Uterine Health - Dherbs - The Best All Natural Herbal Remedies & Products https://www.dherbs.com/tag/uterine-health/ Buy the best herbal supplements, natural remedies, and herbal remedies from Dherbs. We're the #1 alternative medicine store online. ✓ Visit and shop now! Mon, 06 Jan 2025 14:02:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Dangers Of Ectopic Pregnancy https://www.dherbs.com/dhtv/fact-or-fiction/the-dangers-of-ectopic-pregnancy/ Sat, 27 Jan 2024 02:00:09 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/uncategorized/the-dangers-of-ectopic-pregnancy/

Maternal Health Awareness Day is January 23rd, so we wanted to highlight some maternal health facts to raise awareness.


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Maternal Health Awareness Day is January 23rd, so we wanted to highlight some maternal health facts to raise awareness.

0:00 Intro
0:39 2% of all pregnancies are ectopic.
2:30 The ovaries are connected to the fallopian tubes.
3:29 A fetus can implant in the liver.
5:20 You can move an ectopic fetus to the uterus.
7:02 Outro


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This Is The Number 1 Uterine Cancer Symptom! https://www.dherbs.com/dhtv/street-interview/this-is-the-number-1-uterine-cancer-symptom/ Mon, 09 Oct 2023 19:58:22 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/uncategorized/this-is-the-number-1-uterine-cancer-symptom/

Unusual vaginal bleeding after menopause can be a uterine cancer symptom.


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Unusual vaginal bleeding after menopause can be a uterine cancer symptom. There are also factors that can increase the risk of uterine cancer. You can get a Uterine Cancer if you have symptoms screening by a pelvic examination.

0:00 Intro
0:41 if you have bleeding after menopause you need to get checked for uterine cancer straight away?
1:39 At what age should you get your first mammogram?
2:41 What age group of women is most at risk for breast cancer?
4:10 Outro


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Dherbs Yoni Cleanser https://www.dherbs.com/dhtv/dherbs-products/dherbs-yoni-cleanser/ Wed, 04 Dec 2013 20:20:55 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/uncategorized/dherbs-yoni-cleanser/

Yoni Cleanser is an herbal supplement intended to help women in nourishing and maintaining a healthy reproductive system, including the uterus and cervix.


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Yoni Cleanser is an herbal supplement intended to help women in nourishing and maintaining a healthy reproductive system, including the uterus and cervix.


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6 Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Menstrual Cramps https://www.dherbs.com/articles/6-home-remedies-to-get-rid-of-menstrual-cramps/ Fri, 11 Sep 2020 08:38:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=116441

There’s no denying the uncomfortable pain of menstrual cramps, but there are many natural remedies that can help you get rid of them.


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When good old Aunt Flo comes to town, most women get ready for uncomfortable cramps in their abdomen. Roughly 50% of menstruating women experience cramps for one to two days every month. Some women experience mild cramps, while others become crippled by the pain. Sometimes the cramps are cause for concern, leading doctors to diagnose women with dysmenorrhea, a condition thought to be caused by prostaglandins. 

Why Do Menstrual Cramps Occur?

While on your period, the muscles of the womb contract and relax to help shed the built-up lining of the uterus. The cramping is often an indication that your muscles are contracting. On the first day of your menstrual cycle, prostaglandin levels are high, which explains the intense pain on the first day. As you shed the lining of your uterus, the level of prostaglandin decreases the pain lessens. 

A woman should not have to live in pain, no matter if she experiences intense cramps or temporary cramps. There are many natural home remedies that can lessen the pain and provide some relief from menstrual cramps. Keep reading to see how you can relieve menstrual pain.

Home Remedies For Menstrual Cramps


A 2016 review in the Cochrane Database of Systemic Reviews examined 42 studies on how acupuncture affected menstrual cramps. When compared to anti-inflammatory drugs and or no treatment at all, acupuncture treatment helped relieve pain with no side effects. Acupuncture works to relax the nervous system and enhance blood flow to internal organs. Many practitioners also praise acupuncture for its ability to relieve inflammation

Apply Heat

This is a tried and true home remedy. When applied to the abdomen, the heating pad helps to improve circulation, which leads to pain reduction. One study compared the use of heating pads for period cramp relief to ibuprofen for cramp relief. The results found that more women benefited from the heating pad with no side effects. If you don’t have a heating pad, soak a towel in hot water or take a warm bath. 

Increase Your Magnesium Intake

Many nutritionists believe that magnesium helps to ease muscle spasms, including menstrual cramps. People who are low in magnesium often experience muscle cramps, anxiety symptoms, and osteoporosis, so it is best to increase your magnesium intake. Because magnesium is abundant in a variety of foods, it is easy to boost your magnesium levels. All you have to do is eat more spinach, black beans, almonds, Brazil nuts, quinoa, avocados, bananas, cashews, kale, raisins, or pumpkin seeds. 

