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Used to describe chronic neck pain caused by using technology, tech neck can damage muscles over time and misalign the spine.


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In today’s digital age, it’s rare to see a person not hunched over a screen, be it a phone, laptop, tablet, or gaming device. With these devices, you have access to hours and hours of entertainment at your fingertips. You can play games, access the internet, or scroll through Instagram reels and TikTok clips until your heart is filled. Over time, though, straining your neck muscles to look down at these devices can misalign the spine and damage muscles. That can lead to poor posture, joint inflammation, pinched nerves, or even herniated discs. 

Tech neck can result from looking down at these devices. It is a term used to describe chronic neck pain that comes from straining the muscle while using technology. The head is heavy and the neck muscles are supposed to support it in an upright position. By tilting the head down while scrolling, for example, you strain your neck muscles, which can make the neck feel sore or stiff. You may even experience posture problems after a while. A 2019 survey of college students found that those who spent more time on their phones experienced more neck problems

The Effects Of Tech Neck

Over time, tech neck can lengthen the neck muscles and shorten chest muscles. That causes a hunched posture, which ultimately puts more pressure on the neck and slumps the shoulders. As a result of the misalignment, you may experience general neck pain, muscle soreness, and stiffness. Added pressure on the spine can pinch nerves, which cause tingling in the hands and lower back pain.

The damage goes beyond general neck and back pain, though. Constantly slumping the shoulders forward can pinch or rub tendons of the rotator cuff. Those are the muscles and tendons that surround the shoulder joint. Over time, that irritation can cause shoulder inflammation and pain, or rotator cuff tendonitis. Finally, extra pressure on the spine in the neck area can cause headaches and strain on the jaw joints, creating temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain

How To Prevent Tech Neck

First of all, you have to be more mindful of your posture while using your phone, tablet, or computer. Don’t hunch over the device; rather, keep the screen at eye level to avoid craning your neck to see what’s on the screen. It is easier to maintain healthy posture if you sit in a chair or take frequent breaks from your electronic devices. To avoid tech neck from computer use, make sure to have the monitor positioned straight in front of you. You can also improve your computer posture by:

  • Using a computer monitor or laptop stand to elevate your screen to the right level
  • Keeping your wrists straight and elbows bent at about 90 degrees
  • Placing the screen about 20-30 inches away from your eyes (about an arm’s length)
  • Keeping your knees in line with your hips and placing your feet flat on the ground
  • Sitting with your head, hips, and spine upright and in line
  • Using posture correctors, posture reminder apps, or standing desks to promote healthy posture

Exercises And Stretches For Tech Neck

According to a 2016 study of office workers with tech neck, completing shoulder and neck stretches five times per week helped improve symptoms. These movements also improved neck function after just one month. Regular stretching can also help build strength in the neck and shoulder muscles. Continue reading to learn about some simple exercises and stretches for tech neck

Shoulder Rolls

Begin in a seated or standing position with your back straight and arms by your sides. Direct your gaze forward and shrug your shoulders up to your ears, but don’t hunch forward. Squeeze your shoulder blades together to pull them back and down using your mid-back muscles. Release and push your shoulders forward to return to the starting position. Repeat for a total of 20 seconds. 

Reverse Shoulder Stretch

Begin in a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart and direct your gaze forward. Interlace your fingers behind your back and try to point your thumbs down toward the floor, pulling your hands down to open your chest. You can raise your hands back and toward the ceiling to feel a stretch along your biceps and shoulders. Hold for five seconds before releasing. Repeat 10 times. 

Seated Neck Release

Sit down or stand up straight and let both arms hang by your sides. Tilt your head to the right and bring your right hand over your head, resting the middle finger over your left ear. Gently pull your head to the right using your right hand. Hold for five seconds before releasing. Repeat on the left side. 

Hand To Forehead Stretch

Stand up straight and place your right hand on your forehead, fingers pointing to the left side. Gently press your hand into your forehead while pushing your head into your hand. You should not move your head forward, but you should feel the resistance. Hold for five seconds and then repeat two more times. 

