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Make sure that these breast cancer symptoms are on your radar, and get it checked out if you detect one in order to get ahead of the problem.


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Cancer occurs when some of the body’s cells behave abnormally, changing, growing, and reproducing more than usual. In the case of breast cancer, abnormal cell growth occurs in breast tissue cells. Identifying what you may deem a breast cancer symptom can send you into a negative spiral of anxiety. The fear is justifiable, but confirm the diagnosis instead of thinking that the problem will resolve itself. 

What Is Breast Cancer?

The National Cancer Institute suggests that 12.8% of women in the U.S. will develop breast cancer at some point over the course of their lives. The risk increases with age, but a person is never “too young” to develop breast cancer, according to doctors. Breast cancer can begin in different parts of the breast, and the cells that turn cancerous will determine the type of breast cancer. Breast cancer can occur in the lobules, ducts, and connective tissues in the breasts, but most cancers tend to occur in the ducts or lobules. 

It’s possible for breast cancer to spread outside the breast through blood vessels and lymph vessels. When the cancer spreads to other parts of the body, the cancer is said to have metastasized. Fortunately, oncologists say that the five-year survival rate at the earliest stage of breast cancer is 98.5%. That’s why it’s integral to understand the signs and symptoms of breast cancer, which you can learn about below. 

A Hard Painless Lump

The most well-known, and common, sign of breast cancer is a lump; however, having a lump is not always indicative of cancer. Some lumps are often benign cysts, while other lumps are harmless and occur during pregnancy. If you detect or feel a lump that sticks around for more than one period cycle, visit your doctor. 

One Or Both Nipples Are Inverted

All breasts are different and the same can be said for nipples. Some nipples point out, others are perfectly flat, and some point inward, a.k.a inverted. Some women have naturally inverted nipples, and this is not a sign of breast cancer. If you notice that one or both of your nipples are no longer erect and now inverted, you should call your doctor to check it out

Discoloration Of Breast Skin

Age and health history are key factors in regards to this symptom of breast cancer. If you are in your 30s and breastfeeding, discolored breast skin may indicate mastitis, an infection of breast tissue that results from a blocked milk duct. If you are in your 50s or 60s and/or postmenopausal and you notice skin discoloration on one or both of your breasts, that is cause for concern. Unless you recall a bug bite or injury affecting the breast, contact your doctor for an exam to determine the cause. During the examination, the doctor should determine whether inflammatory breast cancer is the cause. Discoloration may include red and inflamed breasts that feel heavy. 

Your Breast Has Similar Texture To A Golf Ball

Dotted craters, or dimpling, on an area of one or both breasts may indicate breast cancer. Consistent with breast shrinkage, the tumor may pull on the skin and cause irregular divots. As a result, the breast may appear textured and resemble an orange peel or golf ball. Peau d’orange, or “skin of the orange” in French, is when the breast looks like an orange peel, and this may be a sign of inflammatory breast cancer. 

One Breast Shrinks

If both breasts used to be full and then you notice one is visibly smaller, a tumor may exist in that smaller breast. When a tumor is in one breast, it will pull the skin and ligaments and cause the breast to shrink. A large percentage of breast tissue is fat, which cancer eats up and causes the breast to appear smaller. 

Unusual Nipple Discharge

Any expert will tell you that the only fluid that should exit the nipple is breast milk, provided you are breastfeeding. If you notice other fluid or nipple discharge, including blood discharge, that warrants a call to your doctor. It is possible that breast cancer isn’t the cause of nipple discharge, though. Sometimes, it may occur because of a benign growth, but you should not neglect it, especially if the discharge is unexplained.


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Toxic Breasts Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:54 +0000

Major physical causes of toxic breasts wire-clad bras, antiperspirants, tight clothing and purse straps. Bras hamper circulation in the chest area. Antiperspirants cause toxins to remain in the lymph nodes, remaining in the breast area.


