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Embrace the back-to-school life by getting your kids involved! Kids are excited and filled with emotions, but you can mitigate their jitters.


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Back-to-school season tends to bring about mixed emotions. Parents are eager for their kids to get back into a routine and kids may feel excited to reunite with friends. It’s also possible to feel a little sad about saying goodbye to the good times of summer. That is true for family members of any age, not just the kids.

Many children also experience back-to-school jitters. Perhaps they are worried about what the school year will bring or how they will fit in. Parents may wonder how to calm those nerves and help their children better navigate this busy time in their lives. In an effort to mitigate those back-to-school jitters, you can get your kids involved in various processes. Asking them to participate in various tasks can help distract them and increase their responsibility requirements. Here are a few ways to prep tips as kids head into the school year. 

Create Family Mindfulness Routines 

Most parents will say that one of the biggest back-to-school adjustments is reestablishing healthy morning and bedtime routines. There is no secret code that unlocks the perfect bedtime or morning routine for every child. One way to incorporate the whole family is to work together to find mindfulness routines that everyone can practice. In the morning, for example, consider reciting a daily affirmation that encourages positive thinking and confidence. Affirmations can help children face tough challenges that they may encounter at school. In the evening, engage in a shared gratitude practice, during which everyone shares one thing they are grateful for. 

Allow Children To Craft Grocery Lists And Help Meal Plan

Whether you have kids or not, grocery shopping is something you must do. Kids can help make grocery lists, restock the pantry or fridge after a grocery run, and write down when things are running low. Take that a step further by involving your kids in meal planning. Come up with a weekly calendar of meals and talk about what you will need to buy for certain meals. You will also need to include snacks and treats that everyone can enjoy. Consider trail mix without chocolate or carrot sticks with hummus. Plus, getting everyone involved with grocery planning can help your kids later in life when they have to shop for themselves. 

Let Kids Pack Their Own Lunches

Take a chore off your morning to-do list by allowing your kids to pack their own lunches. If they are too young to make lunches, let them help place the contents inside their lunch boxes. Giving your children a sense of autonomy over chores is essential for growth and development. They will also learn how the food they pack can help fuel their bodies. To make this process easier, give them a checklist of foods to include. Break it down into protein, vegetables, fruits, and treats. Work with them to help better educate them about healthy food choices

Get Out And Explore

One of the reasons that the back-to-school transition proves difficult for kids is because they spend less time outdoors. They are in classrooms all day with a small break for recess. Take them out to walk the dog in the evening or plan small bike rides to the local park. Exposing children to natural light after school can help boost their mood and encourage better sleep at night. You can also plan more elaborate weekend excursions, such as hikes, picnics, beach days, and scavenger hunts. Involve the kids in these plans by having them help pack the essentials for your excursions the night before. 

Create New Family Traditions

The start of the new school year is a time of change. Kids and families can find it very disorientating, but you can help develop new routines that your kids can look forward to. Weekly traditions for the family can be very exciting. Perhaps one plan is a weekly dinner where kids get to plan pizza toppings. Another idea is to have one family member pick a game to play on the weekend. Maybe you have a movie night at home with theater-inspired concessions. The possibilities are endless!


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Is Your Body Begging You For Electrolytes? Sat, 20 Jul 2024 09:15:00 +0000

Why are you so thirsty in the afternoon after a tough workout? Pay attention to your body’s cues and always replenish electrolytes.


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When you sweat, the body loses the fluid that keeps it hydrated. In addition to losing water, the body also loses electrolytes, putting you at risk of dehydration. To avoid dehydration, you have to continually replenish fluids as you sweat them out. Water is an obvious solution, but enhancing your beverage intake with electrolytes is even better. 

The Importance Of Electrolytes

If you have seen the movie, Idiocracy, you probably know that electrolytes are what plants crave. People in the movie can no longer grow crops because they pour sports drinks on the soil. To be completely honest, sports drinks don’t do a great deal for your body, unless you are working so hard that you can burn off all the sugar that comes with them. 

