Refined Grains - Dherbs - The Best All Natural Herbal Remedies & Products Buy the best herbal supplements, natural remedies, and herbal remedies from Dherbs. We're the #1 alternative medicine store online. ✓ Visit and shop now! Tue, 14 Jan 2025 09:16:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 A Diet Rich In Whole Grains May Slow Memory Decline In Black Adults Wed, 06 Dec 2023 09:08:00 +0000

According to a recent study, two or more servings of whole grains per day were linked to slower memory decline in Black adults.


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Statistically, Black Americans are 1.5 to two times more likely than their white counterparts to develop Alzheimer’s disease, and related dementias. According to a new study, eating more whole grains may protect against cognitive decline, especially memory loss. During the study, participants consumed whole grains, including cereals, quinoa, and popcorn. We’ll discuss the outcome of the study and observations in this article. 

What Are Whole Grains?

Whole grains are foods eaten in their whole form and include grains like wheat, corn, quinoa, sorghum, spelt, rye, rice, and oats. They offer the “complete package,” so to speak, given that they differ from refined grains, which are stripped of valuable nutrients during the refining process. All whole grain kernels contain three parts: the bran, germ, and endosperm. Each part offers different nutrients, some of which include B-vitamins, copper, zinc, iron, magnesium, antioxidants, and phytonutrients. 

The Study

The research published in November 2023 monitored Black adult participants who consumed whole grains. Participants who ate more whole grains exhibited lower levels of memory decline, which equated to being a median 8.5 years younger that those who ate fewer daily servings of whole grains. Even those who ate fewer servings experienced a slower rate of cognitive decline. 

Study authors are excited by the fact that eating more whole grains may reduce the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. However, overall diet factors into the equation. Sure, whole grains may help the cause, but only if other dietary modifications are in place. For example, eating more foods that support brain health is a great first step, but cutting out foods that harm the brain is an equally important step. 

A Benefit For Black Adults, But Not White Adults

The study took place over six years, with researchers following more than 3,000 adults with a median age of 75. None of the participants had dementia at the start of the study, and roughly 60% of the adults in the study were Black. Every three years, study participants filled out a questionnaire detailing how often they consumed whole grains. They also completed cognitive and memory tests after filling out the questionnaires. The tests involved recalling lists of words and remembering numbers to put back in correct order. 

Study authors divided the participants into five groups based on the amount of whole grains they consumed. The group that ate the lowest amount of whole grains averaged less than a half serving per day, while the highest group averaged 2.5 servings per day. According to study authors, the highest amount was less than the 2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans suggested. Those guidelines suggested three to five servings of whole grains per day. 

The analysis revealed that Black individuals with the highest whole grain intake showed slower rates of cognitive decline. The protective effects of whole grains were only observed in Black adults. A higher proportion of Black participants (67%) consumed more than one serving of whole grains compared to white participants (38%). Study authors observed that Black participants ate more oats, dark bread, bulgur, couscous, kasha, and other whole grain foods

Avoid Refined Grains For A Healthier Brain

Based on the results from the study, neurology professors note that whole grain consumption may improve cognitive function and slow memory decline. In fact, whole grains may even influence the ability to think and reason. Whole grains are commonly consumed in the Mediterranean diet, for example, which is associated with better cognitive function and heart health. The main takeaway is that experts discourage the consumption of refined grains, as they don’t encourage healthier cognitive function. Whole grains may offer these benefits because of the nutrients they provide. These nutrients may fight free radicals and reduce inflammation, which have previously been associated with mental decline.


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4 Foods That Make Your Skin Oily Thu, 03 Sep 2020 09:06:00 +0000

Some people struggle with greasy skin more than others. If you want to keep your skin oil-free, stop eating these foods.


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Genetic and hormonal factors contribute to oily skin, which explains why some people have oily skin and others don’t. The battle to make your skin less oily never seems to end. You use homemade masks and products that help prevent oil production, but they never seem to do the job efficiently.

Before you freak out, please understand that you need some oil on the skin to help protect it from losing water. The sebum, which your skin secretes, consists of fatty acids, sugars, ceramides, and other compounds that provide antioxidant protection. It only becomes an issue when the skin produces too much sebum, which can clog pores and worsen acne.

Is There A Connection Between Oily Skin And Your Diet?

The short answer is: yes. The longer explanation is that any issue with the skin is typically attributed to an internal imbalance. Based off that statement, the food you eat can create imbalances in the body that affect sebum production, for example. Continuing to eat foods that cause the skin to produce more oils only worsens the condition of your skin. Alternatively, eating healthier foods can create more internal balance, which in turn improves the appearance and health of your skin.  

If you experience oily skin, consider eliminating the following foods from your diet, especially if you are prone to breakouts.