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Many women suffer from irritation and/or pain in their breasts and do not address the issue. However, it is vital for any women that experiences pain or irittation in their breasts to take further notice, as you may have toxic breasts. The location of your breasts near the lymphatic system make your breasts more susceptible to adverse reactions. The area above and between your breasts is inundated with oild glands, making that area vulnerable to bacteria accumulation. Also, your underarms, which are adjacent to the breasts, have lymph nodes that excrete toxins in response to perspiration. However, many females use harmful anti-perspirants that are laced with unhealthy chemicals. These chemicals not only inhibit toxins from exiting the body via perspiration, but also can cause skin irritation, inflammation of the lymph nodes, and potentially increase your risk of acquiring cancer.

Bras should also be of your concern. Bras (especially wire-strapped bras) reduce circulation in the chest and shoulder area because they make an indentation in the skin (which means they are too tight). With poor circulation, toxins are unable to excrete themselves of the chest/breast area to the major eliminative channels (the colon and kidneys). As a result, your chest/breast area accumulates unwanted toxins that may cause further damage. Purse straps and tight clothing also can restrict circulation in that region, which may negatively affect your lymphatic flow in that region.

Symptoms of Toxic Breasts

Breast cysts or tumors are a symptom of toxic breasts. Other symptoms of toxic breasts include:

  • Breast Pain
  • Hardening of the Breasts
  • Mastitis (inflammation of the mammary glands)
  • Inflammation of Lymph Nodes
  • Skin Irritation

Toxic Breast Prevention

Women that are experiencing any of the aforementioned symptoms of toxic breasts should address it immediately. Taking an all-natural, holistic approach to healing your breasts naturally can provide both psychological and physical benefits. Women can help restore their bodies to optimal health and consequently reduce the risk of acquiring breast-related diseases and conditions with a variety of methods. First, maintaining healthy weight by consuming a diet rich in nutrient-dense fresh fruits and vegetables is important; the fiber, vitamins, and minerals found in cruciferous vegetables can help curtail any weight fluctuation. Maintaining a regular exercise program can also help you maintain a healthy weight; moderate exercise for at least 30 minutes per day can increase your metabolism, burn fat, move lymph fluid, increase oxygenation, as well as regulate your insulin and hormone production. Reducing your alcohol intake is also ha significant value in reducing your risk of breast-related diseases. Excessive consumption of alchol impairs your liver’s ability to metabolize the estrogen hormone. Estrogen is critical during breast growth and development, and if estrogen is unable to metabolize properly, you can be more susceptible to breast cancer and other diseases.

How to Heal Your Breasts Naturally

Maintain an all-natural, raw foods, vegan diet. Fruits that are high in antioxidants (blueberries, cherries) can help eliminate toxins, and seeds high in essentiall fatty acids (chia, flax) can help reduce inflammation.

Reduce stress. Stress has been shown to negatively affect your body’s health and compromise your immune system.

Stop smoking. Tobacco smoke in cigarettes contains substances that are known carcinogens.

Sleep. Your body and breast tissue rejuvenate more quickly while you sleep.

Take your bra off once in the comfort of your home to let your breasts beathe.

Periodically (once a week) feel for lumps in your breasts (as a lump could detect a tumor, malignant or benign).

Rub olive oil, almond oil, or wheat germ oil to help in conditions of hardened or dry nipples.

Rub Borage Oil and/or Evening Primrose Oil into your breasts to help reduce soreness and tenderness, and decrease inflammation.

Rub/massage Shea Butter or Coconut Butter into the breasts to help the elasticity of the breasts and prevent stretch marks on the breasts.

The following essential oils can be therapeutic for the breasts:

  • Rose Geranium
  • Clary Sage
  • Cananga
  • Grapefruit Peel
  • Fennel
  • Yarrow
  • Pennyroyal (use sparingly and in very small doses, one drop)
  • Rue (use sparingly and in very small doses, one drop)
  • Cypress (use sparingly and in very small doses, one drop)

The following herbs can provide additional remedial and restorative benefits:


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Breast Problems Thu, 13 Jun 2013 16:25:45 +0000

Breastfeeding helps keep a woman's breasts healthy; after all, they were made for that activity.


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The female breast’s primary function is for breastfeeding. The human female breast is how human babies receive nourishment. There was and is a dual benefit for the breastfeeding mother and the breastfed child. Breastfeeding does help to keep a woman’s breasts healthy; after all, they were made for that activity. Breastfeeding also constitutes obeisance to God or Nature, because again, the breasts were made for breastfeeding.

