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A homemade natural sunscreen made with simple ingredients that actually work to protect the skin and don’t leave a white residue.


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As you prepare to soak up the sun during the upcoming summer season, make sure that you protect your skin from the sun’s rays. You’ve likely seen more sunscreen sprays and lotions available with summer on the horizon. Maybe you looked at a few, but didn’t think it was close enough to summer to splurge on sunscreen. Did you know that traditional sunscreen may pose a threat to your skin and the environment? Natural sunscreen is not only effective, but also great for your skin and environmentally friendly. 

Natural sunscreens use mineral-based ingredients like titanium oxide or zinc oxide to block the sun’s rays. These types of sunscreens contain ingredients that are gentler on the skin. They also provide more moisture without irritating the skin, which means you are less likely to experience a reaction. Chemical-based ingredients, on the other hand, absorb UV rays instead of blocking them. These ingredients have been known to cause skin allergies or irritation in young and sensitive skin. 

Natural sunscreen also provides broad spectrum protection against UVA and UVB rays. That means that they have higher sun protection factor (SPF), so you can soak up the sun for longer without needing to reapply every hour. You still have to reapply natural sunscreen for optimum skin safety, though. Let’s take a closer look at some of this recipe’s ingredients below.

Zinc Oxide

This is the mineral of choice when it comes to blocking UVA and UVB sun rays. One study found zinc oxide to be effective against a broad range of solar spectrum in experimental models and outdoor settings. It is the only active ingredient in sunscreen that is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for infants under six months. Most commercial sunscreens that don’t leave a white residue use nano-sized zinc oxide. Unfortunately, one study found that nano-sized zinc oxide absorbs easily into the skin and can cause unknown problems. Nanoparticles of both zinc oxide and titanium dioxide may cause potential photocarcinogenecity, cytotoxicity, and genotoxicity. 

Carrier Oils

Not only do carrier oils work to condition the skin and help improve moisture content, but some of them also provide SPF qualities. Great choices include coconut oil, carrot seed oil, mango and cocoa butters, and avocado oil. The SPF value of avocado oil, coconut oil, and olive oil sit around 8, while almond oil sits around 5. Most nonvolatile oils sit between an SPF value of 2 and 8. That means that olive oil and coconut oil have the best SPF values, which is helpful when it comes to selecting carrier oils in the formulation of sunscreens. For this recipe, you will only need coconut oil and shea butter, both of which offer sufficient SPF value.

Natural Sunscreen Recipe


  • 1/4 cup coconut oil
  • 1/4 cup shea butter
  • 2 tablespoons beeswax pastilles 
  • 2 tablespoons of zinc oxide powder (non nano!)
  • 1 tsp cocoa powder (this will vary according to skin tone, but test on your skin at time of blending to adjust if necessary)


  • Place a small saucepan filled with a few inches of water over medium low heat. 
  • Add the coconut oil, shea butter, and beeswax pastilles to a heat-safe glass jar and place it in the saucepan on the stove. Leave the jar in the saucepan, stirring occasionally until completely melted. 
  • Remove the saucepan from the stove and add the zinc oxide powder and cocoa powder to the jar. Stir to combine, ensuring that there are no powder lumps (30 seconds of stirring should suffice).
  • Pour the sunscreen mixture into a glass storage container and allow it to cool at room temperature. Cover when cooled. 
  • The sunscreen will maintain firmness as long as you keep it out of direct sunlight and not outside in temperatures that exceed 90º Fahrenheit.


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Homemade Cleansing Oil Wed, 20 Mar 2024 09:12:00 +0000

To make a cleansing oil, all you have to do is portion out the ingredients, pour them into a bottle, shake to combine, and then use!


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For many years, people have been advised against using oils on the skin to keep it clear. For this reason, people purchase oil-free skin care products in hopes of achieving clearer skin. According to researchers, there are surprising benefits to applying oils on the skin. In fact, certain oils have soothing and calming properties that can benefit irritated or inflamed skin. Other oils can help cleanse the skin, remove makeup, and reduce the risk of breakouts. 

What Is Cleansing Oil?

A cleansing oil is an oil-based cleanser that has the ability to remove makeup, surface debris, and excess oil from the skin. They work differently from water-soluble cleansers, which have a gel, cream, or foaming texture. Those traditional cleansers use surfactants, which are ingredients that interact with makeup, surface debris, or oil on the skin in a way that allows you to rinse them away with water. If a cleanser contains hydrating ingredients, it will feel smooth and soft on the skin. Cleansing oils may also contain surfactants, but they are not the primary ingredients; rather, the oils do the work to cleanse the skin.

