Tech Neck: What It Is And How To Prevent It
Used to describe chronic neck pain caused by using technology, tech neck can damage muscles over time and misalign the spine.
Used to describe chronic neck pain caused by using technology, tech neck can damage muscles over time and misalign the spine.
With the ability to connect with anyone at any time, it can be difficult to set boundaries and establish a healthy work-life balance.
Happy 2024, everybody! With the new year nearly upon us, how will you celebrate? Here are five unique ideas to ring in 2024.
Take a break from the weights and the treadmill to exercise your brain. These tricks may help boost memory and overall cognitive function.
Forgetfulness is just one of the early red flags of dementia. Other warning signs may help you determine whether or not to see a doctor.
A lot of people struggle to get the recommended 7-8 hours of sleep every night, but these tips may help the brain and body get ready for bed
Don’t let work stress force you into a state of exhaustion. If you’re a working woman, follow these tips to cope with stress.
When you collapse on the couch, does your mind still race? The body desperately craves rest, so use these tips to unplug after a long day.
Many people specialize at putting off tasks, but that never ends well. Learn how you can break the cycle and finally overcome procrastination.
Gua sha is a practice that uses a tool to apply pressure and scrape the skin to relieve pain & tension. Here’s what to do before starting it.
Unplugging from technology can help you reduce stress, decrease the risk of depression, and help you drastically improve your posture.
Not everybody in the world has the luxury of a clean water source. That could all change with the invention of the wind-powered WaterSeer.
You can now charge your smartphone by plugging it into a plant. Check out this new green technology.
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