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Bring a little light back into your life after the holidays are over. Here are several tips to help lift you out of your post-holiday blues.


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For a lot of people, the hype of the holidays can bring a lot of excitement, joy, and lots of nostalgia. For others, the holiday season can bring up past trauma, estranged relationships, and feelings of loneliness. Even if that isn’t the case, the holidays are like an emotional rollercoaster. You go from intense levels of holiday activities to very low energy, which can seem like peace, but the emotional result is often depression.

What Are The Post-Holiday Blues?

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), the holiday blues are characterized by feelings of anxiety and stress that stem from a variety of reasons. A 2015 survey found that about 64% of people reported that they experienced the post-holiday blues. Financial stress, an inability to make it home for the holidays, and the emotional whirlwind of emotions after the holidays finish can all cause bouts of depression. Plus, seasonal depression is more common than you think, with about 14% of American adults experiencing the winter blues. 

If you are dealing with feelings of stress or depression, please understand that you are not alone. There are many ways to manage your symptoms and get the help you need. The post-holiday blues can affect people who may or may not be dealing with depression already. The following signs are common indicators of post-holiday blues:

  • Activities are more difficult than normal
  • Difficulty getting out of bed or struggling to make food
  • Feeling more tired than usual
  • Having trouble concentrating
  • Losing interest in things that used to bring you joy

Don’t let the post-holiday blues control your life. Take action and manage your mental health, working through your feelings to start anew. We hope that the following tips help you beat the post-holiday blues. 

Get Out Of The House

Cut the atmosphere of being in a house that doesn’t have any holiday activities or aromas by getting out of your home. Even on a gray or snowy day, step outside to raise your energy levels. If it is really cold where you are, make sure to bundle up so as not to freeze. You can combine your outing by meeting a friend at a local coffee shop. Consider chatting with the cashier at the grocery store, the mail carrier, or even the gas station attendant. Getting out of your house is a great way to interrupt the winter blues. 

Limit Your Alcohol Intake

Drinking and the holidays seem to be quite synonymous, especially during holiday celebrations. The intake of libations tends to continue long after the celebrations come to a close, though. Because alcohol is a depressant, it can only enhance feelings of sadness, especially if you are alone. Drinking to excess can affect your mood and amplify any negative feelings, even if you push them down deep. Avoid alcohol if you can and consider doing something productive, like taking down decorations, getting rid of old clothes, or volunteer at a local shelter to help out those in need.

Talk To Someone Verbally

It’s easy to send a text, direct message, or email, but it means so much more when you communicate verbally. Think about someone that you enjoy being around or care about and call that person on the phone. Rather than complaining about your mood, ask them how they are doing. What was the best part of their holiday weekend, or where did they have the most fun? If you feel that someone may not answer their phone, you can send a text saying that you want to chat for a few minutes. 

Reread Greeting Cards

Greeting cards, or holiday cards, are not as common as they used to be, but people still send them and they can bring a smile to your face. We aren’t going to lie: some greeting cards are bland and boring. For every few bad greeting cards, you get a great one that you hopefully save. When the holidays are over, bust out the greeting cards to reread them and figure out which ones are your favorites. Don’t ruminate in your depression when you can easily brighten your spirits by reading words from a friend, family member, or loved one. 

Slide Out Of The Holidays

If you are going to sit on the couch and watch TV or do another activity, make sure that it is not holiday-related. It may not seem likely, but you can easily go down the rabbit hole of what you just lost. Take care of your mental health by taking your mind off the holidays and directing your gaze toward the new year. There are many things to do to wrap up the year! Consider getting a head start on your health goals, or start cleaning to have a neat and tidy home for New Year’s Day.


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6 Impressive Benefits Of Fava Beans Mon, 16 Dec 2024 09:12:00 +0000

Eating fava beans regularly may help boost immune function, aid weight loss, and improve digestion, in addition to other health benefits.


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Fava beans, or broad beans, are large green legumes that come in pods. Eaten by people around the world, fava beans exhibit a slightly sweet but earthy flavor. They are nutritional powerhouses, providing a variety of health benefits. Naturally rich in fiber, protein, and a variety of other vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, fava beans may aid blood sugar regulation, support heart health, and boost immunity. 

