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Trying to improve your sleep? Have you heard about mouth taping? We’ve got the answers in case you’re interested in becoming a mouth taper!


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Interested in becoming a mouth taper? Perhaps you saw an Instagram ad for mouth taping and how it can benefit your sleep. It is a highly popular solution to encourage nose breathing during sleep, which may help address everything from snoring issues to bad breath

Although mouth taping is increasing in popularity, it hasn’t been studied extensively, especially on a large scale. A handful of small scientific studies were conducted, so most of the existing benefits are primarily anecdotal. In this article, we aim to discuss how mouth taping works, how to tape the mouth safely, and if there are any risks involved. Continue reading to learn more. 

What Is Mouth Taping?

Mouth taping is the practice of taping your mouth shut at night before you go to bed. If you want to breathe through your nose while you sleep, taping your mouth shut forces that to happen. That ultimately helps you avoid the negative effects of mouth breathing, such as snoring or even sleep apnea. The tape is usually porous and you stick it over the upper and lower lips. That makes opening your mouth very difficult, encouraging you to breathe through your nose during sleep.

Does Mouth Taping Help With Snoring?

There is a large argument that sleeping with mouth tape may benefit people who snore. One study involved people with mild obstructive sleep apnea, and they wore a porous patch over their mouths while sleeping. That caused all of the participants to breathe through their nose, and it changed the angle and palate of the tongue. These changes contributed to less snoring, and fewer instances of lapsed breathing. According to researchers, there are no definitive findings that indicate mouth tape’s positive impact on snoring in people who do not have obstructive sleep apnea. More research is necessary on this topic to see if mouth tape can help with other snoring issues. 

Benefits Of Mouth Tape

According to anecdotal claims, mouth tape has helped ease a variety of problems, including snoring, fatigue, concentration issues, and bad breath. Existing research has only found mouth tape to reduce snoring and tiredness in people with obstructive sleep apnea. What research does show is that nose breathing helps to filter out allergens and adds resistance to benefit lung volume. It also helps deliver warmer, more humid air to the lungs. Although studies on mouth taping for people with asthma have not shown any benefits, the research and anecdotal reports that do exists claim that mouth taping aids the following:

  • Dry mouth
  • Gum disease
  • Sleep-disordered breathing
  • Cavities
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms
  • Slowed growth in children
  • Bad breath
  • Decreased cognitive ability

Side Effects Of Mouth Tape

There are some existing side effects of taping the mouth for sleep, but most of them have not been fully studied. The following list of side effects are merely anecdotal:

  • Pain when ripping off the tape, especially if you have facial hair
  • Anxiety in people who feel uncomfortable with tape over their mouths
  • Irritation on or around the lips
  • Discomfort or difficulty breathing
  • Interrupted sleep due to irritation from the tape

How To Tape Your Mouth Safely

First of all, make sure to use a porous tape intended for human skin if you decide to use mouth tape. Masking tape or other tapes that are not intended for the body will likely cause irritation. Some companies sell strips that help keep the mouth shut while you’re asleep. There are currently no guidelines on how to tape the mouth safely, but it isn’t like building a combustion engine from scratch. 

Before you tape your mouth, make sure to test the mouth tape during the day. This is especially important if you have difficulty breathing through your nose due to nasal polyps, allergies, or another reason. Minimize irritation on the skin by applying a food-safe gel to the area around your mouth prior to sticking on the tape. When you apply the tape, consider folding it over at one corner to promote easy removal in the morning.


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The Best Essential Oils To Reduce Snoring Thu, 12 May 2022 09:01:00 +0000

Is snoring interfering with optimal sleep? Breathe in the powerful aromas of these essential oils if you want a quieter night of rest.


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Snoring can interfere with a good night’s sleep, either for you or the person who sleeps next to you. There are nights that snoring is so ferocious that it is impossible to drown out the noise. Since sleeping with noise canceling headphones isn’t the most comfortable, it’s time to find a better way to handle the problem. If you or someone you know has to deal with snoring, the essential oils in this article may come to your rescue. 

