Oregano Oil - Dherbs - The Best All Natural Herbal Remedies & Products https://www.dherbs.com/tag/oregano-oil/ Buy the best herbal supplements, natural remedies, and herbal remedies from Dherbs. We're the #1 alternative medicine store online. ✓ Visit and shop now! Mon, 08 May 2023 09:18:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Essential Oils To Help Relieve Cough And Cold https://www.dherbs.com/articles/essential-oils-to-help-relieve-cough-and-cold/ Mon, 09 May 2022 09:02:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=139747

Feeling congested and tired of coughing your way through the night? Use these essential oils to help relieve cough and cold symptoms.


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Essential oils have been used by generations of people across many different cultures for natural treatment of ailments. Historians say that herbal remedies date back as far as the Paleolithic period, 60,000 years ago. Some cultures used essential oils for wound healing, while others used them to fight off infections like the common cold. 

Unlike pharmaceuticals, a single plant, herb, fruit, or vegetable exhibits a multitude of health properties. Lavender, for example, exhibits anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, anti-anxiety, and antidepressant properties. Like many natural remedies, essential oils have more anecdotal evidence than research-backed scientific evidence. Nevertheless, essential oils are very popular in the world of natural remedies and alternative medicine.

Many people incorporate essential oils into DIY health and beauty products, but inhaling their aroma via a diffuser may be great for relieving cough and cold symptoms. Next time you have a cough or experience congestion, consider experimenting with the following essential oils. There are even studies that support their abilities to relieve symptoms!

Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Exhibiting a forest-like scent, eucalyptus essential oil has antiviral and antimicrobial properties. For anyone who has been in a eucalyptus-scented steam room, breathing the aroma works to relieve chest congestion and aid breathing. The menthol in eucalyptus helps to warm the nasal cavity while causing an immune response, a combination that helps accelerate recovery. One study found that the antimicrobial properties may fight off bacteria that cause cough or cold symptoms. 

Lavender Essential Oil

There are many studies surrounding lavender essential oil. It may help to lower stress levels, reduce anxiety, improve sleep, improve mood, and relieve a hacking cough. Due to the antimicrobial properties, lavender essential oil works to fight bacteria and viruses responsible for respiratory infections. It’s best to inhale the aroma through a diffuser, but you can also put some under your pillow at night, which may promote relaxation in the process. 

Rosemary Essential Oil

Rosemary essential oil is great for boosting hair growth, but it is also known for its healing properties. Many aromatherapists use rosemary essential oil because it soothes the respiratory system by decreasing congestion and making it easier to breathe. Other studies confirm that rosemary essential oil works to break up mucus and reduce inflammation. Researchers attribute these abilities to the primary compound cineole, which is a natural monoterpene. 

Peppermint Essential Oil

According to a 2013 study, peppermint essential oil can be used to help relax the muscles of the windpipe, the bronchial muscles. Researchers believe this is why inhaling the oil’s aroma eases breathing in people with coughs. Peppermint essential oil also contains menthol, which provides a cooling sensation upon inhalation that can numb or soothe a sore throat. Menthol also works to fight off bacteria in the respiratory tract, while simultaneously opening the sinuses and reducing congestion. 

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is one of the most common essential oils in the world of natural beauty and alternative remedies. Several studies show that the anti-inflammatory properties may work well against cold-related symptoms, including sore throat and chest congestion. Inhaling tea tree oil’s aroma may protect against respiratory infections and seasonal allergies. One study found that tea tree oil exhibits antiviral properties, which may work to fight viruses or bacteria that lead to the common cold. 

Oregano Essential Oil

A tried and true remedy for coughs and colds, oregano essential oil acts as an expectorant to clear up chest and sinus congestion. If you have a respiratory tract infection, this is great news, as chest congestion can increase the pain of coughing. Oregano essential oil also has a warm and welcoming scent, which can promote better sleep. Adding a few drops to a diffuser or under your pillow can help you sleep better and breathe through the night. 

