5 Mindfulness Practices You Can Do Every Day
Sure, the holidays are stressful, but so too is everyday life. Here are easy mindfulness practices that you can do all year round.
Sure, the holidays are stressful, but so too is everyday life. Here are easy mindfulness practices that you can do all year round.
What does a vision board do for your life? Learn how to make a vision board and how it can help you achieve your goals.
If the idea of New Year’s resolutions makes you groan, try something different, and a whole lot more effective, by adopting manifestations.
Create better intention and build a sacred space with vision boards, which can help you invite more focus and direction into your life.
Meditation is a healing practice that can reduce stress and improve your overall well-being. It seems simple enough: sit in a quiet place, close your eyes, and find your inner tranquility. Only it’s not that simple, and people get frustrated when they can’t meditate like an eighty-eight year-old monk their first time. Beginning Meditation The […]
Panic attacks can be scary and uncomfortable, especially if you don’t know how to control them. Collect yourself and calm down with these remedies.
Don’t have time to exercise or get to your yoga class during the holidays? Keep it simple and stress-free with these breathing techniques.
More than half of all headaches are clogged colon-related. Where there is headache, there is constriction and potential constipation.
In order to heal you must positively change your thoughts and thinking.
Exercise is fundamental to putting on weight. Muscle weighs more than fat, so if weight gain is what you’re after, then start moving.
First Chakra Description
Understanding how the mind works is critical to attracting and enjoying abundance, wealth, prosperity, and affluence. The part of your brain that you are aware of is your Conscious Mind. On the flip side of the token, pertaining to your brain, of course, is the Subconscious Mind – the part of your brain you are […]
How crystals are used as a mental way of cleansing and clearing negative energy. Crystals intwine with our spirituality and mental well being
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