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A century and a half after the enslaved African Americans in Texas were told they were free, we celebrate the day known as Juneteenth.


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On June 19th, 1865, federal troops arrived in Galveston, Texas to take control of the state and ensure that all enslaved people be freed. Juneteenth, as it was and is still called, has been celebrated by African Americans since the late 1800s. In 2021, President Biden signed legislation to make Juneteenth, which falls on June 19th, a federal holiday. Even before passing this bill, there was an observable increase in Juneteenth celebrations across the United States. 

How Did Juneteenth Begin?

The federal troops arrived in Galveston, Texas in June of 1865, a full two months after the Confederate general Robert E. Lee surrendered at Appomattox, Virginia. The arrival of General Gordon Granger and his 2,000 troops was to inform the nearly 250,000 enslaved African Americans in Texas of their freedom and the end of the Civil War. General Granger’s announcement put into effect the Emancipation Proclamation, which President Abraham Lincoln issued nearly two and half years earlier on January 1, 1863. The holiday, Juneteenth, is also called Juneteenth Independence Day, Freedom Day, or Emancipation Day. 

The post-emancipation period, or Reconstruction (1865-1867) marked an era of new hope, uncertainty, and struggle for the nation. Formerly enslaved people sought to reunite with families, establish schools, push laws into legislation, run for political office, and even sue slaveholders for compensation. Juneteenth, then, acts as a second day of independence in the United States. 

How Is Juneteenth Celebrated?

Despite the fact that it has been a long celebrated tradition in the African American community, Juneteenth is a monumental event that remains largely unknown to most Americans. The historical legacy of the day represents the value of never giving up hope in times of uncertainty. While many people may get the day off work for this federal holiday, early celebrations involved small family gatherings and prayer. As the years went by, later celebrations involved pilgrimages to Galveston to former enslaved people and their families. 

In 1872, a group of African American businessmen and ministers in Houston, Texas purchased 10 acres of land to create Emancipation Park. The park held the city’s annual Juneteenth celebrations for years. Today, celebrations often take place among families and food is typically a focal point. Some cities, including Washington D.C. and Atlanta, hold larger events that include festivals and parades with local businesses and residents. 

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, many Juneteenth celebrations were on hold for 2020 and 2021. That’s why celebrations ramped up in 2022 and future plans for the holiday are only growing. Galveston continues to remain a busy site for Juneteenth events, and artists dedicated a 5,000-square-foot mural in 2021. This year, in 2023, Galveston will celebrate the holiday with a scholarship ball, a banquet, and a festival. Organizers in Atlanta will hold a parade and music festival, while other cities, including Los Angeles, Brooklyn, Tulsa, And Philadelphia, will hold similar events. 

The Path To A Federal Holiday

Texas became the first state to designate Juneteenth as a holiday in 1980. All 50 states and the District of Colombia now recognize the holiday in some way, shape, or form. In the wake of the nationwide protests against police brutality in 2020, the push for federal recognition of Juneteenth gained new momentum. Congress rushed the bill through legislation in the summer of 2021. 

In fact, the House passed the measure by a vote of 415 to 14. The opposing votes came from members of the Republican party. Some of the opposers even argued that calling the new holiday Juneteenth Independence Day, echoing July 4, would create confusion among the American public and force them to choose a celebration of freedom based on race. 

The law went into effect on June 17, 2021, making Juneteenth the 11th federally-recognized holiday. The first federal Juneteenth holiday was observed the very next day after President Biden signed the bill into law. Juneteenth was observed on June 18, as June 19 fell on a Saturday.


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COVID-19 FLiRT Variant: What Are The Symptoms? Thu, 13 Jun 2024 09:11:00 +0000

KP.2, the dominant member of the nicknamed FLiRT variant of COVID-19, could threaten people this summer. Here are some symptoms.


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Watch out, kids, there’s a new COVID-19 variant in town! The variant known as KP.2, nicknamed FLiRT, is the top COVID-19 variant in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This data shows that FLiRT has spread faster over the past month. 

The KP.2 variant accounted for 16% of COVID-19 cases at the end of April 2024. Now, it makes up more than 28% of all COVID-19 infections. KP.2 belongs to a new group of strains in the omicron family, which have been dubbed FLiRT. This name is short for the technical names of mutations on their spike proteins. Scientists note that the mutations assist the virus in invading the body, despite immunity from previous infection of vaccination. Experts note that another variant KP.1.1 is now responsible for 7.5% of infections, so appears to be gaining momentum. 

