Tags: Pasteurization

FEATURE: Do Not Fall For The Calcium Hoax

The big lie pertains mostly to calcium supplementation. Calcium from raw whole foods is beneficial and necessary. But all those processed foods fortified with calcium or supplements high in elemental* calcium are likely to do more harm than good. Bone Health and Calcium Several international trials and tests have determined that calcium supplementation makes bones […]


The number one thing at a core level that separate real food (e.g. plants, fruits, vegetables) from animal flesh (meat, cadaver) is ENZYMES! Enzymes represent life, but being technical, enzymes are LIFE. Enzymes are the life force of real food and real food is that which grows from the earth, from a seed. It is […]

FEATURE: Are Dairy Products Making You Sick?

How humans, cows and elephants all share one thing in common … they are mammals. According to milk and dairy (marketing) boards, human mammals, you and I, require a lot of dairy products like milk and cheese to build strong healthy bones. Yet science clearly shows us that all normal mammals stop producing the enzymes […]

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