Even though fava beans are relatively small in size, they pack a ton of nutrients. They are particularly rich in plant protein, folate, and soluble fiber. One cup of fava beans contains the following nutrients:

  • 187 calories
  • 33 grams (g) of carbs
  • 13 g of protein
  • Less than 1 g of fat
  • 36% of the daily value (DV) of manganese
  • 18% of the DV of magnesium
  • 40% of the DV of folate
  • 14% of the DV of iron
  • 22% of the DV of copper
  • 13% of the DV of potassium
  • 11% of the DV of thiamine and zinc

May Help Prevent Birth Defects

Folate is essential for creating cells and organs, and it is a nutrient that promotes healthy fetal development. An expecting mother should increase her intake of folate, be it from food or supplements, to help reduce the risk of neural tube defects, or developmental issues with the infant’s spinal cord and brain. One study involved more than 23,000 women and found that the incidence of brain and spinal cord issues was 77% lower in infants of mothers who had the highest daily intake of folate. Since one cup of fava beans contains 40% of the DV of folate, they should be near the top of the list of great pregnancy foods.

May Benefit Bone Health

Fava beans are rich in both manganese and copper, two nutrients that may prevent bone loss. Health experts do know the exact role that these nutrients play in bone health, but animal studies suggest that being deficient in these two nutrients may lead to decreased bone formation. Existing human research suggests that both manganese and copper are integral to bone health. A one-year study in postmenopausal women with weak bones found that taking a manganese and copper supplement along with vitamin D, calcium, and other nutrients, improved bone mass. 

May Help Lessen Symptoms Of Parkinson’s Disease

Fava beans contain levodopa (L-dopa), a compound that the body converts into dopamine, a neurotransmitter. Researchers note that Parkinson’s disease causes the death of dopamine-producing brain cells. That process can lead to tremors, difficulty walking, and issues with motor function. Eating fava beans may help with some symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, but more research is necessary. One small study involved 11 people with Parkinson’s. Study authors observed that participants who ate 1.5 cups of fava beans after 12 hours without medication had a comparable positive effect on blood dopamine levels and motor function as L-dopa drugs.

May Help Boost Immune Function

Naturally rich in antioxidant compounds, fava beans may help optimize immune function. Antioxidants work to fight free radicals that may cause cell damage, making them vital to your body’s immune defense. One test-tube study found that fav bean extract was able to increase the antioxidant activity in human lung cells by 62.5%. Additionally, fava beans contain compounds that boost the ability of glutathione in human cells, which may help delay cellular aging.

May Help Reduce Blood Pressure

Fava beans contain magnesium and potassium, both of which may relax blood vessels and lower blood pressure. Various studies indicate that the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet recommends foods high in potassium and magnesium. A 10-year study in 28,349 women found that participants with the highest intake of magnesium were less likely to develop high blood pressure than those with the lowest intake. 

May Help Lower Cholesterol

The soluble fiber in fava beans may help promote healthy bowel movements because it absorbs water in the gut. During that process, it forms a gel-like substance and helps soften your stool. Soluble fiber also binds to and removes cholesterol from the body. Several studies indicate that soluble fiber may help lower blood cholesterol levels in healthy adults and those with elevated levels. A review of 10 studies focused on the effects of fiber-rich legumes on cholesterol levels. The review concluded that diets that included these legumes were associated with modest decreases in total and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels.


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4 Ways To Cope With Depression During The Holidays Sat, 14 Dec 2024 08:47:00 +0000

The holidays can be very stressful, but they can also bring about difficult emotions. Learn how to cope with depression this season.


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The bright lights and holiday cheer may inspire joy and feelings of love for a lot of people, but not everyone. This time of year can bring about feelings of isolation, grief, loneliness, and sadness, especially for people with clinical or seasonal depression

Psychiatrists explain that depression can occur around the holidays for numerous reasons. The holidays increase thoughts of family, social engagement, and relationships. If there are issues within those dynamics in people’s lives, depression can rise to the surface. The holidays also tend to demand more family time than usual, which can be highly stressful for some people. Family events may cause old conflicts, emotions, or situations to arrive that can be very difficult to navigate. 

How To Manage Depression During The Holidays

For many people, the winter can trigger seasonal affective disorder, or seasonal depression. Unlike traditional depression, seasonal depression occurs in a seasonal pattern, typically worsening in darker fall and winter months. Practicing good self-care is essential year round, but it is extra important during the holidays. You can combat lack of energy, fatigue, and other symptoms with various coping strategies and self-care practices. Whatever the cause of your depression, we hope the following tips can help you cope.

Assess Your Relationships And Set Boundaries

Setting boundaries is a crucial element of self-care, especially for your emotional and mental health. The boundaries you set will depend on the different people in your life and the situations that you’ll encounter during the holidays. Maybe you limit the time you spend with certain people who cause you to feel negative emotions or heighten depressive symptoms. Establish boundaries for these people and set availability for them as well. Your time and mental health are paramount! If you struggle with setting boundaries, click here for some helpful tips. 