Chin Tucks

You can sit up or stand up straight for this final stretch, but make sure your chin is parallel to the floor. Keep your chin in a neutral position as you pull your head back, almost as if to make a double chin. Hold for five seconds before releasing and then complete two more times.


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5 Stretches That All Pregnant Women Should Do Fri, 17 May 2024 09:16:00 +0000

All pregnant moms and moms to be should be doing these stretches on the regular! They work to improve hip, back, and hamstring pain.


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For pregnant women, stretching offers a host of benefits. Different moves can help maintain mobility, relieve stiffness, and even prepare you for labor. There are a lot of aches and pain that you can experience while pregnant, and stretching can offer relief. This pain can occur while sleeping, walking, sitting, or just existing. Before we get into the stretches that pregnant women should do, there are a few things to note. 

Relaxin is a hormone in the body and levels increase during pregnancy. This hormone works to relax the cervix and ligaments during delivery. It also lubricates the joints and ligaments of the pelvic, allowing you to overstretch in various activities like yoga. Stretching too much in this way can be dangerous and may cause injury. To avoid injury, do not overstretch or go deeper into poses than you could before pregnancy. If you are worried about stretching or engaging in yoga while pregnant, talk to your doctor to ensure that it is safe for you. If you want to stretch and engage in yoga, the following stretches are great during pregnancy.

Cat Cow

The round ligament runs along the top of each side of the uterus. As the baby grows, so do you, so your center of gravity starts to shift forward. That causes the pelvis to rotate forward, which can increase hip and groin tightness, and cat cow pose can help alleviate this tension. Begin on all fours in a tabletop position, stacking your shoulders over your wrists and hips over your knees. Take a deep breath in and round your back. Hold for three seconds in this “cat” position. Exhale and arch your back slowly, holding for three seconds in “cow” position. Repeat three to five times, taking your time throughout. 

Pigeon Pose

This stretch works to lengthen the outside of the hip and may even relieve sciatic pain, which is very common during pregnancy. This stretch also aims to lengthen the front of the hip. Begin on all fours and bring your right knee in front of you between your arms. Move the right foot to be in line with your left knee. Extend your left leg behind you and rest the top of your left foot on the floor. Shift your bodyweight over the hips and center yourself. You should feel a stretch along your right buttocks and the front of the left hip. Don’t force your body into anything it can’t tolerate. Hold for five deep breaths and then switch sides. 

Butterfly Stretch

This stretch targets the inner thighs and groin and aims to open up your hips. It also works to improve circulation to the lower abdomen, which works to ease bowel movements and fluid retention in the legs. Begin by sitting on the floor with your legs extended in front of you. Place a pillow under your buttocks if you require extra support. Bend your knees, bring your feet together, and allow your knees to fall out to the sides. Make sure to keep the soles of your feet touching. You should feel a stretch along your inner thighs, and you can increase the stretch by gently pushing your knees closer to the ground. Hold this position for 30 seconds. 

Upper Back And Hamstring Stretch

Carrying a baby is a lot of work! This combination stretch works to take the weight off the pelvis and reduce that downward pressure you feel during pregnancy. Begin by standing up straight with your feet hip-distance apart about three feet from a table or chair. Hinge at the hips and place your hands on the table. Sink your buttocks backward and aim to keep your legs straight. If you can, make your torso parallel to the ground. You will feel a stretch that runs along your hamstrings and also your upper back and arms. Hold this stretch for five deep breaths and then return to the starting position. Complete a total of three times for best results. 

Child’s Pose

This is a very simple and relaxing yoga pose that helps to elongate the spine and relieve pressure on the surrounding nerves. Begin on all fours in a tabletop position with your knees slightly wider than hip-width apart. Sink back to rest your buttocks on your heels and reach your hands out until you are in a folded position. You should feel a stretch in the lower back, hips, and upper back. Hold this position for 30 to 60 seconds. If you are in the later stages of pregnancy and feel that your belly is in the way, place a couple pillows under your stomach for support.


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Diabetes And Nerve Damage Fri, 24 Nov 2023 20:00:25 +0000

Diabetes can damage nerves and cause complications.


