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Menopause is a natural part of every woman’s life. What happens after can be concerning. Read more to learn about potential health risks.


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For every woman, menopause is a significant time that involves a series of physiological changes. The series of symptoms or changes can vary before, during, or after a woman experiences menopause. The age at which menopause occurs will depend on multiple factors. Race, prior ovulations, lifestyle habits, socioeconomic status, and prior surgeries all influence the onset of menopause. 

What Is Post-Menopause?

Menopause marks the cessation of a woman’s menstrual cycle, and post-menopause is the stage after a woman has not had her period for a year or longer. During this stage, a woman has an increased risk of various health complications. The hormones that regulate menstrual cycle also play other roles in the body. The imbalance of these hormones can lower or diminish the body’s defenses. For example, post-menopausal women have an increased risk of osteoporosis, heart disease, stroke, and several other conditions. 

Estrogen levels drop significantly in a woman’s post-menopausal years. During menopause, estrogen fluctuates at a wild rate, but levels don’t drop like they do during post-menopause. In addition to estrogen plummets, a post-menopausal woman can experience higher triglyceride, LDL (bad) cholesterol, and blood pressure levels. It’s good to be mindful of this if you want to combat these bodily changes. Learn more about potential post-menopausal health risks below. 


Osteoporosis is the most common worry for women, as it’s possible to lose 25% of bone density after menopause. A 2017 study confirmed that women are four times as likely as men to develop the condition. Osteoporosis is a condition that causes bones to thin and the change in bone density can increase the risk of bone fractures. The most common areas that experience fractures or breaks include the hips, wrists, and spine. It’s wise to make lifestyle adjustment to get ahead of the condition, and you can speak to your doctor or nutritionist about the right steps to take. 

Weight Gain

This may not seem like a health risk, but an inability to control weight can lead to other, more serious conditions. The altered hormone levels negatively impact a woman’s metabolism, which can cause the body to easily gain fat. It’s also common for a woman with a slower metabolism to lose lean tissue mass as well. Menopausal belly fat can be more serious than an eyesore. More fat around the midsection increases the risk of type 2 diabetes, and a recent study found that it also increases the risk of heart disease. If you need help losing that menopausal muffin top, click here

Urinary Incontinence

The tissues in the urethra and bladder contain estrogen and progesterone receptors. The tissues are naturally thickened by both of those hormones. When those levels drop after menopause, the tissues become thin and weak. This is why post-menopausal women can commonly experience urinary incontinence. Stress-related urinary incontinence is quite common, and it can occur when sneezing, coughing, or during physical activity. Some research, however, states that urinary incontinence is more of an age-related problem than a post-menopausal issue. That being said, many researchers claim that estrogen plays a role in urinary incontinence. 

Cardiovascular Disease

It’s common for women to think that breast cancer is the biggest threat to their health, but life after menopause involves a serious risk of cardiovascular disease. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), about one-third of women develop cardiovascular disease. The risk of heart attack increases for women about a decade after menopause. One of the primary reasons for this is because estrogen levels drop. Estrogen maintains blood vessel flexibility, helping vessels contract and expand to aid optimal blood flow. This flexibility diminishes post-menopause, which can cause a rise in blood pressure and thicker arterial walls. You can take control of this by following a heart-healthy diet, quitting smoking, and exercising regularly.

Urinary Tract Infection

The decline of estrogen after menopause can cause vaginal tissue to become dry and thin. This occurrence can make it easier for bacteria to thrive, which increases the risk of urinary tract infection (UTI). Ultimately, a woman’s risk of a UTI will depend on individual lifestyle factors. A 2019 study found that the risk of UTI doubled for women over age 65, and 10% of post-menopausal women reported a UTI within the past year. While UTIs naturally increase with age, overall health can increase or decrease the risk of getting one.


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Menopausal Muffin Top: How To Lose Weight During Menopause Sun, 18 Jul 2021 09:08:00 +0000

How do you lose weight during menopause? Learn how to with the battle against weight gain that commonly occurs for middle-aged women.


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Often times, it seems like the unwritten agreement of aging is that your waistline expands. Some people maintain their figure into old age, only wavering 10 pounds from their lifetime weight. For women, however, weight gain is especially common during or after menopause. Body fat seems to shift to the abdomen, creating the fabled menopausal muffin top. 

