Prioritize Exercise If Weight Loss Is Your Goal This Year
A lot of emphasis is placed on diet regarding weight loss. Research suggests that you prioritize exercise to experience real results!
A lot of emphasis is placed on diet regarding weight loss. Research suggests that you prioritize exercise to experience real results!
Certain foods, including soy, fatty meat, gluten, and more can affect the thyroid gland and the body’s ability to use thyroid hormone.
High triglyceride levels can increase the risk of conditions like heart attack or stroke. Different factors can contribute to higher levels.
If thyroid medications are causing side effects, consider the five natural remedies for hypothyroidism as alternative options.
The thyroid, a butterfly-shaped gland, is essential to your overall health, and these nightly habits may promote better thyroid health.
The California Assembly’s Committee on Health officially approved a bill to ban five toxic chemicals from processed foods.
If your hands are always cold, even when the weather is warm and the A/C is off, your body may be trying to tell you something is wrong.
On the latest episode of Vegan101, we’ll go over the foods you should be avoiding if you have hypothyroidism!
Is your hair desperately trying to tell you something? Changes may indicate several health issues, nutritional deficiencies, and more.
Learn how Ayurvedic herbs can help create balance in the body. Some of these ancient herbs may lead to optimal, healthy thyroid function.
Nettle root has exhibited an ability to help woman naturally balance hormones. Learn more about how it can benefit female health.
Various adaptogenic herbs and nutrients can positively affect thyroid health. Learn which 5 supplements you should start taking.
Thyroid Aid – Herbal supplement rich in organic iodine that works to regulate hormones and aid in a healthy thyroid gland.
The Thyroid Aid is an herbal supplement that has iodine, which is helpful in cleansing and nourishing the thyroid gland and in boosting the metabolism.
Thyroid Aid is an herbal supplement that has iodine, which is helpful in cleansing and nourishing the thyroid gland and in boosting the metabolism.
The iodine in these products helps to boost the immune system, and nurture the thyroid. It is beneficial to the digestive, respiratory, and urinary tracts.
Learn about the research-proven health benefits of the ancient herb, ashwagandha. It’s revered by herbalists and scientists alike!
Here are 7 great yoga poses that can help you improve thyroid health. Learn how to do them in these detailed yoga tutorials.
Found in many plant-based foods, iodine is an essential mineral that the thyroid needs to produce thyroid hormones, which control metabolism.
Traditional medicinal practices used bladderwrack to remedy a variety of illnesses for centuries. Find out why it is still beneficial for your health.
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