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Berries, broccoli, and turmeric are superfoods for the brain. Many foods that are in Western diet, though, may be sapping your smarts.


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Do you want to improve focus, memory, and overall cognition as you age? In order to do that, it’s time to stop robbing your brain of the nutrients it needs. You can think sharp and boost brain function by eating leafy greens, whole grains, berries, nuts, seeds, beans, and olive oil. Instead of eating foods that nourish the brain, a high percentage of American adults tend to consume more unhealthy foods that sap their smarts. 

Some foods negatively impact the brain, increasing the risk of mood swings, impairing memories, and accelerating dementia. Experts estimate that about 65 million people worldwide will be affected by dementia by the year 2030. That’s only nine years away, people, but it doesn’t have to be the reality. There are many foods that can help reduce the risk of cognitive decline. You can click here to learn more about foods that boost brain health, but continue reading to learn about the foods negatively affect the brain.

Fake Meat

Despite how trendy it is, fake meat is one of the worst foods for your brain, according to several dietitians. There isn’t a lot of data to support this claim, but the reason it’s in this article is because plant-based meats encourage the consumption of highly-processed foods. Fake meats undergo serious manufacturing and contain numerous processed ingredients. Even fast-food restaurants serve these options, encouraging fried food consumption. If you want to eat less meat, simply focus on real vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. Don’t resort to foods that people make in a lab. 

Highly Processed Foods

To the point above, eating foods that are highly processed increases your consumption of sugar, salt, and added fats. Chips, instant noodles, ready-made meals, sweets, and store bought sauces fall into this category. One study found that people with larger amounts of visceral fat around their organs had a higher risk of brain damage. A different study observed a significant decrease in brain tissue in people going through the early stages of metabolic syndrome. Consuming highly processed foods exposes the body to unhealthy ingredients that can lower sugar metabolism and memory scores, according to several studies. 

Sugar-Sweetened Beverages

Sugar-sweetened drinks include sweet tea, energy drinks, diet drinks, or any beverage with high fructose corn syrup. Drinking a lot of sugary beverages can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, which can increase Alzheimer’s development. Several animal studies found that high fructose intake leads to insulin resistance in the brain. Additionally, high fructose intake can reduce overall brain function, which impairs memory and the formation of brain neurons. Drinking sugar beverages can also lead to obesity, high blood pressure, and high blood fats. All of these aspects heighten the risk of metabolic syndrome, which increases the chances of developing dementia. 


A 2019 study observed over 3,000 adults over the age of 72. The researchers noticed that people who drank more than 14 alcoholic beverages per week experienced mild cognitive impairment. Those same participants were also 72% more likely to progress to dementia than participants who had one drink or less per week. Some studies found that light drinking may be cognitively protective over time, but the key is the amount that a person drinks. The type of alcohol and what it’s mixed with also influences cognitive function or decline. 

Fish High In Mercury

Mercury is a neurological poison and heavy metal contaminant that animal tissues can store for a long time. Predatory fish tend to have the highest mercury concentration, carrying over one million times the concentration of their surrounding water. Fish that contain high levels of mercury include shark, swordfish, orange roughy, and ling. It does exist in other fish, but those species have the highest levels. Ingesting a lot of mercury can negatively affect the brain, liver, kidneys, and more. Mercury toxicity can disrupt the function of the central nervous system and neurotransmitters, increasing the risk of neurotoxicity and brain damage. Wild caught fish contain beneficial nutrients, including iron, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, and vitamin B12. Eating two to three servings a week can be beneficial, but steer clear of those high-mercury fish we mentioned. 


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5 Foods To Avoid If You Have Hypothyroidism Mon, 24 Jun 2019 09:56:10 +0000

The foods you eat can affect thyroid health and the body’s ability to use the thyroid hormone. Avoid these foods if you have hypothyroidism.


