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Bring a little light back into your life after the holidays are over. Here are several tips to help lift you out of your post-holiday blues.


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For a lot of people, the hype of the holidays can bring a lot of excitement, joy, and lots of nostalgia. For others, the holiday season can bring up past trauma, estranged relationships, and feelings of loneliness. Even if that isn’t the case, the holidays are like an emotional rollercoaster. You go from intense levels of holiday activities to very low energy, which can seem like peace, but the emotional result is often depression.

What Are The Post-Holiday Blues?

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), the holiday blues are characterized by feelings of anxiety and stress that stem from a variety of reasons. A 2015 survey found that about 64% of people reported that they experienced the post-holiday blues. Financial stress, an inability to make it home for the holidays, and the emotional whirlwind of emotions after the holidays finish can all cause bouts of depression. Plus, seasonal depression is more common than you think, with about 14% of American adults experiencing the winter blues. 

If you are dealing with feelings of stress or depression, please understand that you are not alone. There are many ways to manage your symptoms and get the help you need. The post-holiday blues can affect people who may or may not be dealing with depression already. The following signs are common indicators of post-holiday blues:

  • Activities are more difficult than normal
  • Difficulty getting out of bed or struggling to make food
  • Feeling more tired than usual
  • Having trouble concentrating
  • Losing interest in things that used to bring you joy

Don’t let the post-holiday blues control your life. Take action and manage your mental health, working through your feelings to start anew. We hope that the following tips help you beat the post-holiday blues. 

Get Out Of The House

Cut the atmosphere of being in a house that doesn’t have any holiday activities or aromas by getting out of your home. Even on a gray or snowy day, step outside to raise your energy levels. If it is really cold where you are, make sure to bundle up so as not to freeze. You can combine your outing by meeting a friend at a local coffee shop. Consider chatting with the cashier at the grocery store, the mail carrier, or even the gas station attendant. Getting out of your house is a great way to interrupt the winter blues. 

Limit Your Alcohol Intake

Drinking and the holidays seem to be quite synonymous, especially during holiday celebrations. The intake of libations tends to continue long after the celebrations come to a close, though. Because alcohol is a depressant, it can only enhance feelings of sadness, especially if you are alone. Drinking to excess can affect your mood and amplify any negative feelings, even if you push them down deep. Avoid alcohol if you can and consider doing something productive, like taking down decorations, getting rid of old clothes, or volunteer at a local shelter to help out those in need.

Talk To Someone Verbally

It’s easy to send a text, direct message, or email, but it means so much more when you communicate verbally. Think about someone that you enjoy being around or care about and call that person on the phone. Rather than complaining about your mood, ask them how they are doing. What was the best part of their holiday weekend, or where did they have the most fun? If you feel that someone may not answer their phone, you can send a text saying that you want to chat for a few minutes. 

Reread Greeting Cards

Greeting cards, or holiday cards, are not as common as they used to be, but people still send them and they can bring a smile to your face. We aren’t going to lie: some greeting cards are bland and boring. For every few bad greeting cards, you get a great one that you hopefully save. When the holidays are over, bust out the greeting cards to reread them and figure out which ones are your favorites. Don’t ruminate in your depression when you can easily brighten your spirits by reading words from a friend, family member, or loved one. 

Slide Out Of The Holidays

If you are going to sit on the couch and watch TV or do another activity, make sure that it is not holiday-related. It may not seem likely, but you can easily go down the rabbit hole of what you just lost. Take care of your mental health by taking your mind off the holidays and directing your gaze toward the new year. There are many things to do to wrap up the year! Consider getting a head start on your health goals, or start cleaning to have a neat and tidy home for New Year’s Day.


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Happy Pride Month! Mental Health Resources For LGBTQIA+ Community Tue, 04 Jun 2024 09:03:00 +0000

The LGBTQIA+ community experiences alarmingly high rates of mental health challenges. Learn about the available resources here.


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Is there anything more beautiful than embracing your true identity? Celebrating who you are, no matter your gender identity, skin color, or sexual orientation, or gender expression, is a beautiful thing. It can be difficult or challenging to be yourself with family, friends, or in public, though. As a result, the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Intersexed (LGBTQI+) community experiences alarming rates of mental health challenges. 

