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Do you ever finish the day and feel as though you accomplished nothing? Change that with these simple productivity hacks.


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It can be frustrating to arrive at the day’s end, only to feel like you did not accomplish anything. You may feel like there are not enough hours in the day or days in the week to complete all the tasks on your to-do list. Even though there is a lot to do, there are many distractions that can absorb your attention for hours. You may not even realize how quickly time passes when you engage with them! To help you regain focus and accomplish daily tasks, we put together a list of five hacks that can help you improve productivity

Set Your Goals

The first step is to set goals. Don’t set lofty goals, for example, to clean the entire house in two hours. Instead, set smaller, more attainable goals to tackle them more efficiently. To do that, though, you first have to think through your goals before you set them. Imagine that you want to get detailed directions to a destination. Do that for yourself, but with goals, in order to maximize your likelihood of success. Live by the SMART acronym: Smart, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely. If you follow the SMART method, you’ll be knocking down goals left and right!

Reassess Your Schedule

Does your current schedule match up with your goals? It is easy to get caught up in a certain pattern, but specific goals may require you to shake things up. Perhaps that looks like saying no, especially if you are a people pleaser. Problems tend to occur when you spend the majority of your time doing things that you didn’t originally plan on doing. That doesn’t leave time for the goals you want to achieve. Naturally, various obligations, opportunities, or exciting events pop up. Social media can make you feel like you’re missing out. If you say yes too often, you are usually missing out on the things that matter most in life: family, solo time, etc. Just remember that every yes means that you’re saying no to something else. 

Plan Ahead

The best way to set time aside for your most important tasks is to establish time blocks. Plan your day simply and effectively by saying that you will complete certain tasks in a specific window. That way, you can be more purposeful with the time you spend on these actions. Additionally, keep in mind that planning affords you the opportunity to set your priorities with intention. That can help you be more purposeful with your time and the goals you want to accomplish. Planning can also help you avoid distraction, especially when you begin with intent. 

Focus On Priorities

Distractions are commonplace nowadays. If you work on a computer, you can easily visit infinite websites that distract you from the task at hand. You can also get caught up in social media scrolling or games on your phone. These devices just suck you in and you lose track of time instantaneously. Remember the time blocks we mentioned in the previous paragraph? Well, having a specific amount of time to tackle a task can show you how easy it is to get distracted and how hard it is to stay focused. Don’t allow distractions to control your time. You have to fight distractions in order to do that, and that can be very difficult at first. You have the power to come up with ways to get around distractions and do the things you have to do in your time block. 

Stack Habits

Working towards your goals is easier when you have a schedule and when you work on your habits. Change your habits by way of stacking them, which is a simple productivity hack. Habit stacking, essentially, is taking a habit that you have and stacking a new habit you want with it. Starting a new habit is a little easier when you pair it alongside an existing one. If you want to drink more water, for example, drink a glass of water to your pre-existing habit of eating. Do you eat breakfast at 730 a.m. every morning? Add a glass of water to that meal and it will feel like killing two birds with one stone. Attaching a new habit to an existing one is much easier than beginning a new one by itself. In fact, it can be more distracting to set aside time for a brand new habit!


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Great Morning Stretches To Energize Your Day Thu, 29 Aug 2024 09:18:00 +0000

What you do in the morning sets the tone for the rest of your day. Energize your body with these simple full-body stretches.


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It is very common to wake up with a bit of stiffness. That’s why you probably engage in a quick under-the-cover stretch with a morning grunt to greet the day. Although that is a great place to start, it is not a dedicated stretch routine that can help loosen you up. The stretch routine in this article contains a handful of easy stretches that can reduce stiffness and energize the body. 

After you wake up, if you are like most people, you either hit snooze or reach for your phone to scroll through social media and emails. It can still take some time to get out of bed after this habit. Taking just five minutes each morning to stretch can not only loosen up your joints and improve mobility, but also improve the way you feel. Various health experts agree that regular stretching, especially in the morning, can facilitate strength, improve range of motion, and enhance your overall sense of self. 

Make it a point to engage in the following stretches every morning and your body will thank you. Are these stretches the fountain of youth? Not by a long shot, but they can help energize the body and get you ready for the day!

