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Cooking oils belong in your kitchen because you use them so regularly. Not all oils are created equal, so you should avoid certain ones.


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Fats play an integral role in your overall health, but not all fats are created equal. Ideally, you want to consume healthy fats that boost satiety factor, nutrient absorption, heart health, and more. Cooking oils are excellent sources of fats, but some may be more harmful than you realize. Additionally, some oils cannot handle high heat cooking and counteract the nutrients and benefits you get from other nutritious foods. 

How do you know which oil is the best to cook with? Well, different oils have different smoke points, making some better for cooking at higher temperatures. The Cleveland Clinic states that the more refined an oil is, the higher the smoke point it has. Unfortunately, these refined oils are not always the healthiest for you. In fact, a higher smoke point oil cooked at a higher temperature can produce toxic fumes and free radicals, both of which can harm your body. That’s why we’ve created a small cheat sheet about which oils to avoid for cooking. 

Vegetable Oil

Over the years, a lot of doctors have recommended vegetable oils to patients to improve cholesterol levels and overall heart health. Newer studies continue to find that vegetable oils are not as healthy for your heart as people originally thought they were. A 2016 study found that vegetable oil consumption increased, not decreased, the risk of heart disease. During the study, men and women were randomly assigned one of two diets: one group replaced all fats with vegetable oil and one group consumed a diet high in saturated fat from margarines, shortenings, and animal fats. At the end of the study, researchers noted that those following the vegetable oil diet had lower cholesterol levels. That said, the results didn’t hold after a year. For every 30 mg/dL drop in cholesterol, there was an increased risk of death by 22%. 

Soybean Oil

Made from the seeds of the soybean plant, soybean oil commonly exists in many foods, including condiments and salad dressings. Soybean oil is hydrogenated, meaning you should avoid it at all costs. Researchers found that soybean oil consumption increased the risk of anxiety, autism, depression, Alzheimer’s disease, and other neurological disorders. One study from 2020 compared mice that were fed three different diets: soybean oil, soybean oil with low in linoleic acid, and coconut oil. Researchers noted that soybean oil had significant effects on the hypothalamus, the portion of the brain responsible for metabolism, hormone release, and body temperature regulation. The mice that consumed soybean oil experienced several genes that did not function correctly; plus, another 100 genes were negatively affected.

Sunflower Oil

Sunflower oil is typically high in omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids and is highly refined, unless otherwise specified. A few brands offer high-oleic sunflower oils, which are cold-pressed and offer monounsaturated fatty acids. Those varieties, while heat-stable and more nutritious, are much more expensive and harder to come buy. You would be better off buying extra-virgin olive oil or avocado oil instead

Canola Oil

Roughly 60 to 65% of canola oil, or rapeseed oil, is naturally rich in monounsaturated fatty acids. That sounds appealing and usually fools a lot of shoppers, but there is some bad news. Canola oil is almost always chemically extracted and very refined. Similar to soybeans, an estimated 90% of canola plants in the United States and Canada are genetically modified to the point where they can withstand herbicides that are harmful to the environment. Cold-pressed canola oil is very hard to find, so it’s best not to get this type of oil at all. 

Grapeseed Oil

Grapeseed oil is about 70% polyunsaturated fatty acids, most of which are omega-6s. Although grapeseed oil sounds healthy, it is just another oil that is highly refined. It doesn’t offer unique health benefits, nor does it exhibit a unique flavor profile. Once again, if you can obtain cold-pressed or expeller-pressed varieties, then do not opt for this oil because all of the other varieties do not benefit your health. Even if you get those healthier versions, grapeseed oil is not great for high heat applications because of its high amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids. 

Cottonseed Oil

According to a 2014 report, the cotton plant contained natural toxins, specifically gossypol. High concentrations of free gossypol may cause acute clinical signs of gossypol poisoning. Some of these symptoms include impaired body weight gain, respiratory distress, apathy, weakness, anorexia, and death after several days. Gossypol can also impair immune function, as well as cause issues in both the male and female reproductive systems. Cottonseed oil is also high in saturated fat and only contains a small amount of monounsaturated fat.


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The Top 7 Foods That Cause Inflammation Sat, 22 Jan 2022 09:22:00 +0000

Learn about common foods can cause inflammation in the body, ultimately altering gut bacteria and how the immune system functions.


