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Vital for brain and heart health, omega-3 fatty acids are found in whole foods. Learn how to detect if you are deficient in this nutrient.


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Omega-3 fatty acids, commonly referred to as omega-3s, are healthy fats that have powerful antioxidant effects in the body. According to research studies, omega-3s work to benefit everything from brain health and immunity to heart function. Even though these foods are essential for overall health, close to 90% of Americans do not meet the recommended daily intake of omega-3s. That is even true for people who eat fish on a weekly basis!

What Are Omega-3s?

First off, there are two main types of fatty acids: saturated and unsaturated. Unsaturated fat breaks down into polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, which are terms you commonly see on nutrition facts labels. These chain-like molecules are made up of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen atoms. Carbon atoms form the foundation of the chain and oxygen and hydrogen atoms latch onto available slots.

A monounsaturated fat has one open slot, while a polyunsaturated fat has more than one open slot. Contrarily, saturated fat has no open slots and is typically referred to as “bad” or “unhealthy.” The reason saturated fats are labeled as such is because they increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. Unsaturated fats, such as omega-3s, are healthy because they support the heart and brain and may reduce inflammation within the body. 

Because the body cannot produce a sufficient amount of omega-3s necessary for its own survival, you have to obtain them from the foods you eat. The specific types of omega-3s include DHA and EPA, which you can find in seafood, and ALA, which exists in plants. Great foods to increase your omega-3 consumption include mackerel, salmon, and other fatty fish, or flaxseed, chia seeds, avocados, walnuts, and other plant-based foods. Failure to eat these foods may yield a few signs that indicate low omega-3 levels. Continue reading to learn more.

Low Mood

Your mood is closely tied to the health of your brain, which oversees serotonin and dopamine, two feel-good hormones. Researchers are not exactly clear how omega-3s like EPA and DHA influence how the body uses and responds to those hormones. What the research does say, however, is that low levels of omega-3s can compromise a person’s mental health. Taking an omega-3 supplement, such as the Dherbs Omega 3 Formula, may assist in elevating your mood and outlook.

Dry And Tired Eyes

Staring at screens all day is a great way to fatigue your eyes. If your eyes are particularly parched, though, you may be low in omega-3s. Both EPA and DHA help ensure that the cells in the retina function optimally. According to research, omega-3s help the eyes combat oxidative stress, so don’t believe that carrots are the only vegetable beneficial for eye health.

Dry Or Irritated Skin

There are numerous causes for dry, scaly, red, or irritated skin. If you use cleansers, lotions, serums, and body butters to improve the skin quality and nothing calms irritated skin, you may need to increase your omega-3 intake. According to researchers, omega-3s support the skin barrier, helping to seal in moisture and keep environmental pollutants out. Additional research shows that increasing your intake of omega-3s, especially through supplements, can help improve the texture, tone, and overall appearance of skin. 

Brain Fog

Both EPA and DHA contribute to the structure of cell membranes in the brain, in addition to aiding the communication between cells. One study involving 176 adults with low omega-3 intake found that supplementing with 1.16 grams of DHA daily for six months was able to improve episodic and working memory when compared to the placebo group. Feeling a little sluggish and unclear mentally? Improve concentration and find a clearing in the fog by increasing your omega-3 intake.


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The Heat Kills: Heat Waves And Your Health Fri, 02 Aug 2024 20:00:29 +0000

Yep, it's true. Extreme heat can kill you. Stay cool this summer by following the tips listed in the video.


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Yep, it’s true. Extreme heat can kill you. Stay cool this summer by following the tips listed in the video.

0:00 Intro
0:11 1. Heat Kills
1:04 2. How to Know You’re in Danger
1:32 3. How you can save yourself
2:29 Outro


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Bring Down Your Blood Pressure For Better Brain Health Sat, 27 Jul 2024 09:35:00 +0000

If you have high blood pressure, especially in middle age, you may have an increased risk of types of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.


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Known as the “silent killer,” high blood pressure affects about 45% of American adults. Data from 2017 to 2018 revealed that it was higher among men than women. About 70% of Americans will have high blood pressure at some point in their lifetimes. Only one in four patients with elevated blood pressure levels will have blood pressure under control. 