Simple Shoulder Stretch

If you sleep wrong or spend too much time looking down at your phone, this is a great stretch to open up the muscles that can cause neck pain. Begin by standing up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Draw your shoulders forward, as if to have them touch in front of you. Press your chest forward as you draw your shoulder blades together in the back. Alternate between these two positions five times, breathing deeply throughout. 

Shoulder Circles

The trapezius muscles are the largest muscles that run from the neck, across the shoulders, and down to the mid back. When you open up these muscles, you can breathe easier and feel relief from tension. Stand up straight with your arms by your sides. Draw your shoulders up and roll them forward in a large circular motion. Complete 10 forward rotations, followed by 10 backward rotations. 

Standing Wall Push

This is a dynamic stretch that targets the triceps, pectorals, deltoids, and muscles that run across the shoulder blades. It can also help you improve upper body strength and mobility in the shoulders. Stand up straight facing a wall with your feet hip-distance apart. Extend your arms out in front of you and place your hands flat on the wall. Bend your elbows at a 90-degree angle to lean toward the wall. Hover a few inches away from the wall for a few seconds before engaging your pectorals and shoulders to push away from the wall a few inches. Hold this position before lowering back to the starting position. Continue alternating between these two positions for about 30 seconds. 

Shoulder Across The Arm Stretch

The shoulder joints are the most mobile in the body, so maintaining flexibility is essential for optimal movement. This stretch can help reverse the effects of slouching or hunching at your desk. Stand up straight with your feet hip-distance apart. Pull your left arm across your chest, hooking your right arm around your left to pull it closer to your chest. Keep your left arm slightly bent and pull with your right arm until you feel a good stretch on the outside of your shoulder. Hold for 15-30 seconds, release, and then repeat with the other arm. 

Standing Side Bend

If you sit a lot or hit the gym to do a core workout, you will love this stretch. It works to improve balance, coordination, and elongate the obliques and hips. Stand up straight with your feet hip-distance apart and arms resting by your sides. You can widen your stance if you have trouble balancing. Raise your arms overhead and interlace your fingers. Hinge at the waist to lean left until you reel a deep stretch along your right side. Hold this position for 15-30 seconds before returning to the center. Repeat on the other side.


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4 Causes Of Inflammation That Are Not Often Discussed Mon, 22 Jul 2024 08:44:00 +0000

If inflammatory cells remain in the body too long, you may experience chronic inflammation, and these four causes are often discussed.


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Inflammation is the body’s natural response to injury or illness. If something doesn’t belong in the body, such as toxins or germs, inflammation is the body’s way of healing. A fever, for example, is how you know that the inflammatory system is working correctly if you feel sick. That said, inflammation can harm you if it occurs in healthy tissues and sticks around for too long. 

What’s The Difference Between Acute And Chronic Inflammation?

There are two types of inflammation: acute and chronic. Acute inflammation is sudden and short-term, whereas chronic inflammation can go on for months, or even years. 

  • Acute inflammation: The immune system’s response to injury or illness usually only lasts a few hours to a few days. Inflammatory cells travel to the site of injury (a cut on your leg) or infection to begin the healing process. A bacterial infection like strep throat will cause throat inflammation. Other bacterial or viral infections can cause inflammation in the small intestine. 
  • Chronic inflammation: This happens when the body continues to send inflammatory cells when there is no danger. Rheumatoid arthritis, for example, occurs when inflammatory cells attack joint tissues. That leads to inflammation that comes and goes, damaging your joints over the years. 

Sometimes, you can exercise and eat the right foods, only to not feel 100%. Perhaps you feel bloated after a well-balanced meal or you cannot reach your exercise goals. Sometimes, chronic inflammation may result from emotional or mental factors. Anxiety, shame, stress, and trauma, can cause as much inflammation as ultra-processed foods! Continue reading to learn about causes of inflammation that people don’t talk about enough. 

Chronic Stress

If the body is in a constant state of fight-or-flight, it is impossible to relax, let alone reach your health goals. Think of the body like a cellular library, with your thoughts, words, or experiences filling up those cells. When you suffer emotionally, the body feels the full effects. For some reason, a lot of people feel shame about chronic stress. Maybe they cannot be fully present when needed because they snap quickly or become irritable too easily. That shame can affect your ability to stay healthy. Managing stress is not just a one-and-done thing; rather, you have to constantly work to keep stress levels in check. 