Benefits Of Cleansing Oils

First of all, the best cleansing oils for the skin contain non-fragrant plant oils. Those oils offer beneficial glycerides, which help remove grime, makeup, and more, while simultaneously hydrating your skin. Some of the primary benefits of using a cleansing oil include:

  • They leave the skin feeling smooth and supple
  • Compatible with most cleansers, should you want to double cleanse
  • They aid with the quick and easy removal of most sunscreens and makeup types

How Do Cleansing Oils Work?

Oils do not simply moisturize or hydrate the skin, even though there is a difference between those two actions (click here for more info). Oils work as solvents, which are a group of ingredients that dissolve similar substances. If you remember chemistry class, like dissolves like, meaning polar compounds dissolve polar compounds. Polar and nonpolar compounds do not dissolve in each other, hence why oil and water don’t mix. 

Oils are lipophilic, meaning they are attracted to other oils, including sebum, which is what the skin produces. They are also attracted to oil-like ingredients in makeup, which is what gives them their ability to quickly dissolve makeup and excess oil.

Who Should Use A Cleansing Oil?

If a cleansing oil is made to be rinsable with water, then it is generally safe for all skin types. The use of a cleansing oil depends on a couple things: personal preference and how much long-wearing makeup or water-resistant sunscreen you wear. A good cleansing oil will break these products down easily. Just make sure that your cleansing oil does not contain any problematic ingredients, such as fragrances. Fortunately, you don’t have to worry about that with the following cleansing oil recipe. Please enjoy and let us know if it works for you in the comments below. 

Homemade Cleansing Oil


  • 1/2 cup jojoba oil
  • 1/4 cup + 2 teaspoons grapeseed oil
  • 2.5 teaspoons castor oil
  • 2 tablespoons + 1 teaspoon cromollient SCE
  • 1/4 teaspoon vitamin E oil 


  • Once you’ve measured out all of the ingredients for the cleansing oil, pour them into a glass bottle, screw on the top, and shake well to combine. 
  • Use as needed to help remove makeup or sunscreens.


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4 Habits To Help You Wake Up Feeling Motivated Fri, 08 Mar 2024 09:14:00 +0000

Is it even possible to pop out of bed feeling motivated? It may seem like a fantasy, but these habits can help you make it a reality.


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Before you even know about practical habits that promote motivation every morning, you have to understand willpower and motivation itself. Motivation is what fuels your actions, e.g. the reason for pursuing a goal. Willpower is essentially a mental muscle that can help you resist easy short-term gratification. By resisting a simple pleasure like grabbing takeout instead of cooking at home, you stay committed to your goals. Consider the following in regards to motivation and willpower:

  • Motivation can change: It is completely natural for motivation to ebb and flow. You may feel incredibly enthusiastic one day and low energy the next. Being able to recognize this change can help you manage expectations and maintain strategies to keep motivation alive. 
  • Willpower is finite: Like any muscle, willpower can experience fatigue over the course of a day. When you set up habits to encourage motivation, make sure that you don’t solely rely on willpower, or else you will burn out. 
  • Internal and external motivation: Internal motivation comes from personal values or passions, while external motivation can come from rewards, outside pressure, or recognition. By harnessing the power of internal motivation, you can help sustain your energy in the long-term. 

Set Clear And Achievable Goals For The Coming Day

A common reason for an unproductive day can be because you don’t have a plan in place. Without the right system to organize the tasks you need to accomplish, you may feel overwhelmed or unable to right the ship. The best thing to do is make a to-do list the night before or first thing when you wake up. By setting clear and achievable goals for the day, you can remain organized and motivated. If you already have a to-do list that is quite long, consider scaling down to one to three of your most important tasks. If you still feel overwhelmed, figure out what the first step is and create momentum to carry you through to your next task. 

Prepare The Night Before

If you want to be successful in the morning, prepare the night before. When you prepare for the coming day, you can help decrease decision fatigue, reduce stress, and begin your morning on a positive note. Preparing at night means you have less to do in the morning. If you can prepare any part of your daily tasks the night before, make that a habit. Consider the following ideas:

  • Prepare your meals: Have a quick breakfast, such as overnight oats or chia pudding, ready to go. Have your leftovers or meal prep in a container, even if you work from home. 
  • Plan your outfit: Choose your clothes and accessories the night before to eliminate the morning stress of figuring out what to wear. 
  • Organize your space: Tidy up your workspace and living area a little bit because a clean environment can help you remain calm and keep you focused.
  • Set up your tea or coffee: If you enjoy tea or coffee in the morning, prepare it the night before. This small habit means that you will have less to do in the morning. 

