Sweet Tooth - Dherbs - The Best All Natural Herbal Remedies & Products https://www.dherbs.com/tag/sweet-tooth/ Buy the best herbal supplements, natural remedies, and herbal remedies from Dherbs. We're the #1 alternative medicine store online. ✓ Visit and shop now! Wed, 25 Jan 2023 23:51:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How To Eliminate Sugar From Your Diet In 3 Weeks https://www.dherbs.com/articles/how-to-eliminate-sugar-from-your-diet-in-3-weeks/ Thu, 26 Jan 2023 09:25:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=151960

Looking to feel better and overcome your cravings? Spend the next three weeks ditching the sweet stuff so you can feel better every day.


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The average person in the United States exceeds the recommended daily amount of sugar. And the reality is that the average person is aware of their excess sugar consumption. In fact, eight out of 10 Americans are trying to cut back on the amount of sugar they consume. The unfortunate reality is that reducing your sugar intake is easier said than done. It’s confusing to establish a plan that helps you cut back on sugar. 

Natural Sugar vs. Added Sugar

Before we get into how to eliminate sugar from your diet, you have to understand the difference between natural and added sugars. Natural sugar exists in whole foods, for example, fructose in fruit. These naturally occurring sugars tend to be healthy because the foods that contain them also have micronutrients, antioxidants, and fiber. Added sugars, which are sweeteners put into food for extra flavor, have no benefits. These are the sugars you want to eliminate from your diet. 

The Benefits Of Eliminating Sugar From Your Diet

Sugar isn’t necessarily a bad thing because the body needs sugar. The problem is the amount of added sugars you consume. Studies have shown that consuming excessive amounts of added sugars can lead to chronic health issues, such as: 

  • Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Colon and pancreatic cancer
  • High cholesterol
  • Kidney and liver disease

By reducing added sugars in your diet, you may reduce the risk of these chronic health issues. The Department of Agriculture encourages you to limit your added sugar intake to less than 10% of your daily calories. Unfortunately, the average American consumes three times that recommendation, averaging 17 teaspoons of added sugars per day. Reducing your consumption of sugary beverages is one of the easiest ways to decrease your sugar intake, but the following three-week plan will be of great assistance for completely eliminating sugar from your diet. 

Week One

  • Purge the kitchen: The more sugar you have in the house, the more you crave it. Additionally, the more sugar you eat, the more you want it! Purge sugary foods and beverages you have in your house, checking the nutrition labels for how much added sugar is in each food/drink. If the product says 5% daily value (DV) or less of added sugars, it has a lower sugar content. If the product has a 20% DV of added sugars, toss it out!
  • Sticker your sweeteners: Put a label or sticky note on items like brown sugar or honey as a cautionary sign when you open the cabinet. 
  • Learn sugar lingo: In order to avoid sugar, you need to be able to identify the many names it goes by. Sound the alarm when you see syrup, cane, nectar, and words that end in “ose.” Watch out for fruit juice concentrate and skip glazed, honey-dipped, sticky, and BBQ options when dining out, as those are sneaky sources of sugar.
  • Have a backup plan: Carry an emergency snack, for example, a banana or dehydrated fruit, to get a healthy dose of sugar when you crave it.

Week Two

  • Slash your sugar: It’s best to make incremental changes in your sugar habits because you can train yourself to lower your taste for sweets within two weeks. 
  • Focus on water: For a full week, try to only consume water in place of fruit juices and sodas, including diet sodas. Should you need some bubbles, unflavored seltzer water is an acceptable option. 
  • Measure carefully: When you need to include sugar, honey, maple syrup, or agave in a recipe, scale back the amount you need. For safe measure, put about half the amount of a serving because that is most likely sweeter than necessary. 

Week Three

  • Play the long game: Now that you’ve upgraded your sugar knowledge and neutralized your sweet tooth, plan for long-term success. This new diet overhaul will become your new norm in about three months. Stick to what you’re doing and continue on to live a healthier lifestyle. 
  • Increase healthy fat intake: The name of the game here is good fats. We don’t want hydrogenated oils, trans fats, or saturated fats. Good fats help shut off receptors in the brain that cause sugar cravings. Focus on avocados, olive oil, coconut oil, and other sources of healthy fats
  • Stick to a schedule: Ideally, you should eat your meals and snacks at the same time every day. Having a routine keeps you on schedule and prevents you from getting caught off guard by hunger. You’ll be less likely to give in to something unhealthy if you stick to a regular eating schedule.