Yoga Poses Ease Menstrual Pain

Exercise is not the first thing on a woman’s mind during her cycle. We’re not asking you to do a high-intensity interval workout or anything, but many yoga poses can provide relief from your cramps. A small study with 40 undergraduate females found that the entire group that did an hour-long yoga session once a week for three months experienced reduced menstrual cramping, while the other group that didn’t do yoga experienced no relief. Many female instructors suggest that women should avoid inverted yoga poses during their cycle. The reason for this is because it can disrupt the body’s natural flow.

Massage With Essential Oils

Before we get into this tip, it is very important that you mix essential oils with carrier oils before you apply them on the skin. Some are very potent and can cause inflammatory or irritated reactions. The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research observed two groups of women during their menstrual cycles. One group massaged essential oil on the abdomen, while the other group used synthetic fragrances. Both groups reported less pain, but the essential oil group reported more relief from cramping. Another study found that lavender, clary sage, and marjoram essential oils were the most helpful at reducing menstrual cramps. 

Avoid Certain Foods

Since bloating and water retention are two common symptoms during menstruation, it is best to avoid foods that cause both of those things. This means you need to avoid alcohol, salty foods, carbonated beverages, caffeinated beverages, and fatty/fried foods. When you eliminate these foods from your diet, you can help alleviate cramps and decrease tension in the abdominal region. 


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What Is Mugwort And Does It Live Up To The Hype? https://www.dherbs.com/articles/what-is-mugwort-and-does-it-live-up-to-the-hype/ Thu, 30 Jul 2020 17:49:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=114842

The mugwort plant has been known to help remedy skin diseases, improve digestion, reduce joint pain, and relieve stress.


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Sometimes you learn about an herb that sounds like it came straight out of a fantastical realm of a best selling novel. That’s how some people feel about mugwort. Perhaps this is because it sounds like something a hermit brewed into a tea to remedy to broken spirit of a hobbit. In reality, mugwort has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and over 75 unique plant compounds that work to support digestion, relaxation, healthy skin, and calm nerves.

What Is Mugwort?

Also known as wild wormwood, mugwort belongs to the daisy family and is native to Europe and Asia. While it is related to ragweed and allergic reactions mimic those caused by ragweed, it is most definitely not ragweed. The use of mugwort dates back to the days of Ancient Greece, when women used it to reduce menopausal symptoms, to help menopause, childbirth, or to help regulate menstruation.

Historical Use

For centuries, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) used mugwort in a procedure known as moxibustion, which worked to reverse a fetus in the breech position. The healers rolled mugwort into sticks, ignited the herb, and waved it over specific acupuncture points to stimulate blood and energy that aided fetal movement. One recent study found that 75% of 130 fetuses reversed their breech position after mothers received moxibustion treatment.

Health Benefits Of Mugwort

Insect Repellent

Have you ever heard of companion planting? It’s where you plant two plants together so they can be companions for life. That’s 100% inaccurate, folks. In reality, companion planting is the practice of grouping different plants together, and some of those plants control pests. Mugwort is excellent at repelling insects from your garden. Because it can spread rapidly, you need to control it and use it in moderation. If you don’t, it can take over your other plants and cause them to die.

For Menstruation

Women have used mugwort as a uterine tonic for thousands of years. In order to maintain optimal uterine health, the female reproductive system requires proper circulation. Impaired circulation to the pelvic region can cause irregular periods or poor uterine health. When the uterus receives sufficient blood circulation, a woman experiences her monthly cycle without any troubles. If you need help stimulating your monthly menses, consult your primary health care provider about experimenting with mugwort. Make sure that you are not pregnant when you decide to take this herb because it is powerful and can lead to miscarriages when ingested.

For Digestion

Mugwort is a choleretic, which is a substance that increases the volume of bile secretion from the liver. This benefits both the processing of toxins in the liver and the digestive tract’s ability to eliminate said toxins from the body. Think about the notion that we are what we eat. Take it a step further by adapting the motto, “We are what we digest.” Our focus should be to eat things that the body can easily digest, but we don’t always do this. The more bile the liver secretes, the easier it is for the body to digest fats. Additionally, bile is a natural laxative that promotes a healthier, cleaner digestive tract.

Are There Side Effects To Taking Mugwort?

Mugwort can cause allergic reactions, including sneezing, sinus congestion, or other types of contact dermatitis (such as rashes). Please check if you are allergic to mugwort prior to experimenting with this herb. Mugwort is available as a dietary supplement in the United States, but homeopaths also have mugwort preparations. People who are allergic to peaches, apples, carrots, sunflowers, and celery should avoid mugwort.


