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Watermelons contain lycopene, an antioxidant in watermelon. Some studies have linked lycopene intake with a lower risk of prostate cancer.


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Watermelons contain lycopene, an antioxidant in watermelon. Some studies have linked lycopene intake with a lower risk of prostate cancer.


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A Plant-Based Diet May Slow The Progression Of Prostate Cancer Sat, 11 May 2024 08:53:00 +0000

According to a new study, consuming a plant-based diet may slow the progression of prostate cancer and help patients live longer.


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One of the primary concerns with prostate cancer is that the disease can progress to an advanced stage and become life-threatening. That is truly the case for most cancers, which is why medical experts stress the importance of early detection. They also harp on maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle habits to reduce the risk of cancer. And new research further amplifies this point, showing that eating a diet rich in fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts and seeds can reduce the risk of prostate cancer spreading. 

The study, which was recently published in JAMA Network Open, made an interesting discovery. Researchers noted that men with prostate cancer who consume a high amount of plant-based foods can cut their risk of cancer growth by nearly 50% compared to those who don’t eat a lot of plant-based foods. Consuming a predominantly plant-based diet has been associated with better prostate cancer-specific outcomes. It may also help reduce the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and overall mortality. Making small changes in your diet to focus on more plant-based foods can do more good than you know!

Plant-Based Diet May Control Prostate Cancer

The study involved more than 2,000 men who were at an average age of 65 years old at the start. They all had a diagnosis of non-metastatic prostate cancer, meaning it hadn’t spread to other parts of the body. Each participant completed a comprehensive diet and lifestyle questionnaire to provide details about their eating habits. 

During an average 6.5-year period, 190 participants experienced a progression in prostate cancer, and 61 died from prostate cancer-specific causes. Study authors then determined that the participants who consumed the highest amounts of plant-based foods experienced a 47% lower risk of prostate cancer spreading than the men who ate fewer plant-based foods.

Small Dietary Changes Can Make A Difference

It can be difficult to make the complete switch to plant-based, but you don’t have to. Ideally, you simply add more plant-based foods to your diet and if you consume meat, focus on lean protein that is high-quality. Study authors noted that in comparison to the lowest level of plant-based consumption, the highest meant eating 1.9 more portions of vegetables, 1.6 more servings of fruit, and 0.9 more servings of whole grains per day. 

What does that mean in relation to a plate of food? Well, a standard serving of fruit, for example, can be one medium apple, banana, orange, or pear. A half-cup of brown rice is a single serving of whole grains, while a half-cup of cooked or one cup of raw broccoli or carrots counts as a single portion of vegetables. People who eat higher quantities of whole grains, vegetables, and fruits on a regular basis also eat fewer animal-based foods, on average. That could mean that they eat fewer eggs, one less serving of dairy, and marginally less meat. And since a growing body of research indicates that eating more plant-based foods reduces the risk of prostate cancer, you may want to consider eating more of these foods. 

A Plant-Based Diet Offers Numerous Benefits

There have been many previous studies and reviews related to the potential protective effects of plant-based foods for prostate health. Why is a plant-based diet so beneficial for the prostate? Fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants and phytochemicals, which may prevent free radical damage that can harm cells. Animal-based foods, such as processed meats and red meat, are carcinogens, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Consuming dairy products also increases the risk of worse prostate cancer outcomes. A plant-based dietary program helps you steer clear of harmful foods and shifts your focus to foods that help the body. 

Prostate Cancer Is Most Common Among Men In the United States

After skin cancer, prostate cancer is still the most common cancer among men in the United States. The American Cancer Society estimates that 299,010 new cases of prostate cancer will be diagnosed in 2024 alone; roughly 35,000 men will die from the condition. Even though six out of every 10 prostate cancers are diagnosed in men over the age of 65, dietary changes early on in life can make a big difference. 

It is never too late to make a dietary change. You don’t have to become a vegan straight away, but including more plant-based foods in your daily diet can help a lot. Incorporate more of these foods daily and try out one day of complete plant-based eating every week. Try for two days a week if you can! Greater consumption of plant-based foods may help reduce the risk of prostate cancer and improve overall quality of life.


