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Many spiritual leaders today espouse that there are no accidents. Yet if that is true, why do people loosely use the word "accident" all the time?


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Many spiritual leaders today espouse that there are no accidents. Yet if that is true, why do people loosely use the word “accident” all the time?

Dherbs agrees that there are absolutely no accidents in life. Absolutely none.

What we call “accidents” is the Law of Synchronicity manifesting itself. Unconscious people call it a “crash.” The 2005 Best Picture movie “Crash” displayed how our lives are connected regardless of societal stature, race, creed, belief system, economic status, etc. and because we are all connected, from time to time we are sure to “bump” or “crash” into one another, especially in the proper time-space sequence. That’s the Law of Synchronicity working.

Now, if there are no accidents, then what are people experiencing with car accidents, accidents on the job, or bodily accidents (i.e. urinating or defecating on one’s self)?

A car accident is a collision: two cars crash or collide into one another on the street or highway. This is synchronicity in a way least expected, at least by the participants. Accidents happen for a reason. There is a lesson to be learned in every occurrence of life, including accidents. As metaphysician Lise Bourbeau states:

“Accidents are tools the Universe (God) uses to get our attention.”

Many times, accidents help to slow us down or to give us a much needed rest or break period. Believe it or not we play a role in every accident we experience. The Law of Attraction is always in effect.

When you have fear, especially about a particular thing, person, or event, the subconscious mind processes what is in the conscious mind and makes it manifest. This is a natural law.

Accidents can teach you to:

1. Always listen to and more importantly, TRUST yourself (emotions, gut feeling, intuition)

2. Your thoughts create your reality.

3. You attract what you resist or fear in life.

Some people believe that preparing for an accident (such as purchasing insurance) creates an accident. It is the preparation for an accident that creates the accident. When you prepare for a thing, you are saying you EXPECT the thing. Constant expectation becomes unconscious desire. That’s why despite all the car or automobile insurance in the world, accidents (collisions) keep occurring and increasing and will continue to do so. The more insurance there is, the more accidents there will be. There’s an unconscious desire (expectation) for accidents in the collective consciousness of the people and so they happen.

Insurance is not for prevention purposes. It’s for preparation purposes and creates a false sense of security.

Some people can have insurance for a whole lifetime and never have to use the insurance. Why? They live life with a peaceful and trusting disposition and a positive outlook. Their energy is good and very trusting of good to come their way. If you travel with peace and security, you will be more likely to arrive safely at your destination. People who expect doom always get it. You attract and usually get what you fear or don’t want.

If you are preparing for some future catastrophe, you are sure to get it in your lifetime. Preparation of a thing or event eventually makes it transpire.

Fear is energy (a cause) and breeds a polarity energy (an effect).

We truly can change the condition of the world simply by just changing our thoughts and feelings.

Thank you for reading.


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Think Yourself Healthy Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:52 +0000

In order to heal you must positively change your thoughts and thinking.


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Thinking or how you think is very important in healing. In fact, you thought yourself into sickness, infirmity, ailment, injury and disease. Your thinking is what started your sickness or disease. As all comes from thought, so does sickness and disease. Most people don’t have a clue of this, but they thought themselves into their present state, whatever that state may be.

First, you think yourself sick; then you speak yourself sick. Take fear for example. It is very true that “what you fear will appear.” When you fear a thing, you attract the thing you fear via the Law of Attraction (LOA). Many people out there fear contracting genital herpes or some other STD. This fear is embedded deep into the subconscious mind. It matches what’s on the conscious mind. The subconscious mind is what manifests what’s on the conscious mind. The people who consciously fear contracting genital herpes or some other STD attract the very same thing they fear or do not want and they do so via ignorance of Higher Law or Universal Law.

This is why it pays to only think positive, especially when the thought of a thing is recurrent or consistent because consistent thoughts magnifies the thought and brings the thought ultimately into physical manifestation.

If you keep having thoughts of contracting some new virus, you’ll eventually “catch” that virus. Basically, your body will give you the new virus by developing the new virus. Your body can develop poison or it can develop a nepenthe, panacea, or antidote. Your body (it’s endocrine system) is a laboratory. It is alchemical, mystical, and magical.

