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The United States is in the middle of another COVID-19 summer surge. Scientists explain why COVID spikes return during summer months.


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Fall and winter, besides being associated with the holidays, are considered cold and flu season. At the moment, though, the United States (U.S.) is in the middle of another COVID-19 summer surge. Surveillance data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that high levels of the virus have been detected across most of the country. With the exception of 19 states, COVID-19 cases are very high, especially in the western part so the U.S.

Although it is inconvenient, it is very normal for COVID cases to spike during the summer. In fact, it has happened every summer since COVID-19 arrived on the scene. Why do cases increase, though? Below, we will explain why it tends to happen during the summer months and how you can protect yourself from the virus.

What Is A Summer Surge?

A COVID summer surge is defined by an unexpected increase in the number of COVID cases during the summer months, according to infectious disease specialists. Other than allergies, mild infectious illnesses like the cold and flu are common during fall and winter. That said, viruses can surge any time of the year. A COVID surge in the summer is common because people travel more and gather in large groups indoors and outdoors. 

The virus continues to evolve and stays ahead of the immune system. The immune system recognizes the infection of past variants as new ones appear, which can lead to an increase in new infections. And over the years, health experts have observed a big surge in COVID-19 cases at the beginning of summer. 

What Is Causing The Current Surge?

There isn’t just one cause that health experts can blame for the increase in COVID cases. The first of many causes is that people do not have immunity to the new variants. Immunity to prior COVID infection is short-lived. In fact, immunity can wane after just three months. That means that you need a new strategy if you plan to rely on your immunity to protect against COVID-19 infection. Perhaps that looks like getting a COVID booster vaccine, which is given out similarly to the flu vaccine nowadays. 

The COVID-19 FLiRT variants are largely driving this summer surge, though. These variants are more adept at evading the immune system. The weather may also factor into the equation. Some health experts explain that the emerging variants potentially thrive more in the heat than they do in the cold. That could cause an increase in COVID cases in the summer, as opposed to late fall and early winter. Additionally, the extreme heat, which is present across the country, drives people to gather indoors. 

Is it possible that the 2024 Summer Olympic Games will cause an uptick in COVID-19 cases? It’s always possible because large gatherings, be they indoor or outdoor, are the perfect environment for the virus to spread easily. That is true for people having guests over to their houses to watch the Olympics, or for attendees watching the games in person. In fact, there is already evidence of some olympic athletes testing positive since the start of the Summer Games. 

Will The COVID Surge Continue?

Health experts anticipate that the surge will continue as summer comes to a close. As long as people gather indoors and travel, transmission remains a worry. That said, infectious disease specialists are hopeful that another surge will not hit until late fall, or even early winter when people travel to see family for the holidays. If people take precautions, though, there is a chance that another spike in cases will not occur. It’s also possible that another surge will not be as big as the summer surge. 

How Do You Protect Yourself During Surges?

In order to prepare for a surge and reduce your risk of infection during summer, health experts encourage the following:

  • Test regularly for COVID-19, especially if you live with high-risk individuals
  • Open your windows if you have a large gathering
  • Practice good hygiene by washing hands regularly and using hand sanitizer
  • Wear a mask in crowded indoor spaces, especially if you have a loved one who is immunocompromised 
  • Use a HEPA air filtration system to reduce the risk of transmission
  • Stay up-to-date on boosters and vaccinations


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The CDC May Issue New COVID-19 Isolation Rules Wed, 28 Feb 2024 09:17:00 +0000

In the coming months, there could be a shift in the CDC’s recommendation for COVID-19 isolation. How will this effect the general public?


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According to the current rules, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) instructs people to isolate themselves for at least five days once they test positive for COVID-19. That may change in the coming months because the CDC may issue new guidelines. The new guidelines would depend on symptoms and not merely a positive test result. This marks a shift from how people currently attempt to reduce the spread of COVID-19.

The new guidelines state that you can end isolation if you are fever-free for 24 hours and have mild or improving symptoms. Changes to existing guidelines would not go into effect until at least April, which is the end of respiratory viral season. Health experts agree that that is a wise choice, given the presence of influenza, RSV, general viruses, and COVID strains that are currently circulating. This would be a big transition from current protocols, with some arguing that the newer guidelines are dangerous. Others agree that not everyone can afford to isolate. Here’s how infectious disease experts feel about the potential upcoming changes. 