What Causes Snoring?

There are several factors that contribute to snoring. Alcohol consumption, body weight, allergies, general congestion, and the anatomy of the mouth can all cause snoring. After you fall asleep and transition from light sleep to deep sleep, the muscles in the roof of the mouth, tongue, and throat relax. The tissues in the throat relax enough to partially block the airway and vibrate. Airflow becomes more forceful the more narrow the airway is, increasing the tissue vibration that causes louder snoring. 

Because snoring has several different causes, different remedies may work to address specific causes. Essential oils can be a great way to naturally combat snoring, but they won’t always work to get rid of snoring. If snoring is caused by general congestion, colds, or allergies, essential oils are a great place to start. Use the following oils to help encourage healthier breathing and reduce or eliminate snoring. 

Thyme Essential Oil

Arguably one of the best essential oils for snoring, thyme essential oil works to improve respiratory health and soothe the nervous system. This combination may lead to better breathing and sleep. The scent is fresh, herbaceous, and helps to support immune function. If snoring is a result of asthma, bronchitis, or laryngitis symptoms, thyme essential oil is an excellent choice for your diffuser

Vetiver Essential Oil

A lot of sleep experts recommend people to use vetiver oil to reduce snoring. Vetiver essential oil works to improve breathing by allowing you to inhale and exhale more fully. Improving airflow is a great step towards reducing snoring. As a bonus, several studies show that vetiver essential oil may reduce anxiety and promote better sleep. 

Marjoram Essential Oil

The effectiveness of marjoram essential oil as a snoring remedy varies from person to person. This is because each person reacts to marjoram’s aroma, or any aroma for that matter, in a different way. A few studies of people who snored reported that participants stopped snoring on the first night using marjoram essential oil. Other snorers had to use it in a diffuser for six weeks to stop snoring. It works to open up the airway passages, which is why experts believe it helps you to not snore. 

Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Eucalyptus is one of the best herbal decongestants in existence, helping to open your airways with its anti-inflammatory properties. Working to clear out mucus in the nose and respiratory tract, eucalyptus essential oil eases your ability to breathe freely. For the best results, eucalyptus essential oil is best taken via steam inhalation. It exhibits a strong, earthy, woody aroma that is quite wonderful.

Peppermint Essential Oil

Similar to eucalyptus essential oil, peppermint essential oil helps promote decongestion. By allowing you to breathe more easily, peppermint essential oil is great for relieving symptoms of sinusitis and asthma. This essential oil also happens to be a popular snoring remedy. The active ingredient, menthol, exhibits anti-inflammatory properties that help clear up your airways. Peppermint has a cool refreshing aroma and combining it with lavender essential oil in a diffuser is a great way to promote relaxation and healthier sleep.


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7 Snoring Remedies That Actually Work Fri, 17 Dec 2021 09:14:00 +0000

7 home remedies for snoring that will actually give you some relief. Learn how to curb that roar of the snore for a peaceful night of sleep.


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If you snore when you sleep, you belong to the nearly 50% of American adults with the same problem. Air flows through your throat when you breathe in your sleep, causing relaxed tissues to vibrate and cause irritating, snoring noises. It’s an irritating problem for people who have to sleep in the general vicinity, not necessarily the snorer. Aside from the embarrassment factor, snoring can also indicate a more serious health condition. 

Snoring can either be benign or more serious. You may find that you can stop snoring if you experiment with the following remedies. In some cases, however, it may be necessary for you to see a doctor to address an underlying condition.

Sleep On Your Side

It’s quite common for back sleepers to snore. When you lay on your back, it’s easy to misalign the neck with the rest of the body, leading to a blockage of air movement and causing snoring. When you sleep on your side, it’s very uncommon to snore because air flows more easily in this position. You can wedge a pillow between your knees to get more comfortable if side sleeping is unnatural. 

