Unplug - Dherbs - The Best All Natural Herbal Remedies & Products https://www.dherbs.com/tag/unplug/ Buy the best herbal supplements, natural remedies, and herbal remedies from Dherbs. We're the #1 alternative medicine store online. ✓ Visit and shop now! Fri, 14 Apr 2023 22:12:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Stress On The Job: 4 Tips For Working Women https://www.dherbs.com/articles/stress-on-the-job-4-tips-for-working-women/ Mon, 17 Apr 2023 09:18:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=158392

Don’t let work stress force you into a state of exhaustion. If you’re a working woman, follow these tips to cope with stress.


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Work emails arrive late at night. Texts from coworkers inquire about upcoming projects that are nearly due but far from finished. A call from a boss breaks up your evening all because he wants an update on something you’ve already told him about. All of these things interfere with personal life and cause stress. In fact, recent data shows that 65% of Americans say that work is a top source of stress, and that happens to people who both love and hate their jobs. 

Women, in particular, face a unique set of challenges at work. We hope that bosses aren’t diminutive to women, but we all know that this is a reality many women face. Childcare and interpersonal relationships, according to Johns Hopkins Center for Mind-Body Research, are very common work issues that cause stress. The research notes that stress occurs when there is an imbalance between the demands of a specific situation and a person’s resources for managing it. 

The brain is like a center for stress, being responsible for organizing how the body responds to stress. This happens throughout the day, whether you realize it or not. That’s because stress is a normal part of life, but stress doesn’t have to get in your way. There are ways to help you manage stress and create a better balance between home and work life. 

Common Sources Of Work Stress

For most people, stress can be traced back to the workplace. That’s true for people who both love and despise going to work. Although stress can take a toll on the mind, it typically produces physical symptoms. For women, the most common sources of work stress include:

  • Work-life balance: American women spend more hours working than ever before, which means they have less time for personal obligations. Statistically, women shoulder the majority of the caretaking burden, meaning women are still the primary caretakers for children. Women are also more involved in elder care, so they have caretaker obligations at the beginning and end of life. 
  • Technology: Laptops, smartphones, and other mobile devices make their way into our personal time. Although you may leave the office at 5 o’clock, you continue to check your email while laying in bed. Perhaps you respond to work texts or calls while cooking dinner. The ever-present nature of technology makes it more difficult to leave work at work. That is a problem for everyone because it becomes harder to unplug at home. 
  • Relationships: It’s no secret that some continue to struggle with pervasive issues, like sexism or discrimination in the workplace. Other women don’t have to deal with these struggles, but they may want to telecommute or maintain nontraditional work hours for the sake of personal obligations. Employers aren’t always flexible and dislike these types of arrangements.

4 Ways To Cope With Stress


Health experts cannot put enough stress (no pun intended) on the importance of sleep. Most people neglect sleep or develop certain habits that interfere with a healthy sleep schedule. Sleep is the body’s way to rejuvenate and lack of sleep will only increase the stress you experience from work. Experts suggest that you wind down two hours prior to going to bed by stopping work and avoiding screens. Studies suggest that the use of mobile phones can ruin your ability to get a good night’s sleep. Don’t look at them until you are ready to go to bed! Additionally, steer clear of caffeine too late in the day.

Social Support

Everyone has a social network, which can sometimes act as a stress buffer. Your friends, or close circle of trustworthy people, can support you and connect with shared experiences. Both connectedness and friendship are necessary for being able to cope with stress. Your group doesn’t have to be large; rather, it just has to consist of people you love and trust.


Sometimes, you just have to move. Incorporating regular movement into your day, especially if you spend most of your day sitting at a desk, can help lower stress levels. You don’t need to engage in vigorous exercise. Short daytime walks outside can help elevate your mood. Some evidence shows that short bursts of exercise are actually more effective at reducing stress than a long workout at the end of the day. That saves you time and you get the same benefits. 

Find Happiness

If everyone knew where to find happiness, the world may look a lot different. It’s your responsibility to seek out pleasure and joy, prioritizing hobbies and things that you enjoy on a regular basis. Spend time with family, involve yourself with community programs, learn a language, or play music. When you have purpose and meaning in your life, your stress levels are much lower, and you feel better about yourself as a person.


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6 Simple Tips To Help You Unplug After A Long Day https://www.dherbs.com/articles/6-simple-tips-to-help-you-unplug-after-a-long-day/ Fri, 07 Apr 2023 09:32:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=157640

When you collapse on the couch, does your mind still race? The body desperately craves rest, so use these tips to unplug after a long day.