Electrolytes are a category of electrically charged minerals that the body both produces and derives from different foods and beverages. Such minerals include potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphate, and chloride. All of these electrolytes are vital if you want to sustain a healthy body and mind. They balance your fluid levels, maintain healthy blood pH, and keep the nerves, muscles, and brain cells firing. They also work to transport nutrients to cells throughout the body and excrete toxins from healthy cells. Basically, they are more than just workout fuel. 

Signs Your Body Needs Electrolytes

The body will let you know if it needs something, but you have to know your body and pay attention to it in order to read the cues. It lets you know if it needs any macro- or micronutrients in your diet. When your body needs electrolytes, you’ll want to pay attention to the following signs. Doing so can help you avoid dehydration and other serious health outcomes that result from that. 

Your Stomach Is Upset

If you feel nauseous or have gastrointestinal issues, you may need more electrolytes. Obviously, these two symptoms can result from myriad things. According to health experts, a lot of runners can experience nausea at the end of long runs. Experts experimented with giving runners more sodium prior to, during, and after runs to alleviate nausea, and it proved effective. 

Your Heartbeat Isn’t Normal

Need more proof that electrolytes are vital to overall health? Well, this is it. Functional medicine experts and dietitians note that electrolytes like calcium and potassium support proper heart rhythm. Any imbalance can lead to abnormal heart rhythm, rapid heartbeat, or palpitations. Severe electrolyte imbalances may even pose a threat to your heart. For this reason, always make sure that you have optimal electrolyte levels at all times. You can always check in with your doctor if you are unsure about your levels. 

Your Sodium Levels Are Low

In severe cases of an electrolyte deficit, a person may experience hyponatremia, a condition stemming from low sodium levels. This usually happens if someone does not replace their sodium that they lose via sweat. Hyponatremia, however, is a serious medical condition that causes mental confusion, lethargy, muscle weakness, and nausea. Severe cases may even cause death, so talk to your doctor if you experience these symptoms after a long day of sweating. 

You’re Just Feeling Off

Notice any sudden mood swings or find yourself to be more irritable than usual? Dietitians say that you are most likely lacking electrolytes. Electrolyte imbalances can occasionally affect brain function, resulting in irritability, mental confusion, or even mood swings. 

Your Muscles Are Cramping Or Weak

As mentioned in the beginning of the article, electrolytes aid with proper muscle and nerve function. If you experience cramps or muscle weakness, your body is likely telling you that you need to replenish your electrolytes. When you are active, the body uses more of these nutrients, so replenishing them regularly can help you avoid these problems. 

Electrolytes are just as essential as any vitamin or mineral, so you should incorporate them into your daily diet. Most people don’t get enough electrolytes on a daily basis because the Standard American Diet is devoid of many micronutrients. Pay attention to your body and it will communicate when it needs more electrolytes.


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The 7 Best Essential Oils For Stress Sat, 13 Jul 2024 09:14:00 +0000

Aromatherapy is a viable way to combat stress. It’s a practice that involves inhaling the scent of essential oils to help promote relaxation.


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Meditation, yoga, tai chi, deep breathing, and listening to music can help tame stress. Sometimes, you don’t want to meditate or listen to music because you will only fester and become more agitated. If you want to combat stress without exerting a lot of effort, sitting down and inhaling the scent of essential oils can be a great idea. It is a low-maintenance practice that has proven to be very effective. 

The olfactory system affects the part of the brain that regulates emotions. That’s why certain smells can trigger memories or feelings, both negative and positive. A 2016 review of studies found that aromatherapy was effective at reducing pain when combined with regular treatment. Aromatherapy can also be a useful tool to help reduce stress and anxiety. Many people report that aromatherapy helps to establish a general state of calm. 

How Do You Choose?

Many research studies have found that various essential oils exhibit stress-reducing and anti-anxiety properties. Generally speaking, you can use essential oils safely, save for a few that should not be used by certain groups, for example, pregnant women. Essential oils require dilution to prevent adverse reactions, so keep concentration levels below 5%. Pay attention to the dosage, purity, and application method. Some oils are perfectly safe when inhaled, but not when applied to the skin, which is why dilution is necessary. When you diffuse essential oils for stress relief, keep the following in mind:

  • Follow proper dilution guidelines. 
  • Diffuse intermittently, typically for 30 to 60 minutes on and 30 to 60 minutes off. 
  • Make sure you diffuse in a ventilated area.