New Guidelines Rely On Personal Responsibility

Most infectious disease experts agree that you should not go to work when you are sick, no matter what sickness you have. Taking time to rest and heal is paramount, and not going to work helps reduce the spread of whatever virus you have. Changing COVID-19 isolation guidelines, then, essentially normalizes COVID-19, along with other viruses that can cause respiratory illnesses. 

It is up to the individual to be responsible and honest about symptoms. If the symptoms are bad, they should not go out in public. When symptoms improve, they should continue to take precautions, like wearing a mask inside public spaces, for example. Once the person does not have a fever and symptoms are either improving or generally mild, experts agree that it is reasonable to return back to the outside world. It is, however, possible that the new guidelines will suggest people to wear masks upon returning to work. 

The new guidelines also take into account that more people are protected against severe disease or hospitalization and death. Gone are the early days of the pandemic, when most people didn’t have any immune protection. Infectious disease specialists agree that people have built up a certain level of community immunity, so the new guidelines seem reasonable. 

The Change Addresses The Fact That Most People Cannot Miss Five Days Of Work

If the person works from home, which became a popular method of employment during the pandemic, then missing work doesn’t really factor into the equation. You don’t have to leave your house, therefore you don’t have to worry about infecting fellow employees. If people work in an office or in a physical location, missing work for five days may not be easy or possible. Plus, people tend to rely on at-home testing more so than a test from a doctor’s office. 

Many employers may not be willing to accept an at-home test as a reliable confirmation of COVID-19 infection. A test may be required from a doctor, so it is harder for people to abide by at-home isolation requirements these days. 

Could New Guidelines Threaten High-Risk People?

In some places, more so than others, COVID cases have dropped this year. Additionally, experts note that those who contract the virus have had lower severity of significant illness. That said, some people continue to experience complications, such as severe disease, that require hospitalization, or symptoms from long COVID. Is it true that many people recover just fine from COVID without serious symptoms? Yes, but people with weak immunity, even if they got the vaccine and boosters, may not have a protective immune response against the virus. 

That means that a significant number of people have an increased risk of severe symptoms that result from COVID-19 infection. Because of that, it is the responsibility of the people with stronger immunity to take precautions if symptoms are mild. Wear a mask in public if you don’t have a fever and are no longer isolating. That can go a long way in limiting the spread of the virus to people who are highly vulnerable. 

There is still a risk to reentering the public with active COVID-19 infection. Infectious disease experts hope that masking becomes more of a norm if people come out of isolation with mild symptoms. Masking is more commonplace in other countries, but there is still a general stigma around it in the United States. If you do not feel well enough to go out, wear a mask so that you don’t spread whatever you have to your loved ones, coworkers, or community. 

COVID-19 Isn’t Gone

COVID-19 is not gone forever if the CDC changes its guidelines. Many experts agree that COVID is here to stay, and the public needs to understand that, even if it isn’t the primary news story. Do all that you can to protect and care for yourself and others, especially those who have weaker immune systems or existing health conditions. All experts can do is encourage people to do the right thing, but it will be interesting to see what the CDC’s new guidelines are and how they affect the spread and infection rates. Even though COVID-19 may soon be viewed as an endemic disease, it is by no means an insignificant illness.


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Is It Time To Start Wearing A Mask Again? Wed, 13 Sep 2023 09:39:00 +0000

With COVID-19 hospitalizations on the rise, infectious disease specialists is recommending face coverings in these three scenarios.


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In late August 2023, hospitalizations due to COVID-19 steadily climbed. The data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) showed that hospital admissions increased by 19% during the week ending August 19, 2023. Compare that to early June of 2023 when the weekly average of positive COVID-19 tests was about four percent. That figure has since tripled to 13.4%, and the region of Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas, and New Mexico hit a positivity rate of 18%. 

Ever since states made masks completely optional, the percentage of people wearing masks outside their home in the U.S. decreased. The percentage went from about 57% in January 2022 to around 27% in January 2023, according to data from Covid States Project. Did vaccines have anything to do with that? It’s not for us to say, especially since vaccinated individuals may not be protected against new subvariants

Infectious disease specialists still argue that masks can provide good protection in several scenarios. Many people don’t want to wear masks for their own reasons, while others continue to wear masks to protect themselves or other high-risk individuals. Wear a mask or don’t wear a mask, and let everyone do what they feel is right for them. 