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Treat-Related Tricks For A Healthier Halloween https://www.dherbs.com/articles/treat-related-tricks-for-a-healthier-halloween/ Sun, 09 Oct 2022 09:09:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=143554

It’s easy to let yourself go when a pile of Halloween candy is in front of you, but experts say that it is possible to make healthier choices.


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Halloween has either been canceled, restricted, or modified in recent years as a result of COVID-19. Parties, events, and the classic trick-or-treating are now back in full swing, and people can’t wait to get their spooky on. Whether you visit pumpkin patches or walk home with a giant bucket of candy after trick-or-treating with the kids, you can easily veer off the healthy path. 

Chances are, you aren’t getting apple slices with almond butter in place of chocolate bars and sour candies. And most people just buy candy to have in the house or the office now, so these treats are more accessible than ever. The Halloween aisle at grocery stores is almost too tempting, and it can be hard to resist if you or your child has a sweet tooth. Now, candy shouldn’t be off limits; rather, it should be a treat that you enjoy in a mindful way. Sit down, put the sweet on the plate, and take your time to eat and enjoy it. When you stuff your face with candy, you overload the body with sugar and you don’t really enjoy the eating process. The following tips, however, can help you make this trick-or-treating season a little healthier

Not All Sugars Are Created Equal

Added sugars are much different from natural sugars that exist in whole foods. Food manufacturers will add sugars to foods, even the ones that are not particularly sweet. Added sugars help to satisfy your taste buds and keep you coming back for more. Honey, brown or white sugar, and high fructose corn syrup are examples of unnatural sugars in processed foods. Natural sugars occur in whole foods like fruit, and they are beneficial for your health. If you don’t have pre-existing health conditions like diabetes, you don’t have to worry about natural sugars in whole foods. As for added sugars, you should limit your intake to less than 10% of your daily calories. That is the American Heart Association’s recommendation for maintaining a healthy body.

Take A Break From The Sauce

Although trick-or-treating may not be a thing for adults, the Halloween fun doesn’t stop when you reach adolescence. Many adults live for Halloween and the many festivities that are spooky-themed. For many adults, though, Halloween events and parties typically involve a lot of alcoholic beverages. Oftentimes, there is a cauldron of alcoholic punch or Halloween-inspired cocktails that entice you based on looks alone. Excessive drinking can lead to an imbalance of electrolytes, which can cause dehydration and fatigue. Alcohol is also a source of empty calories, so all that drinking contributes to weight gain. Plus, most Halloween-themed cocktails are high in sugar, which can wreck your gut and make hangovers worse. Take a break from the sauce or limit your consumption, making water or sparkling waters your replacement beverages. 

Get Creative With Scary-Themed Healthy Foods

You can gain a lot of inspiration for art projects and recipes on Pinterest, especially for Halloween decor and recipes. There are many snacks and treats that are both spooky and healthy because they are made from whole foods with natural sugars. You can always transform healthy fruits and vegetables in a way that satisfies your sweet tooth. Take some time to whip up your own festive foods for Halloween parties by clicking here

Beware Of Overeating Sugar

It’s one of the easiest things to do, especially for children after coming home with a large amount of candy on Halloween. In the interest of health, limit yourself and your children from gorging on candy after trick-or-treating. Beware of getting tricked into a sugar rush! When you eat too many high-sugar foods, you increase the risk of obesity and weight gain, both of which are precursors to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Even if a sugar rush isn’t part of your daily life, one day of unusually high sugar intake can cause a short-term spike in blood sugar and insulin levels. This can lead to increased cravings, mood swings, dips in energy, and acute inflammation. If you or your children struggle with pacing your sugar intake, opt for treats that take longer to eat, for example, lollipops. 

Protect Your Teeth By Avoiding Certain Candies

Sugary snacks are loaded with preservatives, added sugars, and artificial colors and flavors that can ruin your blood sugar levels and your teeth. Eating a lot of candy in one sitting can make your next trip to the dentist more like a horror flick than a regular checkup. Sour candy is one of the major culprits when it comes to tooth decay. The highly acidic nature of these candies makes it easy for them to erode tooth enamel. Try to limit your consumption of gummy candies and sour candies because these can cause serious tooth problems. Plus, they can be very difficult to get out of your teeth, even if you floss and brush thoroughly.