If you are a woman in your mid-40s to mid-60s, it’s common to dedicate your time to diet and exercise without experiencing weight loss. The fat seems to cling to your body! Menstrual cycles end around perimenopause and menopause, which causes estrogen levels to drop. Additionally, levels of circulating androgens increase, which contributes to weight gain. The body, then, redistributes fat from the hips, buttocks, and thighs to the abdomen. The hips, buttocks, and thighs commonly have more fat because it is fuel reserve for breastfeeding. 

Is There Harm To Menopausal Weight Gain? 

Unfortunately, there is a downside to menopausal weight gain that outweighs the self-conscious feelings that come with it. Too much fat around the midsection creates visceral fat, which goes deeper than the abdomen. Visceral fat is toxic fat because it can cause inflammation in the body, which increases the risk for diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Additional research found that excess visceral fat increases the risk of premature death, regardless of overall weight. Some studies found that women with normal body mass index (BMI) and a larger waistline had an increased risk of dying from cardiovascular disease. 

Despite the common belief, it is possible to lose weight during menopause. It may take some trial and error to find the right method, but it is possible. Use the following tips to help manage that menopausal muffin top. 

The Mediterranean Diet

Proper nutrition plays an integral role in preventing myriad health conditions and weight gain. Not only can a healthy diet improve physical health, but it can also enhance mental health, emotional health, and overall well-being. Several studies examined the efficacy of the Mediterranean diet for weight loss during menopause. Participants in these studies consumed whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, herbs, olive oil, and a low amount of eggs and animal fats. The results indicated that the Mediterranean diet improved metabolic and cardiovascular function. Additionally, women lost some weight, but weight loss differed depending on level of aerobic activity.

Avoid Excess Snack Consumption

Nuts, alcohol, snack foods, and keto treats can increase fat storage in menopausal women. Foods and beverages with little to no nutrition and lots of calories are bad news for women going through menopause. Low-carb keto snacks, nuts, fat bombs, MCT oil, and keto desserts are all rich in fat. They may fill you up and reduce cravings, but they also make it harder to burn the fat and calories you get from consuming them. Try to avoid snacking with these types of foods between meals to keep belly fat at bay

Resistance Training

It’s not all about cardio if your goal is to lose weight during menopause. Resistance training is more important than ever! Use weights or bands to preserve or increase lean muscle mass, which typically declines when the body undergoes big hormonal changes. Focus on more repetitions with lighter weight to reduce abdominal fat. This also encourages healthier muscle and bone function. Make sure to incorporate some aerobic exercise with your resistance workouts to establish a well-rounded approach to weight loss. Bid goodbye to your love handles when you incorporate hiking, interval training, swimming, and even yoga into your routine.

Get Quality Restful Sleep

Menopausal women notoriously experience night sweats, stress, and hot flashes that cause restless nights of sleep. Consecutive nights of poor sleep are just as bad as regularly eating junk food. When the body is sleep-deprived, ghrelin levels increase in the blood. Ghrelin is the “hunger hormone,” which can cause unhealthy cravings, especially midnight snacking. When you experience quality sleep, you experience higher levels of leptin, also known as “the satiety hormone.” If you aren’t sleeping well, weight loss will be incredibly difficult. 

When You Can, Stand

Movement means that the body burns more calories. Standing won’t yield the same “drenched in sweat” look that a HIIT workout does, but it does counteract the effects of sitting. Prolonged sitting can lead to higher levels of abdominal fat, and the accumulation of fat around certain organs. If you like to binge-watch TV shows, walk on the treadmill or use an elliptical while you watch. Place a stepper in the living room so you can move while enjoying your favorite show. You can also take a walk during a phone call or park farther away from where you need to go so you can walk more. Little adjustments can make all the difference in your weight loss efforts. Lastly, consider using a standing desk because studies show that standing while working can increase the amount of calories burned per day. 


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Melt Away Your Muffin Top With These 6 Exercises Tue, 09 Jun 2020 09:08:00 +0000

Blast away your muffin top with exercises that target your core from every angle. Say goodbye to a flabby waist with these 7 exercises.


