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Because we live in a fear-driven society it is very common for people to link spiritual, celestial, cosmic, and astrological occurrences to something bad or evil. In the years leading up to 2000, the media presented New Year’s as a doomsday scenario-the emphasis was on all of the negative things that would alter life as […]


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Because we live in a fear-driven society it is very common for people to link spiritual, celestial, cosmic, and astrological occurrences to something bad or evil.

In the years leading up to 2000, the media presented New Year’s as a doomsday scenario-the emphasis was on all of the negative things that would alter life as we knew it. Rumors circulated that all computers were supposed to shut down due to a glitch that was not seen when computers were first manufactured. Elevators were supposed to shut down at 12 on the dot on January 1, 2000, trapping all people in elevators all over the world. Banks were supposed to shut down. But we all know how that turned out.

The net effect was people stacking up on goods such as bottled water, canned food, candles, batteries, and more in preparation for pending disaster. They also bought Y2K survival manuals in an effort to make life more comfortable.

The result: nothing happened.

Doomsday events are not going to happen to folks who don’t buy into them. Doomsdays will eventually only happen to people who believe in them, who give their energy to them and who invest into them with their mind and money. They will not be events prophesized about in advance but instead will occur when least expected and be the result of a consistent fear-based thought process.

There is no advantage to believing in doomsday scenarios.

It only works on people who operate under poverty consciousness, pessimism, and negative thinking. The Law of Attraction is always at work in this Universe. Your thoughts create your reality and you attract what you emit via vibration.

When you hear about people at the wrong place at the wrong time that’s Law of Attraction and/or karmic fulfillment finally manifesting. There is never a wrong place and wrong time. There are no accidents; therefore it’s always a case of being where you are supposed to be to allow karma to take place.

You are always at where you are supposed to be-to experience and to gain lessons. There are no mistakes on the higher level of existence. None.

Y2K was a major fraud that worked on many people because of where they were in their state or level of consciousness. It’s all a game, people, and you must learn to play it and be successful. You don’t want to resist the game because what you resist persists according to law.

The Year 2012

The Mayan calendar predicted the end of the world on December 21, 2012. Why? Because that’s the last day on the Mayan calendar…EVER.

2012 is not the end of the world. The Earth as a planet will never end. It was not made to end. It will mark a new consciousness on the planet. Sciences such as astrology and numerology help us to understand 2012 in a more positive light and thus can prepare us for what to expect so we can take advantage of the changes coming to the planet that will impact all aspects of life.

The Numerology of 2012

With the science of numerology when we do the math for the Universal year pertaining to 2012 we get the number 5 for 2012 = 2+0+1+2 = 5 and the keywords for the number are:

  • Uncertainty
  • Realignment
  • Flux, and
  • Change

The year 2012 will cause great uncertainty for many people. It will be a time of realignment for the planet as well as many individuals. It will be a time of flux for the planet as well as individuals. And it will certainly mark the time of change for the planet as well as people.

The Actor for the number 5 in numerology is The Student and this means that we will have to present ourselves as students in a certain respect to learn new things and to relearn the old things our ancestors knew and lived by.

2012 will mark the end of an age, and nothing more.

There is nothing to fear about 2012. You don’t need to store up bottled water, canned food, protein bars, and other things associated with natural disasters. All you have to do is go within self and deal with yourself, your many polarities. The 2012 phenomena will be totally spiritual in nature and you will see this manifest physically in the changes in people, governments, nations, and other things.

Remember to think positive. Welcome the new shift with open arms and more importantly, with an open mind.

Thank you for reading.

This article is compliments of


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Friday the 13th, Lucky or Unlucky? Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:46 +0000

Friday the 13th is regarded by many cultures as a day of bad luck. Yet few know why it is perceived so negatively.


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Friday the 13th is regarded by many cultures as a day of bad luck. Yet few know why it is perceived so negatively.

Background on Friday

Interestingly, the only day of the week named in honor of a female or woman is Friday, named in honor of the pagan goddess Freya or Frigg.

Friday is a variation of “Freya’s Day” or “Frigg’s Day.” Surprisingly, even though most people in the United States do not worship pagan gods, our calendar continues to remember and recognize them.

According to feminist researcher Barbara G. Walker, Friday is considered unlucky because of its connection to the Goddess. Please reference the following:

“Friday …Day of the Goddess Freya, called unlucky by Christian monks, because everything associated with female divinity was so called.” Women’s Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets, p. 325

There are many people who really believe that Friday the 13th is an unlucky day. Consider the following:

Friday the 13th

There are many different reasons behind the Friday the 13th lore. In Goddess and pagan lore, the Number 19 represents the sacred number of the Goddess. Friday the 13th combines the individual sacred goddess numbers of “6” and “13.” When these two numbers are added, you get the Number 19. Because Friday is the 6th day of the week and the number 13 or the 13th day of the month falls on the 6th day of the week, 6 + 13 = 19. For pagans, 13 is actually a lucky number for the above reasons.

Mythologist Joseph Campbell taught the significance of the number 13 as it applied and related to Jesus, at least in an arcane, esoteric, or metaphysical sense.

Jesus’ 12 disciples represented a perfect circle or cipher (circle of life, 12 departments of life denoted by the Zodiac) and Jesus being the 13th person of the group denoted Jesus being outside of the circle of life, basically Jesus being in the realm of the unknown (death, the mysterious) which most people are afraid of. Jesus had to die in order to enter into the realm of the unknown. This was not an actual physical death referred to in this sense, but a death to or of a certain dimension.

In Western culture, Friday has been considered an unlucky day since the 1400s, when first discussed in Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales. Layering on the belief that 13 was an unlucky number, Friday the 13th was thought of as a particularly bad day, with potential for great misfortune.

The number 13 is another one of those ancient ideas that history has not treated kindly. Some people have given a dark and sinister account to that has controlled the public’s perception. Astrology, numerology, wicca, palmistry, and the other occult sciences have fared similarly.

Succumbing to Superstition

According to the Stress Management Center and Phobia Institute in Asheville, North Carolina, an estimated 17 to 21 million people in the United States are affected by a fear of this day. Some people are so paralyzed by fear that they avoid their normal routines in doing business, taking flights or even getting out of bed. “It’s been estimated that $800 – $900 million [US currency] is lost in business on this day”.

There is no need to suffer from friggatriskaidekaphobia or paraskavedekatriaphobia (para-ska ved-e-ka-tria-phobia), a Greek word meaning ‘a fear of Friday the 13th.’ This condition was first mentioned in professional journals in the early 1950s.

The Reality of Friday the 13th

Just like any other day of the year, the energy you give something will manifest itself. If you believe that Friday the 13th is an unlucky day, chances are you will attract negative experiences. On the other hand, if you believe that Friday the 13th is a like any other day, you will attract positive experiences.

People get back what they send out in thought and feeling.


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