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Some teas, such as hibiscus or green tea, may help lower blood pressure by promoting cardiovascular health and blood vessel relaxation.


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Attention tea lovers: not only is tea soothing, comforting, and delicious, but certain varieties may also help regulate blood pressure. Although high blood pressure is a serious health concern that affects millions of people worldwide, natural options may positively affect cardiovascular health. Since high blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke, taking action to regulate blood pressure is key for optimal, long-term health.

Should You Drink Tea To Lower Blood Pressure?

When you drink heart-healthy teas, such as chamomile or hibiscus, that is just one step towards a more holistic approach to managing blood pressure. According to research from 2019, active components in certain teas may relax blood vessels. Not only does this help improve how arteries function, but it also works to reduce inflammation and regulate certain processes that affect blood pressure. Continue reading to learn which teas may help you manage high blood pressure. Please note that the effects may vary from person to person, and whether or not the person eats a balanced diet and exercises regularly.

Hibiscus Tea

First on the list is hibiscus tea, which some people call sour tea or roselle. One study found that consuming three cups of hibiscus tea per day reduced systolic blood pressure by an average of 7.2 mm Hg in people with mild hypertension. Researchers believe that hibiscus tea works to improve how endothelial cells lining the blood vessels function. That process may promote healthy blood flow, but the anthocyanins and polyphenols may also lead to a reduction in systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels.

Green Tea

Green tea is another favorite among tea enthusiasts, especially if people look to receive a small caffeine boost. Green tea contains specific bioactive compounds called catechins, specifically epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). EGCG has been associated with various health benefits, including blood pressure reduction. A meta-analysis of 14 randomized controlled trials revealed that drinking green tea contributed to modest but statistically significant decreases in blood pressure. Other research notes that the antioxidant-rich catechins help improve endothelial function and promote vascular relaxation.

Black Tea

If you prefer black tea to green tea for your caffeine hit, you’re in luck! Several studies indicate that drinking three cups of black tea per day may help lower blood pressure. Researchers attribute this benefit to the flavonoids in black tea, such as theaflavins and thearubigins. These compounds may help to inhibit certain enzymatic activity that causes blood vessel constriction.

Olive Leaf Tea

Made from the leaves of the olive tree, olive leaf tea has a gentle, herbal flavor. Olive leaf tea contains oleuropein and hydroxytyrosol, which are two compounds that support blood pressure regulation by relaxing the blood vessels. A small 2017 study monitored 31 participants who consumed olive leaf tea for 28 weeks. They prepare the tea by steeping five grams of dried and ground leaves in 250 milliliters of hot water. They consumed this tea twice daily over the course of the study. Within four weeks, participants experienced significant reductions in systolic and diastolic blood pressure. 

Chamomile Tea

We cannot ignore chamomile tea, which is known for its mild, soothing, and calming properties. Many people drink chamomile tea to promote relaxation before bedtime. Researchers note that it contains compounds, such as terpenoids, flavonoids, and coumarins, that may help control blood pressure. In a randomized, controlled trial, participants drank chamomile tea for 12 weeks and experienced a significant reduction in systolic blood pressure compared to a placebo. The researchers behind the study suggest that chamomile’s anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties may contribute to this effect.

As a final note, these teas are not intended to treat high blood pressure. They are not medications and may not work for everyone. Additionally, maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle may enhance the benefits of these teas. Should you have questions about the teas if you take blood pressure medication, consult your healthcare professional.


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7 Antiviral Herbs That Enhance Your Immune System https://www.dherbs.com/articles/health-beauty/7-antiviral-herbs-that-enhance-your-immune-system/ Mon, 07 Oct 2019 10:15:03 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=71568

Fighting off a virus can be difficult if you don't give your body what it needs. Use these antiviral herbs to boost your immune system.


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Viruses exist everywhere, and they can cause health conditions like hepatitis, mononucleosis, HIV, the flu, and even the common cold. While many people commonly opt to get an annual flu shot (influenza vaccination), studies have shown that it is only 80% effective, due to the fact that this virus has mutating strains. Additionally, vaccines don’t properly educate your immune system and they can contain preservatives and chemicals. Wouldn’t it be better if you could use all natural herbs to fight off viruses without harming the body?