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Homemade Raw Vegan Oreos https://www.dherbs.com/recipes/recipe/homemade-raw-vegan-oreos/ Wed, 05 Oct 2022 17:34:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?post_type=recipe&p=143470

Get ready to enjoy a raw vegan take on a classic cookie that is super unhealthy for you. This recipe uses nutritious, all-natural ingredients


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If you’re wondering whether or not this is possible, it is. The best part is that your body won’t hate you for indulging in this healthy dessert. Quite the opposite, actually! This recipe is rich in health fats and fiber, both of which do not exist in store bought Oreos. Plus, isn’t it strange that Oreos are dairy-free? Well, we think it is, considering that they are a cream-filled sandwich cookie. Makes you think and wonder what’s really in there…

The crazy thing about Oreos is that the original recipe for the cream contained pork fat, which creams up nicely. Nowadays, the recipe contains partially hydrogenated vegetable oil, not that that is a healthy option either. The primary takeaway is that regular Oreos are very unhealthy and ultra-processed. Even though they may be vegetarian, they are far from healthy. Fortunately, this recipe is made from raw vegan ingredients that provide the body with an array of nutritional benefits. You really can enjoy this dessert guilt-free!

One thing that we should note is that these raw vegan cookies don’t taste like real Oreos, but don’t let that deter you from making this recipe. You still get notes of sweet chocolate and a luxurious cream filling that satisfy your sweet tooth. The sweetness in the chocolate comes from the dates, while the sweetness from the cream comes from the maple syrup. The “cream” is made from cashews, coconut oil, maple syrup, and vanilla extract. Pretty cool, right?!


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5 Signs You Could Be Drinking Too Much Caffeine https://www.dherbs.com/articles/5-signs-you-could-be-drinking-too-much-caffeine/ Tue, 12 Apr 2022 09:07:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=138758

Caffeine helps us get through the day. Drinking too much, however, can have negative effects on health. Scale back if you notice these signs.


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Most types of tea and coffee contain caffeine, a substance that may boost mental performance and metabolism. Nowadays, though, there is an assortment of caffeinated beverages that people drink at all hours of the day. Although studies confirm that caffeine is safe for most people in low-to-moderate amounts, consuming high doses of caffeine can have unpleasant or dangerous side effects.

As is with most good things in life, too much caffeine can be very problematic. You may not experience caffeine poisoning, but there have been some instances where caffeine was the sole cause of death. These cases were common among psychiatric patients, infants, and athletes in the general population. Death by way of caffeine is very rare, and we don’t want to focus on that. This article aims to highlight symptoms of excess caffeine consumption. 

How Much Is Too Much?

Current guidelines suggest that consuming up to 400 milligrams (mg) of caffeine per day is safe for healthy adults. That equates to about four to five eight-ounce cups of coffee, an amount that can definitely cause people to lie awake at night. According to research from 2019, the upper limit for safe coffee consumption is six cups per day. More than that can be quite dangerous. It should also be noted that many nutritionists don’t advise consuming that much caffeine. The reality is that one to four cups per day is fairly standard for the average adult coffee consumer. 

What is too much caffeine for one person may be fine for someone else. Caffeine does have certain health benefits, but if you experience the following signs, you may need to reevaluate your caffeine consumption. 

Digestive Issues

A lot of people enjoy the fact that a cup of coffee helps to promote a bowel movement. Coffee does have a laxative affect, which researchers attribute to the release of gastrin, a hormone that the stomach produces to accelerate colon activity. Decaffeinated coffee demonstrates a similar response in the body. Caffeine also stimulates bowel movements by increasing peristalsis, the contractions that move food through the digestive tract. Drinking too much coffee may cause stomach ulcers or worsen symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease in some people. This is because caffeine can relax the muscle that keeps stomach contents from moving up into the esophagus. 

You Have A Pounding Headache

A day or two without caffeine for some people can cause serious headaches. Interestingly enough, too much caffeine in the system can result in skull-crushing headaches. Too much caffeine can contribute to the onset of migraines in certain people. Consuming 200 mg of caffeine per day is fine for the majority of people, but people who experience frequent headaches may benefit from reducing caffeine consumption. 