Symptoms Of The New FLiRT Variant

The KP.2 and KP.1.1 variants are spreading quickly, but there is no indication of them being more dangerous than recent prevalent strains, including JN.1. As of now, medical experts note that there are no new symptoms of FLiRT variants. That said, it may be too early to know exactly what all the symptoms are, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). At this point, the common symptoms of the new COVID-19 FLiRT variant KP.2, and other FLiRT variants, include:

  • Nasal congestion, or runny nose
  • Fatigue
  • Sore throat
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Fever or chills
  • Headache
  • Diarrhea
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

The New Variant Will Hit Some People Harder Than Others

Although the KP.2 variant may avoid immune defenses more effectively than previous COVID-19 strains, most people will only experience mild symptoms after infection. Those people will either have already had prior infection or vaccination, both of which provide sufficient protection to fight severe illness. 

Infectious disease specialists agree that symptoms of the new variant appear very similar to those caused by previous variants. If people did not get vaccinated or haven’t had COVID-19 infection in a while, symptoms may be more severe. Experts warn that people who lose their sense of taste or smell may potentially, although rare, experience shortness of breath as well. Difficulty breathing may occur about seven days after symptoms start. 

A person’s risk of severe illness from COVID-19 increases if the person has underlying health conditions. Heart disease, chronic lung disease, obesity, diabetes, or chronic kidney disease can increase the risk of experiencing severe COVID-19 symptoms. Additionally, babies under six months of age and pregnant women also have a greater risk of serious infection.

A Small Summer COVID Wave May Be On The Horizon 

Health authorities expect an increase in COVID-19 infections with the highly transmissible KP.2 variant with summer approaching. The data is beginning to show an increase in cases in some parts of the U.S. and parts of Europe, including Spain. Data from the U.K. revealed an uptick in COVID-19 cases, which were likely fueled by the FLiRT variants. 

It’s important to note that serious illnesses have declined since the height of the pandemic. That said, the CDC reminds the public that COVID-19 is still a threat, especially to people with underlying health conditions. Minimizing the spread within immunocompromised groups can help reduce the risk of serious illness from COVID-19. The virus, like the flu virus, will continue to evolve, so keep tabs on these changes and adjust as you see fit.


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Try These Exercises To Offset Sitting All Day Tue, 12 Mar 2024 09:12:00 +0000

If you spend the majority of your day sitting, you should engage in these exercises to counteract the damaging effects.


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Is sitting the new smoking? Some say that this is true, especially since research indicates a link between long periods of sitting and higher rates of blood pressure, heart disease, and cancer. The sad reality is that about 80% of jobs are sedentary, meaning that most positions involve sitting for the majority of the day. This is especially true in the current work from home lifestyle that many people have adopted since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Even though all of that sounds like terrible news, there is some light at the end of the tunnel. The Mayo Clinic reports that an hour of moderately intense physical activity per day can help offset the effects of sitting. In 2019, a study monitored 3,500 Black individuals who sat for lengthy periods in front of the TV. The majority of those participants were much more likely to die of heart disease than those who sat all day at work. The takeaway here is that you may be able to counteract that time in the desk chair, but not if you plop in front of the TV for the rest of your time outside work hours. 

Even if you don’t have a full hour to spare every day, we encourage you to move for at least 15 minutes. Some movement is better than no movement! Consider the following exercises to help fight against that sedentary life


Let’s begin with a classic bodyweight exercise that helps strengthen the core. The goal of a plank is to achieve proper posture that goes against the force of gravity. Begin on your hands and knees in a tabletop position, stacking your shoulders over your hands and hips over your knees. Step your feet back, tighten your core, engage your pectorals, and squeeze your glutes. Work to maintain a straight line from your shoulders to your feet, avoiding the urge to sag. Hold this position for 20-30 seconds and then rest for one minute. Repeat two more times. 

T Push-Ups

This push-up variation is progression from the previous plank position and aims to target the pectoral and core muscles. From a plank position, spread the feet so that they are roughly six inches apart. Do a standard push-up and once you return back up to the starting position, rotate to your right and raise your right hand towards the ceiling. Rotate back to return to the starting position, complete another push-up, and then repeat on the other side. Continue alternating until you complete eight to 10 reps per side. 

Bodyweight Squat

The squat is a great exercise to get your blood flowing. It activates your glutes and quads, and helps you retain mobility and range of motion. Begin by standing up straight with your feet hip-distance apart. Engage your core as you sit back, as if to sit down into a chair. Once your thighs are parallel to the ground (ensuring not to extend your knees over your toes), engage your glutes and drive through your heels to return to the starting position. Go for three sets of 10-12 reps, resting for one minute between each set. 