Medical experts call it “the silent killer” because it usually doesn’t exhibit symptoms. It does, however, increase the risk of life-threatening cardiovascular diseases, including heart failure, ischemic heart disease, and peripheral artery disease. It’s well-established that high blood pressure affects the heart, but new research indicates that it also affects brain health. Continue reading to learn what the latest research says about the relationship between high blood pressure and cognitive decline, and how you may be able to manage heart and brain health simultaneously. 

The Link Between High Blood Pressure And Cognitive Changes

Several studies indicate associations between high blood pressure and cognitive decline, dementia, and possibly Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers note that the evidence is strongest between high blood pressure and cognitive outcomes during middle age. The links are less clear in older age, according to doctors. High blood pressure also increases the risk of stroke and not-so-silent stroke-like changes that can be seen on brain scans. All of those changes have been associated with cognitive alterations, such as dementia. 

Why Is High Blood Pressure In Middle Age Risky For Brain Health?

Health experts have a few theories as to why high blood pressure in midlife is integral for brain health. One theory is that it represents a time of vulnerability, while another is that people with high blood pressure in midlife likely have it for a longer period of time. Some people have factors that contribute to high blood pressure for years before ever being diagnosed. 

When a doctor diagnoses high blood pressure, a person has reached a tipping point. They have had relatively normal blood pressure (even if slightly elevated) and the body has adjusted to maintain normal changes under pressure. All of a sudden, though, the body can no longer adapt and some sort of intervention is necessary. Diet and exercise can help manage blood pressure, but some people require medication if they cannot keep levels in check with natural remedies. 

By examining data, researchers found that the trajectory for developing high blood pressure was similar. People generally have stable blood pressure until the systolic pressure (top number) approaches a range of 120 to 125 millimeters of mercury (mmHg). Once a person passes that threshold, blow pressure increases at a relatively rapid rate until hypertension is diagnosed. Other factors that increase hypertension include chronic stress, smoking, lack of sleep, poor diet, and obesity. 

What Happens To The Brain In A Person With High Blood Pressure?

Hypertension can negatively impact the brain in several ways. Long-term hypertension impacts arteriolar and arterial health over time, which increases the risk of stroke or stroke-like changes that can impact overall cognition. Years of elevated blood pressure levels may cause small clots that make their way to the brain. The accumulation of plaque in the arteries also reduces blood flow. 

Researchers note that brain matter tries to adapt to the lack of oxygen that stems from partially blocked arteries. The brain grows support tissue around itself, but it isn’t neurological tissue. It is more akin to scar tissue that develops due to a lack of oxygen. Unfortunately, it doesn’t have the capacity or function that brain cells or neurons have. Although this is an adaptive response, the adaptation can cause its own harm because it is trying to defend itself in a state of low oxygen.

That gradual loss of cognitive function over time can lead to the loss of overall brain matter mass, and occasionally, dementia. Health experts believe that high blood pressure can change the efficacy of blood-brain barrier function. It may even impact how the glymphatic system functions. The glymphatic system, not the lymphatic system, is a pathway in the brain that seemingly removes waste from the central nervous system. It is a newer concept that is being discussed in the medical field. By removing toxins from the brain, you may reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease

The Takeaway

As of right now, most of the evidence from observational trials shows that there is a cognitive benefit from managing blood pressure. Physical activity and dietary changes are promising for both cardiovascular and cognitive outcomes. A meta-analysis from 2022 found that higher rates of physical activity were associated with decreased risk of all-cause dementia. It also improved vascular function and decreased risk factors for hypertension. 

High blood pressure is but one of the risk factors for cognitive decline that you can control. You can reduce blood pressure via a combination of healthy lifestyle habits, and medication when necessary. It is never too early to talk to your doctor about your blood pressure. Do what you can to keep it in a healthy range, and your heart and brain will thank you.


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What’s The Difference Between HDL And LDL Cholesterol? Fri, 26 Jul 2024 22:12:26 +0000

Cholesterol isn't bad...unless you have too much of it.


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Cholesterol isn’t bad…unless you have too much of it. Your body actually needs it to build cells and make vitamins, but too much of it can cause high cholesterol which can increase your risk of heart disease and stroke.

0:00 Intro
0:15 There are two types of cholesterol
1:10 Bad Cholesterol is extremely dangerous
1:50 The Fix is In
2:49 Outro


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These Health Risks Can Increase On Hot Days Wed, 03 Jul 2024 09:07:00 +0000

With temperatures rising across the United States, researchers indicate that the heat can increase the risk of all-cause mortality.