Belonging to the LGBTQI+ community can be a source of strength. There are often untapped resources that one would not know about if they weren’t in the community. On the other side of the coin, belonging to the LGBTQI+ community brings its own set of unique challenges. For a person on the outside, it may seem that there is no struggle, but the world can be a cruel place. Many LGBTQI+ people face discrimination or learn that not all mental health resources understand their experiences. 

Mental Health Statistics IN LGBTQI+ Community

According to statistics and surveys, LGB adults are twice as likely as heterosexual adults to experience a mental health condition. Transgender individuals are about four times as likely as cisgender individuals to experience a mental health condition. LGB youth can also experience a higher risk of mental health conditions and suicide. This is likely because LGBTQI+ people face socioeconomic and cultural conditions that negatively impact mental health. In the United States alone, 18% of LGBTQI+ adults of color have no health insurance coverage. 

Being a member of the LGBTQI+ community does not increase the risk of mental health issues. The stigma and discrimination that LGBTQI+ individuals face can increase the risk for mental health challenges, though. For Pride Month, which is a time for the LGBTQI+ community to celebrate their identity in solidarity, we wanted to take the time to share reputable mental health resources. For anyone who needs them, the following resources are excellent to use. Find the one that is right for you if you need it, and share the resources with the people you love or care about. 

The Trevor Project

The Trevor Project is the leading national organization that provides suicide prevention and crisis intervention services to people under 25 in the LGBTQI+ community. The organization has a commitment to producing new research that sheds a light on suicidology. There are life-saving programs and services that cater to LGBTQI+ youth. Trained counselors can offer 24/7 support, so reach out to them if you are a young LGBTQI+ is in criss and need a safe, judgment-free place to talk. 

It Gets Better Project

This is a nonprofit organization that aims to empower and uplift the LGBTQI+ community. The It Gets Better Project has an informational site that shares stories and gives a directory of local resources to help people get the support they need. They regularly put out educational material and programming, and have an arsenal of tools to help people in the United States and 20 other countries. 

Each Mind Matters

Made up of millions of individuals and thousands of organizations, Each Mind Matters works to advance mental health. Millions of people around the world face challenges ever single day. There’s no reason to be alone in times of struggle. Each Mind Matters is a useful resource that hosts LGBTQI+ videos, stories, and information to help overcome mental health issues. 

Trans Lifeline

The Trans Lifeline works to promote the general well being of transgender people. It’s a nonprofit organization with a hotline that is staffed by transgender people. Trans Lifeline helps to connect trans people with community support and resources that may be of use to them. 

Association Of LGBTQI+ Psychiatrists (AGLP)

AGLP celebrates over 40 years of service to the LGBTQI+ community. Gay and lesbian members of the American Psychiatric Association (APA) met secretly in the 1960s to hold annual meetings. Homosexuality could have caused them to lose their licenses to practice psychiatry at the time. Now, the AGLP is a wonderful resource that publishes a quarterly newsletter and conducts full seminars and discussion groups. It can offer many referral services and provide psychiatric professionals to people in need. 


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What Does Love Bombing Mean? Tue, 26 Mar 2024 09:07:00 +0000

Do you feel that someone is manipulating you via grand gestures? Find out what love bombing means and why it isn’t healthy.


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Love bombing, which is a popular term nowadays, is a type of emotional abuse. A love bomber uses grand gestures to manipulate the other person, i.e. they adorn the other person with gifts, compliments, and affection. The unfortunate reality is that these actions do not come from a place of love. Instead, love bombing is a technique that someone uses to make a friend, partner, or loved one dependent on them, which helps them control the relationship. 

Why Do People Love Bomb?

Psychologists theorize that love bombing comes from insecurities around trust or dependence on others. The idea is that if one person love bombs another person, they can gain control in the relationship. They then use that control to make the other person feel guilty about questioning their actions. Love bombing can be both intentional and unintentional and even though it is more common among romantic partners, anyone can do it. That said, it is a manipulative tactic that is more common in people with narcissistic personality disorder. Love bombing can also be a behavior that you learn, especially if you emulate parents or have done it in past relationships.

What Are The Signs Of Love Bombing?