Glute Bridges

Similar to the bodyweight squat, this exercise aims to work the glutes, while simultaneously achieving optimal hip extension. The hip flexors can tighten when sitting, so this is a great exercise to counteract that. Lie flat on your back and bend your knees, planting your feet flat on the ground about six inches from your butt. Engage your glutes and drive through your heels to lift your hips off the ground. At the apex of the exercise, you should be in a straight line from the knees through the hips and down to your shoulders. Make sure not to arch your lower back, and then return to the starting position in a controlled motion. Complete three sets of eight to 10 reps. 

Bird Dogs

This is an excellent core workout that also activates your arms and legs. The main challenge of this exercise is to prevent the hips from rotating or sagging while extending your arm and leg. Begin on your hands and knees in a tabletop position, stacking your shoulders over your hands and hips over your knees. Reach your right hand out in front of you so that it is in line with your back. Simultaneously, extend your left leg out behind you to keep it in line with your body. Make sure to keep from swaying or tilting to one side. Square your hips and remain centered by engaging your core. Return to the starting position and then immediately switch sides. Continue alternating until you complete 10-12 reps per side. Rest and repeat two more times. 

Mountain Climbers

If you want to get your heart rate up and create more movement in your hips, this is a great exercise. When your muscles work quickly, there is a higher demand for blood flow and oxygen, which increases cardiovascular response. Begin in a standard high plank position, keeping your core engaged. Bring one knee towards your chest so that it is directly in the center of your core. Don’t bring it too high because that will likely cause you to round your back. Quickly extend the leg back and then alternate with the other knee. Continue alternating side to side for about 20-30 reps per side. Aim to keep your hips steady and prevent them from sinking.


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The CDC May Issue New COVID-19 Isolation Rules Wed, 28 Feb 2024 09:17:00 +0000

In the coming months, there could be a shift in the CDC’s recommendation for COVID-19 isolation. How will this effect the general public?


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According to the current rules, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) instructs people to isolate themselves for at least five days once they test positive for COVID-19. That may change in the coming months because the CDC may issue new guidelines. The new guidelines would depend on symptoms and not merely a positive test result. This marks a shift from how people currently attempt to reduce the spread of COVID-19.

The new guidelines state that you can end isolation if you are fever-free for 24 hours and have mild or improving symptoms. Changes to existing guidelines would not go into effect until at least April, which is the end of respiratory viral season. Health experts agree that that is a wise choice, given the presence of influenza, RSV, general viruses, and COVID strains that are currently circulating. This would be a big transition from current protocols, with some arguing that the newer guidelines are dangerous. Others agree that not everyone can afford to isolate. Here’s how infectious disease experts feel about the potential upcoming changes. 

New Guidelines Rely On Personal Responsibility

Most infectious disease experts agree that you should not go to work when you are sick, no matter what sickness you have. Taking time to rest and heal is paramount, and not going to work helps reduce the spread of whatever virus you have. Changing COVID-19 isolation guidelines, then, essentially normalizes COVID-19, along with other viruses that can cause respiratory illnesses. 

It is up to the individual to be responsible and honest about symptoms. If the symptoms are bad, they should not go out in public. When symptoms improve, they should continue to take precautions, like wearing a mask inside public spaces, for example. Once the person does not have a fever and symptoms are either improving or generally mild, experts agree that it is reasonable to return back to the outside world. It is, however, possible that the new guidelines will suggest people to wear masks upon returning to work. 

The new guidelines also take into account that more people are protected against severe disease or hospitalization and death. Gone are the early days of the pandemic, when most people didn’t have any immune protection. Infectious disease specialists agree that people have built up a certain level of community immunity, so the new guidelines seem reasonable. 

The Change Addresses The Fact That Most People Cannot Miss Five Days Of Work

If the person works from home, which became a popular method of employment during the pandemic, then missing work doesn’t really factor into the equation. You don’t have to leave your house, therefore you don’t have to worry about infecting fellow employees. If people work in an office or in a physical location, missing work for five days may not be easy or possible. Plus, people tend to rely on at-home testing more so than a test from a doctor’s office. 

Many employers may not be willing to accept an at-home test as a reliable confirmation of COVID-19 infection. A test may be required from a doctor, so it is harder for people to abide by at-home isolation requirements these days. 

Could New Guidelines Threaten High-Risk People?

In some places, more so than others, COVID cases have dropped this year. Additionally, experts note that those who contract the virus have had lower severity of significant illness. That said, some people continue to experience complications, such as severe disease, that require hospitalization, or symptoms from long COVID. Is it true that many people recover just fine from COVID without serious symptoms? Yes, but people with weak immunity, even if they got the vaccine and boosters, may not have a protective immune response against the virus. 

