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You may have bad body odor because of certain lifestyle habits. Get rid of the stink by using some or all of these natural remedies.


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Everyone sweats and produces an unpleasant smell that we have come to know as body odor, also known as bromhidrosis.  It is a distinctive, usually stinky, scent that occurs when a person sweats. Body odor can be the result of too much sweating, and a person can even be unaware of his/her body odor. This can be a sign of poor hygiene, but could also be related to a more serious issue. Body odor is more common in men than women and children usually don’t develop body odor until puberty. This is because the hormones stimulate the child’s sweat glands and oils under the armpits and genital region.

Eccrine Glands

These are found all over the body and produce a salt solution when the body increases its temperature. This is normally odorless sweat, but it can start to smell if bacteria break down this sweat. It can also start to smell after consuming certain foods, alcohol, or medications.

Apocrine Glands

These glands are typically found in the armpits, breasts, or genital region. They produce a thicker sweat that contains a “personal scent.” At first, apocrine sweat is odorless, but bacteria that live on the skin break it down within an hour to produce an offensive odor. If you produce more apocrine sweat or have more bacteria on the skin, the scent will be more potent.

Symptoms of Body Odor

Some people sweat more and others sweat less, and certain people smell and others don’t. This is mostly attributed to how efficiently people digest foods. Symptoms of body odor can be:

  • Night Sweats
  • Unpleasant scent (usually all the time)
  • Unexplained or Excessive Sweating
  • Cold Hands
  • Weight Loss

Causes of Body Odor

Sweat itself is essentially odorless to people. Body odor is caused by bacteria on the skin breaking down sweat into acids. The genitals and armpits tend to smell worse because those sweat glands produce oils and proteins, which bacteria feed on. Certain people inherit a tendency to sweat more than others and sweat on their hands and feet, in addition to their armpits and genital region. People with poor eating habits tend to smell worse because the body cannot efficiently break down foods like meat, fish, eggs, dairy, wheat, or processed foods. Some common causes include:

  • Poor Hygiene
  • Unhealthy Diet
  • Genetics
  • Hormonal Changes
  • Medication (a side effect may include excessive sweating)
  • Bacteria
  • Poor Digestion

Natural Remedies

Maintain Personal Hygiene

One of the best ways to treat body odor is to maintain good personal hygiene. Washing regularly, wearing clean clothes, and changing sheets frequently can curb the foul smells of body odor.

Stay Hydrated

Drinking the right amount of water can make a difference in the way one smells. It’s suggested to consume eight 8oz. glasses of water each day to stay properly hydrated. A great way to remember how much water to drink is to halve your body weight and drink it in ounces of water per day. This means that if you weigh 150lbs, your water intake should be 75oz. daily.

Make A Dietary Change

Making a change in your diet can also improve the way you smell. If you eat processed foods, fried foods, alcohol, genetically engineered foods, sugar, meat, dairy products, and salt, then you will be sweating these toxins out, making your sweat more desirable to bacteria. Eating raw vegetables and fruit, raw nuts and seeds, and whole oats like barley or buckwheat can help improve digestion, ultimately helping to improve body odor.

Don’t Do Dairy

Roughly 30 million Americans are lactose intolerant and a lot of people cannot properly digest dairy products. A lot of people can’t break down tyrosinemia, an amino acid in dairy, meat, fish, eggs, and wheat, and that can cause the body to smell like boiled cabbage. In addition to contributing to body odor, consuming lactose can also increase your risk of diabetes.

Improve Digestion

Poor digestion is commonly the cause of body odor. Consuming foods high in probiotics can help the digestive system function smoothly and improve overall body odor. Apple cider vinegar and water can be a great digestive aid. Try to mix one or two tablespoons of raw apple cider vinegar in one cup of alkaline water and drink that about 30 minutes before you eat a meal.

Decrease Stress

If you are stressed out you can emit some strong odors. Stress hormones contain lipids and proteins that bacteria, which naturally exist on your skin, love to feed on. The bacteria then produce a smelly waste and you end up not smelling that great. To help decrease your stress, it is beneficial to try yoga, meditation, breathing exercises, Tai Chi, acupuncture, or massage therapy.

