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High cholesterol can increase your risk of heart disease. Here are some valuable tips to help lower cholesterol with proper dieting.


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Ahhh, cholesterol…you’ve seen it on nutritional labels and your doctors tell you to keep it in check to reduce the risk of heart disease. Cholesterol is a waxy substance that the liver produces. You obtain it by eating dairy, eggs, meat, and other animal products. The liver produces less cholesterol if you consume a lot from food sources, so dietary cholesterol doesn’t usually have a huge impact on total cholesterol levels. 

If that is the case, why should you worry about cholesterol? Well, eating foods that contain high amounts of saturated fat, trans fat, and sugar can elevate cholesterol levels. Keep in mind, though, that there are different types of cholesterol. “Good” HDL cholesterol is beneficial, while “bad” LDL cholesterol can increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and heart attack. Oxidized LDL cholesterol is more likely to adhere to arterial walls and form plaques, which narrow the arteries. To learn some helpful tips to lower cholesterol with your diet, continue reading. 

Cook With Herbs And Spices

It is very common to season meals with salt and pepper. Excess salt intake can increase the risk of heart problems, but you can achieve intense flavor in your food using less salt and more herbs and spices. Garlic, turmeric, and ginger, for example, offer great flavor and have proven effective at lowering cholesterol when eaten regularly. Eating one clove of garlic per day for three months has proven to lower total cholesterol by 9%. Additionally, many herbs and spices contain antioxidants that help prevent LDL cholesterol from oxidizing, which reduces the formation of plaque. 

Avoid Artificial Trans Fats

Trans fats, which you should avoid in general, occur naturally in dairy products and red meats. Most people’s primary source, however, is artificial trans fat, which is common in processed foods and restaurants. Artificial trans fats are the result of hydrogenating, or adding hydrogen to, unsaturated fats like vegetable oils. That ultimately changes their structure to solidify them at room temperature. A lot of research indicates that artificial trans fats increase LDL cholesterol and lower HDL cholesterol. Watch out for words like “partially hydrogenated” on ingredient lists. The good news is that artificial trans fats were banned from use in restaurants in 2018, so they are easier to avoid now. 

Follow The Mediterranean Diet

Health experts agree that a Mediterranean-style diet is a great diet for longevity and improving heart health. The diet places a large emphasis on fruits, olive oil, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and fish. It is very low in red meat and most dairy. This style of eating includes a lot of foods that help naturally lower cholesterol and avoids foods that elevate cholesterol levels. Research indicates that following a Mediterranean-style diet for three months can reduce LDL cholesterol by an average 8.9 mg per deciliter (dL). 

Eat A Lot Of Fruits And Vegetables

Studies have shown that adults who consume at least four servings of fruits and vegetables daily experience 6% lower LDL cholesterol levels than people who eat fewer servings. Fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants, fiber, and anti-inflammatory properties. All of these nutrients help prevent LDL cholesterol from oxidizing and forming plaques in the arteries. Additionally, researchers noted that people who consumed the most fruits and vegetables have a 17% lower risk of developing heart disease over 10 years compared to people who ate the least. 

Consume Soluble Fiber

Soluble fiber exists in beans, legumes, whole grains, flaxseed, apples, and citrus fruits. Humans do not possess the right enzymes to break down soluble fiber. It passes through the digestive tract and absorbs water to form a thick paste. Soluble fiber absorbs bile as it travels and both are eventually excreted in stool. Bile is made from cholesterol, so the liver pulls cholesterol out of the bloodstream when it needs to make more bile, which helps naturally lower cholesterol. Regularly consuming soluble fiber has been associated with a 5-10% reduction in total and LDL cholesterol levels in just one month. Consume at least five to 10 grams of soluble fiber daily for the best cholesterol-lowering effects.


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The Top 5 Lifestyle Tips To Lower Cholesterol Tue, 23 Apr 2024 09:31:00 +0000

To help naturally lower cholesterol levels, health experts recommend that you make dietary changes, quit smoking, exercise, and more.


