Sweets - Dherbs - The Best All Natural Herbal Remedies & Products https://www.dherbs.com/tag/sweets/ Buy the best herbal supplements, natural remedies, and herbal remedies from Dherbs. We're the #1 alternative medicine store online. ✓ Visit and shop now! Fri, 09 Feb 2024 07:18:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Here’s How Long It May Take To Form New Dietary Habits https://www.dherbs.com/articles/heres-how-long-it-may-take-to-form-new-dietary-habits/ Thu, 08 Feb 2024 09:07:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=168971

It’s very difficult to make changes to your diet and stick to it. Fortunately, you can learn to form dietary habits that stick for good!


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You probably know that a healthy diet and regular exercise help you feel better and healthier. These choices can lead to fewer health issues and a longer life. If you set a New Year’s resolution to improve your diet and find that your motivation is waning, you may need more help. 

Change is difficult, but an inability to change often comes from not knowing what lasting changes help you in the long run. Another thing to remember is that results are not instantaneous and that maintaining habits can take quite a while. For something to become a habit, especially something you find difficult, you have to know how long it takes to form. This article aims to give you a better idea of how long it takes to form healthier dietary habits

Allow Your New Dietary Effort Time To Become A Habit 

According to health professionals, it usually takes 21 days to create a new habit. Other research on behavioral change shows an average of 66 days for a behavior to become habitual. That said, it can take between two to eight months for a habit to form. The time it takes, however, truly depends on the individual and the changes they want to make. You also have to factor in whether or not the changes are new to you or if they are building on existing behaviors.

Drinking more water each day usually becomes a habit more quickly than adhering to a regular exercise routine. How long did it take to form your current pattern of eating habits? You have to rewire old pathways in the brain, but this is done more efficiently if you break a big change down into smaller steps.

Separate Your Eating Habit Changes Into Smaller Steps

It is very difficult to make an all-or-nothing dietary change last. Instead, nutritionists recommend tackling one change at a time. Once you have success with one change, you’ll get a boost of confidence to tackle the next change you want to make. Realistically, changing your diet all at once is not effective for long-term change. You will most likely give up if you take that approach. 

One way to make smaller changes is to adopt an addition mindset, as opposed to a restriction mindset. Figure out how you can best add to your current diet to begin a healthier journey, instead of cutting out entire food groups. Start by aiming to consume five servings of fruits and vegetables daily. You don’t have to worry about other aspects of your diet yet. It’s easier to add more nutritious foods to your diet instead of focusing on what you can no longer eat. 

Once you have a more balanced diet with nutritious foods, you’ll find that it is easier to avoid sweets and other less nutrient-dense foods. There is no restriction to those foods, and you can now notice how your body feels after eating those unhealthy foods. 

Helpful Tips That May Aid Lasting Change

Now that you understand how to better manage your expectations and break up changes into smaller steps, the following tips may aid lasting dietary changes:

  • Identify your why: Connecting your goals to deeper motivations makes it easier to stick with your goals. If eating healthier can help prevent diabetes or get you off medication, let that be your motivation. Perhaps you have grandchildren and want to live longer to be able to enjoy more time with them. Find your “why” and you may form habits more quickly. 
  • Find community: Typically, you can form habits more easily when you have people supporting you in your corner. Additionally, you may benefit from forming an accountability group, so that you all hold each other accountable to the same dietary changes. You may also find that a wellness coach or nutritionist can help you as well. 
  • Make change a part of your identity: It can help to link your new dietary changes to your identity to promote intuitive change. Let’s say that you want to improve your and your family’s health. This can become easier when you identify as someone who prioritizes health to be a great role model for your children. 

The main thing to remember is that eating healthier takes time, but it can help you live longer and feel better. It may take longer than a few weeks to form these habits, but anything worth achieving usually doesn’t come easy. Break things into smaller, more manageable steps and you’ll find that forming dietary habits is much easier.


