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As you get older, so does your smile. That’s why dentists recommend these tips to maintain healthy, white teeth as you age.


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Having a bright, white smile only seems to matter as you get older. As a child, how often did you spend caring for your teeth and gums? What happens is that you end up making up for neglecting your teeth at an early age. While the most notable signs of aging are wrinkles around the eyes or fine lines on the forehead, your smile has the most dramatic changes as you age. 

It may come as a surprise to you, but your pearly whites are the first things that start to show signs of aging. Yes, even before you notice smile lines or thinning hair! You use your mouth daily, from speaking and chewing to smiling and expressing. It sucks the life force out of your face when it comes to aging. That said, an aging smile is much more than a few discolored teeth or a couple lip lines. Tooth stains are visible, but you may not notice that your enamel weakens as you age. Additionally, it’s possible to have microfractures or chipping. For functional and aesthetic appearances, you want to keep your smile as healthy as possible as you get older. How do you do that? Follow the dentist-supported tips below. 

Keep Up With Oral Hygiene

This is not groundbreaking news, but prioritizing oral hygiene can lead to stronger, healthier, whiter teeth down the road. A healthy smile is the ticket to a beautiful smile. What that means is that you should brush your teeth twice a day with an ultrasonic toothbrush for optimal cleaning. Flossing, tongue scraping, using a gentle mouthwash, and staying hydrated are habits that maintain a healthy oral microbiome. All of these oral hygiene practices help maintain whiter teeth. By strengthening the tooth’s natural enamel, you can help eliminate buff stains and prevent them from developing in the first place. Stronger teeth and gums means a healthier, shinier smile. 

A quick note about mouthwash is that you don’t want to use it all the time. Traditional antiseptic mouthwash is antibacterial by nature, but that means they can wash away the healthy bacteria that inhabit your mouth. Just like your gut, your oral microbiome requires a balance of good and bad bacteria. For that reason, don’t frequently rinse with antiseptic mouthwashes. You can use them infrequently, or rinse with non-antiseptic mouthwashes more regularly.

Invest In A Mouthguard 

One of the most common signs of an aging smile is gum recession. Gum lines can creep higher up on the teeth than they should, and this happens with general wear and tear. Some people are more prone to gum recession based on genetics, while others can cause gum recession from teeth grinding or brushing too vigorously. If you are not prone to genetic gum recession, you can engage in certain habits that help you avoid it. If you grind your teeth, especially during your sleep, a mouthguard can be very beneficial. Additionally, consider brushing with a soft toothbrush, and try not to brush too hard. Be careful when you brush because you don’t want to push up on the gum tissue.

Don’t Brush Right After Eating

Let’s say you eat a meal with a lot of garlic or onion. The first thing you want to do, especially if you plan on leaving the house, is to brush your teeth. You may even brush your teeth after drinking coffee to reduce coffee stains. Staining foods and beverages tend to be quite acidic, so brushing immediately after eating or drinking rubs that acidic material all over your teeth. Instead of brushing, rinse your mouth with plain water to help prevent staining. 


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Homemade Tooth Powder To Whiten Your Teeth Thu, 06 Aug 2020 17:50:52 +0000

Rich in remineralizing agents, this DIY tooth powder is the thing you are missing from your oral care routine. It helps to naturally whiten your teeth!


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The DIY toothpaste game is tricky to understand. Making toothpaste involves more commitment than the average do-it-yourselfer is willing to put out. That’s perfectly fine! Avoid the struggle and whip up a batch of homemade tooth powder that will help improve gum health and naturally whiten your teeth.

People want their teeth to shine bright, but you have to use the right ingredients for that to happen. For the recipe in this article, we turn to ingredients with therapeutic benefits, as opposed to the chemical ingredients in commercial toothpastes. The only thing to keep in mind about this natural tooth powder is that you should not use it every single day, especially if you have sensitive teeth or gums. The ingredients can be abrasive and rough for some people.