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Muffin tops used to be viewed in a positive light. They were the golden-brown, firmest parts of the muffin that were utterly delicious and addictive. Nowadays, a muffin top represents the fat that hangs over your waistband, be it in the stomach region, sides, or even that fat that creeps over the back of your pants. Since you can’t successfully tuck it all away in flattering attire, there’s only one way to get rid of it: the combination of diet and exercise.

Exercises that strengthen the core are wonderful, but they won’t yield the results you want unless you change your eating habits. Diet and exercise go hand in hand, and you can’t out exercise a poor diet. In addition to maintaining a healthy diet and engaging in core workouts, cardiovascular exercise is a must. Don’t try to spot-reduce; rather, the goal should be to spot-sculpt. Get rid of excess fat through diet and cardio workouts, and then add in the following core workouts to sculpt that midsection.

Hip Bridge

This exercise works to target your glutes, hamstrings, and lower back muscles. If you decide to extend one leg up toward the ceiling to increase difficulty, you’ll activate those lower back muscles even more to help get rid of back fat. Lie flat on your back with your feet flat and knees bent. Keep your arms by your sides as you lift your hips toward the sky. Engage your core and hold for three seconds. Lower your back onto the floor and then repeat to finish your reps. Complete three sets of 15 reps.

Hip Dips

Are you ready for those obliques to burn? These are great for toning the entire waistline! Lie down on your right side and plant your right forearm firmly beneath your shoulder. Extend your legs out, resting your left leg on top of your right. Press yourself up into a side plank and then dip back to the ground. Complete three sets of 12 reps per side.

Bicycle Crunches

This is one of the most effective exercises to target your entire abdominal area. You can almost feel the muffin top melt away with every set. Lie down on your back and place your hands behind your head to support your neck. Extend your right leg out and bend your left leg. Bring your right elbow to your left knee. Once you do this, extend your left leg out and twist to bring your left elbow to your right knee as you bend it. This should be done in one fluid motion, as though you are riding a bike. Keep alternating for 30 seconds. Repeat two more times.

Mountain Climbers

Your abdominal area cannot just be thought of as your abs. You have to tone your entire midsection to get rid of that muffin top, often times incorporating aerobics into your abdominal workouts. Mountain climbers do just that! Start in a plank position with your arms fully extended and hands planted firmly on the ground beneath your shoulders. Bring your right knee between your arms, quickly extend it back, and then bring your left knee between your arms. Keep alternative for 30 seconds. Repeat two more times.


You have to tighten the lower back muscles for a full-fledged core workout. This is a great prone position (face down) to counteract the supine (face up) ab workouts in this article. Lie face down on the floor and extend your arms above your head. Tighten your core and glutes to lift your legs and arms off the ground. The goal is to look like Superman in flight. Hold for 20 seconds and then drop back down to rest for 20 seconds. Repeat two more times.


Let’s keep toning those abdominal muscles by continuing with crunches. This is an exercise to really help you develop that washboard. Lie flat on your back with your feet on the ground and knees bent. Place your hands behind your head, but don’t pull your head up with your hands. Engage your core and use those muscles to lift your head off the ground. Complete two sets of 10-20 reps, depending on your level of fitness.


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5 Yoga Poses To Get Rid Of Belly Bloat Sat, 07 Mar 2020 09:12:00 +0000

Have you ever woken up to the feeling of being horribly bloated? You are not alone. This yoga sequence can help you get rid of belly bloat.


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There are days when you wake up and feel slimmer and lighter than a feather, and then there are days when you wake up feeling inflated. You look down at your stomach and just have to look away, feeling ashamed of the bloat. Rather than resorting to chemical “anti-bloat” supplements that seldom work, there are several yoga positions that can help you naturally de-bloat.

Before we get into the yoga poses, you need to understand that specific foods can assist with the de-bloating process. While certain foods make you feel bloated, others can do the opposite. Many people are unaware of foods that make them feel bloated, which is why it can be beneficial to do a food sensitivity test. This may help you identify the culprits that make you bloated. Some of the best anti-bloating foods include:

  • Fennel seeds
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Green tea
  • Kimchi
  • Fermented vegetables
  • Melons
  • Cucumber
  • Strawberries
  • Broccoli
  • Almonds
  • Asparagus
  • Ginger
  • Steel cut oats
  • Apples

If the above foods aren’t doing the trick, engage in the following yoga poses to help decrease bloating.