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First off, what is cholesterol and why do you need to lower it? Cholesterol is a fat-like substance that the body uses to build healthy cells. If that’s the case, why is it so dangerous and do you really need to lower it? Yes and no, because not all cholesterol is created equal. 

Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or “bad” cholesterol can form plaque in the arteries and increase the risk of atherosclerosis. High-density lipoprotein (HDL) or “good” cholesterol can help remove bad cholesterol from the bloodstream. If you have high cholesterol, you have a higher risk of heart disease and heart attack. It also means that you have too much LDL and not enough HDL, but there are lifestyle changes you can make to lower your LDL and increase your HDL.

Eat Healthier

This is such a broad concept, right? It can be difficult to know which healthy foods to eat to benefit your situation. Regarding heart health, a few simple dietary changes can reduce cholesterol

  • Avoid trans fats: These fats are common in margarines, store-bought cookies, crackers and cakes. On ingredients lists, you may see hydrogenated oils or partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, both of which are trans fats that raise total cholesterol levels.
  • Increase soluble fiber intake: Soluble fiber essentially grabs cholesterol in the gut before it gets into the bloodstream, a process that helps lower LDL levels. It exists in oats, barley, quinoa, lentils, chickpeas, whole grains, kidney beans, Brussels sprouts, walnuts, and flaxseeds. 
  • Reduce intake of saturated fats: Saturated fats are primarily found in full-fat dairy products and red meats. Much like trans fats, saturated fats can raise bad LDL cholesterol levels
  • Eat more omega-3 fatty acids: Omega-3s don’t affect LDL levels, but they do offer other heart-healthy benefits, such as reducing blood pressure and boosting HDL levels. Foods that are rich in omega-3s include flaxseeds, chia seeds, walnuts, avocados, salmon, and cod.

Quit Smoking

When you quit smoking, you can help raise HDL cholesterol levels and ultimately reduce your risk of lung cancer and lung disease. The chemicals in cigarettes damage your blood vessels and accelerate the accumulation of plaque in the arteries. Studies have shown that within 20 minutes of quitting, blood pressure and heart rate recover from the spike that comes from cigarettes. Within three months of quitting, both lung function and blood circulation start to improve. Within a year of quitting, your risk of heart disease is 50% less than someone who smokes. 

Lose Weight

If you carry a few extra pounds, you have a higher risk of high cholesterol. One study found that losing 5%-10% of total body weight for overweight or obese people, respectively, could be enough to improve cholesterol levels. It can be difficult to lose weight, especially if you have struggled with weight loss in the past. Consider small changes to start, rather than committing to an all-or-nothing diet. Start by drinking water or seltzer water in place of sugary beverages and sodas. If you crave sweets, opt for fresh fruit instead of processed boxes or bags of candy. Choose plain, air-popped popcorn instead of bags of flavored chips. Finally, look for ways to incorporate more activity into your daily life. Take the stairs instead of the elevator or park farther away from the office to walk more. Walk on your lunch breaks instead of sitting down the entire time. 

Prepare Foods A Little Differently

Sometimes it’s not what you eat, but how you eat it. If you can change what you buy in the grocery store, you can change how you prepare your meals. Food prep is just as important as food choices if you want to lower your LDL cholesterol levels. Instead of frying, breading, or cooking food in lots of butter, consider boiling, roasting, baking, poaching, or broiling as alternative cooking methods. Additionally, trim the fat and remove the skin off meat, poultry, or fish. That helps you get the protein you need without the need of excess fat intake. 

Exercise Most Days Of The Week

When you exercise at a  moderate-intense level, you can help raise HDL cholesterol. As long as you are able to exercise in your current condition, aim to exercise for at least 30 minutes per day, five times per week. If you engage in high-intensity workouts, 20 minutes of exercise three times per week is sufficient, according to health experts. Adding physical activity, even in short intervals several times a day, can help you lose weight. Consider the following: 

  • Riding your bike to work (provided you live within a feasible riding distance)
  • Playing a sport you love, such as a community sport (soccer, pickleball, basketball, etc.)
  • Taking a brisk walk during your lunch break


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5 Causes Of Receding Gums Fri, 20 Oct 2023 09:18:00 +0000

Maintaining oral hygiene can help gums from receding, or prevent them for getting worse. Here are some common causes of receding gums.