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Common Reasons You Keep Waking Up In The Middle Of The Night Wed, 10 Nov 2021 09:06:00 +0000

Are you regularly waking up in the middle of the night, only to feel wide awake? Here are common reasons why this is happening.


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Nearly every person wakes up in the middle of the night at some point in their life. The cause is typically something benign and short-lived, including nightmares, drinking too much liquid before bed, etc. Regularly waking up in the middle of the night is a different story, and it can be quite frustrating. 

Interrupting your sleep pattern becomes problematic because sleep is the body’s form of restoration. Failure to get sufficient sleep can impair cognitive function, increase stress, or lead to poor eating habits. While getting up once a night may not be the worst thing, six nocturnal interruptions may not be normal. Additionally, failure to go back to sleep, no matter how few or many times you wake up, indicates an issue that you need to address. 

Perhaps the following reasons explain why you regularly wake up at night. Don’t let your health suffer because it’s possible to get your sleep schedule back on track. Address the problem and you’ll arrive at the solution!

Mild Depression

According to several clinical psychologists, there’s a complex relationship between sleep and mild depression. One can almost equate it to the “chicken or the egg” analogy: it’s hard to know which came first. Depression symptoms lead to poor sleeping habits, which can cause you to stay up late or wake up in the middle of the night and feel wide awake. Without a good night’s sleep, it’s unlikely that you’ll feel at your best. Lack of sleep can manifest itself in the form of mild depression, just as depression can cause you to wake up at night. It’s a viscous cycle!

Drinking Alcohol Before Bed

Some people drink a cocktail, or two, or more before bed to increase feelings of sleepiness. Alcohol is a sedative that can put you to sleep, but during the first few hours of sleep, you metabolize the alcohol and produce a form of sleep that prevents healthy rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. This is the most restful state, and lacking REM sleep can make the second half of your night restless. That’s why you may wake up many times after drinking alcohol before bed. 


Insomnia describes an inability to fall asleep or stay asleep, which can lead to many unhealthy symptoms and behaviors. It tends to cause a lot of daytime tiredness, making it difficult to get through the day. It’s also possible for people with insomnia to fall asleep, but wake up at night wide awake for no reason. For people who have insomnia, click here to learn several ways to help improve sleep. 

Eating Too Late In The Day

A late night dinner every now and again will not ruin your health, but eating right before bed every night is a one way ticket to poor sleep. Eating a lot of food before bed is very taxing on the digestive system, so it has to work all night, instead of resting. Additionally, certain foods can cause you to wake up at night. Try your best to avoid spicy ingredients at least three hours before bed, as they can increase heartburn and worsen sleep apnea symptoms. High-fat meals are difficult for the body to break down, leading to late-night wakings. 

Leaving Technology On

It’s all too common nowadays to keep eyes locked on a screen right up until the moment you lay your head to rest. Whether you watch TV, play on your phone, or do late night work on a laptop, the blue light from these devices promotes wakefulness. According to experts, staring at blue light at night can suppress melatonin, the body’s sleep hormone. Not only does this affect sleep cycle, but it also impacts your ability to stay asleep, leading to frequent wakings throughout the night. 

A Potential Prostate Issue

For men, waking up several times during the night to use the bathroom may indicate a prostate issue. An enlarged prostate weakens the bladder over time, making it difficult to fully eliminate the bladder. This results in multiple trips to the bathroom, even if you’re sound asleep. For tips to help naturally remedy an enlarged prostate, click here

Sleep Environment Is Not Ideal

In addition to the TV, smartphone, or tablet, a few other things in the bedroom may disrupt your sleep. If the bedroom is not cool enough, it’s easier to wake up frequently during the night. A bedroom that is between 60-67º Fahrenheit is the best for optimal sleep. It’s also best to leave your bedroom for sleeping only. Working in your bed, for example, can cause the mind to associate the bed with work and not sleep. This can make it difficult to fall asleep or stay sleeping throughout the night. 


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5 Natural Remedies For An Enlarged Prostate Thu, 14 Oct 2021 09:12:00 +0000 Natural remedies for enlarged prostate

Don't drinking liquids at night before bed, eat a balanced diet, and follow these other natural remedies if you have an enlarged prostate.