Activated Charcoal

As many of you know, charcoal works to remove toxins from the body. The body doesn’t digest it; rather, it passes through the gastrointestinal tract, binding to toxins so they get eliminated via bowel movements. When it comes to oral care, charcoal helps to change the pH balance in your mouth. Several studies found it to be effective at preventing cavities and improving the oral health of people with tooth decay and gingivitis. The slightly abrasive texture scrubs away stains and works to naturally whiten your teeth.

Bentonite Clay

Similar to activated charcoal, the negatively charged bentonite clay molecules work to remove toxins, bacteria, and other impurities from the body. It also contains minerals that work to remineralize tooth enamel. Bacteria can attack the surface of your teeth and break down enamel. Well, bentonite clay helps to rebuild this enamel, preventing tooth decay. It also works to neutralize excess acid in the mouth, raising the pH of your mouth so that bacteria have a harder time surviving.

Baking Soda

If you have stains from years of coffee drinking, it’s time to call on baking soda to come save the day. Baking soda is both alkaline and salty, making it great for acid-based food stains. Any coffee, red wine, soda, or tea stain does not stand a chance against baking soda. One thing to keep in mind about baking soda is that it is abrasive and should not be used on your teeth daily for that reason.   

Homemade Tooth Powder


  • 3 tablespoons bentonite clay
  • 1 tablespoon activated charcoal
  • 1 tablespoon baking soda
  • 1 tablespoon cinnamon
  • 1 tablespoon xylitol
  • 10-15 drops peppermint essential oil


  • Add all the ingredients to a medium-sized mixing bowl and whisk to combine. Alternatively, you can add the ingredients to a food processor to get a perfectly even blend.
  • Transfer the powder to an airtight container and store in a cool, dry place.
  • When you are ready to use this powder, whet your toothpaste and dip it into the powder. Brush for two minutes and then rinse well.


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DIY Remineralizing Toothpaste Thu, 12 Mar 2020 17:50:00 +0000

Avoid the glycerin, fluoride and other unsafe ingredients in commercial toothpastes when you whip up this batch of remineralizing toothpaste.


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Nobody enjoys going to the dentist. People don’t want to sit back in reclining chairs while another person shoves mirrors, drills, suction tubes, or metal picks in their mouths, all the while being asked about their days. We can only make sounds or shake our heads, dentists! Above all else, the news that people don’t want to hear is that they have cavities because their teeth are unhealthy. That’s why reminieralization is such a trending topic in the oral health world.

Let’s Talk About Tooth Health

There’s no denying that brushing and flossing are essential oral care practices to keep your teeth as healthy as possible. One aspect of oral health that is often neglected is diet. While your dentist will tell you to brush and floss to avoid cavities and tooth decay, he or she may not suggest foods that encourage healthy teeth. It is optimal to eat alkaline foods to promote a higher pH environment in the mouth. So many people drink sugary beverages and eat candy or processed foods, which raise acidity levels and strip away enamel as a result. A healthy mouth will have adequate saliva, which deposits minerals on the teeth and remineralizes them in the process.

Brushing Tip: Brush at a 45-degree angle around the gum of each tooth. This is where bacteria like to hide and cause plaque build up and tooth decay. This helps to focus the brushing on the bottom of the teeth and inside the gums.

How Does Remineralizing Toothpaste Work?

As we previously mentioned, diet makes a difference in the health of your teeth, which means that what you put on your teeth also influences them. Most toothpastes contain fluoride, glycerin, or sodium lauryl sulfate, which is the compound that causes foaming when you brush. These ingredients can create a more acidic environment and compromise the health of your teeth. Remineralizing toothpastes use ingredients that supply the teeth with alkalizing minerals that strengthen them. When you start brushing with the toothpaste (below), you should notice a difference in how your teeth feel. Try it and let us know!

DIY Remineralizing Toothpaste


  • ¾ cup virgin unrefined coconut oil
  • ¾ cup calcium powder
  • 1/3 cup xylitol
  • 2 teaspoons baking soda
  • 48 drops peppermint essential oil


  • Place the coconut oil in a heat-safe glass bowl and melt in the microwave.
  • Stir the rest of the ingredients into the coconut oil and mix until everything is well combined.
  • Pour the toothpaste into a glass storage jar and brush with a small amount twice daily.