Standing Forward Fold

Is that little muffin top larger than normal? A few forward folds will help to stimulate intestinal movement and assist with moving stool through the digestive tract. Start by standing straight up with your feet hip-distance apart. Slowly fold forward, hinging at the hips, and then round your back to hang your arms and head down. It’s okay if you can’t touch the floor. You can support yourself by placing your hands on your legs, or resting them on a chair that you place in front of you. Hold this pose for 10 seconds before rising back up. Repeat two more times.

Child’s Pose

When you collapse on the digestive system, you help to massage your intestines. If you feel uncomfortable or extremely bloated, this pose may provide relief. Kneel on the floor and relax onto your heels. Widen your knees so they are facing outwards, and the insides of your big toes are touching. Lean forward and extend your arms out onto the ground above your head. Remain here as long as you need.

Seated Twist

Twisting poses are some of the best natural ways to get rid of stubborn belly bloat. Your intestines will thank you as you wring them out, so to speak, because they sit stagnant all day. To perform this pose, sit on your buttocks and extend your legs out in front of you. Bend your right leg and place your right foot flat on the ground next to the inside of your left knee. Reach your left hand across your right thigh and use it as a brace as you twist. Support yourself with your right hand on the ground behind you. Don’t twist hard because you only need to twist slightly for this pose to be effective. Hold this pose for 20 seconds and then repeat on the other side.

Triangle Pose

Not only does this help to stretch your hamstrings and groin, but it is also a great pose to relieve intestinal stress. It has been known to encourage bowel movements, so you may need to head to the restroom shortly after this pose. Stand straight up and extend your right leg forward, keeping your foot facing forward. Turn your left food out to a 45-degree angle. Your legs should form a triangle. Slowly reach your right hand toward your right ankle and open your body to the left, extending your left arm up to the ceiling. If you can’t reach your foot, then support yourself on your shin, knee, or thigh. Hold this pose for 20 seconds before repeating on the other side.

Cat/Cow Pose

There’s nothing wrong with adding more movement to the abdominal area, especially when you’re bloated. The goal is to move things through the digestive tract, and this pose can help with that. Start in a tabletop position, with your hands on the ground beneath your shoulders and your knees beneath your hips. Start by rounding your back, dropping your head down and engaging your buttocks to tuck your tail bone toward your head. Hold this for a second before arching your back, extending your head back. Do at least 10 repetitions of this pose.


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We Are Obsessed With This Flat Tummy Ginger Tea Wed, 31 Oct 2018 17:45:57 +0000

Sometimes we come across an all-natural treatment that is truly amazing. This is one of the better ones, and you need it like yesterday.


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Sometimes it can seem like getting rid of belly fat is damn near impossible. That is why we are so excited about this flat tummy tea! The ingredients in this tea have been proven to combat belly fat and provide the body with other benefits like decreased cancer risk, better metabolism, and overall body detoxification.

The body has the ability to naturally cleanse itself, but this can be difficult in the world we live in. Free radical damage, environmental pollution, alcohol, daily stress, and poor eating habits make it hard for the body to naturally cleanse itself. This can lead to obesity, heart disease, various cancers, and other digestive diseases. A lot of people have problems with belly fat because they have poorly functioning digestive systems, which can cause 10-20 pounds of waste to build up in the digestive tract.

Like the many detox waters that help you feel full and combat the stressors of everyday life, this flat tummy tea helps get rid of cravings. Additionally, drinking this tea can help you naturally flush toxins from your body and reduce overall inflammation. Decreased inflammation can lead to less stomach distress, a calmer body, and less bloating.

We are tired of keeping this recipe from you so look at the ingredients and instructions below to combat that belly fat!