Sandalwood Essential Oil

Sandalwood oil comes from the wood and roots of the East Indian sandalwood tree. Many consider this tree to be one of the most valuable trees in the world, primarily because of the health properties. A small study from 2006 found that sandalwood oil was effective at reducing anxiety in participants. Unfortunately, the sample size was too small to draw conclusive evidence, but results were promising. 

Lemon Essential Oil

Sourced from the leaves of the lemon plant, lemon essential oil may exhibit sedative and anxiety-reducing properties. Lemon essential oil offers a bright aroma that may help boost your mood and contribute to a positive outlook. A 2018 study found that lemon essential oil had a positive effect on dopamine activities in mice. A previous study from 2005 found that lemon essential oil improved cognitive performance, concentration, and attention span in students during the learning process.

Jasmine Essential Oil

A beautifully scented oil, jasmine essential oil comes from the flowers of the floral jasmine plant. It has been known for its ability to calm the mind and uplift mood. A 2010 study examined jasmine essential oil and found that it increased blood oxygen saturation, breathing rate, and blood pressure when compared to a placebo. A 2013 study found that participants who inhaled the aroma of jasmine essential oil experienced a significant decrease in negative emotions and had an overall mood boost. 

Clary Sage Essential Oil

Clary sage is a flowering herb native to the Mediterranean region. It may help reduce stress levels because of its ability to decrease cortisol (the stress hormone), as per a 2014 study. This study, which included menopausal women, also found that clary sage essential oil provided antidepressant effects. 

Orange Essential Oil

Orange essential oil exhibits anxiolytic properties, meaning it helps reduce anxiety. Because orange essential oil has a vibrant aroma, it may increase alertness or heighten the senses. In conjunction with its calming effects, orange essential oil may help balance your mood and regulate anxiety levels. Unfortunately, it did not have the same effects as tea tree oil did in a controlled study. 

Chamomile Essential Oil

Perhaps you drink a cup of chamomile tea if you want to unwind before bed. The chamomile plant is said to have sedative effects, and chamomile essential oil is no different. Chamomile essential oil may exhibit relaxation properties that can aid with sleep. An eight-week study from 2017 found that 58.1% of the participants experienced a reduction in symptoms of severe generalized anxiety disorder after using chamomile extract. A smaller 2018 study found that chamomile therapy was able to reduce symptoms of anxiety and decrease cortisol levels. 

Ylang Ylang Essential Oil

Growing on the Cananga tree, ylang ylang is a yellow, star-shaped flower native to countries like Malaysia, Indonesia, India, and parts of Australia. Ylang ylang essential oil may have a relaxing effect by way of decreasing blood pressure. Preliminary research shows that it helps decrease blood pressure, but more research is necessary to confirm these findings.


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Seemingly Harmless Habits That Prematurely Age The Brain Fri, 07 Jun 2024 09:01:00 +0000

Just like the body, the brain changes as you age. Habits that may seem harmless may actually be hurting your brain health in the long run.


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The older you get, the more difficult it is to remember information. Which restaurant did you eat at last week for lunch with your friend, James? Better yet, where are your car keys that you just had in your hand 40 minutes ago? Remembering such things becomes more difficult with age, and it also takes longer to learn something new. 

Although brain aging is a natural part of life, there are many things you can do or not do to keep your brain healthy. Are there foods that contain nutrients that can boost brain health? Absolutely, but you don’t have to immediately transform your diet to encourage brain health as a jumping off point. You can help prevent your brain from aging prematurely by assessing your daily habits. 

Health experts agree that most people engage in seemingly harmless everyday habits that can prematurely age the brain. What are these habits and what can you do instead? Continue reading to learn about the mistakes you need to correct. 

You Dismiss Chronic Stress 

Stress is a natural part of life and the body can quickly recover from acute stress that results from a specific situation. Problems arise when you do not address chronic stress that you carry around. People are excellent at keeping the stress response on all day, at least at a moderate level they may not even notice. Psychiatrists state that people can carry around unconscious stress even when nothing stressful is happening. 

