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Didn’t your mother always tell you to eat your peas? She must have known that they are fiber superstars and exhibit many health benefits.


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No, this article is not a joke. Those little tiny green peas that you see in the freezer section of grocery stores are nutrient powerhouses. They are rich in protein, lots of fiber, and exhibit impressive antioxidant activity. They also offer lots of micronutrients, including vitamins C and K and manganese. Besides their impressive nutritional profile, green peas are very versatile and deserve to be a staple food in your diet. 

What Are Green Peas?

Green peas are technically the seeds of the pod fruit and considered a fruit, not a vegetable. The reason for this is because they have seeds and develop from the ovary of the pea flower. These pods contain several small peas, either yellow or green in color, and (despite their fruit classification) are popularly used as vegetables in culinary applications. Different pea varieties offer different flavor profiles and can be enjoyed raw, cooked, or added to soups, stir-fries, and even desserts.

Peas have a rich history of culinary use, being a staple food in Chinese, Indian, Mediterranean, and British cuisines. In fact, archaeologists found evidence of wild pea consumption dating all the way back to 9750 B.C. Different civilizations consumed peas throughout the course of history, but were they aware of their nutritional benefits? Even if they weren’t, you can be by reading about the following health benefits of green peas.

Rich In Protein

Protein makes up the foundation of your skin, muscles, bones, and hair, but it plays a role in overall health. The body uses protein to build and repair tissues as well as synthesize enzymes and hormones. A protein deficiency can impair immune function, stunt growth, and decrease energy levels. Green peas are naturally rich in pea protein, with a cup of peas providing 8.6 grams. That makes green peas on par with other plant-based proteins, including quinoa, hemp seeds, and nutritional yeast. 

Support Healthy Digestion

In addition to the impressive protein content, green peas boast 8.8 grams of fiber per cup, which fulfills 35% of the recommended daily intake (RDI) of fiber. Studies suggest that incorporating more fiber-rich foods into your diet benefits several aspects of your health, especially digestion. Fiber passes through the digestive tract undigested, which adds bulk to stool to increase stool frequency. Some research indicates that fiber may benefit digestive conditions, including stomach ulcers, diverticulitis, and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

May Protect Against Cancer

Green peas contain a lot of antioxidant compounds, which work to fight free radicals. They also help to relieve inflammation and reduce oxidative damage to cells. In some in vitro studies, some antioxidants in green peas have exhibited anti-cancer properties. Saponins are a type of antioxidant compound found in green peas, and they may inhibit tumor growth. According to a 2009 review from Canada, saponins in green peas and other legumes may have therapeutic effects against some types of cancer. Another review of in vitro studies found that saponins were able to prevent the growth and spread of cancer cells. That said, more research is necessary to confirm the promising anti-cancer activity of green peas. 

Support Blood Sugar Control

The fiber and protein in green peas may help regulate blood sugar levels. In turn, these efforts may prevent symptoms like fatigue, increased headaches, and frequent urination (more common among diabetics). Fiber slows the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream, which helps maintain steady blood sugar levels. Increasing protein intake has also been associated with lower blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. Not only that, but green peas have a low glycemic index. One review found that eating lots of foods with a low glycemic index, such as peas, can help lower the risk of diabetes.


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Cinnamon Vanilla Energy Bites Sat, 01 Jul 2023 18:04:00 +0000

These cinnamon vanilla energy bites can help satiate you between meals, but they are also the perfect on-the-go healthy snack for kids.


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The common thought is that it is incredibly rare to enjoy a snack that is healthy and flavorful. If you believe that sentiment, then you are not a professional snacker. Healthy doesn’t mean that food is flavorless or unenjoyable. In fact, many snack recipes that we post in our recipe section are quite addictive. In the case of these energy bites, they provide a sweet cinnamon vanilla flavor and lots of protein, fiber, and healthy fats. They are great to enjoy between meals or even as a filling breakfast.

It is very easy to make energy bites, so long as you have a food processor. The oats help to bind the ingredients together, making it easier to roll the blended mixture into bite-sized balls. When it comes time to form the mixture into balls, make sure to wet your hands with some cold water. That will help the blended mixture from sticking to your hands. And when you roll the dough into balls, make sure to place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. That will prevent the balls from sticking to the pan.

Should you want to use these energy bites as a pre-workout snack, feel free to add a couple scoops of plant-based protein powder. If that’s the path you want to go down, make sure to omit about a quarter-cup of almond flour. Ideally, choose a non-soy protein powder because about 95% of soy is genetically modified. Choose pea protein or a mixture of plant proteins that exclude soy. Obviously, this is an optional step and the energy bites will taste just great without the protein powder.


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The Best Protein-Packed Nut And Seed Butters Wed, 08 Jun 2022 09:07:00 +0000

Get out of the way peanuts because there are better, more popular nut and seed butters in town, and they contain more protein.