Although the signs can vary from person to person, the typical indicator is an unwanted grand gesture that may make the other person uncomfortable. The key thing to note is that this gesture doesn’t make the person feel loved. Other signs of love bombing can include:

  • Constant calling or texting to check in: The partner may not respect the other person’s schedule or time by constantly communicating. They may also get angry or frustrated if the other person doesn’t respond, given their “concern.”
  • Giving unnecessary or unwanted gifts: A love bomber will usually pay for extravagant/unwanted gifts to make the other person feel loved. The gift giving is not in the other person’s best interest, and the love bomber will bring up the cost/significance of the gifts like a debt. 
  • Over-the-top declarations of love: A love bomber may continuously flatter or shower the other person with praise, and usually way too early into the relationship. Over-the-top public displays of affection are common as well. 
  • Constant praise or compliments: The right things are seemingly said, but compliments are typically an over-exaggeration. A love bomber may become overly interested in the other person’s hobbies or achievements. 
  • Ignoring boundaries: It’s very common for a love bomber to respect healthy boundaries. They do not like being told no, similar to a child. If the behavior starts to overwhelm the other person and they communicate it to the lover bomber, the feelings are usually ignored. 
  • Rushing into a relationship: Love bombers usually make future plans way too early into relationships. They tend to rush into committed relationships before getting to know the other person. 

Why Is Love Bombing Harmful?

As we have covered thus far, love bombing does not indicate a healthy individual or relationship. The behavior is manipulative and emotionally abusive, which is why some experts cite love bombing a mode of domestic abuse. Some experts believe that love bombing is a way for someone to gaslight their partner in order to isolate and control them. As a reaction, the person on the receiving end of the love bombing will likely experience mental health issues and remain in that unhealthy relationship. If love bombing persists, the emotional abuse can worsen and even become physical. Love bombing often includes the following modes of a narcissistic abuse cycle. 

  • Idealization: The love bomber showers the other person with gifts and affection early on in the relationship. There may be feelings of sudden romance or intense love/caring. The love bomber will confess their love for the other person and what their future plans are. This constant communication and interest seems genuine, but it often isn’t.
  • Devaluation: All of the grand gestures and compliments can make the person on the receiving end of the love bombing very comfortable. Gaining that comfort level can cause the love bomber to demand more of the other person’s time. They become irritated if they don’t get what they want and may attempt to gaslight or become violent. That is when the person should notice the red flags and get out of the relationship. 
  • Discarding: If the person realizes that the love bomber’s behavior is unhealthy, confront them and try to establish boundaries. The love bomber may retaliate, refusing to cooperate. They may even go so far as to blame the other person for their actions, making them feel at fault. It’s also possible for the love bomber to move on and find a new replacement partner. 

The Takeaway

To conclude, love bombing is a manipulative tactic that is common among people with narcissistic personality disorder. It’s a tactic to gain control in a relationship, often to make the other person feel dependent on that person. Love bombing happens quickly, so be on the lookout for this unhealthy behavior early on in the relationship.


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How Do Emotions Affect Your Overall Health? Sat, 17 Feb 2024 09:14:00 +0000

According to research, your emotions can have a profound impact on your mental and physical health. Stress, for example, can cause bodily…


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For many years, people have either suspected or known that health of the body is influenced by that of the mind. You may say, “My heart hurts,” after a breakup because the intense emotions cause you physical pain. On the other hand, a feeling of elation may boost energy levels and reduce your need for caffeine. 

The American Psychological Association (APA) states that emotions are subject to mental reactions that involve physical and behavioral responses. In simpler terms, your emotions can influence the body, mind, and even your actions. You experience a variety of emotions daily, so knowing what they are, why you feel them, and how they affect you can help you better understand how they influence your overall health. 

Types Of Emotions

Mental health experts suggest that emotions fall into two categories: basic emotions and complex emotions. Basic emotions are revealed by recognizable facial expressions and happen automatically. Such emotions include:

  • Sadness
  • Fear
  • Surprise
  • Joy
  • Disgust
  • Anger

Those emotions are intertwined with human behavior and present from birth. Complex emotions, on the other hand, are not universal and do not have such recognizable facial expressions associated with them. These complex emotions include:

  • Envy
  • Love
  • Grief
  • Gratitude
  • Worry
  • Pride
  • Regret
  • Embarrassment
  • Jealousy

There are many more complex emotions that are not on the above list. The APA suggests that complex emotions are typically the result of two or more emotions. Hate, for example, could be a combination of jealousy, disgust, and anger. Once again, these complex emotions do not have the same facial tells as basic emotions. 