You must watch your thoughts and you most certainly must watch your words. Again, people are speaking themselves into sickness. Saying things like: ‘I can’t stand you!’, ‘You get on my damn nerves!’, ‘You make me sick!’; ‘You make my stomach turn!’, or “you’re a pain in my neck!’ actually causes your body to respond to these statements (words) and eventually manifest such statements (words) in your physical body and in the precise or specific geographical areas of your body. Your body responds to everything you say, positive or negative. The impact of words, be they positive or negative, are stored in your tissues throughout your body.

This is why in order to heal you must positively change your thoughts and thinking, which should change how you speak.

If you doubt the efficacy of health products, herbs, or healing modalities or therapies, you lessen their efficacy.

If you think Full Body Cleanse or Anti-Viral Cleanse and Regimen or any other cleanse won’t work for you despite performing the cleanses, you have made this your unconscious intent and so you don’t get the healing you truly desire from performing the cleanses.

If you think you can’t be cured or healed from a so-called incurable disease, chances are you won’t be cured or healed and it’s nobody’s fault but your own. Doubt is the subconscious will to fail.

You must think POSITIVE! You must think OPTIMISTICALLY! You must think PROGRESSIVELY! You must think PROACTIVELY!

Negative thinking blocks your healing. It keeps you in a diseased state. A clear mind is needed in order to successfully heal.

Visualize yourself the way you desire to see yourself. Feel RIGHT NOW how you desire to feel. If you desire a clean bill of health, FEEL like it! How would you feel if you released 20-30 pounds (if you needed to do so)? Then FEEL like it right now! Use your mind! Well, at least use your mind for yourself because perhaps up until this moment you have been using your mind for someone or something else. Start using your mind for yourself! After all, it’s YOUR mind! You are the first party lien-holder on your mind. You are the holder in due course of your mind. Start acting like it!

Your thoughts create your reality. Think yourself out of disease and into a state of optimal health and well-being or homeostasis (balance).

What you VISUALIZE can and will MATERIALIZE! So constantly visualize a healthier and happier YOU! Visualize this into reality! You can do it as numerous individuals have done it with great success.

Thank you for your reading!

Excerpted from the article “How To Heal.”


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Dèjà vu Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:48 +0000

Humans are experiencing deja vu at never before witnessed rates in modern times and that's because of the frequency now of the planet. It's speeding up and thus we are becoming more conscious.


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Dèjà vu is a paranormal term that when translated from French, basically means “already seen“. The phrase is defined in common dictionaries as: “A feeling of having already experienced the present situation.” There are more than 40 theories as to how or why dèjà vu happens, but none are generally accepted as THE theory behind it.

Experiencing dèjà vu lets us know that we have been here (on Earth) before as well as being in similar circumstances or experiences before as well as having met certain people (souls) before. Dèjà vu relates to people, places, and events.

Sylvia Browne states the following pertaining to dèjà vu:” … and what each of us is experiencing when we feel intense familiarity with an unfamiliar place, is our spirit’s memories of a past life. We absolutely have been to that supposedly strange place before; it was just in another body, in another time. And when the spirit memories buried in the subconscious are stirred so deeply by sights from a whole other incarnation that those memories emerge into the conscious mind, that “unexplainable familiarity” kind of dèjà vu is created – more accurately, powerful, miraculous glimpse into the eternity of our souls.” Phenomenon, pg. 91

Basically, when we have a dèjà vu experience, we are piercing a dimension that allows us to look back into our past lives. Our past life’s memories are recorded though most of us cannot remember our past lives. But the memories are there, existing right before us on a plane that we can easily tap into with practice.

Dèjà vu applies to people as well. You will meet people whom you’ve never met before in this present lifetime but will experience a feeling of having met the person before and/or knowing the person for a very long time. You may feel that you met the person before in this present life but it’s not from the present life your feeling of familiarity stems from, but from past or previous lives.

The more familiar you are with a person (soul) the more passion there is. This is why many strangers (friends who’ve forgotten their past life connections and relationships) can meet and experience a strong burning desire and connection and hook up in a relationship and immediately experience a strong and burning passion and chemistry together. They are merely picking up in this life where the left off in a past life and for purposes of completion of soul lessons of course. Everything means something or has a reason and purpose behind it. What we don’t learn in a past life, we will be presented with opportunities in the present life and/or subsequent life or lives to learn those unlearned lessons. These lessons are considered ‘karmic lessons.’

We’ve been here on earth many times before and in different garments (bodies) and many of us will be back many more times until we finally learn the lessons and are able to ascend or decide to come back to Earth as a spirit guide.