Create A Coping Sheet

A coping sheet is a list of your favorite activities that you can turn to when you feel down. Create your own coping sheet or develop one with your family members or therapist. Many coping sheets are filled with actions that can help manage depressive symptoms. Some popular things to include on your coping sheet are:

  • Listening to music
  • Painting 
  • Meditating
  • Singing
  • Breathing techniques
  • Positive self-talk
  • Journaling
  • Acupuncture

Get Outdoors And Stay Active

According to many studies, moving the body is one of the best ways to cope with depression, regardless of the season. One meta-analysis of 218 studies concluded that exercise is an effective way to manage depression. This was especially true for jogging, walking, strength training, and yoga. Exercise combined with psychotherapy proved to be the most effective way to experience depression relief. Researchers found that getting outside while engaging in exercise relieved depressive symptoms even more. Spending time in nature can help reduce risk of depression. One study found that time spent in green environments reduced the risk of anxiety and depression in the long run. Consider planning some fun, holiday outdoor activities. Go ice skating, snowboarding, sledding, or hiking, depending on where you live and what is available to you. 

Share How You Are Feeling With Loved Ones

During the holiday season, mental health experts recommend that you surround yourself with people you can rely on. These people can be family members or friends who can help you manage holiday depression. Reach out to people you trust and share how you are feeling. It’s impossible to know how friends or family will react, but the people who love you will be there for you no matter what. Confide in them about how you are feeling and they will most likely offer empathy, or share similar experiences that may help you feel less alone. Do not underestimate the power of community and love. People want to help, so just ask.


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How To Raise Potassium Levels When Your Body Needs More Fri, 13 Dec 2024 09:28:00 +0000

If you sweat a lot from exercise, you can lose fluids and electrolytes. That makes it essential to replenish potassium levels. Here’s how!


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Have you ever had sudden, painful cramps that just don’t seem to go away? One potential cause is that you are low in potassium. Low potassium levels can also cause muscle weakness, fatigue, muscle spasms, tingling, or numbness. Heart palpitations or skipped heartbeat can be more severe symptoms of low potassium levels

It’s possible to fight leg cramps and other issues that stem from low potassium levels by simply increasing your potassium intake. The amount of time it takes to correct low potassium levels depends on how low they are. 

Symptoms Of Low Potassium

The only real way to know if your potassium levels are low is to take a blood test. You will get a more accurate reading of your levels via this route. That said, there are a few telltale symptoms of potassium deficiency that you should be aware of. These symptoms include:

  • Muscle cramps, twitching, or severe weakness
  • Heart palpitations
  • Constipation
  • Tingling and numbness

If potassium levels are very low, you may need to take a potassium supplement, or get an IV to elevate them back to a normal range. The quickest way to increase potassium levels in emergency situations is via an IV, which should be administered by a professional in a controlled setting. One report found that an IV can raise potassium levels within 20 to 30 minutes. If you have borderline potassium levels after a sweaty workout, you can use various foods to help bring them back up quickly. Continue reading to learn what foods and drinks may help you do that. 

Sip An Electrolyte Drink

Electrolyte-rich drinks can help replenish minerals, vitamins, and water lost via sweat or periods of diarrhea and vomiting. Not all electrolyte drinks are high in potassium, though. And you should not simply resort to sugary sports drinks to replenish electrolytes, as the preservatives, dyes, and added sugars do more harm than good. Coconut water, for example, is a great electrolyte-rich beverage, but make sure to buy one that is free of added sugars. 

Drink Some Orange Juice

Just as we said previously, the quality of the beverage matters. Many store bought orange juices contain added sugars and preservatives. Go directly to the source by juicing oranges! One cup of orange juice provides nearly 500 milligrams (mg) of potassium, which equates to 11% of the recommended daily intake (RDI). Orange juice may be a convenient way to raise potassium levels, but it tends to be high in sugar. You can also eat oranges to get the same nutrients, plus the fiber that will help the body absorb the natural sugars more slowly. You would need to eat two oranges to get the same amount of potassium as one cup of OJ.

Eat A Banana

This is a classic potassium-rich food, so eat a banana or two next time you are dealing with leg cramps. One medium banana contains 422 mg of potassium, and the potassium in bananas can increase levels within 30 to 60 minutes, per a 2012 health journal. In one study, researchers tested whether eating one or two bananas would increase potassium levels in adult athletes prone to leg cramps. Although there were mild increases in potassium levels in both groups after 30 to 60 minutes, the time it took to increase levels would not benefit an athlete experiencing cramps during competition. To avoid cramps, health experts recommend consuming potassium-rich foods regularly, especially before exercise. 