Wear Loose Clothing

A lot of people like to wear clothes that are made of spandex, leather, or other non-cotton materials. These materials make it difficult for your pores to breathe, trapping the sweat against the skin. Let your skin breath a little with some soft cotton clothes and that may help you smell better.


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The Dangers of Eating Meat! Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:54 +0000

Contrary to popular belief, meat is not an essential part of the human diet.


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Not only does the United States eat 60% more meat than Europeans, but Americans also consume more meat than any other country in the world. In general, Americans tend to consume cheap, genetically modified animals that contain pesticides, growth hormones, antibiotics and other dangerous additives.

Contrary to popular belief, meat is not an essential part of the human diet. Some of the risks associated with eating meat involve food poisoning, excessive intake of saturated fats, and residues of chemicals used in animal production.

Animal Cruelty

In order to satisfy the economic demands of profitability, the meat industry has adopted very low standards in terms of health and hygiene.

Cattle are raised in highly concentrated areas, exposed to disease and injury. They are often fed meat and bone meal, an inappropriate food source for the naturally vegetarian cattle. The major concerns of the meat production industry are the harsh living conditions, excessive hormone injections, and inappropriate diets.


The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved several steroid hormone drugs since the 1950s. By increasing the animal’s growth rate, these drugs promote high profits and lean meat. These steroid hormones are used in beef cattle and sheep. They include estrogen, progesterone and testosterone.

Since every type of meat is from the female animal, the meat contains synthetic female hormones that are given to the animals in order to make them develop faster and bigger. These synthetic hormones cause female reproductive area cancers in women and prostate and testicular cancer in men. By consuming synthetic hormones from an animal, the human’s hormonal balance becomes disrupted. This can lead to several health conditions including the premature onset of puberty and development of children.

Since 1989, Europe has refused to import U.S. meat products because they fear the health effects associated with hormone treated meat.


Saturated fat is responsible for major weight gain. Today’s meat is higher than ever in fat because the animals are raised in unnatural environments with no exercise or grazing capabilities. Since they sit in a cage and are over fed, the animal meat contains an exceedingly high amount of unhealthy fat deposits. Meat is a very calorie-dense nutrient that can easily lead to weight gain if eaten regularly.

Saturated fat can cause potentially fatal fat deposits in the arteries. High blood pressure is a result of this happening and can eventually lead to artery damage.

Red Meat

Red meats are particularly unhealthy and contain high amounts of saturated fats that raise blood cholesterol and increase the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and other compounds that can promote cancer. In fact, red meat consumption has been known to increase your risk of developing colorectal, lung, stomach, pancreatic, esophageal, and endometrial cancers.

The by-product of meat consumption is uric acid, which causes inflammation and creates excess mucus in the body. Essentially, uric acid acidifies the body. If you consume meat, you are putting yourself at risk for catching Mad Cow Disease.

Frequent red meat eaters face a higher risk of developing colon cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, and endometriosis.

Humans are not supplied with the appropriate enzymes for digesting meat, fur, wool, or feathers. Human beings are herbivores by nature, but society has crafted everyone into a meat-eating carnivore.

Consuming more of a plant-based diet can substantially reduce the risk of developing a chronic disease and dying prematurely.


Most people eat meat because they are under the assumption that you must eat meat protein to be healthy. If eating meat makes you big, meaty, or healthy, then why are most of the biggest creatures vegetarians? The elephant, giraffe, horse, cow, buffalo, ox, hippopotamus, rhinoceros, and gorilla are very large animals that consume a lot of protein without eating meat. The truth is, you don’t have to eat meat in order to have meat on your body.

Processing and Cooking

When cooked, meat produces harmful compounds called carcinogens. When animal meat is cooked at high temperatures, heterocyclic amines form because the amino acids and creatine react. Cooking red meat can release nitrosamines, increasing your risk of developing cancer.

