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Most people aren't aware that drinking this beverage can improve your digestion, skin complexion, energy, and boost your immune system.


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With so many health trends in the modern world, people can lose sight of the essential ingredients for optimal health. People are bombarded with keto this and paleo that, or different juice cleanses, soup & smoothie diets, gluten-free diets, or even fasting trends, all of which can be overwhelming. There is so much information to take in and it can be difficult to discern what will work for your body and be the most beneficial. Which one is better than the next?

We can only recommend the foods we know to be nutritious for the body. You cannot do harm to the body by eating a plant-based diet that consists of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, sprouted grains, and a whole lot of water. Water is probably the most neglected thing in every person’s diet. Some people don’t like water because it doesn’t taste like their favorite soda. Well, the body doesn’t need that soda to function, but it does require water to keep you alive. If you aren’t regularly consuming water, your organs have to pull water from other parts of the body, which can induce dehydration, headaches, muscle aches, blotchy skin, or poor digestion.


Are You Hydrated?

If you think you drink enough water (without actually knowing how much you drink), chances are you aren’t sufficiently hydrated. There are different measures people like to use for avoiding dehydration. A lot of people like to use the 8×8 rule, which requires you to drink eight 8oz glasses of water every day. This is a good rule, but different body types, weight, and levels of activity can one to consume more water than this estimate. Drinking half of your bodyweight in ounces of water each day a great rule of thumb for staying hydrated. If you weigh 150lbs and divide that by two to get 75, you should drink 75oz of water every day. If you are unsure of whether or not your drink enough water, take our hydration quiz by clicking here.

One of the best ways to ensure that you drink enough water is to carry a reusable, insulated bottle wherever you go. You can always fill it with water, and you don’t have to pollute the environment with plastic bottles. Maybe you sit in an office all day and get lost in your work. Set alarms on your phone every hour to help yourself stay hydrated. If you want your H2O to have some more pizzazz, and nutritional benefits of course, you can add fresh lemon juice, cucumber slices, berries, or mint to your water.

Do I Need To Drink More Water?

If you have to ask…the answer is yes. In all seriousness, the body loses water when you breathe, sweat, digest, and urinate. Additionally, about two-thirds of the body is made up of water, and blood consists of a little more than 90% water. If that doesn’t convince you to constantly replenish your body with water, maybe the following benefits will.

  • Better Digestion
  • Boost Energy Levels
  • Promote Weight Loss
  • Flush Toxins
  • Relieve Constipation
  • Boost The Immune System
  • Get Rid Of Headaches
  • Improve Kidney Health
  • Healthy Skin

Forms Mucus And Saliva

Saliva is necessary for digesting food and moistening the eyes, nose, and mouth, preventing any friction or damage. By drinking water, you assist with maintaining oral hygiene, which can be jeopardized by consuming sugary or alcoholic beverages.

Effects On Brain Health

The health of your brain is also influenced by the amount of water you drink. Research has shown that mild dehydration can impair one’s ability to concentrate, affect overall mood, and increase the frequency of headaches. Normal fluid loss of 1-3% can occur by going about daily activities, but these numbers can increase during exercise. One study found that fluid loss of 1.59% in young men induced feelings of anxiety and fatigue.

Constipation Relief

Characterized by infrequent bowel movements or the inability to pass stool, constipation is often caused by poor dietary choices, but insufficient water intake can contribute to the problem. Water helps to lubricate the digestive tract and decrease the risk of any blockage. When it comes to the elderly, it is evident that low water intake is risk factor for constipation.


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Salivary Gland Complaints Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:44 +0000

Though rare, salivary gland complaints do and can occur. There’s even a form of salivary gland cancer. Before we jump into this subject matter, let’s first understand what is a salivary gland, especially since we all have them. “Salivary gland.” One of three pairs of glands that pour their secretions into the mouth, thus aiding […]


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Though rare, salivary gland complaints do and can occur. There’s even a form of salivary gland cancer.

Before we jump into this subject matter, let’s first understand what is a salivary gland, especially since we all have them.

“Salivary gland.” One of three pairs of glands that pour their secretions into the mouth, thus aiding the digestive process. The salivary glands are the parotid, the submandibular, and the sublingual glands. They are racemose structures consisting of numerous lobes subdivided into smaller lobules connected by dense areolar tissue, vessels, and ducts. The ducts ramify inside each lobule, ending in alveoli. One kind of alveolus secretes a viscid fluid containing mucin. The other kind secretes serous fluid. The sublingual gland secretes mucus; the parotid gland, serous fluid; the submandibular gland, both mucus and serous fluid. The lobules of the salivary gland are richly supplied with blood vessels and fine plexuses of nerves. The hilum of the submandibular gland contains Langley’s ganglion of nerve cells.” Mosby’s medical Dictionary, 3rd ed., p. 1049

Causes and Risk Factors

Blocked salivary glands are perhaps the most common salivary gland complaint. Blocked salivary glands denote a defect with the grand secretory system called the Endocrine system (also known as the Hormonal System).

Metaphysically speaking, salivary gland complaints may be related to having to digest too much of something (such as information or data), speaking negative words or digesting too much negativity.

Natural Remedies

You can resolve salivary gland complaints naturally.

Drink warm water, lemon or lime juice (from 1 whole fruit), and a pinch of cayenne (40,000 HU) or paprika (20,000 HU) daily. H.U. stands for heating units. Cayenne is hotter than paprika, and African Bird Pepper (180,000 H.U.) is hotter than regular Cayenne (40,000 H.U.)

Ideal herbs to consume, that heal the endocrine system, and thus the endocrine glands and all other glands in the body, include:

You can also chew on Licorice Sticks, unflavored variety preferably.

Gargle with warm water and sea salt (1/3 teaspoon).

In a case whereby the mouth is dry and/or there is a lack of production of saliva, drink 6-8 glasses of water (with liquid chlorophyll added) daily, as well as drink vegetable juice daily, swishing the juice in your mouth from side to side for a few seconds (15-30 seconds) before swallowing it.

Suck on lemon and/or lime juice as well (if there is a lack of saliva). These usually help the body to secrete saliva.

Oil pulling will help this condition as well.

Dietary Intervention

When you suffer from a condition where the mouth is dry, the dryness felt is usually a result from a lack of saliva in the mouth or a lack of production of saliva in the mouth. Try drinking 6-8 glasses of water (with liquid chlorophyll added) and drinking vegetable juice daily, swishing the juice in your mouth from side to side for a few seconds before swallowing it.


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