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Toxins are first attacked by the liver. The liver does a great job of fighting toxicity until it gets overwhelmed and allows less toxic substances to slip through into the body via the blood while it fights the most deadly toxins.


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Hepatitis is swelling of the liver. Hepatitis is characterized by other pathologies such as jaundice, abdominal and gastric discomfort, hepatomegaly, and dark urine (which is a sign of severe acidosis).

There are four types of hepatitis: A, B, C and D.

Causes and Risk Factors

Hepatitis A

Caused by a virus that can be acquired through eating contaminated food or water (e.g., fruits, shellfish, vegetables, ice and water), contact with the stool or blood of someone with the disease. The virus can transfer from one person to another via a surface touched by the patient, especially if they don’t wash their hands after using the restroom. Hepatitis A can also be transferred through anal-oral sexual contact.

Hepatitis B

A specific type of hepatitis caused by the Hepatitis B Virus (HBV). It can be acquired through exposure to blood or blood products of the infected person including blood transfusions, tattooing, sexual contact, sharing needles, sharing personal items (e.g., razors, nail clippers, etc.). People with multiple sex partners are especially at risk.

Hepatitis C

Most commonly acquired through sexual contact, exposure to blood at work (e.g., healthcare workers), sharing needles, tattooing with unsterilized instruments, born to a mother with Hepatitis C.

Hepatitis D

This type of hepatitis is only found in people with Hepatitis B. It affects about 15 million people worldwide, or about 5% of Hepatitis B patients.


Hepatitis symptoms generally include:

  • Abdominal swelling
  • Fever
  • Persistent tiredness or fatigue
  • Dark urine
  • Jaundice
  • Nausea and/or loss of appetite

Healing Hepatitis Naturally

Excellent hepatic or liver herbs include:

By far, the three (3) best herbs for the liver are Milk Thistle seeds, Dandelion root, and Boldo leaves.

Coffee enema

The coffee enema works wonders for the liver. It can be performed once a month. Coffee (organic, of course) makes the liver dump off toxins like a dump trunk. This process is one of the best healing methods for a toxic liver. Worried about caffeine? Well, when coffee is administered through the rectum, caffeine is not absorbed in the body. Caffeine is only absorbed when coffee is drunk via the mouth. Singer Janet Jackson performs coffee enemas. Janet knows something very beneficial about coffee enemas. Also, coffee enemas are great for overcoming hangovers and migraine headaches.

Castor oil pack

The castor oil pack process is one of my favorite liver cleansing methods. You apply castor oil on your liver (externally, of course) and then put a piece of plastic over it (gets very sticky) and then you place a hot pack over it and let it sit for about two (2) hours. This process is performed lying down and under a towel or some newspaper as the oil will slide down on the side of the body. The castor oil pack process can also be performed monthly or every 3-4 months.

Dietary Intervention

Activated Charcoal (Carbon)

Carbon or Activated Charcoal can be helpful with hepatitis because it cleanses the body in general and the liver in particular of toxins. Carbon is some very powerful stuff! It is very alkaline and neutralizes toxins, heavy metals, and harmful gases 2,000 times its own weight.

Olive and Castor Oil

Olive oil lubricates and purifies the liver and helps dissolve hardened calculi (stones) such as kidney, bladder, and gallstones. A tablespoon of olive oil can be consumed daily or as needed. Castor oil performs the same function as olive oil but is also anthelmintic (anti-parasitic) in nature as castor oil suffocates worms and parasite in the colon and liver.


Fasting is also a good choice and method for cleansing the liver. Fasting purifies the bloodstream which in turn purifies all the organs in the body, especially the eliminative organs (colon, liver, kidneys, lungs and skin).

A note about Vitamin C

Many people consume synthetic Vitamin C, which provides limited benefit. In fact, most Vitamin C sold commercially is nothing but ascorbic acid. Ascorbic acid is known to toxify and tax your liver. Real Vitamin C is found in Nature (Rose Hip seeds, Hibiscus flower, Acerola cherry, Camu fruit, Alma fruit, Capsicum fruit, etc.).