Refined Grains

Because of the extensive processing that refined grains go through, they are devoid of nutrients and fiber, which were present prior to processing. Pasta, cereal, rice noodles, breads, and more have high glycemic indexes, so you flood the body with glucose by eating those foods. Insulin increases androgen hormone production, leading to more sebum production, which creates more oil on the skin.

Dairy Projects (sometimes)

As we mentioned in the previous paragraph, high glycemic foods can increase sebum production. The amino acids in milk also promote the release of insulin and IGF-1, which can worsen acne. A meta-analysis of dairy intake for 80,000 people (aged 7 to 30) found that drinking one glass of milk or more per day increased the likelihood of acne development. It’s also important to note that each person processes dairy differently. People who are lactose intolerant or sensitive to dairy may be more prone to acne or oily skin than those without allergies or sensitivities.

Unhealthy Vegetable Oils

Most Westerners consume a disproportionate amount of omega-6 fatty acids to omega-3 fatty acids. Instead of the 4:1 ratio that it should be, it’s more like 10:1. While omega-6 fatty acids have their benefits in small doses, excess consumption can lead to pro-inflammatory responses, including inflammation-related acne. Most vegetable oils and hydrogenated oils contain omega-6s, so start replacing those vegetable oils with olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, or walnut oil, all of which are rich in omega-3s.


It’s time to lay off the sauce if you want your skin to be less oily. Alcohol pulls moisture from the skin, dehydrating it in the process. To compensate for the lost moisture, the skin produces more oil. Additionally, alcohol increases sweat production, which can clog pores and contribute to bacterial build-up. An occasional glass of wine won’t kill you, but drinking alcohol regularly will cause oily skin.

If you want to address oily skin or acne, it’s going to take more than a few topical treatments. Take a look at the bigger picture, which may include examining your diet, gut health, and more. As stated in this article, certain foods contribute to more oil production and inflammation. Focus on complex carbohydrates, probiotics, healthy fats, fiber, and other nutritionally dense foods if you want healthier skin.


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6 Foods That Will Help Reduce Anxiety Wed, 29 Apr 2020 09:01:03 +0000

If you don’t want to rely on medication to reduce anxiety, take a nutritional approach and eat these foods to reduce symptoms.


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First off, you should not feel embarrassed if you have anxiety. Mental health is just as important as physical health and it should always be addressed, not shoved down deep inside and never discussed. When you don’t deal with your anxiety, it can send you into full panic mode and cause you to spiral out of control. Information to help remedy anxiety is readily available, and we will discuss the best foods to reduce symptoms in this article.

The National Institute of Mental Health estimates that 40 million American adults have anxiety, making it the most common mental illness in the United States. While various therapies and medications exist to relieve anxiety symptoms, taking a nutritional approach to manage anxiety is a healthy and viable option. It is recommended for people with anxiety to eat a balanced diet that consists of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and legumes.

People with anxiety are encouraged to avoid simple carbohydrates, processed foods, refined sugars, and refined grains because these foods can alter the gut-brain axis. Roughly 95% of serotonin receptors are found in the lining of the gut, so establishing healthier gut flora via a healthy diet may reduce symptoms of anxiety, and even depression. Add the following foods to your diet to provide anxiety relief.


Avocados contain vitamin B6, which assists with the production of neurotransmitters like serotonin. B vitamins, including riboflavin, niacin, and thiamine, have been known to positively affect the nervous system, and a deficiency in these vitamins has been linked to an increased risk of anxiety. Avocados are rich in stress-relieving B vitamins and vitamin E, which is needed for red blood cell production and it helps to widen blood vessels.


Saffron is one of the most prized spices in the world, and it has been used in healing practices for centuries. While it has been traditionally used to remedy joint pain, sleep troubles, and respiratory illnesses, recent studies have shown that saffron can boost serotonin levels and reduce anxiety, stress, and depression. In fact, it has comparable antidepressant effects to Prozac and Tofranil.


Most people are familiar with chamomile because drinking chamomile tea at night is an effective way to naturally calm the body and mind. Many studies have examined the link between chamomile and anxiety reduction. The results indicated that people with general anxiety disorder experienced a reduction in symptoms after consuming chamomile extract.


Almonds are excellent sources of magnesium, which is an essential nutrient for overall health. Research has shown that inadequate magnesium intake may reduce the amount of serotonin in the brain. Other studies found that magnesium exhibited the ability to reduce anxiety-related symptoms. Get your magnesium from almonds, avocados, Brazil nuts, figs, pumpkin seeds, spinach, bananas, and quinoa.

Sweet Potato

Known for being an excellent source of beta-carotene, the sweet potato is commonly consumed to benefit eyesight. New research confirms that it is rich in tryptophan, which is an essential amino acid that converts into serotonin in the body. It may also help to boost immune function, reduce muscle cramps, and regulate heart function.


