Can An Alkaline Diet Reduce Your Risk Of Cancer?
Consuming alkaline foods may help change the pH of your urine and saliva, but does this diet prevent cancer? Let’s explore this topic.
Consuming alkaline foods may help change the pH of your urine and saliva, but does this diet prevent cancer? Let’s explore this topic.
Celebrating family and love is an essential part of the holidays. If you’re looking to save some money and be eco-friendly, use these tips.
Did the flu take you down? Here are six natural remedies, along with expert advice and evidence, that may help you recover faster.
According to a recent study, two or more servings of whole grains per day were linked to slower memory decline in Black adults.
If you want to support optimal gut health, you need to cut out certain foods. You also should eat foods that are rich in digestive enzymes.
Artificial sweeteners can prevent diabetes and obesity, right? Not so fast! Researchers want you to avoid them, especially sucralose.
What makes someone attractive to you? Your biology and personal experiences may explain what turns you off and what turns you on.
A strong core is vital for fitness, balance, and pain-free movement. Do these five core exercises every day and experience the difference.
Forgetfulness is just one of the early red flags of dementia. Other warning signs may help you determine whether or not to see a doctor.
If you sit down at work all day, daily exercise may lower your risk of death. How much physical activity is needed, though?
There’s a new superfood in town, people! Turmeric helps reduce inflammation, improve brain function, and offers these benefits.
Are you a fan of stepping into a cryotherapy chamber? As it turns out, this super-cooling therapy may provide potential health benefits.
If you are curious about rosemary oil and how it affects hair growth, here is a detailed guide to make rosemary oil and how it works.
The thyroid, a butterfly-shaped gland, is essential to your overall health, and these nightly habits may promote better thyroid health.
Some teas, such as hibiscus or green tea, may help lower blood pressure by promoting cardiovascular health and blood vessel relaxation.
The average American spends about 70% of the time in a seated position. Being sedentary can be extremely dangerous to your health.
Citronella oil is a concentrated form of antioxidants and phytochemicals that may repel insects, relieve pain, manage inflammation, and more.
Craving the tranquility of the natural world? Invite nature into your home to create a more soothing space, no matter where you live.
Designed to reduce the risk of dementia and loss of brain function as you age, the MIND diet is an eating pattern for optimal brain health.
Wormwood may help ease inflammation, improve digestion, kill parasites, treat skin conditions, and provide other impressive health benefits.
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