Thyme Essential Oil

Thyme essential oil contains thymol, which exhibits antibacterial activity that may be effective against respiratory ailments like asthma or bronchitis. The oil also has a high level of carvacrol, which may be helpful in protecting against viruses and bacteria. Next time you have a sore throat, put thyme essential oil in a diffuser to ease your cough and breathing. Similar to oregano essential oil, thyme essential oil exhibits an herbaceous scent that may improve sleep.


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The Top 5 Home Remedies For Urinary Tract Infections https://www.dherbs.com/articles/the-top-5-home-remedies-for-urinary-tract-infections/ Fri, 29 May 2020 09:16:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=111743

Do you experience frequent UTIs? You may be surprised to learn how easy and effective home remedies are at relieving UTI symptoms.


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Affecting millions of people every year, urinary tract infections (UTIs) are traditionally treated with antibiotics. Many people are simply unaware of the alternative remedies that help remedy UTIs and keep them from recurring. This article aims to detail these remedies, so that you have the knowledge if you experience a UTI in the future.

Because antibiotics are the most common treatment option, some people have developed antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which make it more difficult to get rid of infection. Additionally, antibiotic resistant bacteria make recurring infection a major concern.

What Is A UTI?

A UTI is an infection that affects any part of the urinary tract, which includes the kidneys, ureters, urethra, and bladder. The most common cause of a UTI is bacteria from the bowels, but fungi and viruses can cause infection as well. The Staphylococcus and Escherichia coli bacterial strains are responsible for about 80% of cases. Statistically, over 50% of women will develop at UTI or UTI symptoms at some point in life. The reason for this is because the urethra (the tube that carries urine out of the bladder) is shorter in women than men. As a result, bacteria have an easier time accessing the bladder.

5 Home Remedies For UTIs

Remove Bladder Irritants From Your Diet

There are many foods that can irritate the bladder, especially if you already have a UTI. Spicy foods, nicotine, carbonated beverages, caffeine, and alcohol make it harder for the body to heal, according to the Cleveland Clinic. Eliminate these foods from your diet and focus on high-fiber carbohydrates, which include lentils, steel cut oats, and sweet potatoes.

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

When you have a bacterial infection, the goal is to flush it out of your system. Drinking water, herbal teas, fresh made juices, and coconut water aid this process. According to a 2013 study at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, mild dehydration or low fluid intake increased the risk of getting a UTI. For every meal that you eat, drink a glass of water. Drink another glass for every snack you eat. This will help flush out bacteria that can worsen the infection.

Oregano Oil

Researchers have a firm belief that oregano oil is a valuable antibacterial remedy for accelerating the healing of bacterial infections. A 2012 study found that oregano oil was effective against many clinical bacterial strains. For example, it helped to inhibit the growth of E. coli, which commonly causes UTIs. Additionally, oregano oil prevents the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and it may be superior to some prescription antibiotics. Plus, you don’t have to deal with the side effects of antibiotics when you take oregano oil. To take it internally, mix it in water or coconut oil. Finally, you should not take oregano oil internally for more than two weeks at a time.

Go For Probiotics

Probiotics are available in supplement form, but they are found in fermented foods like kombucha, miso, kefir, and sauerkraut. Many research studies advocate the usage of probiotics for improved digestive health because they balance gut bacteria. Newer studies link the consumption of probiotics to a reduced risk of UTI. One specific study found that the probiotic strain, lactobacillus, helped prevent UTI symptoms in adult women. Antibiotics disturb the balance of gut bacteria, so the preliminary research about taking probiotics to combat UTIs is great news.

Load Up On Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, and research shows that increasing vitamin C intake can protect against UTIs. The theory behind this research is due to the fact that vitamin C increases acidity levels in urine; thus, inhibiting the growth of bacteria that cause infection. If you have a UTI, avoid citrus fruits because they can irritate the bladder. Instead, focus on dark leafy greens (kale, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, watercress, and mustard greens), parsley, thyme, bell peppers, blackberries, papaya, and kiwis.


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7 Antiviral Herbs That Enhance Your Immune System https://www.dherbs.com/articles/health-beauty/7-antiviral-herbs-that-enhance-your-immune-system/ Mon, 07 Oct 2019 10:15:03 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=71568

Fighting off a virus can be difficult if you don't give your body what it needs. Use these antiviral herbs to boost your immune system.