Ideally, you recognize stress and find ways to release it throughout the day. You can engage in stretching, mindful meditation, or exercise to help reduce stress. It can be helpful to create short-term states of acute stress to help relieve chronic stress. For example, jump in a cold shower or cold plunge, sit in a hot sauna, or engage in high-intensity interval training. You will be stressed during the activity, but the activity leads to relaxation and better quality sleep later on.

You Aim For Enough Sleep, But The Quality Isn’t Good

You may aim to get seven to nine hours of sleep per night, but it means nothing if the quality of sleep is poor. You probably know that you feel tired in the morning if you tossed and turned all night. Both the quantity and quality of sleep are integral for optimal brain health. While you are asleep, the brain sorts out memories of the day and places them in the right place to access in the future. The brain also cleans beta-amyloid, the protein that wreaks havoc on the brains of Alzheimer’s patients, during sleep. That process is interrupted if you don’t sleep enough or if you sleep poorly. To improve the quality of sleep, set a consistent bedtime, minimize alcohol intake, reduce fluid intake before bed, and avoid screens at least one hour before bed.

You Don’t Get Enough Social Interaction

Whether you have a new baby, you work remotely, or you are retiring, many situations in life can make it difficult to be social. Regular in-person interactions are necessary for your brain to thrive, but online interactions can be helpful as well. When you meet someone new, the brain forms a new connection between cells. Having a strong social network has been proven to improve mood, which coincidentally improves the health of the brain. If you are isolated and lack community, be that in-person or online, you may age the brain more quickly than you would like. Keep yourself engaged with people!

You Rely On Takeout Too Much

How common is it for someone to have a regular job and a side hustle? Whether you jump from job to job or have kids to care for, business can make eating at home very difficult. To save time, you eat out, and those food choices aren’t always the best. Fast food, for example, contains lots of saturated fats, added sugars, and highly processed ingredients. Studies confirm that diets high in these types of foods increase the risk of dementia. Other studies suggest that these foods lead to conditions, such as obesity or diabetes, that negatively affect brain health. For example, uncontrolled diabetes can cause the brain to shrink! 

You Don’t Engage In Regular Physical Activity

Are you familiar with the brain-boosting benefits of exercise? According to studies, regular physical activity, especially cardiovascular movements, are necessary to keep the brain young. Exercise can increase growth hormones in the brain, including nerve factors that improve brain wellness and function. Beyond working out, you can incorporate other things that count as “being active.” Gardening, hiking, swimming at the beach, or even cleaning can do more good than you realize. Not to mention, these are sustainable things that seem more feasible than going to the gym for an hour three times per week.


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A New Brain Study Links Loneliness To Sugar Cravings Sun, 14 Apr 2024 09:16:00 +0000

According to MRI scans from a recent study, women who felt lonely had more activity in regions of the brain that regulate sugar cravings.


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A recent study examined brain scans of women who looked at abstract images unrelated to food or images of sweet and savory foods. The women who felt the most lonely and socially isolated had the highest level of brain activity in the regions connected to sugary foods and cravings. At the close of the study, study authors concluded that building social connections may cause people to eat healthier. 

This new research, published by JAMA Network Open, builds on previous investigations linking loneliness to poor mental health. Earlier studies also linked loneliness to cognitive decline, weight gain, and obesity-related conditions, such as type 2 diabetes. Although there is a lot of evidence for these connections, researchers still don’t have a clear idea of the underlying causes. For example, obesity is linked to depression and anxiety, and binge-eating is common coping mechanism for loneliness.

The Study

Study authors surveyed 93 women about their social connections, body weight, feelings of loneliness, and eating behaviors. Scientists then used MRI scans to see how their brains responded when they looked at abstract images unrelated to food or images of different sweet and savory foods. Overall, participants who reported higher levels of loneliness or isolation were more likely to have sugary cravings. The loneliest participants also experienced reduced brain activity in regions responsible for self-control related to eating behaviors. 

