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Want to boost immune function, improve your mood, and strengthen relationships? Learn about the health benefits of having an orgasm.


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People know about the feel-good benefits of the big O, but the aftereffects positively affect the mind and body. Peaking, climaxing, or having an orgasm by yourself or with a partner may be your new prescription for better health. In fact, many doctors agree that having regular orgasms is one of the best practices for self-care and stress management. 

When the body releases hormones like oxytocin, it’s much easier to manage a hectic schedule. Oxytocin is a bonding hormone that helps to combat cortisol, the stress hormone, which can make you feel tired, stressed, or even old. This hormone also belongs to myriad physiological functions in the body, especially during sexual activity. Not only does it aid with social bonding and maternal behavior, but it also contributes to healthy penile erection and uterine contraction. 

How do you release more oxytocin? Well, women release oxytocin during childbirth and breastfeeding, but you don’t have to get pregnant to release oxytocin. You can have an orgasm! Continue reading to learn about seven health benefits of having the big O!

You May Live Longer

Is this the ultimate benefit to climaxing? A 10-year study in South Wales examined the relationship between orgasm frequency and mortality in middle-aged men. The organizers of the study asked the men about their physical health in addition to the frequency of orgasms. At the end of the study, participants who had two or more orgasms per week had a 50% lower mortality risk than those who climaxed less often. There are other studies that indicate female longevity as a result of climaxing regularly. 

Women May Improve Menstrual Cycles

Many studies found that women who are not as sexually active have shorter menstrual cycles. This is a potential indicator of low progesterone with estrogen dominance, creating weight loss resistance and frequent mood swings. Other studies concluded that sexually active women are more likely to have normal, healthy menstrual cycles. If irregular cycles stem from low sex drive, orgasms may not positively affect the cycle. 

Better Body Connection

When you have an orgasm, especially by yourself, it’s easy to build a healthier connection with your body. Giving yourself permission to touch your genitals is an opportunity to connect with the body. You can also spot any changes on your genitals, making you more aware of genital health. When you experience an orgasm, you establish more comfort with your body. This can help you with partners, or even when you receive a pelvic exam or physical. 

You May Improve Sleep

Many people find that regular orgasms promote better sleep, making them a great addition to bedtime routines. When your body climaxes, a series of hormones circulate in your system and induce a similar effect to progressive muscle relaxation. This is a technique that involves tightly clenching muscle groups and then releasing them, and relieving tension may be one of the best ways to improve sleep. The release of oxytocin also helps reduce stress, making it easier to catch more zzz’s. Orgasms also release vasopressin, which accompanies the release or melatonin.

You May Improve Circulation

The majority of people sit for up to eight hours a day, especially those who are in an office setting. In addition to muscle imbalance, a sedentary lifestyle can decrease pelvic circulation. One way to increase circulation to the pelvic area is through regular orgasms, which work to distribute nutrients and hormones where the body needs them. You can also perform other exercises to help promote circulation to the pelvic area. Some of these include squats, taking standing breaks, or even hula hooping. 

Better Immune Function

According to a meta-analysis of over 300 studies over a 30-year period, chronic stress impairs immune function. Reduced immune function means that you’re more prone to bouts of colds and flu. Orgasms release feel-good hormones that help counteract stress hormones, which contributes to better immune function. 

You’ll Improve Your Mood

Well, anyone who has experienced an orgasm knows that you feel happier after. It’s nice to have scientific data to back up why this happens, though. One study monitored the mood, sexuality, and menstrual cycle of 4,000 women. The researchers found a strong connection between sexual interest and better well-being. Women with higher sense of well-being had a stronger sex drive and better quality of life. 

A friendly reminder that you do not need a partner to reap the benefits of an orgasm. That is all.


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Everything You Need To Know About Ashwagandha Mon, 15 Feb 2021 09:30:00 +0000

Learn about the research-proven health benefits of the ancient herb, ashwagandha. It’s revered by herbalists and scientists alike!


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Ashwagandha has a long history of use in the Indian Ayurvedic system of medicine. It’s an ancient herb that receives a lot of praise. Herbalists talk about ashwagandha the way comic book fans talk about upcoming Marvel shows and movies. If that doesn’t explain how special it is, we don’t know what analogy will. 

What Is Ashwagandha?

This evergreen shrub bears orange-red fruit, but most people use the roots for medicinal purposes. Also known as winter cherry or Indian ginseng, ashwagandha can help to reduce inflammation and protect against cognitive decline. It may also help to stimulate sexual health, improve memory, nourish the nervous system, and encourage better cell-immunity. Ayurveda considers ashwagandha to be a Rasayana, which translates to something that helps maintain youth, both in a mental and physical sense. 