COVID-19 Mask Mandates Reappear

Overall COVID-19 indicators are down from this time last year, but some institutions don’t want to take chances. For example, Morris Brown College in Atlanta, Georgia posted on Instagram that it was restarting the mask mandate because of positive COVID-19 cases among students. Becker Hospital Review found eight hospitals that reintroduced face covering rules. Kaiser Permanente’s Santa Rosa Hospital in California states that masks are required upon entrance and throughout the duration of your visit. 

Other institutions that recently reinstated mask policies include Upstate Medical University in Syracuse and Auburn Community Hospital in Auburn, New York. UMass Memorial now requires employees to wear masks when visiting emergency room and cancer patients.

Should You Consider Masking Again? 

Infectious disease experts also recommend that you wear masks, or at least take more precautions, in certain situations. Consider wearing a mask in a public space if the following conditions apply to you:

  • Going on a big trip in the very near future
  • Getting married or attending a wedding soon
  • Taking care of someone who is immunocompromised

For people who have a higher risk of severe COVID-19 complications, consider wearing a mask in crowded public spaces. Planes, trains, or enclosed areas with lots of people are breeding grounds for COVID-19. Nobody wants to get COVID-19, so take matters into your own hands and increase protection. 

If You Choose To Mask, Wear It Right

If you wear a mask, don’t wear it as a chin diaper. Make sure that you secure the face covering over your nose and mouth to protect yourself from breathing in contaminated droplets. There are many high-quality masks available these days, so get one that fits well. KN95s and surgical masks offer great protection, while NIOSH-approved respirators offer the highest level of protection, according to the CDC. How much protection you need will depend on you and how much you want to stay safe. It’s hard to say what COVID-19 cases will look like in the coming months, but taking precautions may help limit the spread and keep communities safe.


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XBB.1.5 Is The Top COVID-19 Subvariant In The U.S. Tue, 10 Jan 2023 09:03:00 +0000

The highly contagious omicron subvariant XBB has surged to more than 50% of COVID-19 cases in the United States, raising concerns.


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It can be difficult to stay current with the coronavirus, especially with the highly mutated and fast-moving omicron variant. In the latest COVID-19 news, a new omicron subvariant, XBB.1.5, has become the predominant strain responsible for more than 50% of COVID-19 infections in the United States. In the week of December 24th, 2022, XBB accounted for 18.3% of the COVID-19 cases in the United States. That number increased from 11.2% in the previous week, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 

By the very end of 2022, XBB accounted for over 40.5% of cases in the country. In the northeastern United States, three out of four cases are currently XBB.1.5. The interesting thing is that XBB subvariants were barely on the radar three to four months ago. At that time, the CDC stated that omicron subvariant BA.5 made up 80% of infections. After that, BQ.1 and BQ.1.1 took over. Now, BA.5 only accounts for 3.7% of cases. It’s a wildly unpredictable landscape, with XBB.1.5 multiplying at record speed. 

XBB.1.5 Appears To Be More Contagious Than Other Subvariants

XBB.1.5 is very, very contagious, according to the CDC. Infectious disease experts say that it is outcompeting other variants. This subvariant has already driven outbreaks in parts of Asia, including Singapore. The increased numbers in the northeastern United States, as we previously mentioned, may be an indicator of what will come in the rest of the country. As of December 30th, 2022, the New York Times COVID Tracker noted that New York and New Jersey saw some of the country’s highest per-capita case rates. 

Do Rising Hospitalizations In New York Foreshadow An Increase In COVID-19 Cases Across The U.S.?

Recent New York health figures suggest a steady rise in COVID-19 hospitalizations. A few southern states, including South Carolina and Kentucky, also experienced worsening conditions. Experts don’t know if XBB.1.5 is specifically driving hospitalizations, but the data doesn’t look favorable. It is a contributing factor at the very least, but more information is needed. 

When a new variant moves to a different geographic area, the risk of a mini outbreak in that area is high. That said, experts do not see the XBB subvariant driving the same massive surges as the original omicron variant did at the end of 2021. That’s great news!

Do Current COVID-19 Vaccines Protect Against XBB.1.5?

As stated when the original vaccine rolled out, they won’t keep you 100% protected from COVID-19 infection. As of now, experts believe that current vaccines will offer substantial protection against a mild or moderate infection developing into severe illness. Infectious disease experts say, from a vaccine point of view, that vaccinated individuals are still okay in that sense. XBB.1.5 is not yet a variant of concern, but it is of great interest because of the way it’s spreading. Current CDC data shows that only 15% of Americans are up to date on the most recent COVID-19 booster shot

Vaccination is obviously optional and you need to do what’s right for you. Don’t simply rely on vaccinations, though. Do your part to stay healthy by eating the right foods and getting a sufficient amount of weekly exercise. Various modalities can also help improve immune function and respiratory health, so explore those options in your efforts to stay safe and healthy.