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There are over 20 million Americans suffering from a thyroid condition, but it’s safe to assume that they majority of them don’t think about their thyroid when it comes to diet and nutrition. Having a thyroid condition is no walk in the park because various nutrients can heavily influence how they thyroid functions. The secret to improving thyroid health is to pay close attention to what you eat, because foods cause the most harm.

Regulating the metabolism and the release of hormones, the thyroid is the butterfly-shaped gland at the base of the front of your neck. The most common thyroid issue is hypothyroidism, an underactive thyroid condition that is associated with weight gain, forgetfulness, extreme fatigue, and depression. Some factors, which lead to the development of hypothyroidism, are out your hands. You cannot control family history and environmental pollutants, but you can control what foods you put on your plate. You can either choose thyroid friendly foods, or foods that continue to damage the thyroid.

Becoming mindful of what you eat can take time, but the road to a balanced thyroid is not easy. The best place to start is by eating your colors (i.e. fresh fruits and vegetables of all colors), trying your best to purchase organic, and avoiding artificial colors and flavors. As much as it may pain you to hear, it is wise to exclude fried foods, processed foods, sugary treats, ice cream, and alcohol from your diet. To help guide you in a healthier direction, steer clear of the following foods that can worsen hypothyroidism.

Tuna And Swordfish

Swordfish, shark, kingfish, mackerel, and tuna are predator fish and tend to contain more mercury than smaller fish. The longer the life of the fish, the more chemicals it can accumulate. It is acceptable to eat about two servings per week of these predator fish. You should also cut out farmed fish like salmon from your diet. Their mercury levels are high because they are fed the chum of other fish.


Some researchers have posed the link between excess soy consumption and an increased risk of hypothyroidism. Containing isoflavones, soy has been known to interfere with healthy endocrine function, meaning that soy can disrupt hormonal balance in the body. One study found that women who ate soy products experienced the same hormone altering results as when they were given tamoxifen, a drug used for breast cancer patients. Foods that contain soy include natto, tofu, soy sauce, most fake meat products, soy lecithin, soybean oil (vegetable oil), tempeh, and soymilk.


The American population has become accustomed to consuming a diet rich in processed white flour, so the idea of not eating gluten and grains is not typically received with a sense of joy. Increasing research is pointing towards a strong link between the consumption of gluten-rich foods and the increased percentage of autoimmune diseases. A 2017 article in the journal Endocrine Connections found that celiac disease and hypothyroidism are often present together. Someone who eats a lot of gluten increases their risk of protein particles, like gliadin, entering the blood. The immune system recognizes this as an intruder and takes care of the problem, but increased gluten consumption over years can cause the immune system to attack healthy tissue. This is essentially what happens in those with Hashimoto’s disease.


Just like gluten, sugar can be a tough one to give up because it’s in so many things that people enjoy eating. Most people consume an excess amount of sugar, which contributes to excess fat storage in the body. Because hypothyroidism slows the body’s metabolism, it cannot efficiently burn the sugar you eat, which is a common reason for weight gain. In order to balance blood sugar levels, one should consume fruits with protein sources, like raw nuts, seeds, or green vegetables, to avoid glucose spikes. Solely consuming sugar from fruit is a great way to enhance thyroid function, balance blood glucose, and encourage weight loss.


Alcohol wrecks thyroid hormone levels; there’s no two ways about it. In addition to damaging thyroid hormone levels, alcohol can also affect the thyroid’s ability to produce thyroid hormones by suppressing the gland. In addition to affecting thyroid hormone production, the sugar in alcohol can cause glucose spikes and contribute to weight gain. People with hypothyroidism should eliminate alcohol from their diet to increase thyroid function.


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How Well Does The Flu Vaccine Work? Fri, 01 Sep 2017 12:30:16 +0000

Flu season is approaching and if you are going to get a flu shot, you may want to read this to see if it can actually prevent you from viruses.