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Use Black Cohosh For Hot Flashes Menopause And More https://www.dherbs.com/articles/use-black-cohosh-for-hot-flashes-menopause-and-more/ Tue, 24 Mar 2020 08:50:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=108200

Combat hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms with black cohosh. Studies have shown that it has a long history of menopausal treatment.


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Black cohosh has been used for hundreds of years by many cultures to remedy pneumonia, joint pain, and sluggish labor. Native Americans used it to treat musculoskeletal pain and menstrual irregularities, and European settlers made a black cohosh tonic to support female reproductive health.

More and more research has revealed the potential dangers of hormone replacement therapy (HRT), when it comes to treating hormonal issues. HRT can create an even bigger hormonal imbalance that can worsen menopausal symptoms. Health-conscious women are looking for safer treatments to help balance hormones and relieve symptoms of menopause.

What Is Black Cohosh?

Black cohosh is a member of the buttercup family and it goes by many names, including black bugbane, black snakeroot, and fairy candle. The name is attributed to the plant’s black roots and rhizomes, which are the sections that are used for medicinal purposes. It has become widely used as a natural alternative to HRT in Australia, Germany, and the United States. You can obtain black cohosh without a prescription in the U.S.

Black Cohosh And Menopausal Symptoms

Since the 1950s, studies have yielded mixed results in regards to whether black cohosh is effective at managing menopausal symptoms. Some research has indicated that it has estrogenic activity, while others studies have shown that it does. The complicated part is understanding how and why black cohosh works for some and not for others. Scientists also have a loose grasp on whether it affects the levels of luteinizing hormone or follicle-stimulating hormone. A 2016 systemic review of randomized clinical trials examined herbal therapies, including the use of black cohosh, to treat menopausal symptoms. This review determined that black cohosh worked for some women and not for others, so more comprehensive research is needed. Continue reading to learn more about the health benefits of black cohosh.

May Reduce Sleep Disturbances

Many menopausal women commonly experience sleep disturbances. Since sleep is essential to balancing hormones, lack of sleep disturbs the body’s hormonal management and production, ultimately worsening symptoms of menopause. A recent study on postmenopausal women with sleep disturbances found that black cohosh supplementation helped improve sleep, which in turn stabilized mood and increased energy levels.

May Reduce Bone Loss/Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a common problem for menopausal women. According to research, several compounds in black cohosh have biological activity and plant-derived estrogens, also known as phytoestrogens. Biological molecules in black cohosh have been shown to reduce bone loss caused by osteoporosis, but more research needs to be done on this matter.

May Reduce Hot Flashes

One of the primary symptoms of menopause is hot flashes, so black cohosh has been heavily studied as a potential remedy for them. Some research is inconclusive because exact dosage to reduce hot flashes is inconsistent. Even though findings are mixed, many women find that black cohosh greatly helps in the reduction of hot flashes. Certain systemic reviews have found that it is more effective than a placebo, and that taking black cohosh regularly can reduce the severity hormonal imbalance.

May Help Treat Uterine Fibroids

Uterine fibroids, which are benign growths in the uterus, typically appear during the height of a woman’s fertile years. While Tibolone, a synthetic steroid drug, is used to treat fibroids outside of the United States, women with fibroids in the U.S. are commonly prescribed hormone-based drugs. In a 2014 study, black cohosh was compared to Tibolone to see the effectiveness of treating fibroids. The tests revealed that black cohosh may be a more appropriate treatment than the synthetic alternative.


As far as proper dosage goes, health experts generally recommend taking between 40-80 milligrams of standardized black cohosh extract per day. This is a typical dosage to help relieve menopausal symptoms. If you have hot flashes, however, start with a lower dosage of 20-40 milligrams, which you take twice daily and increase as needed.


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7 Herbal Teas And Their Benefits https://www.dherbs.com/articles/general-topics/7-herbal-teas-and-their-benefits/ Thu, 28 Dec 2017 12:00:23 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=75280

There's no better time of year to enjoy a warm cup of herbal tea. Warm yourself up while reaping a bunch of health benefits in the process.


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During these colder months, sipping on a hot cup of tea is a great idea. Aside from warming up your core temperature, you could be reaping a bunch of health benefits with every sip. Rather than going for the standard, cheap, no-name black tea, spring for some delicious herbal teas like the ones that are in this article.

Peppermint Tea

Peppermint tea is one of the best things to drink if you have an upset stomach. It’s also great if you had a big night out on the town and need something soothing. The beneficial properties of the tea work to keep the digestive system functioning like it should.