Loneliness or social isolation can cause food cravings similar to the cravings you have for social connections. Study authors found that social bonds are integral to how people eat unhealthy foods, especially foods high in calories and sugar.

Study Suggests New Ways To Reduce Sugar Cravings

Although the study linked loneliness to increased sugar cravings, the study had certain limitations. Two of the limitations were the small size and the reliance on participants to accurately report details about the mood, eating behaviors, and overall health. That said, the study provides new evidence that supports the link between your mood and response to food. 

Additionally, the study found that the participants’ brains were particularly reactive to sweet foods. Researchers note that this explains the maladaptive eating behavioral changes among socially isolated people. The good news is that finding out this information can help socially isolated people make positive changes in their social lives, which can alter their eating habits. One of the best ways to start is to find ways to build social support systems. Some examples include volunteering, joining clubs, playing sports, or pursuing a new hobby. Anything that increases your interactions with other people can be beneficial, and may help change how your brain responds to food cues. 

When you are aware that sugar cravings are connected to loneliness or social isolation, you can feel empowered because you have the ability to change your eating patterns. Understanding that loneliness causes you to crave high-calorie, sugary foods is very empowering. You may want to consider holistic mind-body interventions to help correct the way you think about food. Meditation, journaling, deep breathing, and other stress-reduction exercises can be beneficial in changing the way you think about food. 


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7 Self-Care Ideas For Difficult Days Thu, 11 Apr 2024 09:09:00 +0000

When you are faced with difficult days or moments in life, it can help to rely on self-care strategies to help you feel better.


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You cannot go through life without encountering difficult times. Whether those times are bad days or bad years is undetermined, but you have the power to control how you cope and recover. When you have specific self-care strategies in place to help you get through tough times, anything is possible. This article aims to provide you with those strategies, which work to help you relax, reduce stress, and feel better about yourself. 

Why Is Self-Care Important?

Self-care is not the same as being selfish. Ultimately, self-care is about being responsible for the choices you make about your life and health. Taking care of yourself can make you more conscious about small things that bring harmony and balance to your life. Self-care is not complex, so don’t over-complicate it. Use the following suggestions to move through life when things get tough, and you may feel more empowered and in control when you do so. 

Cue Some Inspiration

Laughter is often the best medicine if you start to feel your feelings. According to research, laughter can boost your mood, lessen physical pain, and protect you from the effects of stress. In fact, laughter can help bring you back to normal, balancing your mind and body. If you need a good chuckle, cue up a comedic podcast, audiobook, movie, or TV show that you know will elevate your spirits. Alternatively, you may benefit from positive affirmation, so consider a motivational, inspiring podcast, video, or even saved recording to reshape your mindset. 

Talk To A Friend

Talking to someone, especially a friend who understands you and your struggles, is the easiest thing to do. Reach out to someone, be it a close friend or family member you can trust, and open up to them. A great heart-to-heart conversation can make all the difference, especially if you know that someone cares about you. 

Take A Walk In Outside

If you are feeling down, a walk in a park, along the beach, or in the woods can help reset your mind. Studies have shown that being in nature can reduce stress and boost your mood. Not only does a walk in nature benefit your mental health, but it also boosts your physical activity. Walking, jogging, biking, or swimming in nature can help you clear your mind, de-stress, and rebalance your mind and body. 

Ground Yourself

In addition to spending time outdoors, it can be beneficial to connect your body to the earth via grounding. Also known as earthing, grounding is the act of putting your skin in direct contact with the earth’s surface. This allows you to absorb the earth’s electricity, which can charge you with positive energy. Some research indicates that grounding has profound anti-inflammatory and anti-stress properties. If you have the ability, go for a barefoot walk on the beach for 20-30 minutes, or walk barefoot in a local park. 

Feed Your Emotions

To be clear, this tip is not about supporting emotional eating, nor is it about letting your emotions get the better of you. On difficult days, head to your local farmer’s market or grocery store and get some fresh produce. Colorful fruits and vegetables carry beneficial nutrients that can help reduce inflammation, lower stress, and boost mental health. You can even go so far as to research a specific recipe before heading to buy food. That way, you can turn the produce you buy into a meal that comforts the soul. 