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Inflammation is both good and bad, depending on the situation. On the one hand, it’s a process that the body uses to heal cell damage. On the other hand, chronic inflammation can become dangerous and increase the risk of chronic health conditions like arthritis, heart disease, and diabetes. Interestingly enough, your diet plays the biggest role in regulating inflammatory levels in the body. 

According to nutritionists, the foods you eat affect inflammation. According to a 2017 study, people with rheumatoid arthritis reported that their diet impacted the severity of symptoms. Limiting your consumption of foods that cause inflammation can be a great step to experience better, overall health. In addition to limiting inflammation-causing foods, it’s beneficial to focus on alkaline and anti-inflammatory foods. If you want to learn more about great anti-inflammatory foods to consume, click here

Most people aren’t aware of the foods that fuel the fire that is inflammation. Many of these foods are staples in the Standard American Diet, and we’ll detail what they are below. 

Processed Meat

The processed meat category includes any type of meat that has been dried, canned, smoked, salted, or cured in order to enhance flavor and shelf life. Some prime examples are beef jerky, bacon, salami, cold cuts, and sausage. The World Health Organization (WHO) classified processed meats as carcinogenic, but they can also increase inflammatory markers. Several studies found that processed meat may increase C-reactive protein (CRP), which is a marker of inflammation.

Vegetable And Seed Oils

The consumption of vegetable oils increased by 130% in the United States during the 20th century. Many scientists believe that certain vegetable oils promote inflammation because of the high levels of omega-6 fatty acids. These oils include soybean oil, corn oil, and grapeseed oil. Dietary intake of omega-6s is necessary, but only in moderation. It’s better to consume foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, as they are healthy fats

Added Sugars

Added sugars exists in common foods that people love to enjoy. Breads, granola bars, salad dressings, crackers, cookies, and sodas all contain added sugars. They are very difficult to avoid and manufacturers add large doses of them to processed foods to improve the flavor profile. When you eat sugar, it enters the blood and insulin puts the sugar into your cells for energy. When you eat too much sugar, insulin tries to store the excess in fat cells, which increase in size over time.

High-Fructose Corn Syrup

This sweetener is commonly found in processed foods, including soda, juice, ice cream, and candy. Like regular sugar, high-fructose corn syrup can increase inflammatory markers in the body. One study found that women who consumed more sugary beverages had a higher risk of rheumatoid arthritis, a chronic inflammatory condition. A separate study found that increased consumption of high-fructose corn syrup-sweetened beverages led to higher risk of arthritis in adults ages 20-30.

Refined Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates have a bad reputation, but not all of them are problematic. Eating refined carbohydrates can increase inflammatory markers, though. These foods include pasta, white bread, cookies, and other similar foods. Fiber is removed from refined carbs, whereas fiber exists in complex carbohydrates. Refined carbs also encourage the growth of inflammatory gut bacteria that can increase the risk of inflammatory bowel disease and obesity. The high glycemic index of refined carbs also rapidly raises blood sugar. According to research, consuming foods with high glycemic index drives up inflammation, even in healthy adults. 

Excessive Alcohol

Moderate alcohol consumption may not increase inflammatory markers, but excessive alcohol consumption does. Additionally, higher amounts of alcohol can lead to other severe health problems. A small study found that CRP levels were higher in people who consumed more alcohol. The more alcohol they consumed, the more their CRP levels increased. People who drink a lot of alcohol may experience more bacterial toxins in the the colon. It also contributes to leaky gut syndrome, which can cause widespread inflammation.

Trans Fats

Fried foods, including mozzarella sticks, potato chips, and donuts are all high in trans fats. These fats are processed via hydrogenation by food manufacturers. Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health sounded the alarm about trans fats in the early 1990s. This was primarily due to the fact that they trigger systemic inflammation. In fact, one study found that people who ate more trans fats had higher levels of CRP and interleukin-6 (IL-6), two inflammatory markers. Trans fats also raise LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, which increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. 


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What Ingredients To Avoid When You Buy Plant-Based Milks Tue, 22 Jun 2021 09:01:00 +0000

Plant-based milks are growing in popularity, but they can contain unnecessary ingredients that you should avoid if you want to stay healthy.


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When you go to the grocery store and peruse the plant-based milks, it seems that more and more varieties appear. It’s as if milk can be made out of anything! There’s almond milk, coconut milk, rice milk, oat milk, cashew milk, hazelnut milk, walnut milk, pistachio milk, hemp seed milk and many more. All of those dairy alternatives are healthy, right? Well, not entirely.