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Viruses exist everywhere, and they can cause health conditions like hepatitis, mononucleosis, HIV, the flu, and even the common cold. While many people commonly opt to get an annual flu shot (influenza vaccination), studies have shown that it is only 80% effective, due to the fact that this virus has mutating strains. Additionally, vaccines don’t properly educate your immune system and they can contain preservatives and chemicals. Wouldn’t it be better if you could use all natural herbs to fight off viruses without harming the body?

Facts About Viruses

A virus is a microscopic organism that can exist almost anywhere on the planet. Viruses can spread through sneezing, coughing, person-to-person contact, sexual contact, or by entering the body through food or water. More often than not, viruses infect plants, fungi, animals, humans, and bacteria. Some viruses are fatal, while others can make you feel ill for only a day or so. Consisting of genetic material, viruses cannot replicate without a host, which classifies them as parasites. Viruses are the most abundant biological entities on the planet.

So What Do Antiviral Herbs Do?

When you consume foods that keep your immune system strong, you have a better chance of fighting off viruses. Antiviral herbs can help to inhibit the development of viruses because they boost the immune system, which helps the body attack viral pathogens. Antiviral herbs also contain anti-inflammatory, cardiovascular, and healthy digestive properties.

#1: Echinacea

Echinacea is an amazing herb that is loaded with antimicrobial properties, which are great for the immune system. All varieties of the echinacea herb have phenol compounds. At a base level, phenols protect plants from UV radiation damage and infections. The active substances in phenols control enzymes and cell receptors, and their active antioxidants make them great for keeping human cells healthy.

#2: Astragalus Root

Astragalus root has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for hundreds of years, primarily for enhancing immune function. Several studies have shown that astragalus’ antiviral properties help to stimulate the immune system and inhibit the development of the common cold or flu.

#3: Ginger

If you keep up with our web content, you know that we love ginger. One of our favorite things about ginger is that it helps to cleanse the lymphatic system, also known as the body’s sewage system. It also helps to flush toxins from your organs. Did we mention that ginger prevents the body from accumulating toxins that can make you sick or susceptible to bacterial infections? Well, it does that too!

#4: Oil of Oregano

While fresh oregano is tasty, the health benefits come alive when it is distilled to extract the essential oil. Oil of oregano contains carvacrol and thymol, both of which have antibacterial and antifungal properties. Carvacrol is responsible for reversing viral infections, allergies, parasites, and reducing inflammation.

#5: Cat’s Claw

This herb has a lot of bark, not meow! Okay…that was terrible. People in South America have actually used the bark of cat’s claw as a natural remedy for fevers and digestive conditions, like dysentery, for centuries. Cat’s claw has powerful antiviral properties that can be used to help reduce one’s viral load, and early studies show that it may be beneficial for HIV patients, but more research needs to be conducted.

#6: Elderberry

Elderberry has been popularly used in many cultures for its ability to help fight viral infections, herpes, influenza, and bacterial infections. Almost all of the elderberry plant is usable. You can use the bark, leaves, roots, and flowers, which can be beneficial to brew into a tea when you have the flu. Make an elderberry syrup to boost immune function by clicking here.

#7: Olive Leaf

The antiviral properties of olive leaf have been known to fight back against the common cold and more serious viruses like meningitis, pneumonia, hepatitis B, malaria, gonorrhea, and candida symptoms. Recent research has shown that the extract of olive leaf can fight against viruses that cause influenza or respiratory infections. Olive leaf extract’s compounds can also kill invading organisms, making it so viruses cannot replicate to spread infection.


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Could You Be Breaking Out Because Of These Acne Causes https://www.dherbs.com/articles/health-beauty/could-you-be-breaking-out-because-of-these-acne-causes/ Wed, 10 Apr 2019 10:47:17 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=64216

Are you breaking out but can't figure out what the cause is? Perhaps you aren't aware of these secret culprits that make you break out.