Facts About Viruses

A virus is a microscopic organism that can exist almost anywhere on the planet. Viruses can spread through sneezing, coughing, person-to-person contact, sexual contact, or by entering the body through food or water. More often than not, viruses infect plants, fungi, animals, humans, and bacteria. Some viruses are fatal, while others can make you feel ill for only a day or so. Consisting of genetic material, viruses cannot replicate without a host, which classifies them as parasites. Viruses are the most abundant biological entities on the planet.

So What Do Antiviral Herbs Do?

When you consume foods that keep your immune system strong, you have a better chance of fighting off viruses. Antiviral herbs can help to inhibit the development of viruses because they boost the immune system, which helps the body attack viral pathogens. Antiviral herbs also contain anti-inflammatory, cardiovascular, and healthy digestive properties.

#1: Echinacea

Echinacea is an amazing herb that is loaded with antimicrobial properties, which are great for the immune system. All varieties of the echinacea herb have phenol compounds. At a base level, phenols protect plants from UV radiation damage and infections. The active substances in phenols control enzymes and cell receptors, and their active antioxidants make them great for keeping human cells healthy.

#2: Astragalus Root

Astragalus root has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for hundreds of years, primarily for enhancing immune function. Several studies have shown that astragalus’ antiviral properties help to stimulate the immune system and inhibit the development of the common cold or flu.

#3: Ginger

If you keep up with our web content, you know that we love ginger. One of our favorite things about ginger is that it helps to cleanse the lymphatic system, also known as the body’s sewage system. It also helps to flush toxins from your organs. Did we mention that ginger prevents the body from accumulating toxins that can make you sick or susceptible to bacterial infections? Well, it does that too!

#4: Oil of Oregano

While fresh oregano is tasty, the health benefits come alive when it is distilled to extract the essential oil. Oil of oregano contains carvacrol and thymol, both of which have antibacterial and antifungal properties. Carvacrol is responsible for reversing viral infections, allergies, parasites, and reducing inflammation.

#5: Cat’s Claw

This herb has a lot of bark, not meow! Okay…that was terrible. People in South America have actually used the bark of cat’s claw as a natural remedy for fevers and digestive conditions, like dysentery, for centuries. Cat’s claw has powerful antiviral properties that can be used to help reduce one’s viral load, and early studies show that it may be beneficial for HIV patients, but more research needs to be conducted.

#6: Elderberry

Elderberry has been popularly used in many cultures for its ability to help fight viral infections, herpes, influenza, and bacterial infections. Almost all of the elderberry plant is usable. You can use the bark, leaves, roots, and flowers, which can be beneficial to brew into a tea when you have the flu. Make an elderberry syrup to boost immune function by clicking here.

#7: Olive Leaf

The antiviral properties of olive leaf have been known to fight back against the common cold and more serious viruses like meningitis, pneumonia, hepatitis B, malaria, gonorrhea, and candida symptoms. Recent research has shown that the extract of olive leaf can fight against viruses that cause influenza or respiratory infections. Olive leaf extract’s compounds can also kill invading organisms, making it so viruses cannot replicate to spread infection.


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7 Foods That Strengthen The Immune System https://www.dherbs.com/articles/general-topics/7-foods-that-strengthen-the-immune-system/ Mon, 12 Mar 2018 12:00:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=78114

Don’t let yourself get sick! Keep your immune system strong by incorporating these foods into your diet. Find out what they are here.


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Let’s say that a common cold or virus is spreading around the office or your child’s class. Rather than loading up on cold and flu medications and preparing for the sickness to hit, you can naturally boost your immune system by eating certain foods. A quick trip to the grocery store can be the right move that helps your immune system fight off whatever is going around.

These “office colds” are minor compared to the constant onslaught of germs, parasites, pollutants, and bacteria that we face every day. You can inhale these toxins or unknowingly absorb them through your skin. Lucky for us, the immune system constantly adapts to keep the body as healthy as it can.

Staying sufficiently hydrated and practicing proper hygiene can help keep your immune system in good shape. What’s more important is to eat healthy foods that replenish the body with vitamins and minerals. Additionally, regular exercise (30 minutes of walking a day is sufficient) can help to improve the circulation of disease fighting cells!

According to research, raw fruits, vegetables, raw nuts & seeds, and legumes are the best foods to naturally boost the immune system. Cooking foods often kills the nutritional value, which is why raw is best. Use the following foods to give your immune system a helping hand!