How Emotions Affect Your Physical Health

According to research, there is a link between positive emotions and physical health. In fact, people with a more positive outlook on life tend to have lower blood pressure and blood sugar levels. Additionally, they have a reduced risk of heart disease, but researchers don’t fully understand if positive emotions lead to better health or if being in good health contributes to positive emotions. For now, experts theorize that a combination of both factors are at play. 

Some evidence shows that experiencing positive emotions can affect recovery from an injury or sickness. One study found that having a positive outlook influenced how quickly participants got better, noting that positivity even impacted survival rates. Negative emotions, on the other hand, have an association with negative health issues or symptoms. People who cannot successfully manage emotions may live with stress, or have a higher likelihood of other health complications. 

How Emotions Affect Your Mental Health

When trying to assess how emotions affect your mental health, you have to first establish if the emotions are “bad” or negative. Negative emotions usually indicate a problem that requires your attention. If you struggle to manage those negative emotions, or simply attempt to ignore them when they arise, they can negatively affect your mental health. If you bottle these emotions up for too long, such as chronic anger, fear, or sadness, your risk of anxiety, depression, and substance abuse increases. 

If you are able to recognize negative emotions for what they are and learn to manage those feelings, you can move beyond them and develop resilience. Resilient people tend to move past negativity and usually have more positive emotions. In fact, they usually learn to find meaning in their life, even when it gets hard. That doesn’t mean they are free of negative emotions; rather, they recognize those feelings, deal with the issues, and do their best to change their outlook on life. 

Although research indicates a link between optimism and hope and better health, constant positive thinking can damage your mental health. There is such a thing as toxic positivity, which leads to unreal expectations and an inability to feel negative emotions. When you consider your emotions, aim to strike a balance between the positive and negative ones. Negative emotions serve their purpose as much as the positive ones do, but just remember that you have to be negative all the time. Just remember to feel emotions as they come and recognize why you’re feeling them!


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Advice To Help You Build A Stronger Relationship Wed, 14 Feb 2024 09:10:00 +0000

A relationship is a two-way street and a lot goes into developing a strong relationship. Hopefully, these tips help you and your partner.


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What is the secret to a healthy, romantic relationship? Before we can answer that, we have to first determine what a healthy relationship is. They don’t look the same for everyone because everyone has different needs. Not only that, but needs surrounding affection, space, sex, hobbies, shared values, communication, and more can change over time. That’s why a healthy relationship that works for you in your 20s may not work for you in your 30s. 

It is hard to say that a relationship that goes against the norm isn’t healthy. People who practice polyamory or ethical non-monogamy may define a healthy relationship differently than a couple that practices monogamy. That’s why the term “healthy relationship” is broad and what makes one relationship thrive may threaten another one. One thing that all healthy relationships share, though, is adaptability. People change as they journey through life and relationships, so adapting to circumstances is vital. Here’s some advice to help you establish a stronger, healthier relationship. 


A healthy relationship does not exist if you or your partner is codependent. Instead, you want an interdependent relationship, which means you rely on each other for mutual support while maintaining your own unique identity and individuality. That essentially means that you have a balanced relationship. You each have mutual love and approval, but self-esteem isn’t dependent on each other. Maintain connections and friends outside the relationship and spend time pursuing personal interests and hobbies. 


Trust is not going through a partner’s phone and not feeling the need to hide anything about yourself. There is inherent integrity and honesty within the relationship. You don’t worry about the other person pursuing others while you’re apart. Trust is much more than believing your partner will be faithful and honest. Feeling safe and comfortable with the understanding that you won’t hurt each other physically or emotionally is trust. You have your partner’s best interests in mind and that they respect your own choices and encourage you to be your own person. 


One of the trademarks of a healthy relationship is curiosity. Each party is interested in each other’s thoughts, goals, and daily life. You are excited to hear about the other person’s day and tell them about your own day. You both want to grow together and don’t fixate on who you both used to or could be. The goal is to hold flexible mindsets about each other because that can help you overcome obstacles in a relationship, and ultimately make it more fulfilling. 