Dèjà vu can sometimes be confused with hallucinations brought on by illness or drugs. Others believe that false memories triggered by mental disorders are confused with dèjà vu. It is thought that the typical dèjà vu experience can last up to one minute, where hallucinations can continue for hours, days or even longer.

This article is compliments of Dherbs.Com.


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Secrets of Weight Loss Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:47 +0000

The biggest secret to understanding weight loss is understanding the power of words in relation to your subconscious mind-the mind...


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The biggest secret to understanding weight loss is understanding the power of words in relation to your subconscious mind-the mind that does not understand logic or reason but simply belief and imagination.

The subconscious mind is not logical. It feels. It wants to please you.

The subconscious mind is your genie that gives you everything that you want and that you don’t want, because wanting and not wanting or both wishes or desires and the subconscious mind is your genie that answers (delivers) your desire(s) or manifest them.

This is why it makes more sense to focus on what you want (or desire) rather than what you don’t want (or desire). Okay, now let’s apply this to so-called weight loss.

The Truth about Fat

When people say “weight” they are really alluding to “fat,” which the body needs.

Fat is good and necessary for human health. The problem with fat is “too much” fat and the only way to get too much fat is from eating the wrong kinds of fat (e.g., animal fat and fat by-products) and eating too many dead foods (including vegetarian food) that impair the eliminative channels, especially the colon, which then traps waste byproducts in the body.

Weight Loss versus Waste Loss

When people undergo diets of glorified starvation not truly based upon proper dietary and nutritional requirements, they sabotage themselves. People may lose weight, but they are also likely to gain it back. It’s a temporary solution to a bigger issue.

At we simply tell you the real deal is in that people don’t lose weight (which is natural and something they are supposed to have), they have simply RELEASED waste – waste residues, e.g. feces, mucus, mucoidal plaque, toxic fluids, etc.

When we release something, it is usually a conscious act, but when we have lost something it is usually an unconscious act, as who really consciously sets out to lose something that they are supposed to have and that belongs to them by nature? The word ‘lost’ has a sense of connection and usually of an emotional nature.

When we release things, they are usually released of our own free will and volition and there is no sense of loss, but freely letting go and for our own good.

People who say ‘I lost weight!’ have set in motion self-sabotage. The subconscious mind seeks to FIND, LOCATE, or RECOVER what has been lost. Remember, weight belongs to us by nature, but waste doesn’t. We have to choose and use our words carefully.

The subconscious mind now finds a way for people to regain their weight (which is really ‘waste’) so the subconscious mind plays a role in people falling off their diet(s) and going on eating binges, usually eating good-tasting junk loaded with “man-made fat”, “animal fat”, and “sugar” which converts into fat in the human body (especially the belly, buttocks, breasts, thighs, and upper back arms of females) but also produces byproducts of toxic waste (constituting the external weight gain).

When we say “loss” or “lost”, the subconscious mind thinks of “loss” or “lost” in a very general sense, e.g. loss of one’s rights, loss of one’s home or car, loss of one’s property, loss of one’s money, loss of one’s lover, etc. and this automatically converts into “retrieval” mode. We want to retrieve what we’ve lost due to the emotional connection of the thing we’ve lost.

To say you’ve “lost weight” is to create a flip-flop effect of “retrieving or regaining weight” in accordance pursuant to higher and inner law that the body’s mind-body intelligence adheres to.

This is the real reason why 90% of people who’ve “lost weight” gain all, most, or some of the waste back.

Dherbs suggests you use the word or phrase “weight release” because you are consciously releasing the ‘unhealthy weight’, which is really “waste.”

People don’t need or have to lose weight. They simply need to release their waste (dietary and emotional) they’ve been holding on to.

Diet fads will never be successful because they are not holistic in nature. To successfully “release weight (waste)” one must change their thoughts, change their diet (what they consume), change their lifestyle, and periodically detoxify their body.

When we eat right (for purposes of nutrition and not eye and/or taste appeal) and deal with our mental and emotional issues that are affected by the lives we live and lead, we won’t have to lose (release) weight because we simply won’t gain (hold on to) weight (waste).

This day forward, refrain from seeing yourself (in your mind) as obese or fat (if you are). Start seeing yourself (with mind-sight) how you desire to be so the subconscious mind can help you in naturally releasing unhealthy stored waste. This is called mental science and you must start using this science in addition to watching what you eat and periodically cleansing your body.

