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Have you been around someone with the flu? Are you currently infected? You might want to know exactly how long the virus is contagious.


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The flu, much like a wildfire, spreads very easily. All it needs is a little bit of wind, right? According to a 2023 study that involved the 2021 to 2022 flu season, you had a 50% chance of contracting the virus. If you or someone you know is sick, then, how long does the contagious period last? Although this is a difficult question to answer precisely, health experts have several guidelines that may help stop the spread. 

How Does The Flu Spread?

The flu is a viral respiratory illness that primarily spreads via close contact with an infected person. Infected flu patients expel germ-filled droplets when they cough, sneeze, or talk. When those droplets land in the mouth or nose of another person, that person is at risk of becoming infected. The droplets can also land on surfaces, such as doorknobs, TV remotes, or keyboards, which a healthy person can touch and then touch their mouth, eyes, or nose, thereby causing infection. 

You cannot always avoid these droplets when you are around someone with the flu. You can, however, take cautionary measures to prevent the spread of the virus. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends the following tips to avoid spreading the flu:

  • Cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue and then throw that tissues away
  • Clean and disinfect surfaces that may be contaminated (especially high-touch surfaces)
  • Avoid close contact with sick people, and limit contact with others when you are sick
  • Stay home for at least 24 hours after your fever subsides
  • Avoid touching your nose, eyes, and mouth as much as possible
  • Wash your hands regularly with soap and water. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer when you don’t have access to soap and water

How Long Does The Flu Last?

Infected with the flu? Well, it can last a few days or a couple weeks. More often than not, people who decided to get a flu shot will get over infection quicker than people who did not get vaccinated. Flu symptoms, such as body aches, fever, or chills, typically come on quickly and subside slowly. According to health experts, the average time between exposure to the virus and the appearance of symptoms is two days. 

Statistically, days two through four are the worst, regarding severity of symptoms. You will know that you are nearing the end of your flu when your fever is down and you no longer feel body aches. At that point, the virus is controlled, but coughing, runny nose, and fatigue can stick around for a little while after that. You may even experience some flu dizziness that can last for a couple days or weeks, depending on the cause. 

How Long Is The Flu Contagious?

Typically, you are most contagious during the first three days of sickness, according to the CDC. That said, you are likely contagious for a day before the onset of symptoms and several more once they subside. That means an infected person can spread the flu one day before they experience symptoms. You can spread it and not know it, especially if you did not know that the person you encountered was infected with the flu.

You are the most contagious when your symptoms peak, which is days two through four. It’s possible that you can continue to spread the virus until symptoms go away completely, though. Basically, you are no longer contagious once your symptoms are gone entirely. You can expedite your recovery through various alternative remedies or over-the-counter (OTC) flu medications. Just keep in mind that those OTCs that only lower fever will not help you get over your sickness faster or make you less contagious. They only make you more comfortable and able to deal with symptoms.


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Homemade Calamine Lotion Fri, 27 Sep 2024 09:19:00 +0000

Calamine lotion is a topical over-the-counter medication intended to soothe mild itchiness. This homemade version may relieve irritation.


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When you were a child, do you remember your mother slathering your legs with pink calamine lotion to relieve bug bites? Perhaps you played outside by a pond or lake, or just amongst nature and mosquitos got you good. Those bites were itchy, no doubt! After a soothing bath, it was time to later on that pink calamine lotion

What Is Calamine Lotion?

Calamine lotion is an over-the-counter (OTC) medication that is meant to soothe mild itchiness (pruritus). It has demonstrated an ability to soothe redness, discomfort, pain, and itchiness associated with chickenpox, bug bites, and poison ivy. You can also use calamine lotion to help dry out oozing skin irritations. Calamine lotion is only for topical use, so please do not swallow it, as it can be very dangerous. 

What Is Calamine Lotion Used For?