Treat Yourself To A Cafe Visit

A visit to a cafe for coffee or tea every day may not be financially responsible, especially if you are on a budget. If going to get a latte or a slice of cake with tea brings you joy, allow yourself that luxury if you need some self-love. For some people, the allure of a coffee shop is the smell of coffee brewing, the clicking of laptop keys, or the steam from a cappuccino maker. Maybe you enjoy a hipster coffee shop that plays smooth jazz. Whatever you like is what you like, and there is no sense in denying yourself that happiness if you encounter a difficult day.


Whether you are frustrated, stuck, or just having a bad day, meditation can be highly beneficial. A lot of people find meditation to be the best course of action to overcome such circumstances. Find a comfortable place to sit or lay down and start your meditation session. You can follow your breath in silence, or you can practice guided meditation, which can help prevent your mind from wandering if that is something you struggle with. Meditation can help you regain perspective and put you in a better place to deal with your stressful day.


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Are Cold Showers Good For Your Health? Mon, 08 Apr 2024 09:02:00 +0000

Do you want to reap the benefits of cold plunges without buying one? We discuss whether cold showers offer the same health benefits.


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Listen to any number of podcasts these days and you’ll likely hear someone talk about their ice bath or cold plunge. Health gurus and average Joes alike swear that submerging their bodies in cold water promotes better mood, more energy, heightened recovery, and less anxiety. The benefits may change from person to person, but one thing is for certain: cold plunges are not accessible to everyone. 

It’s safe to say that the average person doesn’t have a few thousand dollars to drop on a cold plunge. It’s also safe to say that nobody wants to go buy bags of ice at the store every day, nor do they want to buy a commercial-grade ice maker for a makeshift cold plunge. That begs the question: can you achieve the same benefits by standing in a cold shower? Experts believe that cold showers count as a form of cryotherapy, so long as the temperature is cold enough (between 50-59 degrees Fahrenheit. Continue reading to learn more about the benefits of cryotherapy. 

It May Boost Metabolism

When you expose the body to cold temperatures, you can increase the metabolic rate and activate brown adipose tissue, both of which aid weight management. According to a 2022 study, immersing the body in cold water seems to transform adipose tissue, in addition to reducing insulin resistance. The combination of these benefits may also have a positive effect on cardiovascular health and metabolic diseases. 

It May Enhance Circulation

Doctors explain that cold exposure prompts immediate vasoconstriction followed by vasodilation, which improves blood flow to all organs. That is why a lot of people use cold plunges to accelerate exercise recovery. Although cold seems to reduce muscle soreness, it is unclear if the cold benefits muscle function. Improving circulation, regardless of athletic level, is beneficial. When you improve blood flow throughout the body, you help deliver fresh blood and oxygen to major organs, which helps them function optimally.

It May Beautify You

Cryotherapy will not turn back the hands of time, but it may positively impact your hair and skin. Cold water seals hair cuticles and helps lock moisture into hair strands. Additionally, the cold helps the scalp retain moisture content, while hot water strips it of its natural oils. The cold temperature strengthens hair cuticles to strengthen them and keep them healthy over time. Cold temperatures may also benefit people with inflammatory skin conditions, such as eczema, psoriasis, or rosacea. Hot water can dry out the skin and cause slushing, which may pronounce redness in those struggling with it already.

It Can Encourage A Breathwork Practice

When you are in the cold, you have to steady your mind and control your breath. The power of controlling your breath can help you embrace the cold and know how to stay calm in the water. When you can control your breath, you can regulate your stress and stay calm in extreme conditions, such as the frigid water. The more you expose the body to cold and breathe through it, the easier it becomes. 

Are Cold Showers Cold Enough? 

Most of the existing research on cold water immersion therapy is focused on cold plunging or being in a cryochamber for a few minutes. Some studies have found that cold showers are a legitimate form of cryotherapy, provided the water temperature can be between 50-59 degrees Fahrenheit or colder. Some experts believe that cold showers fall under the cold water immersion umbrella.