There are six main treatments of meat products that apply to the various processing technologies.

  • Fresh processed meat products
  • Cured meat pieces
  • Raw-cooked products
  • Pre-cooked cooked products
  • Raw (dry)- fermented sausages
  • Dried meat


In order to digest an adequate amount of protein without eating animal meat, we suggest that you turn to raw roods. Very rich in protein, raw foods are healthy alternatives, cruelty free food products. By slowly replacing animal meat with other alternatives, you can quickly adjust your diet towards a vegan lifestyle. Though you may find it difficult to imagine your life without meat, you will become accustomed to new foods and you will no longer crave animal meat.

Dherbs does not suggest using soy products unless they are used temporarily during the transition to raw food diet or vegan diet.


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Stretch Marks Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:53 +0000

Excess weight and toxic waste cause stretch marks. Sugar is the greatest culprit. Tight clothing hampers circulation. Synthetic hormones and steroids play a role in stretch marks. The greatest remedy is not about weight loss but waste release.


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Stretch marks are lines on the skin that are caused by the stretching and weakening of elastic tissues as a result of rapid weight gain, muscle building and in many cases, pregnancy.

Stretch marks are generally found on the thighs, breasts, stomach, buttocks, and upper arm. These areas of the body are usually areas of higher fat content than some other areas of the body.

Stretch marks can be barely noticeable or easily seen. The marks are usually reddish or purple in color. While there is no way to completely erase these marks, there are solutions to improve their appearance.

Causes of Stretch Marks

There are many causes of stretch marks. As discussed earlier, some causes include:

  • Pregnancy
  • Weight gain
  • Puberty
  • Muscle gain

Pregnancy is an obvious cause of stretch marks. The body changes rapidly and skin is stretched to the maximum. The stomach faces the highest occurrence of stretch marks in this case.

Gaining weight quickly can be another culprit. Just like with pregnancy, when the skin must stretch past its normal limit the epidermis can experience microscopic tearing. This tearing is what creates the stretch marks. Yo yo dieting is a large reason for stretch marks. When the body gain and loses quickly, our skin begins to lose the ability to snap back. Elasticity is lost and the skin will never be the same.

Puberty is a time of life when the body changes dramatically. Puberty can produce stretch marks just like weight gain. Our bodies are being stretched and pulled into their adult form and the result is stretched skin.

Any quick gain of fat or muscle can easily result in stretch marks. While the marks are not dangerous, they can be unsightly and annoying. However, there are ways to help with this common problem.

Natural Solutions

Preventing stretch marks is a sure way to never have to deal with them. In order to keep stretch marks at bay, we must keep the skin elastic. By conditioning the body with various moisturizers, we can help to lessen stretch marks. Some moisturizers to try on your body, whether your are pregnant or just trying to reduce your chances of getting these marks, include:

Massage these into the skin daily for best results.

Also, keep in mind how your diet plays into stretch marks. Diet can either help or hinder every function in our lives. By maintaining a healthy diet rich in fresh and natural foods, your body can keep a healthy weight. Avoid extreme weight fluctuations as they are bad for stretch marks and bad for your health.

Dherbs Solutions

Dherbs recommends detoxifying the body as a starting point. This will allow the body to heal itself naturally and function more efficiently. Some products to try include:

Thank you for reading!

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Unwanted Facial and Body Hair Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:51 +0000

Unwanted facial and body hair in women is known as hirsutism. The condition is caused by higher than normal androgen hormones in the body. Androgen is a male hormone that can cause hair to grow. When higher than normal levels of the hormone are found in women, hair begins to grow in unnatural locations. Hirsutism […]


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Unwanted facial and body hair in women is known as hirsutism. The condition is caused by higher than normal androgen hormones in the body. Androgen is a male hormone that can cause hair to grow. When higher than normal levels of the hormone are found in women, hair begins to grow in unnatural locations.

Hirsutism affects roughly 8 percent of all women. The unwanted hair is most commonly found on the face, but can also be a problem on the chest and back.