Sure, playfulness in the bedroom is perfectly welcome, but that’s not what this pearl of wisdom is referring to. One of the best things you can do in your relationship is make time for fun and spontaneity. Joke and laugh together because you never know when one of you will encounter one of life’s many challenges. An obstacle can temporarily change the tone of the relationship, but being able to share laughter in lighter moments can help relieve that weight and strengthen your bond over time. 

Time Apart

A healthy relationship involves spending time together, but the amount of time varies based on personal needs, commitments, living arrangements, and work. One of the keys to a successful relationship is time apart. You need to be able to recognize the need for personal space and individual hobbies. Spend time with family on your own or pursue a hobby with a group of friends. What you do doesn’t matter, but what does matter is not spending every moment of your relationship together. The last thing you want to believe is that your relationship will crumble if you spend time apart. 

Open Communication

In a healthy relationship, you can regularly discuss successes, failures, and everything in between. You should not feel uncomfortable talking about any issues with your partner. Be free in your communication, whether it is about work, mental health symptoms, or even a friend that causes stress. A great partner may have a different opinion, but will listen without judgment before sharing their perspective. Just remember that communication goes both ways, so make sure your partner also feels like their voice is concerned.


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The More In Love The More You Resemble Your Partner? Sat, 10 Feb 2024 00:00:26 +0000

Intense passionate feelings can relieve pain similar to painkillers.


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Love can act as a painkiller! Intense passionate feelings can relieve pain similar to painkillers. The reason for this is because love stimulates the reward pathway.

0:00 Intro
0:42 “People in love tend to physically mirror each other.”
1:58 “Love improves immune system function.”
3:35 “Romantic love goes through biological phases.”
5:20 Maternal and romantic love happen in the same part of the brain.
6:05 Tiebreaker
6:42 Outro


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How To Handle The Family Narcissist This Holiday Season Mon, 18 Dec 2023 09:15:00 +0000

Spending time with loved ones can be tricky, especially during the holiday season. Here’s how you can better handle the family narcissist.


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The dazzling lights, the snowy weather (location dependent), the caroling (if that’s your thing), and family time mean one thing: the holidays are here. Although that isn’t how everyone’s holiday season plays out, a lot of people associate those things with the holidays. On top of the general holiday and end of the year stress, dealing with family members can prove quite challenging, especially if you have a narcissist in the family. 

There is no need to let one sour grape ruin the bunch. How do you shrug off their behavior and handle the narcissist in your family? The following tips should help you deal with the narcissist because you may not be able to avoid their presence this holiday season. Here’s what to know. 

Always Prepare In Advance

Psychotherapists agree that you should have a plan of action before dealing with the narcissist at your family holiday gathering. Take the time to reflect on the types of boundaries you need to establish. Consider asking yourself how much of your time and effort you want to give to this person. What can you do to make sure that this person’s behavior doesn’t interfere with your holiday joy? Figure out what you are willing to tolerate and where you’ll draw the line in the sand. 

Take Some Time For Yourself

Dealing with a narcissist can be frustrating. It’s almost as if they are trying to bother you on purpose, draining your energy with every second you interact with them. Psychologists explain that toxic people do their best to put you down, insult you, and make jokes about something you’re sensitive about. They do this just to get a rise out of you because they thrive when you squirm. Now that you know that, you can have the wherewithal to take a break and resist the temptation to snap back in person. Be mindful of your own boundaries!

Stay True To Your Boundaries

You can have boundaries, but lacking the ability to keep them in place will only cause you pain. Some people may have a misconception about boundaries. “Please don’t ask me about politics,” is not a boundary. Your boundary should really be, “If you ask me about politics, I will not respond.” The difference between those two statements is that one sounds more like a question, while the other is a firm directive. Don’t wait for the other person to change because you have the power to change yourself. You may not need to change the narcissist’s behavior, because you can take action and adjust to the situation. “I will not participate in family gossip,” is another boundary you can set. 