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Fall is approaching, which means you are going to start seeing advertisements and hearing recommendations to get your flu shot. This happens every year to help protect people during influenza season, but are flu shots really that effective? Is flu season more of a plot to make the pharmaceutical industry lots of money?

Flu shots are created prior to flu season based on what strains the WHO thinks will be the most trouble for people. They are designed to protect people from about three or four strains of A and B viruses, which can lead to headaches, nausea, muscle aches, runny noses, fevers, or coughs. The problem is that the flu virus is unstable. Let’s say you come in contact with a strain of the flu that the vaccine doesn’t cover. You can become ill anyways, despite getting vaccinated.

In Children

If you give six different kids under the age of six a flu shot, the common result is that you may prevent one case of the flu. Research indicates that the benefits of getting vaccinated are unclear for children under two years old. Findings almost indicate that the effectiveness of the vaccination are similar to the placebo effect.

In Adults

When the WHO guesses the correct strains, you need to vaccinate about 33 people in order to prevent one case of illness. In a year when the WHO falsely guesses the virus strains, you need to vaccinate about 100 people in order to prevent one flu case.

Increased Threat To At-Risk Patients

If you already have a weakened or suppressed immune system, flu vaccines may not be beneficial. The vaccine introduces the virus to the body, but an immune system that isn’t functioning at its optimum level may not be able to fight off the virus, ultimately resulting in flu symptoms or increased risk of infection.

Possible Mercury Toxicity

Mercury can cause memory loss, cardiovascular disease, digestive troubles, oral health problems, and respiratory illnesses. The flu vaccine contains mercury. In fact, it exceeds the limit of allowable daily exposure to the heavy metal.

Increased Risk of Alzheimer’s

Because the elderly can have weakened immune systems, the flu shot is heavily marketed to them, in addition to other demographics. Unfortunately, there is strong evidence linking the flu vaccine to an increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Receiving flu shots for three to five consecutive years actually increases that risk ten-fold.

Would you rather put your health at risk by getting vaccinated, or opt for a natural substance to ward off viruses like vitamin C? Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant that helps to strengthen the immune system, alkalize the body, and fight free radicals. Vitamin C occurs naturally in plant-based foods like kiwis, chiles, guavas, oranges, lemons, grapefruit, bell peppers, Brussels sprouts, or parsley, among many others. Try loading up on vitamin C foods this fall to boost your immune system and keep viruses at bay.


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Is the cavity you got as a child harming your health now? Mon, 23 Feb 2015 23:20:09 +0000

Mercury is a toxic substance that may have been implanted into your mouth as a result of a cavity or other dental filling.


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When you’re feeling drowsy during a long day of work and having problems keeping your focus and concentration, most of us turn to coffee, energy drinks, vitamins, or food. While all of those may provide a temporary boost, the long-term solution may be found in your teeth. For years, millions of Americans have received dental amalgams to fill cavities, and for years, millions of Americans have been uninformed about the potential risk of amalgam fillings.

Amalgam is a combination of metals that includes silver, copper, and notably, mercury. Recently, concerns have been raised over the use of amalgam in dental fillings because of its mercury content. Even though mercury is used to make amalgam more flexible and durable, it is indicated that high levels of mercury exposure can cause many side effects, including memory loss, attention deficit, fatigue, and anxiety. The presence of mercury can harm your body and disturb all the systems and organs. The immune system, nervous system, circulatory system, and reproductive system can all be negatively impacted by the presence of mercury. Consequently, your brain, heart, kidneys, and lungs can be at risk.

Since everyone is exposed to mercury through the environment (For example, mercury levels have been raised in fish as a result of air pollution), it is imperative for people to address mercury levels within their control. Body cleansing is a beneficial way to eliminate mercury content and improve your health. If you have amalgam fillings, detoxing the heavy metal from your system is important. In order to accomplish this, consuming a raw-foods diet that is void of meat, dairy, and processed sugars is highly recommended in order to cleanse the mercury in your body. A diet rich in highly nutritious, organic fruits and vegetables will purge toxins and heavy metals from your system and allow your body to function more efficiently. Raw foods provide you with the optimal amount of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that can detoxify your system and release mercury accumulation.