Dherbs Solutions

Dherbs.com products that can help include:

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This article is compliments of Dherbs.com


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Semen https://www.dherbs.com/articles/general-topics/semen/ Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:53 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/uncategorized/semen/

The human stomach cannot do anything with sperm once it is broken down. Seminal ingestion leads to indigestion acid reflux, nausea, hormonal imbalance especially in females and energy imbalance.


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Semen is a bodily fluid secreted by the gonads of male animals.

In humans, semen contains spermatozoa and fructose as well as other enzymes which promote the survival of the spermatozoa. During a process known as ejaculation, the semen is ejaculated from the seminal vesicle in the pelvis, which is where it is produced.

Physical Composition

Because the semen passes through the ejaculatory ducts and mixes with fluids from the seminal vesicles, the prostrate, and the bulbourethral glands, semen is composed of many different fluids.

  • The seminal vesicles produce a viscous, fructose-rich fluid. This fluid makes up approximately 65-70% of the semen base.
  • The whitish secretion from the prostate contains enzymes, citric acid, lipids, and acid phosphatase. This secretion composes around 25-30% of the semen base.
  • The testes eject approximately 200-500 million spermatozoa during ejaculation. They compose about 2-5% of the semen composition.
  • The bulbourethral glands produce a clear secretion that increases the mobility of the sperm cells in the vagina and cervix. It lessens the viscosity of the channel that the sperm cells swim through and also adds a cohesive, jelly-like texture to the semen. The glands contribute approximately less than 1% to the overall semen composition.

The volume of semen per ejaculation varies. A comparison of thirty studies suggests that the average amount of semen ejaculated was around 3.4 milliliters, although some studies found amounts as high as 4.99 milliliters or as low as 2.3 milliliters. It is believed that a prolonged gap between ejaculations increases the number of sperm in the semen but not an increase of the overall amount of semen.

Health Effects

Studies have revealed mixed conclusions about the impact of semen on the human body.

Some of the alleged positive impacts suggest that vaginal absorption of semen acts as an antidepressant and reduces the risk of breast cancer, while oral sex may help make a woman’s pregnancy safer and more successful because she is swallowing her partner’s antigens. However, one study suggested that vaginal absorption of semen could accelerate the development of an already existing cervical cancer, due to the prostaglandin elements in seminal plasma. So results are inconclusive, and more studies are needed to definitively determine whether ingesting semen has beneficial or negative impacts on the human body.

However, it is worth noting that semen can be the vehicle for many sexually transmitted diseases, such as HIV/AIDS, herpes, or chlamydia. Although the proteins present in semen are potent against bacteria, fungi, and some viruses, these proteins are not active against Neisseria gonorrhoeae, which is the common cause of sexually transmitted diseases.

Cultural Practices and Beliefs

Some cultures view semen as imbued with special properties of masculinity. For instance, many tribes in Papua New Guinea (such as the Sambia and the Etoro) believe that semen provides sexual maturation to the younger men of the tribe. Because they view the older men’s sperm as bestowed with the manliness and wisdom of the tribal elders, the younger men must fellate their elders to receive their authority and powers.

In ancient Greece, Aristotle considered semen to be very important and believed that there was a connection between blood and semen. He thought that the males concocted blood into semen using body heat. He also warned against engaging in sexual activities at too early of an age, fearing that the loss of semen meant a loss of valuable and much-needed nourishment.

Many ancient Eastern cultures believed that gemstones were drops of divine semen, which had coagulated after fertilizing the earth. In ancient China, for instance, some believed that jade was the dried semen of the celestial dragon.

Additionally, the orchid’s twin bulbs were considered physically similar to a man’s testicles. This popular conception probably gave rise to the ancient Roman myth that the flower originated from the spilled semen of copulating satyrs.


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Candida Albicans: Yeast Infection https://www.dherbs.com/articles/health-beauty/candida-albicans-yeast-infection/ Thu, 13 Jun 2013 16:25:53 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/uncategorized/candida-albicans-yeast-infection/

Natural alternatives to pharmaceutical grade antibiotics. Antifungal herbs include. Essential oils that are anti-fungal. Become mobile. Wear loose fit clothing. Abstain from sexual intercourse. No antibiotic medication.