Hormonal imbalances are the primary cause of this condition in women. Hormonal imbalances can be caused by a variety of factors including:

  • Diet
  • Genetics
  • Behaviors/ Activities
  • Medications
  • Life Stages

Hormonal changes in women often occur during puberty, pregnancy and during their periods. Birth control pills can easily throw off normal hormone levels causing a variety of problems such as acne and weight gain.

Other medications can have adverse side effects that can include unwanted hair growth. These include:

  • Anabolic Steroids
  • Danazol
  • Metoclopramide
  • Methyldopa
  • Phenothiazines
  • Progestin
  • Reserpine
  • Testosterone

Natural Solutions

To reduce unwanted hair on any part of the body where hair does not normally grow, working on your hormonal or endocrine system is the first step. While there are no herbs that promise to rid you of unwanted hair, many may help to lessen the problem. These herbs will work with your body on the inside to balance and restore the endocrine system:

Changing your diet to one of natural, raw foods can be of help to the body as well. Try to avoid eating foods that are highly processed and contain added hormones. The added hormones could spike hormone levels in the body and create a larger problem. Eliminating chemical additives is also beneficial. Watch out for MSG, aspartame, lake dyes, BHT and all other unnatural ingredients.

Be sure to drink plenty of water. Water is the key component of health and our bodies function poorly without it. Aim to drink it least 8 glasses per day.

Detoxifying your body periodically throughout the year can be of help. This will help to reset all the body’s functions, including the endocrine system.


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Gynecomastia – Man Boobs Thu, 13 Jun 2013 16:25:49 +0000

Men of any age can be affected by this condition. Pubescent boys can develop this condition due to a fluctuation in hormones. The symptoms generally go away after puberty.


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Gynecomastia is the abnormal growth of large mammary glands in men. This abnormal growth results in enlarged breasts. The condition is primarily associated with disease or metabolic disorder.

Men of any age can be affected by this condition. Pubescent boys can develop this condition due to a fluctuation in hormones. The symptoms generally go away after puberty.


Gynecomastia has many possible causes. Hormones, genetics and diet all can come into play. Diet is the easiest change we can make to alleviate the symptoms associated with Gynecomastia.

An unhealthy diet may be to blame for this condition. Some foods and food groups that could contribute to Gynecomastia include:

Overeating foods high in saturated fats and refined sugars is the easiest way to gain weight. When our bodies gain weight, it can become distributed abnormally. One of the places the excess weight can be stored in men is in the chest area.

Soy is another food ingredient that can cause changes in the male body. Soy happens to contain high levels of estrogen, a female hormone. When excessive female hormones are found in the male body, female-like changes can occur. These hormones affect the mammary glands. In females, estrogen causes the mammary glands to develop. If males receive enough estrogen or estrogen precursors, their mammary glands will also start to develop.

High consumption of meat and dairy may lead to higher levels of fat in the male body. Both products are high in saturated fats and can lead to weight gain. Today’s meat and dairy producers tend to add synthetic hormones to their products. These hormones make their way into the body and can cause internal hormone fluctuations.

Breast Cancer in Males

Because males can develop breasts, they too can develop breast cancer. While the condition is rare, the disease still kills approximately 390 men per year. This is a small number compared to the occurrence and death rate in females, but male breast cancer is still a very serious disease.

High levels of estrogen found in the male body are one potential cause of male breast cancer. Men normally produce small levels of female hormones. When the body begins to produce higher levels of estrogen Gynecomastia can occur and become a precursor to male breast cancer. Obesity is closely associated with this condition and elevated estrogen levels in men.

Natural Solutions

Males dealing with Gynecomastia should start by changing their diet. Diet is the easiest change we can make and it greatly affects our health. By eliminating meat, dairy, refined sugars and processed foods from our diet, we can lower the exposure to high levels of unneeded female hormones.

Begin consuming a raw-based diet, rich in vegetables and fruits. Lower your intake of soy-based foods and switch to healthier vegetable-based protein sources.