Raspberry Leaf Tea

Raspberries contain tons of antioxidants that work to stimulate the immune system. It comes as no surprise, then, that this tea helps to get rid of cold sores and canker sores. Because this tea also works to promote uterine health, pregnant woman are advised to avoid drinking a lot of this. It can make them urinate even more.

Rooibos Tea

If you can successfully pronounce this tea, props to you. Since rooibos basically gets rid of free radicals in the body, it helps boost antioxidant levels. It also helps to enhance antioxidant defenses. Rooibos tea has been shown to be 30% more effective at causing apoptosis (cancer cell death) than other herbal teas. It is particularly effective on premalignant cells.

Turmeric Tea

Not only can turmeric help to spice up your memory, but it also works to boost the immune system and fight cancer cells. Consuming turmeric may even help to fight off Alzheimer’s disease. While using the powder to make tea is beneficial, using fresh turmeric root will yield the most benefits.

Ginger Tea

Ginger has too many health properties to list. It works to boost the immune system, but drinking the tea can also be beneficial if you have a sore throat. Ginger is incredibly rich in vitamin C, works to promote healthy circulation, and can actually help you get rid of water weight.

Chamomile Tea

If you have trouble going to sleep or have insomnia, drinking chamomile tea can help calm your nerves and put you to bed. Chamomile tea almost acts as a mild, all-natural tranquilizer! Prepare one cup of chamomile tea and drink it about 1.5-2 hours before bed. You can drink several cups in the evening if you suffer from insomnia.

Orange Peel Tea

Orange peel tea is great no matter what time of the year it is. Not only is it filled with powerful antioxidants and flavonoids, it also contains compounds that work to combat the aging process. If you have acne, orange peel tea is beneficial to drink because it works to reduce inflammation and redness. You can easily make this by peeling the orange, chopping the peel, and boiling the peel for about 10 minutes.


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Uterine Sense https://www.dherbs.com/articles/general-topics/uterine-sense/ Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:54 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/uncategorized/uterine-sense/

Wearing high heels sends an electrical shock from the metatarsal bones of the feet up the bones of the legs to the nerves of the uterus, shocks the uterus causing frying of the uterus resulting in uterine atrophy and a host of uterine pathologies.


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The uterus (womb) of a woman is the seat of her feminine nature, her feminine brain, and the seat of her emotions.

While the reproductive system may be regulated by the pituitary gland, the foundation of the female reproductive system lies at and in the uterus.

The female womb is a miniature or microcosmic universe. While the nature of the female womb is very unique, extraordinary, and sacred in nature or essence, unfortunately for many American women, the uterus is unhealthy today. It is near defective for many females. There are many causes of this modern day uterus deficiency and/or degeneration.

Causes of Uterine Degeneration

On an emotional level, many women today consciously and unconsciously resent the natural function of pregnancy and childbirth. Women fear this natural function for a variety of reasons.

On a spiritual level, so many American women are so disconnected from God/Goddess that they don’t understand and acknowledge the spiritual and divine aspect of pregnancy and childbirth, which is (at least for the Western religious woman) a divine command: “Multiply, and replenish the earth.”

On a physical level, diet, feminine hygiene and fashion play the most important roles. Gravitational pull is also a great enemy of the uterus, and just think about the fact that the higher you are as far as elevation is concerned, the greater the impact and intensity of the gravitational pull. Women who work in corporate high rises or buildings should ponder over this fact.

Antigravity exercise is the best remedy for the detrimental effects of gravity and its pull. Simply propping the legs up against the wall allowing the blood flow to travel down to the head or lying on an antigravity board for 15-30 minutes a day is a very simple and profound exercise and remedy to counteract or prevent uterine atrophy.

Dietary Considerations

Poor diet – eating meat and dairy products – also contributes to poor health and can injure your reproductive system. Dairy is laced with harmful hormones and preservatives and is no good for the health of the body in general and the female reproductive system in particular.

Starches or starchy foods break down into unhealthy stiffening agents. The acidic byproducts of these things cause serious toxicity and debris in the female reproductive chamber and because the majority of women are constipated and their eliminative channels are lethargic, the body causes internal trash bags to grow in order to hold the internal waste creating fibroid tumors.

Women who eat a lot of sugary snack foods such as ice cream, chocolate, candy, etc. are remiss for eating more of the above rather than eating fruit. Fruit is the best food for the uterus. The center of most fruit holds the seed of the fruit just like the uterus holds the seed of a man. So the fleshy part of fruit is the uterus, so when you are biting into fruit you are in essence biting into the endometrium lining of the uterus (fruit), a very profound fact to ponder upon.

Condom (male and female) usage, douching, commercial tampon and pads usage, IUD (intra uterine devices), and birth control pill/contraceptive consumption are all detrimental to the health of the uterus.