One of our favorite things about ginger is that it helps to cleanse the lymphatic system, also known as the body’s sewage system. It also helps to flush toxins from your organs. Did we mention that ginger prevents the body from accumulating toxins that can make you sick or susceptible to bacterial infections? Well, it does that too!


All peppers, from the sweet bell to the fiery habañero, contain vitamin C and capsaicin, which helps to improve circulation and reduce inflammation. Capsaicin has been linked to reducing the growth of certain cancers because it is a powerful antioxidant. It also works to thin mucus build-up in the body.

Brazil Nuts

You aren’t really supposed to eat a lot Brazil nuts at once. In fact, you shouldn’t eat more than three a day. Brazil nuts are an excellent source of selenium, which helps white blood cells produce the proteins necessary for eradicating viruses from the body.


This fruit contains way more vitamin C than oranges. A single papaya contains roughly 224% of the daily recommended amount of vitamin C, which is an immune booster and a free radical fighter in the body. Papayas also contain a digestive enzyme that helps to decrease inflammation in the digestive system. You always want a healthy digestive system to avoid bacterial build up, which can lead to various illnesses.

Coconut Oil

A quick disclaimer: for the best results, we recommend purchasing virgin, organic coconut oil! Containing medium-chain triglycerides, coconut oil works to fight off bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites, especially after you digest them. Coconut oil also helps to reduce overall inflammation and boost energy levels.

Olive Leaf

The antiviral properties of olive leaf have been known to fight back against the common cold and more serious viruses like meningitis, pneumonia, hepatitis B, malaria, gonorrhea, and candida symptoms. Recent research has shown that the extract of olive leaf can fight against viruses that cause influenza or respiratory infections. Olive leaf extract’s compounds can also kill invading organisms, making it so viruses cannot replicate to spread infection.


One of the best ways to absorb the healing agents of oregano is to drink a soothing cup of oregano tea. Drinking oregano tea can help to soothe a sore throat, even strep throat, or combat a virus or infection in the body. Oregano’s antioxidants work to supercharge your immune system. Oregano also contains quercetin, which has been known to slow the growth of cancer cells and promote apoptosis (cell death).


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Olive Leaves: A Natural Remedy That Is So Abundant But Hardly Used https://www.dherbs.com/articles/diet-nutrition/olive-leaves-a-natural-remedy-that-is-so-abundant-but-hardly-used/ Sat, 24 Feb 2018 12:30:42 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=77430

Have you ever come across a natural remedy that works for almost anything? Well, we did, and we want to share it with you. See what it is!


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People have been using parts of the olive tree for thousands of years. Historically, the olive branch has been a used as a peace offering. Even today, the emblem for the World Health Organization is surrounded by olive branches, which emphasize its peaceful, healthy nature. Olive trees are grown around the world, with a large concentration of them thriving in the Mediterranean. Because they are abundant, we should be using them for more than the typical culinary applications.

Olive leaves don’t get a lot of attention, but they should. The polyphenols in olive leaves have potent antioxidants and have displayed anti-tumor and anti-inflammatory properties in recent studies. One of the primary antioxidants, oleuropein, may work to decrease blood pressure, which may be beneficial for those with hypertension. Additionally, olive leaves also work to inhibit oxidation, ultimately lowering bad cholesterol levels.

Certain types of cancer have lower rates in the Mediterranean, when compared to other areas around the world. This primarily has to do with the Mediterranean diet, which has been proven to decrease cancer risk by 61%. The Mediterranean diet is high in fresh herbs and spices, fiber-rich foods, whole grains, large amounts of fruits and vegetables, legumes, mild wine intake, and high intake of monounsaturated fatty acids from olive oil.

Fun Fact: In ancient times, herbalists mashed olive leaves into a poultice to help treat skin rashes and boils.

If olive leaves are so magnificent, how much is safe for one person to consume at once? According to research, an effective amount to consume in one sitting is one teaspoon of dried olive leaves. The dried olive leaves are readily available and contain about 6-15% oleuropein, the active antioxidant in olive leaves. Brew them into a tea with one cup of hot water. Let the leaves steep for about 10 minutes before consuming the tea.