That means that a significant number of people have an increased risk of severe symptoms that result from COVID-19 infection. Because of that, it is the responsibility of the people with stronger immunity to take precautions if symptoms are mild. Wear a mask in public if you don’t have a fever and are no longer isolating. That can go a long way in limiting the spread of the virus to people who are highly vulnerable. 

There is still a risk to reentering the public with active COVID-19 infection. Infectious disease experts hope that masking becomes more of a norm if people come out of isolation with mild symptoms. Masking is more commonplace in other countries, but there is still a general stigma around it in the United States. If you do not feel well enough to go out, wear a mask so that you don’t spread whatever you have to your loved ones, coworkers, or community. 

COVID-19 Isn’t Gone

COVID-19 is not gone forever if the CDC changes its guidelines. Many experts agree that COVID is here to stay, and the public needs to understand that, even if it isn’t the primary news story. Do all that you can to protect and care for yourself and others, especially those who have weaker immune systems or existing health conditions. All experts can do is encourage people to do the right thing, but it will be interesting to see what the CDC’s new guidelines are and how they affect the spread and infection rates. Even though COVID-19 may soon be viewed as an endemic disease, it is by no means an insignificant illness.


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5 Tips To Get Better At Your Work-Life Balance Sat, 03 Feb 2024 09:13:00 +0000

With the ability to connect with anyone at any time, it can be difficult to set boundaries and establish a healthy work-life balance.


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Leaving your work at the office is easier said than done. Your employer or coworkers can contact you for work information at any second of the day via email, text, or phone call. This is especially true if you work from home, which is more common than ever. In fact, a survey from 2023 found that 35% of people who held jobs that could be done remotely worked from home all the time in 2023, versus 7% before the COVID-19 pandemic. 

When Did People Start Talking About Work-Life Balance?

Within the last 10 years, there have been significant changes to work culture, and that is especially true within the last two to three years. The idea of a work-life balance is a novel concept, though. Psychologists have been conducting research on this topic for decades in order to figure out what makes people happy. Through their research, experts hope to better understand which environments enhance overall mental health

Ideally, you don’t want to live an unproductive life, but you also don’t want to burn out at work. How do you then find fulfillment at home and at your job? In the present day, work overload is more widespread, and to be honest, worse than ever before. This is because you are faced with 24/7 connectivity, which is why establishing boundaries and expectations is paramount. Both employees and employers have not taken a step back in this regard. People have changed the way they work and live life, so the key is to figure out how to adapt to this change and balance your work and personal life. Work is everywhere, but the following tips may help balance work with home life. 

Make Time For Yourself During The Work Day

Incorporating some time for yourself on a daily basis, even for 10-15 minutes, can make all the difference. This is a little easier to do if you work from home, but it’s also possible if you hold a regular office job. During that free time, you can take a walk around the block on your lunch break, meditate for 10 minutes, or do any activity that makes you happy. Most employers won’t mind if you take a short break, so long as you get your work done. 

Use Technology In Smarter Ways

Sure, willpower plays a role in checking your many devices, but you also have to make your technology work for you. The brain gets a little boost of excitement with every notification, though, even if it is a text from a friend, an invite from your boss, or a marketing email. You need spaces where you don’t, and physically cannot, check your phone, tablet, or laptop. Enforce this norm by not having phones during your meals, during family time, or during meetings. Limit your social media activity to scheduled times during the day, even if that means putting a time limit on the amount of time you get to view certain apps. Technology is not bad, but your habits are. 

Try To Find A Job That Aligns With Your Values

Although you need to draw a line in the sand between your nine-to-five and your personal life, establishing your work-life balance is also about aligning your work with your personal values. One study from 2022 found that better job quality, including security, salary, and satisfaction, led to better physical and mental health. Another study found that doing a job that aligned with personal values was associated with increased well-being the following day. When you engage in a job that aligns with personal values, you enhance your career satisfaction. That alignment also leads to a better sense of purpose, motivation, and overall fulfillment. 

Establish Boundaries

Everything in life requires boundaries, from relationships with friends and family to your work and home life. Enforcing boundaries that your employer and employees respect is a hurdle not everyone jumps over. If you work remotely and no longer have a commute, you have to find a routine to fill that time. For example, take your dog for a walk before you start work, or close your computer at a certain time when you have to feed cats or get children from school or after school activities. Schedule a workout once you clock out to separate the close of your work day and the rest of your evening. 