Avoid Certain Foods

The foods you eat before bed may dictate whether you snore or not. Many doctors say that eating dairy products or spicy foods before bed increases the chance of snoring. If you’re sensitive to lactose, avoid dairy before bed to minimize or stop snoring at night. Spicy foods tend to have an inflammatory effect on the throat, which also contributes to snoring. 

Get To A Healthier Weight

If you are overweight or obese, losing weight is a great first step to better overall health. Overweight or obese people have a greater risk of snoring because of the amount of tissue in the throat that may cause snoring. Additionally, overweight or obese people have a higher risk of sleep apnea, which also leads to snoring. You can promote weight loss by exercising every day for at least 30 minutes. In addition to exercise, you also need to reform your diet and focus on portion control. Consider speaking with a nutritionist for this reason.

Quit Smoking And Drinking

In addition to worsening overall health, alcohol and cigarettes also increase the risk of snoring. Smoking irritates the airways and can make snoring worse. Alcohol, on the other hand, relaxes the throat muscles, making them more prone to vibration. If you drink alcohol at night, sleep experts say to stop consuming it at least two hours before bedtime to reduce the risk of snoring.

Avoid Sedatives

Sleeping pills or other sedative medications can induce a night of long, deep sleep, which is attractive to may people with sleep troubles. Similar to alcohol, sleeping pills have a relaxing effect on the throat muscles, which can cause snoring. There are other healthy ways to relax the body and promote better sleep. Click here to learn more.

Use Nasal Strips

Stick-on nasal strips help to elevate the bridge of the nose, which increases the space in the nasal passage. This is why it’s common to use nasal strips while experiencing a runny or stuffy nose. Breathing becomes easier and more effective, which eliminates or reduces snoring. If you don’t want to use nasal strips, you can try to experiment with a nasal dilator. This is a stiffened adhesive strip that you apply on top of the nose across the nostrils. It can decrease airflow resistance, which makes it easier to breathe

Mandibular Advancement Device

If a person’s tongue partially blocks the back of the throat during sleep, it’s common to snore. A mandibular advancement device is something that you wear in the mouth, and it helps to bring the tongue forward to create more space in the throat to reduce snoring. 


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Pillow Talk: How Sleeping Positions Impact Your Health Tue, 23 Feb 2021 09:15:00 +0000

According to sleep studies, your sleeping position can have a major influence on your overall health. See which ones are the best for you!


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Are you a side sleeper or back sleeper? Perhaps you sprawl out like a starfish or curl up in the fetal position. It may surprise you to learn that your sleeping position, your sleeping posture if you will, can seriously impact your health. For instance, the fetal position can contribute to fewer back problems and a reduced risk of cognitive disorders. Considering that you spend one third of your life sleeping or in bed, it’s beneficial to pay attention to your sleeping position. 

Every person has a sleeping position that they prefer. Some people cannot sleep on their back, while others can’t imagine sleeping in any other position. Some people fall asleep on their stomach and move like crazy during the night. All of these movements and positions can either hurt or benefit your health. They can also affect how much you sleep! Continue reading to figure out if your sleep position is enhancing or diminishing your health.

Things That Affect Sleeping Position

Comfort is obviously the thing to consider when it comes to sleep. You don’t want to wake up with a cranked out neck or numb wrist. At the same time, comfort isn’t the only thing that dictates your sleeping position. Age and gender are two primary factors that influence the position you sleep in. As you age, it’s very common to start sleeping on your side, and sleep studies support that side sleeping posture is beneficial, especially if you sleep on your right side. Sleeping on the right side may help protect heart function and benefit digestion, but more research is necessary to confirm these claims. Once you progress further into adulthood, it’s also common to move around less, meaning you remain in the same position all night. 