Getting in a cold shower will have a similar effect to entering a cold lake, ocean, or pool. You don’t get cold as quickly as if you were to enter a cold plunge, but you can still reap some benefits. The last thing to remember is to have access to a heat source after stepping out of the cold shower, so that you can bring up the body’s core temperature to normal range. If you don’t bring core temperature back up after any type of cold immersion therapy, you increase the risk of hypothermia. 

How Long Do You Remain In The Cold Shower?

Typically, you remain in a cold plunge or cryochamber for three minutes. Since a shower does not get as cold, how long do you stand in the water? One study found that 10 minutes of cold exposure can aid muscle recovery, but that’s a long time to just let water run. If you want to reap the brain boosting benefits, the study found that you may only need five minutes or less in the cold. Other research says that two to three minutes of cold exposure is sufficient. Start off with less time in the cold and gradually increase the time.


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6 Foods That Can Help Reduce Stress Levels Thu, 28 Mar 2024 09:08:00 +0000

Can food really reduce stress? Experts note that following a nutritious diet is linked to better mental health and lowered anxiety symptoms.


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It is impossible to avoid all stressors as you go through life, but it is possible to minimize them. Stress, at times, can heighten your senses and better equip you for the situation at hand. Chronic stress, however, can negatively impact your mental and physical health in several ways, such as increasing your risk of anxiety, depression, and even heart disease. 

Believe it or not, the foods you eat have a powerful influence on your mental health. According to many studies, prioritizing foods with certain nutrients can help improve your mood and may even reduce stress, anxiety, and symptoms of depression. If you regularly battle with feelings of stress and need help regulating levels, focus on the following nutritious and stress-reducing foods


Rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, berries should be a mainstay in everyone’s diet. They contain essential vitamins and minerals, some of which are involved with mood regulation, stress response, and cognitive function. One study from 2022 monitored the mental health of participants in relation to their fruit intake. Compared to those with the lowest fruit intake, the participants with the highest fruit intake had 16%, 25%, and 27% lower odds for lack of joy, worries, and tension, respectively. Diets rich in berries have also been linked to higher levels of optimism

Leafy Greens

Leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables are loaded with stress-reducing plant compounds, including carotenoids, magnesium, and vitamin C. Great examples of these vegetables include Swiss chard, spinach, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, arugula, romaine lettuce, and Brussels sprouts. Many dark, leafy greens contain magnesium, which plays an integral role in the body’s stress response. Insufficient amounts of magnesium in the body can impact your ability to deal with stress. Stress can actually increase magnesium loss via urine, which increases the risk of magnesium deficiency. Eating more magnesium-rich foods, such as leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables, can increase magnesium levels and may help reduce stress


Speaking of magnesium, avocados are also great sources. They also contain a lot of fiber, which works to decrease inflammation in the body, which may help lower stress levels. According to research, people under high stress have exhibited higher levels of inflammatory markers. Eating more fiber-rich foods may help reduce inflammation in the body, which may alleviate stress. A 2021 study of over 3,000 people found that eating more fiber reduced the risk of psychological distress and anxiety. A seven-ounce avocado contains 13.5 grams of fiber, which fulfills 48% of the recommended daily intake (RDI).


Matcha lattes have surged to popularity within recent years, but let’s just leave the milk out of the equation for a moment. This powdered green tea contains a lot of mood-boosting and stress-regulating properties. Researchers note that the L-theanine in matcha has anti-anxiety and stress-reducing effects. L-theanine is an amino acid that acts on the central nervous system, influencing receptors in the brain to help reduce stress and anxiety symptoms. For example, L-theanine works to reduce the release of the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate, which increases the release of GABA. A 2019 study found that participants who consumed cookies containing 4.5 grams of matcha per day for 15 days had significant reductions in the activity of certain stress markers. 

Apples, Pears, And Citrus Fruits

Not every fruit helps to regulate stress levels, but a 2022 study found that increasing intake of bananas, oranges and other citrus fruits, apples, and pears contributed to lower stress levels. In fact, each of those fruits lowered the risk of having high perceived stress. Researchers suggest that the high concentration of minerals, vitamins, and phytochemicals found in those fruits contribute to the stress-reducing properties. More research is necessary on this matter.