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For most people, the love affair with peanut butter begins with a childhood favorite: the peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Others fell in love with peanut butter on celery sticks or apple slices. Since those early introductions to peanut butter, you probably found other uses for the creamy, protein-rich treat. However you use it, peanut butter delivers great flavor and texture, but it has a lot more competition now. 

Other nut and seed butters offer more diverse nutritional profiles and often taste better than classic peanut butter. Additionally, many nut and seed butters tend to be less processed and less sugary, making them better for your body. Plus, about three million people in the U.S. are allergic to peanuts, but they can take advantage of other nut and seed butters. Cashew, almond, walnut, sunflower seed, pumpkin seed, and pistachio butters exhibit more unique flavor profiles and textures. They also tend to have more heart-healthy fats, fiber, and protein than your average peanut butter. Finally, many of these nut and seed butters tend to be easier to digest than peanut butter. Continue reading to see which nut and seed butters you should consume to increase your protein intake

Walnut Butter

Walnuts are naturally rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which boost the health of your heart and brain. Omega-3s may also lower inflammatory markers in the body. Although walnut butter may have a lower protein content than peanut butter, it is a better choice because of the omega-3 content. Walnuts contain more heart-healthy antioxidants than other nuts, including almonds and peanuts. You can find walnut butter at your local health food store or order it online. 

Sunflower Seed Butter

Super smooth and undeniably delicious, sunflower seed butter is easily spreadable and pairs well with oatmeal and smoothies. This is a great alternative to nut butters if you have a nut allergy. Sunflower seed butter boasts an impressive nutritional profile, offering large amounts of magnesium, copper, fiber, protein, niacin, and vitamin E. Get creative and put it on top of a warm baked sweet potato for a complex carb, healthy fat, and protein combo!

Almond Butter

Almond butter is probably the most popular alternative to peanut butter. It has a naturally sweet flavor profile, thick texture, and high protein content. It does rank below peanut butter on the protein scale, but it contains more vitamin E, manganese, copper, biotin, calcium, iron, magnesium, and monounsaturated fats than peanut butter. Incorporate almond butter into smoothies, desserts, oatmeal, or slather it on celery sticks and apple slices. 

Cashew Butter

Cashew butter is very decadent, but it is slightly thicker than peanut butter. It exhibits a toasty flavor profile that pairs well with multigrain bread and dates in vegan desserts. You can even add cashew butter to curries to make them extra rich. Offering about six grams of protein per ounce, cashew butter ranks a little lower than other nut butters on the protein scale. It does, however, offer lots of phosphorus, copper, magnesium, zinc, and manganese. 

Tahini (Sesame Seed Butter)

Commonly known as tahini, sesame seed butter is a go-to ingredient in Middle Eastern and Mediterranean cuisine. It has a delicate nutty flavor that goes great in sauces, marinades, dressings, and even desserts. Tahini is naturally rich in protein, but it also contains iron, manganese, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, and zinc. It also contains vitamins B1, B3, and B6, in addition to selenium and monounsaturated fats that help to reduce inflammation

Pumpkin Seed Butter

You wouldn’t think about pumpkin seed butter being a thing because people typically eat pumpkin seeds whole. If you want to try something new, pumpkin seed butter shares a similar profile to sunflower seed butter, but it’s very rich in zinc. This nutrient is necessary to optimize immune function, so a spoonful of pumpkin seed butter may help you meet your RDI. It can have a slightly bitter flavor profile, but you can incorporate raw agave nectar or maple syrup to sweeten it up. 

Pistachio Butter

Rich in vitamins like B6, pistachio butter is a luxurious spread that you’re bound to love. Vitamin B6 is an integral nutrient for optimal brain and heart health, but it also enhances immune function. Pistachio butter contains more potassium than other nut and seed butters, in addition to protein and amino acids like L-arginine, which is necessary for blood circulation. Pistachio butter is great in savory applications like pesto.


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How To Get Protein On A Vegan Diet Tue, 22 Feb 2022 20:30:42 +0000

On the latest episode of Vegan101, we'll go over getting protein while on a vegan diet!


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On the latest episode of Vegan101, we’ll go over getting protein while on a vegan diet!


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These Thiamin Foods Help Increase Energy Levels Tue, 09 Nov 2021 09:02:00 +0000

Vitamin B-1, thiamin, is a true workhorse that enables the body to use carbohydrates as energy. Learn how to increase your intake.


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Thiamin (or thiamine), also known as vitamin B-1, is a water-soluble vitamin that tissues in the body need to function properly. It was the first B vitamin that scientists discovered, so they appropriately named it vitamin B-1. Similar to other B vitamins, thiamine helps the body convert food into energy. It also plays a role in energy metabolism and, as a result, development, growth, and cell function. 