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After a long day, whether it was at work or out with family, the body wants to shut down. You can collapse on the couch in an attempt to unwind, but it’s not that easy. Almost as soon as you try to shut down, the mind starts to race. Your to-do list beckons and instead of unwinding, you end up mindlessly scrolling through your phone to distract your brain.

Has that ever happened to you? If so, you are not alone. There are various strategies that help you unplug from technology, and the world. They all belong to the concept of slow living, which is a lifestyle that encourages a slower approach to life. You complete tasks at a leisurely pace and focus on the idea that a slower-paced lifestyle leads to more enjoyment, relaxation, and a deeper appreciation of life. This stems from the slow food movement, which emphasized traditional food production techniques as a response to fast food’s popularity in the 1980s and 1990s.

Learning how to disconnect and slow down can be difficult at first, but we promise that you’ll feel better after doing so. With the following tips, we hope you can learn how to disconnect, relax, and completely unplug at the end of a long day. It may take practice, but that’s what makes perfect.

Create A Sensory Environment

This can be a great experiment to culminate your day. Close your eyes and imagine ending your day on a beach, fully relaxed. What does it look like? Can you hear the sound of the waves, the sand between your toes, and smell the salty air? Use your senses and pay attention to what you hear and feel in the scene you paint in your mind. You are fully in the present and that allows you naturally disconnect from devices and chores. You’re too busy taking in the world you imagine! Most of us can’t head to the beach every day after work, but you can create sensory environments in your homes to make for relaxing spaces. Light some candles, get some mood lighting, play a favorite playlist or album, and sit so that you’re staring out a window, not at a screen. 

Create An End-Of-Day Ritual

You may want to unplug, but lacking an end-of-day ritual, practice, or routine can make it difficult. It doesn’t have to be complex; rather, it just has to be something you do every day. You can go for a walk, take a bath, light a candle, experiment with breathing exercises, or try guided meditation. If you want to take this step to the next level, put away technology in the evening. Eliminating screen time in the evening is a great way to wind down and calm the mind.

Check-In With Your Boundaries

Strong personal boundaries are no match for journaling or meditating, as relaxing as those two practices may be. Perhaps you can’t relax because you get bombarded by work emails after you leave work. Maybe your sister is the primary source of gossip and she lays it on you, despite the fact that you don’t want it. When you let people know that you’re unplugging at a certain time every day, they understand that you aren’t available 24/7. You have to enforce those boundaries, though. People will respect them!

Log Off Social Media

Some of the most powerful boundaries you can set are with yourself. If you want to disconnect from technology in the evening, try to review and renew your social media habits. This is much easier said than done and it can be a struggle to let it go, especially if your business is related to social media performance. Every once in a while, you just need a break from all the social media apps. You don’t have to become a luddite, but give yourself a break from social media and you may start to think and live more intentionally.

Write It Out To Clear Your Mind

It’s hard to turn off your mind if you have thoughts swimming around your head. Set them free by starting a journaling practice every night. You don’t have to be the next Ernest Hemingway; rather, you just have to let your thoughts go. Simply write what’s on your mind and don’t be afraid of what the result is. You can write down everything from grocery lists to self-doubts! Don’t worry about editing your grammar or sentence structure because the point of the exercise is to just keep scribbling until your mind is at ease. 

Get Creative

One of the best things about engaging in a creative pastime is that you can enter a flow. In other words, you lose sense of time and don’t think about anything else but the task at hand. There’s no worry about folding a pile of laundry, washing some dishes, or checking your Instagram likes. It could be painting, playing an instrument, singing, exercising, hedge-trimming, or whatever outlet allows you to be creative.


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4 Tips To Help You Unleash Your Creativity https://www.dherbs.com/articles/4-tips-to-help-you-unleash-your-creativity/ Mon, 24 Oct 2022 09:03:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=144212

Unlock your full potential and get the creative juices flowing! Learn how to unleash your full potential with these helpful tips.


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Each person has the ability to tap into their own energy to enhance their productivity and creativity. Too often do people think they need to make a dramatic change in their life to unlock their full potential. Rather than changing who you are, which is what makes you unique, embrace everything about yourself to establish a healthy, creative flow. 

A recent study found that about 25% of people believe they have not reached their full creative potential. It’s difficult to be incredibly unique with your ideas if you view your life as mundane. The repetition of daily activities, including your daily commute, job, and afterwork schedule, can cause the creativity river to dry up. So what can you do if your passion for what you do starts to die? Do you simply copy whatever is working around you, or do you figure out how to unleash your full creative potential? Continue reading if you want to spark more creativity and squeeze more juice from this life. 