Don’t Mistake A Flexible Work Schedule For Full-Time Availability

Working for a company that allows flexible hours does not mean that you have to make yourself available 24/7. If you leave the office at 3 p.m. for an appointment, maybe your employer lets you make up the hours you missed from home. That doesn’t mean that you have to work all night or do more work than what is required of you. Establish what your colleagues and boss expect from you! Don’t reply to an email at midnight, either. Developing the expectation that you are always available can make it hard to separate your work life from personal life. Plus, it gives people the wrong idea about your availability.


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6 Myths To Stop Believing About The Common Cold Tue, 16 Jan 2024 09:29:00 +0000

Does going outside with wet hair make you sick? Does dairy increase mucus production? Read on to separate the fact from fiction.


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When you come down with a cold, your first thought is that you wish it could go away immediately. A virus drains your body and it seems like you blow your nose for hours, yet you still see mucus in the tissues. Perhaps you rely on a few strategies when you feel sick, and it usually stems from advice that your parents, grandparents, or other wise people gave you as a child. 

The unfortunate reality is that a lot of the old common cold advice you hold near and dear to your heart is usually more myth than fact. There is no sense in faulting the people who gave you this old folk wisdom, but you can learn to separate fact from fiction in this article. Read on to learn about some of the most common myths about catching or recovering from the common cold. We’ll also provide the real facts from health experts. 

Myth: Feed A Cold And Starve A Fever

The fact of the matter is that you need to rest and hydrate when you fall ill. If you don’t have an appetite or you have a fever, continue to replenish the body with fluids, including water, herbal teas, and electrolyte-rich beverages. Soups are easily digestible and can also aid your hydration efforts. They also provide essential nutrients, and that warmth can aid your recovery efforts. 

Myth: More Dairy Means More Mucus

According to health experts, dairy can make mucus thicker and it may upset your stomach, especially if you’re running a fever. Dairy doesn’t necessarily increase mucus, though. If you are lactose intolerant or have a sensitivity to dairy products, it may not be a conducive food to your recovery. Enjoying frozen yogurt or a frozen dairy product while sick may help some and harm others. This varies from person to person.

Myth: Antibiotics Treat A Cold

Researchers note that antibiotics treat infections caused by bacteria, and colds result from viruses, according to physicians. Antibiotics work by killing or slowing the growth of all bacteria, both good and bad. They can treat bacterial infections, such as strep throat, ear infections, or bronchitis. They cannot, however, cure viral infections. In fact, they can actually cause dangerous antibiotic resistance if you use them too often or incorrectly.

Myth: Your Cold Isn’t Contagious Unless You Have A Fever

You don’t have to have a fever to pass your cold to other people. That means that you have very few symptoms and be very contagious. People became hyper aware of that during the COVID-19 pandemic, as many people contracted that virus and were asymptomatic. A cold can be dangerous a day before the onset of symptoms. Colds are usually the most contagious in the first four days after symptoms start. Although viruses can remain in the body for weeks after symptoms end, the chance of spreading infection lessens as time passes.

Myth: You Can’t Do Much To Prevent Colds

Do you gargle salt water, use a Neti Pot, or drink lots of fluids when you have a cold? Although these efforts may not prevent you from getting sick, they may help reduce the severity and longevity of symptoms. If you want to prevent colds, you have to take extra precautions against everything. Experts suggest that you wash hands with soap frequently, stay hydrated, get sufficient sleep, avoid other sick people, eat a balanced diet, and regularly disinfect high-touch surfaces. Taking these extra precautions can help keep you healthy during cold and flu season.

Myth: You’ll Catch A Cold If You Go Outside With Wet Hair

This old gem still gets passed around like a bad game of telephone. Going outside with wet hair will make you feel cold, but it won’t cause sickness or a cold. Health experts explain that viruses and bacteria cause illnesses, usually when you are in close contact with another sick person. If you live in a colder climate, take extra care to wear warm clothing to protect against the weather. There’s no need to get frostbite, people!


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Are There Health Benefits To Watching Horror Movies? Fri, 03 Nov 2023 09:19:00 +0000

Even though Halloween is over, you can still enjoy a horror movie or two from time to time. Watching one may come with some benefits!


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Halloween came and went, but the spooky season doesn’t die out quickly for everyone. People may want to leave decorations up, dreading the arrival of the merry, twinkling lights of the holiday season. Those same people may still want to watch horror movies, which are typically cheesy but provide the occasional jump scare. If you enjoy horror movies, health experts say that scaring yourself straight may come with some surprising mental health benefits

According to mental health experts, putting yourself in fear-inducing situations that don’t put you in danger can benefit you mentally. Haunted houses, scary video games, horror movies, etc. are terrifying for some and highly enjoyable for others. The psychology behind a person’s interest in all things horror is fascinating, though. In fact, watching horror movies goes much deeper than you might imagine. Here are a few reasons why watching scary movies may benefit your mental health

They Can Help You cope With Fear

By watching stressful or terrifying scenarios on screen, you may improve your ability to cope with similar situations in real life. A January 2021 study, for example, found that fans or horror films showed signs of more resilience and preparedness during the COVID-19 pandemic. People who preferred alien invasion or zombie movies did not seem as resilient or prepared as horror movie fans in that study. 

