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Every woman is well acquainted with her monthly visitor, but there are things most women don't know about their periods.


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Ladies, ladies, ladies…as much as you may hate periods, there are some things you may or may not know about them. Menstrual blood, for instance, is actually pretty cool. In fact, the stem cells found in menstrual blood are more powerful than those found in bone marrow. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Menstruation is a part of life for women. From the time a woman gets her period until menopause, most women dread that time of the month. It isn’t fun, it’s expensive (tampons and pads, which are basic necessities, are taxed), and you can experience different health symptoms.

Here are some interesting period facts that you may have been unaware of until right now.

#1: Cramps Aren’t Normal

Even though you may think it is normal to have them, it isn’t. Cramps can indicate that there’s something else going on in your body, for example, that your estrogen count is high. Or maybe you ate too much sugar, which triggered the inflammatory response. If you have a fibroid, cyst, or something irritating the uterus, which could also be the cause of cramps.

#2: Don’t Blame Sugar Cravings on PMS

Some women have the urge to go for chocolate or foods high in carbs when they menstruate. This could mean that you have low progesterone levels, and progesterone is the hormone that helps regulate blood sugar. You may want to get some blood work done to check your progesterone levels. A healthy woman’s body requires adequate intake of foods rich in vitamin B6 in order to produce enough progesterone. Foods rich in vitamin B6 include walnuts, bananas, beans, spinach, fermented soy and potatoes.

#3: Tampons Contribute to Bacterial Infections

Tampons can cause bacterial infections, including vaginal dryness or the rare toxic shock syndrome (TSS). This is because tampons are made up of material that certain bacteria like. A good alternative may be a menstrual cup, which is a reusable cup that collects period blood. Pads are also a viable and can sometimes be a less toxic option (stay away from bleached cotton). Think about it.

#4: The Days Before Your Period Mimic Pregnancy

The body is preparing for pregnancy in the days leading up to your period. This means that the body secretes certain hormones such as progesterone. If you’ve ever felt bloated or have had tender breasts, it is because your body isn’t used to that sudden hormone rush. You can counteract this by avoiding alcohol or caffeine in the week leading up to your period. Both of these can fluctuate your mood and hormones, so avoiding these can help keep you level. Additionally, you can eat omega-3 fatty acids (flaxseeds or walnuts are highest) to balance mood and keep your brain healthy.

#5: Insomnia Should Be Looked Into

If your period causes you to have insomnia, it may be because you have a very low amount of progesterone. Proper progesterone levels help you sleep, so you may need to get your progesterone levels checked by a health practitioner.


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Vaginal Blood Clots https://www.dherbs.com/articles/general-topics/vaginal-blood-clots/ Thu, 13 Jun 2013 16:25:53 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/uncategorized/vaginal-blood-clots/

Women who suffer from vaginal blood clotting are women whose eliminative channels are usually blocked or impaired, mainly the colon.


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Vaginal blood clots are blood clots that are expelled from the uterus by way of the female vagina. A blood clot is a semisolid, gelatinous mass, the end result of the clotting process in blood. It ordinarily consists of red cells, white cells, and platelets enmeshed in an insoluble fibrin network.

Blood clotting is the conversion of blood from a free-flowing liquid to a semisolid gel. Although it can occur within the intact blood vessel, the process usually starts with tissue damage and exposure of the blood to air. Within seconds of injury to the vessel wall, platelets clump at the site. If normal amounts of calcium, platelets, and tissue factors are present, prothrombin will be converted to thrombin. Thrombin then acts as a catalyst for the conversion of fibrinogen to a mesh of insoluble fibrin, in which all the formed elements are immobilized.

Basically, the blood clots released or expelled via the vaginal channel are clumps of uterine tissue. They are commonly discharged during the menstrual cycle because the menstrual cycle is a monthly process of eliminating bodily toxins and waste via the menses. The expelled blood clots being expelled are nothing but old clumps of gelatinous uterine tissue from the shedding of the endometrium lining of the uterus mixed with coagulated or congealed blood and mucus.

These clots can be rubbery and very thick. The body knows when there are too many clots in the body and eliminates them. The menstrual cycle is the process of female reproductive elimination and whatever needs to be released from the female reproductive chamber will usually be released during the menstrual cycle.

Risk Factors

Women who suffer from vaginal blood clotting are women whose eliminative channels are usually blocked or impaired.