Your Social Networks

Social media is highly engaging and can trap you for hours. Unfortunately, all of these accounts are not necessarily great for your mental health. What you expose yourself to can impact the nervous system and inflammatory levels, which impact the endocrine and hormonal systems. One study monitored participants who used social media excessively. The results indicated higher levels of C-reactive protein, which indicates chronic inflammation. You can scroll, but consider vetting the people or things you follow. Try to edit accounts and keep the ones that make you feel great about yourself!

Anxiety About Your Health

One of the great things about living in this day and age is that you have a wealth of resources available to you. You can research and learn about almost anything with a few simple searches. That’s also a great way to become overwhelmed and anxious about your health. This happens all the time, so much so that people stress themselves out about conditions they may not even have! Research has a name for this: the “nocebo effect,” which is when you ruminate about a negative outcome that can actually lead to a negative outcome. It’s almost like a self-fulfilling prophecy! You basically worry yourself sick, even when there is nothing seriously wrong with you. Try not to fixate too much on numbers and health scores. 

Unresolved Trauma

It is very difficult to move forward with your health if you have unresolved trauma that you store in the body. Some estimates suggest that nearly 70% of adults in the United States have experienced trauma in one form or another at least once in their lifetime. You may downplay your trauma, not realizing what it does to the cells in your body. Negating the trauma you went through can affect your nervous system and inflammatory levels. Not all trauma comes from catastrophic events. Some trauma is very subtle, but allowing those emotions to accumulate in the body can impact your physical health over time.


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It’s Pride Month: Here’s What You Need To Know Sat, 01 Jun 2024 09:05:00 +0000

June is Pride Month, when the world’s LGBTQIA+ communities come together to celebrate the freedom of being and expressing themselves.


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June is Pride Month, and it’s dedicated to celebrating the work of LGBTQIA+ activists who have changed the world. The gatherings that take place over the course of the month allow LGBTQIA+ individuals to celebrate who they are, and who they are proud to be. By going to Pride events, the community gets to celebrate who they are and who they love. The welcoming and accepting nature of these events relieves any person of fear they might otherwise experience in the world. 

What Is Pride Month?

Dedicated to uplifting LGBTQIA+ voices, Pride Month celebrates LGBTQIA+ rights and culture. Throughout the month, there are many celebrations that take place, including parades, protests, live theater, memorials, drag performances, and more. Additionally, there are many celebrations of life that commemorate members of the community who lost their lives to HIV/AIDS. Part of the month is about political activism, while the other part focuses on celebrating the LGBTQIA+ community and the victories it has achieved over the years. 

Why Is June Pride Month?

Early in the morning on June 28th, 1969, police raided the Stonewall Inn, a gay bar in New York’s Greenwich village. Officers started hauling patrons outside and tensions escalated quickly. Patrons resisted arrest and a large crowd of bystanders began throwing coins, bottles, and other things at the officers. Fed up by the harassment by authorities, New York’s gay community broke out in neighborhood riots that lasted three days. 

The uprising served as somewhat of a catalyst for an emerging gay rights movement. For example, the Gay Liberation Front and the Gay Activists Alliance formed after the historic event. These organizations modeled themselves after the civil rights and women’s rights movements. Members of the organizations held protests, met with political leaders, and interrupted public meetings to hold leaders accountable. One year after the Stonewall riots, the nation’s first Gay Pride marches took place. 

What does LGBTQIA+ Stand For?

LGBTQIA+ is an inclusive term that includes people of all genders and sexualities. The acronym stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, queer, intersex, asexual, pansexual, and allies. Each letter may stand for a specific group of people, but the term encompasses the entire spectrum of gender fluidity and sexual identities. Queer is an umbrella term for non-straight people, while intersex refers to those whose sex does not have a clear definition because of hormonal, genetic, or biological differences. 

Where Did Pride Come From?

According to historical accounts, many people credit Brenda Howard as being the “Mother of Pride.” She organized the first Pride parade to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the Stonewall uprising. 