Be aware of what you are putting in your body and where it is coming from. Avoid added chemicals, pesticides and hormones in the foods you eat. Stick to a clean, unprocessed diet.

Herbs can also be beneficial in dealing with Gynecomastia. Some natural herbs that help increase testosterone production include:

Dherbs Solutions

Additional, Dherbs recommends adding several natural products to your everyday diet to help combat this condition and improve your overall health. Some great products to try are:

Thank you for reading!

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The Dangers of Lipstick Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:43 +0000

Lipstick is the most commercial, toxic, poisonous and harmful brand. Are these chemicals leaking into your body?


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One cosmetic product that many women use, and perhaps throughout the entire day, is lipstick. While lipstick can make a woman’s face and especially her lips more appealing, most commercial brands of lipstick are toxic, poisonous, and harmful.

Lead in lipstick

It has been revealed that many brands of lipstick contain lead, more amounts of which are allowed by government for use in candy. FDA-approval does not guarantee safety or that a product is automatically safe to consume or use. It is a fact that cosmetic products are one of the least regulated product categories by the FDA.

A woman who applies lipstick is also ingesting some of it during or throughout the day. If she likes reapplying lipstick throughout the day, that much more lead gets into her bloodstream via the skin of her lips. Lead is not added as an ingredient in the lipstick manufacturing process, but it comes from the colorant used, or is the by-product of the lipstick making process.

Even small amounts of lead can lead to unsafe levels of lead exposure over time. Lead is a neurotoxin, adversely affecting the nerves, that can cause brain damage and behavioral, learning, and language problems; it can lower IQ or intelligence quotient, can cause hormonal imbalance, can delay the onset of puberty; it can cause infertility and miscarriage, and it increases aggression.

Petrochemicals in lipstick

Lipstick manufacturers are also using petrochemicals to manufacture lipstick. Petrochemicals are harmful to human health. This is why it is important to research the brand’s ingredients before making your purchase. Many lipstick brands contain very harmful ingredients, besides lead, which can include:

  • Formaldehyde: a preservative and known carcinogen
  • Mineral oil: a substance known to block pores
  • Parabens: known carcinogens used as a preservative.
  • Bismuth oxychloride: a known carcinogen

Natural or not?

It is common to find ingredients for natural lipstick such as: Aloe Vera Extract, Beeswax, Candellila Wax, Carmine, Carnauba Wax, Castor Oil, Cocoa Butter, Hempseed Oil, Iron Oxide, Jojoba Oil, Lanolin, Mica, Shea Butter, Titanium Oxide, Tocopherol, and Ultramarine(s) to name a few, but you need to know that every ingredient in a product labeled “natural” may not harmonize with your belief system, conscience, diet, and/or lifestyle.

For example, Carmine (the only alternative to Red Lake petroleum dye) is just like Cochineal and is derived from an insect and thus is not a vegan ingredient.

Beeswax (which is derived from bees) and Lanolin (which is derived from sheep) are also not vegan products.

People who are vegans cannot use or consume these ingredients, so while a lipstick brand may purport to be natural, it will nevertheless not be vegan in nature.

Mica, Titanium Dioxide, and Iron Oxide are suspect and implicated in minor adverse health conditions, especially Titanium Dioxide. Iron Oxide is the safest of these ingredients.

Tocopherol a/k/a Vitamin E is really a soybean oil byproduct. Most Vitamin E today is a by-product of soy production.


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Nocturnal Emission Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:39 +0000

This article gives insight on what and why nocturnal emissions exists. It provides greater detail on natural solutions.


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A nocturnal emission is an involuntary emission of semen during sleep. This is also referred to as a wet dream. This is very common in pre teen and teenage males. During puberty, boys are likely to have nocturnal emissions. However, the emissions may happen into a man’s adult life.

The emission can happen with or without an erection.


Nocturnal emissions usually have little to do with semen production. Instead, they occur as a result of a nervous system response to inflammatory hormone production. This is a natural way for the body to relieve excess sexual tension. The more a man ejaculates during sexual intercourse, the less likely he is to experience nocturnal emissions.