Before you randomly grab a carton of pea milk or almond milk off the shelf, keep in mind that they can be unhealthy. Much like dairy milks, plant-based milks can also be bad for your health. For example, dairy milks can contain added hormones and antibiotics, while some plant-based milks have emulsifiers, carrageenan, and added sugars.

In theory, plant-based milks should only contain water and the nut, seed, or grain that the milk is made out of. Almonds and water yield almond milk and oats and water yield oat milk. Of course, it’s always possible to add a little sea salt and raw agave or stevia to sweeten when you make it yourself. Some reputable brands (stored in the refrigerated section) produce plant-based milks with minimal ingredients. Because of this, they tend to have a shorter shelf-life, especially after opening. Plant-based milks that don’t require refrigeration tend to contain more preservatives. 

Plant-based milks are not always healthy, but they have the potential to be. Avoid plant-based milks that contain the following ingredients. 

Vegetable Oils

It’s very common for nut and seed milks to contain sunflower seed oil, safflower oil, corn oil, soybean oil, or even canola oil. These do not belong in your plant-based milks. The vegetables, from which manufactures extract the oils, are commonly sprayed with heavy pesticides and GMOs. Corn and soybeans are the worst of the worst. On top of this, manufacturers use toxic solvents, high heat, and other agents that compromise the fatty acid structure of the plants. 


The two most popular emulsifiers in plant-based milks are xanthan gum and guar gum. Xanthan gum is a thickening agent made from fermenting yeast with corn or another sugar source. Not only can xanthan gum cause digestive discomfort and weight gain, but it may also increase the risk of colitis and other intestinal disorders. Guar gum, on the other hand, is from a bean plant. It’s very difficult to digest because of the highly processed nature. These are thickening agents that manufactures use to give plant-based milks a similar texture to dairy milks.

Evaporated Cane Juice, Cane Sugar, Or Cane Syrup

As a general rule of thumb, an ingredient list that has any term with the word “cane” in it is not the healthiest food item. Cane is code for sugar, and it does not refer to freshly juiced sugar cane. Cane sugar is devoid of nutrients and is 99% sucrose, which is pure sugar. This is harmful to blood sugar and overall health. Please avoid any plant-based milk that contains evaporated cane juice, cane sugar, of cane syrup on the ingredient list. It’s better to purchase a healthy, unsweetened variety and add your own healthy sweetener. Raw agave nectar, stevia, grade A maple syrup, or raw coconut nectar are healthier sweeteners

Natural Flavors

Unfortunately, there is nothing natural about natural flavors. It’s common to see “natural flavors” on many ingredients lists, but what are they? Natural flavors can indicate artificial sweeteners or forms of monosodium glutamate (MSG). If you want to know exactly what’s in your plant-based milk, avoid any variety that has “natural flavors” on the ingredient list. 

Vitamin D2

Natural vitamin D that the human body produces after sun exposure is vitamin D3. In their whole forms, vitamins are very beneficial for the body, even necessary for optimal health. They are some of the primary factors for maximum nutrient absorption. The same cannot be said for synthetic vitamins like vitamin D2. This synthetic vitamin is an isolated form of natural vitamin D, and the body cannot properly absorb it. There are no real benefits to the body; in fact, it may even do more harm than good. Many health experts believe that vitamin D2 desensitizes D3 receptors, which can increase the risk of vitamin D deficiency.


Several studies confirmed carrageenan’s link to diabetes, chronic inflammation, and certain cancers. It comes from red seaweed and manufacturers add it to many processed foods and beverages as a thickening agent. Researchers found that carrageenan is very harmful to the digestive tract. In fact, the common use for it is to induce colitis in lab animals. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), carrageenan is a potential human carcinogen. 

Just because you purchase plant-based dairy alternatives, don’t think that you are automatically healthier. Be on the lookout for the ingredients in this article and avoid them at all costs. 


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5 Foods To Avoid If You Have Hypothyroidism Mon, 24 Jun 2019 09:56:10 +0000

The foods you eat can affect thyroid health and the body’s ability to use the thyroid hormone. Avoid these foods if you have hypothyroidism.


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There are over 20 million Americans suffering from a thyroid condition, but it’s safe to assume that they majority of them don’t think about their thyroid when it comes to diet and nutrition. Having a thyroid condition is no walk in the park because various nutrients can heavily influence how they thyroid functions. The secret to improving thyroid health is to pay close attention to what you eat, because foods cause the most harm.