Psychologists note managing things in real life may become simpler after focusing on a horrific situation in a scary movie. Exposure-based treatment is nothing new, but it involves intentionally watching things that trigger phobias or trauma. When you repeatedly do this, you learn to tolerate the anxiety and respond more calmly when it actually happens. 

They May Teach You Something About Yourself

Seeing something horrific play out in a movie may give you empowering insight about who you are as a person. If you can sit through a scary movie without freaking out, you have learned to overcome your fears, according to a 2021 study. Even if you need to leave the room and turn on the lights when the movie gets too intense, you’ve learned something about yourself. This may help you realize how you might handle a real-life situation that evokes a similar reaction. Self-knowledge can be a great thing!

They Can Give You A Feel-Good Rush

When you see a blood-curdling scene on the screen, adrenaline floods your system, activating your fight-or-flight response. This rush can elevate your heart rate and cause your muscles to tense up, which is an exhilarating experience for some. Even though you know you’re scared, you are ultimately safe, according to 2020 research. The masked murderer may break into every house on the block in the movie, but you enjoy that panicky pit in your stomach. It is thrilling, not terrifying, because you know they aren’t coming for your house. Psychologists say that this is why many people feel a mood boost after watching horror movies. 

In closing, there is no evidence that confirms watching monsters or slashers on screen will have a negative effect on long-term health or mental health. For some people, though, horror movies can activate short-term anxiety. Watching a scary movie before bed may give you nightmares or make it more difficult to fall asleep. Lastly, watching horror movies on a regular basis may desensitize you to upsetting situations in real life. A study confirmed that people who frequently watched violence in movies experienced a rapid spike and drop in blood pressure when shown a violent video, suggesting a lower emotional reactivity to violence.


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What’s A Relationship Reset And How Do You Do It? Mon, 08 May 2023 09:36:00 +0000

If you know that your relationship is struggling, it may need a reset. Reevaluate, review, and learn to fall in love with each other again.


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A lot of couples had to reevaluate their status when they emerged from pandemic seclusion. People changed and so did relationships. Couples spent as much time together during the pandemic as they would over a three-year period, according to clinical psychologists. As couples plunged back into regular life, they realized they needed to reset their relationships.

Now, you don’t have to be holed up in your house for a year to do a relationship reset. Resetting and redefining a relationship can be especially beneficial for empathetic and sensitive people because they can pick up on other people’s emotions more easily. Empaths have a uniquely close connection with others, so resetting a relationship may be the maintenance necessary for emotional housekeeping. 

Whether you’re an empath or not, a relationship reset can be highly beneficial for both parties. If you are in a funk as a couple, hitting the reset button can help keep the relationship on the tracks. Consider the following tips to help strengthen your relationship. 

Do A Relationship Review

For starters, have a sit-down together and assess what works and what doesn’t work about your relationship. In order to make positive changes going forward, you have to share what you’ve learned about each other during the course of your relationship. Consider using prompts to aid the flow of the conversation. What has your time together revealed about your relationship? What do you want to discard and what has surprised you about each other? Don’t just focus on annoying things your partner does because they probably did/do things that surprised you. 

Build In Time Apart

Togetherness is a beautiful thing, but every couple needs time apart. Not only does time apart help the relationship flourish, but it also gives each person more independent strength. Solo time and being with other people can shape your character from different perspectives. When you are alone, you are in more control of your actions and how you manage your time. You can also process events, set goals, and think more individually while apart. Taking time for yourself helps each person in the relationship grow independently, and that can actually strengthen it. 

Spend Less Time In Their Energy

This piggybacks on the aforementioned tip about building time apart, and it also applies to a wide variety of relationships. Create space for yourself by not answering calls, text, or emails immediately. If you live with the person, make a habit of running errands separately or spending time with other people outside of the house. Solo hobbies are also great to have because they allow you to focus on self-improvement. Cooking, gardening, writing, or martial arts classes are great solo endeavors. 