The primary benefit of calamine lotion is that it relieves itchiness. Poison ivy, poison oak, poison sumac, and other poisonous plants can cause skin irritation and rash. Applying calamine lotion to relieve the itch from these poisonous plants, in addition to other discomforts, can soothe the skin and aid recovery. You can also calamine lotion to help relieve the following:

  • Heat rash: A heat rash is an area of the skin that becomes irritated when sweat gets trapped in your pores and ducts under the skin. Calamine may help relieve the burning or itchiness. 
  • Chickenpox: You may be able to relieve the itchiness and other symptoms of this infectious condition by applying calamine lotion. The lotion may also prevent you from developing additional skin conditions. 
  • Swimmer’s itch: Calamine lotion may help get rid of rashes like swimmer’s itch, which you can develop if you swim in water that contains certain parasites. 
  • Scabies: A small mite can cause scabies, which can cause a rash and intense itching. In order to ease the itching from scabies, try to apply calamine lotion to relieve symptoms. Unfortunately, it will not kill the mites. 
  • Shingles: In addition to antiviral medications, you may be able to use calamine lotion to help relieve shingles. Apply the lotion directly to the skin in order to get some relief.
  • Acne: Unfortunately, calamine lotion will not cure acne, but it may help dry out a pimple, making it a potential spot treatment
  • Chigger bites: Chiggers are mites that feed on human skin and their bites cause intense irritation and scratching. Apply the calamine lotion to help relieve itching, but it will not kill the mites.

Homemade Calamine Lotion


  • 2 tablespoons bentonite clay
  • 1 tablespoon pink kaolin clay
  • 1 tablespoon baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 10 drops lavender essential oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon glycerin


  • Add all of the ingredients to a glass bowl and whisk with a silicone whisk or wooden spoon. Don’t use anything metal or it will affect bentonite clay’s health properties. 
  • Once you have thoroughly mixed the ingredients, transfer the mixture to a clean jar and screw on the lid. 
  • Store in the refrigerator and use within two weeks. Apply liberally as needed for sunburns, poison ivy, or itchy bug bites. 


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How To Retain Muscle As You Age Sun, 08 Sep 2024 09:28:00 +0000

Do you want to avoid sarcopenia with age? You can retain muscle mass as you get older by practicing more resistance training.


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If you scroll through social media, you will most likely see a lot of fitness-inspired content. Perhaps you see a girl or guy flexing in the mirror or demonstrating a workout routine you can do anywhere, any time. Other times, you might see a split screen that shows a person deadlifting in the gym with dumbbells on the left. On the right side, it may show an older person bending over to pick up groceries with ease. The caption may read, “I do this when I’m younger so I can do this when I’m older.”

That type of video is intended to inspire people to stay active throughout their lives. This form of “fitspo” speaks to the fact that not enough people practice resistance training as they get older. Engaging in resistance exercises can help keep your bones and muscles strong. Not to mention, it can help reduce the risk of sarcopenia

What Is Sarcopenia?

Sarcopenia is characterized by a rapid loss of muscle mass and function. Researchers note that between 5% and 16% of people over the age of 65 are living with sarcopenia. Some health experts suggest that that is a low estimation. It can affect 20% of people by age 60, and 50% of people by age 80. 

Because most people do not regularly test muscle health, knowing sarcopenia’s true presence is difficult. You cannot just look at someone and tell that they have sarcopenia, because different body types store muscle mass differently. You would need a couple advanced tests to determine changes in musculature. That is why experts stress the integration of more accessible tools for the average person. That is likely years and years away, though. 

Is Sarcopenia Preventable? 

Experts predict that sarcopenia will only become more common in the future. The reason for this prediction is due to the increasingly sedentary nature that is tied to technology. Additionally, the rapid increase in GLP-1 drugs, such as Ozempic, may indirectly cause a decline in muscle mass. Roughly 25% of patients who use GLP-1 drugs can expect to lose lean muscle mass in addition to fat, especially if they do not follow a healthy lifestyle

Sarcopenia is relatively common, and may become more common in the future, but that does not mean it is inevitable. It is natural to lose a little less than 1% of lean muscle mass per starting at age 30. Experts note that you can fight this with the right habits. Continue reading to learn how to reduce your risk of sarcopenia as you age. 

Eat High-Quality Protein At Every Meal

You cannot build or retain muscle if you do not consume protein. Protein requirements may vary depending on age and level of physical activity. Generally speaking, nutritionists suggest that people should consume 25-30 grams of protein at each meal to promote healthy muscles. Spacing out your protein can ensure that your body receives a steady source of amino acids, which are necessary for building muscle. Most Americans, however, tend to eat most of their protein at dinner. Great sources of protein include quinoa, legumes, pea protein, tempeh, tofu, wild caught fish, some vegetables, and whole grains. 