Create A Morning Routine

A routine that works for one person may be different for another person. Setting up a morning routine can be a powerful way to start your day and stick to your goals. If you can jump right into productivity, then you may not need a routine. If you need an extra boost to organize and boost productivity, consider including following ideas in your routine:

  • Exercise: Whether you walk around the block or do some squats and push-ups, physical activity in the morning can release endorphins, which boost motivation and mood. 
  • Wake up early: Waking up early usually means that you have to go to bed earlier if you want to get enough sleep. Having extra time for self-care in the morning can change the way you approach your day, though. 
  • Journal: Journaling is an easy practice to help you release your thoughts and feelings. You can express gratitude, set intentions, or just vomit words to let out some steam. 
  • Mindfulness: If you want to clear your mind and set positive intentions for the day, spend a few minutes practicing meditation or mindfulness. Five to 10 minutes is perfectly sufficient!
  • Eat a healthy breakfast: Finish your morning routine with a nutritious breakfast that contains protein, healthy fats, and fiber. Such a breakfast will help kickstart your metabolism, give you energy, and keep you full until lunch. 

Establish A Consistent Sleep Schedule

A solid foundation for morning motivation begins the night before. Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, i.e. waking up and going to bed at the same time, helps regulate your body’s circadian rhythm. Sleeping for seven to eight hours a night can help you feel refreshed and ready to tackle the day. To maintain a consistent sleep schedule: 

  • Limit screen time before bed: Blue light from screens can disrupt the body’s production of melatonin. Avoid screens at least one to two hours before bedtime. 
  • Create a relaxing bedtime routine: Start practicing calming activities, such as reading, meditation, or stretching, to help wind down before bed. 
  • Set a bedtime: Ideally, you go to sleep and wake up at the same time nearly every day. Make sure that your bedtime allows for seven to nine hours of sleep and stick to that schedule, even on the weekends, in order to help reinforce your body’s sleep/wake cycle.


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A Calming Self-Care Nighttime Routine Fri, 19 Jan 2024 09:24:00 +0000

Tired of ending your days with no time for yourself? Give yourself some much needed “me time” with this nighttime self-care routine.


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It’s no secret that a lot of people struggle to fall asleep, or stay asleep. According to the American Sleep Apnea Association, about 50 to 70 million Americans have sleep disorders. One in three adults do not get the recommended amount of uninterrupted sleep they need nightly to optimize their health.In 2022, only 32% of Americans reported very good or excellent sleep. 

If you have difficulty with sleep, be it falling asleep or staying asleep, you have to fix the problem. Easier said than done, right? Sleep is a fundamental part of your overall health and well-being, and insufficient sleep can negatively affect your health. That is why many sleep experts recommend establishing a healthy nighttime routine. Give yourself an hour or more to relax before you actually go to bed. Wrap up your tasks around eight o’clock at night and take time for yourself

In this post, we will detail some helpful tips that can calm the mind and body before bed. Take some quality “me time” at night because you can’t care for others if you don’t care for yourself. You don’t have to do everything on this list, but a lot of people find many portions of this routine very helpful.

Watch Your Favorite Show

There is a lot of evidence that indicates a problem with screen time before bed. Going from your computer, to the TV, and then to your phone as you get into bed is not what this tip is about. Most people have busy schedules, so allot one hour, or thereabouts, to watch an episode of whatever you are watching. That could be your favorite show or some funny YouTube videos. It is 100% acceptable to spend time on other things that work, chores, or schoolwork. You can easily get lost in your priorities, but don’t forget that your health is also a priority. Just make sure to turn off screens about an hour before bedtime

Plan Your Day

Not to add another item to your to-do list, but this can be a great thing to add to your nighttime self-care routine. Plan out your next day in order to get a better visual of what you need to do. Once you write your list, separate your hard priorities, soft priorities, and non-urgent tasks. Do you like to accomplish tasks in blocks of time? Place the priorities in your planner and choose time frames, during which you can complete them. Add your most difficult tasks to the start of your day because your brain will be fresh, so you can knock them out in a breeze. 