Within the last few years, people have taken an interest in herbs like ashwagandha, in addition to other adaptogens. What is an adaptogen? It is something that improves the body’s resilience to stress. When the body encounters stress, it goes through a three-stage response: alarm, resistance, and exhaustion. Adaptogens work to help the body remain in the resistance phase for a lot longer than normal by way of stimulating effects that delay exhaustion. In doing so, you can avoid a sudden crash in the middle of a stressful moment. Continue reading to learn how else ashwagandha can benefit your health. 

Health Benefits

Effects On Neurodegenerative Diseases

Health experts consider neuritic atrophy, synaptic loss, and Alzheimer’s disease to be primary causes of cognitive decline. Other neurodegenerative diseases cause atrophy to neurites, but the damage is significant in those previously mentioned conditions. Studies on ashwagandha show that it can slow, reverse, and even stop neuritic atrophy and synaptic loss. Because of this, experts believe ashwagandha is a viable herb to treat early stages of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Huntington’s disease. Ashwagandha is a nervine tonic that may help improve immunity and longevity in its users. 

Effects On Thyroid Disorders

Historically, Ayurvedic healers used ashwagandha to treat subclinical hypothyroidism. Many people hear this and think the evidence is merely anecdotal. In fact, the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine published a study in 2018 to back up that statement. The study monitored 50 patients with hypothyroidism. The pattens randomly received either a 600 milligram (mg) dose of ashwagandha or a placebo. The results indicated that the group that received ashwagandha saw improvements in thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), serum triiodothyronine (T3), and thyroxine (T4).

Effects On Stress

As we mentioned earlier, ashwagandha is an adaptogen, meaning it helps improve the body’s resilience to stress. In a 2019 study, patients randomly took either 250 mg or 600 mg doses of ashwagandha. The study concluded that both doses contributed to lower cortisol levels, with the 600 mg dose being more effective. A different 2019 study monitored a group of people who either took a daily dose of 240 mg of ashwagandha or a placebo. The subjects who took ashwagandha experienced a great reduction in cortisol, whereas the placebo group experienced nothing. 

Effects On Sexual Health

According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, there isn’t sufficient evidence that concludes ashwagandha’s ability to improve symptoms of sexual dysfunction. Despite that claim, there is a lot of research that proves otherwise. A 2015 study in BioMed Research International monitored 50 heterosexual women, all of whom experienced sexual dysfunction. They either could not become aroused, have an orgasm, or they had low libido. After taking 600 mg of ashwagandha daily for eight weeks, they experienced more arousal, lubrication, and orgasms when engaging with their partners. Another study found that ashwagandha may help men with erectile dysfunction. The men in the study took ashwagandha root powder for 60 days and they saw an improvement in performance.

Effects on Arthritis

The analgesic effects of ashwagandha may be beneficial for those with arthritis, especially because it helps to soothe the nervous system from pain response. By blocking pain signals from traveling along the central nervous system, the theory is that it may have anti-inflammatory properties. For this research, ashwagandha proved effective for people experiencing arthritic symptoms. According to an animal study, ashwagandha exhibited analgesic activity on rats experiencing heat analgesia from hot plate method. 


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These Foods Will Help You Have More Fun In The Bedroom Sat, 13 Jun 2020 08:50:00 +0000

This article is all about bedtime foods, but not the ones that put you to sleep. These foods can help you spice things up in the bedroom.


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When things start to slow down in the bedroom, people naturally want to counteract the downward turn and reignite the passion. You can easily take action and kickstart your sex life by focusing on foods that function as aphrodisiacs. The foods in this article help spark the romance between you and your partner. Continue reading to see what’s on the menu.


Figs are sweet, succulent, and have been sexualized throughout history because they help to enhance libido. Both men and women can benefit from consuming figs because they are rich in amino acids, which help to improve sexual function. Some studies determined that figs are natural aphrodisiacs. Consume them dried or fresh to reap the benefits.


Attention men: if you are failing to perform in the bedroom, spinach could be the right vegetable for you. The high magnesium levels help to increase blood flow by reducing blood vessel inflammation, which improves circulation. Guys who include spinach on their dinner plate can help increase blood flow to sexual organs for better performance in the bedroom.


Has your sex life hit a dry spell? It’s time to add avocados to your diet because they help bring a fiery passion to the bedroom. Avocados are rich in vitamin B6, which helps to boost libido and put a little more pep in your step. Additionally, avocados contain vitamin E, a necessary antioxidant that promotes healthier blood flow to increase sex drive.