  • 8 ounces of water
  • 1 tablespoon freshly grated ginger
  • 1 tablespoon freshly grated turmeric
  • Juice from 1 lemon


  • Start boiling the water and add the grated turmeric and ginger to a tea strainer. Place the tea strainer in a mug.
  • Once the water finishes boiling, pour it into the mug and let the tea steep for about 5 minutes.
  • Remove the tea strainer and squeeze the lemon into the mug and stir. You can add stevia to naturally sweeten the tea. You can save the tea strainer for one more use later.
  • It is best to drink this tea about 30 minutes before each meal.


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Yoga Poses To Help You Lose Belly Fat Wed, 13 Dec 2017 18:20:46 +0000

Yoga is all about engaging your core muscles. Do these poses every day and you could get rid of some belly fat in just one week.


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Whether you have a muffin top, extra love around the mid-section, unwanted rolls, or whatever you want to call it, nobody likes having belly fat. While fat plays a role in the body, having an excess amount of fat is not beneficial to your health. Too much fat can inhibit proper organ function and can hinder one’s overall health.

How Yoga Can Help

Yoga is a natural stress-relieving exercise that works to promote healthy circulation in the body. Breathing is one of the most important aspects of yoga, but so is engaging your core. A lot of people try to use other muscle groups for poses that require core muscles, and they end up doing the poses incorrectly. Follow the short yoga video below once a day to help get rid of belly fat in one week.


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An Exercise Routine To Help Reduce Side Fat Sat, 03 Mar 2018 12:15:42 +0000

Trying to get rid of side or abdominal fat? This is the exercise routine you need to tighten those muscles and get rid of excess weight.


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People love to hate muffin tops and love handles; that’s just the way it is. They can be hard to get rid of, especially if you aren’t doing the right exercises. It is very desirable to have a toned midsection, and you need to do a combination of different workouts in order to make that goal a reality.

It is near impossible to reduce fat in one small area of the body. You typically lose weight from a general area or several areas in the body. A person with one body type may lose fat around the middle quicker than someone with a different body type. It is all about finding a regimen that works for you.

To help you get rid of side fat, we have a great exercise routine that works to tone your abdominal obliques, the muscles under the fat. Don’t rely solely on this routine to get rid of side fat. It is beneficial for you to consistently do cardiovascular exercises to lessen the fat around your midsection.

Side Plank Hip Dips

This exercise helps to strengthen your core and really works your obliques. It is best to do these on a yoga mat or cushioned surface so that you aren’t putting stress on your elbow. Complete 15 reps on each side for three sets. See the video below for instructions.

Side Bend With Dumbbells

It is very easy to do this exercise incorrectly. You want to ensure that you are targeting the right muscle groups, so make sure that your movements are controlled. Do 12 reps on each side for three sets. See the video below for instructions.

Side Crunches

One of the best things you can do to strengthen your sides is to hold the contraction for one second at the eccentric portion of the exercise. Do 15 of these crunches on each side for three sets. See the video below for instructions.

Heel Touches

This is a very easy oblique exercise. If you are ever lying on the ground and want to get a quick workout in, these will be your go-to! See the video below for instructions.

Russian Twists

You don’t want to rush this exercise, especially if you have a sensitive back. This exercise really tones your entire midsection. When you twist to either you side, that is when you feel the burn in your obliques! See the video below for instructions.

Oblique V-Ups

This is one of the best exercises to target the obliques. This exercise works on strengthening your core, while simultaneously increasing mobility in the hips and lower back. See the video below for instructions.

You can do this exercise routine once or twice a day. This workout will help you strengthen your obliques, but it is integral for you to also do cardio to help get rid of side fat. Let us know how you liked the workout in the comments below.


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These 3 Drinks Can Help Flatten Your Stomach Tue, 30 Jan 2018 12:00:12 +0000

Consuming ingredients that help flush fat from your body is one of the best ways to achieve weight loss goals. Try these drinks and see.


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The body has the ability to naturally cleanse itself, but this can be difficult in the world we live in. Free radical damage, environmental pollution, alcohol, daily stress, and poor eating habits make it hard for the body to naturally cleanse itself. This can lead to obesity, heart disease, various cancers, and other digestive diseases. A lot of people have problems with belly fat because they have poorly functioning digestive systems, which can cause 10-20 pounds of waste to build up in the digestive tract.