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Homemade Master Cleanse Detox Slushie https://www.dherbs.com/recipes/recipe/homemade-master-cleanse-detox-slushie/ Mon, 26 Dec 2022 17:54:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?post_type=recipe&p=150523

After a long weekend of holiday eating, your body needs help with the detoxification process, and this Master Cleanse Slushie does the trick!


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If you have ever had the Master Cleanse beverage, you know that it can be quite intense. The cayenne can sneak up on you, but in this slushie rendition, that peppery cayenne doesn’t have as much of a kick. The combination of the zesty zing of the lemon and the frosty nature of this beverage make it wildly refreshing and enjoyable to drink. In fact, it’s the perfect drink to have after a glutinous weekend of holiday eating.

It’s no secret that people eat like wild animals during the holidays. The sweets, the heavy carb-centric dishes, the assortment of meats and cheeses, and more weigh you down. A recent survey found that people eat about 7,000 to 8,000 calories on Christmas Day. That is almost four times the recommended daily caloric intake! But that’s America, folks!

Although this detox beverage won’t undo all the eating you did over the holidays, it can help kickstart the detoxification process. The body cannot properly process all of the foods people eat during the holidays, so a little help never hurt anyone. In addition to assisting with the body’s natural detox process, this slushie may give you a boost of energy. After drinking it, you may feel like you are ready to conquer the world!


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How To Avoid A Post-Thanksgiving Food Coma https://www.dherbs.com/articles/how-to-avoid-a-post-thanksgiving-food-coma/ Tue, 15 Nov 2022 09:35:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=146397

Thanksgiving is right around the corner and if you’re wondering how to avoid a food coma this year, you’ll need the tips in this article.


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Thanksgiving comes but once a year and most people use it as an excuse to eat themselves into a food coma. For many people, especially as they get older, the unpleasant food coma that results from overeating is not a pleasant experience. You don’t want to barely “survive” the holiday; rather, you want it to be an enjoyable time that doesn’t leave you in digestive discomfort or serious pain. 

Is Thanksgiving a food-focused holiday? Yes, but that doesn’t mean your nutrition has to go out the window. You can enjoy your food without completely abandoning your health goals. That doesn’t mean that you have to eat leaves all day, just in case you were wondering. You can eat for pleasure, as you should. Approaching Thanksgiving, or any big food holiday, in this way can help you develop a healthy relationship with food. This practice keeps your overall health and weight in check. Here are some tips to keep in mind as you prepare to attend or host the Thanksgiving feast.

No Such Thing As Saving Room

There is no sense in avoiding food before the big meal. The plan to “save room” always backfires because you are so hungry by the time food is ready that you eat everything in sight. Additionally, failure to eat all day can cause your blood sugar to dip and make you moody or aggravated. The best approach to enjoy your Thanksgiving meal without hating yourself is to eat a balanced breakfast and a light lunch, depending on when you serve your meal. Before you head out to the giant table of food, consider having a light snack, such as carrots and hummus. This helps stabilize your blood sugar, so you’ll be less likely to have cravings and overeat. 

Try A New Healthy Recipe

Don’t worry, folks, the glistening turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and gravy aren’t going anywhere. Perhaps, though, it’s time to invite a new dish to the big feast. There is nothing wrong with enjoying the classic, and the same sentiment applies for adding more nutrients to the holiday meal. Consider some food swaps for healthier takes on classic recipes. Instead of loading up your potatoes with butter and cream, try mixing in some Greek yogurt and broth. Consider adding a large salad, sautéed green beans with onion and garlic, or fresh, homemade cranberry sauce to your feast. Lighter options can help balance the heavier, carbohydrate-rich dishes. 

There Should Be An “Off Limits” Section

It’s hard to avoid an encounter with a classic Thanksgiving dessert over the holiday weekend. As unfortunate as it is, Thanksgiving desserts are some of the most calorically dense, sugar-laden, and fattening dishes on the menu. In fact, pecan pie is probably the unhealthiest dish you can eat during the holidays. Give your body a break and stay away from the dessert area. There are so many real food options, so there’s no need to push your body to the breaking point just because something looks interesting. 