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There’s nothing worse than a bad breakout. Pimples or zits that appear out of the blue are like unwanted guests in your house; you have to tolerate them, but only for a short while. A lot of people like to blame certain unhealthy foods for these blemishes. While they aren’t necessarily wrong, there are a lot of secret things that can actually cause you to break out.

Your diet can be a culprit for almost anything. If you’ve been eating a lot of processed foods, fried foods, hydrogenated oils, sugary foods, saturated fats, dairy products, or a lot of meat, you may break out. The body wasn’t designed to process these foods, but it can process fresh fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts & seeds, and whole grains more easily. And consuming those foods has been associated with fewer breakouts.

Not everything is always about food, though. While it is always best to follow a plant-based diet, sometimes there are other causes of acne. Here are things that have possibly been making you break out.

#1: Your Shower Water

The water you shower with may contain metals that can throw your off your skin’s pH balance. If this happens, the protective oils and amino acids on your skin can be compromised and result in an acne breakout.

To Fix It: While the solution may sound like a method only used by aristocrats, wash your face with distilled water to see if your shower water is actually the culprit. A shower filter is another option that may help to keep your skin healthy.

#2: You Aren’t Sleeping Well

A high percentage of people watch television, read tablets, browse the web, or scroll through social media apps on their phones before bed. This artificial blue light simulates sunlight, which makes you want to stay awake. The electronic frequencies on these devices can throw off your internal clock, ultimately stressing you out and inhibiting healthy sleep.

To Fix It: Try to read a book before bed and cozy up with a cup of herbal tea. Ditch the electronics a few hours before bed so you can regulate your sleep cycle and get your beauty sleep.

#3: Your Smartphone

Since we are on the topic of electronics, your smartphone may be causing you to break out, especially if blemishes are on your cheek or jawline (i.e. where you put the phone on your face). Because your hands come in contact with tons of bacteria in the world, those germs transfer to your phone’s screen when you touch it. Then they touch your face when you make a call.

To Fix It: Always wash your hands and try to keep screen cleansing wipes with you at all times. Having a clean screen can help keep acne away.

#4: Too Many Acne Products

Some people, who are worried about having oily skin, tend to panic and use too many spot treatments or various acne products. These products can dry your skin to the point where your skin can’t protect itself from harmful bacteria, which can enter your pores.

To Fix It: Wash your face with black soap or use a charcoal mask. You can also put a dab of oil of oregano on blemishes to help kill the bacteria.

#5: Your Foundation Is Too Thick:

Makeup products like foundation can be thick, which can clog your pores and seal in the sweat. Additionally, the thick consistency attracts dirt and bacteria that can build up on the skin and cause blemishes to form.

To Fix It: It is best to opt for a lightweight foundation, especially if you don’t need thick coverage. If you prefer thicker coverage, you just have to cleanse your face more frequently to avoid breakouts.


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Discovering The Mysteries Of Medicinal Herbs https://www.dherbs.com/articles/wellness-prevention/discovering-the-mysteries-of-medicinal-herbs/ Mon, 01 Apr 2019 10:10:06 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=93315

Let’s uncover the mysteries of herbs and what their medicinal properties are. You’ll even learn how to choose, buy, and use the herbs!


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Traditionally, plants have been used to help remedy various ailments for thousands of years. Whether they were brewed into teas or mashed into pastes and topically applied, herbal remedies were the only means of healing. A large percentage of the world’s population continues to use these herbal remedies of old, while many others have embraced the practices of Western medicine. We aren’t discounting advancements in medicine, because they do have their place, but it is important not to lose sight of the healing properties of herbs.

Mystery #1: Which Herbs Are Medicinal?

The short answer is: about all of them. Each herb has one or more medicinal properties; some of them just have more than others, and with varying potencies at that. It is also a false notion that herbs only come in green bundles or glass shaker bottles at grocery stores. The entirety of one plant can have healing properties; thus, we extend the term “herbs” to the leaves, roots, bark, flowers, and seeds of each plant. Some herbs with powerful medicinal properties include:

  • Ginger: Great for upset stomachs and soothing sore throats. It can also reduce motion sickness and works to decrease inflammation.
  • Mint: Found almost everywhere, mint can help to freshen your breath, soothe indigestion, reduce headaches, and it even has cancer-fighting properties.
  • Turmeric: Known for its anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and antibacterial properties, turmeric is widely used in the field of herbal remedies. The active ingredient, curcumin, may even inhibit cognitive decline.