A Break Is Encouraged

It is perfectly acceptable to take a break. In fact, you deserve a break! You have probably been sucked into the work vortex, being pulled every which way to complete tasks with quick turn-around deadlines. When you have a moment to yourself, taking a break to rest can feel unproductive, but this relaxation time is often necessary for your overall health. After a long day of racing around town or a stressful day in the office, put yourself first in the evening. Your self-care nighttime routine is the break you deserve.

Hone Your Skin Care Routine

It’s easy to just skip your skin care routine after a long day. The energy levels are low and the effort to care for your skin just isn’t there. Don’t be that person! Your skin needs love, too! Going through your nightly skin care routine can help prevent breakouts, which can often result from stress, overeating, or lack of skin cleansing. This routine doesn’t have to be a 15-step process, just so you know. You can use a simple cleanser, moisturizer, and eye cream as your primary products. Just make sure they are high quality and as natural as can be. 

Read A Good Book

A lot of people want to read, but they can’t find the time. Reading in the morning is not feasible and you definitely don’t want to read during your lunch break. Why not incorporate reading into your nighttime self-care routine? Reading can help you unwind and may even help lull you to sleep after a solid 30-40 minutes. This is a great thing to do in place of watching TV right before bed. If reading an actual book proves difficult, consider listening to an audiobook. This is a great option, but just make sure you aren’t playing games on your phone while you listen to the book. Lie in bed and let the writing take you places. 

Tidy Up Just A Little

A 10-minute tidy-up can go a long way in relaxing your mind before bed. You don’t have to worry about a cluttered room or mess if you spend a small amount of time cleaning up at night. Nobody wants to wake up to a sink full of dishes or a pile of clothes that you didn’t put away. Waking up to a task like this can bring your mood down in the morning because it makes it seem like you have more things to do than there really are. Don’t let yourself start out in a slump! Set a timer on your phone for 10 minutes and clean up as much as you can during this time. A huge mess can seem intimidating, but you’ll be surprised to see how much you can tackle in just 10 minutes!


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New Study Reveals Link Between Lack Of Sleep And Heart Disease Thu, 09 Nov 2023 09:21:00 +0000

Heart disease is the number one cause of death in the United States and a new study found that lack of sleep may increase the risk.


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According to the Cleveland Clinic, there are over 80 different types of sleep disorders. More than 50 million people in the United States have a sleep disorder, and more than 100 million Americans of all ages report that they get insufficient sleep. Sleep is an essential part of what makes the body function, and the amount of sleep you need could be more or less than what others need. That said, experts recommended adults get seven to nine hours of sleep per night. 

Until this new study, previous studies typically used single sleep measures. That means that they focused on sleep duration, quality, or insomnia. A composite of multidimensional sleep health may better indicate whether or not a person has a higher risk of heart disease. Study others examined the degree of multidimensional sleep health and its association with the risk of heart disease. This is especially important because lack of sleep may reduce productivity, impair immune function, and increase the risk of heart disease, or other illnesses, later on in life. 

Study: Link Between Sleep And Heart Disease

In order to determine the effects of how sleep affects potential heart issues, study authors took a look at self-reported sleep characteristics and heart disease history for 6,820 adults with a median age of 53.4 years old. In order to do that, study authors tested two sleep health composites based on self-report only, and both self-report and actigraphy. This took place across multiple sleep dimensions, using a weighted sum approach, so higher scores mean more sleep problems. 

The study authors found that the risk of heart disease could increase by as much as 141% when coupled with poor sleep. Additionally, researchers also found the following:

  • Each additional sleep problem increased the risk of heart disease by 54%
  • Sleep regularity, satisfaction, timing of sleep, sleep efficiency, alertness during waking hours, and sleep duration all influenced the risk of heart disease. 

Study authors noted that those findings indicate the importance of assessing sleep problems within an individual to determine the risk of heart disease. This is one of the first studies to show those findings! In well-functioning adults during midlife, having more sleep problems may increase the risk of heart disease. Another point from the study to note is that measuring sleep health accurately and comprehensively is important to predict heart disease risk. 

Tips For Better Sleep

Although sleep troubles may increase the risk of heart disease, you don’t have to accept that as your fate. There are ways to promote better sleep, which will only enhance heart health. Below, we highlight a few ways to help improve your sleep quality

Block Out Light

A lot of people are very sensitive to light at night, but it is very common for people to have lights on at all times. Screens and artificial lighting, especially inches from your face before bed, do not aid your sleep efforts. Excess light can affect your circadian rhythm, so avoiding bright light can help you transition to bedtime and aid the body’s production of melatonin. If light penetrates your room, consider investing in blackout curtains or wearing a sleep mask. 