Gender is another factor that influences your sleeping positions. The positions in which women sleep become paramount during pregnancy. Most health experts advise against back sleeping if a woman is pregnant. The American Pregnancy Association recommends pregnant women to sleep on their left side to increase blood flow and nutrients to the placenta. It’s very common for men to sleep on their back, and several studies found that non pregnant women are twice as likely to sleep in the fetal position when compared to men. 

Pick Your Posture

There is no single sleep posture that is ideal for every person on the planet. We wish this was the case, but it isn’t. For people who are healthy and fit, sleep position is a matter of preference. People who have specific medical conditions or those who experience pain can benefit from sleeping in the right position. According to research, people who have back pain find relief from back sleeping. The Cleveland Clinic recommends that back sleepers put a small pillow under their knees to help alleviate spinal pressure. This may work, but it can take some getting used to. If back sleeping continues to be a problem, side sleeping is the next best option. It’s still beneficial to put a small pillow between your knees to reduce knee and hip pain.

Side Sleeping Is Best

This is the most popular sleeping posture and several studies link it to increasing relaxation and promoting open-mindedness. People who sleep on their right side tend to rely on caffeine or smoking, while people who sleep on their left side tend to be more creative. Side sleeping is also beneficial for people with specific health conditions, including sleep apnea and acid reflux. Health experts say that supine sleeping (sleeping on your back) can actually increase the risk of sleep apnea episodes because the throat muscles relax and block the airway. Back sleeping also increases snoring, which is more of a social problem than a health problem. If you cannot sleep on your side and suffer from snoring, acid reflux or sleep apnea, sleep researchers recommend raising the legs of the head of your bed so that you aren’t completely flat. It’s also possible to get an adjustable bed.

You Can Change Your Sleep Posture

Believe it or not, you can change your sleeping posture to benefit your health. You aren’t stuck in the rut of stomach sleeping for life. It may take a little effort on your part, but it is possible to achieve a healthier sleeping position. Before you commit to a sleeping position, consider if it is right for you. Certain sleeping positions have more advantages than others, so consider which position is best before changing how you sleep. You don’t have to go out and buy a new mattress, although, many mattresses are more beneficial for specific sleeping positions. In order to make yourself comfortable in your new sleeping position, you can wedge pillows under your hips, between your knees, under your knees, and next to your shoulder. Some people even use tennis balls to get comfortable. Ultimately, find what works for you and research the benefits of changing your sleeping position. 


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Snoring Reduction Juice Fri, 22 Aug 2014 17:04:00 +0000

One of the main causes of snoring is excess mucus. Drink this juice to clear up mucus to sleep more soundly and quietly.


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The ginger in this carrot juice gives it a subtle kick! Ginger is a natural decongestant, helping to rid excess mucus from your nasal passageways. You’ll have the best results if you consistently drink this juice.


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6 Remedies To Help You Snooze Without Snoring Tue, 05 Dec 2017 12:10:39 +0000

Are you a snorer or do you sleep next to someone who snores? Try these things to improve your sleep and make it through the night quietly.


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Nobody wants to sleep next to someone who snores. Snoring is usually made fun of or depicted in a comedic way in movies or TV shows, but it isn’t funny at all. Snoring typically can wake up the snorer, or it can cause poor sleep patterns for the person who sleeps in the same bed as the snorer.

What Causes Snoring?

You breathe through your nose and mouth. If your airflow is blocked or inhibited via congestion, the throat and tongue relax, which causes blockage and vibrations. These vibrations result in loud noises, snoring. If the airways are narrower, the snoring will be louder. Sometimes snoring can be attributed to other causes, which are listed below.

  • Alcohol consumption (relaxes muscles, including the tongue and throat, and can cause congestion)
  • Nasal problems (chronic nasal congestion or atypical nostril pattern)
  • Sleeping position (higher chance of snoring if you sleep on your back)
  • Sleep apnea
  • Sleep deprivation (less sleep than usual can lead to snoring)

Natural Remedies

Humidify and Humidify Again

Dry air can be contributing to your snoring because it makes nasal and throat membranes dry, which contributes to congestion. This inhibits airflow and causes your tissues to vibrate, i.e. snoring. Add a humidifier to your room and use essential oils like lavender, eucalyptus, and chamomile.