Mystery #2: How Are Herbs Used?

Aside from purchasing or growing the plant itself, medicinal plants can come in the form of teas, powders, tinctures, extracts, oils, salves, balms, or supplements. Herbs should be incorporated into your daily diet to help keep the body healthy. For example, if you can see that people in the office are starting to get sick, start taking a small amount of oil of oregano every day. If your joints are becoming sore, start adding turmeric to your diet. Do you have difficulty going to sleep? Drinking a cup of chamomile an hour or two before bed is better than resorting to sleep medication.

Mystery #3: Where Can I Get These Amazing Herbs?

The best, and possibly most satisfactory, way to get herbs is to grow your own in your windowsill or backyard. If you opt to grow them in the windowsill, they will be less prone to being harmed by weeds or pests. Mint, basil, rosemary, lemongrass, and citronella, for example, are quite easy to grow and all of them have powerful healing properties. While some countries have specialty herb stores (and certain cities in America may have them too), most countries do not. Let us not forget that the Internet is a magical place and one can easily order various herbs through reputable websites.

Food For Thought

  • Drink herbal tea all the time. Whether you drink it cold, hot, or at room temperature, each herbal tea can benefit the body, so long as you don’t add artificial sweeteners or cane sugar. Don’t wait until you have a cold to drink them!
  • Look up recipes that contain herbs. You’ll find that they are easy to make, easy to incorporate into your diet, and even easier to eat!
  • Herbs are not scary. They have been around for thousands of years and are a lot cheaper than visiting a doctor. Don’t be afraid to try them.


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Try These Natural Antibiotics That Rival Prescriptions https://www.dherbs.com/articles/diet-nutrition/try-these-natural-antibiotics-that-rival-prescriptions/ Tue, 24 Jul 2018 11:35:09 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=83275

How do you know which natural plants and herbs have antibacterial properties? When and how do you use them? We have the answers right here.


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Medical professionals have used antibiotics as conventional medicine to remedy bacterial infections since the 1940s. The use of natural antibiotics became a rarity until recently, when people realized the side effects and other health problems caused by prescription antibiotics.

When it comes to taking prescription antibiotics, one in ten people experiences side effects that harm the digestive system. Each drug-based antibiotic you swallow slowly damages destroys the healthy gut flora in the digestive system. Additionally, consuming prescription antibiotics can weaken the immune system, increase food sensitivities, induce inflammation, or cause nutritional deficiencies.

People pop prescription antibiotics like candy. The more you take, the more damage you do to your body. According to the CDC, one in three patients, who are prescribed antibiotics, don’t actually need them. Because of how readily people consume these types of antibiotics, they can start to develop antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Rather than damaging your body, look to natural antibiotics to help fight infection without destroying your gut!


Traditional healers have used this super herb for hundreds of years to treat infections and wounds. According to a recent study published in the Journal of Biomedicine, Echinacea is effective at killing various bacteria, including S. pyogenes, which is responsible for toxic shock syndrome and strep throat. Echinacea can also fight inflammation, which is commonly associated with bacterial infections.


As one of the world’s most common spices, cinnamon is readily available. This ordinary spice has powerful antifungal and antibacterial properties that can destroy fungal infections and the compounds, which those infections produce, that cause tissue damage. For skin-based infections, you can apply cinnamon oil with a little manuka honey to the affected area. Drinking cinnamon tea sweetened with organic raw honey may fight off cold or flu viruses.

Manuka Honey

Honey has been used topically on wounds for thousands of years to help prevent infection. Many health professionals agree that manuka honey can help treat burns, ulcers, bedsores, and skin grafts. The antibacterial properties in honey are typically attributed to the hydrogen peroxide content; however, manuka honey has a lower hydrogen peroxide content and can inhibit about 60 different strains of bacteria. Studies have even shown that manuka honey can kill staph infections.