Seek Out New Experiences

The life you live can influence what you produce, i.e. your creativity. If you are stuck in a rut, doing the same routine day in and day out, you may get comfortable with a certain way of thinking. There isn’t a lot of wiggle room for thinking outside the box, which is why changing up your routine to seek new experiences can benefit your creative flow. When you meet new people, see new places, and engage with new media, for example, you and your creativity can evolve. Take that vacation you’ve been dreaming about or read/listen to a book. Strike up a conversation with a neighbor or coworker who you aren’t familiar with. Studies have even found that playing video games may help people be more creative in their projects and tasks. Inspiration comes from unlikely sources, so don’t close yourself off to new experiences!

Limit Your Gadget Use

Smartphones, tablets, and computers are very convenient and you can use them as tools to express your creativity. On the other hand, they are very distracting and can hinder your ability to stick to the task at hand. Consider reserving an hour each morning and evening for no gadget use whatsoever. When you do this, you may find that your brain is compelled by different things. On the flip side of that coin, you may think about nothing during your unplugged state. Use this time to meditate, reflect, or simply be still. It’s good to disengage from time to time as it helps you hit the reset button. 

Create A Space For Spontaneity

Creativity can come when you least expect it. You may think of an idea on a walk or in the shower, but this isn’t always the case. Sometimes, you have to designate a space for creativity and spontaneity. Keep this in mind as well: creativity doesn’t always mean coming up with the next greatest invention. Sometimes, being creative means completing a Google Doc for the office or drafting a crafty newsletter for your company. The important thing is that you allow yourself some wiggle room to decide where you direct your energy. You may not be in the space to write a chapter of your book, but you may be ready to outline the next couple chapters with some integral plot points. All of the little things require creativity and can help you complete the big picture. Allow things to flow naturally and spontaneously and you may find that you get your best work yet!

Get Moving

When you sit in front of a screen all day, you may not find the inspiration you need to dream up big and clever ideas. If you find yourself mindlessly staring at a screen, it may be time to get up and get moving. Studies have shown that stepping away from your work and going for a walk or run stimulates neurological and physiological pathways. Opening these pathways can help you think more creatively and solve problems more efficiently. Many of the world’s top innovators also employ this strategy to get the creative juices flowing. Sometimes, you just need to step away, take a break, and clear your mind to make room for new ideas.


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5 Benefits Of Doing A Social Media Cleanse https://www.dherbs.com/articles/5-benefits-of-doing-a-social-media-cleanse/ Tue, 27 Sep 2022 09:15:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=143230

Living life through your screen can take a toll on your mental health. Here are five reasons why you should do a social media cleanse.


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In today’s day and age, it’s often necessary to press pause on social media platforms and press play on real life. Whether it’s TikTok, Twitter, or Instagram, endless scrolling can leave you feeling jittery, stressed, and on edge. Too many people spend more time browsing social media feeds than they do engaging with people face to face. The constant scrolling is very negative, which is why taking a break from social media can benefit your health. 

You may not think that you are a social media addict, but how many times do you check your social platforms on a daily basis? Do you search memes or mindlessly scroll through reels when out at a restaurant? Is capturing the moment on your phone more important than experiencing it through your own eyes? If this describes you, it’s time to take a break from social media

What Is A Social Media Cleanse?

Basically, a social media cleanse is a fancy way of saying “taking a break” from social media. “Cleanse” is a buzzword, which is why a lot of health websites use it in regards to things like a social media cleanse. A hiatus from the Twitterverse, for example, can last for a week or months; it really just depends on your Internet habits. Mental health experts explain that taking a break can help reduce the risk of addictive habits or behaviors. Notifications, messages, likes, and comments are little dopamine jolts. These can feel good, but the negative attention, or lack thereof, on social media can send you into a downward spiral. When you take a break from the screen, you may experience the following benefits. 

You May Sleep Better

There are many people who sleep with their phone, clutching it like a child cuddling a stuffed animal. Some people scroll their way to sleep, while others cannot sleep because they scroll right up until bedtime. Artificial light from your phone or screen can interfere with the body’s melatonin production. This hormone is responsible for helping you fall asleep, so looking into the social media void can make this process very difficult for your body. Separating yourself from social media will not only lead to less time in front of your screen, but it may also aid your sleep. 