Regulating the metabolism and the release of hormones, the thyroid is the butterfly-shaped gland at the base of the front of your neck. The most common thyroid issue is hypothyroidism, an underactive thyroid condition that is associated with weight gain, forgetfulness, extreme fatigue, and depression. Some factors, which lead to the development of hypothyroidism, are out your hands. You cannot control family history and environmental pollutants, but you can control what foods you put on your plate. You can either choose thyroid friendly foods, or foods that continue to damage the thyroid.

Becoming mindful of what you eat can take time, but the road to a balanced thyroid is not easy. The best place to start is by eating your colors (i.e. fresh fruits and vegetables of all colors), trying your best to purchase organic, and avoiding artificial colors and flavors. As much as it may pain you to hear, it is wise to exclude fried foods, processed foods, sugary treats, ice cream, and alcohol from your diet. To help guide you in a healthier direction, steer clear of the following foods that can worsen hypothyroidism.

Tuna And Swordfish

Swordfish, shark, kingfish, mackerel, and tuna are predator fish and tend to contain more mercury than smaller fish. The longer the life of the fish, the more chemicals it can accumulate. It is acceptable to eat about two servings per week of these predator fish. You should also cut out farmed fish like salmon from your diet. Their mercury levels are high because they are fed the chum of other fish.


Some researchers have posed the link between excess soy consumption and an increased risk of hypothyroidism. Containing isoflavones, soy has been known to interfere with healthy endocrine function, meaning that soy can disrupt hormonal balance in the body. One study found that women who ate soy products experienced the same hormone altering results as when they were given tamoxifen, a drug used for breast cancer patients. Foods that contain soy include natto, tofu, soy sauce, most fake meat products, soy lecithin, soybean oil (vegetable oil), tempeh, and soymilk.


The American population has become accustomed to consuming a diet rich in processed white flour, so the idea of not eating gluten and grains is not typically received with a sense of joy. Increasing research is pointing towards a strong link between the consumption of gluten-rich foods and the increased percentage of autoimmune diseases. A 2017 article in the journal Endocrine Connections found that celiac disease and hypothyroidism are often present together. Someone who eats a lot of gluten increases their risk of protein particles, like gliadin, entering the blood. The immune system recognizes this as an intruder and takes care of the problem, but increased gluten consumption over years can cause the immune system to attack healthy tissue. This is essentially what happens in those with Hashimoto’s disease.


Just like gluten, sugar can be a tough one to give up because it’s in so many things that people enjoy eating. Most people consume an excess amount of sugar, which contributes to excess fat storage in the body. Because hypothyroidism slows the body’s metabolism, it cannot efficiently burn the sugar you eat, which is a common reason for weight gain. In order to balance blood sugar levels, one should consume fruits with protein sources, like raw nuts, seeds, or green vegetables, to avoid glucose spikes. Solely consuming sugar from fruit is a great way to enhance thyroid function, balance blood glucose, and encourage weight loss.


Alcohol wrecks thyroid hormone levels; there’s no two ways about it. In addition to damaging thyroid hormone levels, alcohol can also affect the thyroid’s ability to produce thyroid hormones by suppressing the gland. In addition to affecting thyroid hormone production, the sugar in alcohol can cause glucose spikes and contribute to weight gain. People with hypothyroidism should eliminate alcohol from their diet to increase thyroid function.


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Soybean Oil: Avoid The Oil That Is More Harmful Than Sugar Tue, 14 May 2019 10:24:06 +0000

Some people think that this oil is heart-healthy, when it is actually genetically modified and used in fast food & processed food products.


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The Standard American Diet is filled with processed ingredients and chemicals that slowly deteriorate overall bodily health. Aggressive marketing campaigns aim to convince people to buy foods, which people know are not good for them. Despite not being able to pronounce ingredients or understanding what is actually in dangerous food products, people continue to eat them happily and continue about their day.

One of the most recent debates in the food world is whether or not soybean oil is healthy. Several research studies have revealed that it is harmful to the human body, but it is one of the most common ingredients in foods that are especially popular for children and adolescents. Soybean oil is commonly in chips, crackers, candies, and more, and it has been thought to be a heart-healthy oil like extra virgin olive oil or virgin coconut oil.

