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Your New Year’s resolutions don’t always pan out the way you want. That’s why you need to know these tips to help you bounce back.


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Before the New Year begins, people do their best to get their ducks in a row to achieve resolutions. The easy part is saying that you will do whatever your resolution is. Once the first couple weeks of the New Year pass, motivation begins to dwindle. Exercising every day turns into exercising a couple times per week. Reading every night gets replaced by your favorite TV shows before bed. Eventually, you abandon the resolution altogether, leaving you heavy with the feeling of failure. 

It’s easy to fall into the trap of self-loathing when you don’t achieve your goals. If your plan to save money or lose weight doesn’t work out, your self-esteem can take a big hit. Failure is an inevitable part of life and nobody is perfect, so there’s no reason to beat yourself up for abandoning resolutions. More often than not, the people who embrace failure often generate more motivation to succeed. 

Why Do New Year’s Resolutions Fail?

Do you want the complete, honest truth? Let us first tell you that resolutions are problematic, primarily because they aspirational. This means that people think that setting these goals will change who they are, but the authentic self can never be silenced. So how do you maintain commitment to your resolutions when they are the farthest things from what you know to be true? Resolutions are often so grandiose that they are not easy to commit to, causing self-doubt and eventual failure. That’s why it’s better to set intentions and break resolutions up into smaller, more manageable goals. 

If you recently gave up on your New Year’s resolution and feel down in the dumps, the following tips will help you get back on the horse. It’s never too late to bounce back and focus on strategy and success!

Reframe Your Failure

It’s easy to look at your failure through a negative lens, but failing at a resolution is not a poor reflection of your character. It’s best to analyze failure so that you can learn from it, improve, and ultimately try again. Through failure, you can see where you thrive and where your weaknesses are. Plus, you build up resilience when you emerge from the ashes of your failure to try again. 

Acknowledge Your Strengths And Weaknesses

When you fail at anything, the hardest thing to do is to see where you succeeded. You failed at achieving your goal, so you naturally point out weaknesses, but it’s constructive to analyze your strengths as well. In fact, when you examine both your weaknesses and your strengths, you can correct yourself for the future and invite change into your life. 

Keep Time On Your Side

The wheels can easily come off the resolution wagon, and one of the most common causes is poor time management. If getting fit is your goal, you have to plan out daily workouts and make them work with your schedule. Rather than stressing out beyond control, you abandon your workouts to focus on making breakfast for the kids, working on freelance projects, or whatever else demands your attention. Time management, in and of itself, is a great resolution to have, but you don’t have to wait for the New Year to practice time management. When you figure out how to make space for your resolution, you’ll have greater success. 

Applaud Your Efforts

You may not think that you deserve a pat on the back, but you did put some effort into your resolution. That’s worth something! Don’t deny yourself a little self-appreciation. Your efforts have merit and are worth celebrating. If you want to succeed with future resolutions, you have to be able to encourage yourself, even if you don’t hit your goals all the time. 

Set Yourself Up For Success

When you don’t see a resolution through, it’s easy to see that your goals may have been out of reach from the start. That shouldn’t stop you from trying again, though. When you come back for round two, be sure to evaluate your past processes to implement change for your future goals. Plan your route, so to speak, and expect a couple twists and turns along the way. The reality is that the road to accomplishing your goals is not smooth and flat. Realistic expectations will allow you to invest more time and effort into your journey. Be aware of the setbacks, acknowledge them when they arise, and keep moving forward. 


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7 Tips To Be A More Positive Person Tue, 25 Jul 2023 09:17:00 +0000

Are you a glass-half-full or glass-half-empty person? Developing a more positive outlook on life can make you a happier person.


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It’s not always easy to be optimistic about everything in life. Depressing news stories, world events, global warming, low self-esteem, or self-doubt can lead to a pessimistic or negative way of thinking. If you tend to look at the glass half-empty, it can be difficult to just change your outlook on life from one day to the next.