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Diabetes can damage nerves and cause complications. This is known as neuropathy and symptoms usually begin with the loss of sensation in the toes, and possibly fingers. Treatment includes managing blood sugars.

0:00 Intro
0:43 Diabetes makes your skin weaker and that’s why you get more cuts and sores.
2:18 Tingling or pins and needles in the hands and feet is only from letting them fall asleep.
3:17 Diabetic nerve damage can get bad enough that you don’t notice the gangrene.
6:04 The nerve damage is the only reason cuts on diabetic feet don’t heal.
7:22 Outro


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Feeling On Edge? 7 Ways To Calm Yourself Down Thu, 19 Oct 2023 09:18:00 +0000

If you feel like you need to calm down after being on edge, there are effective ways to quickly relax and regulate the nervous system.


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People may tell you to relax or calm down on occasion, but that doesn’t really do anything except aggravate you. Whether something, someone, your kids, or a work project pushes you over the edge, you may want to know how to calm down in moments of stress. The need to calm down in the moment is much more desirable than a two-week plan to reduce stress. So how do you get rid of that acute stress in the moment? 

Taking a walk, doing yoga, or carving out some quality “me time” are all effective ways to help reduce stress. When you are in a state of high anxiety, the nervous system has already entered the fight-or-flight state. That is why you can’t think straight in those moments, nor can you access common stress-coping skills. What you need to do is calm the body and mind down as quickly as you can. There are various techniques that help the body get back to a parasympathetic (rest and digest) state. Continue reading to learn what those techniques are. 

Take Deep Breaths To Calm The Nervous System

Taking a deep breath seems like such a common piece of advice to calm down. It is one of the essential tools if you want to regulate your emotions, though. Taking a deep breath is one of the simplest and quickest ways to calm down, and it is always accessible to you. When the body is in a fight-or-flight state, it doesn’t receive enough oxygen to calm the nerves. Breathing helps you flood the body with oxygen! Just make sure you breathe in through your nose, expand the lower belly, and exhale fully out of your mouth. 

Watch Some ASMR Videos

A popular trend to reduce anxiety or fall asleep is to watch autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR) videos. In these videos, people crinkle paper, prepare a meal, whisper, scratch, tap, or pitter-patter. The sounds and sensations induce a tingling sensation all over the viewer’s or listener’s scalp and neck. However, not everyone experiences ASMR the same way. Some people have adverse reactions to these videos, or they are annoyed by them. If ASMR helps you calm down in the moment, use it!

Shake It Off

You don’t have to listen to the Taylor Swift song, but shaking it off can help re-balance the nervous system. In fact, animals typically shake their bodies off after encountering a perceived threat. The belief is that shaking your arms and legs vigorously for three seconds buzzes the body and induces relaxation. Alternate between the legs and arms while standing up.

Sit With Stress And Label Intentions

The magnitude of your stress response can take you by storm sometimes. Do you ever go from zero to 100 without warning? When that happens, drop into your body and identify the physical sensations that you experience. Are you tight in certain areas? Do you want to jump out of your skin? Allow these sensations to be there and name them because that will help you connect the mind and body. That will not be easy, but sit with the stress and allow it to flow in and out of your body.

Hover Over Your Stress

Visualize yourself looking down to watch yourself in that moment of high stress. This is something that you can practice because it helps you detach yourself from your stress, which may bring levity to the situation. It isn’t quite dissociative, but it does bring a lightness to the body, creating a tiny opening to realize that you have more control than you realize. That may help prevent you from acting out irrationally. 

Hum To Stimulate The Vagus Nerve

When you hum, you produce a frequency in the mind and body that actually soothes the nervous system. A pilot study from April 2023 found that Bhramari, a breathing practice, improved heart rate variability. The study authors concluded that that technique may be an antidote to stress. Bhramari is a practice, during which you make a humming sound like a bee in the back of your throat. 