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Are your teeth looking a little longer these days? If so, you may need to change some lifestyle habits because your gums may be receding. Receding gums can increase your risk for sensitivity, cavities, and tooth loss. Although gum recession is a gradual problem, you don’t want to let it get out of hand. 

What Are Receding Gums?

Gum recession is a form of gum disease that occurs when the gum tissue pulls away from the teeth. If left untreated, the gums can recede so much so that the roots of the teeth become exposed. That can cause irritation when brushing, eating, or drinking liquids at varying temperatures. 

Gum recession is most common in people over the age of 65, but it can affect people of all ages. You are more likely to develop receding gums if you had braces or other orthodontic treatment, periodontal disease, or use chewing tobacco. Interestingly, brushing your teeth excessively or having a lip or tongue piercing also increases your risk of receding gums. About 88% of people over the age of 65 have gum recession on one or more teeth, and you can learn about more causes below. 

You Have Plaque Or Tartar Buildup

If you don’t brush and floss regularly, your gums can recede. Dentists explain that poor dental hygiene can cause plaque (a film from bacteria and food) and tartar (hardened plaque that causes tooth decay) to build up along the gum lining. Not only can plaque and tartar inflame the gums, but they can also make them more susceptible to recession. If you want to prevent plaque buildup, brush your teeth twice daily for at least two minutes at a time. Floss once a day and consider using an antibacterial mouthwash to encourage optimal oral health.

You Grind Your Teeth

Repeatedly grinding your teeth can put stress on your gums, which can cause inflammation and swelling. Over time, that inflammation can cause gums to recede. Bruxism, the technical term for teeth grinding, can happen to anyone, but it typically results from unmanaged anxiety. Most teeth grinders don’t realize that they do it because they usually grind while asleep. That’s why you may wake up with tooth sensitivity or tight jaw muscles. If you have tooth grinding symptoms, consider talking with your dentist about it. You may need to wear a mouthguard at night or practice relaxation techniques to manage stress. 

You Smoke Or Use Tobacco

Smoking causes discoloration of your teeth, but it also affects your gums, especially if you dip (use chewing tobacco). Tobacco reduces immune function, making it more difficult for your gums to fight off infection. That can lead to gum inflammation and gum recession, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Obviously, the best way to protect your mouth from this is to stop smoking or using chewing tobacco. There are many methods that can help you stop smoking, but if you do use tobacco, please continue to brush and floss regularly. Don’t forget to get regular cleanings from the dentist as well. 

Your Tongue Or Lip Piercing Is To Blame

This sounds strange, but an oral piercing can actually increase the risk of gum recession over time. The piercing can cause irritation or inflammation that causes the gums to recede. Oral piercings may also cause an injury that damages the teeth or gum tissue. Damaged gum tissue can lead to inflammation and recession. If you have an oral piercing, you have to be extra attentive with your oral care. In addition to brushing and flossing, follow oral piercing cleaning instructions to reduce the risk of infection or gum recession.

You Brush Too Hard

Brushing regularly is a must for optimal oral health, but being overzealous with your brushing can do more harm than good. Aggressive brushing can irritate gum tissue, which causes inflammation that can lead to gum recession over time. If you have sensitive gums, consider getting a soft- or medium-bristle toothbrush to be more gentle on your gums. Always brush your teeth twice per day, but remember to be gentle on your teeth. Use gentle, circular motions with and consider holding your toothbrush differently to reduce intensity. Try to hold the brush with only your thumb, index, and middle fingers. Not only does this give you less leverage, but it may also remind you to go easier on your gums.


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Floss Like A Boss To Experience These Benefits Mon, 26 Sep 2022 16:07:00 +0000

Don’t toss your floss! Flossing helps to remove bacteria, plaque, and food from your teeth, but you may also experience these benefits.