Strength Train A Couple Times Per Week

Cardiovascular exercise benefits heart health and can improve circulation, but strength training is necessary to maintain muscle protein synthesis (new muscle growth). You can do resistance training with or without weights, for example, bodyweight squats, push-ups, pull-ups, etc. Ideally, experts encourage two to three days of resistance training per week to encourage optimal muscle strength and function. Split up workouts to focus on different muscle groups, such as upper-body day, lower-body day, and full-body day. You can level up your workouts as you progress. For example, you may start with a barbell squat without weights. A couple weeks later, you may find that you have a 25-pound plate on each side of the bar. Kettlebell exercises are also great full-body workouts that can also increase core strength. The main thing is to be consistent to maintain your progress. 

Take Recovery Seriously

If you take your workouts seriously, then you should do the same for your recovery. You don’t just bounce back after a workout if you don’t practice the proper recovery methods. The body requires time to heal and get stronger. Treat recovery days the same way you treat workout days. Make sure that you stretch, tend to sore muscles, and sleep enough each night and you will see a huge difference. 

If you plan on combating muscle loss that comes with age, make sure to engage in resistance training, eat enough protein, and optimize your recovery. The more you prioritize strength as you age, the better off you’ll be later on in life. You’ll be able to have more independence to do the things you want to do!


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A Simple 10-Minute Routine To Improve Mobility Tue, 23 Jul 2024 08:45:00 +0000

Start your day with an energizing and effective mobility routine that can help reduce low back pain and open up tight hips.


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Mobility and recovery are two integral components of functional fitness. Nowadays, you see so many fitness influencers promoting mobility training. This is great because people neglected these movements for so long. Too often do people focus on specific muscle groups, engaging in constricted movements. Mobility training is about using the entire body in ways that it moves naturally, which helps improve your flexibility and range of motion, all while reducing your risk of injury.

When you get up from a deep slumber, you are usually stiff, which makes the morning the best time to engage in a mobility routine. The different movements in this routine work to loosen stiff joints, improve range of motion, and reduce the risk of injury. Think of this like an active recovery workout, which you should incorporate one to two times per week to maintain healthy muscles and joints. For this mobility routine, you will need a foam roller, so be sure to have that at the ready. 

Upper Back Foam Roll

A lot of people carry stress in their shoulders and upper back. This move is a great way to massage away the knots, kinks, and tightness in those areas. Sit on the floor with the foam roller placed behind you perpendicular to your body. It should rest across your upper back when you lean back. Bend your knees, cross your arms across your chest, and lean back on the foam roller. Engage your glutes to lift off the floor, contract your abs, and push away from your feet so that the roller goes down your back toward your buttocks. Roll back until the foam roller is resting around your shoulders. Continue rolling back and forth, maintaining a strong core, for 20 to 30 seconds. 

Quadricep Foam Roll

Don’t neglect your quads and hip flexors because those areas can hold a lot of tension. You will likely spend the most time on these areas, slowly massaging the tension away. To begin, lie face down with your right leg on top of the foam roller. It should be perpendicular to your upper thigh. Bend your left leg and keep it out to the side away from the foam roller, but you’ll use this leg to push forward and backward. Shift as much weight onto the foam roller as you can tolerate. Roll along the quad and hip flexor, resting on any areas of tightness. Repeat on the other leg after about a minute or so. 

Couch Stretch

This stretch specifically targets the hip flexors, which are the muscles along the front of your hips. You’ll also help lengthen your quad muscles during this stretch. Bend down in front of a wall, foam roller, or couch and drop your right knee to the ground. Place your shin right up against the bottom of the couch, resting your right foot on top of the couch cushion. You can also rest your shin and top of your foot against the wall behind you. Keep your right thigh in line with your body and stack your shoulders over your hips. Square the hips and face forward, maintaining a long spine for 30 to 60 seconds. Repeat on the other side. 

Neck And Trap Stretch

This stretch targets all of the muscles in the neck that support the head and upper spine. This is great for people who sit at desks or hunch over their phones a lot. You can do this stretch in a kneeling or standing position. Place your right hand on the top left part of your head and pull it gently toward your right shoulder. That will open up the left side of the neck. You can hold here for 30 seconds, or increase the stretch by wrapping your left arm behind you and reaching toward your mid-back. Repeat on the other side. 