These emissions are not harmful to the body. However, they can be a nuisance.

Natural Solutions

Since there is no danger in nocturnal emissions, it is not crucial that you find a solution. If the condition is bothersome and is causing you stress, there are some ways to help alleviate the condition.

By voluntarily ejaculating, you can control when the act happens. A healthy sex life includes intercourse. Through intercourse with your partner, you can be in charge of your emissions. This will reduce the occurrence of nighttime emissions.

If you do not have a sexual partner, masturbation will achieve the same thing. We caution you to use masturbation only when you feel necessary. Many people believe the ritual can become habit forming and can lower your interest in finding an actual partner.

Try to get to the root of your stress. Learn how to tame and control the stressors of your life. This will help you feel less compelled to masturbate. Ask yourself if you are sexually repressed or suppressed. If you feel you are, learn why and how to move forward in dealing with that repression.

Essential oils can be helpful in reducing our stress. When inhaled, these scents can calm the body and help to release built up mental and physical tension. Marjoram oil is very beneficial.

Some herbs that can do the same thing include:

Dherbs Solutions offers many helpful formulas to assist in maintaining your sexual health.

Thank you for reading!


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FEATURE: High Protein Diets – BEWARE! Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:36 +0000

There has been a craze sweeping across America, Britain and the rest of Europe over the past several years, both for a slimming diet and a diet being ‘prescribed’ for diabetic patients – its called the high-protein diet. I wanted to point out that firstly this diet can be fatal, and that secondly it will […]


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There has been a craze sweeping across America, Britain and the rest of Europe over the past several years, both for a slimming diet and a diet being ‘prescribed’ for diabetic patients – its called the high-protein diet. I wanted to point out that firstly this diet can be fatal, and that secondly it will not promote slimming or diabetes control in the long-run, in fact, on the contrary! It will lead only to further ill-health.

It is a fact that most people in this country are slowly and some cases quickly dying from malnutrition – that’s poor nutrition. They overfeed on high-protein foods at the expense of carbohydrate foods and this, in turn, leads to heart disease, cancer, diabetes, etc., etc. I repeat, most people in the Western world have an excess of protein (and fatty) foods, in the form of animal proteins usually.

According to the PCRM, though these high-protein, low carbohydrate plans differ in details, they share some common claims:

Myth 1

If we eat too many carbohydrates, we’ll have too much insulin in our bodies. Excess insulin places us in what one writer calls ‘carbohydrate hell’; The result is supposedly increased risk for heart disease, cancer, arthritis, and a host of other health problems.

Myth 2

Human beings originally enjoyed a diet that was high in protein. Our bodies are genetically to this way of eating.

Myth 3

You can lose weight quickly and permanently by consuming more protein and eating fewer carbohydrates.

These diets therefore advocate a high animal-protein diet, rich in all flesh foods, eggs and milk, etc., but low in carbohydrate foods like fruits and vegetables.

The Facts

High-protein foods are likely to be high in cholesterol and saturated fats – substances that can promote heart disease and various cancers. Weight loss from high-protein diets comes at first from losing water. However, long-term weight control means losing fat, a goal that calls for changing eating habits over time and from taking more exercise. On high protein diets people can temporarily lose large amounts of weight, and can even lower their blood cholesterol, sugar, and triglycerides, says John McDougall, M.D., but the method is unhealthy. On a very low-carbohydrate diet, like the Atkins diet, the body burns fat, and byproducts of this are ketones, which suppress the appetite and can cause nausea. McDougall points out this same condition of ketosis occurs when people are ill; so they are freed to rest and recuperate, rather then be forced by hunger to gather and prepare food – because they simulate a state seen with serious illness.

These diets contain significant amounts of the very foods, i.e. meats, that the American and British cancer societies and heart associations tell us contribute to our most common causes of death and disability. The reason blood cholesterol, sugar, and triglycerides may be reduced on high protein diets is that people are eating much less because of their loss of appetite, and sometimes nausea. In general benefits are temporary because it is too unpleasant to be sick – so people go back to their old way of eating!