More research needs to be done on the olive leaf, but all of the current research points to it being an amazing herbal remedy. It has many applications and can be used to help reduce fever, relieve rheumatic pain, soothe stomach pain, benefit those with dermatitis, and much more. Try consuming olive leaf tea and let us know how you feel.


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Vaginal Odors and Discharges https://www.dherbs.com/articles/general-topics/vaginal-odors-and-discharges/ Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:55 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/uncategorized/vaginal-odors-and-discharges/

Vaginal problems are epidemic today amongst American women.


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Vaginal problems are epidemic today amongst American women. Vaginal cancer, vaginal atrophy, vaginal bleeding, vaginal odors and mucosal discharges, vaginal yeast infection, vaginal worms and parasites, vaginitis, vaginal warts, and sexually-transmitted diseases are just a few of the health issues pertaining to the vagina.

The culprits include, but are not limited to:

  • The poor American diet, which focuses on excessive meat and dairy intake, refined grains, acidic beverages, etc.
  • Birth control pills and other forms of contraceptive, condoms
  • Female hygiene and sanitary products (pads and napkins)
  • Douching and
  • Tight clothing

Vaginal Discharges

There is a natural and healthy female discharge as contrasted with an unhealthy discharge. A vaginal discharge that is clear or pearly-white without a fetid odor occurs naturally. This discharge serves as sign of fertility and is a good or healthy sign. This discharge is secreted when a woman is fertile and ready to engage in mating.

A yellowish-greenish discharge accompanied by a fetid odor is unnatural and abnormal. It is a sign that the vagina is unhealthy. Many female sufferers of a sexually-transmitted disease will secrete this kind of discharge with a serious and debilitating inflammation or burning sensation.


The diet plays the most important role in female vaginal health. But since most women are in the work force today and don’t have time to prepare their own balanced meals, they are dependent on the junk food industry to feed them.

Processed foods are laced with synthetic estrogen hormone (which is why young girls today are fully developed with full breasts, hips, thighs, and buttocks); chemical artificial food coloring and additives; taste enhancers (that work on the hypothalamus gland in the brain which regulates hunger); and cancer-causing sodium nitrates and nitrites.

The biggest vaginal enemy are dairy products and grains. The problem with grains is that women eat too much of the gluten-rich grains. Gluten in bread and grain products (donuts, bagels, cakes, etc.) converts into glue inside the body. Vegetable-based pasta is a much better choice than grain-based pasta.

Eating meat, dairy, refined grains, starches, sugar products, pastries; drinking wine, beer, coffee, hot cocoa, soda pop, milk, etc. causes the body to become acidic which is the perfect catalyst for production of mucus, the bad, thick and yellowish-greenish mucus or phlegm.


Douching upsets the natural vaginal pH balance and ecology. Douching is not the solution, but instead, changing the diet-a difficult task for most Americans.

The vagina is naturally slightly acidic (4 to 4.5pH). This is a healthy acid level. However, most American female’s vagina has a vaginal pH between (5.1 to 6.0), which is too acidic; that’s why infertility is high today. The vagina is so acidic in many women, the little amount of alkalinity around the sperm cannot survive the acidic environment of the vagina.

However, douching can serve a provisional purpose, especially in cases of yeast and STD infection. However, only herbs and water should be used. The best herbs are the astringent herbs and the herbs that have an affinity for the female vagina. These herbs that have an affinity for the vaginal lining have a lining on their leaves just like the lining of the female vagina. These herbs include:

  • lemon verbena
  • red raspberry leaf
  • squawvine
  • marshmallow
  • mullein.
  • Astringent herbs include witch hazel bark, white oak bark, calendula, and ashoka. A woman can douche with these herbs to help heal a vaginal condition.

Now in cases of yeast infection, a woman can douche with the herbs:

In cases of STD infection (genital herpes, gonorrhea, syphilis, etc.), use herbs like:

  • tronodora
  • usnea
  • guaiac
  • buchu
  • olive leaf
  • neem
  • gokshura
  • mullein

Because yeast infection and parasitic and worm infection are also due to lack of oxygen (in addition to acidity), adding 2 ounces of 35% food-grade hydrogen peroxide or oxygen drops to the douche water or solution will serve most beneficial. The best water for douching purposes is oxygenated and alkaline water. Alkaline water will help bring up and balance the pH.