The Afternoon Slump

Food manufacturers tend to pump caffeine into various foods and beverages to make people feel like energetic superheroes. That means that you can counteract fatigue by chugging caffeine. Too much caffeine, however, can have the opposite effect after the body metabolizes it. When caffeine blocks adenosine receptors in the brain, the body can release the sleep-inducing chemical. Dozing off or losing motivation at 3 p.m. at work may be attributed to drinking too much caffeine earlier in the day. 

You Feel Anxious

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, people who suffer from anxiety should avoid caffeine at all costs. Too much caffeine can actually worsen the effects of anxiety. It’s possible that caffeine can rob you of proper sleep or trigger the body’s fight or flight response. Drinking too much caffeine can also cause caffeine-induced anxiety disorder, which is one of several caffeine-related syndromes. Exceeding 1,000 mg of caffeine per day increases jitteriness, anxiety, nervousness, and other similar symptoms. If you notice that you feel nervous or jittery after drinking caffeine, consider other ways to boost energy levels, like exercise. 

You Can’t Tame Your Sweet Tooth

Can’t seem to stop craving donuts or cookies? Well, consuming a lot of caffeine can temporarily affect your taste buds, making food and drink seem less sweet. A 2017 study confirmed that this makes you crave more sugar to get your fix. If you find that you have a hankering for sweets or unhealthy foods close to the time you consume caffeine, it may be time to cut back. Reducing your caffeine intake may help you rebalance your taste perception so that you make healthier food choices. 


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Eat These Foods When You’re Craving Sugar https://www.dherbs.com/articles/eat-these-foods-when-youre-craving-sugar/ Tue, 11 Jan 2022 09:26:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=134273

When the urge to eat sugar strikes, there are foods you can eat to curb those cravings. Learn more about them in this article.


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The urge to eat sugar can be mighty, especially if you feel drowsy in the afternoon and a coworker bought donuts for the office. The crazy thing is that sugar tempts you and it’s difficult to resist it, despite the fact that you aren’t hungry. Some people rely on sugar or find it difficult to pass up dessert after a meal. According to researchers, roughly 86% of people who had sugar cravings thought about high-calorie foods, especially ones that contained chocolate.

Now, when sugar cravings strike, you can reach for other, healthier foods that help satisfy your desire. It may come as a surprise to you to learn that substituting blueberries for chocolate keeps sugar cravings at bay. Reducing the amount of sugar you consume is paramount to overall health, considering the average American adult consumes over triple the recommended daily amount of sugar. Eating too much sugar can lead to complicated health conditions like high blood pressure, weak immune system, and liver damage. 

Healthy alternatives may not taste like donuts or ice cream, but they satisfy your sweet tooth in the same way. Their natural sugars are much healthier than the added or artificial sugars in most processed foods. When the craving for something sweet strikes, consider grabbing one of the following foods instead. 


You can thank the combination of healthy fats, fiber, and protein for curbing your sugar cravings. Pistachios are an excellent snack, but be mindful of how many you eat, as too many can easily increase your caloric intake. A 2020 study found that eating pistachios helped decrease the consumption of sweets. Additionally, they helped promote weight loss in adults with obesity. 


Not only can oats help stave off hunger, but they also help to reduce glucose levels and curb sugar cravings. Naturally rich in soluble fiber, rolled old-fashioned oats or steel-cut oats are the best options to choose. The instant oatmeal packets are unhealthy and contain added sugars and processed ingredients. Plus, a bowl of oatmeal will help you avoid the carbohydrate spike that most breakfast cereals induce. 


The one-two punch that knocks out your sugar cravings is the combination of protein and fruit. Protein and the natural sugars from fruits help to reduce sugar cravings by balancing blood sugar levels. A 2015 study monitored adults with obesity and the results indicated that increasing protein intake by 25% significantly reduced cravings.


Berries are natural sources of water, fiber, and powerful antioxidants. They happen to be some of the best fruits to eat when sugar cravings strike. Berries are low-glycemic fruits, providing plenty of sweetness without spiking blood sugar levels. They also help you feel fuller and may improve insulin sensitivity. 

Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are tiny, but mighty when it comes to their nutritional profile. They are rich in protein, fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids, making them excellent for curbing sugar cravings. A 2017 study found that eating chia seeds with unsweetened Greek yogurt helped reduce cravings for sugary foods. This meal option also increased feelings of satiety. You can also make your own chia pudding, which is an excellent breakfast or snack option. Click here for recipes. 


Is water going to satisfy your craving for chocolate cake? Absolutely not. Being dehydrated, however, can make you crave sweet treats even if you aren’t hungry. Many people often misinterpret thirst and dehydration as hunger. According to several studies, drinking more water helps to reduce feelings of hunger and food cravings. A 2018 study monitored a group of overweight people who drank an extra 1.5 liters of water per day. At the end of the study, participants not only weighed less, but also had less body fat and fewer cravings. 

Healthy Fats

Foods like avocados, nuts, seeds, olives, and coconut, olive, avocado, and walnut oils are excellent sources of heart-healthy fats. Eating more healthy fats can actually help you displace excess sugar from your diet. Plus, they work to keep the body satisfied for longer between meals. That means you can experience fewer energy dips and your interest in sugary foods may wane.


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Why Banana Nice Cream Will Be Your New Favorite Dessert https://www.dherbs.com/articles/why-banana-nice-cream-will-be-your-new-favorite-dessert/ Thu, 25 Mar 2021 09:03:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=126786

Only a couple ingredients stand between you and your new favorite dessert. Learn to make our favorite banana nice cream recipes.


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Did you know that you can perform a culinary magic trick with a couple ingredients? As long as you have a high-speed blender or food processor, you have the ability to turn a banana into ice cream. When you blend a frozen banana, you achieve a wonderfully creamy consistency. Frozen bananas are perfect smoothie ingredients to achieve maximum creaminess, but they also make the perfect ice cream base. 

Banana nice cream, as it has become known, is a healthy alternative to classic dairy-laden, sugar-rich ice creams. Most people like to sit down after a long day and enjoy a scoop, or two, or three, or a pint of ice cream. All of that dairy and sugar consumption can lead to a lot of mucus accumulation, fat storage, or poor digestion. Instead, sit down with a dessert that you can enjoy guilt-free!

How To Freeze Bananas

This seems like a no-brainer, but there is a specific technique to help make your life infinitely easier. First and foremost, never freeze your bananas with the peels on, well, unless you want to struggle. Always peel the bananas prior to freezing them. Once you peel the bananas, slice them into half-inch thick rounds. You don’t have to get a ruler out to measure each slice, but make them roughly that size. Using four or five bananas at a time, place the slices on a baking tray lined with parchment paper and place it in the freezer overnight. Remove the bananas in the morning, transfer them to Ziploc bags, and then keep them in the freezer until you are ready to use them. The reason for slicing them is because smaller frozen banana pieces break down quicker during the blending process and help you achieve a thicker, creamier ice cream.

How To Make Banana Nice Cream

Once you have your frozen banana slices, the next step is to use your high-speed blender or food processor. There is no need for an ice cream maker, folks! Follow whichever recipe you decide on and add the frozen bananas to processor. Then you can add more ingredients to flavor your nice cream. A few popular ingredients include raw cacao powder, grade A maple syrup, raw almond butter, raw agave nectar, or certain fruit. We have four of our most popular nice cream recipes below and we hope you enjoy them. 

Guilt-Free Raw Banana Chocolate Nice Cream

Sometimes you just need a little sweetness in your life. You don’t need processed ice creams when you can make tasty desserts like this!

Click here to make the recipe. 

Creamy Banana Ice Cream

This is the easiest ice cream recipe you’ll ever make. It’s a refreshing dessert with just the right amount of sweetness to satisfy your sweet tooth.

Click here to make the recipe.

Raw Vegan Blueberry Ice Cream

Two ingredients stand between you and a refreshing bowl of ice cream: blueberries & bananas. Say hello to your new favorite summer dessert.

Click here to make the recipe.

2-Ingredient Chocolate Banana Nice Cream

This is the perfect guilt-free treat for warm summer days. No ice cream machine needed and it’s ready in under 5 minutes!

Click here to make the recipe.