Where Did the Rainbow Flag Originate?

The rainbow flag, created by artist Gilbert Baker in 1978, is a commonly used symbol of LGBTQIA+ ride. Harvey Milk, one of the first openly gay elected officials in the U.S., commissioned Baker to make a flag for the city’s upcoming Pride celebrations. Baker, a prominent gay rights activist, used the stripes on the American flag as inspiration, but used the rainbow to include the many groups within the gay community. Many people don’t know that each color of the flag has its own meaning. Red symbolizes life, orange is healing, yellow is sunshine, green is nature, blue is harmony, and purple is spirit. The original eight-color flag included hot pink and turquoise. The former represented sex, while the latter represented magic and art. 

Pride events welcome allies from outside the LGBTQIA+ community. There are many opportunities to show support, observe, listen, and learn more about Pride during the month of June. See what your community has to offer via social media, news outlets, and more. Happy Pride Month!


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Self-Care Practices That Are Perfect For Summer Thu, 30 May 2024 09:19:00 +0000

Get off the couch and prioritize your mental health and your overall well-being this summer season with these self-care practices.


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Many people think of summer as break time. The kids are out of school, but that doesn’t mean your life is automatically on pause. In fact, summer presents numerous opportunities and is the perfect season for leisure, outdoor activities, and self-care. The longer sunny days and warmer weather allow for change, so you can switch up your daily routine. Enjoy what summer has to offer and simultaneously take care of your mental health.

According to a recent survey, roughly 81% of Americans plan to travel at least once this summer. This survey accounted for all forms of travel, both interstate, national, and international plans. Traveling is a great way to reduce stress and take a break from the constant go-go-go pace of life. You don’t necessarily have to vacation and put your life on pause in order to take care of your mental health, though. There are many self-care practices that help you break from everyday routines, and you can incorporate them into your life this summer. Experiment with the following summer-inspired self-care practices and see which one works best for you. 

Buy Summer Clothes That Fit

There are many people who struggle with body image issues, and the summer months can create more distress. A lot of people may not want to wear clothing that reveals more of their bodies, for example, shorts, swimwear, and more. If this describes you, show yourself some compassion and find comfortable clothing to start. Loose clothing that breathes is the best for summer! It’s perfectly okay if your body isn’t “summertime fine;” rather, many experts encourage working towards body neutrality, which you can learn more about by clicking here. Regardless of your appearance, find clothes that fit your body, as opposed to trying to fit into ones from past summers. 

Take Time To Breathe

This seems easier said than done, but breathing is a beneficial technique that may aid stress reduction. Deep breathing exercises, such as diaphragmatic breathing, can help you normalize pulse rate and even reduce blood pressure. According to research, diaphragmatic breathing can help to cleanse your blood of lactic acid, which can cause anxious feelings. It also assists with the release of serotonin, the feel-good neurotransmitter, into the bloodstream. Finally, deep breathing can increase alpha brain waves, which deliver a sense of calm. 

Get Outside

Make the most of warm weather and go outside during the summer months. Try to avoid the hottest times of the day, instead choosing times of the day that provide sunshine but milder temperatures. Many therapists say that going for daily walks, especially in nature, is one of the best self-care practices. A 2018 review of analyzed data from existing studies confirmed that spending time outdoors immediately lowers stress levels. Outdoor walks in green spaces are very effective at calming the mind. Keep yourself accountable by logging your daily walks on a calendar. Seeing your streak will help you maintain the habit. 

Move…But In Ways That Are Fun

You don’t necessarily have to exercise day in and day out during the summer, but movement is a great way to care for yourself. Summer presents numerous opportunities to move, both indoors and outdoors. That means that you don’t have to force yourself to do something that makes you uncomfortable. If you don’t want to hit the gym, opt for an outdoor workout like swimming, hiking, or jogging. Consider an outdoor yoga class or a pickup game of basketball. Body confidence coaches suggest asking yourself: “What brought me joy as a child during the summer?” Most of the time, these are things that you can do as an adult, so do them!