Half Kneeling Hip Openers

For the final move in this mobility sequence, you are going to address the hips, glutes, inner thighs, shoulders, and chest. Begin in a kneeling position with both knees on the ground. Stack your shoulders over your hips and knees and then step your right foot forward to enter a half-kneeling position. Guide your right leg toward the right side of your body (about a 45-degree angle or 90-degree if possible) so that your right hip is in line with your right knee. Reach your right hand down your right leg toward your ankle, palm facing out. Extend your left hand up overhead and hold this position for 30 to 60 seconds. Repeat on the other leg.


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Herbal Ice Cubes To Soothe Sunburns Thu, 18 Jul 2024 09:17:00 +0000

Don’t forget to protect your skin when you go out in the sun. If you happen to get a sunburn, soothe it with these DIY herbal ice cubes.


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Everyone has their day in the sun during summer. Some people are less fortunate than others and go home looking like freshly boiled lobsters. You’ve seen that bright red skin that stands out from 100 feet away. Although sun exposure is beneficial, sunburn is not. When the skin is burnt to a bright red, you need immediate relief. The soothing sunburn ice cubes in this article can help promote faster healing and provide relief. 

As a quick note, it’s important for everyone to lather up with a skin-safe sunscreen when going out in the sun. If you plan to stay in the sun for long periods of time, make sure to seek shade when possible, hydrate all day long, and reapply sunscreen every couple hours. That may not seem like the most fun thing to remember, but it can help keep your skin safe. For when you let yourself cook a little longer in the direct sunlight and get burnt, you will need to soothe the skin immediately.

Sunburn Soothing Ice Cubes

There are many cooling sprays, after sun gels, lotions, and other natural remedies that can help soothe sunburns. They only last for so long in the fridge before they go bad, though. They are easy to make, but you still have to spend the time to prepare them. Why not have something that won’t go bad and is always cooling and soothing? 

Aloe vera is a great plant to have at your house. It is a low-maintenance succulent and the gel inside the plant has soothing properties that can help accelerate the recovery of sunburns. Researchers note that aloe vera contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help soothe inflamed skin. 

Regarding the soothing ice cubes, many experts do not recommend placing ice on sunburns. The reason for this is because the cold acts as a vasoconstrictor, which reduces blood flow to the area and slows healing time. If you add vasodilating herbs to the ice cubes, though, they can help increase blood flow and solve that issue. Plus, you get the cooling relief from the frozen cubes. 


This plant stimulates tissue repair and works to help the body form healthy skin cells. It is also beneficial for sore joints and damaged skin. Studies have shown that comfrey can help soothe and heal damaged skin. And just like marshmallow root, which is also in these soothing sunburn cubes, comfrey is a demulcent that helps provide a protective barrier over tissues


Lavender is an all-around soothing herb that is especially gentle on the skin. It lends itself to a variety of DIY skin care products, so a lot of DIY enthusiasts keep lavender essential oil on hand. Lavender may help disinfect wounds and cuts and acts as an analgesic to soothe pain. It is frequently applied to burns to help soothe the skin and promote faster healing. Lavender also helps to increase circulation to the skin, which accelerates recovery time. 


Calendula is very similar to lavender, in that it is a great all-around herb. It is very gentle and great for all skin types. Many studies confirm that it can help soothe inflammation and reduce the severity of cuts, burns, sunburns, rashes, and cuts. Calendula may also help move lymphatic fluid and improve blood circulation.


Slippery marshmallow works to coat and cool irritated skin, while simultaneously adding moisture. The roots, flowers, and leaves of marshmallow root all exhibit anti-inflammatory properties. You can use leaves and flowers for the cubes (below) or you can use the roots.


Peppermint has a natural cooling effect, making it a great addition to soothing sunburn cubes. The mint plant is also a vasodilator, which stimulates circulation and helps create a warming feeling. If you combine mint with cool or cold ingredients, it feels refreshing on the skin. 