If you know people who are overflowing with positivity, you may be able to learn a thing or two from them. Being around that type of energy is very contagious and it’ll most likely rub off on you. If you don’t have those types of people in your life, the following tips may help you maintain a more positive mindset. 

Find Your Reason

In order to become a more positive person, you have to find your reason. When you know why you want to be more positive, you can have more clarity on what you want out of life. What you need to do to cross that bridge into positivity can help you set meaningful goals. Once you find your sense of purpose or understand what you want to do in life, you actually boost self-confidence. That allows you to pursue things in a more focused manner and it adds more dimension to your life. If you’re struggling to find your reason, consider making a vision board and go from there!

Surround Yourself With Positive People

As we were saying earlier, the people you surround yourself with have a great influence on your mindset and behavior. If you want to be more positive, consider taking inventory of the people you have in your life. Are they constantly judging and spewing negativity? If they are, you may need to refresh your friend group and invite more positive people into your social circle. Positivity is infectious, and you may need to make the assertive move to set boundaries with the negative people in your life in order to protect yourself. 

Practice Daily Gratitude

If you want to be more positive, a great habit to develop is practicing daily gratitude. Take time every morning or evening to write down three to five things you’re grateful for. Many people find that doing it first thing in the morning helps set a more positive tone of rate day. You can also practice journaling for five minutes or so to write down why you’re grateful and how you want to be more positive. Just make sure to maintain consistency and always remind yourself to resolve conflicts before the day comes to a close.

Be Present Where Your Feet Are

What does this mean? When the going gets tough or you feel that you’re stretched too thin, being positive can seem impossible. In order to maintain a positive attitude in times like those, try your best to remind yourself to be present where you are. Instead of trying to juggle 12 different things without intention, focus on one thing at a time. That can help you assert control in your life and be more intentional with your time and energy. When you give 100% of yourself to the thing, task, or person who requires it, you will feel more accomplished and better about yourself. 

Develop A Positive Morning Routine

One of the best ways to be more positive is to set yourself up for success each day. That can mean different things for different people. Some people may benefit from hitting the gym, while others may benefit from journaling, meditating, or sitting down for a healthy breakfast with your partner. Developing a ritual every morning can help you be more deliberate with your time, which ultimately boosts productivity and helps encourage positivity.  

Prioritize Self-Care

If you want to maintain your mental and emotional health, you need to prioritize self-care. By caring for yourself, you can help manage stress and handle things in a more calm manner. According to several studies, engaging in regular self-care practices can help reduce feelings of anxiety and stress, and increase motivation and productivity. Schedule a little time each week to engage in self-care if you want to be a more positive person.

Take Accountability

The final tip for anyone who wants to be more positive is to take ownership over your own life. You, and only you, are responsible for your own happiness. Don’t wait for someone or something to magically make things better. Take accountability and put in the work. You are worth it!


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5 Ways To Be Kinder To Yourself Thu, 04 May 2023 09:15:00 +0000

In order to be kinder to yourself, practice by being mindful of negative talk, accepting that you are human, and focus on what brings you joy.


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Most of the time, you need a friendly reminder to be kinder to yourself. This is especially true if one of your current goals is to reconnect with yourself. Constantly downplaying your efforts or berating your behavior is not conducive to self-esteem. Self-compassion is not easy, especially for some people. That said, being kinder to yourself may help to ease stress, face situations in a more courageous way, and feel a better sense of connectedness to the self. 

What Does It Mean To Be Kind To Yourself? 

There are a few main things to keep in mind if you want to be kind to yourself. Speak to yourself in a kind tone, look at your emotions in a clear and sober way, understand pain as a universal experience, and set realistic expectations. That last tip applies to any given situation. If you are regularly self-critical or pessimistic, those four tips may feel unnatural or awkward at first. With a lot of practice, you start to realize how much better you feel, and how much easier it is to be kinder to others as well. Continue reading to learn about five everyday practices that help you be kinder to yourself

Acknowledge Your Negative Thoughts

You don’t need to feed these negative thoughts; rather, acknowledging them can help you be kind to yourself. You can say something like, “There’s that mean thought that sometimes holds me back again.” By identifying these negative thoughts, you build more self-awareness. When you do think up negative thoughts, you can catch yourself in the act and change the trajectory of your thoughts with opposite statements. In order to challenge negative thoughts, you may also have to forgive yourself for past mistakes, which is a challenge in and of itself. 