Socialize In Real Life

Remember when people got together to catch up, converse, share laughs, cry, and more together? A great way to care for your mental health is to practice being in the moment. Instead of spending time on social media, socialize in real life with family members or friends. Plan some pool parties, barbecues, or time together at the beach or lake to encourage a social gathering. According to research, friendships have a positive association with overall satisfaction. Nurture those connections and you’ll see how much better you feel.


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Websites Are Selling Fake Ozempic Fri, 03 May 2024 09:13:00 +0000

A law firm recently announced the takedown of 250+ websites selling fake GLP-1 drugs like Ozempic. Here’s how to spot them.


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If you are trying to secure some Ozempic for yourself, you better make sure you aren’t buying fake GLP-1 drugs. High prices and market shortages make certain websites very appealing to consumers, but counterfeit drugs can pose serious health risks. How can you know what’s in these fake drugs? Should you want to start using Ozempic, make sure to verify the legitimacy of any only pharmacy you use. 

GLP-1 drugs, like Ozempic, increase insulin sensitivity and stimulate insulin secretion. These drugs also reduce blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes. Because they can make you feel full, they have become a popular drug to promote weight loss, especially amongst overweight or obese people. Unfortunately, GLP-1 drugs can be very expensive without insurance. One carton of Ozempic, for example, can cost about $1,000 at U.S. pharmacies. 

All of these factors create opportunities for people to sell fake prescription drugs, ultimately taking advantage of consumers. One report found that social media websites were popular spaces for promoting fake drugs. Of the 3,968 fake listings removed in 2023, almost 60% were found on Facebook. Some experts believe that these fake sites target Facebook because the users tend to be a little older and less likely to spot a scam. 

Why Are Fake Drug Websites So Dangerous?

Registered dietitians have given remarks about the recent emergence of fake GLP-1 drugs. They say that the biggest danger with buying from fake drug websites is that you don’t know what you are getting. You take a big risk when you take an unregulated drug because it could contain anything. What’s the best case scenario? You get an inert placebo. On the other side of the coin, you could put something incredibly dangerous in your body. 

One of the major risks with taking these fake drugs is that they could be laced with heavy metals and other harmful toxins. Hundreds of ER visits every year are due to severe allergic reactions or lead poisoning, which people acquired from unknown sources. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) also indicates that because most GLP-1 drugs are injected, the risk of infection is high, considering the sterility of needles can’t be confirmed. Novo Nordisk, the manufacturer of Ozempic, notes that you cannot confirm the efficacy of fake medications. That could be very dangerous for people who use these meds to control blood sugar

How To Know If You Are Buying Fake Medications

The language on the sites selling fake medications is typically the same copy on real online pharmacies. Fake sites use deceptive tactics to not only appear genuine, but also to fool consumers. In fact, some sites will copy the branding and logos of reputable pharmaceutical companies. The discounted price is a big factor that tends to entice consumers who don’t want to pay the full price tag. It’s like looking for an item on a website and then looking somewhere else for the knock-off version. If you want to determine the legitimacy of the medication, consider the following: 

  • Beware of suspiciously low prices: Super discounts could mean that the product is expired or counterfeit.
  • Use reputable online pharmacies: Make sure that the contact information is verified and that the payment methods are secure. Additionally, look for accreditation from authorities. 
  • Look for accreditation: Verified seals or certifications can indicate credible websites. The National Association of Boards of Pharmacy provides a database of credible pharmacies. 
  • Verify the credentials: Before you make the purchase, make sure that the pharmacy has an active license in the state where it dispenses the medications. If it looks suspicious or you don’t have a good feeling about it, abort the mission. 
  • Check the authenticity of the medication: Make sure to research the appearance of the medication, how it’s packaged, and the manufacturer before you order or use it. Compare what you are looking at with the real medication. Novo Nordisk, for example, may offer real and fake photos to help you discern the real meds from the fake ones.


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Raw Chocolate Brownie Batter Ice Cream Sat, 27 Apr 2024 17:47:00 +0000

This is a decadent, no churn, raw vegan chocolate brownie batter ice cream made with avocados, bananas, raw cacao, and maple syrup.