How Is Soybean Oil Made?

Understanding how soybean oil is made reveals how unhealthy it is for the body. Unlike extra virgin olive oil or other heart-healthy oils, soybean oil is not cold-pressed; rather, it undergoes a high heat and bleaching process, and contains chemical solvents and deodorizers. All of this is done during the process of extracting edible oil from soybeans.

  • Mechanical pressing (using heat and pressure to obtain oil)
  • Residual oil left in soybean meal is extracted (using a solvent known as hexane)
  • Hexane is a toxic solvent that has to be removed from the oil (by way of using steam and vacuums)
  • Soybean oil is then bleached to remove impurities
  • The last step is a high-temperature deodorization process to remove oxidation products (found in the oil)

According to scientists, soybean oil should be the last oil you choose to cook with or eat. The reason for this is because soybean oil (and actual soybeans) is not recommended for human consumption, due to the fact that soybean oil provokes steroid hormone production, ultimately increasing the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Regular consumption of soybeans or soybean oil can lead to imbalanced sexual hormones in men and women, in addition to premature puberty in younger children.

On top of all the negatives surrounding soybean oil, soy products are some of the most GMO-rich food products on the planet. Roughly 94% of soy products contain GMOs! Additionally, soybean oil contains a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids, meaning that is has poor oxidative stability compared to avocado or extra virgin olive oils, both of which have a higher degree of saturation. Consuming too many of these fatty acids can lead to chronic inflammation or excess free radical damage, which can lead to cancer development.

One of the most common denominators for illnesses like chronic inflammation, cancer, obesity, heart disease, and diabetes is diet. While the average person can speculate that meat is to blame for the obesity epidemic, it is more accurate to say that processed foods, a high percentage of which contain soybean oil, are helping to drive up obesity rates. A lot of these foods contain excess calories, and soybean oil contributes a hefty amount of calories to the average American’s diet. This is not to say that soybean oil is the sole cause of obesity in the world; rather, it plays a role.

The more important takeaway is that soybean oil consumption can lead to an unhealthy ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-6s are beneficial for the body, but omega-6s are pro-inflammatory, meaning that an overabundance of omega-6s in the body causes it to be in a constant inflammatory state. This leads to chronic inflammation, which is a risk factor for a variety of illnesses. Omega-6s aren’t unique to soybean oil. Other unhealthy oils have the same problems, but soybean oil is just much more present in the foods we eat.


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5 Foods That Are Killing Your Metabolism Fri, 11 Aug 2017 12:30:00 +0000

Are you eating foods that are killing your metabolism and making you gain weight? You need to avoid these foods if you want to lose weight.


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When you start an exercise or diet program, you are anxious to see results. That makes sense, especially if you are working hard to eat healthier. Are you positive that you are eating the right foods, though? There may be hidden foods in your diet that are counteracting your weight loss efforts by killing your metabolism.

Not all foods are healthy, even if you think they are. Since weight loss is about 80% diet and 20% exercise, it’s crucial to provide your body with the right foods. To achieve your weight loss goals, it is beneficial to avoid the foods in this article. Most of these foods can cause the following:

  • Weight Gain
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle Weakness
  • Blood Sugar Imbalance
  • Thyroid Dysfunction
  • Unhealthy Cravings
  • Digestive Discomfort

Farmed Beef

Farmed beef is full of antioxidants that destroy healthy gut bacteria. As you can imagine, this leads to digestive problems and weight gain. A recent study found that the antibiotics in farmed beef alter the way the body processes food. This is why it is best to avoid meat and meat products. The results of a meaty diet can be detrimental to not only your metabolism, but your overall health as well.

Fruit Juice

Where do we begin with fruit juice? Let us first start by saying that fat in your diet isn’t typically the first thing that is adding inches to your waist. Consuming foods with hidden sugars, such as bottled fruit juice, can cause cravings, inflammation, and can slow your metabolism. The most common fruit juices people consume are orange, apple, and grape, all of which are basically sugar water. A typical eight-ounce glass of fruit juice contains about 30 grams of sugar. Instead of drinking these sugar drinks, you can make your own juice using a juicer, or you can add fresh fruit to water. You can also make homemade lemonade by squeezing fresh lemons in water and adding a little stevia.