Additionally, the damaging effects and side effects of STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) have a big impact on the uterus. These diseases greatly play a role in uterine atrophy or degeneration, especially if left untreated.

Certain masculine exercises, running and jogging, lifting heavy objects, and participating in male-based and dominated sporting events and athletic activity (WNBA basketball, boxing, kick boxing, etc.) seriously impair the health of the uterus and auxiliary female reproductive organs and glands.

Beneficial Uterine Exercises

Soft and gentle Eastern-based exercises such as yoga, Tai Chi, and Eastern cultural dancing (including belly dancing); stretching, swimming, and walking are femininely safe, sound, and beneficial exercises that tone the female body and constitution while strengthening the female reproductive system.

Periodic uterine contraction exercises are also beneficial for uterine health. Contracting the PC (pubococcygeal) muscle 20-30 times a couple of times throughout the day help to strengthen the uterus. Of course this exercise should be avoided during pregnancy.


Since the uterus is chiefly comprised of the mineral zinc, lack of zinc or zinc deficiency greatly plays a role in uterine atrophy and pathologies. Eating foods rich in zinc is important in revitalizing and nourishing the uterus. Pumpkin seeds (papitas), sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, parsley, and spinach are excellent sources of natural zinc.

Herbs that supply abundant amounts of zinc include cocculus root, pygeum bark, saw palmetto berries, and sea weeds such as dulse, kelp, and Irish Moss.

Herbs that have an affinity for the uterus and are therefore oxytocic (causing the uterus to contract) in nature include: squawvine, blue cohosh, black cohosh, cramp bark, and black haw. These herbs should be avoided during the first eight and a half weeks of pregnancy.

Other herbs good for the uterus include: red raspberry leaf, chaste tree berries, white oak Bark, ashoka, asparagus, dong quai, maca, and false unicorn root.

Aromatherapy can also assist in uterine and female reproductive health. Essential oils of roman chamomile, cypress, combava, havozo bark, sage, clary sage, and fennel can help maintain the health of the uterus and female reproductive system. They can be added (2-5 drops) to a base or carrier oil and massaged directly into the skin of the belly (and breasts), added to a diffuser or simply inhaled via the nostrils.

Crystal therapy also offers tools for uterine and female reproductive health. Crystals or gemstones such as: chyrsocola, moonstone, tiger’s eye, and jade are great female balancing stones. These stones can be used in crystal water, crystal oil or for meditative purposes.

It is also important to note that since a woman’s reproductive organs are located in the Second Chakra, also known as the Sacral Chakra, the seat of the pursuit of pleasure, it is important that this chakra (and actually all the charkas) be balanced (or opened) for optimal health, especially on an energy or energetic level.

Colon Health

As the colon is located directly above the uterus, good colon health is imperative for good reproductive and uterine health. You must keep the colon clean and the bowels regular. Colon cleansing with colon affinity herbs such as cascara sagrada, senna, buckthorn, aloe vera resin, jalap root, trifala, and rhubarb will help keep the bowels regular and bulky.

Personal enemas and professional colonics are also ideal in maintaining great colon health.

Dherbs Solutions

Dherbs offers these formula for uterine health:

Dherbs offers these formulas for colonic health:

Thank you for reading!


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Uterine, Ovarian, Cervical Tumors and Cysts https://www.dherbs.com/articles/health-beauty/uterine-ovarian-cervical-tumors-and-cysts/ Thu, 13 Jun 2013 16:25:53 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/uncategorized/uterine-ovarian-cervical-tumors-and-cysts/

When you have fibroid tumors or ovarian or uterine cysts, there are steps you can take to naturally heal them. Find out how in this article.


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Fibroid tumors or fibroids are abnormal, primarily non-cancerous growths that develop on or in a woman’s uterus. Women between ages 30-50 are most likely to develop fibroids, but so are obese or overweight women.  About 70-80% of women experience fibroids by age 50. Fibroids can be small, or can grow to be the size of a melon.  The four types of fibroids are:

  • Intramural: These grow in the wall of the uterus and are the most common.
  • Subserosal Fibroids: Located on the outside wall of the uterus, these can develop into pedunculated fibroids (stalks).
  • Submucosal Fibroids: These occur in the muscle beneath the lining of the uterus wall.
  • Cervical Fibroids: These occur in the cervix.

Women can also develop cervical cysts and tumors, but they are very rare.

What Are Fibroid Tumors?

Nobody is immune to fibroids; however, they are most commonly found in African-American females, followed by Caucasian and Hispanic/Latino females. A tumor is a swelling or enlargement occurring in inflammatory conditions; a new growth of tissue characterized by progressive, uncontrolled proliferation of cells. The tumor may be localized or invasive, benign or malignant. A tumor may be named for its location, for its cellular makeup, or for the person who first identified it.