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Natural remedies for enlarged prostate

Men who live long enough have a very high chance of developing an enlarged prostate gland. An enlarged prostate, or benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), differs from prostate cancer and treatment will depend on symptoms. Some men with enlarged prostates don’t ever experience symptoms, but most men have mild symptoms. The management of these symptoms will depend on their severity, and this article aims to look at natural remedies that relieve symptoms or potentially shrink an enlarged prostate.

What Is An Enlarged Prostate?

The prostate gland wraps around the urethra, which is the tube out of which urine flows. Belonging to the male reproductive system, the prostate gland naturally gets bigger as men age. Several factors may cause a prostate to enlarge. Aging and changing cells in the testicles may play a roll in the gland’s growth. Men who have their testicles removed at a young age as a result of an accident or cancer, for example, do not develop BPH. Additionally, the prostate begins to shrink if older men who have BPH remove their testicles. Although BPH is non-cancerous, it does increase the risk for prostate cancer. 

Eventually, an enlarged prostate can clamp down on the urethra and restrict the flow of urine from the bladder. This can lead to a variety of problems, including:

  • Difficulty in voiding
  • Frequent urination
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Urinary leakage

For men with enlarged prostates, the following natural remedies may help to relieve symptoms. 

5 Natural Remedies For An Enlarged Prostate

Change Your Bathroom Habits

If you experience bothersome urinary symptoms, it may be time to change your bathroom habits. As soon as you feel the urge to urinate, go to the restroom and empty your bladder each time. This will help reduce the number of trips you make to the restroom. To ease urination, experts recommend that you relax as much as possible beforehand. Anxiety can make it more difficult to urinate, so block out your symptoms and consider meditation to ease the flow of urine. 

Stinging Nettle

European stinging nettle can cause a sharp jolt of pain if you come in contact with the hairs on its leaves. Although this is the case, it doesn’t have that effect when brewed or cooked. In fact, stinging nettle may benefit men with BPH. Nettle root contains similar antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that are in saw palmetto and pygeum. In fact, some herbal concoctions often combine saw palmetto with nettle root to reduce the size of the prostate. 

Eat A Plant-Based Diet

According to several studies, it’s best for men with enlarged prostates to follow a plant-based diet. Decreasing the intake of animal-based foods, or eliminating them from the diet entirely, is the first line of defense for reducing the size of the prostate. It’s best to prioritize fresh fruits and vegetables because they exhibit potent antioxidant activity that reduces oxidative stress. They are also rich in fiber, anti-inflammatory properties, and other vitamins and minerals. It’s also beneficial to consume starch-resistant foods because they contain beneficial organisms that improve gut microbiome. Improving gut health ultimately enhances immune function, which may reduce inflammation in the prostate. BPH is an inflammatory process, so reducing the rate of inflammation can only benefit your health. Focus on lentils, green bananas, green beans, kidney beans, and other gut healthy foods. 

Watch What You Drink And When

As you are well aware, the liquids you consume must eventually come out. Cutting down or monitoring what and when you drink can help cut down on urinary irritation. Researchers confirm that caffeine and alcohol encourage the kidneys to produce urine. That means you can expect more frequent trips to the bathroom when drinking caffeinated or alcoholic beverages. It’s best to avoid or moderate your nighttime intake of these beverages, as it may cut down how often you need to urinate. This may help improve sleep if you regularly wake up at night to empty the bladder. Additionally, limit the consumption of cranberry juice and wine, especially before you leave the house or go to bed. 

Saw Palmetto

This herb may be the most studied herb in regards to naturally reducing an enlarged prostate. This herbal remedy comes from the fruit of the palm tree, and several studies confirm that it may be effective at relieving BPH symptoms. Saw palmetto inhibits the production of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and reduces the size of the prostate’s inner lining. The research on saw palmetto as an effective remedy for BPH is ongoing. Preliminary studies, however, find that the anti-inflammatory and hormone-blocking properties may help men with BPH. 


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Top 5 Health Tips For Dad This Father’s Day Thu, 17 Jun 2021 09:04:00 +0000

June is Men’s Health Month, which raises awareness about health care for men. Start a new tradition this Father’s Day by keeping dad healthy.


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Generally speaking, every dad knows what to expect on Father’s Day. Socks, ties, coffee mugs, funny cards, and a homemade dinner are generally in store for dads on their special day. While gifts from the family are priceless and honor fatherhood, it’s important for fathers to take charge of their health. They play a large role in shaping their children’s future, so they should be around to see them grow up.