Use The Cold To Rest And Digest

Unless you live under a rock, you are probably familiar with the ice bath or polar plunge trend. Sitting in the cold for a few minutes stimulates the vagus nerve, which controls the parasympathetic nervous system. Now, you may not have access to a cold plunge in your moment of high stress. Should you want to calm yourself down quickly, head to a sink and splash cold water on your face. You can also use an ice roller on your neck, and chest, or submerge your face into a bowl of ice water.


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The Best Tips For Healthier Travel Mon, 07 Aug 2023 09:13:00 +0000

Travel can restore your vitality, giving you a new perspective on the world, and these tips make traveling a whole lot healthier for you.


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If there’s one thing that you know about traveling, it’s that food plays a large role. Food in the place(s) you visit can make or break your experience. Because most travel involves hotel stays and different moving elements, your food choices may be hasty and poorly calculated. That means that you may just opt for unhealthier options to reduce the time it takes to find a better eatery. 

When you travel, and summer is a big time for traveling, there are things you can do to stay healthy during your time away. You don’t have to live in the gym or drink kale smoothies every day, but you can prepare yourself better to handle different situations. When you enter your travel with the following tips in mind, your trip will not be as unhealthy as previous trips. 

Wipe Down Your Area On The Plane

There are cleaning crews that quickly clean planes, but you know that they don’t always do the best job. You may find a pretzel, empty bottle, or gunk in and around the seat from time to time. One of the dirtiest places on the plane is the area around your seat: the buckle, the screen in the seatback in front of you, the tray table, and air vent. Data from Travelmath revealed that the average air vent had 285 colony-forming units of bacteria (CFUs), while the buckle had 230 CFUs. For this reason, it can be beneficial to your health to wipe down your seat area with a sanitizing wipe prior to settling in. This is especially beneficial if you have a weaker or sensitive immune system. 

Find the Perishable In Airports

It’s too easy to walk by airport stands, vendors, or kiosks and purchase unhealthy snacks and sugary beverages. They are easy and readily available, but you can also find whole fruits and vegetables in the airports. It just takes a little more searching on your part, but most coffee stands or cafes offer whole fruit options, in most cases. Big hubs often have more food options, including healthier restaurants to choose from between or before flights. The best approach, though, is to bring your own fruits or vegetable snacks. Apples, carrot sticks, celery sticks, and other similar options travel well. 

Go For A Walk When You Land

After sitting on a flight, you may notice that your body is very sore. Airplane seats are not very comfortable to begin with, and the limited position that you are confined to can be uncomfortable as well. After getting off a long flight, health experts recommend that you get moving right away. Not only does a brisk walk loosen up your muscles, but it also helps you familiarize yourself in a new location. Once you arrive at the place where you are staying, head out for a 20-30 minute walk to get fresh air and explore. If you arrive late at night, go for a walk the next morning. 

Have A Game Plan If You’re An Anxious Traveler

If you know that you develop anxiety on planes, you need to have a plan in place before your trip begins. Ideally, have a coping mechanism or technique to calm your anxiety when you feel it coming on. Make sure that you are calm from the start to set yourself up for success. Check in via mobile apps or fill out what you need to do prior to arriving at the airport.

When you enter the airport, turn on your most relaxing playlist to distract your mind from the chaos of the airport. If you feel anxious, try to engage in diaphragmatic breathing to help calm your nerves. If you feel like you are going to have a panic attack, take action. Access to a restroom? Go sit on the toilet, put your head between your knees, and breathe deeply. Go to the sink and splash water in your face and wet behind your neck to pull yourself out of the moment. 

You Can Always Fit In A Workout

No matter the hotel, hostel, or AirBnb, you can always do some sort of exercise. A simple yoga flow in the morning, stretching in the evening, or a series of bodyweight exercises can go a long way. The great thing about bodyweight exercises is that you don’t need a lot of space. Squats, push-ups, chair dips, planks, crunches, and other similar workouts don’t require more space than your body length. If you really want to get your heart rate up, do these exercises back-to-back for high-intensity interval training.


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4 Natural Remedies For Nausea Tue, 01 Aug 2023 09:11:00 +0000

Everyone experiences nausea from time to time. Don’t let it control how you feel! Experiment with these natural remedies for the best relief.