In addition to the mood enhancing benefits, pomegranates contain powerful polyphenols that enhance blood flow to the heart. How does this help? Not only does this help you stay engaged in the passion for longer, but it also keeps you in the mood. If you haven’t noticed by now, healthy blood flow is necessary for late night fun to ensue.


There is something enchanting about the musky scent of truffles. It’s weird, but studies show that this musk helps turn you on. The alpha-androstenol compound in truffles acts as a pheromone, which is the scent that humans detect on other humans, increasing attraction. Even though they are pricey, get your hands on some real truffles to get things going.

Chili Pepper

Isn’t it fitting that a spicy food made it on a list of foods that spice things up in the bedroom? Red chilies are known for their ability to boost metabolism, but they rarely get attention for their sexual benefits. Some of these benefits relate to the physical response that results from eating spicy food. Heart rate increases and you begin to sweat. Do you see where we are going with this?


Even though it makes your pee smell weird, asparagus is great for late night bedroom activity. The phallic shape of asparagus spears may have something to do with the aphrodisiac status. Asparagus contains vitamin B6, which helps increase arousal and contributes to more intense orgasms for men and women.


Strawberries are sexy, plain and simple, but they also taste great and benefit your health in more ways than one. They contain high levels of zinc, which helps you last longer in the bedroom. Zinc works to boost testosterone levels, which can improve sexual performance. Make sure to enjoy this healthy dessert before you get to the real dessert.

In conclusion, the foods you eat can either dampen or enhance libido. A poor diet can lead to numerous health complications, so it is best consume healthier foods for a healthier sex life. Erectile dysfunction, low sex drive, and vaginal dryness are all linked to poor diet, so eat the right foods to help improve sexual function.


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How A Little Exercise Can Improve Your Sex Life Thu, 17 Oct 2019 10:07:56 +0000

Mounting research suggests that regular exercise may be the most effective way to naturally boost satisfaction, arousal, and desire.


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Health experts always suggest that people incorporate exercise into their daily lives to improve overall health, and to reduce the risk of heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and osteoporosis. Well, there is now a new reason to start exercising on the daily. According to new research published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, breaking a sweat may improve your sex life.

A new study overlooked 6,000 runners, swimmers, and cyclists, categorizing them by workout intensity and how often they worked out. Researches then compared their weekly exercise to reported sexual functioning, examining male erectile dysfunction and female orgasm satisfaction, arousal, and sexual dysfunction. The findings indicated that the more frequently and intensely a person exercised, the better sexual function he/she experienced. In a nutshell, frequent exercise equals better sexual health.

In Men

Studies show that regular exercise is about as effective as erectile dysfunction medication. Sedentary middle-aged men who take up regular, vigorous exercise report more frequent sexual activity, greater satisfaction, and improved function. Middle-aged men who do not exercise have an increased risk of poor sexual health and erectile problems.

In Women

Most women who are physically active consistently report greater sexual desire, satisfaction, and arousal. One experiment monitored young women who took a spin class for 20 minutes. After finishing the exercise, they watched X-rated videos and the results showed a higher rate of sexual arousal than women who did not exercise and watched the same videos.

Why Is This The Case?

The correlation between regular exercise and improved sexual function has a lot to do with increased blood flow to sexual organs. Better blood flow can make the clitoris and labia become engorged, which is necessary for female arousal and orgasms. Additionally, regular exercise can also strengthen the pelvic floor muscles in women, which has been linked to better sexual health. For men, increased blood flow makes it easier for the penis to become erect. Men who engage in strength training exercises can increase testosterone levels, which can boost sex drive. Too much vigorous strength training can deplete testosterone levels and have decreased libidos.

Walk The Walk

Harvard researchers conducted a study with 31,000 men over the age 50. Regular fast walking demonstrated that aerobic exercise decreased the risk of erectile dysfunction by 30 percent. Another study found that burning 200 calories per day lowered the risk of erectile dysfunction because of improved blood flow. Aerobic exercise helps to keep blood vessels clear, leading to stronger erections.


Yoga can be beneficial for both females and males, because improved flexibility can give you the opportunity to practice new positions, which give your body more pleasure. Another reason to practice yoga is to avoid cramping up during a passionate moment. Some yoga experts have said that a couple yoga classes per week can improve stamina, due to the regular concentration on breath and energy.

If you are looking to experience improved sexual health, consider engaging in more physical activity. Take exercise classes that interest you to increase your desire to workout. Additionally, practice kegels to strengthen pelvic floor muscles, which leads to better sex.


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