Because the breasts are located at the 4th Chakra, the breasts record energy; they record emotions. Heartache and pain as well as grief are stored in the tissues of the breasts as well as the 4th Chakra itself, which is a disk that holds information.

Negative emotion stored in a woman is the energetic causative factor that causes tumors and cysts to develop in the breasts. Basically, women are holding things (negative emotion) in and not releasing them. They are not ‘getting things off their chest’ so to speak.

The breasts are living glands. They need to breathe, they need oxygen; they need nourishment; they need attention and care.

Harmful Breast Treatment


Breast area contains very sensitive tissue. It is also lymphatic tissue. When using permanent ink on the soft breast skin, slowly but surely the ink (usually man-made, synthetic and very harmful ink) will enter into the blood stream. So not only is it tacky to have graffiti tattooed on the breast, it is also unhealthy (unless henna is being used for tattooing purposes).


A mammogram is “an X-ray film of the soft tissues of the breast.” X-rays utilize radiation. It’s not a good idea to subject the soft tissues of the breast to radiation.


Having a breast removed to prevent cancer is the equivalent of throwing the luggage out into the ocean in order to save the ship. Some women are told by their doctor that the best way to prevent breast cancer is to simply not have any breasts at all. In other words, have a mastectomy before cancer develops. This is not a solution-it’s fear based behavior that can have other negative side effects.

Breast Diseases and Health Issues


Mastitis is inflammation of the breast, usually caused by mucus and mucus is the result of an acidic body predicated upon an acidic diet-one that’s high in meat and dairy products as well as refined grains and starches and acidic beverages such as soda pop.

Many times mastitis denotes that an injury is present. The pus actually serves to help out in the situation. There are natural remedies for mastitis just as there are for every other breast complaint. Keep reading!

Stretch Marks on the Breasts

Stretch marks on the breasts denote that the breasts have grown faster than the skin could keep up with. This exponential growth of the breasts in most cases is caused by the hormones placed in food.

Uneven Breasts

Uneven breasts have become very common. Because women are more self-conscious than males are on average, this is a major problem for many women who experience this occurrence.

However, such size differentials are perfectly normal. Indeed, one breast is naturally larger than the other. The left breast is usually larger than the right. Interestingly, in men, the left testicle hangs lower than the right one.

Paget’s Disease

Paget’s disease, also known as “nipple cancer”, is an inflammatory malignant neoplasm of the nipple and areola that is usually associated with carcinoma in deeper breast structures. It represents only a small percentage of breast cancers and usually begins in the nipple and spread to the areola.

Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the second most common form of cancer in American women (behind skin cancer). The chance of a woman in the U.S. developing invasive breast cancer at some time in her life is about 1 in 8 (12%).

In 2008, an estimated 182,460 cases of invasive breast cancer were diagnosed among women in the United States. According to the American Cancer Society, in addition to invasive breast cancer, there were 67,770 new cases of carcinoma in situ (CIS) in 2008. CIS is non-invasive and is the earliest form of breast cancer.

Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in women, exceeded only by lung cancer. The chance that breast cancer will be responsible for a woman’s death is about 1 in 35 (about 3%).

At this time there are about 2.5 million breast cancer survivors in the United States.

Sagging Breasts

Sagging is a natural part of aging. No matter how firm, toned, and defined they may be, one day they will give in to the gravitational pull of gravity and sag.

Many women complain of sagging breasts as a result of breastfeeding. For many women, constantly breastfeeding takes a toll on the shape, tone, and definition of the breasts. For some women, breastfeeding does the reverse and helps to tone them and give them definition.

The cells of the breasts have intelligence and also store memory, so the breasts can be trained to respond and the best way to do this is via mental science (visualization), constantly seeing the breasts in the light you desire them to be.

There are certain bras out there that can help to train the breasts to regain their natural composition. Remember, the situation with sagging breasts will differ from woman to woman. Your breasts will not automatically sag if you breast feed a child.

Caked Nipples

This condition results from breast-feeding and is very common. The nipples and areola section becomes so dry from the contact of saliva and skin that the skin and nipples become dry and thus crack which can be very painful.