Hemp Seeds

Similar to avocados and leafy greens, hemp seeds are rich in magnesium, with a three-tablespoon serving covering 50% of the RDI of magnesium. Hemp seeds also provide omega-3 fatty acids and zinc, another nutrient involved in stress response. Low zinc levels can affect your mood and have been linked to anxiety symptoms. Zinc may reduce anxiety and stress by acting on GABA and glutamate, among other neurotransmitters. Low levels of GABA and glutamate may result from low zinc levels, all of which worsen anxiety. A 2023 review of nine studies found that people with anxiety exhibited lower levels of zinc in their blood compared to people without anxiety.


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Are The Winter Blues Real? Fri, 08 Dec 2023 21:11:19 +0000

Many people go through short periods when they feel sad or unlike their usual selves.


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Many people go through short periods when they feel sad or unlike their usual selves. These mood changes begin and end when the seasons change and are full of misconceptions. Join us and learn what is fact and fiction about seasonal depression.

0:00 Intro
0:36 Some people get seasonal depression in the winter, and some in the summer.
1:56 Seasonal depression is more common in women than men.
3:24 Artificial light can’t make seasonal depression better, only daylight can do that.
4:40 The formal name for seasonal depression is Seasonal Depressive Disorder.
6:08 Outro


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5 Early Warning Signs Of Dementia Sat, 04 Nov 2023 09:11:00 +0000

Forgetfulness is just one of the early red flags of dementia. Other warning signs may help you determine whether or not to see a doctor.


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People forget things all the time, but forgetting things one too many times may be cause for concern. Not remembering why you came into the kitchen or a certain room can happen to anyone, but you may wonder whether or not you are developing dementia if this happens a lot and you are in a certain age range. 

What Is Dementia?

Dementia, or neurocognitive disorder, is the loss of thinking, reasoning, or remembering to the point where it interferes with everyday life/activities. There are several forms of dementia, but the most common is Alzheimer’s disease in people aged 65 and older, according to neurologists. The second most common form is vascular dementia, caused by conditions that affect blood vessels in the brain, such as stroke. Finally, the last form is a brain disorder known as Parkinson’s disease dementia.

Although dementia is more common as you get older, it is not a normal part of aging. People can live well into their 90s without ever being diagnosed with the condition. The National Institute of Aging (NIA) continues to research the disease to find out who is more susceptible and how it can be prevented. For now, the NIA considers the following signs and symptoms to be early warning signs of dementia

Changes In Judgment

Anybody has the opportunity to make a poor decision every so often. People with dementia, or early onset symptoms, may experience more frequent changes in judgment or decision-making. A great example is that people with dementia may not be able to manage a budget or, more commonly, they neglect their hygiene more regularly. 

Trouble Completing Tasks

A lot of older people, even those who aren’t so old, require assistance learning new technology or appliances. People with dementia typically find it much harder learn technology and complete routine tasks that they used to do with ease. Driving to a familiar location or creating a grocery list can become difficult and trivial, according to the Alzheimer’s Association. 

Episodic Memory Loss

Memory loss tends to be one of the earlier symptoms of dementia, with episodic memory loss being the first noticeable sign. A person may remember going on vacation, for example, but they can’t remember where they went or what they did. Episodic memory involves remembering specific information about recent or past events. People with dementia may not remember where they parked the car or where they went for dinner the previous week. Oftentimes, the person with dementia does not notice that they have episodic memory loss; rather, a friend or family member points it out. 

Mood Changes

It is completely natural to become more set in your ways as you get older. It is easy to get upset if your normal routine is disrupted, but coping with stress and change is more challenging among older adults. In fact, depression in older adults is quite common as a result. People with dementia are occasionally unable to control their emotions, or they may become suspicious, confused, depressed, or fearful. It’s common for them to become upset at home, with friends, or when outside of their comfort zone. 

Problems With Language

It is not uncommon to search for the right word when trying to communicate verbally or in writing. People with dementia tend to have a much harder time with language, though. They may have trouble finding words for familiar things or call someone or something by the wrong name. It is also possible for them to repeat themselves or lose track of a conversation.


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