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5 Ways To Make Holiday Gatherings Safer During COVID-19 Times Sun, 20 Nov 2022 09:29:00 +0000

Health experts detail how you can steer clear of COVID-19 and the flu when you get together with friends and family this holiday season.


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After COVID-19 vaccines rolled out, a lot of families said “so long” to Zoom and FaceTime and resumed in-person holiday celebrations. It was a relief to see people again and resume what seemed like a pre-pandemic lifestyle. Even with vaccinations and boosters, the virus continued to infect people, which was evident in the 2021 winter surge of COVID-19 cases. With COVID on the retreat, though, it seems that this holiday season is much safer than the previous two. 

Most people don’t even factor COVID-19 into the equation anymore. Some people don’t even acknowledge it as a threat, while others remain cautious and want to do everything they can to stay safe. Regardless of whether people wear masks or don’t, get vaccinated or not, there seems to be conflicting public health guidance about precautions. This can unsettle anyone and people may not be sure of how they want to celebrate during the holidays. 

How many parties should you attend? What are the “rules of the game” at your Friendsgiving? Are there things you should do to avoid a COVID-19-giving at your Thanksgiving? Infectious disease experts say that it is good to take a cautious approach to holiday gatherings. You cannot predict how COVID will unfold, but you can do your part to stay safe, especially if you have family or loved ones that are more susceptible to serious infection. If you want to keep yourself and others safe during holiday gatherings, consider employing the following strategies. 

Stay Home If You Have Symptoms

This holds true whether or not you have COVID-19, flu, or RSV symptoms. Since the top symptoms of COVID-19 have changed, you may want to click here for that information. If you have a runny nose, sore throat, cough, headache, or fever, it is best to stay home until you feel better, even if you test negative for COVID-19. Viruses like the flu and RSV can seriously affect small children, pregnant women, and older or more vulnerable people. If you have any upper respiratory illness, you should not be at a gathering, according to infectious disease specialists. A lot of symptoms may seem innocuous, but that isn’t always the case. 

Exercise Caution Leading Up To The Gathering

In the 10 days or week preceding your holiday gathering, health experts recommend that you take precautions. That includes minimizing contact with people outside your household. Keep an eye on the data in your area and observe any public health reports or warnings. COVID-19 continues to hospitalize and kill people, indicating that the virus continues to spread, even if the sickness is more mild for a lot of people now. Double-check that nobody has symptoms or has not been exposed before your gathering. It’s a great idea to take a COVID-19 test as another safety precaution. 

Stay Safe During Travel

Masks aren’t required for most travel these days, but that tends to depend on the airline, or the country you’re visiting. In general, air quality on planes is better than it is on buses or trains. Although your chances of getting sick in the sky are fairly low, it can be beneficial to mask up, especially while you are in the airport. Additionally, you may want to keep your mask on while the plane taxies to the runway. The reason for this is because filtration systems may not turn on  when the plane is grounded. And if you travel by train or bus, consider masking up for the duration of the journey. 

Ventilate Your Party Space

Open a window or two, and maybe even a door, to invite fresh air into your holiday gathering. Improving ventilation, so long as weather permits, can help prevent virus particles from accumulating in a space. You don’t have to invest in a fancy air filter, as there isn’t much data that suggests high-tech options are better than natural ventilation. Don’t have a great cross-breeze? Place a fan next to an open window and have it oscillate to move air around the room. If your place has an air-conditioning (HVAC) system, you can reduce viral transmission by setting the fan to the “on” position, as opposed to “auto” when you have people over. 

Don’t Forget About Other Viruses

COVID-19 has been the reigning champ of viruses for the last few years, but influenza and RSV are sickening a lot of people right now. Infectious disease experts explain that that’s all the more reason to take precautions this holiday season. Do your best to avoid high-risk settings, such as indoor crowded events, especially the week before your holiday gatherings. In addition to avoiding crowds, take care of your health by eating healthy foods. Consider amping up your immune system with an all-natural vitamin C supplement, get a lot of sleep, and do your best to get in 30 minutes of physical activity every day.