Tampons are unhealthy because they plug up the vagina, which has a natural downward spiral energy that supports elimination. They push things that may be ready for elimination back up into the uterus and cervix area. Because that downward and spiral eliminative energy is blocked, clots that may have otherwise been expelled or eliminated remain in the vaginal cavity due to that energy blockage. Blocked vaginal energy will stop physical vaginal activity like the releasing of vaginal blood clots.

If the blood clots remained in the woman’s body for long periods of time without being discharged, the woman could have developed a female reproductive area cancer, i.e. vaginal cancer, ovarian cancer, uterine cancer, etc.

Metaphoric Causes of Blood Clots

Emotionally, clots mean you need to let go of things or emotions that no longer serve you. These hardened, rubbery vaginal blood clots are the physical manifestations of “hardened” and “unhealthy” emotions, usually from the past (past hurts, past resentments, past pains, past anger, past frustration, past bitterness, etc.).

Releasing of blood clots means a woman needs to also release her stored “clots” of old, negative, hardened and toxic emotions and feelings she harbors within the uterus of her emotional body.

Excessive releasing of blood clots will also mean the woman is anemic.

Natural Healing from Blood Clots

While DHerbs.com does not endorse douching, douching with herbal teas for purposes of facilitating the dissolving and releasing of blood clots can be done with herbs such as:

  • White oak bark
  • Alum root (cransebill)
  • Goldenseal
  • Dragon’s blood
  • Shepherd’s purse
  • Lady’s mantle

Sexual intercourse while clotting should be avoided as all activity that pushes things up and back into the uterus area should be avoided.

Believe it or not, vaginal blood clotting is a form of healing and releasing. Get in sync with your lower (physical) releasing of old matter and start releasing on your higher level (emotional, mental, and spiritual) of old matter (negative emotions and thoughts).

Excessive releasing of vital blood will always result in anemia unless the woman is smart enough to consume necessary daily amounts of iron phosphate (organic iron) via natural sources such as:

Thank you for reading.


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Menopause https://www.dherbs.com/articles/womens-health/menopause/ Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:53 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/uncategorized/menopause/

Drink plenty of water and good herbal teas that benefit the female hormonal system. Change your thoughts from negative to positive.


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Because menopause is a part of the normal but unnatural female menstrual cycle, menopause too is normal but unnatural.

Menopause denotes the termination of the menstrual cycle in a female. Menopause derives from Latin “menses” meaning ‘month’, and Greek “pauses” meaning ‘to cease’ and is defined as: the cessation of menses. Menses stop naturally with the decline of cyclic hormonal production and function between 45 and 60 years of age but may stop earlier in life as a result of illness or the surgical removal of the uterus or both ovaries. As the production of ovarian estrogen and pituitary gonadotropins decreases, ovulation and menstruation become less frequent and eventually stop. Fluctuations in the circulating levels of these hormones occur as the levels decline. Hot flashes are the only nearly universal symptom of the menopause.

Menopause is mostly a phenomenon with Western women-especially in the capital of disease aka the United States – however, menopause is making its way to Africa, the Orient/Asia, and other countries of the East due to the pervasive standard American diet and the fast food industry. With democracy comes disease, and disease of every kind.

Menopause’s History

Female menstruation was originally an activity based upon the female energy body discharging toxic energy via vibrational menstruum every 28 days (under the original lunar calendar). Females dumped off toxic and stale energy on the emotional, etheric, astral, mental, and spiritual levels. But due to an inner defect that developed over past millennia, an imbalance occurred which today has manifested physically with the process of menstruation.

And because whatever comes out of the physical menstruation exists on the astral level, females also have an astral menstrual cycle. Astral menstruum toxicity is created with the physical menstruation since the physical menstruation releases toxins. The physical blood (menstruum) is a carrier base for toxic emotions. Females release their emotional toxicity via their menstrual cycle. This can be truly beneficial for the conscious woman who can will or bring on her menstruation at will.

Menopause can trigger a host of symptoms, including hot flashes, fatigue, vaginal dryness, insomnia, anxiety, and even depression. The depression linked to (or stemming from) menopause deals with the refusal to accept the biological fact that the “motherhood” days are over.

Menopause is connected to uterine and ovarian health, but it is mainly tied to the uterus, which is the seat of female emotions located at the Second Chakra (also known as the Sacral Plexus).

