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Various adaptogenic herbs and nutrients can positively affect thyroid health. Learn which 5 supplements you should start taking.


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The thyroid is one of the most important glands in the body. It’s vital for hormone production, playing a role in the development of the human body and metabolism regulation. Over time, however, stress, diet, and more can cause unnecessary strain on the thyroid and the entire endocrine system. When the thyroid starts to decline, it’s easy for the body to experience low energy levels, sluggish metabolism, poor digestion, and loss of appetite. 

What Is The Thyroid? 

The small butterfly-shaped gland in the base of the neck is known as the thyroid. It produces hormones that help to regulate metabolism and heart rate control. The two primary hormones, thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), it produces affect every cell in the human body. They travel throughout the bloodstream and deliver energy from food to your cells. This process regulates metabolism at a cellular level. 

One thing to keep in mind about the thyroid is that it’s possible to experience many thyroid issues. For example, one person may have an underachieve thyroid (hypothyroidism), while another person may have an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism). The supplements that help one person with a thyroid issue may not help another person with a similar or different issue. One thing is for certain and it is that adaptogens are beneficial because they build adaptive reserve to help the thyroid. Keep reading to learn more about great herbs and supplements for the thyroid


While selenium is a necessary nutrient in everyone’s diet, it is especially beneficial for optimal thyroid function. It works to assist with the metabolism of thyroid hormones. In fact, the body requires selenium to produce the T3 thyroid hormone. According to clinical studies, selenium can help reduce the levels of antibodies against thyroid peroxidase in people with hypothyroidism. This enzyme plays a role in thyroid hormone production. Selenium is present in Brazil nuts, shiitake mushrooms, flaxseeds, sunflower seeds, chia seeds, cabbage, lima beans, brown rice, and spinach.

Reishi Mushroom

Known for its anti-cancer benefits, reishi mushroom is one of the most popular medicinal mushrooms in existence. Working to establish balance in the body, reishi mushroom is an adaptogen that helps the body adapt and respond to stressors. It contains triterpenes, glycoproteins, polysaccharides, and beta glucans, all of which support overall wellness. Since stress can affect thyroid function, the belief is that reishi mushrooms help reduce stress and invite balance in the body. Additionally, reishi mushrooms are great sources of selenium.

B-Vitamin Complex

Anyone with hypothyroidism can benefit from taking a B-vitamin complex supplement. B vitamins work assist with thyroid function and hormone regulation, according to many studies. It’s best to take a B-complex nutritional supplement so that you don’t neglect any of the B vitamins. These nutrients also encourage optimal energy levels, healthy nerve cells, cognitive health, and neurological support. 


This is another adaptogen, which is typically used to help lower stress levels in the body. It’s known for balancing cortisol and DHEA, which people commonly refer to as the “healthy aging hormone.” According to studies, high stress levels lead to lower levels of T3 and T4, both of which are important thyroid hormones. Ashwagandha also stimulates the endocrine system, helping to optimize thyroid function.


If the body doesn’t have iodine, it cannot make thyroid hormone. The recommended daily intake of iodine for the average adult is 150 micrograms per day. People with hypothyroidism should discuss iodine supplements or foods with their health care professionals, specifically because iodine can adversely affect hypothyroidism in some cases. Additionally, too much iodine can increase the risk of Hashimoto’s disease, an autoimmune thyroid disorder. Since the body cannot make iodine, you need to consume it via diet in responsible amounts. Great food sources of iodine include kelp, sea moss, and brown seaweed. 


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The Anti-Cancer Benefits Of Reishi Mushrooms Mon, 27 Jul 2020 09:10:33 +0000

The medicinal properties of reishi mushrooms exhibited powerful anti-cancer properties. Could they be an alternative remedy for cancer patients?


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The magical world of medicinal mushrooms has received a lot of attention within recent years. In case you haven’t noticed, there are supplements, teas, coffees, tinctures, and more that contain a variety of medicinal mushrooms. From their ability to improve lung diseases to their cancer fighting benefits, medicinal mushrooms can seemingly do no wrong. It’s about time that the Western health world caught on to the healing properties of fungi!