Always Go For The Homemade Dishes

First of all, should you continue to invite or even talk to people who bring store bought dishes or foods to your holiday feast? We’ll leave that decision up to you. What we do know is that you should focus your eating efforts on homemade dishes. The reason for this is because store bought foods contain processed ingredients, damaged fats, refined sugars and flours, and artificial colors and flavors. When you stick with homemade food options, you know exactly what went into them, especially if you try healthier food swaps. 

Savor Slowly

For some reason, the goal of Thanksgiving is to cram as much food into your body as quickly as you can. This never ends well, but you don’t have to go down that road this year. Eat slowly and savor the food you put on your plate. Put your fork down between bites and make sure to chew your food thoroughly, as this helps with digestion. Experts say that you should feel satiated after one plate of food. Try your best to eat dishes with vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lots of fiber, as these will help you feel full, but in a comfortable way. 

It’s Okay To Say “No Thank You”

Bakers seem to come out of the woodwork during the holidays. All of a sudden, neighbors and friends bring you cookie platters, cakes, breads, and more. People show love through food, but you can respectfully refuse the offer. If you have regular sweet deliveries from people you know, you can reach out to them ahead of time and communicate that you are working hard to avoid sweets these days. Compliment their baking skills and say that someone else would love to try their famous pie or shortbread. It is what’s best for your body, but if you do end up eating sweets, don’t shame yourself for it. A little indulgence is perfectly acceptable!


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Raw Vegan Caramel Apples https://www.dherbs.com/recipes/recipe/raw-vegan-caramel-apples/ Wed, 30 Sep 2020 17:25:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?post_type=recipe&p=116924

This is the perfect kid-friendly recipe for autumn. Enjoy the sweeter things in life by making a raw rendition of the caramel apple.


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The fall wouldn’t be the fall without a delicious apple recipe. The caramel apple is a time-honored carnival classic, but we’re healthifying the recipe. Yes, “healthifying” is a made up word, and we’re coining it. The great thing about these raw vegan caramel apples is that they are not as messy as the regular ones. You also don’t have to worry about burning the caramel because there’s no cooking. You just need some apples, a food processor, the caramel ingredients, and a knife to spread the caramel around the apples.


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Raw Vegan Orange Chocolate Pudding https://www.dherbs.com/recipes/recipe/raw-vegan-orange-chocolate-pudding/ Sun, 13 Sep 2020 17:43:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?post_type=recipe&p=116496

Get ready to satisfy your sweet tooth because this raw vegan orange chocolate pudding is about to become your new go-to healthy dessert.


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The combination of orange and chocolate is a true culinary classic. The refreshing citrusy notes balance the rich intensity of the chocolate. Since this recipe calls for raw vegan cacao powder, which is bitter in nature, we added dates to provide the classic sweetness. This is a dessert after all!

Some people don’t think that a pudding like this will taste good because they see avocado on the ingredient list. Listen, folks, you can easily mask the flavor of avocado. The avocado is merely in the recipe to help achieve that classic creamy pudding texture. It is quite flavorless, so the cacao powder, dates, orange, and vanilla are what you taste.


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Apple Pie Energy Bites https://www.dherbs.com/recipes/recipe/apple-pie-energy-bites/ Fri, 11 Sep 2020 17:40:07 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?post_type=recipe&p=116473

It's time to enjoy apple pie in the form of a protein-packed, fiber-rich energy bite! These are about to be your favorite snacks!


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Often times, you want to indulge in sweet desserts, but you don’t want the excess sugars, carbs, and calories. So what do you do when your sweet tooth demands apple pie? Well, you make these apple pie energy bites! Made from dates, dried apples, pecans, nutmeg, agave, and cinnamon, these bites provide protein, healthy fats, and lots of fiber. Whenever you feel hungry between meals, eat two of these and you’ll be energized, satiated, and ready to go!