Menopause and Hysterectomies

On a physical level, menopause also denotes necrosis of the uterus. But just because the uterus has atrophied doesn’t mean a woman doesn’t need her uterus. She was born with it so she should die (transition) with it. It is the seat of the female brain and female emotions and intuition. This is a highly prized and important organ in the female body. It should not be removed under any circumstances. Many women who reach menopause are unwisely opting to have their uterus removed via hysterectomies but hysterectomies are unnecessary.

Hysterectomies are big business, just as all surgeries are big business. Doctors and hospitals make a lot of money via surgery.

Hysterectomies were first performed for purposes of preventing women from being hysterical as hysteria was seen as a neurosis or a psychological problem. The origin of hysterectomy was to cure “hysteria.”

Women who have their uterus removed instantly enter menopause. The uterus is an eliminative organ. Removal of the eliminative organ [uterus] means the elimination process of the uterus must now fall on the shoulders of another part of the female body. Clearly, this new locale for healing and elimination falls on the neck, hence “hot flashes” and “sweating.” This is a compensatory function for removal of the uterus. Well, why then do women who keep their uterus still experience hot flashes and sweating? Answer: acute uterine atrophy or an almost fully dead uterus due to toxicity. Women undergoing chemotherapy for cancer will also experience hot flashes.

The foregoing applies to very unhealthy women, women who over the years ate poorly (a lot of meat and dairy products, refined grains and starches, junk food, and fats food) and lived negatively (smoked cigarettes, did drugs, drank spirits and wine, took birth control pills and other pharmaceutical drugs), who were sexually indiscriminate and abused their vaginas and who may have contracted various STDs; and who suffocated their vaginas with tight underwear, clothing, and tampons.

Healthy women (usually vegan-vegetarian and raw food eaters) do not experience menopause like the average woman, who is unhealthy and not health-conscious. Their symptoms are very mild; however, if there is severe emotional balance, then they may experience a cumbersome transitional period.

Healing Menopause Naturally

Since menopause is inevitable for many women, the best advice is to prepare for the transition.

Develop a positive mental attitude. Only focus on good things. Yes, this will take some time and effort which is why so many people have invested in negative thinking and made it routine.

Your thoughts create your reality so when it comes to aging, think about and/or visualize yourself aging gracefully and smoothly. See it and feel it in advance. Stop responding to what you observe in other women who have experienced menopause. Women who constantly complain about their hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms send energy to what they are complaining about which causes what they are complaining about (menopause and its symptoms) to magnify. Where thought goes, energy flows.

Your emotions impact your feeling and/or how you feel. Deal with all of your emotional issues. Too many women hold on to negative emotions or emotions that don’t serve their best interests. Negative emotions are stored in the tissues of a woman’s uterus. Remember, the uterus is located above the Second Chakra, which is the seat of emotions for a female, in addition to her sexuality and relationships with lovers.

Stale energy can be released via deep breathing. Give yoga a try, or stretching and chakra balancing also help to remove stale energy.

Release stale energy and negative emotions, e.g. anger, bitterness, regret, jealousy, envy, wanting to get revenge, apathy, etc. They are no good for your health and block you from receiving your true desires, e.g. true love, wealth, abundance, prosperity, success, peace, and happiness.

Convert to a healthy lifestyle. Refrain from vices such as smoking cigarettes, drinking wine and spirits, wearing unhealthy clothing, using harmful hygiene products (especially commercial brand female sanitary products), and indiscriminate sex with unworthy partners.

Exercise in whatever method you most enjoy. Walk daily (in proper shoes and on sand, grass, or dirt). Swim, stretch; perform yoga, tai chi, qi chong, pilates, etc.

Perform crystal therapy or have it performed on you by a trans-crystal therapist. Excellent stones and crystals that help in cases of all female complaints including menopause include Carnelian, Ammonite, Malachite, Tiger’s Eye, Green Jade, and Moonstone. These crystals and gemstones can be laid directly on the skin of the belly and right above the vagina (for about 15-30 minutes per day while meditating).

Perform hydrotherapy (utilizing aromatherapy). Hydrotherapy is water therapy. Read the article entitled the “Benefits of Hydrotherapy and Steam” to learn and/or understand more about this healing modality. Aromatherapy is invaluable in addressing menopause. Good essential oils to use (burn in a diffuser, to inhale, or to add to bath water) include Rose Geranium, Clary Sage, Combava, Fennel, Cananga, Pink Lotus, Blue Yarrow, and Angelica.