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We all know that we should floss, but seldom do we see that vision through. Most people even lie about how much they floss to their dentists when they ask, “How often do you floss?” There is no point in lying because the dentist looks inside the mouth, only to see mild plaque build-up that may not be there if you floss regularly. 

As much as dentists harp on flossing, are there really benefits to this oral care activity? The American Dental Association (ADA) says that interdental cleaners like floss play an integral role in removing bacteria, plaque, and other debris from areas that a toothbrush cannot reach. That’s why most dentists encourage people to floss daily, in addition to brushing. Flossing helps you dig out a lingering piece of popcorn, steak, celery, or carrot chunk. The relief is amazing and you may not get that food piece unstuck with a toothbrush. Aside from getting food out of your teeth and helping your gums feel great, flossing can also lead to the following benefits. 

May Prevent Gum Disease

Plaque doesn’t just stain your teeth or make them look unsightly. Plaque build-up in the mouth can increase the risk of gum disease, which refers to inflammation and infection of the gums. Failure to remove this plaque can cause it to eat away at gum tissue, the primary indicator of periodontal disease. Periodontitis is the advanced form of periodontal disease, and that can result in root canals or extreme tooth decay. An effective way to combat these gum diseases is by flossing on a regular basis because it can help remove bacteria from the base of the teeth

May Benefit Your Heart Health

How can flossing your teeth help your heart? Well, a large body of research supports the link between oral health and heart health. As wild as this theory seems, it is actually quite valid. A 2010 review found a strong link between gum disease and heart disease. That doesn’t necessarily mean that gum disease causes heart disease; rather, researchers believe that people who take better care of their teeth most likely take care of their overall health. A 2020 study followed over 160,000 people who kept a strict oral hygiene routine for over 10 years. The results indicated that these participants experienced a decreased risk of heart problems like heart failure and irregular heartbeat. 

Reduce The Risk Of Cavities

Tooth decay can result in cavities, which cause tiny openings or holes in the hard surface of the teeth, also known as enamel. The more plaque on your enamel, the higher risk you are for developing cavities. When you floss at least once per day, you can get rid of hidden food particles and plaque build-up, both of which increase the risk of tooth decay. The toothbrush can’t always reach every part of your teeth, especially between them, which is why the ADA encourages daily flossing.

Helps With Bad Breath

Forget that breath mint and bust out the floss before your big date! A 2013 research review found that you may be able to kick halitosis to the curb by flossing on a regular basis. Even if you brush regularly, bacteria can build up between your teeth. In addition to an increased risk of tooth decay and gum disease, you can experience serious odors if you don’t get rid of bacterial build-up between the teeth. An interdental brush and the occasional use of a tongue scraper can also help keep bad breath at bay. 

Get Rid Of Plaque

As we’ve mentioned throughout this article, the removal of plaque can help keep your teeth and gums healthy. It can be difficult to see plaque at first because it is a stick, colorless film that collects around and between the teeth and along the gum lining. The combination of starchy and sugary foods and drinks is a recipe for plaque formation. Bacteria release acids that break down carbohydrates and failure to brush and floss means that plaque can accumulate more easily. If too much plaque builds up, it can harden and turn into tartar, which collects along the gum line. That increases the risk of gum disease!


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Homemade Oil Pulling Tablets Tue, 03 May 2022 09:23:00 +0000

Is it a fad or does oil pulling really benefit your teeth and gums? It’s an ancient practice that removes bacteria and promotes oral hygiene.


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Oil pulling is often associated with Ayurveda, the traditional medicine system from India. It is an ancient practice that works to remove bacteria from the mouth and promote oral hygiene. Studies suggest that oil pulling not only can improve dental health, but it may also reduce the risk of certain oral diseases. 

How oil pulling works is not entirely clear. The claim is that it “pulls” bacteria from the mouth by way of moisturizing the gums and increasing saliva production. Several studies indicate that various types of oil contain properties that help reduce bacteria and inflammation. Additionally, a select number of oils, with coconut oil nearly topping the list, may promote oral health. It’s a practice that many people use to aid oral detoxification, and we’ll cover how that happens below. 