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Hotter temperatures and summer go hand in hand. The heat should not come as a surprise to you during the summer. The heat may do more than make you sweat, though. Researchers note that rising temperatures increase certain health risks

A 2022 study of more than 219 million American adults over the age of 20 suggested a link between extreme heat and all-cause mortality. The most significant risks were associated with older individuals. Health experts note that everyone, regardless of age, should understand the health risks that come with extreme heat. That is especially true because there are a lot of outdoor activities that occur during summer. It’s easy to get distracted on a beach day, for example, and that can be a detriment to your health if you aren’t paying attention to bodily signals. 

Being aware of how extreme heat affects the body can help you take proper precautions. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) states that 2023 was the warmest year on record. Early indications suggest that 2024 will follow suit, so be prepared and do your best to stay cool during these summer months. 

Health Risks That Increase With Hotter Weather

Specific populations are at a higher risk of experiencing health issues when temperatures rise. That said, nobody is immune to heat-related health issues. Understanding the signs can help you protect yourself (and others) from severe outcomes resulting from heat exposure. The populations at a higher risk include:

  • Older adults, especially people with underlying health conditions
  • Infants and young children because their bodies cannot regulate temperature as well
  • Pregnant people
  • People with chronic health issues

Heart Attack

According to research published in 2023, cardiovascular disease deaths caused by heat could surge by approximately 162% by 2036-2065. Another study from 2023 examined more than 202,000 heart attacks in Jiangsu, China. Study authors noticed a strong correlation between a person’s chances of dying from heart attack and extremely hot and cold temperatures. When the body is exposed to heat, especially temperatures higher than body temperature, the heart has to work a lot harder. It needs to circulate the blood out toward the skin to allow for sweating and other mechanisms that protect the body from heat. The harder the heart has to work, the greater the risk of heart problems in those at risk. 


Although it seems obvious that heat increases the risk of heatstroke, a lot of people do not understand the symptoms or risk. Heatstroke, much like stroke, is a medical emergency. Signs of heatstroke include confusion, altered behavior, change in speech, or even seizure. Heatstroke differs from heat exhaustion, although the two are related. Heat exhaustion is the body’s warning sign that it is overheating. You may experience headache, dizziness, nausea, etc. You should slow down and rehydrate with fluids and electrolytes and seek shade if you experience these symptoms. Refrain from consuming caffeine and alcohol in the heat because they can dehydrate the body.

Higher Or Lower Blood Pressure

Hot weather can cause blood pressure to become too high or too low. When you sweat a lot, the body loses fluids and blood volume, the decrease of which can drop blood pressure. This issue becomes more pronounced when you change positions, such as standing up after lying down. Dehydration also puts undue strain on the kidneys, which can decrease blood pressure. On the other side of the coin, heat can elevate blood pressure because the body has to work harder to circulate blood in order to cool down. Although high blood pressure can be asymptomatic, it may trigger dizziness or headaches. 

Migraine Attacks

Speaking of dizziness and headaches, let’s talk about migraines. Data indicates that migraine attacks affect 12 to 15% of the general population, and the effects can be debilitating. Migraines can cause irritability, light sensitivity, dizziness, nausea, cravings, and seeing of odd shapes. According to recent research, hotter temperatures may increase the risk of a migraine attack. Heat can increase inflammatory effects that can prolong migraines. Plus, dehydration can decrease the body’s ability to fight a migraine. 


A study from 2020 found that weather conditions, especially high heat, are becoming a factor for the risk of stroke. There may be a lag period of one to six days between extreme weather exposure and stroke. Another study from 2020, which has yet to be published in a scientific journal, found that stroke severity increased by more than 67% for every 9ºF uptick in average temperature over the course of three days. Extreme heat puts stress on the body, especially in the elderly, which can lead to an increased risk of stroke. Look out for vision changes, facial droop, slurred speech, and weakness of arms or legs (especially on one side).


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Effective Ways To Naturally Lower Blood Pressure Tue, 25 Jun 2024 09:23:00 +0000

Research shows that high blood pressure contributes to more than 15% of deaths in the United States. Learn to lower it naturally…


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High blood pressure, or hypertension, is what medical experts like to call “a silent killer.” The reason for this is because it may never show any symptoms, quietly damaging the body for years. Failure to address the problem can lead to poor quality of life, disability, or even heart disease, heart failure, or stroke. 