To cool and soothe hot flashes, place a bottle of rose water (hydrosol) in the refrigerator (to keep cool) and when the need arises, spray the mist over the back of the neck area.

Dietary Intervention

Modify your diet. Refrain from eating animal flesh, dairy products, refined grains and starches, and processed foodstuffs.

Eat more raw fruits and vegetables (organic, if possible). Consider a vegan and/or raw foods diet.

Drink plenty of water and good herbal teas that benefit the female hormonal system, herbs such as:

Dherbs.com Solutions

Dherbs.Com formulas that can assist in addressing menopause include:

Thank you for reading.


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Vaginal Asphyxiation https://www.dherbs.com/articles/womens-health/vaginal-asphyxiation/ Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:46 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/uncategorized/vaginal-asphyxiation/

As the female vagina is a breathing organ, it requires oxygen. How is the vagina going to breathe or receive oxygen when it is daily suffocated by the restrictive garments that many women wear? It’s hard for oxygen to penetrate tight fitting clothes, especially denim jeans and leather and not to mention the panties and […]


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As the female vagina is a breathing organ, it requires oxygen. How is the vagina going to breathe or receive oxygen when it is daily suffocated by the restrictive garments that many women wear?

It’s hard for oxygen to penetrate tight fitting clothes, especially denim jeans and leather and not to mention the panties and undergarments many women wear. Despite the ubiquity of such fashions, many people wonder why female reproductive system pathologies and disorders are so rampant among women and girls today.

It is a basic scientific fact that our bodies require oxygen. The body itself is a breathing organ. The hair must breathe, the skin must breathe, the genitals (testicles and vagina) must breathe. Oxygen is imperative to maximum health and well-being.

Lack of oxygen coupled with acidosis is the perfect recipe for vaginal problems, and actually, the recipe for nearly all other health catastrophes.

To clarify the DHerbs.com position: we do not suggest women stop wearing underwear, pants, etc. DHerbs believes the vagina needs to breathe and it benefits female health to actually let the vagina air out as much as possible.

Some women wear long t-shirts with no panties or bras underneath when they are home from work. Such women are in tune with their vaginal consciousness and well-being.

Harmful Vaginal Activities

Activity that contributes to vaginal asphyxiation by blocking air to the vagina:

  • panties
  • panty liners
  • nylon stockings
  • feminine hygiene pads
  • tight pants (especially jeans and leather pants)

And consider all that goes into the vagina: tampons, male and female condoms, personal and sexual lubricants, feminine deodorant sprays and powders, douche solutions, IUDs (though somewhat rare nowadays), dildos, vibrators, and a host of other substances and gadgets.

An unhealthy diet, unnatural lifestyle, asphyxiated vagina, use of harmful feminine hygiene products as well as harmful personal hygiene products, harmful fashion, and a plethora of other things all lead to physical self-destruction.


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Toxic Shock Syndrome https://www.dherbs.com/articles/wellness-prevention/toxic-shock-syndrome/ Thu, 13 Jun 2013 16:25:44 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/uncategorized/toxic-shock-syndrome/

While this is a rare condition, Toxic Shock Syndrome can be severe, so here is a lot of information about the condition and remedies.


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Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) is a severe acute disease that is caused by infection with strains of Staphylococcus aureus (phage group 1), which produces a unique toxin, enterotoxin F.  TSS can affect anyone who has any type of staph infection, including pneumonia, abscess, skin or wound infection, a blood infection called septicemia, or a bone infection called osteomyelitis.  While TSS was originally linked to the use of commercial tampons, it is now also known to be associated with the contraceptive sponge and diaphragm birth control methods.  TSS can also result from wounds secondary to minor trauma or surgery incisions, where bacteria can possibly enter able the body and cause the infection.  Some people might refer to TSS as an idiopathic disease, a disease that you get while visiting a hospital.  TSS is a rare condition that, while most common in women, can also occur in men.