A fibroid tumor is almost like an internal trash bag that holds accumulated waste (scarred tissue, pus/mucus, and other junk) trapped in the female body due to blockage of the other major eliminative channels, including the uterus. The fact that fibroid tumors and cysts develop in areas of the female sexual reproductive system denotes an imbalance of the female sexual reproductive system.

What is a Cyst?

A cyst is a closed sac, lined with epithelium and containing fluid or semisolid material, which is in or under the skin. They contain pus, mucus, and other toxic waste fluid, which is usually from what is eaten; this is typically due to eating unhealthy meat and dairy products.

Causes of Uterine, Ovarian, and Cervical Fibroid Tumors and Cysts:

Doctors are not sure of the exact cause of fibroids or cysts, but the belief is that multiple factors contribute to their development. A woman’s estrogen and progesterone levels are high during childbearing years. Fibroids or cysts can swell or develop if estrogen levels are high, for example, during pregnancy. Fibroids may shrink and estrogen levels will fall during menopause, which is why women in menopause may not experience any symptoms. Common causes are:

  • Hormonal changes (estrogen and progesterone can cause the development of Fibroids)
  • Genetics (if a woman’s mother, sister, or aunt has a history of the condition, the woman is more likely to develop Fibroids)
  • Pregnancy
  • Obesity
  • Diet
  • Birth Control

Healing Uterine, Ovarian, and Cervical Fibroid Tumors and Cysts Naturally


Disease can sometimes stem from thought, and so does healing. If you change your thoughts and release all negative and toxic energy from your body, you can use positive energy to promote optimal health and healing.


If you suffer from fibroid cysts and/or tumors, try to eat a diet that only consists of plant-based foods. Remember, the greatest dietary contributors to tumors and cysts in the female reproductive system are meat and dairy. Drink plenty of water daily (distilled and/or alkaline or high pH water are best). You can also drink herbal teas to promote natural healing. Additionally, avoid processed and refined foods, chemicals such as white table sugar, salt, MSG, saccharin, aspartame, and avoid refined grains such as white bread, commercial brand wheat breads, donuts, cakes, bagels, etc.


There are many tumor-dissolving herbs available today for purposes of naturally dissolving cysts and tumors. Some of these include: manjistha, burdock root, goldenseal, chaparral, maitake (mushroom), shiitake (mushroom), rehmannia, yucca, yellow dock rook, and dandelion root.

Aromatherapy/Essential Oils

Certain female-specific essential oils are helpful when trying to heal from fibroids or cysts. These oils include geranium rose, clary sage, pennyroyal (do not inhale, do not use during pregnancy), pink lotus (diabolically expensive), combava, rue (do not inhale, do not use during pregnancy), yarrow, cananga, pink grapefruit, and fennel. These oils should be used in a diffuser and/or added to bath water. Most of them can be inhaled as well, unless stated otherwise.

Crystals and Gemstones

Crystals and gemstones can help when trying to heal female reproductive diseases or disorders include. These stones can include rose quartz, moonstone, jade (except for green jade), carnelian, malachite, ammonite (prehistoric shell), and tiger’s eye. These stones can be used for a grid during chakra balancing or meditation purposes, or you can hold in the pocket or somewhere close to the body, and/or used for elixir purposes.


Try to avoid strenuous exercises such as weightlifting, running and jogging (especially on asphalt), or intense road bicycling. It is more beneficial to take part in non-strenuous exercises like stretching, tai chi, qi gong, pilates, yoga, walking, or water aerobics.


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Endometriosis https://www.dherbs.com/articles/womens-health/endometriosis/ Thu, 13 Jun 2013 16:25:53 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/uncategorized/endometriosis/

Female-specific herbs that are oxytocic and parturient in nature are great for healing the uterus and eradicating all uterine complaints and diseases.


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Endometriosis is a uterine disorder that affects many American women. Endometriosis is an abnormal gynecological condition characterized by unusual ectopic growth and function of endometrial tissue.

The ovaries, fallopian tubes, bowel (colon), pelvic floor, urinary bladder, uterine musculature, peritoneum (membrane that lines the walls of the abdominal cavity) and the deep pelvic peritoneal cavity are the common sites of growths of endometrial tissue outside of the uterine cavity.

The abnormal implants of endometriosis respond to the hormonal changes regulating menstruation and, like the uterine lining, these fragments construct tissue monthly and then break down or destruct and bleed.

Endometriosis and Ovarian Cysts

There is an unhealthy symbiosis between endometriosis and ovarian cysts, medically known as ovarial endometrial cysts.