Eat Some Watermelon

Researchers note that one wedge of watermelon has 320 mg of potassium, making it a great choice for raising potassium levels. Watermelon is also a water-rich fruit (91% water), so it helps to enhance your hydration efforts. It is also rich in vitamins A & C, magnesium, and offers some iron and calcium. According to research, eating watermelon after a workout can help replace water, magnesium, and potassium that you lose via sweat. Drinking watermelon juice after a workout has been associated with reduced muscle soreness after 24 hours. 

Consider Supplementation 

If you consume all of the aforementioned items and your potassium levels remain low, you may want to consider a potassium supplement. Before you start supplementing, consult your healthcare professional to determine whether the supplement is right for you, and to understand proper dosage. The potassium you get via diet and what you supplement should not exceed the RDI, unless directed by your doctor.


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6 Foods To Help You Poop Thu, 21 Nov 2024 09:33:00 +0000

Everyone needs a little assistance in the restroom from time to time. To help avoid constipation, here are foods to help you poop.


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Pooping is something everyone does on a daily basis, ideally once or twice per day, but nobody wants to talk about it. We love to talk about it! If you aren’t eliminating on a regular basis, then something is going on, be it poor eating habits, insufficient exercise, stress, or a digestive problem. Whatever the case may be, it can be quite frustrating (and painful) if you cannot poop.

According to available data, constipation affects 18% of adults in the United States. It is a common issue that people of all ages can experience and it has various causes. Lack of fiber, delaying bowel movements, traveling, certain medications, and hormonal changes can all cause constipation. It can also be a symptom of other health conditions and some common symptoms include:

  • Fewer than three bowel movements per week
  • Hard, dry, or lumpy stools
  • Straining during bowel movements
  • Bloating or abdominal pain
  • Feeling like you still need to eliminate after using the toilet

What you eat can have a big impact on digestive function. Certain foods can also help you improve symptoms of constipation. Foods that are naturally rich in fiber, fluids, and natural laxatives can make stool easier to eliminate. Enjoy the following foods to help stimulate bowel movements


The mango is a juicy, tropical fruit that is a staple in many smoothie, dessert, and salad recipes. You can also cube it up to use it as a topping for acai bowls or chia pudding recipes. According to several studies, mangos can aid with constipation relief. Mangos are naturally rich in fiber, which adds bulk to stool, allowing it to move more easily through the digestive system. One study found that participants who ate 300 grams of mango (about one to two mangos) per day over four weeks saw an improvement in constipation. 


As a vitamin C superstar, kiwi is an excellent fruit to help boost immune function. It may also be an effective constipation remedy, as it is naturally rich in soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber helps optimize gut microbiome, while insoluble fiber helps maintain regular bowel movements, but you can click here to learn more about the difference between them. Several studies indicate that kiwis work to improve complete spontaneous bowel movements (CSBMs), bowel habits, and transit time. Researchers attribute the constipation relieving abilities to the fiber content in kiwis. Another study found that eating two kiwis per day can reduce abdominal discomfort and improve constipation. 


These soft, sweet, fruits are not for everyone, but they do help relieve symptoms of constipation. They are less popular than apples and prunes for improving bowel movements, but studies show that fig paste can improve transit time and stool consistency. One study monitored people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) who ate four dried figs per day reported a decrease in symptoms of constipation, including hard stools, compared to those who ate a placebo. 


According to surveys, apples are the most consumed fruit in the United States. They are naturally rich in pectin, a type of soluble fiber that works to improve the transit time of food in the digestive system. Pectin helps to absorb water in the digestive tract, which creates larger, softer stools that are easier to eliminate. Researchers note that supplementing with pectin can increase colon transit time and decrease constipation symptoms. 


Potentially one of the most effective constipation remedies, prunes are rich in fiber and sorbitol, making them a natural laxative that can stimulate bowel movements. Studies indicate that prunes significantly improve stool consistency and increase the number of CSBMs when compared to psyllium, another form of soluble fiber that is occasionally used as a laxative. 


To round out the list of foods that help you poop, we have psyllium. Psyllium can come in husk or powder form, and supplement manufacturers use it in laxatives because it increases the bulk of stool. It does this by drawing in water to ease the passage of stool. According to several studies, psyllium can reduce straining, improve stool frequency and consistency, and reduce stomach pain. Although psyllium isn’t as effective as prunes, it is a natural laxative to experiment with if you have a prune allergy. 


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How Long Is The Flu Contagious? Fri, 15 Nov 2024 08:56:00 +0000

Have you been around someone with the flu? Are you currently infected? You might want to know exactly how long the virus is contagious.