The use of medicinal mushrooms, like the reishi mushroom, is relatively new in the United States. In Asia, specifically China and Japan, these mushrooms have been added to standard cancer treatments for more than 30 years; although, the use of medicinal mushrooms in Asia dates back hundreds of years. In fact, there are more than 100 types of mushrooms with anti-cancer properties in Asia. The primary ones that people use in therapy include the Grifola frondosa (maitake), Coriolus versicolor (turkey tail), Lentinus edodes (shiitake), and the Ganoderma lucidum (reishi).

Reishi Mushrooms And The Immune System

Naturopathic doctors in Asia recommend reishi mushroom to people who require immune support. In Poland, reishi mushrooms are food supplements, which adapt to chemical imbalances in the body and corrects them. The American Herbal Pharmacopoeia recommends reishi mushroom for its ability to boost immune function. In fact, test-tube studies revealed that reishi can influence genes in white blood cells, which are crucial parts of the immune system.

According to research on cancer patients, reishi mushroom has the ability to increase the activity of natural killer cells (NK cells). NK cells work to fight cancer and other infections in the body. One study found that after ingesting reishi mushroom, the host increased NK cell activity and lymphocyte function, which also works to combat cancer and infections. While these studies proved that reishi consumption increases immune function and NK cell activity to fight cancer cells, future studies need to focus on long-term survival rates of patients after reishi supplementation.

Reishi Mushrooms For Cancer Treatment

Cancer patients want to do everything in their power to fight off the cancerous cells or tumors in the body. If possible, avoiding radiation and chemotherapy is the preferred route to travel, but seldom do alternative remedies make this possible. Rather, things like reishi mushrooms get added to the treatment to boost immune function and reduce the amount of medical treatment required. Several test-tube studies found that reishi mushroom kills cancer cells. Another study examined 4,000 breast cancer survivors, and 59% of them consumed reishi mushroom in conjunction with their treatment.

According to a systemic review and meta-analysis of 5 controlled studies, cancer patients who took reishi responded better to chemotherapy or radiotherapy. The review also found that reishi increased NK-cell activity and the percentage of CD3, CD4, and CD8-positive cells, improving overall immune response. By increasing white blood cell activity, reishi mushrooms work to both fight the infection and increase the quality of cancer patients’ lives.


As we detailed in this article, reishi mushrooms exhibited anti-cancer activity on several molecular levels. Lung, colorectal, and breast cancer patients positively responded to the addition of reishi mushrooms to their existing chemotherapy or radiotherapy treatments. We need more studies to determine whether or not reishi mushrooms alone can fight off certain cancers. The existing studies, however, prove that reishi mushrooms may help reduce the size of certain benign tumors and reduce the rapid spread of cancer cells. We can only hope for more studies that focus on this medicinal mushroom for cancer treatment.


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The Best Vitamins And Minerals For Immune Health Tue, 21 Apr 2020 08:58:45 +0000

Whether you are battling cold symptoms, or fighting an infection, specific vitamins and minerals can help increase immune function.


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Who doesn’t want a healthy immune system? We are imagining that none of you readers are raising your hands, and that’s because a healthy immune system is integral to fighting infection, viruses, and bacteria. Many people have turned to a variety of supplements to boost immune health, and while some plant-based products that are made from natural ingredients are beneficial, many of these vitamins and minerals can be found in dietary sources.

Research has shown that the most important nutrients for immunity include vitamins A, C, D, and E, and the minerals selenium, zinc, and iron. There is no single vitamin or mineral that will maintain a high-functioning immune system, despite what you eat or do to the body. Studies show that the immune system suffers without sufficient intake of essential nutrients. Additionally, people with deficiencies in vitamins C and D have a higher risk of developing infections, including pneumonia.


The body needs an array of vitamins for optimal immune function. While there are many vitamins that have immune-boosting properties, the following vitamins are the best.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that is typically associated with improving vision and skin health. What most people don’t know is that vitamin A is necessary for the development of specific immune cells that fight both inflammation and infection. Great sources of vitamin A include carrots, sweet potatoes, papaya, butternut squash, and pumpkin. The recommended daily intake (RDI) of vitamin A is 700-900 RAE for adult men and women.