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Have you been wanting to make some sort of healthy dessert while cleansing? How about a decadent chocolate ice cream that you can enjoy guilt-free? If you answered “yes” to those two questions, then you clicked on the right recipe. The great thing about this chocolate ice cream is that you don’t need to churn it, meaning you don’t have to go buy an ice cream machine. You just need a food processor or blender, a container, the ingredients, and a freezer. Plus, it is made with avocados and bananas, both of which create an ultra creamy texture.

If you want to make the smoothest, creamiest ice cream, we suggest you use a food processor or high-speed blender. The reason for this is because both of these appliances will blend your ingredients thoroughly, meaning you won’t have any rogue banana or avocado chunks in your ice cream. The last thing you want when enjoying dessert is to encounter a large piece of avocado. Because of the high-fat and creamy nature of avocado, this non-dairy ice cream has a similar texture ice cream made with dairy.

For the liquid, you can use homemade almond milk if you prefer. We chose to use homemade cashew milk for this recipe because it creates a creamier texture in your ice cream. If you don’t have cashews on hand and don’t want to run to the store because you have almonds, make almond milk. You don’t need to change the measurement if you use one or the other. If you make this recipe, let us know how you like it in the comments. Post a picture and tag us on social media!


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5 TikTok Gut Health Trends To Question Or Avoid Sun, 25 Feb 2024 09:05:00 +0000

To avoid harming your health and practicing things that are not based in science, you should question these TikTok health trends.


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It should be common knowledge, but you should not believe everything you see or read on the Internet, especially social media. And yet, TikTok has become a growing source of information for all sorts of health information, especially gut health. In fact, you can regularly see hashtags like #pooptok, #guthealthmatters, #guttok, and #guthealing on numerous videos. It’s pretty clear that the matters of the gut have infiltrated the social media platform. 

A lot of health experts, including gastroenterologists and other gastrointestinal (GI) experts, have joined TikTok to promote science-backed claims and advice. The reason for this is because most #guttok posts are not from experts in the field. Would you rather trust an influencer who tried one thing at one point in time, or someone who has dedicated their life to the study of the GI tract? Wellness tips are all well and good, but not all of them are correct. 

The good news about all of this is that people are encouraging others to care about their digestive health. When it comes to claims, however, not all of these videos have evidence to back them up. Sometimes, one of these videos will promote a product that aids gut health, such as a colon cleanse or colon detox solution. Don’t just trust something that you see in a video without doing thorough research on it! There are no miracle products, which is why we aim to highlight the TikTok gut health trends to question or avoid in this article. 

Gut Repair Or Leaky Gut Solutions

If you hear about a product, method, or solution that will repeat your leaky or damaged gut, it may not be what it’s cracked to be. Drinking olive oil shots or slurping on bone broth all day don’t have evidence backing efficacy for treating the problem. The problem is thinking that leaky gut syndrome can be fixed with one quick solution. Although leaky gut is not a medically recognized condition, it is a gut problem that can happen as a result of an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). You can sip bone broth in moderation, but don’t expect it to heal your gut. If you decide to drink bone broth, find ones higher in magnesium, calcium, and iron. Olive oil, while it has beneficial polyphenols and healthy fats, will not repair your gut on its own.

Laxatives For Weight Loss

If you are a #guttok trend follower, perhaps you know of the claim that taking laxatives regularly can promote weight loss. If that is a true claim, it should be a big red flag. The goal of taking a laxative is to relieve symptoms caused by constipation, not to lose weight. If you take a laxative to lose weight, you are eliminating undigested food in the form of diarrhea. That can be dangerous if it goes on for more than a short period of time. You need to absorb sufficient fluids from the GI tract, otherwise you could potentially injure your kidneys. People who suffer from constipation may need to take a laxative to eliminate stool in the colon. You should not rely on laxatives to lose weight, but instead use them to relieve constipation symptoms.