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The Best And Worst Foods For Your Teeth Mon, 25 Jun 2018 11:45:55 +0000

Brushing and flossing don't always keep your teeth healthy. Take these foods into account when it comes to the health of your teeth.


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There is more to keeping your teeth healthy than just brushing and flossing every day. When it comes to taking care of those pearly whites, watching what you eat is essential. Tooth decay and gum diseases can take a long time to develop, and as such, they can go unnoticed before we realize that there is a problem. This is why knowing which foods benefit and harm our teeth can help us prevent a lot of pain, and expensive visits to the dentist.

The Best


It is for various reasons that apples are on this list. The action of eating an apple produces enough saliva in your mouth to rinse away bacteria and food particles. Its fibrous texture can also stimulate the gums, while the fiber it contains can help remove traces of stains and plaque on your teeth.


Along with other crunchy veggies, such as carrots, celery can protect your teeth in two ways. The extra chewing that celery demands produces plenty of saliva, which neutralizes the bacteria that cause cavities. Additionally, its texture makes it naturally abrasive, meaning it gently scrubs and cleans other food particles off your teeth.

Leafy Greens

The reason why leafy greens, like kale and spinach, can promote healthier teeth is because they are high in calcium, which builds your teeth’s enamel. They are also rich in folate, which can be particularly beneficial for pregnant women, given that it can treat periodontal disease.


These berries contain malic acid, which helps to soften and dissolve stains on your teeth. They are also brimming with vitamin C, an antioxidant that is necessary for the production of collagen, a key protein that maintains strength of your gums.

The Worst

Chewy Candy

The stickier the candy, the worse it tends to be for your teeth. Candies like taffy or caramels stick to (and between) teeth for a long time, allowing bacteria in the mouth to leisurely feast on the remaining sugar. As a result, bacteria burns sugar to create acid, which dissolves the protective layer of tooth enamel, and causes cavities.


As tasty as they may be for many people, pickles contain vinegar, which is highly acidic. This can demineralize your teeth, causing erosion and long-term damage.

Dried Fruits

Although they are still better than processed fruit snacks, and are used by many as a complement to their diet, dried fruits are still very sticky and high in sugar. They are like chewy candy, adhering to the teeth, and promoting dental erosion. If you eat dried fruit, strive to only purchase unsulfured varieties that don’t contain added sugars or other preservatives.


Along with starchy foods, the refined carbs found in saltines and other types of crackers convert to sugar in the mouth very quickly, providing food for cavity-forming bacteria. Crackers also become mushy when chewed, turning into a paste-like substance that builds up in your molars.

Citrus Fruits and Juices (in excess)

Citrus fruits are beneficial in many ways. They are rich in vitamins and nutrients that are essential for the body. However, consuming sugary fruit juices (particularly grapefruit and lemonade) in excess can erode tooth enamel over time due to the high sugar and acid content.


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Medicine Cabinet Makeover: Oral Hygiene Tue, 22 May 2018 12:05:29 +0000

Most commercial oral hygiene products can actually damage your gums and lead to tooth decay. Give your oral hygiene routine a DIY makeover.


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The teeth and oral health systems are ever-changing environments, just like the rest of the organs and systems in the body. To promote a healthy mouth, it is optimal to care for the body with ingredients that aren’t secretly harming your teeth or gums. There are techniques to help naturally remineralize your teeth and there are DIY recipes designed to promote optimal oral health.

While you can care for your teeth with a variety of DIY products, keeping a healthy mouth first starts with a healthy diet. Continually eating foods that are difficult to digest and low in nutrients can result in a poor functioning digestive system. Always remember that your mouth emulates the health of your gut. Studies have shown that people who made the plant-based shift had improved oral hygiene, in addition to better functioning digestive systems. Combine your plant-based diet with the DIY practices below and people will be asking what your secrets to healthy teeth are!