Furthermore, supplementing with herbal remedies can accelerate the detoxification process. Herbal remedies can provide a number of benefits as you cleanse your system of impurities, including helping to purify the blood, strengthen the bodily systems, and improve overall health.

Ultimately, with studies showing the increased risk of amalgam fillings, treating any current health issues and preventing any future health issues may be in your teeth.


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Should We Eat Fish? Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:55 +0000

No, humans are non-meat eaters by nature. Eating meat (including fish) is a learned behavior.


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No, humans are non-meat eaters by nature. Eating meat (including fish) is a learned behavior. If you must consume meat, fish is the best option as the body finds it easier to digest.


There are many circulating dangers pertaining to fish consumption. There are potentially harmful effects to human health from the chemicals found in fish.

First, most fish today are swimming in methyl mercury-laced waters. Secondly, most of the fish coming from the Atlantic waters near Great Britain are swimming in synthetic hormone-laced waters and many of the fish are turning up dead on the shores of beaches in England. But more surprisingly, scientists are baffled because these dead fish are neutered.

Mercury and other contaminants make fish-eating risky for pregnant women, lactating mothers, young children (12 and under), older people and people who are ill.

Especially dangerous are:

  • Swordfish
  • Shark
  • Tilefish
  • King mackerel

The Washington Post reported that pregnant women, lactating mothers and children 12 and under can safely consume up to 12 ounces of fish per week, but white (albacore) tune should be limited to 6 ounces per week because of high levels of mercury, which can be toxic to the brain and hearing.

Making choices

Many people choose to eat fish because of the high Omega 3 fatty acid content. There are alternatives. You can easily take an omega 3 supplement instead.

Some people simply can’t give up eating meat. If you consume fish often, choose:

  • Whiting
  • Buffalo
  • Trout
  • Red snapper
  • Sardine
  • Tuna (the small ones), and
  • Salmon

Avoid consuming catfish because it is a scavenger fish that eats the filth of the ocean, lakes, and rivers. It even has a menstrual cycle.


Those who eat fish quite often should also consume papaya enzymes and cayenne pepper to help kill any traces of parasite or worms found in the fish. You should also detoxify your body every three months.

Herbs that kill and expel worms and parasites include:

  • Black Walnut Hulls (green)
  • pink root
  • wormwood
  • cloves
  • southernwood
  • tansy
  • pumpkin seed
  • betel nut
  • wormseed
  • neem
  • peach tree bark
  • quassia
  • cayenne, and
  • goldenseal

Dherbs Solutions

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Beware of Toothpaste and Dental Hygiene Products! Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:50 +0000

Yes, beware of toothpaste! Commercial brand toothpastes, that is!


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Yes, beware of toothpaste! Commercial brand toothpastes, that is!


Commercial brand toothpastes contain caustic and toxic ingredients known to affect physical health. There’s a reason why if it’s ingested in large quantities that the consumer is directed to call a poison control center.

Many commercial brand toothpastes contain ingredients such as sodium fluoride, propylene glycol, sodium laurel sulfate, sodium saccharin, polyethylene, Blue Lake #1, D & C Red #30 Lake, and FD & C Blue #1 Lake.

Sodium fluoride (aka Flouride) is a toxic chemical used in rat poison. Teeth do not require fluoride, but fluorine. Fluoride is not a mineral or element, but fluorine is. Fluorine helps prevent tooth decay. Organic fluorine is found in Black Walnut Hulls and Miswak (Peelu), although in very low concentrations.

Propylene glycol is an industrial agent. It is commonly used to keep products moist and is also used in car antifreeze solutions and de-icing solutions for cars, airplanes, and boats.