When you get an annual checkup, the nurse takes your blood pressure. There is a top number and a bottom number, with the top number referring to systolic pressure and the bottom number referring to diastolic pressure. Blood pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury (mmHg), with a normal reading being 120/80 mmHg. Health experts note that blood pressure is considered high if the reading measures 130 to 139 mmHg/80 to 89 mmHg.

High blood pressure increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, and even cognitive decline, kidney failure, and aneurysms. Because 28% of Americans have high blood pressure and don’t know it, make sure to schedule annual checkups to stay on top of it. Although medication can lower blood pressure, it can cause adverse side effects. Fortunately, there are many ways to naturally lower blood pressure. Continue reading to learn about them. 

Breathe Deeply

If you want to help lower your blood pressure, consider practicing a deep breathing exercise every morning and night. Inhale deeply and exhale fully, which works to kickstart your parasympathetic nervous system, which lowers cortisol levels to help you relax. All it takes is five minutes of your time. If you don’t like sitting down to breathe, consider other meditative practices, such as guided meditation, yoga, or tai chi, to help you relax. Studies suggest that high stress levels elevate renin, a kidney enzyme that raises blood pressure, so check your stress at the door. 

Consider CoQ10

It’s hard to visit the supplement section of a store these days and not see coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10). A review of studies found that CoQ10 was able to reduce blood pressure by up to 17 mmHg over 10 mmHg. CoQ10 acts as an antioxidant that helps dilate blood vessels. Make sure to ask your healthcare professional for supplement guidelines. 

Add Nitrates To Your Smoothie

Don’t rush out to the supplement store for this because a good old-fashioned grocery run will do the trick. Nitrate is a compound that exists in many leafy greens and beets. The body synthesizes nitrate as vasodilator nitric oxide, which relaxes blood vessels and ultimately helps lower blood pressure. One study from 2015 found that people who drank a juice rich in dietary nitrates or a placebo for a one-month period. Those who drank the nitrate juice reduced blood pressure each day and at the end of the study. 

Go For Some Power Walks

Research continues to show that cardiovascular exercise is one of the best ways to prevent hypertension and promote a healthy heart. Vigorous cardio workouts that last 30 minutes on most days of the week can aid your blood pressure-lowering efforts. One study found that hypertensive patients who took walks at a brisk pace were able to lower their blood pressure by 8 mmHg over 6 mmHg. 

Hold The Salt

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends 2,300 milligrams (mg) of sodium per day or less. Unfortunately, the average American adult consumes more than 3,400 mg per day. In fact, men between ages 31 and 50 tend to consume 4,500 mg of sodium on average, which is nearly double the recommended daily amount. Too much sodium in the body can interfere with its ability to regulate essential nutrients. One study found that people who had more sodium in their urine had higher blood pressure. If you cut down on salty processed foods, such as pizza, deli meats, and frozen meals, you can reduce sodium levels and help lower blood pressure.

Step Away From The Desk

A sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of myriad health conditions and general soreness. If you put in more than 40 hours per week at a desk, you increase your risk of hypertension by 15%, according to a recent study. Working overtime also makes it harder to fit exercise and healthy eating into your daily routine. Consider investing in a standing desk so that you can go from a seated to standing position at will. If you must sit, consider investing in an exercise ball to bounce on while you work. That can help strengthen your core and work your glutes.


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Attention Men: Have You Heard About Sword Vitality? Wed, 01 May 2024 09:16:00 +0000

Build stamina, maintain healthy libido, and support a healthy male reproductive system with our Sword Vitality products, exclusively for men.


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Suffering from erectile dysfunction (ED) or low libido? Do you want to naturally encourage optimal male reproductive health and stamina? Truthfully, ED affects 30 million adult men in the United States, so we don’t want a dark cloud of shame to surround this topic. Despite the prevalence of ED, many men feel that it is both difficult and embarrassing to discuss these problems with healthcare professionals. 

What Is Sword Vitality And How Can It Help?