Accept That Learning Is A Part Of Life

Some people live by the motto, “Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.” People make mistakes and that’s how they learn. Should you punish yourself for making the same mistake twice, though? There’s no reason for that unkind voice in your head to say that you should’ve known better. Maybe you agreed to more work than you could handle or stayed up too late knowing you had to get up early. Push back against that voice! Just as you had to do math problems over and over as a child to learn the process, so do you have to do that in adulthood, minus the math. The point is that you are an ever-evolving person who is always learning. That doesn’t mean that you should not learn from your mistakes; rather, it may just take time to get it right.

Use A Mantra

If you know that you are repeatedly hard on yourself, developing a mantra or positive affirmation to repeat throughout the day may be very helpful. “I am doing the best I can,” can be a great reminder to be kinder to yourself. Don’t just say a mantra to say a mantra, though. The mantra has to be true and it needs to be reflective of what you believe about yourself. A grandiose mantra like, “I am the best at writing code,” is not helpful. Make it real and tangible!

Learn How To Do Nothing

Sometimes, you just have to take time out of your day to do nothing. Learning to be inactive, which can be very difficult for some people, is an integral component of self-care. By taking time to do nothing, you ultimately prioritize yourself, using that time to realign with your values. The idea of doing nothing has been somewhat demonized by modern day life because there is a pressure to always do something, otherwise you feel guilty. There is no greater gift than giving yourself a few minutes to do absolutely nothing. That doesn’t mean you should sit in front of the TV for hours; rather, just take five minutes to do something without any expectation. A five-minute meditation practice can be very useful, or simple breath work can aid your nothingness practice. 

Practice Self-Compassion

Self-criticism doesn’t work because responding that way in moments of emotional pain means that you make an effort to reduce your suffering. This response is a way to be harsh on yourself to motivate change, but it doesn’t always yield positive results, or a healthy relationship with yourself. Instead, self-compassion is a healthy way to be an ally to yourself, not an enemy. Self-compassion involves three components: common humanity, self-kindness, and mindfulness. Together, these things help you care for yourself regardless of your abilities. For example, if you got an A on a test, then count that as the reward for the hard work you put into your studies. Self-compassion can help deactivate the body’s threat system, which is associated with insecurity and defensiveness. Instead, you activate the self-soothing system that brings about feelings of safety.


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Small Victories To Celebrate During Your Weight Loss Journey Thu, 13 Apr 2023 08:15:09 +0000

Are you on the path to better health? Allow yourself the opportunity to celebrate during your weight loss journey because you deserve it.


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A weight loss journey is like a rollercoaster: there are many ups and downs and turn-em-arounds. It’s possible for the number on the scale to increase just as you saw it decline for weeks at a time. This is called hitting a weight loss plateau, and it can seem like all the effort in the world won’t get rid of more pounds. 

Many factors influence how you lose weight. There isn’t an excuse to stop what you’re doing just because your weight stops going down. Sometimes, you just need to evaluate your weight loss strategies and see what else your body needs to continue your weight loss. Oftentimes, a weight loss plateau means that the body is in a phase where it needs to maintain that weight for a bit. When that isn’t the case, hormones, diet, or other factors may be at play. The numbers that don’t budge should not discourage you from staying on the healthy path, though. 

The scale is merely one instrument that indicates progress. There are many other signs that are worthy of celebration. Keep an eye out for the following weight loss indicators and celebrate them when you notice. Celebrating small victories can boost your morale and may even encourage you to work harder and push forward. 

