Don’t Just Drink Your Water, Eat It Too
Drinking water may not be enough to properly hydrate the body. Start eating your water by focusing on these hydrating foods.
Drinking water may not be enough to properly hydrate the body. Start eating your water by focusing on these hydrating foods.
Swimming is an excellent cardiovascular workout that benefits your health in several ways. Learn why you should be in the water more often.
Don’t allow yourself to slip into a state of dehydration. Follow these simple steps and you’ll be optimally hydrated at all times.
Providing lots of vitamins A & C, yellow squash should be on your summer shopping list! Learn about the amazing health benefits here.
Summertime can mean lounging by the pool while sipping on cocktails or beers. Here’s how to get over a hangover after day drinking.
Grilling food seems like a harmless activity, but it can pose several threats to your health if you don’t avoid these common mistakes.
From beach days to backyard barbecues, there are many summer outings that can result in sunburn. This homemade cream can help provide relief.
One of the juiciest and tastiest summer stone fruits, peaches are great for digestion, immune function, and they perk up your skin too.
Summer and sunburns go hand in hand, so care for your skin if it turns pink by applying this home remedy for sunburn relief.
Stay slim this summer by sipping these detoxifying iced tea recipes. You’ll quench your thirst and cleanse your body at the same time!
A new survey found that the majority of Americans say they want airlines to require face masks on public transport during summer travel.
If you want to protect your skin from the sun’s UVA and UVB rays without using any harmful ingredients, use this DIY sunscreen recipe.
Summertime hair loss is a very common problem. How can you prevent hair fall in hotter months? This article provides effective natural ways.
Look out for the signs of dehydration and learn how easily heat waves can dehydrate the body. Plus, use these tips to stay cool and hydrated.
Indulge in these delicious meals that help you beat the summer heat. They’re refreshing and don’t you to turn on the oven or stove.
These are the most effective home remedies to make mosquito bites stop itching. You’ll stop scratching them in no time!
Learn how to keep your skin healthy and safe from the sun this summer. These are simple strategies to make fun in the sun stress-free.
Keep those annoying mosquitos away this summer by making some DIY mosquito repellent candles that are 100% natural.
This summer may be the first time people vacation since the COVID-19 pandemic began. Use these tips to stay healthy and safe.
Learn how to take a simple cucumber and transform it into an incredibly tasty dish. Make these 6 recipes to cool off during summer.
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