Female hygiene and sanitary products

Sanitary products cut off the necessary oxygen to the vagina. These products are also manufactured with a dangerous chemical, organochlorine, commonly called dioxin. Now it is used to bleach sanitary pads and napkins.

These ingredients leech into the vagina and reproductive system of the female and mimic estrogen and latch on to estrogen receptor sites where they develop and proliferate and eventually become tumors, benign as well as malignant (cancerous).

The wise choice for a woman to make is to purchase and start using environment-friendly and safe sanitary products bleached with oxygen and made from natural fibers such as cotton (brands such as NatraCare, Glad Rags, etc.).

And what about female or feminine deodorant spray? Spraying a chemical deodorant on the vagina is only masking the problem. Additionally, it is unwise for women to sprinkle vaginal powders on their vaginas. Many of these powders are made with talc, a poisonous substance that eventually makes it way inside the vagina.


One of the biggest vaginal enemies of all is tight pants. Tight pants, like tight denim jeans, greatly cut off circulation and deprive the vagina of oxygen, not to mention that since leather is made from cow hide, its energy doesn’t complement or compliment the human energy or aura.

And let’s not forget about tight underwear. So women, let your panties be made from natural fibers such as cotton, hemp, raffia, or linen. Natural fibers radiate a natural aura and energy that is conducive to your natural aura and energy unlike synthetic material (polyester, rayon, etc.). In addition, they allow oxygen into the body.

Sex toys

While it is true that the vagina has an affinity for vibration, the synthetic vibration of a vibrator does not naturally harmonize to the energy of the vagina. A vibrator is not natural. Worse, it’s made of plastic, just like a dildo, which leaches inside the vagina since that is where it is placed.


Women, take charge of the health of your vaginas. Your vaginas are invaded these days with all types of gadgets and substances: condoms, intrauterine devices, lubricants, douche speculums and chemical solutions, pap smear sticks, at-home pregnancy tests, etc.

So start eating healthier. Start thinking positive and embrace your feminine nature. Take female-specific hormone-rich herbs (dong quai, red raspberry, red clover, maca maca, squawvine, black cohosh, lady’s mantle, shepherd’s purse, sarsaparilla, licorice, false unicorn, damiana, and blessed thistle).

Let your vagina breathe. Start balancing and re-aligning your chakras, especially the seventh or root chakra (located at the vagina). Use a clear quartz crystal and/or a jade stone, simply placing it/them two inches over the vagina area (moving up and down) for a few minutes daily.


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Natural Alternatives to Antibiotics https://www.dherbs.com/articles/wellness-prevention/natural-alternatives-to-antibiotics/ Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:55 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/uncategorized/natural-alternatives-to-antibiotics/

Before you reach for that pill, with all its nasty side effects, consider trying a prescription alternative.


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Before you reach for that pill, with all its nasty side effects, consider trying a prescription alternative.

Alexander Fleming, discoverer of penicillin, warned us nearly a century ago that the overuse of antibiotics would create resistant bacteria. In fact, antibiotics are a major cause of recurrent infections, and our overuse of them is breeding highly resistant strains of “superbugs” that are immune to all known types of antibiotics. To add insult to injury, we have lost the war on infectious diseases, even with all these antibiotics and better hygiene.

By using antibiotics as a cure-all, the magic bullet has come back to hit us. Every time we take antibiotics, we give harmful bacteria a new opportunity to become resistant. The consequence is that many antibiotics are useless. An increasingly common scenario in American hospitals is a hospitalized patient who gets a hospital-based staph infection or pneumonia that is totally resistant to antibiotics. People with antibiotic-resistant diseases often die.

Clearly we need to find other ways to fight infections and to support our immune systems when we get sick. Antibiotics should only be used as a final resort in fighting a potentially life-threatening infection. Before he or she prescribes an antibiotic, your physician should do a culture to find out (1) if bacteria are present, and if so, (2) what strain of bacteria is present and thus what type of antibiotic to give you. Avoid wide-spectrum antibiotics whenever possible.

Here are some natural alternatives to prescription antibiotics:

Grapefruit Seed Extract

A grapefruit bioflavonoid concentrate works well to help knock out a cold. Grapefruit seed extract is a product you can use if you feel an infection coming on. You can take one 100 mg tablet every four to five hours or a few drops of the liquid. There are also anecdotal reports from women that grapefruit seed extract will effectively cure urinary tract infections.