Herbal Ice Cubes To Soothe Sunburns


  • 2 cups water 
  • 1 tablespoon each: lavender flowers, comfrey leaf, peppermint leaf, marshmallow root, and calendula flowers
  • 1/4 cup aloe vera gel


  • Pour the water into a small pot over medium-high heat and bring to a boil. 
  • Add the herbs to the pot, cover with a lid, and remove from heat. Allow the herbs to steam for 15 minutes. 
  • Strain the herbs out, which will leave you with about one and three-quarter cups of tea. Put that herbal tea in the fridge to cool. 
  • Once the herbal tea is no longer hot, add the aloe vera gel and stir to combine. Pour this mixture into ice cube trays and freeze. 
  • Pop out an ice cube after coming home with a sunburn and apply it to the affected area. You can wrap the ice cube in a paper towel if you need to.


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4 Tips For Staying Sober Through The 4th Of July Wed, 03 Jul 2024 09:09:00 +0000

This is what you need to do to stay sober throughout 4th of July festivities. You’ll handle this holiday like a seasoned pro with these tips.


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The 4th of July is an incredibly festive time for people and an alcoholic beverage is typically within arm’s reach at any picnic or barbecue. For people in recovery, especially those new to the program, July 4th can be a difficult time to remain sober. Independence Day is a joyful holiday, but the reality is that it can remind you of old habits and the occasional unexpected emotions. How you navigate those emotions when they surface can influence how you handle the holiday. 

The primary goal is to direct your focus to things that you can do, not what you can’t do. You can have a lot of meaningful fun, enjoying outdoor activities, the beach, the lake, the pool, basketball with family, and the impressive spread of food. If, however, you are new to recovery and feel that you may succumb to the temptation, consider avoiding parties where drinking is prevalent. Get together with some sober friends or consider going to a 12 Step meeting to discuss how to manage urges, boredom, and loneliness. Below, you’ll find four expert tips to help you stay sober through 4th of July celebrations. 

Be Creative

If you get your creative juices flowing, the fun never stops! There are many opportunities to let your creative spirit lead the way on this holiday. You can engage in arts and crafts projects with your children, or nieces/nephews, or make sand castles with them on the beach. Experts say that an actively creative mind is the best defense against resisting the temptation of drugs or alcohol. If you find an art project or creative outlet that you enjoy, consider making it a 4th of July tradition! One possible tradition is to make mini movies, which you can save and rewatch each year. 

Hang Out With Sober Friends

Some people with years of sobriety under their belt have no problem hanging around substances. They have things under control and they know what to do if they get uncomfortable. If you are new to sobriety and don’t feel like testing the waters with friends who drink or use drugs, consider hanging out with sober friends this year. You can plan a picnic, watch fireworks, or have a barbecue with everyone and enjoy the day. Spending the holiday with sober friends eliminates drugs and alcohol from the equation because nobody will use them. If you do want to go to an event that will have drugs or alcohol, consider taking a sober friend as a support system. Plus, you’ll be personally accountable for both of your actions. 

Don’t Be Afraid To Say “No” 

If your friends know that you are sober and understand why you are committed to that lifestyle, they will most likely not offer you any substances. Better yet, true friends will do their best to ensure that you’re having a great time without alcohol, and they may even hold you accountable for your actions. However, some people may offer you drinks or drugs after imbibing for a while. If you attend a party as a solo sober person, don’t fear the word “no.” If you don’t feel confident in your ability to resist alcohol, though, don’t put yourself in a compromising situation yet. This is especially true for newly sober people. 

Have An Exit Strategy

Whether you are at a sober party or not, make sure to have an exit strategy in place before arriving. Holidays can occasionally be overwhelming, bringing back old memories of your past life. These memories may spark feelings that can be hard to deal with in your newly sober life. This is why you always need to set yourself up with an easy exit, no matter what the reason. You may need to drive separately, even if that means struggling to find parking. The best way to feel good about an exit strategy is to let your friends know ahead of time that you may leave at any minute. Finally, enter into the situation knowing that you need to do what’s right for you because that is the best way to live your life.


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6 Remedies To Get Rid Of Ringworm Thu, 20 Jun 2024 09:39:00 +0000

A ringworm infection will typically go away permanently after applying an over-the-counter anti-fungal treatment, but these remedies…


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A ringworm rash is uncomfortable, but it is very common and easily treatable. Early intervention is critical if you want to prevent it from spreading and infecting others. It is usually an itchy, circular rash with a clearer center. The fungal infection gets its name from the appearance, with a darker red line on the exterior. 