I, of course, would be the first to agree that yes, you can manipulate symptoms through diet but I would qualify that manipulation is not the same as healing and furthermore, it does not address the cause of the problem. Protein has such a high profile – courtesy of the meat and dairy industries, of course. Of course, we know that certain individuals who eat carbohydrates experience a sudden drop in blood sugar. These symptoms include lethargy and fatigue, poor concentration, mood swings, “foggy” brain, misperceptions, panic attacks, hot and cold sweats, and heart palpitations. We believe that the cause of this could be an inappropriate insulin response – too much insulin being secreted bringing the blood sugar levels down too much. So these sufferers are recommended to eat high protein/low carbohydrate diets. The symptoms will abate, according to Kathryn Alexander of the Gerson Institute because protein doesn’t stimulate such a strong insulin release as carbohydrate. But, continuing a high-protein diet is what caused the diabetes on the first place, and continuing will not make us any healthier, in fact, quite the contrary!

The new wave of “hyper-insulinaemia” where we have moved on from hypo-glycaemia (low blood sugar) to high amounts of insulin in the blood stream. Alexander argues that the symptoms appear to be more-or-less the same along with the discovery of excess insulin in the blood stream. What’s the answer? Reduce the secretion of insulin by omitting carbohydrates and increasing your protein intake. Once again manipulation of symptoms with diet – but as soon as you go back on the carbohydrates the symptoms return. Not only this – six months down the track on such a diet you start to experience new symptoms of a more chronic nature.

Good quality protein is essential for growth and tissue maintenance particularly during infancy, childhood, adolescence and pregnancy. However, excess protein creates acidity and puts a strain on the kidneys which will later affect the heart. Protein metabolism is under the control of our hormones. Insulin, growth hormone, and the sex hormones for the laying down of protein, and the corticosteroids for the breaking down of protein cortisone is the natural stress hormone, which is why one cannot heal if one is under stress as it opposes tissue synthesis and regeneration. The growth spurts from childhood through to adolescence are controlled by high levels of growth hormone and the sudden increase in sex hormones which, during puberty, rise to eight times the adult levels. Growth hormone and the sex hormones begin to fall after puberty until they reflect the stable adult levels by the early 20s.

So the health/sport professionals found that if they wanted to increase body muscle mass then it was necessary to take anabolic steroids along with a high protein intake. High protein intake on its own will not increase muscle size. Muscles store a very limited supply of protein and after this capacity is reached excess dietary protein has to be broken down and discarded. Exercising increases muscle tone and size because the more you “work” your muscles the greater their capacity to store carbohydrate fuel (not protein – muscles do not use protein for energy). Beware of the high protein message if you are seeking fitness. But the question arises, why should a person appear to have too much insulin – we can address “how” to reduce its secretion, but unless we address the why or the cause, then nothing is going to change and on a high protein diet the situation will inevitably deteriorate.

In order for the body to heal, no matter what the imbalance, it has to release its toxic load and rebuild its nutrient status. When this occurs, the vitality rises and healing begins. The body’s intelligence will determine which areas will be healed and in what order. So again we see that the answer to disease lies in a plant-based diet, not in a calorie-rich but nutrient devoid animal-based one.


It is important that, when seeking medical advice one attends an examination by a qualified medical practitioner and that, when seeking dietary advice and wishing for a change in diet and lifestyle, then one seeks the competent advice of a nutritional adviser. The author makes no claim herein this article to be curing or treating any medical condition whatsoever.


Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine

Dr Gina Shaw DSc MA AIYS Dip Irid Dip NH is a health and nutrition consultant and Doctor of Complementary Medicine, iridologist and fasting and detox plan supervisor. Gina has helped people recover from a plethora of acute and chronic diseases and has appeared in The Times after healing a client of Ulcerative Colitis. She has been on local radio and has lectured around the country. She is the author of several health books and offers personal and group detox and fasting retreats both in the UK and in Europe.

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