Try Oil Pulling To Keep Your Mouth Healthy

Bad breath, medically known as halitosis, is typically the result of having an excess amount of toxins or bacteria in the mouth. The natural properties in coconut oil help to attack the bacteria, helping to naturally freshen your breath and oral health. Oil pulling works especially well on the Streptococcus mutans bacterium, which can cause cavities, gingivitis, or other oral health issues.

You Can Use Activated Charcoal To Whiten Your Teeth

Many videos of people brushing their teeth with charcoal products have surfaced around the web lately. Activated charcoal helps to promote great oral hygiene by balancing the pH levels in your mouth. It also helps to whiten your teeth, removing coffee, tea, or berry stains. Be careful not to brush with activated charcoal too much because it can be a bit abrasive to your gums and enamel.

Natural Rinse To Remove Plaque & Tartar


The development of oral diseases is only the first sign of neglecting your oral hygiene. Some oral diseases can lead to the development of other diseases that affect the whole body. Keeping your mouth clean and healthy not only keeps your teeth in good shape, but it also helps out the rest of your body. Use this DIY mouth rinse to practice good oral hygiene.

Click here to make the mouth rinse.

DIY Antibacterial Mouthwash


This antibacterial DIY mouthwash with antifungal properties can help keep your breath fresh. This mouthwash contains two powerful essential oils (tea tree and peppermint), which are not dangerous to your body. A study of essential oils on dental implants showed that they actually helped limit biofilm production.

Click here to make the mouthwash.

DIY Toothpaste


One of the benefits of using a DIY toothpaste is that it doesn’t contain foaming agents. A lot of toothpastes contain foaming agents like sodium laureth sulfate (SLS) or sodium laurel suflate, which interfere with your taste buds by breaking up phospholipids on the tongue. SLS has also been linked to the development of canker sores.

Click here to make the toothpaste.

If you try any of these recipes, let us know how they worked for you. Promote DIY and keep your mouth fresh!


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Use This DIY Toothpaste For Healthier Teeth Thu, 17 May 2018 18:10:25 +0000

The coconut oil and turmeric work together to help get rid of plaque and nourish your gums without the chemicals in commercial toothpastes.


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Recent studies have revealed that coconut oil contains properties that work to fight the bacteria that are responsible for tooth decay. Certain enzymes in coconut oil work to inhibit the growth of various Streptococcus bacteria, some of which are acid-producing and toxic to gums and teeth.

Why Not Just Use Regular Toothpaste?

Did you know that fluoride has never been significantly proven to protect your teeth from cavity development? Continued fluoride consumption, which the body can absorb through mouthwashes or toothpastes, can lead to gastrointestinal disorders, osteoarthritis, essential enzyme inhibition, immune system suppression, and acute poisoning.

One of the benefits of using a DIY toothpaste is that it doesn’t contain foaming agents. A lot of toothpastes contain foaming agents like sodium laureth sulfate (SLS) or sodium laurel suflate, which interfere with your taste buds by breaking up phospholipids on the tongue. SLS has also been linked to the development of canker sores.

Rather than taking a risk, it is recommended to go the all-natural route and avoid toxic substances altogether. DIY toothpaste also lasts a lot longer than regular commercial toothpastes because you don’t need a lot when it comes time to brush. It can take some time to get used to the DIY toothpaste because people have been conditioned to like the minty flavors.

Why Turmeric?

Studies have shown that the antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties in turmeric are effective at preventing bad breath and plaque build-up. Turmeric has also been comparable to the anti-plaque and antimicrobial properties that commercial mouthwashes claim to have.


  • 2 tablespoons organic virgin coconut oil
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric powder
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda (try to get one that has not bee treated with chemicals)
  • a few drops food grade peppermint oil (optional)


  • Mix the coconut oil, turmeric, and baking soda in a bowl until you get a smooth consistency. If you are using the peppermint oil, mix it in as well.
  • Spoon the paste into an airtight, glass jar and store in a cool dry place.
  • Add a small amount (about the size of a pinky nail) to your toothbrush and start brushing. Make sure you don’t swallow the mixture.
  • Rinse your mouth with water when finished.