Usually consumed as a tea or in capsule form, goldenseal is commonly used to treat digestive or respiratory issues. In fact, recent studies found that goldenseal can help prevent staph infection. Additionally, goldenseal contains berberine, which is an important component of natural antibiotics. Warning: berberine is not safe for infants or women who are breastfeeding or pregnant. Goldenseal can also interfere with certain medications so make sure to check with you health care professional if you plan on taking it.

Oil of Oregano

Oil of oregano is the distilled extract of medicinal-grade oregano, and it is not meant for culinary use. The active compounds in oil of oregano are carvacrol and thymol, both of which help to fight of harmful pathogens. Carvacrol actually has antimicrobial effects and studies have found that it can help fight off fungal infections, allergies, inflammation, parasites, viruses, and bacterial infections. Many people have used oil of oregano to treat nail fungus, sinus infections, or yeast infections.

While prescription antibiotics have their place, it is not always necessary to consume them. Their misuse has caused people to develop antibiotic resistant bacteria in the gut. Try taking the natural approach to save your gut from unnecessary damage.


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7 Herbs That Help You Get Rid Of Parasites https://www.dherbs.com/articles/diet-nutrition/7-herbs-that-help-you-get-rid-of-parasites/ Mon, 27 Nov 2017 12:15:09 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=73881

Parasites can drastically affect your overall health. You can naturally rid them from your system by using one or all of these herbs.


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There are lots of herbs that have healing properties. Some of these herbs are very beneficial for people with parasites or parasitic infections. While taking these herbs is a very holistic approach to eradicating parasites from the body, they can be effective and much safer for your body than conventional medicine.

Most of these herbs are beneficial for your immune system. Boosting your immune system is one of the best ways to combat an infection, so eating other immune-boosting foods (lemons, berries, green vegetables, kiwis, garlic, onion, chilies, or guavas) can help to speed up that process. Depending on the parasite or infection, you may have to experiment with the herbs below.


Turmeric is a powerful, immune-boosting herb that helps the body in many ways. It has anti-inflammatory, anticancer, and worm-expelling properties. Eating fresh turmeric will be more beneficial, and pairing it with black pepper and virgin coconut oil helps the body absorb it more easily.

Cayenne Pepper

Incredibly rich in vitamin C, cayenne has antifungal properties that work to kill parasites, fungi, and mold in your body. Additionally, cayenne works to improve circulation and helps your body absorb other herbs that you consume.


Eating sugar is not conducive when trying to fight parasites. Even though papaya has natural sugars, it also helps to destroy parasitic worms, including tapeworms and other intestinal worms. You can actually soak the papaya peel in apple cider vinegar for one day and then consume 2 ounces of this liquid for 4 days to help eradicate parasites.


Helping to stimulate the thymus gland, thyme contains antibacterial properties that work to inhibit parasite growth. Thyme also helps to awaken the body’s natural defense system, while killing intestinal microorganisms.

Oregano Oil

Containing powerful antifungal, anti-parasitic, and antiviral properties, oregano oil is full of antioxidants that help to fight free radical damage. It also helps to reset the microbial environment in the intestinal tract.


Garlic has been known to treat intestinal parasites for quite some time. It works to kill harmful microorganisms and encourages the removal of heavy metals from the body.


Clove is actually the only herb that can effectively kill parasite eggs. Using clove essential oil helps destroy eggs that worms lay in the intestinal tract. It is most effective when used with wormwood or black walnuts.


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Drink This To Help Improve Your Respiratory System https://www.dherbs.com/articles/general-topics/drink-this-to-help-improve-your-respiratory-system/ Thu, 15 Feb 2018 12:10:29 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=76910

It's that time of year when people are getting sick. Take a natural defense and boost your immune & respiratory health systems with this.


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The colder months of the year typically see an increase in respiratory conditions. Whether you develop a common cough, allergies, or more serious things like bronchitis or strep throat, it is worth experimenting with a powerful natural solution. Better yet, you may consider adding oregano oil to your daily routine to improve the overall health and function of your lungs.

