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This week, we will walk you through the Facts and Fiction about EYESIGHT!


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This week, we will walk you through the Facts and Fiction about eyesight!


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7 Tips To Protect Your Eyes While Looking At Screens Sun, 23 May 2021 09:03:00 +0000

Learn to protect your eyes if you look at screens with 7 tips from vision specialists. These are great for anyone who works on a computer.


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Whether you are learning online, working remotely, binging Netflix, or scrolling through social media, your eyes need protection. People are addicted to their digital devices, especially smartphones and laptops. The eyes never get a break from excessive screen time, which is not healthy, according to many optometrists. In fact, too much screen time can even lead to computer vision syndrome (CVS)

If you find that you regularly experience dry eyes, blurred vision, eye strain, or double vision after looking at screens, you need serious help. Roughly 90% or more of screen gazers develop some form of CVS. Light sensitivity, neck and back pain, and frequent headaches are the most common symptoms. 

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been an uptick in screen time exposure. About 42% of Americans worked from home, and a new study indicated that 45% of remote workers experienced eye strain. An additional 60% of people were concerned with how the increased exposure to screens would affect their eyes in the long run. To help reduce the risk of CVS, use the following tips to protect the eyes

Minimize Display Glare

In order to prevent glare on your screen, experts advise angling it away from the window or light source. If you work in an office with florescent lights overhead, you may notice overhead glare. Optometrists state that this causes severe vision discomfort and that it’s better to use desk lamps to reduce the glare. Just remember to face the light away from the screen. You always have the option to purchase an anti-glare screen or protector. 

Abide By The 20-20-20 Rule

This is a great rule to remember if your job requires you to stare at a screen all day. When you use a computer or device with a screen for a long time, look away from the screen every 20 minutes. Don’t look at another screen, though. Pick something that is 20 feet away and stare at it for 20 seconds. Do this throughout the day and your eyes will have a chance to refocus. 

Wear Blue Light Glasses

Some people swear by these glasses, while others think that they are completely useless. As it turns out, blue light glasses work to protect your eyes from the blue light that comes from most computers or smartphones. This blue light is concentrated and it’s very difficult for the eyes to filter out. Too much exposure to this type of blue light can cause headaches, eye strain, and sleep disruption. 

Adjust Your Viewing Angle

One of the primary contributing factors to CVS development is the angle at which you view the screen. Researchers say that the computer, tablet, or phone should be 20-28 inches away from your eyes and four to five inches below eye level. Craning your neck to look down is unhealthy, and hunching over at a desk isn’t conducive to healthy eyes. Your eyes will also benefit if you maintain proper posture when seated. 

Blink More Often

Blinking is a natural, involuntary action that occurs even if you don’t think about it. When you spend all day in front of screens, though, you have to remember to blink. In fact, take action by setting alarms to blink! When you blink, your eyes produce moisture that is essential for optimal eye care. On average, people tend to blink 15 times per minute, but this number decreases to five or seven times a minute when staring at screens. Failure to blink regularly can lead to dry eyes, blurred vision, general eye discomfort, and eye irritation.

Make Sure You Have The Right Prescription

This tip is specifically for people who require prescription glasses to see. As detailed in this article, it’s possible to experience blurred vision after staring at screens for too long. If your prescription isn’t correct anymore, this will also cause you to see things blurry. Seeing things in a constant blur will induce headaches and eye strain. Get an eye exam to make sure your prescription is correct. You know what? Get an eye exam even if you don’t wear glasses, just so you can know that your eyes are healthy.

Create Screen-Free Zones

The problem with the world we live in is that people go from working on screens, to watching TV, to checking their phones. There is no break from the screen cycle, so the eyes never get a chance to rest. While the aforementioned tips can help keep your eyes healthy, your best bet at reducing eye strain is limiting screen time. Establish screen-free zones in your home. The bathroom or bedroom should be screen-free areas. When you’re ready take a poop or go to sleep, give your eyes a break and completely unplug.


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Eye Problems Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:53 +0000

Eye problems diminish natural vision; so if you want optimal vision or eyesight, by all means take care of your eyes.


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Eye problems diminish natural vision; so if you want optimal vision or eyesight, by all means take care of your eyes.

Various Eye Diseases


Glaucoma is a major eye disease or disorder whereby there is a loss of peripheral vision, and accompanied by an increase in fluid pressure within the eyeball that can lead to degeneration of the optical nerve due to compression. The built up pressure in the eyes that cause the compression is really nothing but mucus and other toxic fluid wastes trapped in the body due to poor elimination and which make their way to the eyes.