Sodium Laurel Sulfate (SLS) is a surfactant and detergent commonly used in engine degreaser, garage floor cleaners, and car wash soaps. It’s also used clinical testing as a primary skin irritant.

Sodium saccharin is another ingredient in rat poison. In toothpaste, it’s a sweetener.

Polyethylene is PLASTIC.

Blue Lake, FD & C Lake, and all the Lakes are petroleum-derived dyes and known carcinogens. They are used in your toothpastes to give them color.

Sugar alternatives are commonly found in oral hygiene and toothpaste products. They don’t outright use sugar because toothpaste is supposed to fight against the damage of sugar so they use artificial sweeteners instead.

Natural Toothpaste or Tooth Powder Products

There are good alternative brands of toothpaste on the shelves of good health food stores such as Whole Foods Market, Trader Joes, Wild Oats, Natural Grocer Stores (Northern California), VP Discount Health Stores, Nature Mart (Los Angeles, CA), Erewhon (Los Angeles, CA), New Frontiers (Sedona and Flagstaff, Arizona), Sevenanda (Atlanta, GA), and Simply Wholesome (Los Angeles, CA) just to name a few.

Good alternative brands of toothpaste include:

  • Ayurveda
  • Nature’s Gate
  • Peelu
  • Tom’s of Maine

Even with these alternative brands, it’s important to read the labels because many natural brands also add fluoride.

Herbs are great for tooth powder purposes. Peelu brand makes a great tooth powder, if you can tolerate the taste. Other herbs that make excellent tooth powders include White Oak Bark, Clove, Black Walnut Hull, Neem, Bayberry, Goldenseal, Witch Hazel bark, and Cranesbill.


Toothbrushes can be harmful if you use the wrong type or size for your teeth or gum condition. Use a toothbrush with very soft bristles. You can also use a towel to clean your teeth. Simply wet the towel and add a little herbal tooth powder to the towel and start brushing and polishing.

Healing Tooth Problems Naturally

For strong and healthy teeth, make sure you get optimal amounts of calcium phosphate, especially if you are pregnant. A developing baby can cause a pregnant woman to lose calcium, which is why many females experience problems with their teeth after pregnancy.

Essential oil of Clove is known to provide relief from tooth pain. Apply a few drops on to a Q-tip and apply to the toothache. This is just a temporary remedy until you can get yourself to a dentist, preferably a holistic dentist (if you can find one).

Many dental problems can be resolved through diet changes including plaque build up, sensitive teeth, gingivitis (bad breath), and stained teeth.

Tooth whiteners are toxic and potentially harmful to your health. Nothing whitens teeth better than Carbon, a/k/a Activated Charcoal. Though a tasteless black substance, this stuff whitens teeth and removes plaque at the same time. The substance is very powerful and also helps to maintain a healthy mouth pH balance.

Dietary Intervention

Eliminate meat, dairy products, refined grains and starches from your diet. Eliminate processed foods or greatly cut back on them. Processed vegan products are better than actual meat-based ones.

Consider going all raw (at least for purposes of healing). As raw foodism may be too strict for many, consider becoming a vegan. Eating fruits and vegetables are great for the teeth and gums. Strawberries are especially good to eat as they clean the teeth. Biting into a strawberry is one of the best things you can do for your teeth and gums.

Drinking vegetable juice and swooshing the juice around in your mouth is also healing for your teeth, gums and mouth.

Cilantro is good stuff if you have or had mercury filings in your mouth via teeth. Mercury leeches and eventually makes it way to the brain, which causes a host of problems, but cilantro can help detoxify the body of mercury.

Alkaline water is the best water you can drink for healing and health purposes. Always drink at least half your body weight in water. For example, if your total body weight is 160 pounds, you should drink at least 80 ounces because half of 160 is 80.

Stop chewing gum. For breath freshener, try Miswak (Peelu) sticks, Neem sticks, and/or Licorice sticks – all Nature’s toothbrush sticks..