The Gray Rock Method May Help You

If you have a plan in motion and set your boundaries, you may want to experiment with the gray rock method. This is a method that can help you deal with people who have dark personality types. The gray rock method involves you becoming as boring and uninteresting as a gray rock. Employ this method when you have to interact with a narcissist. Respond in a monotone voice and keep your interactions brief. Minimizing conversations and speaking without real engagement can invite fewer interactions from the narcissist. 

Have A Plan If You Need A Break

If everything you do and plan for goes down the drain, make sure to have an escape route. This is the ultimate way to plan! Check in with yourself throughout the night to ensure that your energy has not been zapped. Remove yourself from the party if necessary, even if that means taking a phone call, walking your dog, or going to the bathroom to regroup. Be sure that you recharge by talking to someone you love before you re-enter the situation.


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5 Yoga Poses To Release Difficult Emotions Thu, 14 Dec 2023 09:10:00 +0000

We’re bringing you five yoga poses that may help you release difficult emotions. Practice them whenever you need to release internal pain.


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When you hear the word “trauma,” what is your immediate reaction? If you are like most people, you probably think of serious accidents, abuse, or war-torn countries. Anybody can experience trauma because anything that threatens safety or well-being can be traumatizing. It overwhelms the capacity to cope or respond and leaves a sense of hopelessness or fear. 

Psychiatrists define trauma as an imprint left by an experience on the mind, body, or brain. It is not a singular event that took place at one point during your life. It can cause emotional tension and you can store that tension in various parts of the body. Storing this tension can affect your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. This tension can manifest in the form of headaches, jaw pain, tight shoulder muscles, heart palpitations, sweaty palms, and more. Continue reading to learn about how you can release those difficult emotions through a series of yoga poses.

Lion Pose

This pose works to relieve the emotional pain and tension you may store in your facial muscles and jaw area. Oftentimes, these are the areas that hold tension caused by panic and anxiety. Sit up straight in a cross-legged position, or kneel down and sit back onto your heels. Lean forward and place your hands on the ground in front of you, keeping your back straight. Take a deep breath in through the nose and exhale out through the mouth by opening it wide while simultaneously stretching out your tongue. Let out a loud roar or “ha” sound during this release. Repeat the pose as many times as you’d like. Just avoid this pose if you have a sore jaw, face, or neck.

Pyramid Pose

Pyramid pose stretches the hamstrings in order to release any residual stubborn emotional pain, which is often caused by fight or flight mode. Begin in a standing position with your feet hip-distance apart. Separate your feet so that they are about three to four feet apart, entering a wide stance. Take a deep breath in and press your feet firmly into the ground. Tuck your tailbone and engage your lower abdomen as you square your hips over your left leg and interlace your fingers behind your back. Exhale as you hinge at the hips to bend forward over your left leg, bring your chest to your thigh. If you need support, place your hands above your left knee. Hold this position for 15 seconds to a minute and then repeat on the other side.

Pond Pose

This pose works to relax the abdominal muscles in order to help remove any imbalances, which occur when your sense of self isn’t safe, in the solar plexus. Lie flat on your back and extend your arms overhead. Lengthen your spine and take a deep inhale, allowing your belly to rise up. Exhale fully and engage your abdomen to return to the starting position. This is an elongating pose and you can hold it for as long as is comfortable for you. 

Bound Angle Pose

Opening up the hips in bound angle pose works to release uncomfortable emotions that you store there. The hips are near the second chakra, which governs creativity, sensuality, and the emotional body. Sit up straight with your legs extended out in front of you. Bend your knees and draw your heels as close to your groin as you comfortably can. Let your knees fall out to the sides and bring the soles of your feet together. Allow gravity to let your legs fall closer to the ground. Hold this pose anywhere between one to five minutes and then return to the starting position. 

Upward Facing Dog

This pose helps to stretch the upper body, which stimulates the throat chakra and helps clear out traumatic energy. That energy tends to result from the suppression of your inner voice. Begin lying face down on your mat and make sure the tops of your feet are on the mat. Bend your arms and place your palms on either side of you by your chest. Engage your chest muscles and glutes as you press up, opening your chest to the wall and drawing your shoulder blades back. At the apex of the pose, your arms should be straight and your gaze up towards the ceiling. Hold this pose from 15 to 30 seconds and then release.


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Are The Winter Blues Real? Fri, 08 Dec 2023 21:11:19 +0000

Many people go through short periods when they feel sad or unlike their usual selves.