May Prevent Cavities

As one of the most common problems of tooth decay, cavities result from poor oral hygiene and bacterial build-up in the mouth. It’s also possible for plaque, which coats the teeth, to cause cavities. Bacteria break down the food particles and they form an acid that ruins tooth enamel and causes tooth decay. Oil pulling may reduce the bacterial presence in your mouth, which may prevent cavities and tooth decay. Some research found that oil pulling may decrease the number of harmful bacterial strains found in plaque and saliva. 

May Kill Harmful Bacteria In The Mouth

Bacteria in the mouth can be both harmful and beneficial, given that there are 700 types of bacteria in the mouth at any given moment. One study that lasted two weeks monitored children who either used a standard mouthwash, or did oil pulling with sesame oil for 10 minutes daily. Both the mouthwash and oil pulling groups significantly reduced the amount of harmful bacteria in saliva and plaque. A more recent study confirmed that oil pulling with coconut oil had a similar effect. 

May Improve Gum Health

The bacteria that exists in plaque, in addition to causing tooth decay, can also cause gingivitis. Bacteria inflames the gums, making them red, swollen, and prone to bleeding. According to some studies, however, oil pulling is a safe and effective remedy to improve gum health and reduce gum inflammation. Certain oils like coconut oil exhibit anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce inflammation in the mouth. A 30-day study monitored 60 participants with gingivitis who began oil pulling. After one week of oil pulling, the participants reduced the amount of plaque and showed an improvement in gum health. 

May Reduce Bad Breath

Bad breath, or halitosis, affects about one in four people globally. Some of the most common causes for bad breath include gum disease, poor oral hygiene, poor gut health, or tongue coating (bacteria trapped on the tongue). One study found that oil pulling was as effective as chlorhexidine, a chemical in antiseptic mouthwash, at reducing bad breath. In that study, oil pulling with sesame oil significantly decreased levels of microorganisms that contributed to bad breath. 

Homemade Oil Pulling Tablets


  • 1 cup unrefined, virgin coconut oil


  • Melt the coconut oil in a saucepan over medium-low heat. You can also do this in the top of a double boiler if you prefer to use that method. 
  • Get a silicone candy mold and place it on a baking sheet. The size of the molds can vary depending on your preference. You can also fill the molds all the way or halfway. 
  • Pour the coconut oil into the candy molds and then transfer the sheet with the molds to the refrigerator. Remove from the fridge once the coconut oil is firm. 
  • Pop the hardened coconut oil from the molds and store in a glass container in the refrigerator. 


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Pop A Mint For National Fresh Breath Day Tue, 06 Aug 2019 08:24:21 +0000

Nobody wants bad breath, so check out these tips to freshen up and show those pearly whites for National Fresh Breath Day.


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Have you ever started talking to someone and they quickly made a disgusting face? You begin to feel self-conscious about your breath because the quality of your breath can make or break any interaction. Frantically, you scurry around in search of anything that will turn your breath from bad to good. Help!!!

On National Fresh Breath Day, August 6th, we encourage everyone to up their oral hygiene routine. When was the last time you brushed? How long did you brush for? Do you floss regularly? How is your gut health? All of these are pertinent questions if the goal is to maintain a fresh and healthy mouth. As many dentists have warned, poor oral hygiene can result in cavities, plaque build-up, tooth decay, or gum disease, all of which can contribute to bad breath. However, bad breath can also be a side effect of certain medications or an unhealthy gut.

What Causes Bad Breath?

Bad breath, also referred to as halitosis, affects about 25% of the world’s population. Some people can have a combination of bacteria, which break down food in the mouth, and decaying food, creating a foul odor. People who eat poor diets comprised of a lot of processed foods, refined grains, meats, and sugar can accumulate waste in the digestive tract, causing bad breath. Other causes of bad breath include smoking cigarettes, dry mouth, kidney disease, gastro-esophageal reflex disorder (GERD), or periodontal disease.