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DIY Antibacterial Mouthwash To Get Rid Of Plaque Sat, 28 Apr 2018 18:15:23 +0000

Here is a DIY mouthwash that helps to improve the health of your teeth. The best part is that it is free of alcohol and fluoride!


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The DIY trend is growing in popularity because people are realizing the benefits of natural ingredients and understanding the negatives of chemical-filled commercial products. When it comes to mouthwash, most varieties contain fluoride, which is one of the most toxic substances known to man. Fluoride compounds are purposefully added to water (not everywhere) through a process called fluoridation, but its use in commercial toothpastes and mouthwashes is dangerous.

Did you know that fluoride has never been significantly proven to protect your teeth from cavity development? Continued fluoride consumption, which the body can absorb through mouthwashes or toothpastes, can lead to gastrointestinal disorders, osteoarthritis, essential enzyme inhibition, immune system suppression, and acute poisoning.

This is why we strive to find DIY solutions, which use natural ingredients that do not harm the body. For instance, we came upon an antibacterial DIY mouthwash with antifungal properties that help keep your breath fresh. This mouthwash contains two powerful essential oils (tea tree and peppermint), which are not dangerous to your body.

Recent dental studies have found that essential oils, when properly diluted, safely reduce plaque on teeth. The proper dilution would be 1 cup of distilled water per 10 drops of essential oils. They fight back against gingivitis and don’t stain your teeth, which is common among chlorhexidine rinses. A study of essential oils on dental implants showed that they actually helped limit biofilm production.

The benefit of using DIY products is that you know exactly what goes into what you are using. The use of DIY mouthwashes also decreases the amount of waste headed to landfills, due to fewer plastic bottles used. Use this mouthwash to help improve your oral hygiene and have a better environmental footprint.


  • 1 small glass mason jar
  • ½ cup distilled water
  • 2 teaspoons baking soda
  • 2 drops tea tree essential oil
  • 2 drops peppermint essential oil


  • Add all of the ingredients to the small mason jar and shake to combine. When you don’t use it the baking soda will settle at the bottom of the jar, so be sure to shake it up prior to rinsing.
  • Swish about 2-3 teaspoons of the mixture in your mouth for one minute. Be sure to avoid swallowing this mixture.
  • Spit it out and rinse your mouth with filtered water.

Note that this mouthwash is best used after brushing with a non-toxic, fluoride-free toothpaste.


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How To Detox Chemicals After You Go To The Dentist Sat, 29 Jul 2017 18:25:47 +0000

Sometimes it is necessary to go to the dentist if you have chronic tooth pain, but you need to rid your body of those chemicals. Here's how.


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When you are faced with a serious tooth problem, such as a cavity, chronic toothache, or need fillings replaced, you have some serious decisions to make if you are a health conscious person. While there are natural remedies to soothe toothaches or to help get rid of cavities, a trip to the dentist is sometimes necessary. If you have a serious problem with your teeth and need work done, try to seek out a dentist who practices under holistic dentistry or biological dentistry.

A holistic dentist typically tries to evaluate you as a whole and uses mercury-free substances for fillings. They also utilize digital X-rays and other technologies that aren’t as harmful to your body. If you are unable to find a dentist who practices holistic dentistry, then you are left with conventional dentists who will probably use harmful chemicals that will enter into your body, in order for you to have your teeth or tooth worked on. This is sometimes a better option than trying to suffer through the pain, which can be excruciating. If you are going to go to one of these dentists, you can take activated charcoal for the next couple days to draw out the chemicals. Another option is participating in the Full Body Cleanse to remove toxins and chemicals from your entire body.


Cavities are caused by a combination of bacteria and food. Plaque is a clear substance that is always forming on your teeth and gums. The plaque on your teeth has bacteria, which feed on the sugars from the food you eat. The bacteria produce acids that attack your teeth for about 20 minutes after you eat, and this can cause tooth decay or cavities, especially if your oral hygiene isn’t good.