Vitamin D

A lot of people have a hard time absorbing vitamin D from food, which is why many people resort to supplements. Don’t forget that about 20 minutes of direct sunlight exposure every day is another great way to absorb natural vitamin D. It is a micronutrient that works to reduce your risk of infection by boosting immune cells. The RDI of vitamin D is 400-800 IU.

Vitamin C

You can’t talk about immune health and not talk about vitamin C. A 2006 trial in Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism found that sufficient vitamin C intake through diet could decrease or shorten symptoms of respiratory infections. Increase your vitamin C intake by consuming kiwis, guavas, citrus fruits, cayenne pepper, bell peppers, papaya, and berries. The RDI of vitamin C is 75-90 milligrams for adult men and women.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is both a powerful antioxidant (just like vitamin C) and a fat-soluble vitamin. It plays a role in nearly 200 biochemical reactions in the body, and is critical for optimal immune function and fighting off infection. Vitamin E can be found in spinach, broccoli, sunflower seeds, peanuts, hazelnuts, and almonds. The RDI of vitamin E is 15 milligrams.


Few minerals have immune-boosting properties, but the ones listed below have been researched for their ability to amp up immune function.


Zinc may be considered one of the most crucial minerals for maintaining overall health and boosting the immune system. In order for immune cells to mature and proliferate, you need to consume zinc-rich foods regularly. Additionally, getting enough zinc in your daily diet has been associated with reduced risk of malaria and pneumonia. Zinc is in pumpkin seeds, chickpeas, beans, hemp seeds, lentils, steel cut oats, wild rice, quinoa, shiitake mushrooms, spinach, and chia seeds. The RDI of zinc is 8-11 milligrams for adult men and women.


Studies have shown that selenium works to regulate immune responses to inhibit the spread of inflammation. It may also have the potential to slow the body’s over-active responses to certain cancers. Finally, selenium acts as an antioxidant in the body, working to reduce oxidative stress that can lead to cell damage or inflammation. Selenium can be found in garlic, Brazil nuts, barley, broccoli, flaxseeds, chia seeds, cabbage, spinach, and shiitake mushrooms. The RDI of selenium is 400 micrograms.   


You need iron in you diet for red blood cell production and because it helps to transport oxygen to your cells. Not many people know that iron has impressive immune-boosting properties. In fact, studies have shown that iron deficiency can impair the body’s immune response; such is the case with many anemia patients. Iron can be found blackstrap molasses, lentils, green leafy vegetables, raisins, beans, broccoli, and sea vegetables. The RDI of iron is 8-18 milligrams for adult men and women.

This article aimed to highlight the primary vitamins and minerals that can improve immune function, but there are many other supplements and foods that can support the immune system.


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Recipe: This Vegetable Stock Can Actually Heal Your Gut Thu, 13 Dec 2018 18:00:57 +0000

How's your intestinal health? Rather than buying medications that can have negative side effects, drink this healthy broth for healing.


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When it comes to your gut, you have to care for it like you would a little puppy, i.e. treat it with every ounce of love you have in your soul. This starts with the foods you put in your body, but we know eating like a saint all the time isn’t on everyone’s agenda. Rather than running to the pharmacy after a highly acidic or deep fried meal to grab products that’ll only work temporarily, try making this healing stock to soothe your gut.

Making your own herbal remedies means that you know how they’ll taste, and you know exactly what the ingredients are. Preparing a healing stock is the best way to get amino acids and gut-healing gelatin in your diet. Additionally, you’ll be getting a boatload of healing properties from the various ingredients.

This vegetable stock goes above and beyond a mirepoix, which is a French technique that uses carrots, celery, and onion to flavor soups or stews. The primary healing properties come from the mushrooms, garlic, onion, and leeks. Because onions, leeks, and garlic are naturally antibiotic, they work to remedy a sore stomach or a leaky gut.