June is Men’s Health Month, making Father’s Day the perfect time to emphasize men’s health. Fathers devote a lot of attention to their children during their lifetime. Statistically, fathers, and men in general, tend to neglect their own health. Looking after personal health is just as important as monitoring the health of children. Several studies confirmed that fathers with poor physical and mental health have a negative impact on their children’s overall well being. 

For Father’s Day, we have five health tips for dads that will help them live happier, healthier lives. Stick around for more Father’s Days when you maintain overall health!

Schedule An Annual Physical

Statistically, men are 24% less likely than women to visit a doctor for yearly physicals. One of the best ways to stay on top of your health is by taking preventative measures. Several surveys concluded that men are 32% more likely than women to end up in a hospital for long-term diabetic complications. And men are 28% more likely than women to be hospitalized for congestive heart failure. Don’t let dad put off doctor visits!

Seek Help For Depression

This tip applies to men who grapple with depression or severe anxiety. It’s important to recognize the signs and symptoms of depression in order to seek help when necessary. For both men and women, depression is one of the leading causes of disease and injury worldwide. Signs and symptoms of depression include feelings of hopelessness, reduced energy levels, thoughts of suicide, and persistent sadness. Anyone who experiences these symptoms should seek help immediately. Many hotlines, support groups, and alternative treatments can benefit mental health

Find Ways To Manage Stress

Many health practitioners explain that stress is one of the primary risks of developing depression, heart disease, and chronic inflammation. Excess stress hormones in the body can negatively impact overall health. Fathers and mothers can hold a lot of stress, and certain things their children do only add to it. While there are many ways to naturally reduce stress, each person will have to find their own outlet that invites zen into their life. If you need help getting rid of stress, click here to read about ways to address your stress. 

Consider A Colonoscopy

This is not a fun topic to discuss with dads, but it is a necessary one if they are nearing 50 years old. In the United States, colon cancer happens to be the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths. The Standard American Diet increases waste accumulation in the colon and digestive tract, and this can lead to numerous intestinal disorders, as well as colon cancer. A colonoscopy is an excellent way to screen for colon cancer. Men who are 50 years old or older should consider a colonoscopy, especially if there is family history of colon cancer or inflammatory bowel disease. 

Focus On Cardiovascular Health

If you want dad to keep up with chasing you at the park, make sure he is in great cardiovascular shape. Improving and maintaining heart health requires constant work. From eating the right foods to regularly exercising, keeping the heart healthy is a full-time job. Health experts suggest to engage in 150 minutes of moderately intense cardiovascular exercise per week. Additionally, it’s ideal to eat a healthy diet that consists of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and legumes. Try to limit the consumption of alcohol, meat, processed foods, saturated fats, refined starches, and dairy products. All of those foods negatively impact heart health. 


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Dherbs Male Cleanse Tue, 20 Jan 2015 17:35:50 +0000

The Male Cleanse - 20 day cleanse and regimen that helps to provide essential nutrients to benefit male and sexual reproductive health.


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The Male Cleanse – 20 day cleanse and regimen that helps to provide essential nutrients to benefit male and sexual reproductive health.

  • 20 day cleanse and regimen designed to benefit the health of men
  • Includes botanicals conducive to male sexual reproductive health
  • May aid in necessary weight release along with diet and exercise
  • Works to maintain natural testosterone levels and support sexual health
  • Helps to maintain healthy urinary tract and prostate
  • Helps maintain normal sperm count
  • Promotes better sex drive and libido
  • Helps nourish, rejuvenate and cleanse male sexual organs


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Dherbs Alpha Male Oil Mon, 19 Jan 2015 07:13:20 +0000

Alpha Male Oil - Essential oil designed exclusively for men to help nourish and repair the testicles and penis while promoting aphrodisiac effects.


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Alpha Male Oil – Essential oil designed exclusively for men to help nourish and repair the testicles and penis while promoting aphrodisiac effects.

  • An exclusive and unique massage oil for men
  • Helps to nourish, rejuvenate, and repair the testicles, prostate gland, and penis


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Dherbs Prostate Formula Wed, 04 Dec 2013 20:27:13 +0000

Prostate Formula is an herbal supplement specifically designed to contribute to the normal health of the male reproductive system, especially the prostate gland.