“Healthy” Chips & Crackers

There are a lot of so-called “healthy” chips and snacks out there, but they often contain processed vegetable oils such as safflower or sunflower oils, both of which have omega-6 fats. Unlike healthy omega-3 fatty acids, which are in walnuts, avocados, flaxseeds, or cabbages, omega-6 fats is correlated with obesity. There used to be a balance between omega-3s and omega-6s in the American diet, but high consumption of processed foods has led to a high omega-6/omega-3 ratio. These “healthy” chips, for instance, can also contain trans fats and soybean oil. Plus, it takes the body almost 3 times longer to process these foods than it does to process fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds.

White Flour

It’s no secret that Americans love pasta and bread. Well, white flour is processed and devoid of all the health benefits that whole, sprouted grains offer. White flour is wheat that doesn’t have any of wheat’s benefits, which include dietary fiber and antioxidants. Because it doesn’t have any fiber, it does nothing for your metabolism or intestinal health. Typically, white flour and refined grains slow your digestion. This is why it is beneficial to eat sprouted grains like barley wheat or quinoa, both of which work to encourage a healthy metabolism.

Artificial Sweeteners

Probably one of the worst foods for your metabolism, artificial sweeteners are attractive to people because they lie to you by saying you can consume them guilt-free. Aspartame, for instance, has been linked to free radical damage, accelerated aging, increased cravings for carbs, and apoptotic changes in the brain. Artificial sweeteners are typically found in diet sodas. Drinking one diet soda a day significantly increase a person’s risk of weight gain and adds inches to the waist. Avoid artificial sweeteners and use stevia, agave nectar, or organic grade B maple syrup instead. The best part with all of these alternatives is that a little goes a long way.


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Peanuts and Peanut Butter Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:53 +0000

Peanut butter, as we know it today, was invented by Dr. Ambrose Straub of St. Louis, Missouri. He made it for elderly patients who could not chew so well but still needed hi-protein food that didn’t involve meat. Dr. Straub went on to patent a peanut grinding mill in 1903 and one year later peanut […]


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Peanut butter, as we know it today, was invented by Dr. Ambrose Straub of St. Louis, Missouri. He made it for elderly patients who could not chew so well but still needed hi-protein food that didn’t involve meat. Dr. Straub went on to patent a peanut grinding mill in 1903 and one year later peanut butter was introduced to the public in the United States at the 1904 St. Louis World’s Fair.

Today, peanut butter must be at least 90% peanuts to use the term “peanut butter.” More than 50% of the peanut crop in the United States is used for peanut butter production.

Health Benefits

Peanuts are rich in energy and contain many nutrients, antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins that are very beneficial for your health. They contain mono-unsaturated fatty acids that help to lower “bad cholesterol” and increase “good cholesterol”. A diet that is rich in monounsaturated fats helps prevent coronary artery disease and stokes.

Peanuts are also a great source of protein. They contain quality amino acids that aid in the growth and development of muscles. These nuts also consist of healthy minerals such as copper, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, and zinc.

High in vitamin E, peanuts contain about 8g per 100g of nuts. Vitamin E helps strengthen the cell membrane of the mucus membranes and skin by protecting our bodies from harmful oxygen free radicals. Peanuts also contain B-vitamins that promote brain health and blood flow to the brain.

Resveratrol is an antioxidant that is found in peanuts and helps protect the body against cancers, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and viral infections.

A handful of peanuts provides the recommended amount of phenolic anti-oxidants, protein, minerals, and vitamins.

Health Risks of Peanuts

The peanut, of all nuts, is very hard on the digestive system.

Peanuts, if not masticated well, can lodge in the intestines and contribute to diverticulitis and diverticulosis. So if you eat peanuts or will continue to eat them, make sure to chew them well.

Roasted peanuts contain excessive amounts of salt and can cause headaches as a result.

One of the worst oils to consume or use for cooking is peanut oil. However, peanut oil is far better or salubrious than cottonseed, canola, and soybean oil.

Health Risks of Peanut Butter

Aflotoxin – a known cardinogen – is found in virtually all peanut butter brands on the market.

“A study was performed by Consumers Union showed that the major brands such as Jif, Peter Pan, and Skippy had less of the aflotoxin than store brands. The biggest offender turned out to be the freshly ground peanut butter in health food stores, which had ten times the levels of the major brands. The U.S. government allows no more than 20 parts per billion (ppb) of aflotoxin, which members of the health field feel is too high. According to Consumers Union, eating levels that contain an average of 2 ppb of aflotoxin every 10 days will result in a cancer risk of 7 in a million. This is a higher risk that exists from most pesticides in foods.” – Dr. Myles H. Bader

Peanut butter also contains hydrogenated oil. The process of hydrogenation keeps the oil in suspension. Hydrogenation made peanut butter one of America’s most popular foods. However, hydrogenation plays a role in the development of major diseases that impair overall health and wellbeing.