The herb echinacea, sometimes combined with goldenseal in formulas, is an effective immune stimulant, but works best when used early on in an infection. Some people are allergic to it, so if you take a dose and feel worse, stop taking it!

Olive Leaves

Olive leaves have been used medicinally for centuries to treat fever, malaria, colds, and fungal infections. Modern research shows that a bitter constituent of olive leaves called oleuropein has antibacterial, antiviral, and antiprotozoal effects. The best way to take olive leaf as a supplement is as an extract in capsule or liquid form.

Homeopathic Remedies

Oscillococcinum is a homeopathic remedy I recommend for preventing and relieving the symptoms of the flu. This is a great remedy to travel with and to keep in the medicine cabinet, as it can quickly knock out a flu.

Chinese Herbal Remedies

Yin Chiao is a Chinese herbal remedy that’s good for preventing colds and flus. It can actually prevent a full-blown cold if taken soon enough.


EpiCor is a fermented yeast product that enhances natural killer cell activity and helps modulate and strengthen the immune system. It contains a unique blend of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants that research has shown to be very effective in warding off colds and flus. This is a supplement that can be taken daily during cold and flu season as a preventive.


American Indians have a long history of using Elderberries, primarily for the treatment of infections. Elderberries contain anti-inflammatory bioflavonoids that have been shown in test tube studies to inhibit viral growth. Specifically, elderberry flavonoids can stifle the activity of a protein needed by the flu virus to multiply and spread. It’s no surprise that elderberry is especially effective against viral infections such as the flu and the common cold.


Take vitamin C to tolerance, and take vitamin A (10,000 to 15,000 IU a day) for up to two weeks.

Infections And Antibiotics

Many people think that you can kill the germ with an antibiotic, and your infection problem is solved. For the past 50 years, this is how conventional medicine has been treating patients. But 98% of those infections would have become better with some very basic care, like rest and fluids. Antibiotics do nothing to get rid of a virus when you have a cold or the flu.

Here are some thoughts about common infections:

* Children’s Ear Infections

Recent studies have found that antibiotics make little to no difference in the course that children’s ear infections take. Many children have had multiple courses of antibiotics for recurrent ear infections before they’ve passed through toddlerhood, and this just sets children up for weakened immunity and more infections. Watchful waiting and allowing the infection to resolve naturally–along with children’s echinacea, a multivitamin, vitamin C, and a no-sugar, no-refined-carbohydrate diet–may stop the cycle of repeat infections in children.

* Internal Fungal Infections

Candida is a common fungus that grows out of control in many people, thanks to too many antibiotics and too much sugar. Your best strategy for fighting a fungal infection is to boost your body’s natural resources as much as possible, so that your own “good” bacteria can fight off the candida. It’s extremely important to eliminate sugar from your diet if you’re fighting a candida infection, and it helps to eliminate or cut back on fermented foods such as beer, wine, vinegar, aged cheeses, and anything made with yeast. Grapefruit seed extract, garlic oil, and oregano oil are all very effective antifungals. It’s certainly worth giving them a try before taking a potent antifungal drug. And be sure to take probiotics to enhance your body’s production of its own “good” bacteria.

Resisting Infection

One of the keys to resisting an infection is to begin helping your body fight it as soon as you are aware it’s there. We all know the symptoms: fatigue, achiness, sore throat, swollen glands, runny nose, cough, and fever. If you have a sore throat and ignore it, stay up late, and eat a bowl of ice cream, it’s bound to get worse. If you gargle with salt water, go to bed early with a cup of chamomile tea, and avoid sugary foods, chances are it will be gone by morning.

Here are some simple, specific steps you can take to stay free of infections:

* Wash Your Hands

If you have been around people with colds or the flu, keep your hands away from your face and wash your hands before eating. Don’t, however, be fooled into thinking that all of those antibacterial household cleansers and soaps are going to protect you. It has been found that the bacteria-busting chemicals they contain create an ideal environment for the formation of resistant bacteria. Soap and water works just fine for the hands, and vinegar (dilute and put in a spray bottle) is the perfect kitchen cleaner.

