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Yes, “office chair butt” is a real thing, and it results from sitting too much. Sitting can affect the overall look and health of your glutes.


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In case you are not up to date on TikTok trends, “office chair butt” is a real thing. That term has sparked discussion amongst content creators, who speculate whether sitting at work can negatively affect the strength and appearance of a person’s buttocks, or glute muscles. A few videos talking about “office chair butt” have gained millions of views. This is just on TikTok, but do these content creators have a legitimate fear?

Can Sitting Too Long Damage Your Glutes?

Although “office chair butt” may be a common phrase, it does not have a real medical meaning or definition. Sitting for prolonged periods, however, can negatively affect your butt. Sitting in a chair for hours, days, weeks, months, and years, like most people do, can decondition your glutes and cause muscle loss. 

When the body is sedentary, muscles are not engaging or working. That is true for all muscles and not only the glutes. Over time, not working these muscles can cause them to weaken, and weakened muscles can be infiltrated by fatty tissue, which makes them less resilient. Excessive sitting can also alter the appearance of the muscles. That results in the classic “flat butt” appearance because the muscle is replaced with adipose tissue (fat). Basically, the body molds to the shape of the chair, and excessive sitting may even cause hip and back pain because of tightened muscles. 

Does Sitting Injure The Glutes?

Although sitting for extended periods may weaken muscles and alter the appearance of the butt, it doesn’t harm the glutes directly. Weak gluteal muscles, though, can increase the risk of muscle strain, especially on the muscles in the back and thighs. If someone sits in the same position for a very long time, it is possible that their butt bones can put too much pressure on the gluteal muscles. That is quite rare, though. 

If you experience pain from sitting for long periods of time, you may have “dead butt syndrome,” not office chair butt. Pain in the glutes can stem from sciatica or tendinopathy, a tendon injury in one of the gluteal muscles. “Dead butt” can also refer to gluteal amnesia or issues with your muscles’ ability to contract after long periods of sitting. 

Activating your muscles is easier the more you activate them. If you sit down all day, the muscles are not being activated, so you feel the effects of sitting a lot more. When you do end up using those muscles, they may not be as reliable as they once were. The “dead butt” weakness usually comes with tingling, numbness, or pain. If you experience these symptoms, consult your healthcare provider or consider physical therapy and training to start activating and using these muscles. 

How Do You Prevent Office Chair Butt?

If you have a sedentary job or you tend to sit for long periods, you are at risk of developing office chair butt. Women may be more likely to develop office chair butt, as a higher percentage of women have jobs that require them to sit for long periods of time. The same goes for older and middle-aged people, who have collectively spent more hours sitting at work. 

Like many chronic health conditions, office chair butt can be avoided. The best way to prevent it is to stay active and activate the glutes throughout the day. If you don’t have a standing desk, you can get up every hour and engage in 20 squats. You can also activate your muscles while you are sitting. You can do some glutei squeezes or calf raises every 15 minutes or so. Outside of the office, you can do clamshells, glute bridges, squats, and step-ups to increase glute strength. Just make sure that you execute the exercises with proper form, as improper form can increase the risk of injury.

Practicing a few healthy behaviors can help you avoid office chair butt. However, all butts are not the same and we celebrate the different shapes and sizes of every butt. The goal is just to promote glutei health and overall health. Engaging in exercise or small movements throughout the day can not only help promote healthy glutes, but also improve self-esteem and overall fitness.


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Testosterone Boosting Foods For Men And Women Sat, 29 Jun 2024 09:37:00 +0000

Testosterone isn’t just a hormone that men need to think about. Women can also benefit from testosterone, and these foods help boost levels.


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Testosterone is an androgen, a male sex hormone, that stimulates the development of secondary sexual characteristics as boys grow into men. The growth of body hair and the deepening of voices is all because of testosterone. Not to mention, it helps boys put on muscle as they go through adolescence. Testosterone is mainly made in the testicles and is essential for sperm production. 

Testosterone doesn’t only occur in men, though. Women have testosterone, just not as much as men do. Women produce testosterone in smaller amounts in the adrenal glands and ovaries. It affects sex drive, resilience, and ability to build muscle. Most women do not concern themselves with testosterone and tend to focus on estrogen. That said, it is a hormone that you can boost by eating certain foods. 