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Nausea affects every single person at one point or another. Whether your nausea stems from pregnancy, acid reflux, motion sickness, or cancer treatment, various natural remedies can offer relief. Just as with over-the-counter medications, you may want to check with your healthcare professional before experimenting with the natural remedies in this article. Certain supplements or at-home remedies may not agree with your current health or medications you may be taking. 

In order to treat nausea, you need to first determine the cause. Without knowledge of the cause, treating it can be quite difficult. Nausea during pregnancy, for example, is often accompanied by vomiting. In fact, seven out of 10 pregnant women experience nausea and vomiting related to pregnancy. Certain home remedies may work better for moms-to-be than someone who gets carsick. We hope the following methods help relieve nausea.


Not only does peppermint have a calming effect, but it may also relax stomach muscles and relieve nausea. Peppermint herb has been used to thwart symptoms of digestive disorders and other conditions since the times of ancient Greece, Egypt, and Rome. The fresh leaves and peppermint essential oil may benefit those who suffer from indigestion and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The reason for this is because peppermint works to ease inflamed tissues and prevent the further growth of unhealthy gut bacteria and microorganisms. Peppermint tea is the most common way to consume this remedy, but iced peppermint tea may provide extra benefit. Experts say that, in addition to the herb’s health properties, the cold may aid nausea reduction.


When you are nauseous, certain scents can either make symptoms go away or make them worse. A drop of peppermint oil under the nose can soothe feelings of nausea, just as other types of aromatherapy can have a similar therapeutic effect. According to research from 2021, inhaling a custom blend of lavender, peppermint, ginger, and lemon essential oils decreased vomiting and postoperative nausea. Many essential oils have health properties that calm the nervous system, which can typically aid with nausea relief. Add peppermint essential oil to a diffuser in order for you to inhale the vapors. 


In China, ginger has been used to treat digestive pain and issues for more than 2,000 years. How ginger eases nausea isn’t exactly clear, but researchers believe that the active components (gingerols and shogaols) directly affect the central nervous system and digestive system. A scientific paper from 2020 examined 13 previous studies involving 1,174 participants. The paper concluded that ginger was able to significantly reduce nausea compared to a placebo. More research found that ginger was effective at reducing the possibility of acute chemotherapy-induced vomiting in cancerous patients. Ginger tea is a common way to consume this remedy, but many people also enjoy the candied form of ginger, especially for nausea due to motion sickness. 


Acupuncture is the practice of stimulating pressure points throughout the body to alleviate pain. It has been a practice in East Asian medicine for thousands of years, and it involves inserting thin needles into the skin at specific pressure points. Many scientists believe that acupuncture works because the needles stimulate certain nerves in the body. Those nerves send signals to the brain to release hormones that reduce feelings of nausea and pain. Acupuncture may help relieve morning sickness or mild nausea. In one study that involved 134 people with advanced cancer, acupuncture was a supporting therapy that helped alleviate vomiting and nausea that resulted from chemotherapy.


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Dherbs Nerves Cleanse Mon, 19 Jan 2015 07:10:33 +0000

Nerves Cleanse - 20 day cleanse that addresses the central nervous system that help to promote happiness and motivation in life.


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Nerves Cleanse – 20 day cleanse that addresses the central nervous system that help to promote happiness and motivation in life.

  • 20 day cleanse that nourish and rejuvenate the central nervous system
  • Helps to provide a state of relaxation, ease of mind, and peak health
  • Helps ease tension in the neuromuscular system
  • Helps provide better quality sleep
  • Promotes vivid dreams and improved dream recall
  • Works to assist in release of unnecessary weight
  • Helps provide mental clarity and sharpness
  • Supports new inspiration and motivation


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Dherbs Nerve Formula Wed, 04 Dec 2013 20:22:07 +0000

Nerve Formula is an herbal supplement intended to help maintain a healthy nervous system in the body.


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Nerve Formula is an herbal supplement intended to help maintain a healthy nervous system in the body.