Ovarian cysts are nothing but accumulated liquid toxic waste and thick, congealed menstrual blood that is dark in color and held together by mucus. Ovarian cysts cause pain due to their growth and pressing against other organs and nerves in the pelvic cavity. Ovarian cysts grow fast based upon poor diets.

If you are experiencing heavy menstrual blood flow (hypermenorrhea), releasing of small, moderate, to large blood clots from the vagina; pain (in the uterus, lower back, etc.), painful sexual intercourse, infertility, premenstrual vaginal staining of blood, and chronic constipation, chances are you may be suffering from endometriosis.


Unlike the blood from the uterine lining, the blood from the implants has no way of exiting the body and therefore the surrounding uterine tissue slowly absorbs the blood from the abnormal implants. The condition is also known as retrograde menstruation, since the blood doesn’t leave the body, but instead is absorbed into it.

Cells from the endometrium (lining of the uterus) also develop elsewhere in the abdominal cavity of the female body. During this slow process, blood accumulates in the body cavities and the process of bleeding and absorbing is generally quite painful.


This condition produces various symptoms such as severe and excruciating pain in the uterus, lower back, and pelvic cavity organs before and during menstruation, pain during the actual menses, excessive bleeding and expulsion of large clots and shreds of uterine tissue during the menses, and in some cases nausea and vomiting.

Additionally, endometriosis can cause severe pain in a subsequent pregnancy because in pregnancy the uterus enlarges and the various organs in the abdominal cavity are pushed into different positions.

Natural Healing


Female-specific herbs that are oxytocic and parturient in nature are great for healing the uterus and eradicating all uterine diseases. Uterine and/or oxytocic-specific* herbs include: Squawvine*, Ashoka, Blue Cohosh*, Pennyroyal*, Rue*, Shatawari, Eucommia, Chaste Tree berries (Vitex), False Unicorn Root, Fo Ti, Rehmannia, Yarrow, and Bayberry.

Female specific herbs with a hormonal stimulating effect on the body are ideal in restoring overall female health and uterine health in particular and include such herbs as: Canada Snakeroot, Black Cohosh, Maca, Red Raspberry leaf, Red Clover tops, Black Haw, Beth Root, Lovage, Wild Yam root, Licorice, Sarsaparilla, Dong Quai, Ashwagandha, Blessed Thistle, Damiana, Muira Puama, Saw Palmetto berries, Oatstraw, Sage.

Herbs that address menstrual irregularities will greatly help in addressing endometriosis. These herbs include: Canada Snakeroot, Lady’s Mantle, Shepherd’s Purse, Beth Root, Black Haw, Angelica, Dong Quai, Goldenseal Root, Burdock Root, Black Cohosh, Comfrey Root, Cranesbill, Dragon’s Blood, False Unicorn Root, Squawvine, and Yarrow.


Essential oils are paramount in holistic healing as the aroma from the oils affects the mind, spirit, emotions and etheric body. Essential oils with a female hormonal effect can greatly help to heal uterine and other female complaints and disorders. These oils include: Rose Geranium, Clary Sage, Pennyroyal (use cautiously), Rue (use cautiously), Cananga, Fennel, Angelica, Combava, and Vitex (Chaste Tree).


No healing regimen is complete without the use of crystals, the greatest energy amplifiers on the planet. Crystals with an affinity for the female reproductive chamber are imperative in healing from any female reproductive chamber and include such crystals as: Quartz, Ammonite, Malachite, Tiger’s Eye, Jade, Carnelian, Chrysocolla, and Zincite.

No healing regimen or therapy is replete or complete without chakra alignment or balancing. Remember, all disease first occurs on the energetic level.

Colon Therapy

Colonics are effective in dissolving hardened fecal and mucoidal debris in the colon. When you cleanse the colon you begin the cleansing process of all other eliminative channels. There can be no healing without an emphasis on cleansing out the colon.

If you are unable to afford a colon session (which are usually priced at $60-70 per session, then purchase an enema bag and perform weekly enemas. Cleaning out the rectum is better than doing nothing at all.


Hot sea salt baths which are very therapeutic. The bath should consist of hot water, sea salt (1-3 boxes), MSM sulfur (or sulphur) (1 cup), crystals (named above); and essential oils (named above, 2-4 drops each). The bath (actually a soak for the first 30-45 minutes) can be taken daily.

Acupuncture / Acupressure

These therapies work on the chi (energy) and get it moving again in the case of blockage. All disease is first energetic and these therapies deal with energy.

Oxygen Therapy

Oxygen is a most effective therapy. It is unfortunate oxygen therapies are banned in the U.S. despite proven facts that oxygen helps to heal, especially since lack of oxygen plays a pivotal role in degeneration and disease. The cells thrive off of oxygen and when you introduce more oxygen into the body, the cells’ communication ability restores and the innate healing effect of the body accelerates. The prohibition of oxygen therapies by your government is what you pay for with your tax dollars.