Relax For 30 Minutes Before Bed

If you are in a relaxed state, it is much easier to fall asleep. Low-impact stretching, breathing exercises, soothing music, and quiet reading are all examples of how to get in the right headspace before bed. Focus on trying to relax instead without aiming to fall asleep. Follow your breath with controlled breathing or guided meditation. Use these tools, which are readily available, to help ease you into better, sounder sleep. 

Limit Daytime Naps

A lot of people love a good nap, but napping for too long or too frequently during the day may ruin your sleep at night. Limit your naps to no more than 30-40 minutes during mid-morning or early afternoon. Don’t nap for over an hour and avoid evening or late night napping. If you work nights, though, you may need to take a nap late in the day to help make up your sleep debt. 

Stick To A Sleep Schedule

As noted earlier, sleep experts recommended seven to eight hours of sleep per night for adults. Most people can function optimally with seven hours of sleep, while others need more. Ideally, go to bed and wake up around the same time every day, including weekends. Being consistent reinforces the body’s sleep/wake cycle. If you lay in bed and are still awake within 20 minutes, leave the bedroom to engage in a relaxing practice. Go back to bed when you feel tired and repeat as needed.


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Is TV Watching Linked To Type 2 Diabetes?! Thu, 09 Nov 2023 00:00:18 +0000

There's been multiple studies that show that prolonged TV watching is associated with increased risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and all-cause mortality.


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There’s been multiple studies that show that prolonged TV watching is associated with increased risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and all-cause mortality. For each additional two hours of TV watching per day, the risk of type 2 diabetes increases by 20 percent.

0:19 The Shocking Truth
0:22 Watching Television
0:43 Every Hour of TV
0:48 Properly Managing Diabetes
0:55 Work, Sleep, TV
1:03 Statistic Show
1:29 0.3 Pounds Per Hour
1:58 End Credits


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How To Prep The Body And Brain For Bed Thu, 31 Aug 2023 09:20:00 +0000

A lot of people struggle to get the recommended 7-8 hours of sleep every night, but these tips may help the brain and body get ready for bed


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About 40% of people share one flaw that cripples their emotional intelligence, creativity, and social adaptability. Can you guess what this common flaw is? It is sleep, which is necessary for optimal brain health and overall cognition. The brain operates all day long, sending signals and messages to various parts of the body.

In the same way that muscles become fatigued and reach exhaustion, so can the brain. The constant sending and receiving of signals causes a build-up of metabolites between neurons. When you sleep, however, the brain turns on the glymphatic system, a recently discovered system that clears out macroscopic waste. It utilizes various perivascular channels, formed by astroglial cells, to help eliminate soluble proteins and metabolites from the central nervous system. In simpler terms, the glymphatic system helps take out the garbage in the brain so it can function better. 

Failing to get enough high-quality sleep? Waste starts to build up over time and your cognitive function can suffer. There may be good reasoning behind why so many people struggle with sleep. 

Technology And Overstimulation

It’s safe to say that people do not know how to turn off anymore. You could be reading this right now, switch to Instagram, play Candy Crush, and then come back to reading this. Social media, technology, and incredibly low attention spans contribute to this overstimulation. Technology is a great tool, but it can also be a weapon that sabotages your life if you don’t use it intentionally.

Cultural Norms

Sometimes for the better but mostly for the worse, people operate in a hustle-and-grind culture. It’s encouraged to work yourself to the bone and grind until you can finally relax. One study from a sleep-focused journal found that too little sleep is associated with negative health outcomes. Sleep is the best productivity tool you have, so don’t be afraid to use it! 

Weak Work-Life Boundaries

There is supposed to be a healthy balance between your work and regular life, but rarely are those boundaries distinguished. If you respond to work emails well into the night when you are at home, that is not healthy. It fuels the “just a little more work” attitude and doesn’t help you wind down at night for optimal sleep. If you work a nine-to-five, be done at five. Don’t take your work responsibilities home because you won’t be able to relax and your sleep will suffer. 

What Can You Do To Change This? 

Now that we have covered the problems surrounding sleep, hopefully we can provide some solutions. That doesn’t mean that you need to do three hours of pre-bedtime meditation or two hours of restorative yoga. If you are a busy bee and want to wake up feeling more refreshed, then the following tips may be of great help to you. 