From assisting with inflammation reduction to relieving anxiety symptoms, it seems as though turmeric is beneficial for just about everything. Curcumin, the active compound in turmeric, has exhibited anti-anxiety effects. What’s more interesting is that the anti-inflammatory properties of curcumin work to reduce inflammatory markers, including cytokines, which are linked to an increased risk of anxiety. Finally, curcumin helps to boost blood antioxidant levels, which are typically low in people with anxiety.


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These Nutritional Deficiencies Can Cause High Blood Pressure Thu, 05 Mar 2020 09:00:00 +0000

If you have high blood pressure, you need to know about these nutritional deficiencies. They may help improve your condition.


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People in Western cultures like to think that nutritional deficiencies only exist in developing countries or remote locations where food is scarce. The theory behind this is that there is an overabundance of food in Western countries. Quantity is vastly different than quality, and consuming a lot of food doesn’t mean that you’re exempt from becoming nutrient deficient.

Nutritional Deficiencies Explained

Humans didn’t always eat the processed foods, refined grains, sugars, artificial sweeteners, and hormones in factory farmed meat that they do nowadays. The transition from a Paleolithic diet to the current Standard American Diet is the easiest explanation for nutrient deficiencies. The Paleolithic diet was rich in plant-based foods, with occasional grass-fed wild game or wild caught fish. This diet offered an array of vitamins and minerals, whereas the modern day American diet consists of food with little to no nutritional value. People do not consume the recommended daily intake of fruits and vegetables, and the foods they do eat put them at risk of developing hardened arteries, kidney failure, stroke, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and heart attack. But this can all be avoided with proper diet modifications.

As we previously detailed in many articles, a balanced diet plays a large role in controlling blood pressure. Various studies have determined that specific minerals, in addition to general macro and micronutrients, are beneficial for blood pressure management. A diet of processed, canned, and frozen foods will not supply the body with nutrients that are needed to balance blood pressure levels. Whether you have high blood pressure or you are simply looking to maintain blood pressure levels, focus on consuming the following four nutrients.


Magnesium has many jobs in the body, some of which include regulating blood pressure, muscle & nerve function, and blood sugar. The body requires magnesium to develop healthy bones, produce energy, and help blood vessels to relax. The National Institute of Health (NIH) has reported that most American adults do not meet the recommended daily intake of magnesium, which is 420 milligrams (mg) for men over 50 and 320 mg for women over 50. While magnesium supplements are available, nutritionists advise consuming magnesium from plant-based food sources for optimal absorption. The best magnesium sources include dark leafy green vegetables, unrefined whole grains, nuts and seeds, and legumes.

Omega-3 Fats

Beneficial for cardiovascular health, omega-3s are necessary polyunsaturated fats from plant and animal food sources. Most people consume an excess of omega-6 fatty acids, but nutritionists claim that people should focus on eating more omega-3 fats. A 1: 1 ratio of omega-6s to omega-3s is ideal, but today’s diet sees an excess of omega-6s in the body. The ratio can get up to 16:1, meaning there is only one gram of omega-3s consumed for every 16 grams of omega-6s. Studies have shown that improving this ratio to 4:1 can decrease the risk of cardiovascular-related death by 70 percent. Great sources of omega-3s include pine nuts, walnuts, chia seeds, tahini, Brazil nuts, flaxseeds, avocados, and olive oil.


Potassium is a necessary mineral for optimal muscle function, but it also works to relax blood vessel walls, resulting in lower blood pressure levels. Maintaining proper potassium levels helps to prevent irregular heartbeat by conducting electrical signals between the nervous system and heart. If you are taking a diuretic for high blood pressure, however, potassium can leave via urination, meaning that consuming potassium-rich foods may not maintain proper potassium levels. About one-third of patients with edema or high blood pressure don’t get enough potassium. Too much potassium can cause irregular heart rhythms, though; so adults are recommended to consume 4.7 grams per day.

Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10, also known as CoQ10 or ubiquinone, is a self-produced nutrient and molecule that acts like an antioxidant in human cells. Many factors deplete CoQ10 levels over time, long-term use of certain pharmaceutical drugs and cholesterol-lowering statin drugs being the primary culprits. CoQ10 supplementation is often recommended for people with fibromyalgia, myocardial infarction, depression, or Parkinson’s disease. This nutrient works to enhance blood flow and protect blood vessels, ultimately influencing blood pressure. If CoQ10 isn’t in great supply, a person with high blood pressure may be in trouble. Studies have found that CoQ10 supplementation for people with high blood pressure helped to lower readings by up to 11mm Hg systolic and 7mm Hg diastolic. While supplementation is an option, CoQ10 can be found in pistachios, sesame seeds, oranges, strawberries, broccoli, cauliflower, and peanuts.