Switch from drinking coffee to drinking coffee alternatives such as brands like Teeccino, Pero, and Cafix. Coffee alternatives are made from dried herbs, seeds, and fruits. Teeccino brand tastes good!

If you’re drinking coffee for that caffeine high, switch to herbs containing bio-active caffeine such as Yerba Mate, Kola Nut, Green Tea, or Guarana. The caffeine in these herbs is bio-active (alive) and not harmful on the body nor are they addictive.

If you use baking soda to brush your teeth, make sure the baking soda is ‘aluminum free.’

Make Your Own Mouthwash

Avoid using commercial mouthwash and gargling agents that contain toxic ingredients such as ALCOHOL (which has been implicated in cancer of the throat), PROPYLENE GLYCOL, SODIUM SACCHARIN, D&C and FD&C color dyes (petroleum), and SODIUM LAUREL SULFATE.

You can also make your own mouthwash using these guidelines:

  • Base 1: Blend warm water, sea salt, and a few drops of tea tree oil
  • Base 2: Blend warm water, sea salt, and hydrogen peroxide (3% variation, not 35% food grade variation which should be avoided for this purpose).
  • Add essential oils to either base such as Clove, Tea Tree, Wintergreen, Spearmint and Peppermint

Clove and Tea Tree give your mouthwash antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, and antimicrobial properties and activities.

Gargling with a little hydrogen peroxide (top or cap full) is great for oral hygiene purposes, especially in cases of internal canker sores (oral herpes) and periodontal disease. If you suffer from or experience bleeding gums, gargle with hydrogen peroxide and a little sea salt which will help the bleeding to subside.

You can add a little vegetable glycerine to your mouthwash to make it a little sweet tasting. You can also add liquid chlorophyll to your mouthwash solution as well – gives it a nice green color.

Root Canals

And remember, there is no herbal alternative to a root canal. Herbs can’t replace surgery.

If you have a major dental issue, by all means seek the help you need and require. You can deal with the injection of drugs later on.


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FEATURE: FISHCONCEPTIONS – Dispelling Modern Myths About Fish Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:43 +0000

It seems that everywhere you look these days, there’s people out there telling you that fish is healthy, and that it should be eaten as part of a healthy diet. Even on alternative health programs, such as Dr Gillian McKeith’s TV series, as well as plenty of legumes, vegetables, fruits and cereals, she plugs fish […]


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It seems that everywhere you look these days, there’s people out there telling you that fish is healthy, and that it should be eaten as part of a healthy diet. Even on alternative health programs, such as Dr Gillian McKeith’s TV series, as well as plenty of legumes, vegetables, fruits and cereals, she plugs fish as a so-called health food. The latest popular diet, called the GI diet, also recommends fish as a low-GI food. In this article, we will have a look at some of the claims and see how they have led to so much false information and dangerous dietary advice.

The British Heart Foundation advocate fish eating as part of a healthy diet to avoid heart disease, and yet in their leaflet entitled ‘Eating for Your Heart’, they say that as well as providing Omega-3 fats (a particular type of polyunsaturated fat which is supposed to prevent blood clotting and help to reduce triglyceride levels), polyunsaturated fats also lower HDL cholesterol which is the protective cholesterol. Indeed, research based on studies concerning Omega-3 oils show that the risk of secondary heart attacks are reduced by 70% on plant-based Omega 3 fats as compared to only half this amount with fish oils. A UK study comparing fish oil and flax seed (linseed) oil observed that fish oil also increased the susceptibility of cholesterol to oxidation, potentially increasing the risk of heart disease, whilst the flaxseed oil diet did not.

It’s quite odd when you think about it, but considering the Food Standards Agency have set up ‘safe’ levels of eating fish, stating that twice per week is the maximum amount anyone should be consuming fish, that fish is still being promoted as a ‘healthy option’ food. Any food which is advisable only in small amounts certainly needs reconsidering as a healthy option! The traces of deadly pollutants, associated with birth defects, nervous system disorders and poor brain development would it seems be worthy of more than a second glance. Plus the fact that there is no carbohydrate in fish (essential for a healthy human body), no dietary fibre and no vitamin C.