You Feel Stronger

Are you lifting heavier at the gym? Do you pick up items that used to seem heavy with ease? Increased strength is an indicator that you are on the right track toward your weight loss goals. A stronger body can mean that you have more muscle mass than before, which means the number on the scale may stop going down. Eventually, as you adapt your routine, you will build muscle mass and lose more fat to continue your weight loss journey. Trust in the process and be proud of your stronger body.

Your Heart Is Healthier 

Improving your metabolic markers (blood pressure or cholesterol levels) can play a big role in the health of your heart. A healthier heart is always worth celebrating, especially on your weight loss journey. You don’t have to see a gigantic jump on the scale to improve metabolic markers either. A small change in body weight can do more for your heart than you realize. 

Your Clothes Fit Better

Sometimes, you may lose inches quicker than you lose weight. This is why you shouldn’t always base your progress off the number on the scale. It’s very uncommon for people to measure their thighs, arms, waist, etc., all of which indicate weight loss. Keep an eye on how things fit during your journey and give yourself a pat on the back if a pair of pants or a jacket goes on more easily after working hard. 

You Manage Blood Sugar Better

Feeling discouraged about your weight loss journey because the scale isn’t reflecting your hard work? Check your blood glucose levels because stable levels can indicate immense progress. Fat is hormonally active, so your blood sugar can be hard to regulate when you have excess body fat. This is why blood sugar regulation can be difficult for people with insulin resistance, or those who are overweight or obese. When you make positive changes in your diet and lifestyle regimen, you should have an easier time balancing blood sugar. Check the numbers and be proud of the control!

You Have More Energy

Do you have a little more pep in your step than you did before you began your health journey? More energy is a big indicator of progress, even if the pounds are not coming off as quickly as you’d like. When you have extra weight on the body, you can become physically, emotionally, and spiritually tired very quickly. To no surprise at all, weight weighs you down, but prioritizing your wellness and doing the work can help you feel more energetic. The same movements that used to tire you out may no longer have that effect. Celebrate that progress because you deserve it.

You Like The Way You Look

Praising your body can be a difficult hurdle to jump over, especially if you have a history of body image struggles. When you start admiring what you see in the mirror, you need to celebrate the progress that got you there. You did the work, boosted your confidence, and changed your health! Just remember that self-confidence isn’t a number on the scale, and that embracing your body can be a game-changer to your weight loss journey. Write down compliments about yourself every day as a way to affirm your progress.


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5 Ways Traveling Is Good For Your Mental Health Tue, 28 Jun 2022 09:01:00 +0000

Seeing the world not only broadens your horizons and makes you a more worldly person, but it also positively impacts your mental health.


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If you travel, you understand the elation that comes with visiting a new place. The sights, the people, the smells, the food, the cars, the art, the culture, and everything in between overwhelms all of your senses in the best way possible. You want to do everything you can and squeeze every last drop out of your adventure. More people may start to experience these benefits, as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) lifted the requirement for airline passengers to test negative for COVID-19 before boarding a flight to the United States. 

According to research, satisfying your need to adventure works to boost your mental health. In addition to the removal of work responsibilities, there are other aspects of travel that help you reduce stress. The brain seems happier when you take it to new places, try new things, and experience the world. Becoming a more worldly knowledgeable person is something everyone should strive for, and the fact that it benefits your mental health is an added bonus. How else does traveling boost your mental health? Continue reading to find out. 

Reduces Job Burnout

Do you find that you struggle to focus on tasks at work? Would you rather stay in bed than go to work? Well, you are not alone, especially since a recent study reported that 52% of people felt burned out from working. An additional two-thirds of people thought that these feelings worsened during the pandemic. Travel expands your world view and allows you to take a break from daily responsibilities. Traveling can be intimidating at times, as it is a leap into the unknown, but this is also exciting. You get to discover a new place, and a new part of yourself. Set out and enjoy the world to recharge the batteries!