Onions are probably the most important ingredient in this gut-healing stock because they have antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and anti-allergenic properties. They basically have a sealing effect on the gut that inhibits intestinal permeability. Plus, onions, garlic, and leeks promote healthy bacteria in the large intestine.

When it comes to selecting mushrooms for this broth, it is best to go for shiitake mushrooms because they help boost the immune system. If you can’t get your hands on these, cremini mushrooms are rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Let the broth cook longer to get a rich, earthy mushroom flavor.


  • 1 Tbsp. coconut oil
  • 2 large onions, chopped
  • 2 medium leeks, white parts only, rinsed and sliced thinly
  • 4 cloves garlic, peeled and minced
  • 3 medium carrots, peeled
  • 1 cup mushrooms (shiitake preferred), sliced
  • 2 celery stalks with leaves, sliced
  • 1 Tbsp. apple cider vinegar
  • 2-3 bay leaves
  • Herbs: 1 sprig (each) of thyme and rosemary
  • 3 quarts water


  • Warm the coconut oil in a big stockpot over medium-high heat and add the onions, leeks, garlic, carrots, mushrooms and celery. Cook for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  • Add the rest of the ingredients and bring to a boil. Once the broth is boiling, reduce to a simmer and cook for 40-50 minutes.
  • Remove the pot from the heat and strain the broth through a cheesecloth or fine mesh strainer after removing the big items with a slotted spoon. Portion the stock into pint-size glass jars and store in the freezer. They will keep for up to 3 months. If you put the stock in the fridge it will keep for 1 week.
  • When you need to, sip on this broth like you would a soup.


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The Best Foods To Naturally Boost Your Mood Wed, 18 Jul 2018 11:40:47 +0000

Eating a healthy diet can help control your waistline, but it also helps you naturally fight off depression and keeps you happy!


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The body responds accordingly to the food you feed it. You may find joy from indulging in a chocolate bar or eating some French fries, but these foods offer brief happiness. The food industry has learned to entice us to experience happiness by eating the worst ingredients, nutritionally speaking. These foods typically cause bloating, fatigue, poor digestion, or make us feel bad about ourselves.

If you think that your mood has nothing to do with your overall health, you are mistaken. Feeling down in the dumps, stressed, or depressed can inhibit weight loss, disrupt the digestive process, induce headaches, and compromise the immune system. There are foods, however, that work to naturally improve one’s mood.

That’s right, people! What you eat can influence the way you feel. It can take time to learn which foods provide you sustained happiness and which foods only bring joy for a moment. Hint: the foods that provide short-lived happiness are not good for you. You need foods that provide long-term nutrition for the brain.

There is no singular superfood that will make you happy. You have to look at your diet as a whole to have a powerful effect on cognition and overall mood. Focus on foods that contain brain-healthy nutrients. When you have a craving for something unhealthy, try to opt for some of the following mood-boosting foods instead.

Raw Nuts

While you shouldn’t go nuts on nuts, these bite-sized snacks are replete with mood-boosting properties. Walnuts and cashews are full of serotonin, which is a feel-good chemical that is not readily available when you’re feeling down. Try to limit yourself to no more than a handful in one sitting. Remember: don’t eat the roasted, seasoned varieties, and try to avoid peanuts because they are rough on the digestive system.

Leafy Greens

Chard, kale, spinach, and other leafy greens contain high levels of magnesium. Most Americans are magnesium deficient, and this has been linked to the development of anxiety or depression. Magnesium has a positive impact on serotonin and helps to boost your mood. For additional magnesium sources, click here.


Who can argue with the delicious taste of strawberries? These berries are rich in manganese and vitamins A & C, all of which help to inhibit brain degeneration. Additionally, these nutrients help to increase the production of the happy chemicals that the brain produces.

Fermented Foods

More and more research is being conducted about the importance of intestinal gut flora. Additionally, research suggests that being deficient in healthy gut bacteria can influence your behavior and mood. Reports have concluded that people who consume fermented foods, which are rich in probiotics, have decreased stress levels and a more positive mental outlook, as opposed those who don’t consume probiotics. Try eating sauerkraut, kombucha, kimchi, and fermented vegetables.