How Much Thiamin Do You Need Every Day?

According to registered dietitians, the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of thiamin is different for men and women. Men who are ages 19 and older should consume 1.2 milligrams (mg) of thiamin per day. Women in that same age bracket should aim for 1.1 mg of thiamin per day; however, lactating or pregnant women need slightly more at 1.4 mg per day. 

There are select populations at greater risk of thiamin deficiency than others. For example, people with HIV or AIDS, elderly people, diabetics, and people who chronically consume alcohol have a higher risk. Long-term thiamin deficiency can increase the risk of Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, which can be life-threatening. People undergoing dialysis for kidneys or taking loop diuretics are also at risk of thiamin deficiency. 

Fortunately, thiamin deficiency is fairly uncommon in most of the developed world. It’s quite rare in adults, but it can happen. Should you need to increase thiamin levels, focus on the following foods. 

Sunflower Seeds

A mere one ounce of roasted sunflower seeds supplies the body with 35% of the RDA of thiamine. Sunflower seeds also provide niacin, healthy fats, and vitamin E, which is an important antioxidant. When you choose sunflower seeds, opt for the unsalted varieties to keep sodium intake down.

Black Beans

There are numerous reasons to keep black beans as a staple in your pantry. For starters, they are rich in plant-based protein, magnesium, iron, and fiber. Additionally, one cup of cooked black beans offers 35% of the RDA of thiamin, so don’t avoid these versatile, nutritional powerhouses. 

Flax Seeds

The mighty fiber superstars are here! Flax seeds are some of the richest sources of fiber and plant-based omega-3 fatty acids, and one ounce provides 39% of the RDA of thiamin. When purchasing flax seeds, it’s best to buy ground flax seeds, because it’s easier for the body to digest them compared to whole flax seeds. You can add ground flax seeds to muffin recipes, oatmeal, energy bites, or smoothies. 

Navy Beans

The average American only consumes 15 grams of fiber per day or less, which is below the RDA. Adult men should consume 38 grams of fiber and adult women should consume 25 grams per day. One cup of cooked navy beans offers 19 grams of fiber, but it also brings 36% of the RDA of thiamin to the table. 

Acorn Squash

Acorn squash is primarily available during the fall and winter months and it’s rich in a variety of antioxidants. It has a vibrant color and sweet flavor that pairs well with assertive spices. In addition to the antioxidants and impressive fiber content, it also contains a lot of thiamin, with one cup offering 29% of the RDA.


Looking to increase thiamin intake while simultaneously beating belly bloat? Look no further than asparagus spears. One cup of cooked asparagus will get you 24% of the RDA of thiamin and a hefty amount of asparagine, which is what colors asparagus green. Asparagine also acts as a natural diuretic, which may potentially reduce water retention. 


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Raw Vegan Broccoli Salad With Blueberries Fri, 27 Aug 2021 17:28:00 +0000

Have dinner ready in under 10 minutes when you make this creamy, decadent raw vegan broccoli salad that boasts refreshing, tart flavors.


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Broccoli as a salad base? Yes, and we can honestly say that it’s quite refreshing to enjoy a salad that embraces unique ingredients. Forget the lettuce or field greens and get ready to crunch on a variety of textures and flavors. While there are some slaw recipes that utilize broccoli stems in shredded form, this salad embraces the florets, giving you a unique salad experience.

Raw broccoli seems to taste better with a creamy dressing, which is why people often pair it with ranch. Unfortunately, ranch is very fattening and filled with unhealthy ingredients. The dressing in this recipe is creamy, luscious, and boasts bold flavors that coat every nook and cranny of the florets. The dressing also plays a great companion to the crisp apple, tart blueberries, and sweet dried cranberries. A quick note about cranberries: make sure that you buy the ones that are free of sulfur and added sugars. Most dried cranberries contain copious amounts of sugar and preservatives, and you cannot enjoy those during your cleanse.

It may surprise you to see blueberries in this salad, but they pop with subtle tartness when you take a bite with other ingredients. Dried cranberries complement that tartness, while also offering a subdued sweetness. This salad really hits all the notes: crunchy, crispy, tangy, sweet, and chewy. We just hope you like it as much as we do.


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Healthy Homemade Classic Hummus Fri, 06 Aug 2021 17:34:00 +0000

Whip up a batch of this healthy homemade hummus and enjoy a smooth, creamy dip that bursts with hints of cumin and garlic.


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If your goal is to improve your homemade hummus game, you clicked on the right recipe. Hummus seems difficulty to make, if you don’t know much about food. In reality, it’s one of the simplest dips you can make, as long as you have a good blender or food processor. This recipe is quick and easy to make, but it definitely does not lack in the flavor department. The aromatic cumin and creamy tahini meld with the fragrant garlic to create the creamiest, delectable hummus. It goes great with carrot sticks, celery sticks, bell pepper sticks, or pita chips, which you can enjoy as long as you are not cleansing. Well, the hummus isn’t cleanse-approved either! Just don’t go crazy with the chips because they’ll rack up calories and sodium in no time.