Clove Oil For Cavities

When you experience minor or even major toothache pain, you can rub essential oil of clove on the problem tooth or teeth until you can get yourself to a dentist. You may want to dilute a few drops of clove essential oil in a few drops of organic, virgin coconut oil, as the pure essential oil may be intense for sensitive gums or teeth.

Oil Pulling

Oil pulling, which is a popular Ayurvedic remedy, can help reduce the bacteria that causes cavities. You can use sesame oil or organic, virgin coconut oil. Place 1 tablespoon of the desired oil in your mouth and swish it around for about 15-20 minutes. You can do this every morning before brushing your teeth for about a month to help remedy cavities.

Post Dentist Visit Recovery

Cilantro helps to counteract mercury toxicity and chemicals in the body. If you still have mercury in your mouth, it may be beneficial to start drinking freshly made vegetable juice that contains cilantro. You can also add cilantro to salsa, guacamole, salad dressings, or other dishes to help remove mercury from your system. You can’t go wrong by consuming fresh cilantro.


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Beware of Toothpaste and Dental Hygiene Products! Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:50 +0000

Yes, beware of toothpaste! Commercial brand toothpastes, that is!


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Yes, beware of toothpaste! Commercial brand toothpastes, that is!


Commercial brand toothpastes contain caustic and toxic ingredients known to affect physical health. There’s a reason why if it’s ingested in large quantities that the consumer is directed to call a poison control center.

Many commercial brand toothpastes contain ingredients such as sodium fluoride, propylene glycol, sodium laurel sulfate, sodium saccharin, polyethylene, Blue Lake #1, D & C Red #30 Lake, and FD & C Blue #1 Lake.

Sodium fluoride (aka Flouride) is a toxic chemical used in rat poison. Teeth do not require fluoride, but fluorine. Fluoride is not a mineral or element, but fluorine is. Fluorine helps prevent tooth decay. Organic fluorine is found in Black Walnut Hulls and Miswak (Peelu), although in very low concentrations.

Propylene glycol is an industrial agent. It is commonly used to keep products moist and is also used in car antifreeze solutions and de-icing solutions for cars, airplanes, and boats.

Sodium Laurel Sulfate (SLS) is a surfactant and detergent commonly used in engine degreaser, garage floor cleaners, and car wash soaps. It’s also used clinical testing as a primary skin irritant.

Sodium saccharin is another ingredient in rat poison. In toothpaste, it’s a sweetener.

Polyethylene is PLASTIC.

Blue Lake, FD & C Lake, and all the Lakes are petroleum-derived dyes and known carcinogens. They are used in your toothpastes to give them color.

Sugar alternatives are commonly found in oral hygiene and toothpaste products. They don’t outright use sugar because toothpaste is supposed to fight against the damage of sugar so they use artificial sweeteners instead.

Natural Toothpaste or Tooth Powder Products

There are good alternative brands of toothpaste on the shelves of good health food stores such as Whole Foods Market, Trader Joes, Wild Oats, Natural Grocer Stores (Northern California), VP Discount Health Stores, Nature Mart (Los Angeles, CA), Erewhon (Los Angeles, CA), New Frontiers (Sedona and Flagstaff, Arizona), Sevenanda (Atlanta, GA), and Simply Wholesome (Los Angeles, CA) just to name a few.

Good alternative brands of toothpaste include:

  • Ayurveda
  • Nature’s Gate
  • Peelu
  • Tom’s of Maine

Even with these alternative brands, it’s important to read the labels because many natural brands also add fluoride.

Herbs are great for tooth powder purposes. Peelu brand makes a great tooth powder, if you can tolerate the taste. Other herbs that make excellent tooth powders include White Oak Bark, Clove, Black Walnut Hull, Neem, Bayberry, Goldenseal, Witch Hazel bark, and Cranesbill.


Toothbrushes can be harmful if you use the wrong type or size for your teeth or gum condition. Use a toothbrush with very soft bristles. You can also use a towel to clean your teeth. Simply wet the towel and add a little herbal tooth powder to the towel and start brushing and polishing.