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The Top COVID-19 Symptoms Have Changed Thu, 03 Nov 2022 09:45:00 +0000

According to a new study, the top COVID-19 symptoms have changed, mimicking those of the common cold and flu. Here’s what they are.


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For more than two years, the world has seen the evolution of the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) that causes COVID-19. From people on ventilators to asymptomatic carriers, COVID-19 affects everyone differently. We’ve also seen breakthrough cases among vaccinated individuals and reinfection among the unvaccinated and vaccinated. It continues to be an evolving situation, as do the top symptoms

The UK-based Zoe Health Study (formerly the COVID Symptom Study) recently identified the most common COVID-19 symptoms among current infections. This study based the findings on the information from more than four million people who used a special app to report signs of infection. The recent analysis found that infections from omicron sub-variants result in symptoms that mimic those of the common cold or flu. Symptoms may vary depending on vaccination status, underlying health conditions, and overall health. 

Coronavirus symptoms from earlier variants now rank lower on the list of the most common symptoms. Loss of smell (or other sensory changes from COVID-19), shortness of breath, and fever are less common among newer infections. And although vaccinated individuals can still contract COVID-19, the study found that the symptoms were much more mild among them, or that they experienced very few symptoms. Additionally, vaccinated individuals got better more quickly. 

Top COVID-19 Symptoms Among Those Who’ve Received Two Vaccine Doses

  • Sore throat
  • Runny nose
  • Blocked nose
  • Persistent cough
  • Headache

Researchers in the Zoe study found that vaccinated people who tested positive for COVID-19 reported sneezing. If you are vaccinated and start sneezing a lot without explanation, consider getting a COVID test as you may be infected. This will help reduce the risk of spreading the virus to those around you, some of whom may be in worse health than others. 

Top COVID-19 Symptoms Among Those Who’ve Had One Vaccine Dose

  • Headache
  • Runny nose
  • Sore throat
  • Sneezing
  • Persistent cough

Zoe study editors observed that persistent cough was one of the original symptoms of COVID-19 infection. Among the most recent data, though, it ranks lower than sneezing and runny nose, two symptoms that were originally thought to be unrelated to COVID-19 infection.

Top COVID-19 Symptoms Among The Unvaccinated

  • Headache
  • Sore throat
  • Runny nose
  • Fever
  • Persistent cough

According to the Zoe study, loss of smell is still in the top 10 symptoms for unvaccinated individuals who contract COVID-19. It ranks at number nine, but shortness of breath (an original symptom) now ranks at number 30. 

Why Have The Top Symptoms Changed?

The data from the Zoe study is consistent with what many clinicians have observed in COVID-19 patients over the past few months. Why the shift in symptoms is not entirely clear, though. Infectious disease specialists think that the change in top symptoms is multifactorial. The virus has evolved over time in order to maximize transmission and higher levels of immunity in the population (attributed to vaccination and prior infection). 

Cough, Cold, Or Flu? It May Be COVID-19

We covered that symptoms of recent omicron infections tend to mimic those of the common cold or flu. Because of that, people who experience those symptoms may not think that they have COVID, especially since they weren’t common symptoms earlier in the pandemic. If you do experience those symptoms, especially if they are respiratory symptoms, it is wise to test to confirm infection. COVID-19 is still a relevant illness, despite the fact that nearly all restrictions have been lifted. Take care of your health, get a new bivalent COVID-19 booster this fall if you want to, and be safe during the upcoming holiday season. 


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Expect These Side Effects From The New Omicron Booster Tue, 11 Oct 2022 09:45:00 +0000

Healthy experts suggest that common side effects from the new Omicron poster will be similar to those of previous COVID-19 vaccines.


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Thinking of getting the new Omicron COVID-19 booster shot? Health experts say that you should expect similar side effects that resulted from previous COVID-19 shots. Some common side effects include headache, muscle pain, fatigue, skin redness, and pain at the injection site. The new booster may be more effective at preventing serious illness because it addresses the current circulating variants more precisely than previous shots. 

The good news is that possible side effects from the new vaccines won’t likely differ from those associated with previous boosters and vaccines. In August 2022, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gave emergency-use authorization to a pair of new booster shots. Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech developed the latest boosters, both of which aim to target the original COVID-19 strain and the newest Omicron (BA.4 and BA.5). 

Experts suggest that the immune system should be able to easily seek out the more specific spike protein in the new Omicron booster. This should help the immune system fight off serious infection from the current variants in circulation. Since the immune system should be able recognize the spike proteins in the booster, health workers hope that it may recognize new variants more easily.