Probably one of the easiest fruits to snack on, grapes are packed with antioxidants and flavonoids, which have been known to improve one’s mood. Some of you may be thinking that you can reap these benefits by consuming wine. No, no, no. Alcohol is a depressant, so keep your spirits lifted by eating fresh grapes.

Shiitake Mushrooms

Shiitake mushrooms offer more health benefits than the average button mushroom. These mushrooms contain vitamin B6, which helps you feel good and improve overall mood. While the B-vitamin complex family is integral for psychological and physical operations, vitamin B6 helps to naturally reduce stress and boost serotonin production.


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Weight Loss Tips For Those With Hypothyroidism Sat, 07 Apr 2018 10:40:22 +0000

Losing weight when you have hypothyroidism can be difficult. Here’s how to get rid of unwanted pounds and keep them off.


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It can be difficult to lose weight and keep it off, especially if you have an underactive thyroid. People with underactive thyroids typically have low amounts of T3, the active thyroid hormone that helps to regulate metabolism. When it comes to losing weight with hypothyroidism, it is important to break down the process and tackle each challenge accordingly.

There are a few dietary changes you can make to help you lose weight. These changes can help you get your hypothyroidism under control, thus making weight loss a little easier. Use the strategies below to help kick-start the weight loss process.

Eliminate Simple Carbs & Sugars

It is recommended to focus on complex carbohydrates (starchy vegetables and legumes) and completely eliminate simple carbs, which are comprised of one or two sugar molecules. Simple carbs are quick sources of energy because they are rapidly digested. Complex carbs are typically rich in fiber and found in plant-based foods. Sugars, added sugars, and simple carbs have zero nutritional value and are excess calories. Cutting down on these foods is a great step in the right direction.

Stick To Smaller, More Frequent Meals

You have to make sure that you are consuming enough calories in order to avoid a stress response, which results in decreased T3 production. Eating smaller meals more frequently is a great way to do this. Smaller meals that consist of macronutrients, plant-based proteins, healthy fats, and complex carbs help to maintain blood sugar levels. Additionally, your body doesn’t have to work hard to digest larger meals.

Consider A Gluten-Free Diet

People, who have gone gluten-free, with hypothyroidism have had success losing weight. Gluten can suppress thyroid function and it contains goitrogens, which interfere with iodine uptake. Because there has been a prevalence of celiac diagnosis in people with autoimmune thyroid conditions (such as Hashimoto’s disease), it is advisable to remove gluten from your diet. Hypothyroid patients who have eliminated gluten have shown improved thyroid response and have reduced thyroid medications.

Get Your Zinc & Selenium

These two minerals are critical for those with hypothyroidism because they help maintain a healthy thyroid and metabolism. The reason why the thyroid contains the most selenium out of all the organs per gram of tissue is because it helps the body recycle iodine. Foods high in selenium include Brazil nuts, legumes, shiitake mushrooms, chia seeds, sunflower seeds, broccoli, spinach, and cabbage. Zinc, on the other hand, is needed to regulate thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). The best zinc-rich foods include legumes, nuts, seeds, steel cut oats, nutritional yeast, miso, broccoli, peas, and garbanzo beans.

Take Regular Walks

It is nearly impossible to out-exercise a bad diet. People with hypothyroidism have metabolisms that are slower than normal, which is why healthy eating and exercise can boost the metabolism and weight loss process. To lose weight, you have to expend more calories than you consume. You don’t have to become a professional athlete; rather, low-intensity cardiovascular exercises like walking, swimming, biking, rebounding, or yoga are extremely beneficial. Boost your metabolic health just by walking 30 minutes a day!

Additional Tips To Lose Weight With Hypothyroidism

  • Get good quality sleep (not sleeping enough can derail your weight loss progress)
  • Drink tons of water
  • Control your portions (try eating from smaller plates with smaller utensils)

You have to constantly work at losing weight when you have an underactive thyroid. Weight loss won’t happen like magic, but you can use these tips to help the process.


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