Symptoms of Toxic Shock Syndrome

Symptoms of TSS tend to appear out of the blue and can vary from person to person. Common signs and symptoms can include:

  • Sudden high fever
  • Headache
  • Sore throat with swelling of the mucous membranes
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Erythroderma
  • Rash
  • Seizures
  • Redness of eyes
  • Muscle Aches

Causes of Toxic Shock Syndrome

Most often, TSS occurs when bacteria enter an opening in the skin, such as an open sore, cut, or other wound.  Even though the streptococcus bacteria cause TSS, the condition does not typically occur after a simple streptococcus throat infection (commonly referred to as Strep Throat).  The tampon theory originated from the fact that some believe that tampons attract bacteria, primarily because they are left in one place for a long time.  Another theory is that the fibers from tampons scratch the vagina, which ultimately creates an opening for bacteria to enter the bloodstream.  Possible causes include:

  • Bacteria entering through wounds
  • Having had recent surgery
  • Using contraceptive sponges, diaphragms, or super absorbent tampons
  • Having a viral infections (such as flu or chickenpox)

Natural Remedies

  • The vagina is a breathing organ.  It must breathe, but when you frequently wear tight clothing, including tight underwear, tight jeans, and tight yoga pants, you smother the vagina and the lack of oxygen results in vaginal atrophy.  It is recommended that you find a nice balance between tight and loose clothing.  Five percent of all cases of Toxic Shock Syndrome are fatal.  However, the case fatality rates for menstrual-related TSS have declined as awareness has improved.  Try to wear cotton clothing items that breathe!
  • Whenever you have any sort of open wound, it is important to properly take care of it.  Make sure to regularly clean your wound, cut, or scrape and try to prevent bacteria from entering it.  TSS can occur if streptococcus bacteria enter wounds, so be mindful of your surroundings and exercise proper wound care.
  • Try to consume a lot of foods that are rich in probiotics.  Probiotics can help to boost your immune system and promote healthy gut flora.  Having a strong and healthy immune system can help your body naturally combat the bacteria in the body.  Some of the best probiotics to eat include kimchi, fermented vegetables, kefir, natto, and miso.
  • Several studies have shown that there is a link between low vitamin D levels and increased occurrence of infections.  Certain immune cells actually have vitamin D receptors and metabolizers, which means that increasing your vitamin D levels can have a positive effect on the immune system.
  • As a woman, it is important to have optimal menstruation maintenance.  While the decision to use or not use tampons or pads is entirely up to each woman, we recommend tampon or pad alternatives such as Goddess Moons, cloth pads, Wemoon, or Natracare products.  It may also be more beneficial to use chlorine-free pads instead of tampons.
  • As always, it is beneficial to make a dietary change when trying to rid bacteria from the body.  Eating things like meat, dairy products, added sugars, salt, unhealthy grains, and genetically modified foods can make it hard for your immune system to function optimally.  Give your body the foods that it needs by eating a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, raw nuts and seeds, and legumes.


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Is The Female Menstrual Cycle Natural? https://www.dherbs.com/articles/womens-health/is-the-female-menstrual-cycle-natural/ Thu, 13 Jun 2013 16:25:41 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/uncategorized/is-the-female-menstrual-cycle-natural-2/

Concurring with metaphysicists Rev. Phil Valentine (University of Kemetian Sciences) and Dr. Delbert Blair (The Meta Center), the female menstrual cycle is normal, but not natural. As the human body has the innate capabilities to adapt to pathologies, irregularities, and abnormalities, the female body has adapted to the pathology of menstruation and now uses this […]


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Concurring with metaphysicists Rev. Phil Valentine (University of Kemetian Sciences) and Dr. Delbert Blair (The Meta Center), the female menstrual cycle is normal, but not natural.

As the human body has the innate capabilities to adapt to pathologies, irregularities, and abnormalities, the female body has adapted to the pathology of menstruation and now uses this process as a cleansing method to rid the female body of toxins and waste. The female body has taken that which is unnatural (to bleed and lose the vital life essence) and converted that process into a normal female body function. Because of the menstrual cycle, women now have an additional eliminative channel in the vagina, bringing their total to six major eliminative channels (colon, lungs, kidneys, liver, skin, and uterus).

It is because of this sixth eliminative channel that rids the female body of unnecessary waste and toxins that women generally outlive men by seven years.

Why is menstruation considered unnatural?