Men and women benefit from testosterone in myriad ways, but it primarily helps build healthy bones and muscles. It also affects muscle strength and the distribution of fat. Testosterone may even aid cognitive function, support mood, and enhance energy levels. 

Why Should Women Have Testosterone? 

Testosterone, in healthy ranges, can help the body repair and heal connective tissue, including bones, ligaments, tendons, skin, and nails. Healthy testosterone levels can help reduce the risk of osteoporosis as women age, while also influencing joint recovery. There are moments in life when women produce less testosterone, for example, before and during menopause. 

Adrenal gland function can also influence testosterone production. A stressed out or worn out person may not be able to produce enough testosterone. Cortisol that rushes through the body takes a toll on the adrenal glands. Being in a constant fight-or-flight state can deplete repair hormones like testosterone. For this reason, the healthier and more resilient the adrenal glands are, the easier it is for them to produce testosterone. 

Symptoms Of Low Testosterone In Women

Women who have low testosterone levels or testosterone deficiency may experience: 

  • Fatigue (including a drop in energy levels despite adequate sleep)
  • Mood changes (such as irritability and depression, in some cases)
  • Weight gain (because low testosterone can lead to increased body fat, even to the point of obesity)
  • Cognitive changes (some women may struggle to concentrate and experience memory difficulties)
  • Decreased muscle mass (maintaining muscle is difficult with low testosterone levels)
  • Reduced libido (a very common symptom in women with low testosterone)

If you are a woman and find that you can relate to the above symptoms, you may want to test your T levels. Women with T levels below 15 nanograms per deciliter have low T count. If you want to avoid supplements, the following nutrients from foods can help boost testosterone levels. 


Researchers note that magnesium may impact testosterone production by reducing oxidative stress. Studies suggest that magnesium works to increase testosterone levels. You can enhance testosterone production even more by increasing magnesium intake in combination with regular exercise.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Whether you are trying to boost testosterone levels or not, omega 3 fatty acids can benefit your health. Primarily found in fish and some plant-based sources, omega-3s can influence inflammation levels in the body. In some instances, supplementing with omega-3s for 12 weeks increased T levels. This was not the case for women supplementing with omega-3s.

Vitamin D

There are vitamin D receptors in the ovaries and adrenal glands, where testosterone is made in women. As vitamin D binds to these receptors, it can stimulate the ovaries and adrenal glands to produce testosterone. Additionally, getting enough vitamin D can help improve sleep quality. Poor sleep can actually reduce testosterone, so make sure to get vitamin D to support the body in these ways.


According to research, antioxidants work to combat oxidative stress and protect cellular damage from free radicals. Oxidative stress can damage cells that influence testosterone production, such as those in the adrenal glands and ovaries. Antioxidants work to protect organs from damage and support their ability to produce testosterone. 

Testosterone-Boosting Foods

Focusing on whole foods and eliminating processed junk from your diet can make a world of difference to your overall health. Researchers confirm that a diet high in bread, pastries, dairy products, and desserts, in combination with a low intake of fruits, vegetables, lean protein, nuts, seeds, and whole grains, can inhibit healthy testosterone production. Here are some testosterone-boosting foods to aid your efforts. 

Pumpkin Seeds

Naturally rich in zinc, pumpkin seeds provide a vital nutrient necessary for testosterone production. They also contain phytosterols, which are plant compounds that act similarly to cholesterol. Phytosterols also work to support testosterone levels by influencing pathways involved in steroid hormone production. 

Leafy Greens

There are many reasons to get your daily dose of leafy greens. They are naturally rich in trace minerals and other compounds that promote overall health. Kale and spinach are great sources of magnesium, which as we explained earlier, is involved with testosterone production.


Pomegranate arils (which people commonly refer to as seeds), are rich in antioxidants and polyphenols. Several studies indicate that pomegranate juice may help increase testosterone in both men and women


Naturally rich in flavonoids, onions may help increase testosterone production. Researchers note that the quercetin in onions has the potential to boost testosterone levels. The other nutrients in onions may help manage factors that lead to low T count, such as obesity and insulin resistance. 