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Time To Relax: 6 Herbs To Calm Your Anxious Mind Thu, 11 Feb 2021 18:51:00 +0000

Trying to avoid the unwanted side effects of anti-anxiety medication? Here are six herbs that can help you calm your anxious mind.


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If you have anxiety, any day has the potential to turn into a panicked state of unrest. With all that is going on nowadays, it’s easy for internal emotions to run amok and cause you to spiral out of control. It’s easy to label these times as “stressful,” and that people live in a uniform state of stress. This leads to adrenal fatigue and hormonal imbalance, which is a recipe for disaster if you are prone to anxiety or depression.

There’s no way to magically escape the times we live in, but you do have the opportunity to take control of your own life. When you make a constant effort to control your stress and the way you handle things, it’s much easier to manage anxiety levels. Don’t let the world dictate your life. You have the power to direct your focus wherever you want. Instead of focusing on the negatives, change your outlook to focus on the positives in your life.

For those times when willpower is not strong enough to manage stress, you can turn to herbs to help calm your anxious mind. This article explores six different herbs that can help ease your anxiety. We detail the herbs below, so keep reading to learn more about how they can benefit your anxiety. 

6 Herbs To Calm An Anxious Mind


The valerian plant is native to Asia and Europe, and it has historical use as a sleep remedy. Some cultures used valerian teas or tinctures to help reduce depression and anxiety systems. Because there are very few studies on valerian, the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) concluded that more research is necessary to determine if it can alleviate anxiety symptoms. That said, it does have mild sedative properties that make it beneficial for healthier sleep. The NCCIH notes that pregnant women and nursing mothers avoid this herb.


Similar to rose, hawthorn is a calming herb that comes in handy if you experience high stress levels. Many cultures use hawthorn to help manage sadness, depression, or general grief. A 2004 study found that that combining hawthorn, California, poppy, and magnesium helped to treat mild anxiety disorders. Hawthorn helps to relieve emotional and physical stress because it has a relaxing effect on the central nervous system. 


There are about 550 species of passionflower, but the P. incarnata species proves to be most effective against nervousness and anxiety. The flavonoids and alkaloids in passionflower actually interact with gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), a naturally occurring amino acid that regulates fear response. This interaction helps to dampen your body’s alarm system, helping it relax the body as opposed to heightening the senses. In one study, researchers monitored 40 dental patients prior to surgery. They all took 260 milligrams (mg) of passionflower a half-hour prior to surgery. The herb helped to reduce anxiety and heart rate as effectively as a pharmaceutical sedative. 


Adaptogens are very special because they affect the body’s hormones and systems to regulate stress response. Ashwagandha has a long history of use in Ayurvedic healing practices, but it has become popular in recent years. A 2019 clinical study examined ashwagandha’s effects on stress and anxiety. This eight-week study monitored 58 participants with stress. Each patient randomly took either a placebo, a 250 mg dose of ashwagandha, or a 600 mg dose of ashwagandha. The group that took the 600 mg dose reported a significant decrease in stress levels, while the other two groups didn’t notice a difference. 


Did you know that about one million cups of chamomile tea get consumed worldwide every day? Chamomile is a popular herb that has undergone extensive studies to observe its health benefits. Chamomile contains flavonoids that work to influence GABA, but it also has other calming compounds like apigenen. You can consume chamomile tea to help calm moderate stress, but recent research suggests it may help to relieve higher stress and anxiety levels. In 2016, people with general anxiety disorder took 500 mg of chamomile three times daily for two months. More than 50% of the group reported a significant decrease in anxiety symptoms. 

Galphina glauca

Native to Mexico, Galphina glauca is a plant species that has been traditionally used as a mild tranquilizer. A clinical trial in 2012 examined Galphina glauca for it’s potential to become a treatment for general anxiety disorder. Participants in the trial randomly received either Galphina glauca or prescription anti-anxiety medication, lorazepam, for 12 weeks. The findings indicated that Galphina glauca helped reduce anxiety symptoms better than lorazepam. 


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8 Important Health Benefits Of Cayenne Pepper Thu, 28 May 2020 08:57:00 +0000

We’ve all used it or heard about it, but do you know how beneficial this spice is for your health? Find out why cayenne is the king of medicinal herbs.