One of the worst things about belly fat, aside from the fact that it can make you self-conscious about your appearance, is that it can cause a variety of health problems. In fact, studies have shown that increased fat content around the abdomen can increase a person’s risk of type 2 diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and sleep disorders.

If you want to help flush the fat from your midsection, you need the following recipes. As always, exercising several times a week and consuming a healthy, plant-based diet will help you achieve optimal results from the ingredients in these drinks. Let us know how these recipes work for you.

Flat Belly Juice


This juice is filled with water-rich produce items, which help to flush fluid from your body, specifically your abdominal area. It not only benefits you, but it tastes great too!

Click here to make the recipe.

Evening Belly Fat Burning Drink


The pineapple-lemon duo helps to melt the excess fat accumulated in the stomach area. The antioxidants and enzymes aid the fat burning process and improve the way you look by helping you get a flatter and firmer stomach.

Click here to make the recipe.

Flat Tummy Water


The ingredients in this water help you to naturally get rid of belly fat. If you keep drinking this, in combination with some cardiovascular exercise, you’ll be well on your way to a flatter stomach.

Click here to make the recipe.


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Eat These 5 Vegetables To Kill Belly Fat Thu, 02 Mar 2017 15:45:24 +0000

Want to get rid of unwanted belly fat? Eating these foods can put you on a healthier path by combating the fat you have in your stomach.


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Whether you have a muffin top, extra love around the mid-section, unwanted rolls, or whatever you want to call it, nobody likes having belly fat. Belly fat is like the stubborn relative that won’t leave you alone. Since there isn’t an array of abdominal exercises, what you eat can influence how big or small your belly is.

While fat plays a role in the body, having an excess amount of fat is not beneficial to your health. Too much fat can inhibit proper organ function and can hinder one’s overall health. Even though people packed on the pounds years ago before the cold winter months, they were farming or doing other manual labor to burn that fat off. That was before heaters, people. Packing on the pounds nowadays only puts your future in jeopardy.

There are certain foods that actually help get rid of belly fat. While cardiovascular exercise (40 minutes a day, 5 days a week) is always recommended when trying to meet weight loss goals, eating fat-burning foods can only benefit you. The foods below have essential vitamins and minerals that actually break up belly fat. Eat these foods in their raw form for best results.

1#: Cucumber

Because cucumber contains so much water, it helps you feel full and eliminate cravings. A great snack between meals is some cucumber slices with a glass of water. You’ll be hydrated, satiated, and the cucumber helps flush toxins from your body.

#2: Tomatoes

Tomatoes are rich in both calcium and vitamin C, which is an essential antioxidant that helps fight free radicals in the body. When you eat vitamin C and calcium together, however, they attack the fat around your mid-section.

#3: Chilies

Chili peppers have more vitamin C than oranges and can actually help stabilize blood sugar levels, which can reduce unhealthy cravings. Another reason to eat chili peppers is that they contain capsaicin, which helps to burn calories.

#4: Leafy Greens

Broccoli, spinach, arugula, kale, romaine lettuce, and chard should all be in your diet. They have essential nutrients that keep your bones strong, and the best part is that they are very low in calories, which means you can feel full without piling on the calories. These are also rich in fiber, which boosts the metabolism and healthy digestion.

#5: Beans

Beans are rich in fiber and they are a great source of protein for plant-based eaters. The high fiber content can help clean toxic waste from the digestive tract, and healthy digestion is crucial for weight loss.

In addition to eating these foods, it is beneficial to eat fruits like papaya or pineapple to get healthy enzymes that aid with healthy digestion. You may also want to eat probiotic foods to stimulate healthy gut flora. The more healthy bacteria you have, the less fat you have. Great probiotics include kimchi, kombucha, sauerkraut, or fermented vegetables.

Try to abide by the “150 per week” rule. 150 minutes of exercise per week is required to get rid of belly fat. If you exercise for about 20 minutes a day, try to do interval training, which uses high-intensity workouts to engage the entire body.

Finally, avoid fatty foods. Sodas, fried foods, or heavily salted foods make your body retain water, which can make you feel bloated. Chew your food thoroughly and try not to chew gum because this causes you to intake excess air.


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