Drink Cardamom Tea

Cardamom helps to naturally decongest your nasal passages, which opens up blocked airways. This results in better air passage and less snoring. Add ½ teaspoon of cardamom powder to 8oz of hot water and stir. Drink this 30 minutes before bed daily to help reduce snoring.

Raise the Head of Your Bed

If you raise the head of your bead about 4 inches, this can help prevent your tongue from falling back and blocking your throat while you sleep. This may help to open up your airways. You’ll need sturdy blocks of wood that are about 1-2 inches thick. Add several of these blocks, one by one, under the two bedposts where you lay your head. Make sure this is steady and not wobbly. If you don’t want to do this, you can adjust your pillows to help elevate your head and open your airways.


In addition to the many things garlic can do for the body, it can also help reduce mucus build-up in nasal passages. It also works to decrease inflammation in the respiratory system. This is going to be intense, but chew on one raw garlic clove, spit it out, and drink 8oz of water before bed. This should help reduce snoring.

Keep the House Clean

We know this is everyone’s favorite thing to do, so keep it up! Keeping your home clean can pay off when you go to sleep. Allergens like dust, animal hair, or pollen can cause congestion and impair proper airflow, both of which contribute to snoring. It’s also recommended to regularly change your air filters in your house.

Avoid Alcohol and Sedatives

It is best to avoid alcohol beverages and sedatives roughly two hours before going to sleep. Both alcohol and sedatives can relax your throat tissue, causing it to expand and block proper airflow. This results in snoring.


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Here’s The Best Sleeping Position For Your Body Tue, 15 Sep 2020 16:20:14 +0000

Is your sleeping position hurting your body? You could be feeling so much healthier by sleeping in a different position. Find the right one!


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Humans spend about one-third of their lives sleeping, so it makes sense that getting a good night’s sleep is integral for a healthy body. Sleeping through the night is easier for some than others, but sleep difficulty may be attributed to a number of causes. Some people eat or drink the wrong things before bed or they sleep the wrong way, making sleep more difficult.

If you’ve ever woken up with a sore neck or back, saying that you slept wrong is a valid excuse! Roughly 80% of Americans will experience back pain in life, and it is typically caused by sleep positions. The pose you sleep in can dictate the health of your body in the long run. To help you avoid headaches, stomach troubles, wrinkles, or poor circulation, we have the best sleeping positions detailed below.

#1: On Your Back

When you sleep on your back, your neck and spine are in a neutral position and there is no unnecessary pressure on the back. Sleeping on your back allows your spine to remain elongated and it also helps to decrease acid reflux. You want your head to be elevated so that your stomach isn’t level with your throat; this is a common way for acid to travel from your stomach to the esophagus. Snoozing on your back, however, can worsen snoring or be dangerous for people with sleep apnea.

#2: On Your Side

Sleeping on your side is beneficial if you are prone to snoring or if you have sleep apnea. Side sleeping can cause wrinkles on your face because your face is smashed on the pillow. The side on which you sleep can also dictate your health. Sleeping on the right side may cause heartburn, while sleeping on the left side may put pressure on the liver, lungs, or stomach. When you sleep on the left side, though, you can reduce your risk of acid reflux.

#3: The Fetal Position

This is actually the most popular sleeping position, with roughly 40% of adults sleeping this way. Popular doesn’t mean that this position is good for you. If you are pregnant, sleeping on your left side in this position is great because it improves circulation to the fetus and throughout the body. It also prevents your uterus from putting pressure on your liver. If you curl up too tightly, it can restrict your breathing or put pressure on your joints. Try to lengthen your legs and place a pillow between your knees if you sleep this way.