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Eat More Fiber For A Healthier Gut Tue, 19 Nov 2019 10:16:16 +0000

New research has shown that certain types of fiber may be the key to improving overall gut health. Find out which foods you should eat.


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Gut health is one of the most popular topics that is circulating the health world. The trillions of organisms, also known as your microbiome, in your gut help manage your overall health. Most people are unaware of the fact that these organisms or bacteria assist with healthy immune function, weight loss, and joint mobility. Recent research even indicates that a healthy gut may help ward off certain cancers and heart disease.

When it comes to keeping track of what you eat, many people are concerned with fats, sodium, proteins, sugars, and calories. While these are important to monitor, one thing that is often neglected is dietary fiber. Scientists have recently proclaimed that America is a constipated nation, and this is in large part due to the fact that most Americans ignore their fiber intake. American adults consume an average of 15 grams of fiber per day, when the recommended daily intake is 25 grams for adult women and 38 grams for adult men. Failure to meet these dietary recommendations has resulted in poor gut health, obesity, and decreased immune function.

What Do We Know About Fiber?

Scientific research has long since linked high-fiber diets to longevity and better health. A 1960 review of Ugandans found that high-fiber vegetable diets helped them avoid common diseases that were brought by Europeans and Americans. Another study in the 1980s found that people in rural areas of Japan lived longer than urban dwellers due to their increased fiber intake. More recently, a 2017 study found that fiber is connected to gut microbes and that healthy bacteria require fiber to function optimally. An increased number of gut microbes helps to reduce inflammation and aid digestion. The microbiome can change by the month, by the day, or even by the meal, which is why scientists encourage the regular consumption of fresh fruits, whole grains, vegetables, nuts, and seeds to maintain healthy fiber intake.


Probiotics are beneficial strains of bacteria that work to fight harmful bacteria in the gut. Most of these harmful bacteria are responsible for chronic inflammation and other gut-related issues. Many probiotics exist in foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, fermented vegetables, miso, kombucha, and kefir.


Prebiotics are also essential to gut health, but they are often outshined by probiotics. Prebiotics actually help to feed the probiotics and other healthy bacteria in the gut. These gut bacteria love fiber, especially the following types:


This is insoluble fiber, which the body does not digest as it passes through the gut. It is commonly found in carrot peels, broccoli stems, asparagus stalks, and chewy parts of fruit that are often discarded. Peels, stems, and stalks are edible and crucial for maintaining gut health.


These natural, high-fiber carbs are often found in onions, garlic, wheat, and other plant foods. Fructan fibers have a higher survival rate in the GI tract, and that is a good thing. One thing to remember is that heat breaks down fiber, meaning that cooking fructan-rich foods will kill the fiber content.

How Do We Eat More Fiber?

If you want to ditch the constipated ways and improve your gut microbiome, focus on consuming soluble and insoluble fiber. Both are necessary because each has its own functions and benefits for the body. Use the following tips to consume more fiber.

Processed Foods Are Horrible

Processed foods are often rich in refined grains and sugars, and devoid of fiber. Foods like white bread, pasta, and other enriched flour products are not beneficial for the gut. One of the best ways to consume fiber is by drinking fruit and vegetable smoothies or juices. Both smoothies and juices help to regulate digestion and inhibit blood sugar spikes.

Fruits And Vegetables Are Your Friends

Natural fiber exists in all fruits and vegetables, meaning that you can’t go wrong by consuming them. One thing to keep in mind, as we mentioned earlier, is that heat kills fiber, so try to limit high-heat cooking or focus on raw fruits and vegetables. You should also strive to eat seasonally to maintain a diverse gut microbiome. Seasonal produce is always more fresh and typically less expensive.

Be Wise At Restaurants

When you go out to eat, it’s easy to forget about your diet and order whatever you want. Additionally, most unhealthy foods do not come with an array of fruits and vegetables. Try to pick entrée salads, grain bowls, and bean or legume dishes to help meet your fiber requirement goals when you go out to eat.

Fiber Is Always First

What we mean by this is that you should start consuming fiber at breakfast. American breakfasts, which typically consist of some combination of eggs, bacon and toast, lack the fiber you need. Change up the game by consuming fiber rich meals like overnight chia pudding, a bowl of old-fashioned oats, or a fruit and vegetable smoothie.

Skip Fiber Supplements

The average person who takes fiber supplements probably has a limited consumption of fiber-rich foods. Fiber supplements give the body a small fiber boost, but the fiber from whole grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables is much greater and more beneficial.


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What Can I Include In My Salad While Cleansing? Fri, 26 Apr 2019 10:25:45 +0000

If you are struggling to figure out whether you can or cannot add something to your cleansing salads, we have all the answers right here.