* Gargle

If you’re coming down with a sore throat, one of the simplest and most effective solutions is to gargle with a germ-killing mouthwash (make sure the gargle reaches your throat) or a simple salt water solution (1 teaspoon of salt to 1 cup of water). A sore throat is often caused by mucus from the sinuses dripping down the back of the throat, so giving that area an antibacterial bath can work wonders. There are some herbal throat sprays on the market that are excellent for banishing throat infections.

* Sinus Rinse

Sinus rinse is a great remedy for an encroaching sinus infection. Rinse the sinuses with a salt water solution (1 teaspoon of salt and a pinch of baking soda per 1 cup of water). This remedy takes some discipline and focus, and it’s not recommended for most children. The best tool for the job is called a neti pot, which looks like a little teapot with a spout that is made for rinsing the sinuses. You can buy a traditional ceramic neti pot or get the plastic version at the drugstore. Mix the solution of salt and baking soda in the neti pot. Tip your head sideways, and insert the spout gently into one of your nostrils. If you hold the spout at the right angle, the water will flow in one nostril and out the other. The real experts allow the water to flow in one nostril and out the mouth, but this can cause gagging if you swallow some of the water. This technique can work wonders for a stubborn sinus infection.

* Avoid Sugar and Alcohol

As your body fights infection, it helps to eat wholesome, healthy foods. Sugar and alcohol suppress the immune system and can make it harder for your body to do its job.

* Extra Vitamin C

Vitamin C can help fight infections and viruses. If you take 1,000 to 2,000 mg every three to four hours as soon as you feel a cold coming on, drink plenty of water, and avoid sugar, you can often knock the cold out before it ever gets started. Vitamin C will work even better if you combine it with bioflavonoids.

* Vitamin A

Vitamin A is a powerful infection-fighter. It is an immune stimulant that boosts thymus gland function and helps maintain healthy cells in your mucus membranes. You can take 10,000 to 30,000 IU daily for a week to help fight off an infection. (If you’re pregnant, don’t take more than 10,000 IU daily.)

* Zinc and Selenium

Zinc and Selenium are your two most important infection-fighting minerals. A wide variety of lozenges are available at your health food store that contain zinc, selenium, and vitamin C. Pass on those with a lot of sugar.

* Vitamin D

Vitamin D is essential for a healthy immune system. People who don’t get out in the sun or who have long, gray winters should take at least 2,000 IU of vitamin D3 daily.

* Allow a Fever to Run Its Course

Bacteria are adverse to high temperatures, which is why we sometimes get a fever when we get infections. This is why it’s important to not bring down a fever unless it’s dangerously high. The fever is the very thing that will kill the bacteria or virus that’s making you sick. In children in particular, a fever is part of the body’s mechanism for training the immune system to recognize hostile bacteria and viruses and forming antibodies that will recognize them in the future. If you suppress the fever with acetaminophen (Tylenol), your child could be more likely to get sick again the next time the bug comes to visit.

Earl Mindell, R.Ph., Ph.D., is an internationally recognized expert on nutrition, drugs, vitamins, and herbal remedies. He is the author of more than 20 books and is a registered pharmacist, master herbalist, and a professor of nutrition at Pacific Western University in Los Angeles. Dr. Mindell has appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show, Live with Regis and Kathy Lee, Good Morning America, The David Letterman Show and CNN, in addition to conducting more than 300 radio and television interviews annually. he conducts nutritional seminars around the world and lives in Beverly Hills, California.

VIRGINIA HOPKINS, M.A., is the editor of the email newsletter “The Virginia Hopkins Health Watch,” and has an extensive website of articles about bioidentical hormones, nutrition and prescription alternatives at Virginia Hopkins Test Kits.

She is the co-author, with John R. Lee, M.D. of the best-selling and classic book, What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause.

Hopkins and Lee also co-authored the books What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About PREmenopause, What Your Doctor May Not Tell You about Breast Cancer, and Dr. John Lee’s Hormone Balance Made Simple.

Hopkins also co-authored the best-seller, Prescription Alternatives, which with Earl Mindell, R.Ph., Ph.D.

Hopkins has been a writer and editor since she graduated from Yale University in 1976. She has a masters degree in Applied Psychology from the University of Santa Monica.

Find out more about Dr. Earl Mindell @ www.drearlmindell.com and Virginia Hopkins, M.A. www.virginiahopkinstestkits.com

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