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The flu, much like a wildfire, spreads very easily. All it needs is a little bit of wind, right? According to a 2023 study that involved the 2021 to 2022 flu season, you had a 50% chance of contracting the virus. If you or someone you know is sick, then, how long does the contagious period last? Although this is a difficult question to answer precisely, health experts have several guidelines that may help stop the spread. 

How Does The Flu Spread?

The flu is a viral respiratory illness that primarily spreads via close contact with an infected person. Infected flu patients expel germ-filled droplets when they cough, sneeze, or talk. When those droplets land in the mouth or nose of another person, that person is at risk of becoming infected. The droplets can also land on surfaces, such as doorknobs, TV remotes, or keyboards, which a healthy person can touch and then touch their mouth, eyes, or nose, thereby causing infection. 

You cannot always avoid these droplets when you are around someone with the flu. You can, however, take cautionary measures to prevent the spread of the virus. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends the following tips to avoid spreading the flu:

  • Cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue and then throw that tissues away
  • Clean and disinfect surfaces that may be contaminated (especially high-touch surfaces)
  • Avoid close contact with sick people, and limit contact with others when you are sick
  • Stay home for at least 24 hours after your fever subsides
  • Avoid touching your nose, eyes, and mouth as much as possible
  • Wash your hands regularly with soap and water. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer when you don’t have access to soap and water

How Long Does The Flu Last?

Infected with the flu? Well, it can last a few days or a couple weeks. More often than not, people who decided to get a flu shot will get over infection quicker than people who did not get vaccinated. Flu symptoms, such as body aches, fever, or chills, typically come on quickly and subside slowly. According to health experts, the average time between exposure to the virus and the appearance of symptoms is two days. 

Statistically, days two through four are the worst, regarding severity of symptoms. You will know that you are nearing the end of your flu when your fever is down and you no longer feel body aches. At that point, the virus is controlled, but coughing, runny nose, and fatigue can stick around for a little while after that. You may even experience some flu dizziness that can last for a couple days or weeks, depending on the cause. 

How Long Is The Flu Contagious?

Typically, you are most contagious during the first three days of sickness, according to the CDC. That said, you are likely contagious for a day before the onset of symptoms and several more once they subside. That means an infected person can spread the flu one day before they experience symptoms. You can spread it and not know it, especially if you did not know that the person you encountered was infected with the flu.

You are the most contagious when your symptoms peak, which is days two through four. It’s possible that you can continue to spread the virus until symptoms go away completely, though. Basically, you are no longer contagious once your symptoms are gone entirely. You can expedite your recovery through various alternative remedies or over-the-counter (OTC) flu medications. Just keep in mind that those OTCs that only lower fever will not help you get over your sickness faster or make you less contagious. They only make you more comfortable and able to deal with symptoms.


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4 Conditions That May Cause Migraines (And What To Do About Them) Wed, 13 Nov 2024 09:15:00 +0000

Fibromyalgia, insomnia, irritable bowel syndrome, and anxiety are common conditions that cause migraines. Here’s what to do about them.


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The American Migraine Foundation states that many illnesses can cause migraines. A near 90% of people with chronic migraines have a chronic health condition. Sleep disorders, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), depression, anxiety, and others are somehow related to migraines. If migraines result from a specific health condition, you must treat that health condition in order for the migraine, which results from said health condition, to go away. 

If your anxiety and depression is accompanied by a migraine, each condition may have an effect on the other. You must treat anxiety and depression in order to get rid of the migraine. The treatment of anxiety or depression may improve migraine symptoms, but it may not make migraines go away for good. Understanding how you can regain control of your overall health can help you both manage a chronic health condition and migraine frequency. Below, you’ll find separate health issues that commonly cause migraines. 

Depression And Anxiety

Mental health disorders, such as anxiety, depression, or bipolar disorder, tend to go hand in hand with migraines. Neurologists suggest that the health conditions that have the biggest overlap among all migraine patients are depression and anxiety. Treating those conditions may help you deal with the severity and frequency of migraines.

Sleep Disorders

If you have a rough night, or a couple nights, of sleep, you may experience brain fog, headache, or migraine. A recent review found that insomnia is the most common sleep disorder among people with migraine. However, restless leg syndrome, obstructive sleep apnea, and circadian rhythm disorders can cause migraines as well. Additionally, snoring and other sleep disturbances can also increase the risk of migraines.


This article has established that several chronic disorders are linked to migraine development. Fibromyalgia, in particular, was found to affect between 22% and 40% of people with migraine. Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain condition that involves diffused muscle pain and tenderness at certain trigger points in the body. One analysis found that people experiencing migraine were 57% more likely to have migraine than people without migraine. 