Fasting For Gut Health

Fasting is not a new trend. In fact, it has been practiced for centuries in different forms across different cultures. In most cases, there is nothing wrong with fasting, and it has actually been linked to certain health benefits. For example, one review found that intermittent fasting potentially improved metabolic effects, including better blood glucose control and fat loss. That said, fasting can also lead to negative emotions, including anxiety, irritability, and fatigue. One review found that intermittent fasting led to changes in gut bacteria that may regulate body functions and promote healthy metabolism. Fasting may improve GI symptoms for some, but there isn’t sufficient evidence to say that it directly benefits gut health

Colon Cleanse Or Detox Protocols

Should you avoid products or regimens that claim they can expel all the waste from your colon or purge it of toxins? You usually see these concoctions in beverage or shake form and they include cayenne, lemon juice, honey, or other similar ingredients. The idea is that a colon cleanse is the best way to benefit your digestive health. Most gastroenterologists agree that you only want to purge your colon of food or microbes before a colonoscopy. There is no reason to completely flush out your colon just because it’s Tuesday. A healthy colon contains a variety of bacteria and other organisms, the microbiome. It also contains mostly digested food that is in the process of becoming stool. A healthy colon contains a diverse microbiome that helps regulate immune function, metabolism, and even your mood! Don’t just evacuate your colon and think that your gut will flourish!

DIY Fermented Foods

There is no denying the gut-promoting powers of fermented foods like kimchi, kefir, natto, and kombucha. During fermentation, bacteria grow in a controlled environment, converting carbs or fiber in the food into an acid. That bacteria-produced acid gives fermented foods that signature sour flavor. There are many bioactive compounds in fermented foods that can be beneficial for your gut. The problem with DIY fermented foods is that you may not ferment in a way that promotes the growth of these beneficial bacteria. If you are determined to make fermented foods, instead of buying them in the store, seek reputable guidance and buy the correct products to ensure you ferment correctly. Don’t just take the word of some TikToker!


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Useful Hacks To Make Mindfulness A Daily Habit Sat, 10 Feb 2024 09:15:00 +0000

It is easy to develop habits that take you out of the present and cause stress. Learn how to change those habits and develop mindfulness.


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A 2021 study found that people who practiced mindful meditation during COVID-19 reported better mental health than those who didn’t. Those participants also felt that it was easier to be more aware of their surroundings, while simultaneously connecting with inner feelings. By practicing mindfulness, you can benefit the mind and body, and this doesn’t have to be a trivial or difficult thing. Simple breathing exercises, yoga, or other small daily habits can improve mindfulness. 

What Is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is a sense of awareness of your surroundings and your internal state of being. A mindfulness practice, then, helps you acknowledge your thoughts in a healthy, productive way. In doing so, you can avoid destructive habits or behaviors that cause stress. You can use mindfulness as a tool to mediate stress and promote relaxation. Modern practices tend to focus on meditation, attention, relaxation, and observing passing thoughts. 

In recent years, many reports have stressed the importance of mindfulness and how to practice it in the workplace. Expert advice or blog posts don’t always explain how to make mindfulness a sustainable practice. The following hacks can help you make mindfulness a daily habit. The goal is that you won’t need to think about mindfulness one day in the future because it will be a natural part of your day.

Find Mindfulness Role Models

Find people in your life that are very centered or grounded. If you don’t have these in your family or friend group, consider finding inspiration online or on social media. Allow these people to inspire you and lead you down a more mindful path. Perhaps you follow an Instagram profile that gives you new daily affirmations. Mindfulness can help you realize your happiness via regular practice!

There Are No Mistakes

A lot of people think that there is a right way to practice mindfulness. In reality, there are no mistakes, and it can take 10 to 200 days to make mindfulness a habit. Everyone makes mistakes, but the great thing about mindfulness is that you will eventually start to embrace it as your daily reality. One day, you will unconsciously be in the moment, but be kind to yourself as you begin your journey. 

Record Your Intentions

It can be beneficial to create a mindfulness mantra that you use as a trigger, for example, when you need to direct your focus to the present moment. It can be helpful to maintain a journal to track why you want to make mindfulness a daily habit. In this journal, you can release your frustrations or anything you want to let out. At the same time, write about the small, beautiful moments and then see which entries bring you more joy. Documenting your mindfulness can help cultivate more of it!

Don’t Censor Yourself

It is very easy for the mind to think about nothing and anything all at once. Yogis refer to the constant whirlwind of thoughts as “the monkey mind.” When practicing mindfulness, the goal is to witness these thoughts without attachment or judgment. Turn one of your senses in another direction and aim to become more aware of the moment, even if it is mundane. There is something very beautiful about observing yourself in the present!