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For the average person, a raw foods diet is drastically different from what he or she is used to eating. When it comes time to figure out exactly what you are going to eat during a Dherbs cleanse, the lack of familiarity with this diet can incite panic and fear. People think about adding cheese, meat, croutons, or processed dressings to salads, for example, but these ingredients are not allowed. Those are the ingredients that negate all of the health benefits of a salad. In order to provide assistance and ideas during your raw food journey, we have outlined what you can and cannot have in your salads while cleansing. If you have any other questions that aren’t answered here, please feel free to call us, chat with us, or email us.

What Kind of Lettuce Should I Use?

We advise using romaine, green leaf, red leaf, or butter lettuce varieties as your salad bases; you can also use spring mixed greens as the base for your salad. These kinds of leafy greens contain more chlorophyll and nutrients in them compared to iceberg lettuce, which should never be eaten. Iceberg lettuce is grafted, meaning man-made! The origin of the name is due to the fact that it was made to grow in and withstand cold weather, even snow. Iceberg lettuce contains no nutrients whatsoever.

What Vegetables Can I Add To My Salad?

As long as the vegetables are raw, you can add whatever you like to the salad. You can add things like spinach, carrots, radish slices, parsley, cilantro, red or green cabbage, alfalfa sprouts, celery, kale, Brussels sprouts, or broccoli. Be inventive with your flavor combinations. If you are strict in regards to not eating grafted foods, avoid eating carrots. Unless you buy organic, however, acknowledge that most fruits and vegetables in the United States today are grafted. So if this is important to you, you may need to start growing your own vegetables. If you want more information about vegetables you can eat, click here.

What Fruits Can I Add To My Salad?

When it comes to mixing fruits with vegetables, you don’t need to be too strict, unless of course you have a sensitive digestive system. If you experience digestive discomfort when you combine certain fruits and vegetables, please refer to the food combining chart. Tomatoes, cucumbers, and avocados are commonly exempt from this “fruits can’t be combined with vegetables” rule. The best tomatoes to use in your salad are organic Roma tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, or vine tomatoes. Make sure your cucumbers are not waxed. If they are, cut off the outer skin before slicing them. Look for organic cucumbers and organic Persian cucumbers. Note that if you are having a fruit salad, refer to the food combining chart.

Can I Add Olives Or Jarred Vegetables/Fruits To My Salad?

No. Even though a lot of salads, especially at restaurants, have olives, pepperocinis (banana peppers), artichoke hearts, or roasted red peppers, these are not allowed on salads while you are cleansing. They contain preservatives and other ingredients that are not cleanse approved.

Can I Add Nuts, Seeds, Beans, and Legumes To My Salad?

You can add raw nuts and seeds to your salad, but you cannot add beans and legumes. You’ll increase your protein intake when you add things like raw sunflower seeds, raw pecans, raw walnuts, raw pumpkin seeds, raw sesame seeds, or raw cashews to your salads.

Can I Add Vegan or Vegetarian Cheese To My Salad?

No. Not in your salad while detoxing or performing a cleanse. Vegan and vegetarian cheeses are processed and therefore not classified as raw. One thing that you can add to salad dressings is nutritional yeast, which gives the dressing a cheesy flavor. It is also a great source of folate and vitamin B12. Try our cleanse approved cashew Caesar dressing to see what we’re talking about.

Can I Add Eggs To My Salad?

No. Eggs are not raw and they are derived from chickens. One reason for detoxing is to remove animal products from your system, provided you consumed animal products prior to cleansing. If you’re craving protein, there’s protein in green vegetables, certain fruits, and nuts and sees, all of which you can add to your salads.

Can I Add Salad Dressing To My Salad?

You are not only bound to making the sample dressing that we provide in the instructional booklet that comes with your cleanse. There are a lot of salad dressings that you can make. In fact, you can visit this recipe section to see a variety of dressings that give your salads new life. If you frequent health food stores, you may discover that certain brands like Bragg make raw salads dressings.

Can I use Herbal Seasoning or Spices on My Salad?

Of course, and we encourage it! Herbal seasonings are made from herbs, but read the ingredients on the label if you are purchasing an herb blend or special seasoning. While you cannot use regular table salt, you can season your dressings with sea salt or Himalaya pink salt. And coconut aminos make for a great salad dressing addition if you are trying to achieve some Asian flavors. Don’t use soy sauce!

Can I Add Croutons To My Salad?

No. Croutons are comprised of refined grains and they are processed. Avoid them. That is all.

Can I Add Vegan Bacon Bits To My Salad?

No. Vegan versions of Bacon Bits (“Un-Bacon Bits”) are processed and not raw. Avoid them while on your cleanse.


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3 Easy Ways To Add Fiber To Your Diet Wed, 06 Feb 2019 11:28:29 +0000

For a healthy digestive system and decreased risk of diabetes, diverticulitis, and constipation, a high-fiber diet has myriad benefits.