Peanut sauce is a favorite product in Asian culture. Thai restaurants use peanut sauce to top some of their dishes and also use it as a salad dressing. Peanut sauces are very sweet due to the use of white table sugar. If you eat peanut sauce just a few times a year, there’s really no major cause for concern.

Healthier Alternatives

Today, we have a variety of exceptional peanut butter substitutes on the market that can be found at most good health food stores. Alternative and healthier butters include:

  • hemp seed butter
  • almond butter
  • hazelnut butter
  • pistachio butter
  • walnut butter, and
  • cashew butter

You can even make these alternative butters at home by simply soaking your choice of seeds or nuts overnight and then blending it in a mixer.

Hemp seed butter by far would have to be the best alternative butter on the market that you could consume. It is a great source of amino acids (for purposes of protein), contains all 3 beneficial essential fatty acids (Omega 3, Omega 6, and Omega 9), and contains moderate amounts of minerals and trace elements. It has a great taste as well.

Almond butter is also a great tasting butter, as well as cashew butter. These butters are great for sandwiches, for crackers, and vegetable sticks. Also, they are not hard on the digestive system like peanuts.

Beanut butter is not a better substitute for peanut butter. Beanut butter is really soybean butter. Soy, too, is hard on the digestive tract and that’s why it should only be eaten on rare occasions.

Dherbs Solutions

There are a few major alternative butter manufacturing companies listed in our Alternative Diet and Lifestyle Manual Alternative Diet and Lifestyle Manual (ebook)l (under “Alternative Food Brands”).

Thank you for reading!


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The Dangers of Lipstick Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:43 +0000

Lipstick is the most commercial, toxic, poisonous and harmful brand. Are these chemicals leaking into your body?


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One cosmetic product that many women use, and perhaps throughout the entire day, is lipstick. While lipstick can make a woman’s face and especially her lips more appealing, most commercial brands of lipstick are toxic, poisonous, and harmful.

Lead in lipstick

It has been revealed that many brands of lipstick contain lead, more amounts of which are allowed by government for use in candy. FDA-approval does not guarantee safety or that a product is automatically safe to consume or use. It is a fact that cosmetic products are one of the least regulated product categories by the FDA.

A woman who applies lipstick is also ingesting some of it during or throughout the day. If she likes reapplying lipstick throughout the day, that much more lead gets into her bloodstream via the skin of her lips. Lead is not added as an ingredient in the lipstick manufacturing process, but it comes from the colorant used, or is the by-product of the lipstick making process.

Even small amounts of lead can lead to unsafe levels of lead exposure over time. Lead is a neurotoxin, adversely affecting the nerves, that can cause brain damage and behavioral, learning, and language problems; it can lower IQ or intelligence quotient, can cause hormonal imbalance, can delay the onset of puberty; it can cause infertility and miscarriage, and it increases aggression.

Petrochemicals in lipstick

Lipstick manufacturers are also using petrochemicals to manufacture lipstick. Petrochemicals are harmful to human health. This is why it is important to research the brand’s ingredients before making your purchase. Many lipstick brands contain very harmful ingredients, besides lead, which can include:

  • Formaldehyde: a preservative and known carcinogen
  • Mineral oil: a substance known to block pores
  • Parabens: known carcinogens used as a preservative.
  • Bismuth oxychloride: a known carcinogen

Natural or not?

It is common to find ingredients for natural lipstick such as: Aloe Vera Extract, Beeswax, Candellila Wax, Carmine, Carnauba Wax, Castor Oil, Cocoa Butter, Hempseed Oil, Iron Oxide, Jojoba Oil, Lanolin, Mica, Shea Butter, Titanium Oxide, Tocopherol, and Ultramarine(s) to name a few, but you need to know that every ingredient in a product labeled “natural” may not harmonize with your belief system, conscience, diet, and/or lifestyle.

For example, Carmine (the only alternative to Red Lake petroleum dye) is just like Cochineal and is derived from an insect and thus is not a vegan ingredient.

