Tags: pH Balance

Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar helps the body eliminate harmful toxic waste (due to its malic acid content), helps remedy sore throat and laryngitis, strengthens the heart, help prevent muscle soreness and aching joints, improves digestion, helps dissolves calculi (kidney, bladder, and gall stones), helps dissolve mucus accumulation in the body, aids the body in fasting due to its nutritional value and content (potassium, copper, iron, fluorine, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, etc.); helps keep arteries soften, and a plethora of other beneficial actions that greatly benefit the body.

FEATURE: What Is Your Acid/Alkaline Balance?

I will bet your doctor has never talked with you about this! Even though your body greatly depends on your acid/alkaline balance, it’s one of the least-discussed physiological functions in the body. All metabolic processes, including immunity, digestion, and hormone production work best in a slightly alkaline environment. A healthy cell, the basic unit of […]

Vicious Vinegar

Vinegar, an impure dilute solution obtained by fermentation used as a preservative. It is not a food. It is a solvent. Interferes with the digestive process, retarding and preventing the proper assimilation of food causing ulcers, cancer.

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