Improves Self-Confidence

When you travel, you typically experience things that are outside your comfort zone. This is especially true if you are in a new country or city that speaks a different language. Maybe you set out on a seven-day trek in the Andes or decide to take part in skydiving or zip-lining. When you navigate stressful situations, you work to overcome your fears and learn new skills as a result. You have the power to achieve whatever you put your mind to, which helps to increase self-esteem and self-confidence

Makes Your More Creative

If you feel as though you are in a rut, travel may be the antidote that gets the creative juices flowing again. Several studies identified the relationship between travel and creativity, finding a positive connection between the two. Immersing yourself in new and different cultures forces you to adapt, and new and exciting thoughts tend to emerge as a result. One study found that living in a foreign country helps to enhance multicultural learning. This process allows you to solve problems in new ways by increasing your awareness of new surroundings. The beauty of travel is that it helps you develop a new perspective and boosts positivity, both of which cater to more creative thoughts. 

Relieves Stress

This tends to be true for most people, but a select few find that traveling is quite stressful. The lead-up to a trip can be stressful, but the trip itself tends to lower stress levels. A small study in 2018 found that a short vacation was enough to lower overall stress. The participants went on a four-day solo trip at a wellness hotel and everyone experienced immediate stress relief. A separate study found that looking forward to a vacation was enough to thwart the effects of stress. The study involved 54 workers who completed surveys and wore heart-monitoring devices in the weeks leading up to vacation. The results indicated that stress levels were much lower in everyday life the closer and closer they got to their vacation. 

May Reduce Risk Of Depression

Everyone should take full advantage of their paid vacation time, but some people are workaholics and like to let those days accumulate. According to a 1,500-person study, those who took vacations more frequently reported less stress and depression symptoms. More recent findings indicated that taking 10 days of paid leave decreased the likelihood of depression by 29% for American women. Experts say that travel helps with depression because it gets people out of their everyday routine. Not only is it a great reminder of the possibilities that exist, but it also helps you better connect with yourself and those around you. Traveling is a reminder that both you and the world have so much to offer!


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Confidence Will Take You Far! Tue, 14 Jun 2022 21:00:31 +0000

Today we go to the Runyon Canyon, and quiz the local people as well as the tourists. How many questions will they get correct?


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Today we go to the Runyon Canyon, and quiz the local people as well as the tourists. How many questions will they get correct?


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4 Ways Sticking To A Budget Benefits Your Health Tue, 18 Jan 2022 09:19:00 +0000

Setting a budget and sticking to it may be one of the most important aspects of self-care. Learn why it can improve your health.


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If you feel stressed about finances, especially after the past couple years, you are not alone. It’s not a secret that money has close ties with your emotions. An overwhelming amount of debt can cause anxiety and nagging guilt nay result from overspending. Your relationship with money, however, is a two-way street and you can benefit your overall health by budgeting properly.

According to a 2020 American stress report, about 64% of adults stated that money is a primary source of stress. Additionally, a 2021 report found that only 39% of Americans could comfortably cover an unexpected $1,000 expense without dipping into savings. Financial stability is an integral tool for survival, and psychiatrists say that the fear of instability can trigger stress and anxiety. 

Some stress is beneficial in certain situations, but it’s difficult to silence financial stress. It lingers in the back of your mind, no matter if you are spending money or not. Chronic stress, especially financial stress, can increase the risk of high blood pressure, mood swings, depression, anxiety, and heart disease. According to another 2020 report, people in Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) communities suffer from financial stress the most. The worry comes from being able to afford rent, mortgage, student loans, and childcare. 

Money And Mental Health

You can blame poor mental health on a lack of money, but that’s not the root of the problem. The primary reason that links stress to finances is the way in which you manage money. Sometimes, you have to take a step back from the situation to think about the problems you have with money. Perhaps the chronic disorganization of budgeting is causing stress. That’s why it’s integral to look at why money issues started. In addition to figuring out the cause of financial stress, you ultimately have to forgive yourself and progress from there. 

Accountability is everything and you have the power to take steps that can help you fix your situation. You can learn to budget and stick to it. Once you do, you can experience the following health benefits. 