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Candia albicans, also known as ‘candidiasis’ and ‘candida vaginitis‘ is a type of yeast infection. It inhibits the mucous membranes of genital tract (especially the female vagina), intestines, mouth (called ‘thrush’), throat and esophagus.

Systemic yeast (infection) is when the blood contains yeast and thus carries the yeast throughout the body. This is the form of yeast that goes undetected in many people. Normally the micro-organistic fungus lives in a healthy balance with other flora or bacteria in the body, but certain conditions such as acidosis disrupt the balance and cause the fungus to multiply.

Most candida problems occur with women in the vagina. When the vagina is infected by yeast, the result is called ‘vaginitis.’

Symptoms and Causes

Vaginitis causes inflammation of the mucous membranes of the vagina and is characterized by a large, white, thick, cheesy discharge and excruciating itching and burning.

The greatest culprit in causing candida or yeast infection is antibiotic medication prescribed by doctors. Antibiotics weaken the immune (defense) system and destroy ‘friendly’ or ‘beneficial’ bacteria that normally keep candida under control in the body.

All vaginal orders are First chakra disorders. The First chakra deals with ‘grounding.’ If you are not firmly grounded in your sexual belief system and orientation, you create an imbalance in your sexual reproductive system energy in general and your vaginal energy in particular.

Effects of Yeast Infections

Because vaginal disorders impede sexual activity, it is the body’s way of making a women stop or pause temporarily so as to concentrate on her mind, body, and emotions so as to address problems.

Males can also contract yeast infections. Candida infection in males manifests as jock itch or athlete’s foot.

Babies too also suffer from yeast infection, commonly oral thrush, white sores that form on the tongue and gums and also inside the cheeks.

Oral thrush can also manifest on the baby’s buttocks, manifesting as diaper rash.

Natural Alternatives

Natural alternatives to pharmaceutical grade antibiotic medication include the following herbs:

Antifungal herbs include:

Bee propolis is also antifungal in nature, although it’s not vegan.

Essential oils (plant blood) that are antifungal in nature include:

Add a few drops (1-3 drops) of these oils to your bath water.

Dietary Intervention

A healthy diet needs to be adapted, preferably vegan and/or raw foods (or a combination of both). Meat, dairy products, processed and refined so-called foods must go.

Yeast thrives in sugar. Eliminate processed and refined sugar from the diet and it’s harder for yeast to take hold. Herbs that can help you to kick the sugar habit include:

Lifestyle changes need to be made. You must adapt a healthier lifestyle. Become mobile (yoga, tai chi, qi chong, pilates, swimming, etc.). Wear loose fit clothing so your body can breathe. Embrace a positive, healthy, and loving mindset. All negative emotions and feelings (anger, envy, bitterness, jealousy, hatred, etc.) must be released and transmuted into positive energy.

Abstain from sex, including oral sex, until the yeast infection has cleared up. Give the vagina time to heal so that sex can be pleasurable and healthy.

Dherbs Solutions

For chronic vaginal yeast infection, try:

To knock out an insidious yeast infection within 3-5 days:

  • Take 5 capsules of Flora Balance every 2-3 hours for 3-5 days.
  • Only eat raw foods like salad. Drink plenty of vegetable juice throughout the day (3-5 times). Order the Full Body Cleanse Companion (ebook)for additional raw foods and vegetable juice recipes.
  • Bathe in sea salt (2 boxes), 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide, and Tea Tree Oil (5-8 drops) daily.
  • Perform an enema every other day. The enema solution should be herbal (consisting of Black Walnuts, Echinacea, and Goldenseal, and Cascara Sagrada). Make a tea of these herbs and pour the tea in your enema bag (if you use loose herbs, make sure you strain the tea first).
  • If you choose to do douching due to severe itching and inflammation, make a tea consisting of Red Raspberry Leaf, Marshmallow, Slippery Elm Bark, Mullein leaf, and Lemon Verbena, and add in 3 drops of Tea Tree Oil.