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Adding more fiber to your diet may seem difficult, but three simple guidelines can help eat a healthy amount of fiber every day. It may seem like you have to memorize the top 20 fiber-rich foods, but this is most definitely not the case. Since the average American only consumes about 16 grams of fiber per day, which is about half of the recommended daily intake (RDI), we encourage you to use the tips in this article to help increase your fiber intake.

What Is Fiber?

Dietary fiber is material from plant cells that cannot be broken down by the enzymes in the human digestive system. There is insoluble fiber and soluble fiber, each serving a different purpose.

Soluble Fiber

Water-soluble fiber absorbs water during the digestive process, ultimately working to decrease blood cholesterol levels and increase stool bulk. This type of fiber can be found in vegetables, barley, oats, legumes (lentils, peas, and beans), and fruits (apples, oranges, and grapefruit).

Insoluble Fiber

Water-insoluble fiber does not change as it passes through the digestive tract. Promoting regular intestinal movement and contents, insoluble fiber can be found in vegetables, fruits with edible peels or seeds, bulgur wheat, rolled oats, buckwheat, brown rice, or corn meal.

Get To Know Your Seeds

It is wise to have flaxseeds and chia seeds in your pantry at all times. Flaxseeds, when they are ground, contain a healthy mix of insoluble and soluble fiber. With a slight nutty flavor, ground flaxseeds can be incorporated into smoothies, homemade energy balls, oatmeal, or they can even be added to a glass of water. Chia seeds, on the other hand, do not need to be ground, but it is advisable to soak them for optimal digestion. You can add them to smoothies, salads, or mix them with liquid to create a pudding.

Eat The Rainbow

You can bank on fruits and vegetables containing insoluble and soluble fiber. Eat red, purple, green, orange, yellow, and blue fruits and vegetables. It is common to think that you eat a sufficient amount of fruits and vegetables, but the reality is that most people don’t. Additionally, people tend to eat produce items that are familiar to them, but there are so many beneficial, fiber-rich fruits and vegetables out there! Encourage toxin elimination and healthy stools by consuming produce items like chard, artichokes, kale, a variety of beans, collards (not cooked in bacon fat), spring mixed greens, romaine, avocados, acorn squash, kiwi, papaya, mango, berries, and split peas.

Always Choose Whole Grains

Due to the minimal processing of whole grains, the grains are left in tact, whereas the heavy processing of refined grains strips them of their fiber-rich hulls that contain essential vitamins. By stripping the hulls, refined grains have longer shelf lives, which is why they are in processed foods. The downfall to this is that they are devoid of nutrients and end up being simple carbs, which can spike blood glucose levels. Try to focus on buckwheat, bulgur wheat, barley, amaranth, millet, farro, and freekeh for healthy fiber intake.


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Glutamine: The Gut-Healing Amino Acid You Need Right Now Sat, 22 Sep 2018 11:30:21 +0000

An unhealthy gut can lead to a variety of health issues. Help to heal your gut by adding this amino acid to your diet right away.


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Repairing the gut has become a popular topic recently, due to the amount of people with gut-related health issues. Whether the problem is leaky gut syndrome, constipation, or poor digestive function, you want your gut to function better and you want it to function better now.

How do you remedy a poor functioning gut? While a plant-based diet free of processed foods, refined grains & sugars, dairy products, and meat can benefit the gut, experts are realizing the importance of L-glutamine’s gut-healing abilities. L-glutamine powder was initially used to help build muscle, burn fat, and lose weight quickly. Recent studies have shown that this amino acid is greatly beneficial for people with poor gut health.

What Is Glutamine?

Glutamine is a conditionally essential amino acid that is abundant in the body. “Conditionally essential” means that the body uses it when faced with disease or after one experiences certain physical traumas. It comprises about 30-35 percent of the amino acid nitrogen in the blood, but the body also uses it in large amounts. The majority of people don’t eat enough L-glutamine in their diet, which is why they often take it in supplement form.

As one of the building blocks of protein, L-glutamine supplements are becoming more popular by the day. You don’t have to resort to supplements because there are a lot of foods that contain L-glutamine. Red cabbage, nuts, beans, parsley, dark leafy greens (spinach, collards, kale, lettuce, or turnip greens), cilantro, legumes, and asparagus are all great sources of L-glutamine. Incorporate more of these foods into your diet to experience the benefits of L-glutamine.

L-glutamine For IBS & Diarrhea

Working to balance mucus production, L-glutamine helps to establish healthy and regular bowel movements. If you experience symptoms like constant diarrhea or ulcerations, L-glutamine foods need to be regularly incorporated into your diet. People with Hashimoto’s disease or underactive thyroid should also eat L-glutamine foods.