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

IBS is a functional disorder of the gastrointestinal tract. Symptoms include abdominal pain or discomfort, and the condition shares similar risk factors with migraine. Both IBS and migraine are more likely to affect women and to start before the age of 50. Various studies indicate that there is an elevated incidence of migraine or headache in people with IBS. People with migraines also have an increased risk of migraine. 

How To Take Control

If you experience symptoms of another chronic health condition in addition to migraine pain, take steps to address the health condition. This approach will help reduce migraine symptoms. You may need to speak with your healthcare professional to develop a plan of attack, or make simple lifestyle changes to reduce the severity or burden of your condition. Continue reading to learn several steps that may improve lifestyle and reduce migraine pain.

Follow A Consistent Lifestyle

Migraine brains don’t enjoy changes in daily routine or behaviors. Consistency is key because that repetition ensures your brain that everything is completely fine. Eat meals at the same time, go to bed and wake up at the same time, and exercise regularly. The brain will know what to expect in regards to eating, waking up, sleeping, and exercising when you have a consistent schedule.

Receive A Correct Diagnosis

Make sure that you get an accurate diagnosis if you have anxiety, depression, IBS, fibromyalgia, or sleep disorder that accompanies migraine headaches. Your healthcare professional will be able to discuss your health history, do a physical exam, and order lab tests or scans that may be necessary to determine a diagnosis. 

Maintain A Regular Sleep Schedule

For the health of your circadian rhythm, sleep experts recommend going to bed and waking up at the same time each day. Doing so can improve several aspects of your health, including reducing the risk of migraine symptoms. Migraines are very sensitive to change, be it weather, sleep cycle, or sickness. Keep consistent and you can avoid migraine problems. 

Avoid Potential Dietary Triggers

Not everyone has a migraine food trigger, but a lot of people do. Do your migraine symptoms worsen after you eat a certain type of food? If you notice a pattern, then avoid common food triggers to avoid migraines. Health experts advise migraine patients to minimize the intake of caffeine and sugar, in addition to processed foods, chemicals like MSG, and nitrites. 

After taking in all of that information, there is one thing left for us to tell you: make sure to live your life to the fullest. Take a holistic approach to manage migraines, instead of putting a microscope to every little thing that may worsen symptoms. Sure, you can take precautions, but make sure to live your life!


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8 Natural Remedies For A Sore Throat Tue, 12 Nov 2024 09:12:00 +0000

A sore throat can be very uncomfortable and, more than anything, you want it to go away before the symptoms start to get worse. The primary symptoms of a sore throat are pain and irritation, especially when swallowing. When the immune system encounters bacteria or viruses, it inflames the mucous membranes in the throat.  What […]


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A sore throat can be very uncomfortable and, more than anything, you want it to go away before the symptoms start to get worse. The primary symptoms of a sore throat are pain and irritation, especially when swallowing. When the immune system encounters bacteria or viruses, it inflames the mucous membranes in the throat. 

What Causes A Sore Throat?

A sore throat involves scratchiness, pain, or irritation in the throat. It is usually attributed to a viral infection, such as a cold or flu, and it usually resolves on its own. Strep throat, however, is a less common type of sore throat that requires treatment with antibiotics to prevent serious complications. Typically, bacterial infections do not cause sore throats as much as viral infections do. 

This article details eight natural remedies that may help reduce pain associated with sore throat. Possible remedies include honey, lemon water, peppermint tea, herbs, and more. Continue reading to see which remedy is best for you. 

Apple Cider Vinegar

The Ancient Greek physician Hippocrates prescribed a combo of honey and apple cider vinegar, oxymel, to help treat flu symptoms, including sore throat. Apple cider vinegar is a natural health tonic that is a common ingredient in various alternative medicinal remedies. The active ingredient is acetic acid, which works to fight bacteria. Drink one cup of warm water mixed with one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Don’t just take shots of apple cider vinegar, as that can lead to acid reflux

Gargle With Salt Water

Gargling with salt water is a classic remedy for relieving sore throat pain. The salt works to pull water out of the throat tissues, which may help reduce swelling. It may also help to kill harmful microbes in the throat. Combine one cup of warm water with one teaspoon of salt and stir to dissolve before gargling. Try to gargle for 30 seconds once per hour. 

Licorice Root

Licorice root exhibits similar properties to aspirin in that it may help reduce sore throat pain. It also offers antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. At this time, there isn’t a lot of research about how licorice root may relieve sore throat pain. One older study, however, found that gargling with licorice water before surgery reduced the risk of getting a sore throat by 50%, compared to gargling with standard sugar water. 