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Prostate Formula is an herbal supplement specifically designed to contribute to the normal health of the male reproductive system, especially the prostate gland.


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6 Health Benefits Of Pumpkin Seeds Tue, 13 Oct 2020 09:07:00 +0000

Pumpkin seeds provide a substantial amount of nutrients for their size. See how eating a handful can benefit your health.


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Pumpkins get all the attention during the fall, and the seeds are either thrown away or an afterthought. The reason people discard pumpkin seeds is because they are entangled in the stringy, slimy pumpkin flesh that you remove from the pumpkins when you carve them. As it turns out, the seeds offer healthy fats, magnesium, zinc, and other nutrients that can improve heart health and fight back against some cancers. 

Nutritional Value Of Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds, often times referred to as pepitas, pack a diverse nutritional punch. Now, if you buy pumpkin seeds at the store, you’ll notice that they are green, flat, and oval. They are not the white, hard seeds that you scoop out of a pumpkin. The white part is actually the shell and the green seed is inside. A one-ounce serving of shell-free pumpkin seeds contains:

  • 151 calories
  • 7 grams of protein
  • 13 grams of fat
  • 1.7 grams of fiber
  • 5 grams of carbohydrates
  • 18% of the RDI of vitamin K
  • 42% of the RDI of manganese
  • 37% of the RDI of magnesium
  • 33% of the RDI of phosphorus
  • 14% of the RDI of zinc
  • 19% of the RDI of copper
  • 23% of the RDI of iron

May Reduce Risk Of Breast Cancer

Pumpkin seeds contain a high concentration of antioxidants, including carotenoids and vitamin E, both of which help to reduce free radical damage and inflammation. One study found that regularly consuming pumpkin seeds helped reduce breast cancer risk in postmenopausal women. Another study found that they provided some protection for premenopausal women as well. Other studies suggest that the lignans in pumpkin seeds play a large role in reducing breast cancer risk, but more studies are needed to determine their effectiveness against cancerous cells. 

May Improve Heart Health

As we mentioned earlier in the article, pumpkin seeds are rich in unsaturated fats, including alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). This acid may play a role in a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, particularly when added to a balanced diet. Several studies found that pumpkin seeds help to increase nitric oxide production in the body. Nitric oxide helps to improve blood flow by expanding blood vessels. It also reduces the risk of plaque build-up in the arteries. 

May Improve Quality Of Sperm

Men who have low levels of zinc typically have reduced sperm quality and an increased risk of infertility. According to a study on mice, zinc may protect male sperm from chemotherapy damage and autoimmune disorders. Other research points to the fact that pumpkin seed oil benefits the prostate. Finally, The concentration of antioxidants and other nutrients can help improve testosterone levels, which may have a positive impact on fertility and reproductive health in men. 

May Improve Sleep Quality

Normally, we advise against eating close to bedtime, but pumpkin seeds happen to be a great late night snack. They are naturally rich in tryptophan, which is an amino acid that promotes sleep. The downside is that you have to eat seven ounces of pumpkin seeds to obtain one gram of tryptophan, which is the suggested amount to improve sleep. That amount of pumpkin seeds racks up more than 1,000 calories. The zinc in pumpkin seeds helps convert tryptophan to serotonin, which the body converts to melatonin, a hormone that regulates the body’s sleep cycle. Additionally, pumpkin seeds are rich in magnesium, another mineral that encourages more restful sleep. 

May Improve Blood Sugar Levels

Pumpkin seeds have hypoglycemic properties, which may help balance blood sugar levels. Several studies revealed that consuming pumpkin seed powder or pumpkin juice can reduce blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes. One observational study with 127,000 people found that men who consumed more magnesium had a 33% lower risk of type 2 diabetes and women had a 34% lower risk. Pumpkin seeds are naturally rich in magnesium so eat up!

May Optimize Immune Function

We’ve covered the fact that pumpkin seeds are excellent sources zinc and iron. What we didn’t cover is that the body needs both of these minerals for optimal immune function. Additionally, pumpkin seeds have antiviral and anti-fungal properties, which help the immune system fight foreign invaders or infections in the body. 