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Throat Problems https://www.dherbs.com/articles/wellness-prevention/throat-problems/ Thu, 13 Jun 2013 16:25:49 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/uncategorized/throat-problems/

Throat problems often result from problems with the lymphatic system, mucous membranes, and/or inflammation (mucus), especially mucus. Physically, a swollen throat means that certain things in your body are taxed, particularly your spleen (which correlates to your tonsils), lymph system (especially in the mouth area), and mucous membranes, with the culprit being mucus. Itchy, Irritated […]


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Throat problems often result from problems with the lymphatic system, mucous membranes, and/or inflammation (mucus), especially mucus.

Physically, a swollen throat means that certain things in your body are taxed, particularly your spleen (which correlates to your tonsils), lymph system (especially in the mouth area), and mucous membranes, with the culprit being mucus.

Itchy, Irritated Throat, and Hoarseness

An itchy and irritated throat suggests mucus accumulation. Hoarseness (of a person’s voice) is sounding rough and harsh, typically as the result of a sore throat or shouting.

Even when singers develop hoarseness (a symptom of laryngitis), it’s a sign that the voice needs to be given a rest.

Itchiness, scratchiness, and irritation of the throat may also denote presence of the physical manifestation of a sexually transmitted disease. Usually, when there is STD-related itchiness and irritation of the throat, it is due to performance of oral sex on a partner infected with a venereal disease or sexually transmitted disease (i.e. Chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, or trichomoniasis). It is also a sign that the defense or immune system is taxed or debilitated.

Difficulty in Swallowing

When there is painful swallowing, it’s usually because the throat is inflamed, called tonsillitis. It is a sign that you should abstain from eating solid foods and consider fasting to give the throat a break or rest, especially from talking.

Individuals born under the astrological sign of ‘Taurus’ (between April 20 and May 20) are greatly prone to throat problems as the throat is located in the neck (upper region) and the sign Taurus governs the neck, so Taureans are prone to neck problems, thyroid problems, and throat problems.

A swollen throat means that certain things in your body were taxed, particularly your spleen (correlates to your tonsils), lymph system (especially in the mouth area), and mucous membranes.


It may not appear or seem like it, but your tonsils have a specific purpose. They are part of your lymphatic system and corresponds to your defense or immune system.

The greatest health challenge of the tonsil is ‘tonsillitis,’ which basically means ‘inflammation of the tonsil.’ When there is tonsillitis, it only means the tonsil is inflamed due to unhealthy mucus accumulation.

Tonsillitis is a condition of mucus trapped in the tonsil and thus obstructing the mucous membranes of the tonsils. There is healthy mucus (clear in nature) and there is unhealthy mucus (thick and green-yellowish in nature).

Tonsillitis is greatly reversible. All you have to do is remove the mucus obstructing the tonsil as well as the mucus in the entire body.

If you suffer from tonsillitis, there are alternatives to surgery. Take herbs and change your diet in accordance with maxim of the Order of Hippocrates: “let your food be your medicine and your medicine your food.”

Strep Throat

Strep Throat is another adverse condition of the throat and is basically ‘tonsillitis’ or a symptom of it.

In both ‘tonsillitis’ and ‘strep throat’ we have the presence of a form of parasite (Streptococcus) that travels in the blood and clearly houses itself in an unhealthy mucus environment in a localized area of the body, in the case of strep throat, the throat.

In both tonsillitis and strep throat, the throat is diffusely red (due to inflammation), and tonsils often are covered with a yellow or white exudate (due to mucus).


Laryngitis is medically defined as: “Inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the larynx, accompanied by edema of the vocal cords with hoarseness or loss of voice, occurring as an acute disorder caused by a cold, by irritating fumes, by sudden temperature changes, or as a chronic condition resulting from excessive use of the voice, heavy smoking, or exposure to irritating fumes. In acute laryngitis, there may be a cough, and the throat usually feels scratchy and painful.” – Mosby’s supra, pg. 677

Throat Cancer

Throat cancer can result from various circumstances and for various reasons. Habits (bad habits) are perhaps the biggest cause of the physical manifestation of throat cancer.

Smoking is a leading cause of throat cancer. The 700+ dangerous ingredients, especially the coal tar, in cigarettes does great harm and damage to the throat, causing cellular degeneration and necrosis in throat.

Drink Devil’s Brew (alcohol) also does great damage to the throat. Like coffee, it too burns the tissues of the throat despite not being hot like coffee. Alcohol greatly burns the tissues of the body and enhances necrosis (degeneration of the tissues).

