw Palmetto Berry (6-9 capsules daily; 3-6 cups of tea daily).

A word about soy

Soy is an industrial by-product. It shouldn’t be consumed daily or excessively. It is a highly processed substance, and a lot of soy on the market today is of the GMO (genetically modified organism) variety.


Exercise is fundamental to putting on weight. Muscle weighs more than fat, so if weight gain is what you’re after, then start moving.

The exercise program is going to be different for everyone. And different types of exercise help create different looks. For example: if you want long, lean muscles, then yoga, pilates, ballet, swimming are in order. If you want big, thick muscles, then start lifting things: small children, free weights, jugs of water, etc.

A note about bodybuilding

Many men ask what can they do maintain muscle while detoxifying their body and/or to become or remain a vegan or raw foodist. Others ask what can they do to develop more size while abstaining from eating meat and other forms of faux protein.

Nature does not have a special food to develop muscles and/or to put more weight on bodies.

Your muscles are toned and defined from working out, not eating food. If you want to maintain your muscle mass, keep exercising. If you want to build muscle, then add strength training to your workout, or increase the weight and reps of your current program until the desired results are achieved.

Dherbs Solutions products that assist the athlete, body builder, exerciser, etc. include:

Thank you for reading!


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