Make this your New Year’s resolution (actually, CHOICE) and for all year long.

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Recommended products for naturally and safely releasing waste and toning down your weight include:

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The Subconscious Mind Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:39 +0000

Understanding how the mind works is critical to attracting and enjoying abundance, wealth, prosperity, and affluence. The part of your brain that you are aware of is your Conscious Mind. On the flip side of the token, pertaining to your brain, of course, is the Subconscious Mind – the part of your brain you are […]


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Understanding how the mind works is critical to attracting and enjoying abundance, wealth, prosperity, and affluence.

The part of your brain that you are aware of is your Conscious Mind. On the flip side of the token, pertaining to your brain, of course, is the Subconscious Mind – the part of your brain you are unaware of.

The Mind and the Brain are two different things:

  • The Brain is the three-pound organ in your head. It is tangible.
  • The Mind is something larger and more elusive. It is intangible.

The Mind works through the Brain, which is why brain health is so important. You must take care of your brain and feed your brain the nourishment it requires, such as oxygen, minerals (especially Potassium), vitamins and B-vitamins, and trace elements to name a few.

States of Mind

Science has discovered that there are four states of mind: Beta, Alpha, Theta, and Delta.

The Alpha state is characterized by a brain wave frequency of 8 to 13 cycles per second (cps). We naturally go into the Alpha state many times each day, but usually only sporadically and fleetingly. We call it daydreaming. It is known as the meditative state – a state of relaxed, focused concentration. When we are in the Alpha state we lose track of linear time.

The Beta state is our normal waking life state and is characterized by a brain wave frequency of 14 cps to 100 cps. This frequency is higher than other states and also more erratic due to the fact that are waking life mind is busy – we’re aware of many things that are taking place around us. We are in the beta state most of our awake hours.

The Theta state (4 to 7 cps) is similar to the Alpha state but deeper and characterized by sudden intuitive insights. These insights are global and sometimes ethereal.

The Delta state (3 cps and lower) is the sleep state wherein there is no consciousness-the state we visit the lower 4th dimensional plane (astral realm) and where dreaming occurs.

Comparing Conscious to Subconscious

We hold memory in both Conscious Mind and Subconscious Mind. Memory in the Conscious Mind is short-term and limited. The memory in the Subconscious Mind is unlimited. It stores every thought you’ve ever had. Every sense is also stored there from smell, sight, sound, taste, and feeling (or touch). Every emotion from birth is stored in the Subconscious Mind.

The Subconscious Mind is awake 24-hours a day and never sleeps. It is awake even when you’re under anesthesia.

The Conscious mind is rational, logical, and mathematical. The Subconscious Mind takes everything literally. This plays into a thing called “organ language” where the organs take everything (stored in the Subconscious Mind) literally.

To be great and to do great things in life calls for you to ignore your Conscious Mind many times because the Conscious Mind will reason you out of doing certain things. On the other hand, the Subconscious Mind is irrational.

Magical Thinking

The Subconscious Mind is your genie. It answers all of your wishes-the ones you want and the ones you don’t want as even when you don’t want something, you’re still wishing (and desiring).

The Subconscious Mind cannot determine or differentiate a real thing from an imagined thing. This is why imagining and visualization are so important. Your body responds to things real or imagined. If you think about sex, your body is going to respond to this thought. Your heart will start beating faster. You may get chills all over your body. And all from something imagined in your head (mind).

Magical thinking means you can literally change your life by changing your mind.

Dietary intervention

There are a few herbs that one can take to help nourish the brain but also to tone it, strengthen it, stimulate it, and rejuvenate it. These include:

  • Gingko Biloba
  • Gotu Kola
  • Ginseng (all kinds, e.g. Chinese, Korean, Brazilian, Siberian, American, etc.)
  • Holy Thistle
  • Guarana*
  • Green Tea*
  • Kola Nut (a/k/a Bissey Nut)*, and
  • Yerba Mate*.

*Contains bio-active caffeine. This kind of caffeine occurs naturally in Nature and is non-addictive.

Agents that are detrimental to brain health include but not limited to:

  • Cigarettes
  • alcohol (spirits)
  • coffee
  • sugar
  • salt
  • phenylalanine
  • saccharin
  • aspartame (converts into a neurotoxin)
  • corn syrup
  • high fructose corn syrup
  • garlic
  • leeks
  • scallions
  • onion
  • shallot
  • rocambale
  • rue
  • coriander

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