Healing Tooth Problems Naturally

For strong and healthy teeth, make sure you get optimal amounts of calcium phosphate, especially if you are pregnant. A developing baby can cause a pregnant woman to lose calcium, which is why many females experience problems with their teeth after pregnancy.

Essential oil of Clove is known to provide relief from tooth pain. Apply a few drops on to a Q-tip and apply to the toothache. This is just a temporary remedy until you can get yourself to a dentist, preferably a holistic dentist (if you can find one).

Many dental problems can be resolved through diet changes including plaque build up, sensitive teeth, gingivitis (bad breath), and stained teeth.

Tooth whiteners are toxic and potentially harmful to your health. Nothing whitens teeth better than Carbon, a/k/a Activated Charcoal. Though a tasteless black substance, this stuff whitens teeth and removes plaque at the same time. The substance is very powerful and also helps to maintain a healthy mouth pH balance.

Dietary Intervention

Eliminate meat, dairy products, refined grains and starches from your diet. Eliminate processed foods or greatly cut back on them. Processed vegan products are better than actual meat-based ones.

Consider going all raw (at least for purposes of healing). As raw foodism may be too strict for many, consider becoming a vegan. Eating fruits and vegetables are great for the teeth and gums. Strawberries are especially good to eat as they clean the teeth. Biting into a strawberry is one of the best things you can do for your teeth and gums.

Drinking vegetable juice and swooshing the juice around in your mouth is also healing for your teeth, gums and mouth.

Cilantro is good stuff if you have or had mercury filings in your mouth via teeth. Mercury leeches and eventually makes it way to the brain, which causes a host of problems, but cilantro can help detoxify the body of mercury.

Alkaline water is the best water you can drink for healing and health purposes. Always drink at least half your body weight in water. For example, if your total body weight is 160 pounds, you should drink at least 80 ounces because half of 160 is 80.

Stop chewing gum. For breath freshener, try Miswak (Peelu) sticks, Neem sticks, and/or Licorice sticks – all Nature’s toothbrush sticks..

Switch from drinking coffee to drinking coffee alternatives such as brands like Teeccino, Pero, and Cafix. Coffee alternatives are made from dried herbs, seeds, and fruits. Teeccino brand tastes good!

If you’re drinking coffee for that caffeine high, switch to herbs containing bio-active caffeine such as Yerba Mate, Kola Nut, Green Tea, or Guarana. The caffeine in these herbs is bio-active (alive) and not harmful on the body nor are they addictive.

If you use baking soda to brush your teeth, make sure the baking soda is ‘aluminum free.’

Make Your Own Mouthwash

Avoid using commercial mouthwash and gargling agents that contain toxic ingredients such as ALCOHOL (which has been implicated in cancer of the throat), PROPYLENE GLYCOL, SODIUM SACCHARIN, D&C and FD&C color dyes (petroleum), and SODIUM LAUREL SULFATE.

You can also make your own mouthwash using these guidelines:

  • Base 1: Blend warm water, sea salt, and a few drops of tea tree oil
  • Base 2: Blend warm water, sea salt, and hydrogen peroxide (3% variation, not 35% food grade variation which should be avoided for this purpose).
  • Add essential oils to either base such as Clove, Tea Tree, Wintergreen, Spearmint and Peppermint

Clove and Tea Tree give your mouthwash antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, and antimicrobial properties and activities.

Gargling with a little hydrogen peroxide (top or cap full) is great for oral hygiene purposes, especially in cases of internal canker sores (oral herpes) and periodontal disease. If you suffer from or experience bleeding gums, gargle with hydrogen peroxide and a little sea salt which will help the bleeding to subside.

You can add a little vegetable glycerine to your mouthwash to make it a little sweet tasting. You can also add liquid chlorophyll to your mouthwash solution as well – gives it a nice green color.

Root Canals

And remember, there is no herbal alternative to a root canal. Herbs can’t replace surgery.

If you have a major dental issue, by all means seek the help you need and require. You can deal with the injection of drugs later on.


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