Tips To Keep Your Breath Fresh


This is an obvious answer that nobody wants to hear. Flossing is laborious and irritating, but it’s necessary to keep your mouth healthy. In order to make yourself floss, you have to make it easy on yourself. Leave your floss in plain sight in the bathroom, as opposed to stowing it away in a drawer or behind something in the medicine cabinet. Seeing your floss will register that you need to make it a part of your oral hygiene routine.

Stay Hydrated

If you haven’t figured it out by now, staying hydrated is the answer to a lot of problems. When you drink water, you promote saliva production and saliva works to protect the mouth from germs that cause bad breath.

Eat Some Parsley

We cannot stress enough that parsley is not merely a garnish that goes on your plate. The antibacterial and antifungal properties of parsley can help to keep your mouth clean and fresh. Thoroughly chew your parsley by itself to naturally freshen your breath and promote saliva production. Celery also works to produce saliva!

DIY Recipes To Keep Your Mouth Healthy

Whitening Toothpaste For Sparkly Teeth


Tea, coffee, and other beverages and foods can stain your teeth over time. Keep your teeth white by using this DIY toothpaste. It contains some of our favorite ingredients that naturally work to scrub your teeth clean.

Click here to make the recipe.

Turmeric Mouthwash To Clean Your Teeth


Make this easy DIY mouthwash that helps you fight off plaque and tooth decay. You won’t believe how refreshed your mouth will feel!

Click here to make the recipe.

Antibacterial Mouthwash To Get Rid Of Plaque


Here is a DIY mouthwash that helps to improve the health of your teeth. The best part is that it is free of alcohol and fluoride!

Click here to make the recipe.


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Medicine Cabinet Makeover: Oral Hygiene Tue, 22 May 2018 12:05:29 +0000

Most commercial oral hygiene products can actually damage your gums and lead to tooth decay. Give your oral hygiene routine a DIY makeover.


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The teeth and oral health systems are ever-changing environments, just like the rest of the organs and systems in the body. To promote a healthy mouth, it is optimal to care for the body with ingredients that aren’t secretly harming your teeth or gums. There are techniques to help naturally remineralize your teeth and there are DIY recipes designed to promote optimal oral health.

While you can care for your teeth with a variety of DIY products, keeping a healthy mouth first starts with a healthy diet. Continually eating foods that are difficult to digest and low in nutrients can result in a poor functioning digestive system. Always remember that your mouth emulates the health of your gut. Studies have shown that people who made the plant-based shift had improved oral hygiene, in addition to better functioning digestive systems. Combine your plant-based diet with the DIY practices below and people will be asking what your secrets to healthy teeth are!

Try Oil Pulling To Keep Your Mouth Healthy

Bad breath, medically known as halitosis, is typically the result of having an excess amount of toxins or bacteria in the mouth. The natural properties in coconut oil help to attack the bacteria, helping to naturally freshen your breath and oral health. Oil pulling works especially well on the Streptococcus mutans bacterium, which can cause cavities, gingivitis, or other oral health issues.

You Can Use Activated Charcoal To Whiten Your Teeth

Many videos of people brushing their teeth with charcoal products have surfaced around the web lately. Activated charcoal helps to promote great oral hygiene by balancing the pH levels in your mouth. It also helps to whiten your teeth, removing coffee, tea, or berry stains. Be careful not to brush with activated charcoal too much because it can be a bit abrasive to your gums and enamel.

Natural Rinse To Remove Plaque & Tartar


The development of oral diseases is only the first sign of neglecting your oral hygiene. Some oral diseases can lead to the development of other diseases that affect the whole body. Keeping your mouth clean and healthy not only keeps your teeth in good shape, but it also helps out the rest of your body. Use this DIY mouth rinse to practice good oral hygiene.

Click here to make the mouth rinse.

DIY Antibacterial Mouthwash


This antibacterial DIY mouthwash with antifungal properties can help keep your breath fresh. This mouthwash contains two powerful essential oils (tea tree and peppermint), which are not dangerous to your body. A study of essential oils on dental implants showed that they actually helped limit biofilm production.