Ginger Tea

Ginger is an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory spice that works to soothe an upset stomach and relieve throat pain. Some laboratory studies found that ginger extract may kill certain viruses and bacteria that cause respiratory illnesses. Ginger may also reduce inflammation in tuberculosis patients. Although ginger tea is readily available in most grocery stores, you can easily make your own with boiling water, raw ginger root, a squeeze of lemon, and some honey for sweetness. 

Marshmallow Root

Throughout history, people have used extracts from the marshmallow plant to treat sore throats. The root contains mucilage, a gelatin-like substance that lubricates and coats the throat after you swallow it. According to research, lozenges containing marshmallow root were effective at soothing dry cough in animals. You can make marshmallow root-infused water by placing one ounce of marshmallow root in a cheesecloth inside a bottle with one liter of cold water. 


Typically used to sweeten herbal teas, honey may help soothe a sore throat on its own. Honey contains anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial properties that may help combat viruses or bacteria. It is especially effective when you combine it with warm water and apple cider vinegar. For the best results, opt for raw organic honey or Manuka honey, as those are the purest forms. 

Coconut Oil

What is this popular skin and hair care ingredient doing on a list of ingredients that help remedy sore throat? Well, some studies suggest that coconut oil may fight infection and reduce inflammation in exposed areas. Coconut oil works to lubricate mucous membranes in the throat, which may provide mild relief from irritation. Add a spoonful of coconut oil to hot tea, soup, or put a spoonful in your mouth and allow it to melt and coat the throat. 

Lemon Water

Not only is lemon water a refreshing beverage, but it may also reduce throat pain that occurs during a cold or flu. Lemons are naturally rich in vitamin C and other antioxidants, which work to fight inflammation and oxidative stress. Lemon also helps to increase the amount of saliva that the body produces, which can help keep the throat lubricated. Maximize the benefits of lemon water by combining lemon with warm water and a little honey.


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A DIY Throat Spray To Help You Feel Better Sun, 10 Nov 2024 09:07:00 +0000

Stir in the apple cider vinegar with the honey, salt, peppercorns, lemon, and more to make a throat spray that may help reduce irritation.


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The leaves are changing, the days are shorter, and the weather has a certain chill that seems to cut through your layers. You may also feel a slight tickle in the back of your throat, which can induce panic. There’s nothing quite like a cold threatening to mess with your plans and take you out of commission for a week or so. 

We’ve got you covered with a simple DIY throat spray made with all-natural ingredients. It may help soothe the pain of a sore throat and promote quicker recovery. The best part is that it only takes a few minutes to prepare. It goes great with peppermint tea, but you can use green tea, black tea, or even Throat Coat tea if you prefer those varieties and flavors. Continue reading to learn more about some of the ingredients. 

Szechuan Peppercorns

These peppercorns are commonly used in both Chinese cuisine and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Szechuan peppercorns contain anti-inflammatory properties, which may help reduce inflammation or irritation. Some studies found that compounds in these peppercorns exhibit antimicrobial effects, which may help combat viruses and bacteria. Finally, Szechuan peppercorns have a numbing effect, which may help relieve pain and discomfort, especially in the mouth and throat. 

Manuka Honey

Manuka honey exhibits antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, and antioxidant properties. Researchers attribute these health benefits to the active ingredient: methylglyoxal (MGO). This is created in Manuka honey because of dihydroxyacetone (DHA), which is high in Manuka flowers. The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects offer relief from a sore throat. The honey can help fight against the bacteria that cause pain in the throat. In fact, research confirms that people who use Manuka honey have a decrease in the presence of Streptococcus mutans, which can cause sore throats.

Peppermint Tea

Hot herbal teas are great to consume when you have a sore throat. They promote hydration and offer soothing benefits. Peppermint tea is rich in polyphenols, a group of powerful antioxidants that help reduce inflammation. It also contains menthol, a compound that offers a cooling effect by interacting with calcium channels in the body. Some traditional medicinal practices used peppermint to treat various conditions, including symptoms of sore throat. 

Apple Cider Vinegar

According to studies in human cells, apple cider vinegar proved effective against E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. It also acted against methicillin-resistant S. aureus, which is a significant threat to humans. Laboratory studies found that apple cider vinegar exhibits antimicrobial properties against certain bacteria and yeast. Currently, however, there are not enough human trials to back up that statement. Although there is anecdotal evidence for apple cider vinegar reducing sore throat symptoms, scientific studies are necessary to prove its efficacy. 