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Raw Vegan Orange Chocolate Pudding https://www.dherbs.com/recipes/recipe/raw-vegan-orange-chocolate-pudding/ Sun, 13 Sep 2020 17:43:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?post_type=recipe&p=116496

Get ready to satisfy your sweet tooth because this raw vegan orange chocolate pudding is about to become your new go-to healthy dessert.


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The combination of orange and chocolate is a true culinary classic. The refreshing citrusy notes balance the rich intensity of the chocolate. Since this recipe calls for raw vegan cacao powder, which is bitter in nature, we added dates to provide the classic sweetness. This is a dessert after all!

Some people don’t think that a pudding like this will taste good because they see avocado on the ingredient list. Listen, folks, you can easily mask the flavor of avocado. The avocado is merely in the recipe to help achieve that classic creamy pudding texture. It is quite flavorless, so the cacao powder, dates, orange, and vanilla are what you taste.


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Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth On National Chocolate Day https://www.dherbs.com/articles/general-topics/satisfy-your-sweet-tooth-on-national-chocolate-day/ Mon, 28 Oct 2019 09:04:20 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=86916

Annually observed on October 28th, National Chocolate Day aims to celebrate all things chocolate. Check out these chocolaty recipes!


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Chocolate is probably one of the most delicious creations on the planet. It’s simple to say that it is scrumptious, but we have one question for you: Do you know the difference between cocoa and cacao? We can tell you that the difference is not a matter of mispronunciation. It goes much deeper than that.

Cacao and cocoa start from the same place, even though they end up being completely different products. Not to mention, they both have different effects on the body. The difference between them is how they are processed. If you are familiar with the cleanse-approved recipes we post on our website, you will know that raw cacao is acceptable to eat while cleansing. Raw cacao beans look like coffee beans and have a slightly bitter taste. Chocolate is the healthiest when eaten in the form of raw cacao.

Because health articles circulate the web discussing the benefits of eating chocolate, it is integral to know that cocoa and cacao are not the same. Cocoa starts out like cacao, but it is heated at high temperatures that yield different flavors and health benefits. Cacao contains powerful antioxidants, while the process of making cocoa alters the molecular composition of the beans, ultimately changing their chemical structure and decreasing the nutritional value.

A great comparison is raw fruits and vegetables to cooked fruits or vegetables. The heat kills the nutritional value and you don’t reap the full benefits of the raw versions. And the nutritional content may diminish depending on what you add to the cooked veggies, i.e. salt, butter, cheese, or other unhealthy ingredients.

We don’t want you to avoid chocolate on National Chocolate Day; rather, we just want you to use raw cacao to make your recipes. Check out the recipes below for inspiration.

Raw Walnut Brownies


You don’t have to stop eating dessert just because you are on a raw foods diet. Try making these raw brownies to get your chocolate fix.

Click here to make the recipe.

Turmeric Hot Chocolate


Are you looking for a healthier hot chocolate option during these colder months? It’s time to try this warming, anti-inflammatory beverage!

Click here to make the recipe.

Chocolate Banana Chia Seed Pudding


Want to eat chocolate for breakfast without feeling guilty? Sounds like you need this nutrient dense chia pudding to rev up your mornings.

Click here to make the recipe.

2-Ingredient Chocolate Banana Ice Cream


This is the perfect guilt-free treat for warm summer days. No ice cream machine needed and it’s ready in under 5 minutes!

Click here to make the recipe.


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Ripe For The Picking: It’s National Avocado Day https://www.dherbs.com/articles/diet-nutrition/ripe-for-the-picking-its-national-avocado-day/ Wed, 31 Jul 2019 09:35:33 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=83592

The avocado may be one of the world’s healthiest foods. Check out some of our awesome avocado recipes for National Avocado Day 2019!


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When someone asks, “Would you like to add avocado to your meal?” the answer should always be, “Absolutely!” You never regret adding avocado to your meal! Avocados have become incredibly popular in the American diet in recent years. In fact, avocado consumption in the U.S. has quadrupled since the year 2000.

Avocados should be celebrated every day, not just on July 31st. They help to provide the body with heart-healthy fats, omega-3s, magnesium, potassium, and vitamins C, E, and K. One of the best qualities of avocados is that they contain oleic acid, which helps to hydrate your skin and support the regeneration of damaged skin cells.

But Wait….There’s More!