New Side Effects Are Not Surprising

Clinical trials testing the BA.4 and BA.5-specific booster shots are ongoing. This is a fairly common process for vaccines that require a strain update, similar to the annual flu shot. Instead, experts rely on data from the first round of booster shots and from a similar bivalent COVID-19 vaccine, the one that targeted BA.1. The new Omicron variants only slightly differ from the original BA.1 subvariant

When experts looked at the side effects of boosters in current trials, there were no surprises. The current list of side effects is nearly identical to all of the side effects from the regular booster. Additionally, the side effects from the new booster are contingent with those of the initial vaccine. This is most likely because the vaccine ingredients are essentially the same. The only change is which proteins on the surface of the protein it encodes for. This is to help optimize immune response against current and future variants. 

Pfizer Booster Side Effects

Pain at the injection site seems to be the most common complaint from people who received Pfizer’s updated booster. About 60% of trial participants reported pain at the injection site, in addition to fatigue, headache, joint pain, muscle pain, fever, and nausea. Researchers observed all of those symptoms with Pfizer’s original COVID-19 booster shot as well. In the current trials for Pfizer’s bivalent booster, no adverse effects were reported. Experts will continue to keep an eye on the rare risk of myocarditis in both Pfizer and Moderna booster recipients. Myocarditis is a condition that involves inflammation of the heart muscle, and it has occurred mostly in teens and younger adults. 

Moderna Booster Side Effects

Similar to Pfizer booster recipients, those who received the Moderna bivalent Omicron booster reported pain at the injection site. In the trials, though, about 80% reported injection site pain, which is higher than the Pfizer trial participants. Fatigue, joint pain, muscle pain, nausea, chills, and fever were also common symptoms. The five most common side effects that people reported after a dose of Moderna’s original COVID-19 booster were injection site pain, headache, muscle pain, fatigue, and joint pain. 

Currently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends these two boosters if you choose to get them. Johnson & Johnson’s (J&J) booster hasn’t been retooled to target Omicron. Additionally, health experts don’t advise the J&J vaccine because of the rare but serious complication involving a blood clotting disorder. Not everyone experiences side effects after a COVID-19 vaccine or booster, though. For the people who do, the side effects are typically mild and go away after a day or two. If the symptoms linger, call your doctor to inquire about how to alleviate them.


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The Myths Of Monkeypox, Debunked By Health Experts Thu, 18 Aug 2022 09:24:00 +0000

Still trying to figure out what monkeypox is and how to avoid getting it? Here’s what the experts have to say about this disease.


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Medical misinformation is far from new. In fact, it became so rampant and harmful during the COVID-19 pandemic that the U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek H. Murthy had to issue an advisory about it in 2021. Not only does health misinformation threaten public health, but it can also cause mistrust, confusion, and can undermine public health efforts. 

Now, there are many countries around the world dealing with monkeypox. In the United States, monkeypox was recently declared a health emergency, which you can learn more about by clicking here. Because it is a relatively new outbreak and the disease is unfamiliar, monkeypox naturally has conspiracies and misinformation around it. Rumors will kick into high gear and people may or may not believe the information that comes out. As a result, people won’t have the information they need to stay safe. 

Infectious disease experts got together to put an end to the misinformation about monkeypox. Below, you will find myths about the disease that health experts debunked. 

Myth: Monkeypox Is A New Strain Of COVID-19

No, monkeypox is not a new strain of COVID-19. In fact, monkeypox belongs to the smallpox family of viruses, meaning there is no connection to monkeypox and the coronavirus. There is a different transmission and life cycle, so you don’t contract it the same way you contract COVID-19. Monkeypox is not an airborne virus and even though cases are on the rise, it isn’t showing the fatalities that resulted from COVID-19 infection. That said, the signs and symptoms of the virus can be unpleasant and severe. 

Myth: Monkeypox Is A New Disease

This may be the first time in history that people in the United States are learning about monkeypox. In reality, monkeypox has been around for more than six decades. Scientists first learned of the virus in 1958, when two pox-like outbreaks occurred in colonies of research monkeys. It was Dr. Mark Fischer, the regional medical director at International SOS, who said it was first seen in humans in 1970 in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Until this year, however, most monkeypox cases were limited to a few African countries, where the virus is endemic. 