Massage Therapy

Because massage is intimate and requires trust and to effectively heal, you must open up (let your wall or guard down). When you open up, you automatically let go and “letting go” is what a lot of women) need to do in order to heal and move on in their lives. Most people, especially females, are holding on to negative and self-defeating and sabotaging thoughts (which affect their emotional state and feelings) and these thoughts lodge in the tissues of the body and alter the individual frequency and resonance of the particular body part or organ, manifesting disease as a sensor that something is wrong on a deeper, emotional, and energetic level.

Massage, especially deep tissue massage, is very therapeutic and healing because deep pressure into the tissues not only dissolves knots but also the negative and toxic thoughts lingering in the knot. When a massage therapist tells you that you have knots in your body (e.g. back), those knots are not liquid filled, but energy filled. You can actually feel them dissolve when a therapist applies pressure to the area.

Massage greatly helps to release all those negative emotions and feelings we hold in certain parts of our body. The feeling of shouldering too much responsibility stores in our shoulders. Feeling like we are carrying the weight of the world or others (family, friends, etc.) on our back stores in our back (as well as the feeling of feeling backed against a wall); people, events, and circumstances that feel like a “pain in the neck” to you actually store in your neck.

We actually feel everything we say and think, believe it or not; and unfortunately, a lot of us have thought and said and still think and say negative things. Negative and unproductive thinking needs to be put in check because our bodies literally believe every word we say.

Pranic Healing / Reiki

These two therapies are just as ideal as chakra alignment and balancing because they deal with healing via energy and again, all disease is first energetic. Whereas chakra alignment/balancing uses crystals, pranic healing and reiki uses the hands. Pranic healing does not require actual touch whereas reiki does; but a crystal grid around the person while undergoing a pranic healing or reiki session will undoubtedly enhance the effect of the energy.

Magnetic Therapy

Magnet therapy is great for healing because magnets alkalize the body and improve circulation to problem areas. Magnets cause blood vessels to dilate and thus improve blood flow in the body. Magnetic therapy should never be used on the belly (Sacral Chakra) area of a pregnant woman.

Anti-Gravity Therapy

Anti-gravity exercises where the body is slanted and the feet are raised higher than the head are great in healing uterine complaints and disorders such as endometriosis because when the body is in a slanted position with the feet raised higher than the head gravity now works for you rather than against you. Lying on an anti-gravity board or simply with your feet raised higher than your head (back and head on the ground or floor and legs propped up on a sofa or chair) causes gravity to pull on the uterus and helps put the uterus and other organs back in place. This method has a profound effect on the whole body and causes hardened substances to break up and become movable for elimination.


Fasting is a natural healing method that induces the body to go into a natural cleansing mode without the help of any outside agents or substances. The one drawback of fasting is that it requires discipline. Fasting is very effective in healing any and all ailments and complaints.

Mineral Therapy

The most important mineral required in remedying reproductive complaints and disorders is zinc. Not zinc derived from an inorganic source, but organic zinc, e.g. zinc phosphate. Organic zinc can be assimilated by the body, but not zinc oxide (derived from metals or stone). Zinc is important for uterine health because the uterus is chiefly comprised of the mineral zinc and when the uterus is impaired and becomes defective, it loses necessary zinc.

Zinc can be found in the following foods and herbs: Pumpkin Seeds (a/k/a Papitas), Sunflower Seeds, Cocculus Root, False Unicorn Root, Irish Moss (and all other seaweeds), and Fenugreek Seed.

Dietary Intervention

Dairy foods are strongly tied to the development of endometriosis.

To heal, women must give up meat, dairy products, refined grains and starches and other processed chemicals and so-called foods and should consciously embrace a vegan and/or raw foods diet consisting of fresh, organic fruits and vegetables, seeds, nuts, and grains.

Vegetable juice is very alkalizing and healing. For endometriosis, make sure you consume a lot of vegetable juice containing asparagus and beets.

Positive Thinking and Attitude

Healthy and positive thinking is so important. Being emotional by nature makes females more sensitive and intuitive than males generally. Females in general, African-American females in particular are greatly out of sync with their feminine grace and essence today. External pathologies denote internal or inner imbalance. A positive mindset that thinks healthy, right, and positive impacts a person’s outer circumstances and their physical health. This is the best and greatest incentive for positive, right, and healthy thinking.

Saying daily affirmations and performing mediation can greatly help transform the mind in a positive light. We can really change our lives by the thoughts we think and the feelings we feel on a daily and consistent basis. Our lives are truly in our own hands to shape and mold as we see fit. You are the master of your own destiny and fate.


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