What Is Ringworm?

Ringworm usually causes a ring-shaped rash that can be scaly, itchy, and slightly raised. It is related to athlete’s foot (tinea pedis), jock itch (tinea cruris), and ringworm of the scalp (tinea capitis). It is a fungal infection that spreads via skin-to-skin contact with an infected person or animal. If the infection is mild, you can easily get rid of it with mild anti-fungal ointment or cream. If the infection is more severe, you may need to take oral anti-fungal medication for a couple weeks. 

There are many things you can do to help get rid of ringworm and accelerate the recovery process. If you want to limit the spread and get rid of the infection, consider these simple treatment options. 

Apply A Topical Anti-Fungal

Most ringworm cases only require at-home treatment. Over-the-counter anti-fungals can help kill the fungus and promote healing. There are many ointments that can help clear up the rash. To apply the topical anti-fungal medication, make sure to clean the rash first. Wash your hands and then apply a thin layer to the affected area twice daily, or as instructed. Make sure to spread the topical ointment beyond the border of the rash by a centimeter or so, as that will help it absorb into the skin.

Wash Your Bedding Every Day

Ringworm, much like athlete’s foot, is a highly contagious fungal infection. For this reason, you should wash your bedding and clothes daily to help get rid of the infection more quickly. The reason to change your sheets is because fungal spores can transfer to your sheets and comforter. If you sleep on the same sheets night after night, you can delay the healing process and increase the risk of the infection spreading to other parts of the body. Make sure to use hot water and detergent when you wash infected bedding or sheets. 

Let It Breathe

It seems counterintuitive to leave the ringworm infection out in the open. You should cover it up to avoid spreading the infection, right? As true as that may seem, bandaging the infection locks in moisture, which slows the healing process. Make sure to keep the area dry and wear comfortable, breathable clothing to promote faster healing. Loose-fitting, long-sleeve shirts and pants are excellent. No skin-tight clothing items!

Change Wet Underwear And Socks

One of the easiest ways to develop athlete’s foot or ringworm is to continue wearing wet socks or underwear. Ringworm can develop in the groin area and feet if you do not keep these areas dry. If you sweat a lot during the day, make sure to bathe with a cleansing bar and consider applying an anti-fungal powder or lotion. Just make sure the area is completely dry before you put on new underwear or socks. 

Use Anti-Fungal Shampoo

If ringworm develops on the scalp, which is not too common, you may experience severe itching, patches of hair loss, and severe dandruff. A medicated anti-fungal shampoo can help remedy ringworm on the scalp. These shampoos will kill the bacteria and fungi on the scalp, preventing inflammation. You can buy an anti-fungal shampoo at the grocery store or drugstore. Just make sure that these shampoos have active ingredients like selenium sulfide, pyrithione zinc, or ketoconazole. 

Experiment With Aloe Vera

Aloe vera works to reduce inflammation, and is a known “itch-soother.” Some research suggests that aloe vera also exhibits anti-fungal activity. Aloe will not likely harm the skin and may help to reduce itchiness. That said, it probably will not clear up ringworm on its own, but it may be effective when combined with an anti-fungal ringworm solution. Use aloe gel from a plant for the best results.


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Easy Stretches To Help Relieve Hip Pain Sat, 15 Jun 2024 09:07:00 +0000

You lean to the left and to the right, bend down, and twist, yet you still feel pain. These stretches can help relieve hip pain.


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If you keep your hip joints strong and limber, you can improve mobility, range of motion, and alleviate pain. Hip pain involves any pain that is in or around the hip joint. You may feel pain in the groin, thigh, or knee, depending on the severity of your hip pain and how it started. Engaging in hip stretches can benefit your situation, no matter how hip pain started. That said, if your hip pain stems from a severe injury, consult a physical therapist before experimenting with moves on your own. Certain movements may hinder your recovery.