Myth: You Can Get Monkeypox From A Swimming Pool

Scientists continue to research monkeypox and how it spreads. As of now, it doesn’t seem to be a waterborne virus; rather, it primarily spreads via skin-to-skin contact. It can spread when people touch unwashed linens and clothing previously used/worn by someone with monkeypox. Keeping that in mind, take precautions at the swimming pool. Be aware of what you touch, including towels, clothing, and other objects outside of the pool. The pool itself will probably not give you monkeypox, but coming in contact with an infected person in the pool or around the pool may cause infection.

Myth: Monkeypox Only Affects Gay And Bisexual Men

The current outbreak has symptoms that differ from previously monkeypox outbreaks. Some of these symptoms include genital lesions, anal pain, penile swelling, and rectal bleeding. That said, the symptoms are not limited to these sexual orientations. Some social media users have attempted to claim monkeypox as a “gay sickness,” but this is simply untrue. Anybody can contract monkeypox via close contact. Men who have sex with men without using protection during intercourse do have a higher risk of infection, though. 

Myth: There Is No Treatment For Monkeypox

In most cases, the monkeypox virus is self-limiting, meaning most of the infection resolves itself in about two to four weeks. If diagnosed in the right time frame, there are many treatment strategies to fight against monkeypox. For symptomatic care, experts advise people to hydrate, increase electrolyte intake, and take antipyretics. Antivirals, NSAIDs, paracetamol, and nutritional support are all used to treat fever and pain that can come with infection. Additionally, there are two vaccines available to protect against the monkeypox virus, even though both are not monkeypox specific. They are, however, at least 85% effective against monkeypox. 

Myth: Monkeypox Was Created In A Lab

There are people who love a good conspiracy theory, but this is a big myth. Monkeypox originated in a colony of monkeys studied for research in the late 1950s. Sporadic outbreaks occurred over the years, primarily in the tropical rain forests of Central and West Africa. Currently, it remains unknown if the virus originated in monkeys or if they contracted it from another species. Because several species can carry it, monkeys may not have transmitted the virus to humans.


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U.S. Declares Health Emergency As Monkeypox Spreads Sat, 13 Aug 2022 09:08:00 +0000

The World Health Organization just deemed monkeypox a global health emergency, and the U.S. has declared it to be a national crisis.


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President Biden’s health secretary, Xavier Becerra, recently declared the monkeypox outbreak a national health emergency. This is a rare designation, suggesting that the virus represents a significant risk to Americans. This declaration comes after the World Health Organization (WHO) declared monkeypox a global health emergency in July 2022. It also marks the fifth national emergency since 2001. 

According to a press briefing, Becerra said, “We’re prepared to take our response to the next level in addressing this virus, and we urge every American to take monkeypox seriously and to take responsibility to help us tackle this virus.” 

What Does The Data Suggest?

Globally, there are more than 26,000 cases of monkeypox in 87 countries. According to current data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) the United States leads the world in monkeypox infections, with 6,616 across the country. New York, Georgia, and Washington have the highest rates of monkeypox per capita. The disease has the potential to cause serious illness and five deaths were recorded. 

The WHO’s assessment of monkeypox is moderate on a global scale in all regions. In European countries, however, the risk is very high, but the risk of monkeypox disrupting international travel is low as of now. That said, health experts stated that this virus has the potential to cause serious illness. A coordinated international response is necessary in order to stop transmission and protect the most vulnerable groups. 

Similar to the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, tests are difficult to obtain. Surveillance has also been spotty, meaning that obtaining an accurate amount of cases is difficult. The U.S. Administration has also received a lot of negative attention for not properly educating people in the LGBTQI+ community before pride celebrations in June 2022. According to health officials, people in the LGBTQI+ community seem to be the most at risk for monkeypox infection. LGBTQI+ makes up about 5% of the world’s population, yet they have 25% of the world’s monkeypox cases. 

Is There A Plan Of Action?

President Biden recently named Robert Fenton, an administrator with the Federal Emergency Management Agency, as the White House’s national monkeypox response coordinator. Fenton highlighted how the government already scaled up testing services to handle 80,000 tests per week. That number is a massive increase from the 6,000 tests per week that it previously handled. 

The actual number of people being tested is currently at 10% of the capacity. This is why the CDC encourages anyone with a suspected rash that may be monkeypox to get a test. You should be able to schedule a test via your healthcare provider. Quest Diagnostics, Mayo Clinic Laboratories, Sonic Healthcare, and Labcorp are among some of the labs testing for monkeypox. The emergency declaration will allow the government the opportunity to find new strategies to get vaccines or treatments more quickly. This effort will greatly benefit impacted communities, or those most at risk. 