Menstruation is considered unnatural because it violates the Law of Reciprocity. In Nature, when a thing is taken, it is also replaced. When you take a watermelon, there are seeds in the watermelon so the watermelon can come back many times over. Nature always gives back. Now with the menstrual cycle, in the blood (menstruum) is not only toxins, but also nutrients. With the menstrual cycle, necessary and essential nutrients (minerals) are lost by the body but not replaced. This activity leads to deficiency and deficiency of nutrients leads to diseases. It’s the same thing with male ejaculation. With every ejaculation nutrients are lost along with the ejaculate. This too is why many consider ejaculating other than for purposes of impregnation unnatural.

Menstruation is considered a disease because it is not natural to Nature. It is rare to find a mammal that lives and eats according to the laws of Nature to have a menstrual cycle. Have you ever witnessed a female horse, gorilla, elephant, buffalo, monkey, hippopotamus, giraffe, zebra, rhinoceros, or cow having a menstrual discharge? Don’t you think corporate and greedy man would have devised feminine pads and tampons for these animals to prevent the spilling and dropping of excessively large amounts of blood?

Man created pads and tampons for career females so that the menstrual cycle would not interfere with daily business activity. Originally, during the cycle time, women abstained from work and other daily functions. This break time due to menstruation was anywhere from 1-3 days at the most. Women broke from the world or society because during the menses women/females became very receptive to psychic phenomena, became very intuitive, which allowed them to pick up information from the cosmos or the ethers which they could use for the mundane world.

Menstruation Side Effects

For a human being to lose its vital life essence monthly is not a natural occurrence. Blood exiting out of the body is not a natural thing. If a man goes to urinate and sees blood in his urine, he first screams in fear and then goes to the emergency room at the local hospital to see the doctor.

Now if the blood which carries these minerals throughout the body is being eliminated out of the body for the sake of ridding the female body of toxins and waste (which the colon and kidneys could easily perform), then the organs that need and depend on these vital elements are not going to get them and the result is going to be lack of optimal health.


PMS is associated with mood swings, irritability of nerves, gas (flatulence), abdominal cramps, headaches, body spasms, short term memory loss, etc. With blood saturated in the vaginal area during the menses and exiting via the vagina, the brain is not going to get the minerals carbon, copper, calcium and potassium it requires. With blood leaving the body during the menses, the nerves are not going to get its needed amount of potassium for proper nerve transmission. The thyroid gland (a major factor in weight gain and loss) is not going to get the necessary amount of iodine it needs to regulate body weight. And with a major loss of iron, a trace element, anemia is going to undoubtedly occur and cause a host of ill-effects such as dizziness, weakness, nausea, fatigue, frigidity, and brittle fingernails.

During the menstrual cycle, the female body is going to saturate the blood supply in the vaginal area to help with the menstrual cycle, and as a result, necessary minerals will not be transported in the amount needed by the other body organs and members. These minerals that are lodged in the vaginal area during the menstruation will come out in bulk in the “white” stage (leukorrheac discharge). Yes, that white discharge commonly referred to as “leucorrhea,” is full of nutrition (that nutrition which did not make the grade doing the menstrual cycle). The white discharge is considered healthy or normal due to its high mineral content and non-smelly or foul odor, whereas and in contrast to an irritating, pruritic, copious, foul-smelling green or yellow discharge, which indicates vaginal or uterine infection or other pathogenic conditions of gynecologic origin.

So PMS is due to a mineral deficiency. Medical logic suggests that PMS can be corrected by counteracting mineral deficiency by giving the body more minerals before, during, and after the menstrual cycle. The best source of these minerals is raw, organic foods (fruits and vegetables) and herbs.

Pregnancy and Menstruation

If menstruation is necessary and natural, and serves to expel or eliminate toxins from the female body on a monthly basis, why then does the menstrual cycle stop or go away during pregnancy?

Does an unhealthy woman automatically become because of pregnancy? Of course not. So why does the menses halt? The answer lies in the fact of the body’s intelligence knowing that a new life is forming in the flesh and that the body will need extra nutrition for the building blocks of the new life.

So what about the process of eliminating toxins? How does the female body throw off toxins during pregnancy? The female body will utilize the first trimester (or first three months) to eliminate toxins from the mother host body via “morning sickness.”

Natural Healing

Does an unhealthy woman automatically become because of pregnancy? Of course not. So why does the menses halt? The answer lies in the fact of the body’s intelligence knowing that a new life is forming in the flesh and that the body will need extra nutrition for the building blocks of the new life.