Use Light To Your Advantage

The brain relies on the eyes to discern what time of day it is. For this reason, some sleep experts recommend dimming the house lights as the sun sets. You don’t need fancy house lights that cost a fortune; rather, you need a few affordable lamps with amber-colored bulbs, which emit an orange glow. If you want to harness the power of light, you can make your screens as dim as functionally possible in the evening. Blue-light-blocking glasses may also help your brain produce more melatonin to get ready for bed. Ideally, though, you should stop looking at screens about one to two hours before bed.

Cool Things Down

The reticular activating system (RAS) controls a large part of your sleep. This system supports biological signaling, which signals the body and brain to know what time it is, coordinating hormones and neurotransmitters to help encourage sleep. The two big biological levers you can pull to support those systems are light and temperature. When you start to fall asleep, the major muscle groups settle down and the body temperature drops. In order to support the drop in temperature, turn down your bedroom thermostat or take a shower an hour before bed. Consider keeping a face roller in your freezer and rolling it on your face before bed. Believe it or not, the face contains temperature-sensitive neurons that have a strong link to circadian biology. 

Consider Supplementation

There is nothing that can magically fix your sleep, but you can consider a few sleep supplements to improve the quality of your sleep. There are millions of sleep supplements, so how do you know which one to choose? Some people recommend melatonin, but you ideally want the body to produce sufficient amounts. The last thing you want is to depend on a supplement in order to sleep. Many people benefit from magnesium supplements or powders, while others swear by GABA, which is a neurotransmitter that helps calm the brain. Before choosing a supplement, consider talking with your healthcare provider to see if they recommend something specific and support it for healthier sleep.


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7 Headache Triggers And How To Deal With Them Tue, 29 Aug 2023 09:00:00 +0000

A pounding headache can result from different behaviors or everyday exposures. Learn what things trigger headaches and how to deal with them.


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According to health experts, headaches and migraines have become two of the most common neurological conditions in the world. Even though they are common afflictions, dealing or coping with them isn’t any easier. Depending on the type of headache, it can range from mildly annoying to completely debilitating. 

When it comes to dealing with headaches, the first thing you have to identify is the trigger. The unfortunate reality is that there are so many potential causes, which means that figuring out why you have a headache may worsen your existing headache. Identifying the headache trigger does not have to be a complicated puzzle, or at least we don’t want it to be that way. For this reason, we will discuss highly common headache triggers and how to alleviate them in this article.


Stress and anxiety are among the most common headache triggers. When the body is under stress, muscles tense up and cause tension headaches. Too much stress can trigger the release of certain chemicals in the brain that can lead to migraines. Although people resort to over-the-counter headache medications, there are natural ways to deal with stress-related headaches. Ideally, find ways to reduce stress for example, practicing relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or yoga. Consider finding an activity that you enjoy, like hiking, painting, or playing music. All of these things can help you unwind and reduce stress levels.

Lack of Sleep

Sleep deprived? Well, that is a common trigger for headaches, especially migraines. When you don’t get enough sleep, the chemicals in the brain can be out of balance, making you more susceptible to headache pain. If you experience headaches on a regular basis, try to establish a consistent sleep routine. That means that you aim to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. Ideally, you avoid caffeine, alcohol, and screens before bed, and you keep your bedroom comfortable and cool. Studies show that a sleep environment that is about 68º F is ideal for sleeping.


People love to imbibe the social lubricant, more commonly known as alcohol. Drinking too much alcohol is not only a great way to dehydrate the body and harm the liver, but it can also trigger headaches. Alcohol can dehydrate the body, and dehydration leads to headache pain. Additionally, drinking alcohol can lead to changes in blood flow and blood sugar levels in the brain, both of which can cause headaches. If you’re prone to headaches, try your best to avoid alcohol altogether. If you do choose to imbibe, do so in moderation and try to drink at least one cup of water between alcoholic beverages.


As the saying goes, “You are what you eat.” What you put in your body can either benefit your health or detract from it. Certain foods can help remedy headaches and nausea, while others can trigger those symptoms. Foods like cheese, chocolate, and processed meats contain harmful substances that can trigger migraines in certain people. If you skip meals or are new to intermittent fasting, you may experience headaches as well. In order to prevent food-related headache pain, try to eat a balanced diet that includes plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, complex carbohydrates, whole grains, protein, and healthy fats. Additionally, try your best to eat regular, balanced meals throughout the day, and avoid skipping meals if possible.