Avocados can help to lower triglyceride and cholesterol levels, which is a big deal considering that heart disease is the number one killer in the world. Several studies have indicated that regular avocado consumption can help to lower LDL cholesterol levels, reduce blood triglycerides, and increase HDL cholesterol levels. Which helps to decrease the risk of atherosclerosis. The potassium content in avocados also helps to fight against hypertension by relaxing blood vessels and arteries. Remember, eating avocados as part of a healthy plant-based diet will yield the best results.

Avocado Fact: The ancient Aztecs used to apply avocados to their skin to make their skin more beautiful. It wasn’t until the 20th century that the cosmetic industry began including avocado oil in creams, lotions, cleansers, and other products for healthier skin.

The best way to enjoy National Avocado Day is by eating avocados! We have some delicious recipes in this article and we encourage you to try at least one of them. Let us know how they turn out for you in the comments below. By the way…all of these recipes are Full Body Cleanse approved.

Tropical Smoothie With Avocado


Looking to get an extra dose of heart-healthy fats and omega-3s? Make this avocado smoothie for breakfast to boost your energy levels.

Click here to make the recipe.

Avocado Caprese Salad


Not only is this recipe filled with magnesium, potassium, and omega-3s, but it also is a unique, raw, & delicious take on an Italian classic!

Click here to make the recipe.

Creamy Avocado Vinaigrette


Are you ready to taste one of the best dressings we’ve every published? Ready the blender because it’s time to blend some deliciousness.

Click here to make the recipe.

Raw Avocado Chocolate Mousse


Avocado for dessert? You bet your sweet tooth you’re having avocado for dessert because you can’t even taste it. All you are going to taste is sweet chocolaty heaven.

Click here to make the recipe.

Raw Avocado-Based Lime Ice Cream


Yes, avocados do make a great base for ice cream because they are creamy and don’t have the strongest flavor. You can play around with the measurements a little, depending on how you want your ice cream to taste.

Click here to make the recipe.


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Here’s The Scoop On National Ice Cream Day https://www.dherbs.com/articles/general-topics/heres-the-scoop-on-national-ice-cream-day/ Sun, 19 Jul 2020 05:40:23 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=83083

How are you going to enjoy National Ice Cream Day? We have some of our favorite ice cream recipes that are delicious and easy-to-make.


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While July is National Ice Cream Month, the third Sunday in July is always National Ice Cream Day. You can thank President Ronald Reagan for that! This real-ish holiday can be observed in a variety of ways, but we find the best way is to make your own ice cream.

Americans buy the most amount of ice cream during June and July, primarily because of the warmer summer weather. According to a 2015 report, American manufacturers produced roughly 1.54 billion gallons of ice cream and frozen desserts. Nearly all of the U.S. ice cream/frozen dessert manufacturers have been in business for over 50 years, and the ice cream industry contributes about $39 billion to the American economy each year.

People in the Great Lakes region tend to buy the most ice cream, and the average American consumes more than 23 pounds of ice cream each year. That is too much ice cream, people. Dairy can wreak havoc on your bones and can induce adverse skin irritations. Maybe National Ice Cream Day should be a wake up call, as opposed to a celebration. You don’t have to consume dairy and sugar because you can make your own ice cream with better, non-toxic ingredients. Try some of our recipes below.

2-Ingredient Chocolate Banana Ice Cream

This is the perfect guilt-free treat for warm summer days. No ice cream machine needed and it’s ready in under 5 minutes

Click here to make the recipe.

Healthy Pineapple Ice Cream

Summer is the perfect time of year to improve your raw ice cream game. This recipe is almost too easy to make, so try it out today!

Click here to make the recipe.

3-Ingredient Lemon Ice Cream

If you have a hankering for a slightly sweet and tart dessert, this is the recipe you need. It’s the perfect raw ice cream for summer days.

Click here to make the recipe.

No Churn Raw Pistachio Ice Cream

Didn’t think that making raw pistachio ice cream was possible? We proved that it’s possible with this recipe you can indulge in.

Click here to make the recipe.

Cherry Banana Ice Cream

Indulge your sweet tooth without feeling guilty! This raw vegan ice cream is the perfect treat to cool you off on warm summer days.

Click here to make the recipe.


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The post Here’s The Scoop On National Ice Cream Day appeared first on Dherbs - The Best All Natural Herbal Remedies & Products.