Budgeting Helps Reduce Physical Symptoms Of Stress

When you establish a budget and follow it, you can help set aside funds for the future. A budget also lets you know where you stand with the financial goals you set. According to a recent review of studies, budgeting may help relieve anxiety and existential dread. The reason for this is that a budget can help you feel in control, which can promote relaxation about finances. Dialing down your stress about money can reduce muscle tension, stomachaches, and even blood pressure. 

Budgeting Helps you Fund Your Healthcare

This isn’t to say that budgeting gives you more money to put towards health insurance. The takeaway is that following a budget can help you set aside funds for activities, appointments, or other things that make you a healthier person. For example, you can get a gym membership, therapy sessions, massages, chiropractic adjustments, and healthier food. Investing in yourself is a form of self-care, and it helps to have a budget in place to fund healthy endeavors. 

Budgeting May Improve Immune Function

How could this be true? Well, anything that can reduce stress levels can lift some pressure off the immune system. Stress causes the body to expend energy to primary functions. That slows digestion and makes the immune system sluggish. By turning off your fight-or-flight response, you can help improve immune function

Budgeting Improves Self-Esteem

There’s a correlation between what you do to save money or control spending and how you feel about yourself. Think of adhering to a budget as a sense of competency and accomplishment. When you set goals or priorities in one part of your life, they tend to have a domino effect on the other aspects. You’ll begin to build steam and find that your self-esteem and self-confidence benefits. 


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How To Shift From Body Positivity To Body Neutrality Sun, 12 Dec 2021 09:03:00 +0000

Learn how to reverse the impact of internalizing the trauma of weight bias and stigma by shifting from body positivity to body neutrality.


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Almost every single person has a moment or two when they look in the mirror and don’t like what they see. A judgmental voice looms in the back of your head, pointing out all of the things you want to change about your body. If you toned up your thighs, trimmed some fat off the tricep area, or tightened the skin around the eyes, maybe life would be better. 

Perhaps it’s a momentary low, or maybe it’s an ongoing internal struggle that drags you down on a daily basis. No matter the reason for the inner dialogue, negativity affects your mood, what you wear, how you interact with people, and how you go about your day. Sometimes, negativity may force you to focus on “fixing” yourself too much. This fuels harmful habits that only worsen how you feel about yourself. 

We inhabit a world where plastic surgery, injections, extreme workouts, and dangerous diets are the norm. The “perfect” body has fueled skinny culture, and low self-esteem, alcohol abuse, depression, and eating disorders resulted. Body shaming also fueled these negative behaviors, but it seems that body positivity has started to normalize all body types, regardless of size or shape. 

What Is Body Positivity?

Body positivity is a movement that emerged across social media platforms around 2012. The idea behind the movement was to shift the focus away from unrealistic standards to a realistic, whole-bodied approach. Bodies come in all shapes and sizes. Cellulite, wrinkles, height, weight, and everything in between is normal. The idea is to abandon dangerous diet and exercise plans and focus more on loving your body.

Despite the growing popularity of the body positivity movement, it has received a lot of criticism in recent years. It’s almost impossible to avoid exercise or diet ads with #bodylove, #allbodiesarecreatedequal, and #loveyourbody when you go on social media. It seems that there is a lot of pushback about individuals who proudly showcase their imperfections. 

Why Is Their Pushback?

Many people, health experts included, feel that body positivity created somewhat of an unhealthy culture. Allowing people to disregard medical complications can often lead to bouts with obesity and other life-threatening health conditions. Obesity increases the risk for type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and chronic inflammation, but body positive enthusiasts tend to disregard the supplementary research. 

This isn’t to say that being skinny is the automatic pass to perfect health. Ultimately, people should focus on consuming a healthy diet and engaging in regular exercise that they enjoy. Whether you walk your dog every day, join a gym, practice yoga, or bike, movement is beneficial. Healthy eating and exercise can not only decrease your risk of certain health conditions, but you may also feel better about yourself. This is why more people advocate body neutrality, as opposed to body positivity. 

What Is Body Neutrality?