Hormonal imbalances or changes can cause headaches, particularly in women. Studies show that fluctuations in estrogen levels can trigger migraines in some women, most notably during menstruation or menopause. If you are a woman and want to reduce the risk of hormone-related headaches, you may want to consider hormone therapy or other treatments that work to regulate hormone levels. Some women also experience headache relief by avoiding certain foods or engaging in relaxation techniques. 

Environmental Triggers

Bright lights, strong smells, loud noises, and other environmental triggers can cause headaches. People who are sensitive to such environmental triggers may want to take precautions and avoid them whenever possible. If you are sensitive to bright lights, consider installing a dimmer switch or lower-wattage bulbs in your home to reduce brightness levels. Steer clear of household air fresheners, strong-scented candles, perfumes, or cigarette smoke. Lastly, wear noise-canceling headphones or earplugs if you are in a setting with loud noises.


As mentioned earlier in this article, dehydration can commonly cause headaches, especially tension headaches. When the body is dehydrated, the brain can contract and trigger headache pain. In order to prevent dehydration-related headaches, drink at least eight to 12 eight-ounce glasses of water every day. A better measurement for hydration is to drink half your bodyweight in ounces of water every day. If you weigh 150 pounds and divide that by two to get 75, you should drink 75 ounces of water per day. You can also eat water-rich foods like fruits and vegetables to boost hydration levels.

There are many different headache triggers and each person’s triggers may be different. When you can identify your own triggers and find ways to remedy, manage, or avoid them, you can reduce the frequency and severity of your headaches. If you tend to experience headaches on a regular basis, consider speaking with your healthcare provider to rule out any underlying medical conditions.


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The Best Ingredients To Protect Your Skin Against Environmental Damage Tue, 22 Aug 2023 09:31:00 +0000

Blue light, air pollution, and UV rays can cause sagging, dark sport, and fine lines. These ingredients can help protect your skin.


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The environment affects your skin, whether you are indoors or outside. Ultraviolet (UV) rays, blue light, pollution, and more are environmental factors that cause oxidative damage to the skin. This process breaks down collagen and may even damage the skin barrier, which compromises the skin. A damaged barrier makes you more prone to dry skin, cracking, and damaging effects of environmental factors

UV Rays Are the Biggest Threat To The Skin

UV rays from the sun are the most significant environmental factor that can damage the skin. Not only do they increase signs of aging, but they also increase the risk of skin cancer. UV rays trigger the production of free radicals, which can surpass neutralizing antioxidants according to research. These free radicals can break down collagen and elastin, causing wrinkles and other signs of aging. UV rays also stimulate melanin production, which can cause skin discolorations. Over time, too much exposure to UV rays without proper protection can dramatically increase the risk of numerous forms of skin cancer, especially melanoma

Air Pollution Plays A Role

Not only can air pollution affect your breathing, but it can also cause free radical damage on the skin, just like UV rays. Exposure to particulate matter, nitrogen dioxide, ozone, and hydrocarbons can cause skin inflammation and oxidative stress. According to research, skin inflammation can impair collagen synthesis, which causes the skin to sag and wrinkle over time. The last thing you want is for pollution to chew up your collagen and elastin! 

If you want to take action to protect your skin from environmental damage, consider the following tips. They may come in handy more than you know!

Pick A Functional Powder For Sun Protection

If you are on-the-go, consider getting your hands on a functional powder. These types of powders have built-in SPF and are great options because you can dust them over existing lotions or makeup. They are great if you work in an office and need a little midday touch-up. 

Try A Mineral Sunscreen

If you spend time in the sun, dermatologists agree that you must wear sunscreen in order to protect your skin. Ideally, you want to use sunscreens that contain zinc oxide or titanium dioxide, both of which physically block UV rays. Chemical sunscreen may be invisible after applying on the skin, but they allow some absorption of light. That’s why skin care experts recommend mineral-based sunscreens to effectively protect the skin. They may leave a whitish appearance on the skin, but better to be protected than not! 

Consider Supplementing With Vitamins C & E

UV rays, air pollution, and blue light can all cause oxidative stress on the skin, a process that breaks down collagen and elastin. The best way to neutralize free radicals is by maintaining a steady intake or application of antioxidants. Vitamin C tends to work more efficiently with vitamin E, according to research studies. That’s why they are often together in different formulations. Vitamin C and E serums can help prep your skin in the morning, providing a natural defense that it needs to face the day. 