DIY Throat Spray


  • 2 peppermint tea bags
  • 1 teaspoon Szechuan peppercorns
  • 2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar
  • 2 teaspoons Manuka honey
  • 1/4 teaspoon sea salt
  • 3 drops peppermint oil
  • 3 drops lemon oil
  • 5 drops clove oil


  • Bring one cup of water to boil in a medium saucepan over medium-high heat. Turn off the heat once the water is boiling and add the tea bags and peppercorns. Allow them to steep for five to 10 minutes. 
  • Stir in the remaining ingredients and then pour through a fine mesh strainer and collect the liquid in a bowl or cup. Allow the liquid to cool. 
  • Get two four-ounce glass spray bottles and divide the mixture between these two bottles, using a funnel to pour in the liquid. Screw on the tops and store in the refrigerator for up to one month.
  • When ready to use, shake well and then spray towards the back of the mouth as often as needed.


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Watch Out For These Types Of Common Colds Sat, 09 Nov 2024 08:49:00 +0000

Common symptoms of a cold include runny or stuffy nose, sore throat, sneezing, coughing, and more. Watch out for these types of colds.


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The common cold is an upper respiratory infection that causes symptoms that plague the nose and throat. Typically, most colds are harmless and you may only develop a few mild symptoms. Colds, more than anything, are very annoying and you just want to feel better to leave the sickness behind you. 

Common symptoms of a cold include runny or stuffy nose, sore throat, mild headache, sneezing, coughing, or low-grade fever. These symptoms usually last for about one week, but they can last longer in older adults, young children, or people with weakened immune systems. It is very common for adults to get two to three colds yearly, while children get them more frequently. 

It is very easy for a cold to spread. An infected person can sneeze or cough in your vicinity and you inhale microscopic droplets that contain the bacteria or virus. You can also touch a contaminated surface before touching your face and develop a cold that way. Given that there are over 200 viruses that can cause a cold, catching one is relatively easy. The rhinovirus is the most common, but  enteroviruses, human parainfluenza (HPIV), adenovirus, and coronavirus (the common cold version) can all cause common cold. Continue reading to learn more about the types of common colds. 


Enteroviruses belong to a group of over 300 viruses, including echoviruses, polioviruses, coxsackieviruses, and rhinoviruses. These viruses can cause a range of illnesses, but the rhinovirus is the most common cold-causing virus. Other enteroviruses, including enterovirus D68 and coxsackievirus, can cause respiratory symptoms. There are non-respiratory enterovirus illnesses that can cause conditions such as hand, foot, and mouth disease, or aseptic meningitis. Common symptoms of enterovirus include cough, fever, runny nose, sore throat, wheezing, or pneumonia


Rhinoviruses account for about 50% of common cold cases. Although they can spread throughout the year, rhinoviruses are most active in the spring and early fall. They spread easily in crowded places, such as offices, schools, and public transportation. Symptoms, which can include cough, mild sore throat, sneezing, mild fever, or runny nose, tend to go away in seven to 10 days. Rhinoviruses can also cause other problems, such as ear infections, breathing issues, or sinus infections, especially in people with allergies or asthma


Adenovirus can cause cold symptoms that last for longer than symptoms that result from the rhinovirus. In fact, some people can experience these symptoms for weeks, or months. This virus is more common in the early spring and winter, although it can occur year round. Common colds caused by the adenovirus can spread easily in hospitals, schools, daycares, and military barracks. Symptoms can include cough, runny nose, fever, and sore throat. That said, adenovirus is also known to cause conjunctivitis (pink eye) and bladder infections or diarrhea. 

Coronavirus (Common Cold Version)

Before anyone even knew about COVID-19, coronaviruses were a typical cause of common colds. In fact, coronaviruses account for nearly 15% of seasonal colds, usually peaking in the winter. Coronavirus colds are usually mild and tend to last for one week, but they can lead to more serious issues, including pneumonia, for people with weaker immune systems. The common cold coronavirus is different from the coronaviruses that cause COVID-19. If you have symptoms of COVID-19 virus, however, you can test for your own safety and the safety of others. Common symptoms of coronavirus colds include sneezing, runny nose, stomach problems (not too common), mild cough, and occasional low-grade fever.

Human Parainfluenza Virus

Human parainfluenza virus (HPIV) can cause infections in the upper and lower respiratory tract. That can affect airways in children under five years old, immunocompromised adults, and elderly people. There are four types of HPIV, with types one and two being the most common in fall. Type three occurs annually and is most common in spring and early summer, while type four tends to affect people year round. Symptoms of HPIV include fever, sore throat, stuffy or runny nose, cough, or chest pain, shortness of breath, and wheezing.

Determining which virus is behind your cold can be a little tricky, but certain patterns can clue you in to some degree. A barking cough usually indicates croup from HPIV, while a cold with pink eye comes from adenovirus. Your healthcare provider may want to run tests to detect the virus, depending on the severity of symptoms. 


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