Sword Vitality offers a couple all natural enhancement options for every man who is suffering from ED. The sole purpose of these products is to help men regain, maintain, and optimize their vitality and overall wellness. These products may help support a healthy libido and increase blood flow to the male reproductive organs. The two products that we offer men are: 

  • Sword Vitality XXL Xtreme Cream: A unique blend of all-natural botanicals that are intended to help increase stamina and vitality. The cream is smooth and fast-acting, making it highly popular among our male customers. It contains essential amino acids that are potent for male maintenance.*
  • Sword Vitality XXL Sharpener Xtreme Oil: Made up of a unique blend of oils, this oil can act as a natural lubricant. Use this oil with the 300-stroke method (click here for more information on that), to help awaken blood vessels to encourage circulation to the male reproductive organs. This oil may help improve stamina when practiced with the 300-stroke method.* 

Sword Vitality aims to arm its users with the tools and information to help unsheathe their swords. These male-targeted products may help build strength, stamina, and size without the use of traditional drugs or therapies that promise similar results. 

How To Treat Erectile Dysfunction

ED occurs when you experience limited blood flow to the penis. Determining the exact cause can help you find the most appropriate treatment. In certain instances, ED does have a physical cause, such as a circulatory issue or underlying health condition. In these instances, men primarily focus on boosting circulation via exercise, quitting smoking, and making dietary changes. Stress, depression, anxiety, performance anxiety, trauma, and other emotional or mental factors can contribute to ED. 

Many men experiment with natural and alternative remedies for ED, such as herbal remedies, acupuncture, relationship counseling, and more. It is important to understand that there may be potential risks associated with alternative remedies for ED. Should you want to experiment, though, our Sword Vitality products may help out your situation. Try them out today!

* The statements made regarding these products, and all alternative remedies, have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to cure, treat, or prevent any disease. 


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The Top Health Conditions That Disproportionately Affect The Black Community Fri, 23 Feb 2024 09:12:00 +0000

In the United States, Black people are disproportionately affected by some health conditions, or have worse outcomes from those conditions.


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Although some conditions are more common among Black people, there are several conditions that disproportionately affect Black communities. In other instances, Black people may have worse outcomes, or develop conditions earlier, than other communities. 

The sad reality is that there are disparities between communities, and they are often complex and intertwined. Before we can delve into the conditions that disproportionately affect Black people in the United States, we have to address causes of racial disparities in health. Why do these disparities exist? In some cases, biology and genetics are the primary determining factors. In most cases, though, disparities are rooted in numerous systemic issues. 

  • Economic stability: Lacking income or employment can prevent stable housing and access to medical care and nutritious foods. 
  • Healthcare access and quality: In the United States, Black people are more likely to be uninsured or underinsured than white counterparts. Many reports indicate that they unfortunately receive a lower standard of care. 
  • Education access and quality: The level of your education is typically tied to income, but education itself can play a role in informing you about health and helping you live a longer life. 
  • Social and community context: The mistrust of the medical community may have deep roots in some pockets of Black communities. 
  • Environment: Where you live can impact your overall health. For example, living in an area with high rates of violence or pollution can expose you to adverse health problems or injuries. 

How do these factors influence Black people’s experiences with specific health conditions? Let’s explore that and more below. 


Statistically, Black adults are twice as likely as white adults to develop type 2 diabetes. That occurs when the body cannot produce sufficient insulin to regulate blood sugar levels. Although genetic factors play into the development of diabetes, many socioeconomic factors and high obesity rates are at play. Complications from diabetes, such as kidney disease, are also more common in Black people. To fight back against diabetes, try to eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly, and maintain moderate weight. If you have diabetes, monitor and manage blood sugar to avoid complications. 


A stroke is usually a result of a blockage in an artery, which means that not enough blood can get to the brain. Similar to other conditions relating to cardiovascular health, stroke disproportionately affects Black adults in the United States. High blood pressure, high cholesterol, stress, smoking, and diabetes contribute to stroke. Maintaining a heart-healthy lifestyle can reduce the risk of stroke, even if you have a family history of the condition. Reduce your salt intake, quit smoking, and learn more about the signs and symptoms of a stroke. 

Heart Disease

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, claiming nearly 700,000 lives per year. Despite having lower rates than white people, Black people in the United States are 30% more likely to die from heart disease. Research indicates that heart disease is also more likely to affect Black adults at a younger age. It’s worth noting that Black Americans have higher rates of major risk factors for heart disease, including hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and smoking. You can reduce your risk of heart disease if you adopt heart-healthy habits, know your family history, check blood pressure regularly, make efforts to reduce blood pressure, and maintain a healthy weight. 