Click here to make the mouthwash.

DIY Toothpaste


One of the benefits of using a DIY toothpaste is that it doesn’t contain foaming agents. A lot of toothpastes contain foaming agents like sodium laureth sulfate (SLS) or sodium laurel suflate, which interfere with your taste buds by breaking up phospholipids on the tongue. SLS has also been linked to the development of canker sores.

Click here to make the toothpaste.

If you try any of these recipes, let us know how they worked for you. Promote DIY and keep your mouth fresh!


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DIY Antibacterial Mouthwash To Get Rid Of Plaque Sat, 28 Apr 2018 18:15:23 +0000

Here is a DIY mouthwash that helps to improve the health of your teeth. The best part is that it is free of alcohol and fluoride!


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The DIY trend is growing in popularity because people are realizing the benefits of natural ingredients and understanding the negatives of chemical-filled commercial products. When it comes to mouthwash, most varieties contain fluoride, which is one of the most toxic substances known to man. Fluoride compounds are purposefully added to water (not everywhere) through a process called fluoridation, but its use in commercial toothpastes and mouthwashes is dangerous.

Did you know that fluoride has never been significantly proven to protect your teeth from cavity development? Continued fluoride consumption, which the body can absorb through mouthwashes or toothpastes, can lead to gastrointestinal disorders, osteoarthritis, essential enzyme inhibition, immune system suppression, and acute poisoning.

This is why we strive to find DIY solutions, which use natural ingredients that do not harm the body. For instance, we came upon an antibacterial DIY mouthwash with antifungal properties that help keep your breath fresh. This mouthwash contains two powerful essential oils (tea tree and peppermint), which are not dangerous to your body.

Recent dental studies have found that essential oils, when properly diluted, safely reduce plaque on teeth. The proper dilution would be 1 cup of distilled water per 10 drops of essential oils. They fight back against gingivitis and don’t stain your teeth, which is common among chlorhexidine rinses. A study of essential oils on dental implants showed that they actually helped limit biofilm production.

The benefit of using DIY products is that you know exactly what goes into what you are using. The use of DIY mouthwashes also decreases the amount of waste headed to landfills, due to fewer plastic bottles used. Use this mouthwash to help improve your oral hygiene and have a better environmental footprint.


  • 1 small glass mason jar
  • ½ cup distilled water
  • 2 teaspoons baking soda
  • 2 drops tea tree essential oil
  • 2 drops peppermint essential oil


  • Add all of the ingredients to the small mason jar and shake to combine. When you don’t use it the baking soda will settle at the bottom of the jar, so be sure to shake it up prior to rinsing.
  • Swish about 2-3 teaspoons of the mixture in your mouth for one minute. Be sure to avoid swallowing this mixture.
  • Spit it out and rinse your mouth with filtered water.

Note that this mouthwash is best used after brushing with a non-toxic, fluoride-free toothpaste.


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Recipe: Remove Plaque & Tartar From Your Teeth With This Natural Rinse Sat, 01 Jul 2017 12:45:28 +0000

Keeping your teeth healthy has never been so easy. All you need to do is use this DIY mouth rinse to help prevent gum disease or tooth decay.


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When it comes to your oral hygiene, you should not be slacking with general maintenance. Your teeth are like helpless puppies and it is your job to take care of them. Leaving your teeth to fend for themselves can lead to a variety of oral health conditions such as tooth decay, gingivitis, halitosis, or gum inflammation.

The development of oral diseases is only the first sign of neglecting your oral hygiene. Some oral diseases can lead to the development of other diseases that affect the whole body. Keeping your mouth clean and healthy not only keeps your teeth in good shape, but it also helps out the rest of your body. Additionally, you won’t have to dread going to the dentist if you practice good oral hygiene.

Most commercial oral hygiene products are replete with a variety of chemicals. Rather than putting these chemicals into your body, there are many natural products that are beneficial for your oral and overall health. For example, there are numerous anti-inflammatory and antibacterial herbs that can keep your teeth and gums healthy. In fact, the natural rinses (below) can help remove tartar and reduce plaque build up.