Although hip pain can stem from an injury or arthritis, sitting for extended periods of time can strain the hip flexors. The reason for this is because excessive sitting relaxes and deactivates the muscles, which essentially shuts them off. That causes the hip flexors to shorten, resulting in tightness and pain. You typically feel the pain along the front of the hip, where it meets your thigh. Depending on the severity of the pain, you may experience: 

  • Cramping and sharp pain
  • Mild pain or pulling on the front of the hip
  • Difficulty getting out of a chair, or up from a squat
  • Difficulty climbing stairs
  • Severe pain, spasms, or swelling at the top of the thigh

Sitting also puts pressure on the discs in the lower back, which can cause pain that radiates to the front of the hips. Add lack of movement into the equation and you will experience stiffness and discomfort in the hip joint. To alleviate that pain, engage in the following stretches. 

Hamstring Stretch

The hamstrings attach to the pelvis behind your hips. These muscles help you bend your knees and extend your hips. If you have tight hamstrings, you may experience tightness in the back of your hips, which can limit mobility. To stretch the hamstrings, sit up straight with both legs extended out straight. Bend your right knee and then let it fall out to the side, placing the sole of your foot along your left inner thigh. Angle your chest towards your left leg and lean forward, hinging at the hips to maintain a straight back. Only lean until you feel a stretch, placing your hands on either side of your left leg for support. Hold for 60 seconds and then repeat on the other leg. 

Iliotibial (IT) Band Stretch

The iliotibial (IT) band is a thick band of fascia that runs on the outside of your leg from your hip to your knee. If you go to the gym, you probably see people foam rolling this area of the leg. It doesn’t contract, but it attaches to muscles that do, and IT band pain can be felt in the lateral hip. To stretch the IT band, lie on your right side and keep your right knee bent for stability. Reach back, bend your left leg, and grab your left ankle. You should feel a stretch along your left thigh. While keeping your right leg bent, gently place the right foot on the top of your left knee. Use your right foot to pull your left down toward the floor. This should stretch the IT band. Hold for 60 seconds and then repeat on the other side. 

Hip Flexor Stretch

The hip flexors are muscles located along the front of the hip and thigh. People who sit a lot, or those with arthritis, will feel tightness in these muscles. To begin, enter a lunge position, stepping your left foot forward and placing  your right knee on the ground behind you. Keep your back straight and engage your core for stability. Squeeze your right glute as you lean forward until you feel a stretch along your right hip flexor. Hold this position for 60 seconds and then repeat on the other side. 

Figure Four Stretch

Also known as the piriformis stretch, the figure four targets the piriformis muscle, located in the posterior hip. This muscle resides deep near the sciatic nerve and can tighten if you have hip pain that stems from sciatica. To stretch the piriformis, lie flat on your back with your knees bent, feet planted flat on the floor. Cross your right leg over your left bent, resting your ankle just above the knee. Let your right knee fall out to the side and reach to grab behind your left hamstring. Pull your left leg toward you until you feel a stretch in the back of your right hip near your buttocks. Hold for 60 seconds and then repeat on the other leg.


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Short Bouts Of Exercise Can Boost Immune Function Sat, 20 Apr 2024 09:10:00 +0000

A new study found that short bouts of exercise helps to boost the immune system, but the study was small and more research is necessary.


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From diet and alternative remedies to deep breathing and exercise, many things can boost immune function. A new study found that short bouts of exercise (just 15 minutes at a time) can improve the immune system. The findings come from the American Physiology Summit, which recently took place in Long Beach, CA. Short bursts of exercise increased the activity of natural killer (NK) cells, which are white blood cells that fight both cancerous and infected cells in the body.

As of right now, the study has not been published in a peer-reviewed journal. Even still, this isn’t the first study linking exercise to higher levels of NK cells in the bloodstream. Additionally, the number of NK cells appears to increase just minutes after engaging in physical activity. Researchers from the new study said that findings only add to the growing mound of evidence that increasing NK cells may offer better protection against diseases and infections. That is why short bouts of exercise are enough to activate the immune system and increase NK cells in the bloodstream.

15 Minutes Of Exercise May Improve Immunity

The recent study involved 10 participants between the ages of 18 and 40, making it a very small study. Each participant rode a stationary bicycle for 30 minutes at moderate intensity. Before the participants started cycling, the researchers drew blood samples. The researchers drew more blood after 15 minutes on the bike, and then again after 30 minutes on the bike. After 15 minutes of cycling, researchers observed that levels of NK cells increased. They did not continue to increase after 30 minutes of cycling. Researchers note that these findings suggest that 15 minutes of physical activity is enough to boost NK cell production, which aids immunity.