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Pumpkins: Good For More Than Just Carving Thu, 31 Oct 2019 18:04:06 +0000

We know that many of you will carve pumpkins this year, but will you actually eat pumpkins to sleep better or promote healthier vision?


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The leaves are changing and pumpkin spice drinks are at every coffee place in sight. Oh, and stores are selling pumpkin pies, pumpkin bread, canned pumpkin, pumpkin cookies, pumpkin donuts, pumpkin smoothies, pumpkin beer, and, of course, actual pumpkins too. Pumpkins are taking over and we couldn’t be more excited.

Let’s be clear for a second: we are excited for real pumpkins, not that fake flavoring or canned stuff. Halloween festivities include pumpkin carving, but most people don’t realize that pumpkins are good for so more than being hollowed out and carved to impress trick-or-treaters. They actually have tons of health benefits and most people avoid eating fresh pumpkins. The big carving pumpkins aren’t really meant for eating, but you always save their seeds and roast them for a healthy snack. Fun fact: pumpkin seeds are excellent sources of zinc and selenium. To eat pumpkin meat, you have to purchase the smaller sweet baby pumpkins.

When you carve a pumpkin for Halloween, you scoop out the stringy stuff and the seeds. Instead of discarding those seeds, wash them off and roast them in your oven. Pumpkin seeds are nutritionally dense and are great for healthy snacking. Pre-heat your oven to 325º Fahrenheit and spread your washed and dried pumpkin seeds on a baking sheet. Season them with a pinch of sea salt and pepper and drizzle with a little olive oil. You can use whichever seasonings you enjoy to change the flavor profile. For instance, ginger powder, garlic powder, pepper, and a dashes of coconut aminos make for a wonderful Asian-inspired snack. Bake for about 20 minutes and then remove to cool.

#1: You’ll Sleep Better

This is actually thanks to pumpkin seeds, more than the actual pumpkin. They are rich in tryptophan, which is an amino acid that helps you relax and unwind. So roast these seeds after carving a pumpkin and eat them to help you fall asleep.

#2: Protect Your Package

Pumpkin meat and seeds contain beta-carotene and other antioxidants that have cancer-fighting properties. In recent studies, pumpkin seed oil has shown that it inhibits prostate growth in rats, primarily due to the zinc content.

#3: Lower Blood Pressure

As it turns out, your heart loves pumpkin just as much as your taste buds do. The potassium in pumpkins can actually help you lower blood pressure because it reduces sodium levels in the body. Studies have shown that people who eat more potassium have reduced risk of stroke and high blood pressure, two risk factors of heart disease. You can also use pumpkin seed oil to help prevent hypertension!

#4: You’ll Feel Full

Why is this important? When you feel full, you won’t crave those unhealthy things like chips, candy, desserts, or even soda. Pumpkins contain fiber, which satiates you between meals, leading to reduced food intake. It also keeps your digestive system happy.

#5: Boost Your Vision

One cup of pumpkin meat contains twice the recommended daily intake of vitamin A. The body converts vitamin A into beta-carotene, which helps to promote healthy vision. Scientists analyzed 22 studies and determined that people with higher beta-carotene intake had decreased risk of cataracts. Other research found that pumpkin is one of the best sources of zeaxanthin and lutein, which are two compounds that decrease the risk of age-related macular degeneration. Finally, pumpkin contains vitamins C & E, both of which work to protect your eye cells from harmful free radicals.

#6: Improve Immune Function

As we previously mentioned, pumpkins are rich in beta-carotene, which the body converts into vitamin A. According to recent studies, vitamin A works to strengthen the immune system to help combat infections. People who are deficient in vitamin A tend to have weaker immune systems. Pumpkins are also rich in vitamin C, which works to increase the amount of white blood cells in the body, ultimately increasing immune function.

#7: Reduce Cancer Risk

As you may have deduced by now, pumpkins are nutrient powerhouses and possess a magical combo of vitamins and minerals to fight off cancer cells. An analysis of 13 studies on carotenoids have shown that higher levels of alpha-carotene and beta-carotene can significantly decrease the risk of several stomach cancers. These carotenoids can also reduce the presence of free radicals and lower the risk of pancreas, breast, throat, and several other cancers.


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