Coffee burns everything in the body (unless it is drank at room temperature). It can damage the esophagus (and is actually reported to be the number one cause of cancer of the esophagus).

Using chemical-grade oral hygiene products (i.e. mouthwash, oral rinse) can be harmful due to their containing of alcohol and artificial sweeteners such as saccharin and aspartame as well as containing petroleum-based dyes (i.e. Blue Lake, Green Lake, etc.).

Healing Throat Problems Naturally


A sore throat can be healed by gargling with warm water (1 cup), lime or lemon juice (1 tablespoon) and sea salt (a pinch). Just add the water, juice, and salt in a cup, stir, and pour into mouth and gargle (do not swallow). This can be performed throughout the day. Though optional, you can add one drop of essential oil of Eucalyptus to this solution.


Demulcent herbs are also ideal in healing throat and tonsil problems. Demulcent herbs are soothing, coating, and mucilaginous in nature and that protect irritated and inflamed tissue. These herbs include Mullein Leaf, Marshmallow, Slippery Elm Bark, Irish Moss, and Plantain.

Other herbs for throat and tonsil conditions include Lobelia, Licorice Root, Eucalyptus, White Pine Bark, and Wild Cherry Bark.

Echinacea Root and Goldenseal Root are always helpful in healing situations and can be consumed as well.

These herbs supra are best consumed in tea or extract (tincture) form. Licorice Root and Mullein Leaf tea are the best herbal teas to drink throughout the day.

Natural cough syrup

A natural cough syrup (which utilizes natural ingredients such as herbs, glycerin, honey, etc.) is far better to use than any commercial-grade cough syrup, some of which contains alcohol.

If you must have a cough syrup and the brand you purchase contains honey, this is far better than what you’d find in a pharmacy or drug store. Just remember that honey is predigested bee food (excrement, regurgitation) and it should never be given to children under the age of two.

Steam therapy

Steam inhalation is also ideal in healing. You can boil a pot of water on the stove top or purchase a small steamer and add 2-3 drops of essential oils of Eucalyptus, Pine Bark, and/or Camphor to the water and simply inhale for a few minutes (10-20 minutes max).


Because light blue or sky blue crystals and gemstones emit a soothing and pacifying frequency, these stones are ideal to use in all inflammation conditions. Blue, especially light or sky blue, is soothing in nature so simply place a stone of this color on your lower neck (about an inch or inch and a half under your Adam’s apple) while lying down for approximately 30 minutes.

Blue is the antidote to red and remember, inflammation’s frequency is red, so blue (light/sky blue) counteracts red and is thus healing in all conditions where there is inflammation or burning.

Light or sky blue-colored crystals and gemstones include Turquoise, Blue Calcite, Dolphin Stone (Larimar), Blue Lace Agate, Aqua Aura Quartz, Blue Kyanite, Angelite, Celestite, and Tanzanite.

You can also make a gemstone elixir with these crystals/gemstones above (all of them or simply one of them) by place them in a glass of distilled water and allowing them to sit over night (preferable with exposure to moonlight which has a healing frequency).

You can also wrap a blue or light-blue colored scarf around your neck when there’s a problem with the throat so as to stimulate healing. You can wear the scarf when out in public or while at home lying down on the bed.

Cough drops

Cough drops can be helpful, however, just make sure the brand does not contain harmful ingredients, i.e. man-made menthol, saccharin, aspartame, sugar, etc.

Despite a few minor ingredients, Zand and Riccola brands offer the best cough drops available on the commercial health food market. If you can do without cough drops, by all means do so.

Dietary Intervention

Diet is always important in healing. While healing, abstain from all meat, dairy products, refined grains and starches, boxed/jarred orange juice, coffee, alcoholic beverages, chocolate, junk foods, etc. These are all mucus forming due to being acid-forming.

Drink plenty of good water too. The best waters to drink are alkaline water (available at health food stores), distilled water, and spring water in this order.

Water can also be made more alkaline via alkaline drops (also sold at health food stores).

Chew on licorice sticks if you can find them or have access to them. Licorice sticks are medicine for the throat, especially the vocal cords. Simply suck and chew them throughout the day for as long as you like.