Broccoli, a cruciferous vegetable, is another great green to add to your diet. It can help prevent the body from making bad estrogens. Indoles are the compounds that convert into diindolylmethane (DIM) during digestion. DIM may convert estrogen into less potent forms, reducing estrogen’s overall effects in the body.


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Don’t Ignore These 5 Sneaky Signs Of Appendicitis Wed, 05 Jun 2024 09:29:00 +0000

Abdominal pain isn’t the only symptom to look out for. Pay attention to these other sneaky, more subtle appendicitis symptoms.


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Some people are of the mind that the appendix is a useless organ. The belief is that it doesn’t offer any real perks to your overall health. Could that be because it is a perplexing organ? It is a thin tube located where the small intestine meets the large intestine. When something goes wrong with the appendix, especially if the pain leads to an appendicitis, the pain can be intense and unbearable, to say the least. 

Why Do You Have An Appendix?

Researchers agree that the entire digestive system plays an integral role in immune and brain function. That’s all well and good, but what does that have to do with the appendix? Well, the belief is that the appendix is a place for the body to store certain types of gut bacteria that could be changed during an intestinal illness or overuse of antibiotics. Theoretically, good bacteria hide in the appendix and then help repopulate the rest of the colon with healthy bacteria, should things ever go out of whack. 

Although the theory (above) sounds nice, it is unproven, as are most theories about the appendix. If there is a blockage in the appendix, or it swells up or gets infected, then you have appendicitis. This is most common among people between the ages of 10 and 30, with 8.6% of men and 6.7% of women being diagnosed at some point in their lifetime. 

Because of medical advancements and healthcare, appendicitis is no longer life-threatening. That said, about 50% of people with appendicitis do not have the regular symptoms indicative of the illness. Those symptoms include specific abdominal pain, fever, and vomiting, all of which are seen in pregnant women, children, and elderly seniors. Physicians warn that people should also be mindful of the uncommon symptoms of appendicitis, which are detailed below. 

Loss Of Appetite

If you don’t have the same desire to eat as you used to, then you are likely experiencing loss of appetite. Believe it or not, loss of appetite is an early sign of appendicitis, according to health experts. 

Constipation or Diarrhea 

Are both of these symptoms common among other digestive disorders? Absolutely, which makes it difficult to discern whether constipation or diarrhea indicates appendicitis. Doctors suggest that patients experiencing appendicitis may experience constipation or diarrhea. Although these are unexpected symptoms, you do want to pay attention to them to cover all your bases. 

Pain In The Lower Right Abdomen

The appendix is located in the lower right portion of the abdomen, so it stands to reason that appendicitis pain will be concentrated in that same area. Most people tend to feel the pain near the belly button, but it moves to the lower right abdomen. Once it moves to that area, the pain becomes sharp and severe, almost crippling. It’s time to get to a hospital at that point because the pain will only increase, along with the risk of death. The pain can also radiate toward the hip

Lower Back Pain

It is normal to feel as though the pain in the lower right abdomen is not going away. In addition to radiating toward the hip, appendicitis pain can also extend to the lower right side of the back. That pain can mimic the pain related to chronic lower back pain or sciatic pain. Some people may even experience hamstring pain or pain near the rectum. If this pain is not normal for you and you did not strain your back, pay attention to these signs. 

If you are experiencing any of the aforementioned symptoms and you believe you have appendicitis, seek medical attention. High fever and severe abdominal pain may require emergency attention. Clinicians can evaluate your situation and conduct an exam and bloodwork to determine what medical attention you need.


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It’s Pride Month: Here’s What You Need To Know Sat, 01 Jun 2024 09:05:00 +0000

June is Pride Month, when the world’s LGBTQIA+ communities come together to celebrate the freedom of being and expressing themselves.


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June is Pride Month, and it’s dedicated to celebrating the work of LGBTQIA+ activists who have changed the world. The gatherings that take place over the course of the month allow LGBTQIA+ individuals to celebrate who they are, and who they are proud to be. By going to Pride events, the community gets to celebrate who they are and who they love. The welcoming and accepting nature of these events relieves any person of fear they might otherwise experience in the world. 

What Is Pride Month?