Opt For More Antioxidants

Not only do antioxidant serums have their place in the morning, but they also have their place at night. Opting for ingredients like glutathione and resveratrol can help repair damage that was done during the day. Resveratrol, which exists in grapes, peanuts, soy, and other foods, can sop up free radicals. Glutathione is another antioxidant that works to address dark spots, according to one study. There are many antioxidant creams or ointments that work to fight sun-damaging effects, but don’t neglect the consumption of antioxidants from colorful plant-based foods. Those do great things for your skin and other bodily systems and organs. 

Wash Up Carefully Before Bed

After being out and about all day, you need to wash off all that grime that the skin accumulates. Before you go to bed, use a gentle cleanser that works to both clean out pores and keep the skin barrier intact. If you use a cleanser that is too rough, then you increase the risk of skin irritation. 

Always Protect At Night

In addition to cleansing after a long day, you may want to apply other skin-nourishing ingredients before you hit the hay. Moisturizers or serums that contain antioxidants can help clear up environmental damage and support collagen production throughout the night.


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Summertime Sadness? Here’s How To Cope Sun, 20 Aug 2023 09:21:00 +0000

Most people assume seasonal depression is reserved for the winter, but summertime sadness is a real thing. Here are some coping strategies.


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Gloomy winter weather is typically the first thing that comes to mind in a conversation about seasonal depression. It’s no secret that many people suffer from seasonal depression, or seasonal affective disorder (SAD), in the winter months. A less common type of seasonal depression arrives on beautiful, sunny summer days, and it is just as serious. 

How is it possible that warm days and sunshine cause someone to head down a depressive spiral? Before passing judgment, always remember that every person is different. It’s estimated that up to 30% of people with seasonal depression will experience summer depression, according to psychiatrists. People with summer-patter depression, also known as reverse SAD, tend to experience symptoms of depression about four or five months out of the year when the weather is warmer. 

As with any form of depression, early treatment is the best approach. The exact timing of treatment will depend on the person’s history with the mental illness. There are no studies of treatments that are specific to summertime depression, but the following strategies may help relieve symptoms and boost mood

Dark Therapy

Just as light therapy can benefit those with winter SAD, dark therapy may help those with summer SAD. Some people report that they feel better when wearing dark glasses. Wearing blue-blocking goggles at night may help reduce the stimulating effects of blue light. Additionally, wearing blue-blocking goggles has been able to benefit people with manic or hypomanic symptoms in bipolar people. If you feel irritable or agitated as a result of summertime depression, consider wearing blue-blocking goggles. You can also turn off all screens at night to help limit your blue light exposure. 

Create A Routine And Stick To It

Psychiatrists explain that following a consistent routine can help inspire motivation and fulfillment. Start with the basics: wake up on time, brush your teeth, shower, maintain regular mealtimes, and schedule bedtime. If you feel comfortable with all of that, consider adding exercise, self-care practices, and creative outlets to your routine. A great way to stick to a routine is to write your routine down in a planner. You can also use a scheduling or productivity app. You can even go so far as to write memos on sticky notes!

Avoid Depression Traps

What is a depression trap, exactly? The ways in which people cope with depression are not always the most conducive to their mental health. Engaging in these traps will only worsen depression symptoms. Some of these unhealthy behaviors include:

  • Blaming yourself constantly
  • Watching too much pornography
  • Eating when you’re bored, not hungry
  • Gambling online, often
  • Playing video games for hours and hours
  • Spending a lot of time browsing your phone or laptop
  • Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol

Shift Your Circadian Rhythm

One theory about winter SAD is that circadian rhythms change, go awry even, during the winter. Circadian rhythm is the body’s internal program that regulates the timing of all biological functions. The circadian rhythm is orchestrated by daily cycles of light and dark. Depending on winter or summer SAD, light or dark may help reset the person’s internal clock. Some people with summer SAD feel that their circadian rhythms run late, so they walk outdoors each day during summer at sunrise and look in the direction of the sun for 10 minutes. This is a simple practice that may lift spirits throughout the summer. There are no studies to back this up, so you may have to experiment for yourself to see if it benefits your circadian rhythm. 

Cold Temperature Treatment

If you are familiar with the Ice Man, also known as Wim Hof, then you understand the importance of the ice bath. Many people have embraced cold therapy for accelerated recovery, more energy, and reduced inflammation. Plunging into a cold bath shocks the body and has a therapeutic effect. In fact, many cold plunge enthusiasts agree that regular ice baths help to boost mood. Others report that cryotherapy has a similar effect, although that is much colder than an ice bath. Fill a tub with cold water and some ice next time you feel down and take a three minute plunge, taking care to breathe deeply throughout. You may love the results!


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