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Vegan Vanilla Energy Balls https://www.dherbs.com/recipes/recipe/vegan-vanilla-energy-balls/ Fri, 29 May 2020 17:36:25 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?post_type=recipe&p=111526

Can't decide whether you want a dessert or a snack? Enjoy both at the same time when you indulge in these vanilla energy bites.


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When you want to enjoy something sweet, you shouldn’t have to deny that desire. Rather than reaching for sugar-laden candy bars or fat-filled ice creams, opt for homemade energy bites like these ones. They satisfy your sweet craving and provide you with plant-based protein and healthy fats. Eat one or two bites and you’ll be very happy!


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Raw Whipped Cream https://www.dherbs.com/recipes/recipe/raw-whipped-cream/ Sat, 01 Feb 2020 18:06:27 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?post_type=recipe&p=105606

It's possible to eat your way out of a bad move when you have a recipe like this. One bite just puts a smile on your face for no reason.


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You deserve to indulge in a little sweetness every now and again. You can either go off the rails and regret your poor food choices, or you can figure out how to turn classic unhealthy sweets into sweet and healthy treats.


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Cinnamon Roasted Chickpeas https://www.dherbs.com/recipes/recipe/cinnamon-roasted-chickpeas/ Fri, 08 Mar 2019 17:44:36 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?post_type=recipe&p=92887

Finding healthy snacks that you can consistently enjoy can feel like a chore. We've alleviated that search with this sweet & crunchy snack.


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We know that you typically don’t see chickpeas in a recipe that involves sweet flavors, but chickpeas can easily take a variety of flavors. They are crunchy, slightly sweet, and rich in protein. Let us know how you like them.


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5 Desserts To Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth While Cleansing https://www.dherbs.com/articles/diet-nutrition/5-desserts-to-satisfy-your-sweet-tooth-while-cleansing/ Sat, 09 Feb 2019 11:00:17 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=71142

When you are cleansing, it is important to make a wide variety of dishes. Use these dessert recipes to satisfy any cravings you may have.


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Sometimes you just want dessert. It doesn’t matter if you are cleansing or just living your regular life; you want dessert and need it in your body. We aren’t strangers to this because we love some sweets as well, but we don’t go for processed cookies, candy bars, or sugar-laden ice creams. It can be hard not to reach for these advertised, store bought items; however, it isn’t hard to make your own healthy desserts.

One of the most popular and typical go-to desserts is ice cream. Aside from the sugar content in ice cream, it is dairy, which is one of the worst things you can put in your body. Did you know that humans are the only species on the planet that consumes another animal’s milk? And this milk comes from cows that are typically raised with hormones, antibiotics, and fed genetically modified corn. Dairy is not good for your bones!

Despite what you may think, healthier desserts do not taste bad. In fact, you might find that you enjoy them! Look to these five recipes if you need to satisfy your sweet tooth while cleansing.

Raw Chocolate Brownie Bites


These simple, healthy snacks, which you can munch on whenever you get hungry, also make great dessert bites! They are very easy to make and you can enjoy them guilt-free.

Click here to make the recipe.

Banana & Fruit Split With Raw Ice Cream


We just changed the entire dessert game for anyone who is cleansing. Enjoy this refreshing and light dessert and thank us later!

Click here to make the recipe.

Raw Banana Mango Pudding


Whether you are looking for a sweet mid-afternoon snack or a guilt-free dessert, this banana mango pudding is the recipe you need.

Click here to make the recipe.

No-Churn Raw Pistachio Ice Cream


Didn’t think that making raw pistachio ice cream was possible? We proved that it’s possible with this recipe you can indulge in.

Click here to make the recipe.

Raw Chocolate Pudding


This gorgeous, delectable dessert has a great many health benefits. Top it with fresh berries to take it to the next level.

Click here to make the recipe.


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