Animal fats have proven in many studies to be carcinogenic (cancer-causing). Fish is high in fat often 60% of its calories comes from fat, which is effortlessly incorporated into a person’s body fat contributing to the risk of obesity. In fact there is considerable evidence that fish fat will increase a person’s risk of cancer and also will increase the risk of metastasis (spread of cancer to other body parts). Fish fat is also known to paralyze the actions of insulin and increase the tendency for high blood sugars and eventually diabetes, it is known to suppress the immune system and is also known to increase the tendency for serious bleeding (hemorrhage) (see the Eskimo section in ‘The Undigestible Truth about Meat’).


Like all animal products, fish are high in cholesterol. Based upon weight, mackerel contains 95mg of cholesterol, haddock 65mg, tuna 63mg and halibut 50mg. This compares to beef at 70mg, chicken at 60mg and pork at 70mg. However when the comparison is based on calories, fish is higher in cholesterol than beef or chicken.


As a Natural Hygienist, I teach people that cooked protein is denatured and denatured protein is largely unusable by the human body. To consume protein in a bioavailable way to the human body, we would need to consume the animal whole, raw and complete with all the blood, offal and bones. This is what is termed as complete protein. Wouldn’t you rather eat some nuts?

That aside, the kinds of protein that make up fish are very acidic in nature. The high acidic load caused by ingestion of fish results in bone loss, which eventually leads to osteoporosis. Eskimos are among the highest consumers of fish on Earth and they also have the highest rate of osteoporosis (as well as high rates of hemorrhage).


Our discussion of fish would not be complete without some reference to mercury contamination. Methylmercury (MeHg) is a global environmental problem and is listed in the International Program of Chemical Safety as one of the six most dangerous chemical’s in the world’s environment. In an article in the New England Journal of Medicine, it was warned that many fish contain such high levels of mercury that they may increase the risk of heart attack. Indeed, people in the study who had high mercury levels were thought to have more than double the risk of a heart attack compared with those who had lower mercury levels. Mercury is also known to be toxic to the nervous system and the kidneys with long-term exposure being linked to atherosclerosis (furring of the arteries).


Unless these have been specially processed to remove cholesterol, fish oils contain large amounts of cholesterol (as well as pesticides and other toxic chemicals) and they will raise the blood cholesterol in those people consuming them. Even when the fish oil is purified of cholesterol, the Omega-3 fat itself will cause the LDL (the bad cholesterol) to rise. The final results are published in a study on the effects of fish oil on artery closure, where the authors concluded “Fish oil treatment for 2 years does not promote favorable changes in the diameter of atherosclerotic coronary arteries”. Furthermore, from studies, fish oils are reported to ‘Suppress the immune system, which can promote cancer and increase the susceptibility to viral infections and can cause severe bleeding’ and ‘Fish fat also inhibits the action of insulin, thus increasing a person’s tendency to suffer from diabetes’.

‘Eating for Your Health’ The British Heart Foundation 2001
‘Fish and Health’ by Stephen Walsh PhD (Study cited in The Lancet 1999 354: 447-455)
Veggie Health 2004 Issue 6
‘Fish is not a Health Food’ Report by Dr McDougall February 2003

Dr Gina Shaw DSc MA AIYS Dip Irid Dip NH is a health and nutrition consultant and Doctor of Complementary Medicine, iridologist and fasting and detox plan supervisor. Gina has helped people recover from a plethora of acute and chronic diseases and has appeared in The Times after healing a client of Ulcerative Colitis. She has been on local radio and has lectured around the country. She is the author of several health books and offers personal and group detox and fasting retreats both in the UK and in Europe.

Follow Dr. Gina Shaw!

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