Beeswax (which is derived from bees) and Lanolin (which is derived from sheep) are also not vegan products.

People who are vegans cannot use or consume these ingredients, so while a lipstick brand may purport to be natural, it will nevertheless not be vegan in nature.

Mica, Titanium Dioxide, and Iron Oxide are suspect and implicated in minor adverse health conditions, especially Titanium Dioxide. Iron Oxide is the safest of these ingredients.

Tocopherol a/k/a Vitamin E is really a soybean oil byproduct. Most Vitamin E today is a by-product of soy production.


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Faux Meat and Dairy vs. Real Meat and Dairy Thu, 13 Jun 2013 16:25:40 +0000

Faux, or synthetic meats and dairy products are manufactured from plant-based items such as beans, legumes, grains, seeds and nuts, rice, soy, wheat and almonds. Faux meat and dairy products are great alternatives to animal products but should only be used occasionally. Many of these products are overly processed and contain unhealthy ingredients. Benefits Faux […]


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Faux, or synthetic meats and dairy products are manufactured from plant-based items such as beans, legumes, grains, seeds and nuts, rice, soy, wheat and almonds.

Faux meat and dairy products are great alternatives to animal products but should only be used occasionally. Many of these products are overly processed and contain unhealthy ingredients.


Faux foods are often easier on the digestive system than animal meat and dairy. Eating faux meats and dairy products may help you feel and think better. When eating meat, there is a risk of developing several conditions including:

  • Mad Cow Disease
  • E.Coli
  • Salmonella
  • Parasites
  • Worms
  • Hormonal imbalance

Eating a plant-based diet may help improve behavior, mood, concentration, and energy. Though it is best to get nutrients from raw, live foods, herbs and other natural things, faux foods are great for its satisfying taste.

Unlike animal meat, processed faux food products do not contribute to the development of diabetes, cancer, obesity, high blood pressure or high cholesterol.


They are alternative products that help people make the transition to a vegan diet. Even though they are processed foods, they prevent harm and injury to the planet that is caused by regular meat and dairy consumption. Faux foods satisfies people’s desire to eat products that resembles meat but through safer methods.

Faux foods should be treated as transitional food substitutes. If the ultimate goal is to attain a completely vegan diet, then faux foods should be the first step.

Faux products are beneficial because they keep people from eating real meat and dairy. But these options, you need to be careful about ingredients such as soy and whey protein.

Soy products may cause hormonal issues but it is still a healthier alternative to meat and dairy.

Dairy Alternatives

The safest dairy and milk alternative is almond milk, especially for those who are lactose intolerant, diabetic, suffering from heart disease or have allergies to casein.

Almond milk is lower in calories compared to cow’s milk but still contains a high dose of vitamin E and calcium. It’s a great source of several important fat-soluble vitamins. Vitamin A and E are great antioxidants that protect the cells and tissues while also enhancing the body’s immunity. Also found in almond milk, Vitamin D helps strengthen bones and teeth.

Considering the low amount of calories, almond milk is very high in nutrients.

Soy-Based Protein

Most fake meat products are primarily made of soy products. Soy protein is an acceptable alternative while transitioning to a vegan or raw food diet, but DHerbs does not recommend long-term consumption of soy products in any form due to it’s genetically modified status and the fact that soy is a processed food.

Soy meat is typically made of soy flour and/or soybean oil. Most soy meats contain fillers such as flour, corn or other vegetables. These fillers are generally used to enhance the products taste and flavor. Soy meat is usually used to create burgers, tacos, burritos or other meals that normally use animal meat.

The healthiest options for soy-based proteins are ones that are fermented and are not genetically engineered. These include:

  • Tempeh
  • Miso
  • Natto
  • Soy Sauce

Dangers of Genetically Engineered Sources

Studies have shown that soy can harm the thyroid gland and prevent the body from absorbing minerals. Soy may even disrupt the body from properly digesting protein.

Most soy products are genetically engineered and do not have very natural sources of protein. Modifying the genes of a food creates proteins that are not naturally found in its chemical structure. In order to avoid genetically engineered foods, buy fresh organic foods.

Healthy Alternatives to Soy-Based Protein

Faux meat made with beans and legumes are great alternatives to soy or whey protein.

Lentils are very good sources of cholesterol-lowering fiber and can be found in many faux meat products, especially burgers.

Dherbs Solutions

Dherbs offers this formula:

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