Curb Your FOMO

Fear of missing out (FOMO) is the daunting feeling you get when you’re plugged into your device. Psychologists say that linking up to a large social media network can make where you are in the world feel like it’s the wrong place to be. Naturally, you experience FOMO, but professors at Kent State University say that where you are in the moment is often the right place to be. That said, the absence of social media can create FOMO because you worry that you are missing a friend’s wedding announcement or baby shower celebration. Sometimes, though, you just need to unplug to appreciate that you are supposed to be exactly where you are. 

Improve Your Self-Esteem

Constantly scrolling through social media can cause many people to compare lives, bodies, and achievements with everyone else. Friends and influencers alike can make it seem like your life isn’t going the way it should, or that it doesn’t measure up in quality. According to scientists, this constant comparison leads to high rates of depression. A digital detox can help you focus on yourself and reconnect with the people, things, or places that make you happy. Freeing yourself from comparison is often one of the best things you can do for mental health and self-esteem

Free Up Your Time

If you stop scrolling, you can free up space in your life to complete other things, which you may avoid. Get out from behind the screen and take a walk, clean your kitchen, organize your closet, rearrange your living room, or go to the gym. You never know what possibilities exist outside of the screen if you never take a break. You may find that you want to devote more time to painting, practicing an instrument, volunteering, or hanging out with friends. The social media-free world has so much to offer, so what will you do?

You May Relax More Easily

As we mentioned earlier, excessive social media use can lead to issues with self-esteem, but it can also lead to loneliness, depression, and stress. A 2017 meta-analysis examined 61 studies that examined social media’s relation to mental health. The researchers found that social media may not affect everyone the same way, arguing that people may not experience depression or self-esteem issues. However, psychologists suggest that taking a break from social media can help reduce anxiety. It lessens the obligations to respond or comment, which can become stressful.


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The Health Benefits Of Unplugging From Electronics https://www.dherbs.com/articles/the-health-benefits-of-unplugging-from-electronics/ Wed, 06 Jan 2021 09:06:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=120823

Unplugging from technology can help you reduce stress, decrease the risk of depression, and help you drastically improve your posture.


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In today’s day and age, you cannot go a day without looking at screens. They are everywhere! From your phone and laptop to the tablet and TV, it’s near impossible for you to escape screens. Whether you pay bills online, binge your favorite show, or work on the computer all day, the average adult spends about 12 hours a day in front of screens. 

The smartphone is basically an extension of the self, and most people have it with them from the second they rise to the second they go to sleep. These technological devices have made life more convenient, connecting people from across the globe. They also made life during the pandemic a whole lot easier. People were able to work remotely, engaging with other employees via Zoom, FaceTime, Skype, Google Docs, and Slack. People were always connected to technology, but the pandemic transformed this connection into a hyper connection. 

How Has Hyperconnectivity Changed People?

Ever since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, people haven’t had a moment to unplug. They watched online cooking tutorials and all of the shows from every streaming service, and scrolled through every social media platform. People may not be aware of it, but all of this screen time takes a physical toll on the body. “Tech neck” is a term that describes the hunching posture that occurs as a result of looking at screens, primarily computers and phones. The average human head weighs about 10-12 pounds, and leaning forward to look down at screens puts incredible strain on the spine. Additionally, people can experience “text claw,” which can lead to a higher risk of tendinitis in the wrist and forearm. 

Why Should You Disconnect?

A relationship with technology is not a bad thing, but sometimes it does more harm than good to your mental and physical health. Too much time spent “plugged in” can lead to poor posture, sleep deprivation, stress, and loneliness. Unplugging from your devices offers numerous benefits, including an opportunity to reconnect with the self. When you disconnect, you’ll find that you are more present and appreciate the natural world. Read more about the benefits of unplugging below. 

The Health Benefits Of Unplugging

You Get To Enjoy The Little Things

When you spend time away from technology, it’s a lot easier to find joy in things that would otherwise bore you. Spending time doing a puzzle, playing a card game, cooking a big meal, or reading a book seem more rewarding when you don’t check your phone every five minutes. When you are attentive to your phone, you don’t really enjoy the activity that you’re doing. Unplug and you’ll find that you’re more appreciative of the smaller things that you wouldn’t notice otherwise. Smell the roses or walk on the beach and absorb the scenery!

Mental Health Benefits

When you spend too much time on social media, it’s easy to experience insecurity, anxiety, depression, dissatisfaction, and envy. When you unplug from social media, you are able to take a break from “ideal bodies” and negative comments. This toxic tornado of negativity can sweep you away and cause you to self-destruct. You can be more grateful for your life and body when you aren’t always on social media. It’s common for people to be completely unaware of how great their lives are when they are always on social media, which doesn’t accurately represent real life. 