Dedicated to uplifting LGBTQIA+ voices, Pride Month celebrates LGBTQIA+ rights and culture. Throughout the month, there are many celebrations that take place, including parades, protests, live theater, memorials, drag performances, and more. Additionally, there are many celebrations of life that commemorate members of the community who lost their lives to HIV/AIDS. Part of the month is about political activism, while the other part focuses on celebrating the LGBTQIA+ community and the victories it has achieved over the years. 

Why Is June Pride Month?

Early in the morning on June 28th, 1969, police raided the Stonewall Inn, a gay bar in New York’s Greenwich village. Officers started hauling patrons outside and tensions escalated quickly. Patrons resisted arrest and a large crowd of bystanders began throwing coins, bottles, and other things at the officers. Fed up by the harassment by authorities, New York’s gay community broke out in neighborhood riots that lasted three days. 

The uprising served as somewhat of a catalyst for an emerging gay rights movement. For example, the Gay Liberation Front and the Gay Activists Alliance formed after the historic event. These organizations modeled themselves after the civil rights and women’s rights movements. Members of the organizations held protests, met with political leaders, and interrupted public meetings to hold leaders accountable. One year after the Stonewall riots, the nation’s first Gay Pride marches took place. 

What does LGBTQIA+ Stand For?

LGBTQIA+ is an inclusive term that includes people of all genders and sexualities. The acronym stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, queer, intersex, asexual, pansexual, and allies. Each letter may stand for a specific group of people, but the term encompasses the entire spectrum of gender fluidity and sexual identities. Queer is an umbrella term for non-straight people, while intersex refers to those whose sex does not have a clear definition because of hormonal, genetic, or biological differences. 

Where Did Pride Come From?

According to historical accounts, many people credit Brenda Howard as being the “Mother of Pride.” She organized the first Pride parade to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the Stonewall uprising. 

Where Did the Rainbow Flag Originate?

The rainbow flag, created by artist Gilbert Baker in 1978, is a commonly used symbol of LGBTQIA+ ride. Harvey Milk, one of the first openly gay elected officials in the U.S., commissioned Baker to make a flag for the city’s upcoming Pride celebrations. Baker, a prominent gay rights activist, used the stripes on the American flag as inspiration, but used the rainbow to include the many groups within the gay community. Many people don’t know that each color of the flag has its own meaning. Red symbolizes life, orange is healing, yellow is sunshine, green is nature, blue is harmony, and purple is spirit. The original eight-color flag included hot pink and turquoise. The former represented sex, while the latter represented magic and art. 

Pride events welcome allies from outside the LGBTQIA+ community. There are many opportunities to show support, observe, listen, and learn more about Pride during the month of June. See what your community has to offer via social media, news outlets, and more. Happy Pride Month!


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Attention Men: Have You Heard About Sword Vitality? Wed, 01 May 2024 09:16:00 +0000

Build stamina, maintain healthy libido, and support a healthy male reproductive system with our Sword Vitality products, exclusively for men.


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Suffering from erectile dysfunction (ED) or low libido? Do you want to naturally encourage optimal male reproductive health and stamina? Truthfully, ED affects 30 million adult men in the United States, so we don’t want a dark cloud of shame to surround this topic. Despite the prevalence of ED, many men feel that it is both difficult and embarrassing to discuss these problems with healthcare professionals. 

What Is Sword Vitality And How Can It Help?

Sword Vitality offers a couple all natural enhancement options for every man who is suffering from ED. The sole purpose of these products is to help men regain, maintain, and optimize their vitality and overall wellness. These products may help support a healthy libido and increase blood flow to the male reproductive organs. The two products that we offer men are: 

  • Sword Vitality XXL Xtreme Cream: A unique blend of all-natural botanicals that are intended to help increase stamina and vitality. The cream is smooth and fast-acting, making it highly popular among our male customers. It contains essential amino acids that are potent for male maintenance.*
  • Sword Vitality XXL Sharpener Xtreme Oil: Made up of a unique blend of oils, this oil can act as a natural lubricant. Use this oil with the 300-stroke method (click here for more information on that), to help awaken blood vessels to encourage circulation to the male reproductive organs. This oil may help improve stamina when practiced with the 300-stroke method.* 

Sword Vitality aims to arm its users with the tools and information to help unsheathe their swords. These male-targeted products may help build strength, stamina, and size without the use of traditional drugs or therapies that promise similar results. 