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Many people go through short periods when they feel sad or unlike their usual selves. These mood changes begin and end when the seasons change and are full of misconceptions. Join us and learn what is fact and fiction about seasonal depression.

0:00 Intro
0:36 Some people get seasonal depression in the winter, and some in the summer.
1:56 Seasonal depression is more common in women than men.
3:24 Artificial light can’t make seasonal depression better, only daylight can do that.
4:40 The formal name for seasonal depression is Seasonal Depressive Disorder.
6:08 Outro


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Summertime Sadness? Here’s How To Cope Sun, 20 Aug 2023 09:21:00 +0000

Most people assume seasonal depression is reserved for the winter, but summertime sadness is a real thing. Here are some coping strategies.


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Gloomy winter weather is typically the first thing that comes to mind in a conversation about seasonal depression. It’s no secret that many people suffer from seasonal depression, or seasonal affective disorder (SAD), in the winter months. A less common type of seasonal depression arrives on beautiful, sunny summer days, and it is just as serious. 

How is it possible that warm days and sunshine cause someone to head down a depressive spiral? Before passing judgment, always remember that every person is different. It’s estimated that up to 30% of people with seasonal depression will experience summer depression, according to psychiatrists. People with summer-patter depression, also known as reverse SAD, tend to experience symptoms of depression about four or five months out of the year when the weather is warmer. 

As with any form of depression, early treatment is the best approach. The exact timing of treatment will depend on the person’s history with the mental illness. There are no studies of treatments that are specific to summertime depression, but the following strategies may help relieve symptoms and boost mood

Dark Therapy

Just as light therapy can benefit those with winter SAD, dark therapy may help those with summer SAD. Some people report that they feel better when wearing dark glasses. Wearing blue-blocking goggles at night may help reduce the stimulating effects of blue light. Additionally, wearing blue-blocking goggles has been able to benefit people with manic or hypomanic symptoms in bipolar people. If you feel irritable or agitated as a result of summertime depression, consider wearing blue-blocking goggles. You can also turn off all screens at night to help limit your blue light exposure. 

Create A Routine And Stick To It

Psychiatrists explain that following a consistent routine can help inspire motivation and fulfillment. Start with the basics: wake up on time, brush your teeth, shower, maintain regular mealtimes, and schedule bedtime. If you feel comfortable with all of that, consider adding exercise, self-care practices, and creative outlets to your routine. A great way to stick to a routine is to write your routine down in a planner. You can also use a scheduling or productivity app. You can even go so far as to write memos on sticky notes!

Avoid Depression Traps

What is a depression trap, exactly? The ways in which people cope with depression are not always the most conducive to their mental health. Engaging in these traps will only worsen depression symptoms. Some of these unhealthy behaviors include:

  • Blaming yourself constantly
  • Watching too much pornography
  • Eating when you’re bored, not hungry
  • Gambling online, often
  • Playing video games for hours and hours
  • Spending a lot of time browsing your phone or laptop
  • Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol

Shift Your Circadian Rhythm

One theory about winter SAD is that circadian rhythms change, go awry even, during the winter. Circadian rhythm is the body’s internal program that regulates the timing of all biological functions. The circadian rhythm is orchestrated by daily cycles of light and dark. Depending on winter or summer SAD, light or dark may help reset the person’s internal clock. Some people with summer SAD feel that their circadian rhythms run late, so they walk outdoors each day during summer at sunrise and look in the direction of the sun for 10 minutes. This is a simple practice that may lift spirits throughout the summer. There are no studies to back this up, so you may have to experiment for yourself to see if it benefits your circadian rhythm. 

Cold Temperature Treatment

If you are familiar with the Ice Man, also known as Wim Hof, then you understand the importance of the ice bath. Many people have embraced cold therapy for accelerated recovery, more energy, and reduced inflammation. Plunging into a cold bath shocks the body and has a therapeutic effect. In fact, many cold plunge enthusiasts agree that regular ice baths help to boost mood. Others report that cryotherapy has a similar effect, although that is much colder than an ice bath. Fill a tub with cold water and some ice next time you feel down and take a three minute plunge, taking care to breathe deeply throughout. You may love the results!


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