Voice Your Appreciation

Although time apart is necessary for any relationship, time together is also something to cherish. When you are together, it’s imperative to voice your appreciation, especially if you feel that that is one of your weaknesses. Just as negative feedback is conducive to the relationship, so is positivity. A nearly three-decade-long study of marriage and divorce confirmed that one of the biggest regrets among divorced participants was not giving more encouragement and positive support. You can provide this type of support in the form of words or thoughtful gestures. Neglecting simple acts like cleaning the kitchen or making dinner can slowly chip away at a person. Don’t let the little things go unnoticed and make sure to show appreciation

Take Time To Connect

Sex is a crucial component to a healthy relationship. A recent online survey of 1,559 adults found that 43% of participants reported a decline in the quality of their sex lives since the start of the pandemic. A sexual dry spell is more common than you think. Stress, career uncertainty, children, and more are all libido killers. So how do you reignite that sexual spark and intimate connection? Therapists suggest that you prioritize sex as a component of overall health and wellbeing. When you prioritize sex as health, it makes it easier to allocate time for intimacy. If that means scheduling sex once a week, so be it! Don’t worry about the schedule taking the excitement out of the act. More often than not, people look forward to sex on the calendar! Most health experts suggest aiming for sex once a week because it is a very achievable number. Plus, one study found that weekly sex was essential for maximum wellbeing. 

After a relationship reset, assess how you feel toward the other person. You may find that you love them more than ever before. It’s also possible that the other person may need to occupy less space in your life. Relationships are not easy, and they can be messy and imperfect. A good clean up and reset can often be of great service to your relationship.


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5 Major Health Benefits Of Dry January Tue, 03 Jan 2023 09:09:00 +0000

Yes, skipping alcohol for a whole month is worth it! And what are the health benefits of doing so? Learn all about them in this article.


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A few days into January 2023 and people have already begun their Dry January journey, a month of abstaining from alcohol. There are many reasons that draw people to participating in this yearly event. It’s possible that the body is in desperate need of a break after a week of spiked eggnog and celebratory bubbles. It’s also possible that concerns are more serious.

According to research and surveys, alcohol has become more of a problem in society since the COVID-19 pandemic. Drinking to excess, including binge drinking, increased by 21% in the United States during the pandemic. Researchers project that a one-year increase in alcohol consumption will cause 8,000 deaths from alcohol-related liver disease. 

It makes sense that people resorted to alcohol during the pandemic, which was full of uncertainty. Alcohol hits the neurochemical pathways in the brain to release endorphins that make you feel good. Many researchers state that sitting down with an alcoholic beverage provides a temporary sense of ease and comfort, making it a popular go-to for people to unwind. 

Why Do People Do Dry January

January marks the start of a new year, a fresh start to wipe the slate clean. The culture has programmed everyone into thinking that it is a time to break habits that no longer support your health. If you are concerned about your use of alcohol, the New Year may be the fresh start you need. You can join the masses who participate in Dry January, especially if you notice that your drinking habits have increased. Drinking more than seven alcoholic beverages per week can lead to a slew of health issues, so a month-long break may kickstart your efforts into changing up your beverage intake. Come February, you may find that alcohol doesn’t have the same place in your life as it did previously. 

You May Reduce Bloating And Lose Weight

Depending on how much you drank prior to Dry January, you may or may not lose a few pounds this month. Boozy beverages add empty calories to your diet, meaning they don’t fill you up the same way food calories do. Because of that, you can either keep drinking, or you increase your consumption of unhealthy foods, which leads to a caloric surplus. A lot of people also feel bloated as a result of drinking alcoholic beverages, especially from beer. Research states that chronic alcohol use can inflame the gastrointestinal tract, which can wreak havoc on the body. 

You May Sleep Better

A popular reason for drinking alcohol is to help relax the body and fall asleep. The reality is that while alcohol may put you to sleep, the sleep you get after drinking isn’t the best. You often wake up more frequently during the night and cannot get sufficient deep sleep. A small study found that drinking alcohol caused decreased sleep time and sleep efficiency. Dry January may benefit your sleep and energy levels, helping you feel more clear-headed and motivated. With that extra energy, you may have more energy for other activities, such as working out. 

You’ll Save Money

It is very easy to spend too much money when you hit the bars with friends. Shelling out $10 to $16 for a craft cocktail or pour of wine can put a serious dent in your wallet. Even if you don’t go out all the time, buying alcohol from the store several times a week can also add up. When you take a month off, you’ll notice that your bank account doesn’t decrease as rapidly. Realizing that may cause you to change your drinking habits once Dry January comes to a close. 

Your May Enhance Immune Function

A 2015 study found that healthy people who had an episode of binge drinking experienced a reduction in disease-fighting immune cells. Being intoxicated can suppress immune function, which makes you more vulnerable to pathogens. Chronic drinking, on the other hand, can increase your risk of inflammatory reactions throughout the body. Even one night of heavy drinking can impair your body’s ability to fight off infections for 24 hours. All that is to say that abstaining from alcohol may improve your body’s defense against viruses, bacteria, and pathogens. 