More Time For Gratitude

As we mentioned above, social media can cause you to experience jealousy, envy, and unnecessary comparison. You can remove all of those negative feelings from your life when you unplug from your devices. Power down those phones or laptops and focus on what you have in your life. More often than not, you’ll find that you can reset and experience more gratitude. 

You’ll Be More Present

It’s hard to be fully in the moment when you are worried about an incoming text, funny video, or Instagram notification. Whether you are sharing a meal with the family or walking around the neighborhood, doing things without technology forces you to be in the moment. No matter what you are doing, unplugging allows you to just be there. Where? There. That’s what life is all about. 

Reduced Loneliness

Even though technology allows you the opportunity to connect with people from every corner of the world, it’s very easy for it to make you feel lonely. Virtual relationships are not substitutes for the real thing. Lack of physical contact with people can result in unfulfilled interactions, which you have online. We know this is hard to do during the pandemic, but close those laptops and power off those phones for real in-person connection. Meet for a socially distanced hang with masks on, and commit to no phone usage for the entire time. 


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Simplify Your Life With These 5 Easy Tips https://www.dherbs.com/articles/simplify-your-life-with-these-5-easy-tips/ Sun, 15 Nov 2020 09:19:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=118795

Make room in your life for the things that really matter. Embrace simplicity with these 6 easy tips that help you slow down and let go.


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In these strange times of uncertainty, it’s difficult to find balance and calm. COVID-19 cases are on the rise, a new president is about to take office, and the holidays are on the horizon. Talk about things that can cause stress, are we right? There’s nothing wrong with facing these challenging times and stressful events, but you have to simplify in order to maintain balance in life. 

How Do You Live Simply?

The concept of “living simply” does not mean that you have to harvest the bugs and worms out of the ground and grow your own food. There isn’t a concrete definition that details how every person can simplify because every person is different. Some people find it beneficial to get rid of material goods, while others enjoy carving out time to paint or play music. The main goal is to carve out time in your complicated life and dedicate that time to something that fulfills you. In doing so, you’ll find that you free up mental space, relax, and live a freer, simpler life. 

Saying “No” Is Okay

A young child’s favorite word is often “no,” but some people find it tough to say that word in adulthood. Some people have the fear of missing out if they say “no,” while others feel that they’ll lose status if they decline things. Ultimately, it’s possible to avoid uncomfortable situations or obligations that drain you of energy and happiness. Learn how to say “no” and you’ll find that you have more time for yourself. 

Organize Your House Or Room

Some people thrive in the chaos of a mess, but a messy life is not meant for everyone. An unorganized room or closet can actually cause you to waste more time and stress out, attempting to find bills, shoes, shirts, hats, etc. The only way out of the stressful mess is to organize. Create binders, bins, and use shoe racks or closet organizers for clothes. Put something back exactly where it goes after you finish using it. You’ll find that your life is a lot simpler when you tame the madness. 

Take A Break From Social Media

Taking a break from social media is a form of detoxification. There is so much toxic information present in social media, and it can lead to feelings of self-doubt, low self-esteem, and lack of confidence. People compare themselves to people on social media, which can consume their lives. Let it go for a month and you’ll find that you have more time to focus on things that bring you joy. Even though people want to be connected, they often find that disconnecting reduces stress

Carve Out Time For Hobbies

Everyone needs a creative outlet. Hobbies are therapeutic and anyone who has a hobby is lucky. Adults often lose sight of the hobbies that brought them joy as children or young adults. If painting brought you joy, buy some paint brushes and a canvas and paint your heart out. Dust off the guitar in the attic and strum away. You don’t have to be amazing at your hobby either. The important thing is that engaging in a hobby means that you are focused on that singular thing, enjoying life in the moment. That’s what simplicity is all about. 

Create A Morning Ritual

How many of you set five alarms or hit the snooze button several times before peeling yourself out of bed? The longer you spend in bed, the more frantic your mornings on. Before you know it, you’re pouring granola over yogurt while jumping to put on a shoe so you are ready to leave the house in five minutes. Avoid this by creating a morning ritual. A few simple ways to start include picking out your clothes the night before, meal prepping so your lunch is ready to go, or waking up earlier to do yoga. You can even take a walk around the block with your hot tea, sipping that comforting beverage and enjoying the fresh air of the day you’re about to face. 


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