This eye disease denotes inflammation of the conjuctiva. Anytime we have a medical term ending with “itis” i.e., bronchitis, vaginitis, arthritis, we know that inflammation is on the scene and that inflammation is due to excess negative or unhealthy mucus.


This is another eye disease whereby inflammation (due to excess buildup of negative or unhealthy mucus) of the outer edges of the eyelids causes redness, burning, itching, and a feeling that something is in one’s eye. Symptoms of this disease include loss of eyelashes, swollen eyelids, and sensitivity to light.

People who experience “glued” eyes are suffering from blepharitis. It causes secretions (that are mucus-based) that form crusts that “glue” or “paste” the eyes together during sleep.

Other Eye Problems

“Cat in the eye” is an excess mucus oozing from the corner or pocket of the eyes.

Watery eyes indicate a so-called “cold.” The so-called immune system is taxed and you need to rest. Most people can’t “see” this, but this is what the body is telling them.

Blurred vision usually denotes other problems such as diabetes and high blood pressure.

Bloodshot eyes can denote many things, including consumption of alcohol, eyestrain, fatigue, and use of drugs. The eyes become bloodshot when “the small vessels on the surface of the eye become inflamed and congested with blood, usually in response to an insufficient supply of oxygen in the cornea or tissues covering the eyes.” Balch supra

Browning of the eyes (white of the eye) undoubtedly denotes cholesterol (unnatural cholesterol), usually from poor diet that includes dead animal flesh or carcass and animal excreta (dairy products, a/k/a liquefied cow snot/mucus).

Dark circles under or around the eyes usually indicate exhaustion stemming from lack of proper or adequate amount of rest and sleep.

Puffiness under the eyes usually denotes kidney problems, especially fluid retention in the kidneys. You work on this problem by addressing the kidneys and/or excess fluids in the body.

Red and swollen eyes usually indicate presence of allergies.

Yellowing of the eyes denotes liver toxicity, perhaps from jaundice, hepatitis, or other liver pathologies. This problem is addressed by addressing the liver (liver cleansing, coffee enema, etc.).

Droopy eyes usually denote weakening of the eye muscles.

Protruding or bulging eyes usually denote thyroid problems. This problem is addressed by addressing the thyroid gland.

There is a very good reason why so-called diabetics end up with eye problems, blurred vision followed by blindness. Diabetes the disease does not cause blindness, but the pharmaceutical grade of the drug ‘insulin’ does.

Prescription Glasses or Contact Lenses and Eye Problems

Wearing eyeglasses denote that your eyes or vision is bad or poor and you need help seeing.

Prescription eyeglasses can be detrimental to your eyes as well. Instead of strengthening your eyes, the ciliary muscles in your eyes, they actually help to weaken them. When you focus on a thing, you are using your ciliary muscles. But when you wear prescription glasses, the glasses magnify objects for you that cause your ciliary muscles in your eyes to become lethargic and indolent.

Why are so many young children wearing eyeglasses today? Because of harmful chemicals used in commercial brand children’s shampoo, conditioner, and bubble bath that contained industrial agents such as PROPYLENE GLYCOL and SODIUM LAUREL SULFATE.

Propylene glycol is used to make car anti-freeze. It is an industrial product that the government allows to be used in food and cosmetics, but not cat food because it’s too harmful for the pet to ingest.

Sodium Laurel Sulfate (and Sodium Laureth Sulfate) is a known skin irritant commonly used in hair care, skin, and bubble bath products. It’s also used in the cleaning industry as garage floor cleaner and engine degreaser.

Colored contact lenses are nothing but a profit-making scheme. People with poor eyesight need contact lenses. People who want to change their eye color do not.

Computers and Eye Problems

Another device that impairs the health of the eyes are computer screens. People who work on a computer for numerous hours throughout the day would be wise to purchase anti-radiation screens to place over their computer monitors. The radiation glare emitted from computer screens harms the eyes, including the chakra of the eyes.

Take periodic breaks from looking at your computer screen and perform ocular or eye exercises. Hold a blue colored crystal or stone (lapis lazuli and/or sodalite are best) between your fingers and stare into the stone for approximately one minute. These stones will dissipate the radiation field from computer screen to your eyes. Crystals and gemstones are more helpful than you know.