L-glutamine For The Immune System

Glutamine may play a role in creating a stronger immune system. In a recent study in which two mice were given glutamine, results showed increased immune function and reduced reactivation rates of herpes infection.

L-glutamine For Gut Health

If you have digestive issues like IBS, inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis, leaky gut, or any other gut-related symptoms, L-glutamine is necessary to improve digestive health. This amino acid is nourishes the intestines, helping them to rebuild and repair. Research has shown that L-glutamine also helps to improve gut-related immune response.

L-glutamine For Leaky Gut

Millions of people have leaky gut syndrome, which is a common cause of a lot of autoimmune diseases. Leaky gut has been known to cause things like arthritis, skin disorders like psoriasis, or Hashimoto’s disease. Glutamine fuels the cells in the small intestine, which helps to heal leaky gut, according to clinical studies. One study published in the Lancet medical journal found that L-glutamine helped decrease intestinal permeability.


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Fibroid Tumors Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:55 +0000

Many females are plagued with uterine fibroid tumors, older women as well as young teenage girls.


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Fibroid tumors are benign growths that form on the interior muscular wall of the uterus. They also develop on the exterior of the uterus. They are sometimes colloquially referred to as trash bags due to their function within the human body. The average American female’s body is so toxic (just like the average American male) that the major eliminative organs (colon, liver, kidneys, lungs, and skin) are either sluggish or outright do not work. The body intelligence causes an internal trash bag to form to hold the toxic fluidic waste. This internal “trash bag” is the tumor. Although this analogy might seem strange, remember that tumors hold waste to prevent the waste from circulating throughout the body.

Fibroid tumors can make sexual intercourse very complicated due to immense pain and post-intercourse bleeding. They can greatly threaten pregnancy. They can also cause heavy and frequent menstrual periods, in addition to lethargy and fatigue and weakness. 40% of American females will unfortunately develop fibroid tumors in their lifetime, beginning as early as age 12.

The fibroid tumors range in sizes from small cherries to grapefruits and cantaloupe. Surprisingly, many women who have fibroid tumors don’t even know they have them until diagnosed by a doctor. At first they are not painful, but as they grow, the pain slowly sets in.

Causes of Fibroid Tumors

Fibroid tumors are primarily caused by eating and drinking dairy products, e.g. ice cream, sour cream, cheese, yogurt and milk; and eating meat.

The number one cause of fibroid tumors is dairy products. Many women consume too much dairy, especially cheese. This is unfortunate because cheese is very unhealthy and consuming too much of it is harmful to your health.

All that ice cream, cheese, and milk chocolate will eventually do a female in. To eat dairy products is to sign a contract for fibroid tumors.

Refined grains also play a role in the development of fibroid tumors, but dairy products are the major culprit.

Some tumors can grow so big that they can actually interfere with pregnancy. Most doctors will encourage a woman with fibroid tumors to consider having an abortion for the sake of the fetus and the health of the woman.

Natural Healing

Like with all other diseases, you can be healed of fibroid tumors by dissolving them with herbs and modifying your diet.

Dherbs Solutions

Dherbs offers these products to assist with fibroid tumors:

Thanks for reading!


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Vaginal Odors and Discharges Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:55 +0000

Vaginal problems are epidemic today amongst American women.


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Vaginal problems are epidemic today amongst American women. Vaginal cancer, vaginal atrophy, vaginal bleeding, vaginal odors and mucosal discharges, vaginal yeast infection, vaginal worms and parasites, vaginitis, vaginal warts, and sexually-transmitted diseases are just a few of the health issues pertaining to the vagina.

The culprits include, but are not limited to:

  • The poor American diet, which focuses on excessive meat and dairy intake, refined grains, acidic beverages, etc.
  • Birth control pills and other forms of contraceptive, condoms
  • Female hygiene and sanitary products (pads and napkins)
  • Douching and
  • Tight clothing

Vaginal Discharges

There is a natural and healthy female discharge as contrasted with an unhealthy discharge. A vaginal discharge that is clear or pearly-white without a fetid odor occurs naturally. This discharge serves as sign of fertility and is a good or healthy sign. This discharge is secreted when a woman is fertile and ready to engage in mating.

A yellowish-greenish discharge accompanied by a fetid odor is unnatural and abnormal. It is a sign that the vagina is unhealthy. Many female sufferers of a sexually-transmitted disease will secrete this kind of discharge with a serious and debilitating inflammation or burning sensation.


The diet plays the most important role in female vaginal health. But since most women are in the work force today and don’t have time to prepare their own balanced meals, they are dependent on the junk food industry to feed them.

Processed foods are laced with synthetic estrogen hormone (which is why young girls today are fully developed with full breasts, hips, thighs, and buttocks); chemical artificial food coloring and additives; taste enhancers (that work on the hypothalamus gland in the brain which regulates hunger); and cancer-causing sodium nitrates and nitrites.