How To Treat Erectile Dysfunction

ED occurs when you experience limited blood flow to the penis. Determining the exact cause can help you find the most appropriate treatment. In certain instances, ED does have a physical cause, such as a circulatory issue or underlying health condition. In these instances, men primarily focus on boosting circulation via exercise, quitting smoking, and making dietary changes. Stress, depression, anxiety, performance anxiety, trauma, and other emotional or mental factors can contribute to ED. 

Many men experiment with natural and alternative remedies for ED, such as herbal remedies, acupuncture, relationship counseling, and more. It is important to understand that there may be potential risks associated with alternative remedies for ED. Should you want to experiment, though, our Sword Vitality products may help out your situation. Try them out today!

* The statements made regarding these products, and all alternative remedies, have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to cure, treat, or prevent any disease. 


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Secrets Behind Men’s Cancer Risk Fri, 26 Apr 2024 20:00:05 +0000

Men are twice as likely as women to get oral, head and neck cancer. The biggest risk factor to cancer is smoking, and men are more likely to be smokers.


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Men are twice as likely as women to get oral, head and neck cancer. The biggest risk factor to cancer is smoking, and men are more likely to be smokers. Tune in to learn more cancer facts on today’s episode of Fact or Fiction.

0:00 Intro
0:34 You can get skin cancer on your lips.
2:23 Poorly fitted dentures increase oral cancer risk.
3:46 Chewing tobacco has a lower cancer risk than smoking
5:53 1/3 of oral, head and neck cancers have already spread to the lymph nodes by the time they’re diagnosed.
7:43 Outro


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What Does Love Bombing Mean? Tue, 26 Mar 2024 09:07:00 +0000

Do you feel that someone is manipulating you via grand gestures? Find out what love bombing means and why it isn’t healthy.


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Love bombing, which is a popular term nowadays, is a type of emotional abuse. A love bomber uses grand gestures to manipulate the other person, i.e. they adorn the other person with gifts, compliments, and affection. The unfortunate reality is that these actions do not come from a place of love. Instead, love bombing is a technique that someone uses to make a friend, partner, or loved one dependent on them, which helps them control the relationship. 

Why Do People Love Bomb?

Psychologists theorize that love bombing comes from insecurities around trust or dependence on others. The idea is that if one person love bombs another person, they can gain control in the relationship. They then use that control to make the other person feel guilty about questioning their actions. Love bombing can be both intentional and unintentional and even though it is more common among romantic partners, anyone can do it. That said, it is a manipulative tactic that is more common in people with narcissistic personality disorder. Love bombing can also be a behavior that you learn, especially if you emulate parents or have done it in past relationships.

What Are The Signs Of Love Bombing?

Although the signs can vary from person to person, the typical indicator is an unwanted grand gesture that may make the other person uncomfortable. The key thing to note is that this gesture doesn’t make the person feel loved. Other signs of love bombing can include:

  • Constant calling or texting to check in: The partner may not respect the other person’s schedule or time by constantly communicating. They may also get angry or frustrated if the other person doesn’t respond, given their “concern.”
  • Giving unnecessary or unwanted gifts: A love bomber will usually pay for extravagant/unwanted gifts to make the other person feel loved. The gift giving is not in the other person’s best interest, and the love bomber will bring up the cost/significance of the gifts like a debt. 
  • Over-the-top declarations of love: A love bomber may continuously flatter or shower the other person with praise, and usually way too early into the relationship. Over-the-top public displays of affection are common as well. 
  • Constant praise or compliments: The right things are seemingly said, but compliments are typically an over-exaggeration. A love bomber may become overly interested in the other person’s hobbies or achievements. 
  • Ignoring boundaries: It’s very common for a love bomber to respect healthy boundaries. They do not like being told no, similar to a child. If the behavior starts to overwhelm the other person and they communicate it to the lover bomber, the feelings are usually ignored. 
  • Rushing into a relationship: Love bombers usually make future plans way too early into relationships. They tend to rush into committed relationships before getting to know the other person. 