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Some people buy cayenne pepper for their spice drawer and only use it sparingly, while others enjoy the heat and can’t imagine life without it. Before cayenne pepper was just another spice in the drawer, though, many cultures in China and the Americas used it therapeutically. In fact, the medicinal properties of cayenne have helped treat a variety of ailments for thousands of years.

What Is Cayenne Pepper?

Cayenne pepper is a bush that originated in Central and South America, but it is now grown around the world in tropical and subtropical climates. The plant grows long hollow fruit that turn red, orange, or yellow when ripe. These are cayenne chili peppers, which are commonly dried and turned into powder. Some people use it in creams, season food with it, or ingest it in capsule form to reap the detoxifying properties. It helps to soothe upset stomach, stop diarrhea, reduce the severity of cramps, and improve circulation.

What Makes Cayenne Pepper Special?

Almost all of cayenne pepper’s benefits are attributed to capsaicin, a powerful compound in cayenne pepper. It binds to a vanilloid receptor, known as TRPV1, and triggers a mild inflammatory reaction to repair injured cells. Capsaicin is also responsible for the intense heat. The more capsaicin a pepper has, the hotter it is.

8 Benefits Of Cayenne Pepper

Great For Headaches

Cayenne pepper has the ability to stimulate pain response in a different area of the body, which can divert the brain’s attention to the new site. For this reason, researchers say that cayenne helps to reduce headache pain. When you consume cayenne the brain has an initial pain reaction that depletes nerve fibers of substance P (the pain chemical). Cayenne tricks your body into thinking that there is other pain besides the headache, which reduces headache pain.

It May Reduce Blood Pressure

According to global statistics, roughly 40% adults over the age of 25 have high blood pressure. The results from some animal studies show that capsaicin may reduce high blood pressure. One study, which involved mice with high blood pressure, found that daily consumption of capsaicin helped reduce blood pressure. Another study determined that capsaicin relaxed blood vessels in pigs, and ultimately lowered blood pressure. These results are based on animal studies, though, not humans.

Detox Support

Cayenne pepper works to stimulate the circulatory system and increase the digestive and lymphatic rhythm. It also helps to heat the body, which stimulates the natural detoxification process. Most people sweat after consuming cayenne pepper, and that is another process of detoxification. Add cayenne to lemon juice and raw honey and drink this in the morning to start your detox.

Great For Digestion

As previously mentioned, cayenne helps to stimulate digestive rhythms, but it also stimulates saliva production, which is necessary for healthy digestion. Additionally, cayenne pepper stimulates the production of gastric juices, which help the body metabolize food and toxins.

Nerve And Joint Pain Relief

Capsaicin is an ingredient in many creams or salves that promise pain relief. Topical application of cayenne helps to reduce substance P, the chemical that carries pain messages to the brain. By suppressing this chemical, you feel less pain. Many studies found that cayenne pepper relieved pain after surgeries, including amputation and mastectomy. If you experience nerve damage or joint pain, apply a salve that contains cayenne to the affected area to relieve pain.

Resists Harmful Organisms

What does it mean to resist harmful organisms? Well, cayenne pepper helps to increase the body’s defense against harmful organisms that enter the body. In vitro tests found that CAY-1, a compound in cayenne pepper, suppressed the growth of 16 different fungal strains. What’s more impressive is that it did so without damaging healthy cells.

It May Improve Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a skin condition that occurs when skin cells replicate too quickly, resulting in swollen patches under the skin. Scaly patches result from inflammation and excessive skin production. According to two trials, applying 0.025% capsaicin cream topically reduced inflammation and itchiness. Another study found that capsaicin cream reduced scaling and redness in 44 patients over a six-week period.

Great For Cold And Flu

Cayenne pepper is rich in beta-carotene and other antioxidants that enhance immune function. It also works to break up mucus and dislodge hardened mucus, which can shorten the duration of a cold or flu. As previously mentioned in this article, cayenne pepper helps to raise body temperature and induce sweating. This activates the immune system to help you kick that cold or flu.


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