Rosmarinic acid and thymol, two powerful antioxidants, are in oregano oil and they have been known to reduce oxidative stress in the body. Oregano has been shown to contain four times more antioxidants than blueberries. These antioxidants can help nourish cells and fight free radicals in the body!

When pollen, dust, chemicals, or bacteria enter the body, your immune system releases histamine, a chemical that causes something similar to an allergic reaction. You may experience sneezing, increased mucus, or congestion when this happens. As mentioned above, oregano oil contains rosmarinic acid, which works to decrease this “allergic reaction” to foreign invaders. It helps to fight the bacteria before your immune system attacks it.

Because many people are realizing the damaging effects of antibiotics, many people are turning to herbal remedies like oregano oil. Not only is it beneficial for those with respiratory conditions, but it has also helped those with jaundice, chronic inflammation, digestive issues, or urinary tract infections.

Since a lot of people are developing colds and flus at the moment, try adding oregano oil to your water if you feel a cold coming on. Only add three drops of oregano oil in one cup of water and consume this once a day. This works to decrease inflammation in the lungs and helps to boost your immune system in the process. Don’t consume it longer than five consecutive days. Let us know how this works for you.


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Natural Remedies To Quickly Get Rid Of The Flu https://www.dherbs.com/articles/general-topics/natural-remedies-to-quickly-get-rid-of-the-flu/ Sat, 27 Jan 2018 00:10:52 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=76204

Coming down with the flu completely drains your body. Help yourself get on the mend by using these natural remedies, which work for colds too.


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The flu is going around and nobody wants to be stuck at home with the chills, congested, nauseous, or weak. The best way to avoid getting the flu is to stay ahead of the game. We mean that it is important to take preventative measures, for example, eating more fruits and vegetables with immune boosting properties and natural vitamin C.

Not everybody can avoid the flu, however, and that is when natural healing can come to the rescue. The body can actually recover more quickly when you use ingredients that it can easily process. Rather than loading up on chemically rich flu medications, try overcoming the flu with the following natural remedies.


Containing antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial properties, garlic is an immune-boosting superstar. It is very easy to add garlic to your diet, and you should do just that to help reduce cold or flu symptoms. Garlic’s properties are most potent when you consume it raw. Rather than chewing on a raw garlic clove, blend it with other fruits and vegetables to make a healing smoothie.

Up Your Vitamin C Intake

An adult can safely consume up to 2,000 mg of vitamin C every day. You may not need this much, but it is beneficial to eat fruits and vegetables that contain tons of vitamin C. Interestingly enough, there are produce items that contain more vitamin C than oranges. Speaking of oranges, don’t consume orange juice (unless it is freshly squeezed) when you are sick. The excess sugar does not accelerate the healing process. You should consume kale, grapefruit, kiwis, cauliflower, chili peppers, broccoli, guavas, and peas.

Oregano Oil

Oregano oil contains cleansing elements, which can speed up the healing process. Note that you shouldn’t consume more than four drops of oregano oil at once. If you don’t want to ingest the oil, you can apply it to the bottoms of your feet with a little coconut oil. According to traditional Chinese medicine, the bottoms of the feet are directly linked to the major organs. Massaging it into the feet may help these organs absorb the healing properties, while detoxing waste in the process.

Ginger Root

Whether you have a sore throat or need some help soothing your stomach, ginger should be a go-to remedy. Ginger has been used to help get rid of nausea, which commonly comes with the flu, for years. Try to get fresh ginger root as opposed to using ginger powder.

Detox Bath Recipe

If you have the flu, you may find this bath to help you overcome your symptoms. It works to draw out toxins and supply your body with a variety of nutrients in the process.


  • 5 cups Epsom salt
  • 1 cup baking soda
  • 2 tablespoons freshly grated ginger
  • ½ cup sea salt


  • Fill you bathtub with water as hot as you can comfortably handle. Pour all of the ingredients in the water and stir to dissolve.
  • Soak in this bath for about 40 minutes. Make sure to drink water during your bath because you will be sweating a lot.
  • Once you get out of the bath, dry off, get dressed, and wrap yourself in a warm blanket. It’s important to keep sweating out the flu.
  • Don’t do this more than once a day.


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