Speaking of sodium in no time, most store bought hummus varieties contain excess sodium, averaging about 150 milligrams per serving. That doesn’t mean the entire container has 150mg of sodium. In fact, it’s very easy to eat one serving in a matter of a couple dips! That’s why we recommend this homemade hummus recipe. It’s wonderfully creamy and boasts bold flavors. If you feel like getting fancy and spending the time to roast the garlic before hand, that will only enhance this dip. Please note that roasted garlic is not required to make this dip. Lastly, when you purchase the canned chickpeas, opt for the can that is sodium-free. If you can’t find one without added sodium, choose the can with reduced sodium content.


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Easy Broccoli And Kale Slaw Wed, 04 Aug 2021 17:54:00 +0000

Get a healthy dose of plant protein, vitamin K, fiber, magnesium, and more when you enjoy this homemade version of a broccoli kale slaw.


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Are you familiar with those salads that come in a bag? They typically have candied nuts, dried fruit, and unhealthy dressings that are fattening. This is 10 times better than those salads! It’s crunchy, flavorful, and incredibly easy to make. This salad or slaw also utilizes something that most people discard: the broccoli stem. Broccoli stems are incredibly nutritious and they add a lovely crunch for optimal texture. You just need a grater or mandolin with a shredder attachment.

Another great thing about this slaw is that you can prepare it ahead of time and it will stay crunchy for a while. Both broccoli and kale hold up nicely, making this salad excellent for meal prep, parties, or even leftovers. That’s right, folks, you can dress this slaw, enjoy it for dinner, and save the leftovers for the next day. Although, we must say that it holds up better if you don’t dress the slaw all at once.

The last and most important thing to remember, in regards to prep work, is that you must discard the thick kale stems. They taste bitter and have an unpleasant, fibrous texture. Simply separate the leaves from the stems, and give them a fine chop. Use those fancy knife skills!


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Strawberry Smoothie Bowl For Breakfast Mon, 26 Jul 2021 18:02:00 +0000

Don't know what to eat for breakfast? Whip up this strawberry smoothie bowl in a matter of minutes and top it with your desired toppings.


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The most common ingredient in a smoothie bowl is frozen banana. The reason for this is because it tends to offer an ice cream of sorbet-like texture. It creates a smooth, luxuriously thick consistency that isn’t watery. For this recipe, we are ditching the banana because the goal is for this smoothie bowl to taste like strawberry cheesecake. In order to do that, we need cashews. Cashews offer a creamy consistency and hint of nuttiness, but they don’t overpower a dish.

It’s very important that you use frozen strawberries, preferably fresh ones that you freeze overnight, for this smoothie bowl. Cashews alone will not get that frozen consistency that you want. Take fresh strawberries and put them in the freezer the night before you want to make this smoothie bowl. Fresh strawberries are excellent sources of antioxidants, polyphenols, and they have a low glycemic index. Additionally, they have anti-inflammatory properties that may benefit cardiovascular health.

Feel free to top this smoothie bowl with toppings that appropriate for the cleanse. The toppings we suggest are chopped raw almonds, chia seeds, and freshly strawberries, sliced. If you have blueberries, flax seeds, or raw walnuts that you want to use, please use them as toppings. The beauty of these recipes is that you can use ingredients that you already have on hand. Customize the toppings and cater the flavors to your liking. Now, grab your food processor and let’s make this smoothie bowl!


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Golden Kiwi And Green Apple Smoothie Fri, 23 Jul 2021 18:01:00 +0000

Experience love at first sip when you taste this golden kiwi and green apple smoothie. It's filled with calcium, iron, fiber, and protein!


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Some people don’t feel that smoothie recipes are necessary. There are smoothie masters, who simply throw different ingredients in a blender and a magical, flavorful creation is the result. Some people, however, are less familiar with produce combinations. It can take time to learn what fruits and vegetables play well with each other, in regards to flavor. And then there are those who simply don’t care if a smoothie tastes like lawn clippings.

We’d rather not drink the juice of fresh cut grass, which is why we like to bring you flavorful smoothies that are love at first sip. That’s the case with this smoothie, which has both sweet and tart flavors. Golden kiwi is juicy and sweet and green apples have a classically tart bite. The banana gives the smoothie a wonderfully creamy texture and adds another layer of sweetness. You don’t really taste the spinach, which is why it’s an excellent leafy green to incorporate in smoothies, especially if you are new to green smoothies. Spinach is naturally rich in protein, iron, fiber, and magnesium, making it an excellent addition to your smoothie. Don’t fear the green!


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