If you are obese, you significantly increase your risk of heart disease and diabetes, in addition to other health conditions. Surveys indicate that Black adults in the United States are 30% more likely to have obesity than white adults. For children and teens and women, the disparity is even greater at 50%. As we’ve stated in this article, obesity is a risk factor for many health conditions on this list, and it can worsen outcomes. The obesity disparity is largely attributed to economic and geographic causes. Some people may live in food deserts, where nutritional options aren’t as readily available and physical activity is challenging. To fight the obesity epidemic, help children develop healthy eating and exercise habits. Support community efforts to make nutritious food options more accessible and engage in physical activity. 

High Blood Pressure

The American Heart Association (AHA) estimates that 55% of Black adults in the United States have high blood pressure. That is one of the highest rates for high blood pressure in the world. Additionally, high blood pressure typically affects Black people earlier in life than it affects white people. Both obesity and diabetes are two contributing factors to high blood pressure, but so are racial discrimination and stress. If you want to reduce blood pressure levels, limit your alcohol and salt intake, find ways to manage stress, maintain a moderate weight, exercise daily, and eat a balanced diet. 

Kidney Disease

The National Kidney Foundation (NKF) states that Black Americans are more than three times as likely as white people to have kidney failure. Diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure, all of which affect Black Americans disproportionately, can increase the risk of kidney problems. The estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) test assesses kidney function. Doctors state that this test often estimates that Black people have higher kidney function than they actually do, which can delay detection and treatment. For this reason, the NKF eliminated this calculation and is currently working on better tests to properly assess kidney function because the key to kidney management is early detection.


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Helpful Tips To Keep Your Heart Healthy Fri, 17 Nov 2023 09:24:00 +0000

Your lifestyle and dietary habits largely influence the health of your heart. Here some helpful tips to keep that vital organ healthy.


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Heart disease remains the leading cause of death for people in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Some factors, including genetics, can make you more prone to heart disease. No matter your situation, there are steps you can take to reduce your risk of heart-related issues. You can control most risk factors, or at least modify them, according to the American Heart Association (AHA).

Cardiologists explain that lifestyle choices have a huge impact on your overall heart health. In fact, lifestyle choices play a larger role than genetics do. The AHA estimates that 80% of cardiovascular disease, which includes stroke and heart disease, can be prevented. Other heart experts and researchers agree that most heart disease cases are preventable. If you take care of your heart in your 20s, 30s, and 40s, you may not have to see a cardiologist for most of your life. What can you do to keep your heart healthy? Continue reading to learn about some helpful tips. 

Look At Your Diet

What you put in your body can dictate your overall health, especially your heart health. There are various diets that place emphasis on consuming healthy fats, fiber, protein, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals from fresh ingredients. The AHA often recommends the DASH diet to help control heart health, but you may prefer the Mediterranean diet instead. Your main goal, no matter which diet you choose or don’t choose, is to consume lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. Olive oil, avocados, seeds, and nuts are great sources of healthy fats! Limit your sugar intake and cut back on red meat, opting for wild caught fish when you can. Lastly, try to avoid processed foods because they don’t do anything for your heart. 

Minimize Stress

Everyone experiences stress, which can be tough on the heart. Stress can also lead to overeating and inactivity, two things that can increase blood pressure and cholesterol. It is tough to avoid stress, but there are things you can do to manage it. Consider taking five to 10 minutes out of every day to meditate, do yoga, stretch, or breathe deeply and you may notice a huge difference. A relaxing bath a couple times a week may also help you unload your stress. 

Aim For A Good Night’s Sleep

While certain people can function great with varying amounts of sleep, the last thing you want to do is neglect sleep. Sleep experts recommend that adults get between seven to nine hours of sleep per night. Dipping below six hours on a regular basis may hurt your heart, according to a few studies. In fact, poor sleep habits have been linked to high blood pressure and a harder time losing weight. Sleep is the body’s way of recharging the heart because heart rate goes down during sleep. You are not under a lot of stress while sleeping, so get some sleep to improve your heart and overall health.