Why Is Love Bombing Harmful?

As we have covered thus far, love bombing does not indicate a healthy individual or relationship. The behavior is manipulative and emotionally abusive, which is why some experts cite love bombing a mode of domestic abuse. Some experts believe that love bombing is a way for someone to gaslight their partner in order to isolate and control them. As a reaction, the person on the receiving end of the love bombing will likely experience mental health issues and remain in that unhealthy relationship. If love bombing persists, the emotional abuse can worsen and even become physical. Love bombing often includes the following modes of a narcissistic abuse cycle. 

  • Idealization: The love bomber showers the other person with gifts and affection early on in the relationship. There may be feelings of sudden romance or intense love/caring. The love bomber will confess their love for the other person and what their future plans are. This constant communication and interest seems genuine, but it often isn’t.
  • Devaluation: All of the grand gestures and compliments can make the person on the receiving end of the love bombing very comfortable. Gaining that comfort level can cause the love bomber to demand more of the other person’s time. They become irritated if they don’t get what they want and may attempt to gaslight or become violent. That is when the person should notice the red flags and get out of the relationship. 
  • Discarding: If the person realizes that the love bomber’s behavior is unhealthy, confront them and try to establish boundaries. The love bomber may retaliate, refusing to cooperate. They may even go so far as to blame the other person for their actions, making them feel at fault. It’s also possible for the love bomber to move on and find a new replacement partner. 

The Takeaway

To conclude, love bombing is a manipulative tactic that is common among people with narcissistic personality disorder. It’s a tactic to gain control in a relationship, often to make the other person feel dependent on that person. Love bombing happens quickly, so be on the lookout for this unhealthy behavior early on in the relationship.


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DIY Men’s Cologne Blends Using Essential Oils Mon, 11 Dec 2023 09:03:00 +0000

DIY cologne blends are made using the perfect concentration levels of essential oils, giving you a long-lasting, yet not overpowering scent.


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Cologne can be hit or miss. It is a very common gift for men, especially fathers who enjoy wearing cologne or aftershave. Due to personal preference and powerful or varying scents, picking the right cologne can be tricky. Not to mention, most commercial colognes contain synthetic fragrances, which can include carcinogens, respiratory irritants, environmental toxins, and more harmful substances. 

Making your own cologne with all-natural essential oils ensures a product that you can use safely and confidently. Don’t worry, because essential oil colognes will not make you smell awful, or like you just stepped out of a wild animal’s cave. In fact, the cologne recipes in this article may help you smell like freedom, the wild, and volcanos. Well, to each their own regarding the scents!

Some Cologne Notes

It is helpful to understand a few notes before you mix up your essential oil blends. You need to understand fragrance notes, which are divided into three classes: top, middle, and base. The top note is the first scent you notice after application, but it is also the quickest to fade. That leaves you with the next lasting scent, the middle class. Finally, the bass class is the scent that lasts the longest. A general formula is 10-15% for the top note, 25-30% for the middle note, and 55-65% for the base note. You can adjust the ratios any way you please, but that is simply a suggested starting place.


Getting ready to have a night on the town? Apply this gentlemanly blend that has notes of citrus with a perfectly earthy smell of vetiver. Researchers state that the essential oils in this blend help to support immune function and promote positive feelings. The recipe is as follows:

  • 3 drops of lemon essential oil (top note)
  • 4 drops of cardamom essential oil (middle note)
  • 4 drops of ylang ylang essential oil (middle note)
  • 6 drops of vetiver essential oil (base note)


Crave the smell of the woods? This simple blend is great to apply for any time of day, as it helps you smell like a flannel-wearing, ax-yielding lumberjack. Frankincense and copaiba are great for reducing stress and anxiety, making this a great workday cologne. The recipe is as follows:

  • 4 drops of lemongrass essential oil (top note)
  • 6 drops of copaiba essential oil (middle note)
  • 8 drops of frankincense essential oil (base note)


This is the go-to blend for anyone who loves the outdoors. Because this blend contains cedarwood essential oil, you’ll smell like you lathered yourself in pine trees. Don’t worry, though, because it has a citrusy zest, giving this blend a refreshingly manly scent. This recipe is as follows:

  • 3 drops of lemongrass essential oil (top note)
  • 3 drops of basil essential oil (middle note)
  • 4 drops of cedarwood essential oil (base note)
  • 6 drops of Douglas fir essential oil (base note)


Great to wear during the workday, this blend of essential oils has beautiful notes of citrus and the woods. The essential oils help to ground your emotions, balance the mood, stimulate the brain, and promote focus. The recipe is as follows:

  • 4 drops of wild orange essential oil (top note)
  • 6 drops of sandalwood essential oil (middle note)
  • 10 drops of frankincense essential oil (base note)

How To Make DIY Cologne

This is an easy method for a homemade spray cologne using the above essential oil blends. To make the spray cologne, use a glass spray bottle, the essential oils, vegetable glycerin, and witch hazel. 


  • In a two-ounce glass spray bottle, combine the essential oils and 1/2 tsp of vegetable glycerin.
  • Top off the rest of the bottle with witch hazel, screw on the top, and shake well. 
  • Spray on the chest, wrist, or neck when ready to use and make sure to shake before each use.


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Is There Science Behind Turn-Offs And Turn-Ons? Wed, 08 Nov 2023 09:11:00 +0000

What makes someone attractive to you? Your biology and personal experiences may explain what turns you off and what turns you on.


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How many times do you or people you know swipe right, swipe left, or initiate a conversation with a person you find attractive? Are there certain things that make one person more attractive to you than others? Researchers and psychologists agree that a person’s personal experiences and biology can explain why the heart wants what it wants. That may also explain why one person’s looks or persona may turn someone on and turn another person off. 

Attraction isn’t just about a smile that makes your knees weak or a sense of humor that melds with your own. Culture and values, certain life experiences, biology, and evolution all influence who you are attracted to and why. Experts agree that there are five, largely universal elements of attraction. We are going to explain what the experts say about turn-ons and turn-offs below.


Familiarity can often breed attraction, which is why it is common for people to start out as friends and before getting romantically involved. It doesn’t have to be that way, though, because you may just bump into the same person at the gym or coffee shop. The more you grow fond of that person, the more likely you are to be attracted to them. Think of this like listening to a song: the more you listen to it, the catchier it becomes.


What you have in common with someone can often influence your attraction. You may share the same level of education, interests, looks, and goals with a person, but you don’t have to share all of these things in common for that spark to ignite. Is it convenient if you share the same passion for Thai food and have similar interests in music? Sure, but recent research shows that you may be drawn to people like you because your shared attributes reflect something deeper. Some researchers say this connection is strong because you both see things the same way, and that can be very attractive. That’s not to say that you have to agree on everything, because disagreeing is often healthy. 


Are you more likely to find someone attractive if you feel that they like you? This is the concept of reciprocity, but if that factor fades, so too can the relationship. When you put a lot of effort into something and receive nothing in return, it then becomes less meaningful. In the case of a relationship, that flame can die out and attraction fades. 

Physical Attractiveness

Not everything comes down to how you think someone looks. Physical attractiveness can change across cultures, generations, and even in individuals at different stages in life, or points in a relationship. What’s on the outside does play a role in how attracted you are to another person, though. Sociologists suggest that physical attractiveness matters from an evolutionary standpoint. Appearance, scent, and even sound may give you insight to a person’s age and health. One review of studies found that people can accurately detect characteristics from cooperativeness to body size in a potential partner only from hearing their voice. 


Some people like to play hard to get, while others like to respond immediately. One controlled experiment found that people who were less responsive were rated as less attractive. You may not need to respond to someone instantaneously, but maybe don’t wait two days to respond to a text. People are on their phones regularly, so the excuse, “Sorry, I’m just seeing this,” may not be a great indicator of your or the other person’s character. 

Biology Plays A Role

What turns you on may not turn on another person, even if that person is your best friend. Some preferences seem to be hardwired over millennia of human evolution. Researchers looked at surveys of more than 14,000 people across 45 countries. They found that men prefer physically attractive, younger partners, while women prefer older, financially stable partners. That is even true in cultures with more gender equality. 