This is a condition when men develop breasts. It is becoming more common, likely due to poor diet and overeating, excess body fat, genetic predisposition, androgen hormone consumption (anabolic steroid use by bodybuilders), and consumption of soy due to the estrogen hormonal precursor soy contains.

Soy is not just a common item found in vegan and vegetarian circles. Soy is used in many non-vegan and non-vegetarian items. Along with corn, it is the most used and genetically engineered crop in the United States.

Gynecomastia usually occurs when males are pre-teens and well into the teen years. It is reported that 65% of boys age 14 have them.

And because males can develop breasts, males too can develop breast cancer and die from it. It is reported that each year in the United States 1,700 males develop breast cancer and more than 300 of them die from breast cancer.

Natural Healing Solutions

If you can find a magnetic bra, that is also a good natural healing solution. Magnetic therapy is very conducive for healing purposes, especially where there are tumors or cysts.

Individual herbs that naturally help to enlarge the female breasts include Saw Palmetto and Pueraria Mirifica. A woman would need to take at least 6 capsules daily of Saw Palmetto and 3-6 capsules of Pueraria. Both herbs could be taken together or separately, whichever works best.

And remember, the Magnetic bra can also help to enlarge the breasts as well as mental science: using daily visualization exercises (seeing your breasts or bust the size you desire them to be). Check out our Mental Science Manual e-book to learn more about the dynamics of mental science and how you can use mental science for healing purposes.

The individual herb Honeysuckle is great for all breast complaints.

Other individual herbs that will benefit the female breasts include:

Progesterone creams can be massaged into the skin of the breasts whereby the cream will enter the bloodstream.

If you’re a breastfeeding mother and suffer from caked nipples, apply some botanical oil (olive oil, coconut oil, sweet almond oil, or jojoba oil) or shea butter to the nipple(s) throughout the day as needed for relief. Aloe vera gel may also provide relief, so may calendula gel or cream. However, the oils are better than gels and creams as they are foods and ideally we should be able to eat anything we put on our bodies.

If you’re a breastfeeding mother and are not producing enough milk, the following herbs have milk increasing properties: Bamboo, Red Raspberry Leaf, Blessed Thistle, Basil, Coriander, Cardamom, Saw Palmetto Berry, Caraway Seed, Black Seed, Dill, Fennel Seed, Flax Seed, Anise, and Fenugreek Seed. Most of the foregoing herbs are included in Galactagogue Formula. Galactogogue is an agent that increases and enhances the quantity and quality of breast milk.

If you’re a breast feeding mother and desire to dry up your breast milk the following herbs will help this process: Sage and Black Walnut Hulls. Ideally, a woman should breastfeed for 2 years or up to the time the child’s teeth come in. When a baby’s teeth come in, it’s a sign the baby is ready for solid foods. However, some babies may still desire and require breast milk for psychological reasons despite their teeth coming in.

If you suffer from mastitis, especially while breastfeeding, start consuming Mullein leaf tea (3-5 cups daily). You don’t want to breastfeed if pus is coming out of the nipples. Instead make an alternative milk to feed the baby while you’re healing your breasts.

To keep your breasts toned, firm, elastic, and defined, periodically massage them with an edible or botanical oil (olive oil, jojoba oil, coconut oil, etc.).

Males dealing with gynecomastia should change their diet, preferably to a mostly raw foods and vegan diet. Soy-based products should be eaten at a minimum if eaten at all. Herbs like Sarsaparilla, Licorice Root, and Yohimbe Bark provide natural testosterone precursors that help with the increase in production of male hormones).

Males dealing with breast cancer should follow the same advice recommended for women with breast cancer, except that a man should perform the Total Male Cleanse.

Dherbs Solutions compounds that help repair damaged breasts and return them to a state of optimal health and well being include:

If a woman is suffering from breast tumors or cysts, or breast cancer or Paget’s disease, I would suggest the woman perform the Full Body Cleanse followed by the Total Female Cleanse followed by the 10 Day Electric Greens Combo Regimen

During these cleanses the woman should drink a cup per day of Female Health Tea She should also apply Female Breast Oil in addition to either Healing Facial and Body Oil or Oxy-Oil It’s her choice. Either one will work well with the Female Breast Oil which should be used in the early part of the day and the Healing Skin Oil or Oz-Oil at nighttime.

Thank you for reading!


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