Keep Your Blood Pressure In Check

Annual physicals are intended to inform you of your health. Your healthcare provider can check for heart disease symptoms and help you stay on top of your blood pressure. Knowing your blood pressure is crucial because there are no specific indicators of high blood pressure. If your blood pressure is out of control, your risk of heart disease is much higher. Should you find out that your blood pressure is high, there are steps you can take to naturally lower your blood pressure before you resort to medication. 

Exercise Most Days Of The Week

The AHA encourages everyone to get at least 150 minutes of moderate to intense exercise weekly. If that number is not feasible, try to work out harder for shorter amounts of time, for example, high-intensity interval workouts. The AHA also states that 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity per week, or a combination of vigorous and moderate workouts is also acceptable. Physical activity is the fountain of youth, people! Try your best to squeeze in a workout, even if that means some push-ups at home, a neighborhood walk or jog, 20 minutes on the exercise bike, or yoga class here and there. Elevate your heart rate!

Assess Your Weight

Being overweight or obese can increase your risk of heart disease. A 2021 report found that obesity directly contributes to heart disease risk factors, including type 2 diabetes, sleep disorders, hypertension, and dyslipidemia. Obesity can also lead to the development of heart disease and death from heart disease. Although body mass index (BMI) often indicates obesity, it is not always the best measure. BMI is simply an inexpensive and quick way to analyze a person’s potential health status and outcomes. If you are overweight or obese with heart problems, consider losing weight to promote better overall health. Exercise daily and make dietary changes (detailed earlier in this article). Consider a nutritional consultation to find the best plan for you.


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5 Early Warning Signs Of Dementia Sat, 04 Nov 2023 09:11:00 +0000

Forgetfulness is just one of the early red flags of dementia. Other warning signs may help you determine whether or not to see a doctor.


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People forget things all the time, but forgetting things one too many times may be cause for concern. Not remembering why you came into the kitchen or a certain room can happen to anyone, but you may wonder whether or not you are developing dementia if this happens a lot and you are in a certain age range. 

What Is Dementia?

Dementia, or neurocognitive disorder, is the loss of thinking, reasoning, or remembering to the point where it interferes with everyday life/activities. There are several forms of dementia, but the most common is Alzheimer’s disease in people aged 65 and older, according to neurologists. The second most common form is vascular dementia, caused by conditions that affect blood vessels in the brain, such as stroke. Finally, the last form is a brain disorder known as Parkinson’s disease dementia.

Although dementia is more common as you get older, it is not a normal part of aging. People can live well into their 90s without ever being diagnosed with the condition. The National Institute of Aging (NIA) continues to research the disease to find out who is more susceptible and how it can be prevented. For now, the NIA considers the following signs and symptoms to be early warning signs of dementia

Changes In Judgment

Anybody has the opportunity to make a poor decision every so often. People with dementia, or early onset symptoms, may experience more frequent changes in judgment or decision-making. A great example is that people with dementia may not be able to manage a budget or, more commonly, they neglect their hygiene more regularly. 

Trouble Completing Tasks

A lot of older people, even those who aren’t so old, require assistance learning new technology or appliances. People with dementia typically find it much harder learn technology and complete routine tasks that they used to do with ease. Driving to a familiar location or creating a grocery list can become difficult and trivial, according to the Alzheimer’s Association. 

Episodic Memory Loss

Memory loss tends to be one of the earlier symptoms of dementia, with episodic memory loss being the first noticeable sign. A person may remember going on vacation, for example, but they can’t remember where they went or what they did. Episodic memory involves remembering specific information about recent or past events. People with dementia may not remember where they parked the car or where they went for dinner the previous week. Oftentimes, the person with dementia does not notice that they have episodic memory loss; rather, a friend or family member points it out. 

Mood Changes

It is completely natural to become more set in your ways as you get older. It is easy to get upset if your normal routine is disrupted, but coping with stress and change is more challenging among older adults. In fact, depression in older adults is quite common as a result. People with dementia are occasionally unable to control their emotions, or they may become suspicious, confused, depressed, or fearful. It’s common for them to become upset at home, with friends, or when outside of their comfort zone. 

Problems With Language

It is not uncommon to search for the right word when trying to communicate verbally or in writing. People with dementia tend to have a much harder time with language, though. They may have trouble finding words for familiar things or call someone or something by the wrong name. It is also possible for them to repeat themselves or lose track of a conversation.


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