Regarding men, the emphasis on looks and youth may reflect an evolutionary desire to pass on genes. A woman’s higher premium on wealth may be related to an evolutionary need for support during childbearing years. Before birth control, it is likely that women spent most of their reproductive years either pregnant or lactating. Those things require a lot of human resources, regarding food, time, and energy. More research on this topic is still necessary, especially surrounding dating preferences in the LGBTQ+ community.


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4 Signs That You Need More Fiber In Your Diet Tue, 03 Oct 2023 09:15:00 +0000

Struggling to pass stool with ease? Still feel hungry right after you eat? These signs indicate you need more fiber in your diet.


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Fiber is an essential component to a healthy, balanced diet. You’ve probably heard or read that you should eat more fiber, which is found primarily in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. Foods containing fiber can provide myriad health benefits, such as helping regulate bowel movements and lowering your risk of heart disease. Finding fiber-rich foods is not difficult, yet many people fail to consume sufficient amounts of fiber every day.

What Is Fiber?

Dietary fiber, or roughage, includes plant foods that the body can’t easily digest and absorb. You see, the body does not digest fiber like it does protein, fats, or carbohydrates. Fiber passes relatively intact though the stomach, small intestine, and colon and out of the body. There are classes of fiber: soluble and insoluble. The former dissolves in water, while the latter does not dissolve in water.

  • Soluble Fiber: This type of fiber dissolves in water, forming a gel-like substance that can help lower blood cholesterol and glucose levels. It is commonly found in peas, apples, oats, beans, carrots, citrus fruits, psyllium, and barley
  • Insoluble Fiber: This type of fiber facilitates the movement of material through the digestive tract. It helps to increase stool bulk, which is beneficial for those who suffer from constipation or irregular bowel movements. You can get insoluble fiber by eating more cauliflower, beans, nuts, wheat bran, whole-wheat flour, green beans, and potatoes. 

How Much Fiber Do You Need?

According to the National Academies, women should get a minimum of 21 to 25 grams (g) of fiber per day. If they are pregnant or breastfeeding, the recommendations are even higher. Men should aim to consume 30 to 38 g of fiber, but experts say that about 95% of Americans do not hit those numbers. Consuming that much is easy if you choose the right foods, placing an emphasis on plant-based foods. You do not have to solely eat plant-based foods, but adding them to your meals will help you meet your recommended daily fiber intake. For reference, the following sample foods all have fiber:

  • 1 cup of quinoa: 4 g
  • 1 cup of Brussels sprouts: 3 g
  • 1/2 cup dry oats: 4 g
  • 1/2 cup berries: 4-8 g

Signs That You Need More Fiber

While you may not be able to track every gram of fiber you consume, there are ways to tell if you don’t have enough in your diet. If your body lacks sufficient fiber, you may experience the following signs:

  • Your bowel movements are irregular: Believe it or not, feeling backed up is not normal, despite what you may have read. Irregular can also mean that you eliminate too frequently. Whichever category you fall into, eating more fiber can help regulate your bowel movements. Fiber helps control stool consistency and how quickly digested food moves through the gut.
  • Having a hard time losing or maintaining weight: Fiber is a nutrient to focus on if you want to maintain a healthy weight or encourage weight loss. Fiber helps you feel full from meals because it adds bulk, but it also helps promote a healthy appetite. Research studies confirm that people who eat more fiber tend to have a healthier body weight and an easier time losing weight.
  • You are hungry right after you eat: Fiber is a non-digestible part of carbohydrates, so it works to fill your gut and aid feelings of satiety. That means that you’ll feel full after a meal and won’t reach for unnecessary snacks. 
  • Your cholesterol levels are higher than they should be: If a recent blood test revealed that your cholesterol levels are higher than usual, you may lack sufficient fiber in your diet. Fiber binds to cholesterol in the gut and helps eliminate it from the body via waste. Eating more fiber, then, helps keep cholesterol levels in check

The Takeaway

Fiber plays many roles in the body, helping it function on several levels. It helps to encourage bowel regularity and helps control cholesterol levels, appetite, and gut health. If you are like most Americans, you do not currently get enough in your diet. If you have trouble eating the right foods to increase fiber intake, consider discussing a fiber supplement with your healthcare professional.


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