The biggest vaginal enemy are dairy products and grains. The problem with grains is that women eat too much of the gluten-rich grains. Gluten in bread and grain products (donuts, bagels, cakes, etc.) converts into glue inside the body. Vegetable-based pasta is a much better choice than grain-based pasta.

Eating meat, dairy, refined grains, starches, sugar products, pastries; drinking wine, beer, coffee, hot cocoa, soda pop, milk, etc. causes the body to become acidic which is the perfect catalyst for production of mucus, the bad, thick and yellowish-greenish mucus or phlegm.


Douching upsets the natural vaginal pH balance and ecology. Douching is not the solution, but instead, changing the diet-a difficult task for most Americans.

The vagina is naturally slightly acidic (4 to 4.5pH). This is a healthy acid level. However, most American female’s vagina has a vaginal pH between (5.1 to 6.0), which is too acidic; that’s why infertility is high today. The vagina is so acidic in many women, the little amount of alkalinity around the sperm cannot survive the acidic environment of the vagina.

However, douching can serve a provisional purpose, especially in cases of yeast and STD infection. However, only herbs and water should be used. The best herbs are the astringent herbs and the herbs that have an affinity for the female vagina. These herbs that have an affinity for the vaginal lining have a lining on their leaves just like the lining of the female vagina. These herbs include:

  • lemon verbena
  • red raspberry leaf
  • squawvine
  • marshmallow
  • mullein.
  • Astringent herbs include witch hazel bark, white oak bark, calendula, and ashoka. A woman can douche with these herbs to help heal a vaginal condition.

Now in cases of yeast infection, a woman can douche with the herbs:

In cases of STD infection (genital herpes, gonorrhea, syphilis, etc.), use herbs like:

  • tronodora
  • usnea
  • guaiac
  • buchu
  • olive leaf
  • neem
  • gokshura
  • mullein

Because yeast infection and parasitic and worm infection are also due to lack of oxygen (in addition to acidity), adding 2 ounces of 35% food-grade hydrogen peroxide or oxygen drops to the douche water or solution will serve most beneficial. The best water for douching purposes is oxygenated and alkaline water. Alkaline water will help bring up and balance the pH.

Female hygiene and sanitary products

Sanitary products cut off the necessary oxygen to the vagina. These products are also manufactured with a dangerous chemical, organochlorine, commonly called dioxin. Now it is used to bleach sanitary pads and napkins.

These ingredients leech into the vagina and reproductive system of the female and mimic estrogen and latch on to estrogen receptor sites where they develop and proliferate and eventually become tumors, benign as well as malignant (cancerous).

The wise choice for a woman to make is to purchase and start using environment-friendly and safe sanitary products bleached with oxygen and made from natural fibers such as cotton (brands such as NatraCare, Glad Rags, etc.).

And what about female or feminine deodorant spray? Spraying a chemical deodorant on the vagina is only masking the problem. Additionally, it is unwise for women to sprinkle vaginal powders on their vaginas. Many of these powders are made with talc, a poisonous substance that eventually makes it way inside the vagina.


One of the biggest vaginal enemies of all is tight pants. Tight pants, like tight denim jeans, greatly cut off circulation and deprive the vagina of oxygen, not to mention that since leather is made from cow hide, its energy doesn’t complement or compliment the human energy or aura.

And let’s not forget about tight underwear. So women, let your panties be made from natural fibers such as cotton, hemp, raffia, or linen. Natural fibers radiate a natural aura and energy that is conducive to your natural aura and energy unlike synthetic material (polyester, rayon, etc.). In addition, they allow oxygen into the body.

Sex toys

While it is true that the vagina has an affinity for vibration, the synthetic vibration of a vibrator does not naturally harmonize to the energy of the vagina. A vibrator is not natural. Worse, it’s made of plastic, just like a dildo, which leaches inside the vagina since that is where it is placed.


Women, take charge of the health of your vaginas. Your vaginas are invaded these days with all types of gadgets and substances: condoms, intrauterine devices, lubricants, douche speculums and chemical solutions, pap smear sticks, at-home pregnancy tests, etc.

So start eating healthier. Start thinking positive and embrace your feminine nature. Take female-specific hormone-rich herbs (dong quai, red raspberry, red clover, maca maca, squawvine, black cohosh, lady’s mantle, shepherd’s purse, sarsaparilla, licorice, false unicorn, damiana, and blessed thistle).

Let your vagina breathe. Start balancing and re-aligning your chakras, especially the seventh or root chakra (located at the vagina). Use a clear quartz crystal and/or a jade stone, simply placing it/them two inches over the vagina area (moving up and down) for a few minutes daily.


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