You’ll Have A New Relationship With Alcohol

When you hit the pause button on alcohol, you may realize that you don’t have to drink every day, or even at all. Learning that you don’t need alcohol in your life can be a valuable lesson for many people. Maybe you thought you needed alcohol to fall asleep, but you found that you slept better without it. The main thing is to analyze how you feel and assess the pros/cons of Dry January. It is very common that people view alcohol in a different light and have a more positive relationship moving forward. 


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5 Ways To Make Holiday Gatherings Safer During COVID-19 Times Sun, 20 Nov 2022 09:29:00 +0000

Health experts detail how you can steer clear of COVID-19 and the flu when you get together with friends and family this holiday season.


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After COVID-19 vaccines rolled out, a lot of families said “so long” to Zoom and FaceTime and resumed in-person holiday celebrations. It was a relief to see people again and resume what seemed like a pre-pandemic lifestyle. Even with vaccinations and boosters, the virus continued to infect people, which was evident in the 2021 winter surge of COVID-19 cases. With COVID on the retreat, though, it seems that this holiday season is much safer than the previous two. 

Most people don’t even factor COVID-19 into the equation anymore. Some people don’t even acknowledge it as a threat, while others remain cautious and want to do everything they can to stay safe. Regardless of whether people wear masks or don’t, get vaccinated or not, there seems to be conflicting public health guidance about precautions. This can unsettle anyone and people may not be sure of how they want to celebrate during the holidays. 

How many parties should you attend? What are the “rules of the game” at your Friendsgiving? Are there things you should do to avoid a COVID-19-giving at your Thanksgiving? Infectious disease experts say that it is good to take a cautious approach to holiday gatherings. You cannot predict how COVID will unfold, but you can do your part to stay safe, especially if you have family or loved ones that are more susceptible to serious infection. If you want to keep yourself and others safe during holiday gatherings, consider employing the following strategies. 

Stay Home If You Have Symptoms

This holds true whether or not you have COVID-19, flu, or RSV symptoms. Since the top symptoms of COVID-19 have changed, you may want to click here for that information. If you have a runny nose, sore throat, cough, headache, or fever, it is best to stay home until you feel better, even if you test negative for COVID-19. Viruses like the flu and RSV can seriously affect small children, pregnant women, and older or more vulnerable people. If you have any upper respiratory illness, you should not be at a gathering, according to infectious disease specialists. A lot of symptoms may seem innocuous, but that isn’t always the case. 

Exercise Caution Leading Up To The Gathering

In the 10 days or week preceding your holiday gathering, health experts recommend that you take precautions. That includes minimizing contact with people outside your household. Keep an eye on the data in your area and observe any public health reports or warnings. COVID-19 continues to hospitalize and kill people, indicating that the virus continues to spread, even if the sickness is more mild for a lot of people now. Double-check that nobody has symptoms or has not been exposed before your gathering. It’s a great idea to take a COVID-19 test as another safety precaution. 

Stay Safe During Travel

Masks aren’t required for most travel these days, but that tends to depend on the airline, or the country you’re visiting. In general, air quality on planes is better than it is on buses or trains. Although your chances of getting sick in the sky are fairly low, it can be beneficial to mask up, especially while you are in the airport. Additionally, you may want to keep your mask on while the plane taxies to the runway. The reason for this is because filtration systems may not turn on  when the plane is grounded. And if you travel by train or bus, consider masking up for the duration of the journey. 

Ventilate Your Party Space

Open a window or two, and maybe even a door, to invite fresh air into your holiday gathering. Improving ventilation, so long as weather permits, can help prevent virus particles from accumulating in a space. You don’t have to invest in a fancy air filter, as there isn’t much data that suggests high-tech options are better than natural ventilation. Don’t have a great cross-breeze? Place a fan next to an open window and have it oscillate to move air around the room. If your place has an air-conditioning (HVAC) system, you can reduce viral transmission by setting the fan to the “on” position, as opposed to “auto” when you have people over. 

Don’t Forget About Other Viruses

COVID-19 has been the reigning champ of viruses for the last few years, but influenza and RSV are sickening a lot of people right now. Infectious disease experts explain that that’s all the more reason to take precautions this holiday season. Do your best to avoid high-risk settings, such as indoor crowded events, especially the week before your holiday gatherings. In addition to avoiding crowds, take care of your health by eating healthy foods. Consider amping up your immune system with an all-natural vitamin C supplement, get a lot of sleep, and do your best to get in 30 minutes of physical activity every day.


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