Dherbs Solutions

Dherbs.com compounds or formulas ideal for healing throat and tonsil problems, including:

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Cunnilingus: Vaginal Oral Sex https://www.dherbs.com/articles/general-topics/cunnilingus-vaginal-oral-sex/ Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:47 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/uncategorized/cunnilingus-vaginal-oral-sex/

Many women enjoy this act performed on them. It's a great stress reliever for many of them. For others, it leads to a great orgasm. For hygiene purposes, the best time for a man to perform cunnilingus on a woman is after she bathes or showers.


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Cunnilingus is a term used to describe oral stimulation of a woman’s vagina performed by a man or a woman.

Whatever the relationship situation, homosexual or heterosexual, monogamy, in my opinion, is best as far as safety, hygiene, and health are concerned.

Oral sex can be a beautiful thing if done with the right person, at the right time, and under the right circumstances.

Many women enjoy this act performed on them. For some, it’s a stress reliever. For others, it’s the pathway to a great orgasm. And then for others, they simply just enjoy the intense pleasure from this act.

Vaginal health

The female vagina, when healthy, has a naturally nice and sweet smell. It’s a very clean organ when a female is health conscious.

Consider the naturally acidic pH level of the vagina. When the diet is poor, the pH level decreases and the natural acidic level of the vagina (which is a healthy state, by the way) is lowered and when this happens, the state of the vagina becomes unhealthy because the acidic levels have become too low.

Diet affects vaginal health and influences its smell. What a woman eats and drink will affect the color, taste and aroma of sex fluids, which a man is bound to taste while performing cunnilingus.

Wearing clothes can also impact vaginal health. The sweat and constriction caused by clothing that’s too tight or made of synthetic fibers can prevent the vagina from “breathing” and help to create an unpleasant taste and smell.

Men must remember that the vagina is used for urination, as well as closely located to the rectum. No matter how well a woman wipes herself with toilet paper, there will still be residues. If the woman urinates or defecates before cunnilingus is performed, she should take a wet towel and clean the vagina and rectum as well as possible, or better yet, take a shower.

The vagina is going to be cleanest after a woman bathes or showers. So the best time to perform cunnilingus is right after she gets out of the tub or shower. Now let me say this: for certain women, showering or bathing is not going to guarantee that their vaginas smell pleasant.

There are certain things men need to be aware of when performing cunnilingus, especially when not in a monogamous relationship. STDs – sexually transmitted diseases-can be transferred through oral sex. If you are not in a monogamous relationship, it’s recommended to use a “dental dam,” a latex sheet that can be placed on top of the vagina, but acts as a protective barrier. It”s a lot like the sheet they place in your mouth at the dentist office, thus the name.

Because the vagina is dark, wet, warm, and moist, it can become the perfect environment for bacteria and other microorganisms.

Men must also remember that women bleed from this orifice monthly unless they’re in menopause.

Cunnilingus helps a man out simply because cunnilingus helps many women achieve orgasm. Her bliss will have come from cunnilingus-induced orgasm.

Cunnilingus is a great precursor to sexual intercourse. It gets the vagina nice and wet for easy and smooth penetration. Cunnilingus can actually help a man out if he suffers from poor hang-time, lack of stamina and endurance, and/or premature ejaculation, as many men do suffer from these things.

In closing, as a woman, if you like cunnilingus-cool! If not, still cool! It all boils down to personal choice. An act is not objectively bad, dirty, or immoral simply because you don’t like the act or because your beliefs surrounding it are not positive.

Many people have come to learn that reciprocity exists in sex, pertaining to oral sex, because if the person wanted to receive oral sex, they also had to give it. Many people have come to performing oral sex simply as a condition for receiving it.

There are some basic guidelines to ensure the act is pleasurable for both partners:

  • Shower or bathe prior to sexual activity. It removes the daily dirt, sweat and other “collectibles” that accumulate over the course of the day.
  • Wear underpants and clothing made of natural fiber. It reduces potentially foul-smelling odors that wouldn’t naturally be there.
  • Eat a nutrient-rich vegan or raw diet. What you digest comes through the skin, and the vagina is no different.


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