Note: You still have to brush your teeth and floss, even if you use these natural mouth rinses. Sadly, there is no replacement for flossing and brushing. You can also brush with activated charcoal to naturally whiten your teeth.

Essential Oil Mouth Rinse


  • 1 ounce peppermint essential oil
  • 1 ounce spearmint essential oil
  • 1 ounce lemon essential oil
  • 1 ounce star anise essential oil


  • Mix all of the oils in a dark bottle. When you are ready to use, add a few drops of the mixture to 4oz. of filtered water and rinse your mouth. Swish the mixture around and spit it out. Repeat until the water is used up.
  • After you are done, rinse your mouth with water.

Mint & Rosemary Mouthwash


  • ½ cup fresh rosemary
  • 1 cup mint leaves
  • 1 quart of boiling water
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable glycerin (try to get the one made from coconut oil)


  • Boil the water in a large pot. Once the water is boiling, turn off the heat, throw the herbs in, and let the mixture cool.
  • Strain the liquid into a sterile bottle and pour in the vegetable glycerin. Cover and store in a cool, dark place
  • Rinse your mouth with this solution once a day for 2 weeks and you should notice a difference in your oral health.

Goldenseal Mouthwash


  • 1 teaspoon dried goldenseal
  • 1 cup hot water


  • Boil the dried goldenseal in the water and then let the mixture cool. Strain the mixture into a sterile glass container and store it in the fridge. Rinse your mouth with this mixture 3 times a day to help keep your gums healthy.


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Doing This Every Day May Get Rid Of Plaque & Cavities Tue, 23 May 2017 12:30:56 +0000

Do you dread going to the dentist? If so, you need to start doing this right away because it may dramatically improve your oral health.


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Oil pulling is a simple and inexpensive daily habit that you can incorporate into your life. It is beneficial for your teeth and gums, and has been used as an oral health remedy for many, many years. It may seem weird to swish coconut oil around in your mouth, but it may help to keep you out of the dentist’s office.

The process of oil pulling starts with taking one tablespoon of organic unrefined coconut oil and swishing it around in your mouth for five to twenty minutes. Fifteen to twenty minutes is the optimal amount of time you should oil pull, but first time oil pullers should start with five minutes. You can gradually work your way up to twenty minutes, increasing the amount of time every day.

If you have a smaller mouth, you may want to adjust the amount oil to whatever is tolerable, possibly even down to a teaspoon or less. Once you become comfortable with oil pulling, you can increase the amount of oil you use.

How To Oil Pull

Swish the oil around the front and back of the mouth, over the tongue, and toward the back of the throat, but do not swallow the oil. To maximize oral health, it is recommended to pull the oil in and out from between the teeth and around the gums as well. This can help reduce plaque build up and lower your risk of gum disease or tooth decay.

At the end of your pulling session, spit the oil out in a cup or trashcan. A whitish color indicates that you successfully helped to rid toxins from your mouth. Gargle some warm water to rinse your mouth and brush your teeth without toothpaste in order to clean off your teeth.

Benefits of Oil Pulling

Natural Teeth Whitener

Rather than using commercial, chemical-laden teeth whiteners, oil pulling helps to cleanse toxins from your mouth. It also helps to clean the teeth and reduce plaque build up.

Freshens Breath

Bad breath, medically known as halitosis, is typically the result of having an excess amount of toxins or bacteria in the mouth. The natural properties in coconut oil help to attack the bacteria, helping to naturally freshen your breath and oral health.

Helps You Detox

Your mouth, despite what you wish to believe, is home to a variety of bacteria and toxins. If these toxins accumulate in the body, it can lead to oxidative stress or improper organ function. Start oil pulling to help with overall body detoxification.

Removes Plaque

This is probably one of primary reasons that you should start oil pulling. Oil pulling works especially well on the Streptococcus mutans bacterium, which can cause cavities, gingivitis, or other oral health issues.


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