Commercial Drops and Eye Problems

Commercial brand eye drops are chemical based not helpful to the eyes. They mask a different problem that needs to be addressed.

Televisions and Eye Problems

The size of a TV set doesn’t just tell you how big the screen is. It’s also telling you the MINIMUM distance you need to place between your eyes and the screen. Simply convert the inches into feet and then sit that many feet away from your television set and screen.

Healing Eyes Problems Naturally

Pinhole readers are excellent in repairing the eyes. These glasses, which are black glasses (no lens) with numerous holes to look through, strengthens your ciliary muscles.

Pinhole readers

Liquid MSM eye drops are a far better choice for eye drops compared to “Visine.” I used MSM eye drops heavily (and daily) some 10 years ago and they greatly helped to improve my eyes.

Cucumber slices are great for puffy or baggy eyes. Puffy and baggy eyes are the result of either the kidneys or lack of sleep. Place cucumber slices over the eyes for about 30 minutes. Learn to get a good night’s sleep.

Crystals are excellent for healing and repairing the eyes. Crystals help to heal the chakras (energy centers) of the eyes. Both eyes have chakras. Your left eye allows energy into the body and the right eye allows energy to exist the body. All openings on the body have chakras – the eyes, ears, nose, mouth, female nipples, vagina, penis, and anus.

Good crystals to use for eye care, maintenance, and remedy include, but is not limited to: Agate, Chalcedony, Mica (Muscovite), Amethyst, Snowflake Obsidian, Angel Aura Quartz, Petalite, Tiger’s Eye, and Hawk’s Eye.

Dietary Intervention

Eat plenty of blueberries. It’s the best food you could eat for maintenance and/or repair of the eyes. Be it raw whole blueberries, dried blueberries (that are unsulphured), blueberry jam or jelly, etc., just simply eat a lot of blueberries for the sake of improving the health and vision of your eyes.

Drink a cup of organic blueberry juice daily. Good brands to purchase include Lakewood and Knudsen.

Eye nutrients include Vitamin A, Lutein, Beta Carotene, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Zinc. Many of these nutrients are sold in natural form here at Dherbs.Com (see Minerals and Vitamins).

Herbs great for naturally healing and/or maintaining the eyes and vision include Bilberry, Eyebright, Calendula Flower, Chrysanthemum Flower, Passionflower, Mullein Leaf, Chamomile Flower, Cayenne, Amla Fruit, Bilberry (also known as Huckleberry and Blueberry) provides natural carotene and Vitamin E and greatly helps to strengthen the eyes. During WWII, British jet pilots were given bilberry so as to improve their night vision. This herb greatly helps to reverse and/or prevent night-blindness.

Eyebright maintains the health of the optical system. It ranks only under bilberry as a powerful eye aid and healer.

Calendula is one of the greatest natural sources of the eye nutrient “lutein”, which is sold in it’s isolated form in commercial health food stores. However, if the lutein is not derived from a living food, it’s inorganic and thus not good for human health. You can derive plenty of organic lutein from Calendula (a/k/a Marigold).

Grape Seed Extract is a natural source of anti-oxidant and helps prevent free radical damage, including in the eye area.

I do not advise the wearing of tinted sunglasses, at least for people with dominant eyes (Black people). Contrary to your programming, people with dominant eyes require sunlight. Looking directly into the sunlight for a few seconds each day is actually healthy for the eyes. On the other hand, people with recessive eyes (Caucasian people) have more of a concern against the sunlight (excess amounts of it) and are qualified and justified in wearing tinted sunglasses.

Lighting for Optimal Eye Health

Sunlight is necessary for the eyes because it helps to regulate our internal clock: our circadian rhythms, which tie into the Pineal Gland and melatonin.

Creative people (“Quaquaversals”) who are up throughout the night for higher creative pursuits, make sure you are using Full Spectrum lighting which match or mimic natural sunlight. Throw away or avoid using regular, commercial, cheap 2-spectrum bulbs (yellow and white light) because these bulbs greatly impair ocular or eye health. Pay the money and start using Full Spectrum lighting (bulbs). Full Spectrum light bulbs are available at good health food stores.

Full Spectrum lighting is used in many European countries whereby there is more darkness than light. Americans should also be using these bulbs as well for purposes of improving eye health as well as overall health. These bulbs last 2-3 times longer than white 2-spectrum fluorescent light bulbs.


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