Natural sources rich in “iron” include: yellow dock root, burdock root, dandelion root, elderberries, red raspberry leaf, devil’s claw, rooibos, and mullein leaf.

Natural remedies to counteract breast soreness and tenderness during the menstrual cycle include: (oils) [internally and externally] evening primrose oil, borage oil, black currant oil; (externally – massaged into breasts) olive oil, coconut oil, shea butter, sweet almond oil, avocado oil, grapefruit seed oil, rose hip seed oil; (essential oils that can be added to breast massage oil) fennel seed oil, clary sage, grapefruit peel oil, and rosemary; (herbs) saw palmetto berries, honeysuckle flower, red raspberry leaf, red clover tops, yew tips, poke root, wild indigo, and red root. Herbs that counteract eclampsia during pregnancy include: white peony bark, deer tongue herb, milk thistle seeds, dandelion root, burdock root, carbon (activated charcoal), uva ursi, grapevine leaf, and Oregon grape.

Herbs to coagulate the blood and stop excessive bleeding include: goldenseal, cranesbill (alum root), dragon’s blood, manjistha, musta, shepherd’s purse, lady’s mantle, yarrow, cayenne, Solomon’s seal, barberry, and heal-all herb.

Dietary Intervention

Green vegetables such as parsley, greens, chives, and spinach are also great sources of iron.

To replenish the body of the necessary nutrients (minerals), consume herbs such as alfalfa, sheep sorrel, suma, rooisbos, rose hips, watercress, parsley leaf, moringa or karela seed, barley grass, wheat grass, nettle leaf, moringa, and spinach leaf. These herbs individually provide almost every mineral the body needs and if consumed together will provide a full spectrum of every mineral and nutrient required to maintain and sustain optimal health and well-being.

Also, consume sea weeds (algae) such as kelp, dulse, spirulina, chlorella, Irish Moss, bladderwrack, Blue-Green Algae, Iceland Moss, and red marine algae. Sea weeds are the best and most nutritious foods you can eat, and provide your body with everything you need (oxygen, minerals, protein, etc.) and are an excellent source of organic “iodine” (thyroid gland food).

Herbs to regulate and normalize the menstrual cycle and flow include: maca, black cohosh, blue cohosh, dong quai, mugwort, red raspberry leaf, wild yam root (best and highest source of natural progesterone), squawvine, false unicorn, chaste tree berries, lycii fruit, red clover tops (best and highest source of natural estrogen), licorice root, sarsaparilla, and angelica.

Herbs that help soothe the nerves during the menstrual cycle include: nerve root or lady’s slipper, kava kava, jatamansi, valerian root, lavender flower, passionflower, hops, skullcap, chamomile, and linden flower.

Herbs that counteract menstrual cramping and spasms include: beth or birth root, cramp bark, fennel seed, anise seed, and wild yam root. Herbs that counteract menstrual related pain and headaches include: white willow bark, black willow bark, feverfew, meadowsweet, birch bark, wood betony, wild lettuce, peppermint, wintergreen, and woodruff.

Herbs that give energy for fatigue during the menstrual cycle include: ginseng (all species), ashwagandha, schizandra berries, jiwanti, yerba mate, green tea, suma, codonopsis bark, kola or bissey nut, and guarana seed.

Herbs that counteract constipation during the menstrual cycle include: senna leaves and pods, cascara sagrada, buckthorn, aloe vera resin, rhubarb root, jalap root, bibitaki, mandrake, black walnut hulls, poke root, slippery elm bark, Irish moss, guar gum, acacia gum, and psyllium Husks.

Herbs that strengthen the uterus during the menstrual cycle include: ashoka, squawvine, false unicorn, pumpkin seed, cocculus root, and saw palmetto.

Herbs for mental stimulation during the menstrual cycle include: gotu kola, gingko biloba, bringraj, ashwagandha, ginseng, holy or blessed thistle, kola or bissey nut, yerba mate, and guarana seed.

The female menstruation itself is not dirty. A woman/female is not dirty at any time of her existence. She is not impure because of her blood. Menstrual blood, especially in modern woman/female, is only unhealthy due to what she eats, thinks, and feel and allows to come inside of her from a male (be it his penis or his inventions, such as condoms, intrauterine devices, tampons, etc.).

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