Focus On The Benefits

As you engage in mindfulness practices daily, focus on the benefits you may or may not notice. Do you regularly engage in old, harmful, self-sabotaging routines? Is there anything different about you or the way you behave? Humans are naturally goal-oriented, which is not always a bad thing. Mindfulness is about the journey and commitment to the practice. Instead of focusing on a specific goal, empower yourself by realizing what you’ve gained along your journey.


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7 Basic Ideas For Self-Care Sundays Sun, 26 Nov 2023 09:12:00 +0000

You are probably familiar with self-care practices, but do you know about self-care Sunday? It’s a day dedicated to caring for yourself!


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Self-care is exactly what it sounds like: taking care of yourself. That can mean different things for different people. In general, self-care involves carving out a chunk of time, or even a day, to treat yourself properly. Take baths, pamper yourself, engage in meditation, treat your body right, or do any activity that relieves stress and makes you feel great. Practicing self-care can help improve your physical, mental, and emotional health. 

Why Is Self-Care Important?

Self-care is more than just a buzz term circling health and beauty websites. The average person spends so much time working long hours and caring for others, and they often put themselves last. Putting others first is not a negative trait, but it does mean that you may not invest quality time in yourself. It is more than acceptable, encouraged even, to pay adequate attention to your mental and emotional health. Being mindful of your own needs is the ultimate act of self-love.

We invite you to take part in self-care Sunday, which is one day of the week that you take for yourself. Sunday is usually the day because Monday starts the work week, which can be stressful. You can practice on whichever day is your Sunday, just so long as you take the time to press the reset button and recharge. 

Spend Time In Bed

Don’t rush your Sunday morning wake-up. That said, sleep experts do encourage people to practice regular sleep/wake times to establish a healthy circadian rhythm. If you wake up, you don’t have to leave your bed right away. Open a book and spend a little extra time reading in bed. You can even exit the bed, make yourself breakfast, and enjoy breakfast in bed. 

Go For A Morning Walk

This may not be at the top of your self-care to-do list, but taking a quick morning walk is a great way to start the day. You get bonus points if you soak up some morning sunshine as that helps energize the mind and body. Walking is a great way to burn a few extra calories and can help you clear your mind. Take your relaxation up a notch by walking in nature, as that has been proven to improve mood, focus, and creativity.’

Spa Day At Home

Take your self-care Sunday to the next level with an at-home luxury spa day experience. Pamper yourself and let your stress melt away in a warm bath, to which you add relaxing essential oils. Consider putting on light music and dimming the lights. You can also apply a face mask, enjoy some light snacks, and even a glass of wine. Most importantly, mute your phone, relax, and enjoy your day off. You may even find some great at-home spa kits online!

Journal It Out

Journaling is a powerful self-care tool. It helps you clear your mind and release any tension, anger, or frustration within. Journaling also helps you observe your feelings, checking in with your negative emotions and bad experiences. After letting it out on the page, make sure to follow it up with some notes of gratitude, as that helps infuse your mind with joy and happiness. 

Meal Prep

Doesn’t meal prepping take up quite a bit of your time and energy? Although that is one way to look at it, another way to look at meal prepping is that you are caring for your future self. It is very easy to spend hours on social media or binge-watching a show. Make more use of your time by being productive. Stay away from things that drain your energy or harm your mood/self-confidence. Choose a couple meals to prepare so that you have less work to do when it comes time to eat breakfast, lunch, or dinner during the week. 


For beginners, meditation can be very challenging, but that’s perfectly acceptable. Meditation is a useful tool to benefit your emotional and mental health. It works to alleviate stress, reduce anxiety, and get rid of negative self-talk. If you find that traditional silent meditation is very difficult, consider experimenting with guided meditation. This can also be a useful practice to do before bed, as it can help relax the mind and improve sleep

Social Media Detox

Social media can be very time-consuming and you can spend hours scrolling without any real purpose. Just think: do you need to spend 45 minutes sitting on the toilet? Social media sucks you in and most platforms can be quite toxic. On your self-care day, stay away from anything that can drain your energy or harm your mood. You might find that leaving social media alone for one day a week gives you a better outlook on life.


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