#4: On Your Stomach

This is probably the worst way to sleep, even though people who sleep like this don’t snore. Sleeping on your stomach can lead to overarching and it puts strain on the neck and back. Stomach sleepers can easily irritate their nerves, and that can lead to numbness, tingling, or aches. Try to choose another position to sleep in to have a healthier body.


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The Importance of Nasal Cleansing Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:54 +0000

A type of water cleansing which allows for the sinuous of the nasal cavities to release accumulated waste particles and substances. Nasal flushing and cleansing is customary hygiene practice in many countries and regions of the East.


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Did you know that smell is 95% of taste? Yes, what you smell is what you actually taste and therefore absorbs into your bloodstream. This is why smell can and does affect you.

Unfortunately, most of us do not experience real breathing. Our nasal passages are clogged and obstructed with various debris and substances, mainly hardened mucus (aka boogers). This condition impairs proper and free flowing breathing which really makes a big difference in terms of optimal health in general and respiratory health in particular.

It is very important to have and experience good breathing. Through the nostrils we breathe in the breath of life, which contains the vital “chi”, “prana” or energy necessary for optimal health.

Nasal flushing and cleansing along with breathing techniques and exercises (such as those imported via yoga) are the best things for improving breathing and flow of “chi” (energy) into the body.

Safely Cleansing Nasal Passages

Many may say or ask “how do you possibly, sanely and safely cleanse the nostrils and nasal passages?” The answer is quite easy! You use a Neti pot. A Neti pot facilitates the Neti wash (cleanse and flush).

The Neti wash is a type of water cleansing, which allows for the sinuous of the nasal (and ear and eye) cavities to release accumulated waste particles and substances that have attached to the mucus lining.

Nasal flushing and cleansing is customary hygiene practice in many countries and regions of the East such as India, Tibet, and the Middle East.

Many professional brands of Neti Wash solutions will also contain Zinc acetate, which is used for nasal health.

Snoring has been nutritionally attributed to zinc and sulfur deficiency and many people with snoring problems have been helped with MSM Sulfur therapy (taking 2,000-6,000 mg daily).

In addition to the liquid herbal Neti wash solution, try using saline in the Neti pot for each wash or cleansing. Many professional brands of Neti Pot Salt will contain non-iodized salt, but iodized sea salt or regular sea salt will suffice the nasal cleanse and washing process.

Adding MSM Sulfur to the sea salt in addition to the herbal nasal cleansing solution works nasal wonders.

After cleansing, inhale or sniff essential oils of Eucalyptus and Pine to help open the nasal passages further.

Breathing is a very alkaline or alkalizing thing. It will greatly help to dissolve and expel hardened mucus (boogers). The Neti Pot cleansing and flushing process is also alkaline, mainly due in part to the herbs and sea salt.

You can ozonate the water for your Neti wash, too. Oxygen and alkalinity are the secrets to good great health. You cannot get sick with these two things in abundance in your body.

Neti wash water can also be enhanced not only with ozone or oxygen, but with crystal water of Blue Fluorite and Magnetite. These two stones are great for nose problems such as nosebleed.

If you can’t fathom the idea of water going in through one nostril and gently coming out of the other nostril which is how the Neti Pot and Neti wash process works, you may just want to perform facial tinting (steaming) – placing your head over a pot of hot, boiling water that contains a few drops of Eucalyptus oil and just breathe in the sinus-opening vapors.

Magnetic Healing Options

Also, it is a fact that most people are only breathing through one nostril due to blockage. This blockage is magnetic in nature. You can test yourself by pressing down on one nostril and inhaling and exhaling through the other. Chances are there’s a blockage.

This problem can be rectified with the use of magnets, medical-grade or therapeutic magnets which are usually very small gold-plated, powerful gauss (500-9,000) magnets that are applied to both sides of the nose with small adhesive bandages that are worn for 6-12 hours daily until the blockage disappears.

Dherbs Solutions

DHERBS products that can assist in the optimal breathing process, including:

Thank you for reading!


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