Who Is Most At Risk?

Going off the most recent data, it seems that the median age for those who become infected is 36. People who contract monkeypox, however, range from ages 18 to 76. The vast majority of cases has been among people who identify as men who have sex with men. Both gay and bisexual men who have had sex with multiple partners have a higher risk of contracting monkeypox. The CDC advises people who identify with these groups to be on the lookout for rashes or lesions that seem unusual. These rashes can occur anywhere on the body, especially the genitalia. 

With this information in mind, the WHO has stressed that the general public is unlikely to get monkeypox. On August 1st, 2022, however, at least four children contracted the illness in the United States. Children are most likely to get the virus if they come in contact with someone who has it or is at risk. These things can be prevented if all countries with confirmed cases of monkeypox work together to fight the disease. A united effort is the only way to control the outbreak and prevent further spread.


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Is LA County’s Indoor Mask Mandate Coming Back? Wed, 13 Jul 2022 09:26:00 +0000

Will LA County make the decision to reinstate its indoor mask mandate? With COVID-19 cases on a steady rise, it just might.


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Americans are out and about this summer, with many taking their very first vacations since the beginning of the pandemic. For most places around the country, Los Angeles County included, there are few signs of COVID-19 precautions. Some people continue to wear face coverings indoors, but this isn’t always the case. In fact, LA County continues to experience daily COVID-19 positivity numbers of about 3,700-6,500, depending on the day. 

From June 13, 2022 to June 19, 2022, unvaccinated people were 5.3 times more likely to contract COVID-19 than people who received a booster dose. The new increase in cases and hospitalizations have been fueled by the omicron BA.5 sub-variant, which is very contagious. The BA.5 sub-variant is the fastest-spreading form of omicron so far. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it is responsible for more than 50% of all new COVID-19 cases in the country. Additionally, researchers say that this sub-variant is three to four times more resistant to antibiotics. 

When Could Indoor Masking Happen?

The decision to reinstate the indoor mask mandate will depend on future daily case rates and hospitalization rates. If the number of case and hospitalization rates remains high enough for two weeks, LA County may require indoor masking by July 29, 2022. Fortunately, LA County is not in that high COVID-19 community ever yet. This category indicates that an area is experiencing high COVID-19 spreading, with the transmission straining hospitals. 

The CDC updates community assessments every Thursday. If LA County enters a high COVID-19 community level on July 14th, for example, it has to remain in that tier until July 28th, 2022, for authorities to issue an indoor masking order. This information comes from Barbara Ferrer, LA County’s Public Health Director. She did say, however, that there is no guarantee that the masking order will take effect. 

How Close Is Los Angeles To The Indoor Mask Policy?

There has to be 10 new weekly coronavirus-positive hospitalizations for every 100,000 residents for health officials to reinstate the indoor masking order. As of July 7, 2022, that number was 9.7, a 17% increase from the previous week’s rate of 8.3. From the county’s perspective, though, the actual figure is about 8.4, because that combined federal data from LA and Orange counties. LA County and Orange County numbers have been relatively similar, but Orange County’s new weekly coronavirus-positive hospitalizations for every 100,000 residents was 13.3 as of July 6th, 2022. 

Why Is LA Considering A Mask Mandate Again?

LA County health officials say that the order would align with guidance from the CDC. According to the CDC, indoor masking should be enforced in counties that have high COVID-19 community level. Roughly 60% of California’s counties remain in that category, including the Central Valley and San Francisco Bay areas. About 16 million Californians currently live in a county with a high COVID-19 community level. That number accounts for about 41% of the state’s population. 

In Southern California, Ventura County remains the only county with a high community level. Despite the high community levels in other counties in California, LA County seems to be the only county that has responded to the CDC framework. It will reinstate an indoor mask mandate if the numbers continue to climb. 

Even though health officials recommend wearing a mask indoors as a preventative measure, some officials don’t think it is necessary at this time. The reason for this logic is because epidemiological changes in the virus have taken place. Plus, treatments and vaccines are readily available. Ultimately, health officials want to do their best to avoid the effects of another pandemic wave in LA County. Wear a mask indoors if you can to help reduce the spread of the new contagious BA.5 sub-variant and the mask mandate may not go into effect.


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