After body positivity started receiving criticism, a new movement arose: body neutrality. This movement promotes accepting the body as it is, but also recognizing the body’s abilities and non-physical characteristics instead of physical appearance. The whole idea is to develop a neutral perspective towards the body so that you don’t have to cultivate a new love for it every day. It’s perfectly fine to not love the body all the time, but you can appreciate it for what it is and does. 

You are more than just your body, and beauty isn’t the only thing to value. Body neutrality may be a learning curve, but the end goal is to prioritize how you feel in your body. For example, you exercise because you enjoy the movement, not because you need to burn off the meal you ate. You may choose certain clothes not for how they look, but because they feel good on the body. 

Lastly, body neutrality doesn’t mean that you make unhealthy choices. Listen to your body and let it guide you. This is why mindfulness plays an important role in body neutrality. If you drink coffee in the morning and enjoy a generous splash of cream, that’s the way to enjoy it. Drink water throughout the day because it satisfies your thirst, not because of a water challenge. Meals include fresh, whole foods, but you don’t say not to ice cream, pasta, or pizza when the mood strikes. And there’s never a need to “make up” for a heavy meal by denying yourself pleasure the next day. Build the body you desire in a mindful way, and you’ll be part of the body neutrality movement.


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Be More Optimistic With These 5 Simple Steps Sat, 02 Oct 2021 09:07:00 +0000

Learn to visualize your best possible self and view life through a more optimistic lens when you practice these 5 simple steps.


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The classic definition of an optimist is someone who sees the glass half full. On the other hand, a pessimist sees the glass half empty. The problem with the latter is that it can negatively affect multiple areas of your health, not just your mental well-being. Learning to be more optimistic can help you reduce stress, cope with change, and prompt more opportunities. 

It can be difficult to see the world through an optimistic lens, especially for people who are not inherently optimistic. Additionally, with so much injustice, climate change, natural disasters, and political issues, how can one find positivity in life? Well, optimists don’t simply see rainbows and butterflies and think that the world is problem-free. Instead, optimism involves developing a hopeful outlook that invites positivity and success for a healthier future

Optimism And Your Brain

Researchers attribute positive moods with left-brain activity. Feelings of anger, negativity, or rejection are associated with right-brain activity. The brain may have a predisposition for either positive or negative thinking, according to several psychological studies. Genetics do play a role in outlook, but they do not shape the entire person or way of thinking. If you do find yourself expecting the worst or viewing things in a negative light, you can increase your optimism towards life. Continue reading to learn how.

Minimize Obstacles To Success

It’s very easy for you to get in the way of your own success. Bad habits, low productivity, and negative relationships can prevent you from meeting your goals. If you want to achieve optimism, you have to make steady progress. Feeling stagnant can increase pessimism, so it’s best to limit distractions and avoid temptations. For example, if you like to waste time scrolling through Instagram, power off your phone while you do work. If you’re writing a book, commit to one hour of writing per day and avoid distractions during this time. Consistency yields results!

Give Yourself Credit

There are moments in life when you achieve goals or make things happen. You were able to meet your goals, but did you give yourself credit? If you fail to recognize your strengths that helped you along the way, it’s easy to feel unworthy or pessimistic. Perhaps you spent hours studying for a test and aced it. Acknowledge how prepared you were, but also applaud your intelligence and the dedication it took to pass that test. 

Focus On What You Can Control

As you may know, there are many things in life that are completely out of your control. You can look back at past events and spend hours dwelling on what went wrong. It’s also easy to pick apart past events to construct a negative view of the future. These are unproductive actions that will not yield an optimistic outlook. According to psychologists, it’s best to remain in the present moment. This can help you stay more focused and positive, so you can deal with things as they come to you. Focus on what you can do in the present to reach your future goal.

Focus On Solutions, Not Problems

It’s very easy to obsess over a problem and spiral into a fit of negativity. When you only focus on things that go wrong, you start to doubt everything that led to that moment. Instead of doing this, experts recommend asking this question: What can I do to make this situation better? It’s so much easier to resort to negativity, which is why developing an optimistic outlook can be difficult. Focus on solution-based thinking instead of problem-focused thinking. When you focus on solutions, you can move forward and realize possibilities. This is one of the building blocks of optimism.