How Do NK Cells Keep You Healthy?

NK cells do not require previous exposure to a pathogen to identify and attack it, which makes them different to other immune cells. NK cells help destroy infected and diseased cells, such as cancer cells. These cells are always on the lookout for malignant cells, meaning that higher levels of NK cells in the body may improve the prognosis of different types of cancer. One report found that different NK cells were associated with survival in people with colorectal cancer. 

Exercises Boosts Immunity In Other Ways

In addition to boosting NK cells in the body, physical activity causes the body temperature to rise. Most viruses and bacteria can easily survive in normal body temperature. Research states that heat makes it harder for these viruses to survive. Physical activity also helps to lower stress levels, and lower levels of cortisol has been linked to better immune function. Reducing stress levels can also improve symptoms of depression and anxiety. Depression and stress can lead to chronic inflammation, which impacts the body’s ability to fight off infections. 


Prolonged bouts of intense exercise can suppress immune function, which is why allowing the body to rest between workouts is paramount. Create a thoughtful approach to your exercise regimen, with the goal of exercising regularly with proper rest and recovery time. Keep in mind that just 15 minutes of exercise can help improve immune function by enhancing the production of NK cells. Elevated levels of these white blood cells can help fight infected or cancerous cells in the body, which may offer better protection against diseases and infections.


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New Research Confirms The Best Exercises For Low Back Pain Wed, 17 Apr 2024 09:07:00 +0000

A recent review study found that the best exercises for low back pain are Pilates, tai chi, yoga, and sling exercises, compared to other…


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Even if you are not 85 years old, your 28-year-old back may say otherwise. The reality is that the vast majority of people are sedentary, regardless of age, which contributes to back problems. An even bigger reality is that back pain is a leading cause of work limitations, with chronic back problems affecting nearly 8% of American adults. Health care costs due to back pain exceed $12 billion per year!

When people think of back pain, the first image that comes to mind is an older adult hunched over. Perhaps they move slowly and have to sit down very carefully to avoid worsening the pain. Although the risk of lower back pain increases with age, it doesn’t sentence a person to a life without exercise. In fact, there are many types of physical activity that are beneficial for people with lower back pain, even if modifications are necessary. 

The 4 Best Exercises For Low Back Pain

A recent study found that certain workouts can alleviate lower back pain. The review study, which was published in Front Public Health, found tai chi, yoga, Pilates, and sling exercises to be the most beneficial at reducing low back pain. The review looked at 75 randomized controlled trials with more than 5,250 participants. That provided study review authors with a significant amount of data to consider. 

Study authors noted yoga and tai chi to be the most effective for pain management. You and core stabilization exercises yielded better improvement in physical functions compared to standard rehabilitation methods. The theme across the four different modes of exercise is mobility and flexibility. There is no need to focus on intense muscle gains and lifting heavy weights. On the contrary, those types of workouts can increase the pain or worsen the injury, especially if form is incorrect. Tai chi, believe it or not, can improve muscle strength, balance, and endurance without putting too much pressure on the lower back. 

Sling exercises, or bungee workouts, were of particular interest to study authors. The reason for that is because they are underrated for incorporating more movement into an older person’s lifestyle. They are usually more fun than cardio- or weight-based workouts, too! Sling exercises also activate the core muscle groups, which help improve balance and the ability to control the neuromuscular system. That ultimately enhances the stability of the lumbar spine (low back), while simultaneously improving its function. 


This study was very large, considering that it is quite niche. That said, researchers believe more large-scale studies on this matter will help people make better, more educated decisions about exercising with lower back pain. Knowing which exercises are the best if you have back pain is quite useful, especially if you don’t want to worsen the pain or injury. 

The exercises you choose to do will depend on the severity of the pain and overall mobility of the spine. How did your pain start and are there other concerns you have about exercising with that pain? Depending on the severity of the pain, you may require physical rehabilitation in conjunction with the exercises mentioned in this article. It’s not always about choosing one or the other, but rather incorporating different modalities to recovery as quickly as possible. 

Back pain, much like many things in life, is unique. The best exercise plan will depend on various factors, so it may be wise to consult your physician or physical therapist before adopting a specific routine. Lastly, your muscles and joints change with age, but there are ways to support strength in the long term. These exercises are a great stepping stone to help you get to pain-free movement.


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