Nurture A Happy Body

It’s much easier to experience optimism when you feel good. A happy body is a breeding ground for positive thoughts and emotions. Lack of sleep, poor eating habits, and too little exercise can interfere with a happy and healthy body. For optimal mental health, you need to train the body, much like a professional athlete. Focus on sleep, rest, regular exercise, reducing stress levels, and eating healthy foods. Establishing a healthier body may improve mental wellness. Feeling good can help you in more ways than you imagine. 


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Think Self-Care Is Selfish? Think Again Thu, 19 Aug 2021 16:18:00 +0000

Making your health a priority helps you take care of yourself, family, friends, and community, proving self-care isn’t selfish at all.


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Self-care can seem like a trendy buzzword that people loosely toss around in the health world. It can seem like self-care translates to expensive therapies and months away from work, but it is much more simple than that. Everyone requires time to care for the self, be it emotionally, spiritually, mentally, or physically. Being selfish is not the same thing as taking care of yourself. 

There is a notion that putting yourself first is a completely selfish act, and that such behavior is unacceptable. Your well-being takes priority, and viewing that in a negative light can be harmful to your health. When you focus on your physical, mental, and spiritual health, it only enhances your ability to care for and be present with others. In fact, the World Health Organization declared a global mental health crisis, deeming a “burnout” as an occupational risk. By creating overstimulation and pressure, it can lead to exhaustion, angst, and mental decline. 

What Is Self-Care?

Self-care is not a singular practice; rather, it can be many things. Creating boundaries, exercising, avoiding arguments, or even praying are all forms of self-care. The thing to keep in mind is that you are in control of whatever is happening. In reality, self-care is a piece of the puzzle that helps you cope with daily stressors. Self-care really includes everything that helps you stay healthy overall. 

When you can spend time on yourself, away from the chaos of life, you feel rejuvenated. It doesn’t have to be an extensive vacation or anything like that. Self-care can be as simple as a yoga class, meditation session, massage, a family day at the beach, a nap, a neighborhood run, or time reading a book. If the pandemic taught us anything, it’s that caring for the self and staying healthy and safe is the best way to care for the community. Self-care helps you replenish your own resources instead of taking energy from other people. Continue to care for the self, and don’t think that it’s selfish to do so. Some easy self-care practices are detailed below. 

#1: Give Yourself The Best Hours Of Your Day

Everyone experiences a certain time of the day when they feel their best. Let’s hope that everyone spends eight hours sleeping, which leaves 16 hours of the day to go about life. How much time do you spend shopping, watching TV, scrolling through social media, cooking, working, or caring for children? What hours are you most productive or energetic? Once you identify those hours, stow them away for personal time. Those are the hours that you use for whatever makes you feel good. Allow yourself that time and you’ll be surprised at how much better you feel. 

#2: Learn The Power Of “No”

“No” is inherently viewed in a negative light, but it can be a powerful tool to help promote self-care. The idea behind saying “no” to others is to avoid over-committing yourself and subsequently limiting the amount of stress you experience. You don’t want to spread yourself too thin, leaving no downtime for yourself. You cannot be the best version of yourself if you don’t give yourself the proper care. Say “no” from time to time and you’ll find that you and those around you benefit. 

#3: Give Yourself Permission

It’s natural for a person to feel uncomfortable about taking time for the self. People are more accustomed to caring for others than themselves. In fact, it may seem counterintuitive to spend more time on caring for your own body. Grant yourself permission to care for the self, taking time every day to do something that brings you joy, relaxation, or inner peace. It’s perfectly acceptable to go get a pedicure or a massage. These are investments in your health the same way that eating a healthy meal or exercising is. The things you do in life can be thought of as preventative medicine. When you permit yourself to take the necessary steps, your body, mind, and spirit will thank you. 


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